1 C. Membership Dues and Membership Information Membership Rules Calling All Alumni Professional Memberships Postsecondary/Collegiate At-Large Chapter Instructions for Internet Affiliation 100% Affiliation Membership Increasing Involvement of Special Populations Creative Recruitment Marketing HOSA in School & Community Fundraising 2011-2012 Affiliation List 2012-2013 ● 1 2-3 4 5 6 -7 8 9 10 11 - 12 13 14 15 - 20 2 NC-HOSA Dues and Membership Information 2012-2013 In order to use the HOSA name and emblem, each HOSA members must be a member at all levels; local, regional, state, and national. NC-HOSA State Dues PS/Collegiate State Dues PS/Collegiate At-Large Dues National Dues Total for all members = = = = = $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 The chapter advisor must join as an “advisor” member, listing your name as the advisor does not make you a member. District Dues: District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 District 8 $40.00 $50.00 $ 25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $35.00 $ 25.00 $50.00 Local dues are determined by the local advisors. The above dues are subject to change based on the needs of each district. Membership affiliation packets are mailed from National HOSA in September. If you do not receive your membership packet by September 1st, call National HOSA at 1-800321-HOSA. You do not need your membership packet to register on-line. The membership packet usually contains a CD from National HOSA containing an updated Resource Library which includes the National HOSA Handbook, and other related information. The packet also includes directions for on-line affiliation. All affiliations must be done directly through the internet. This is mandatory from National HOSA so use the web 2012-2013 ● 3 site for your membership process. By using the on-line affiliation you can either print a copy of the invoice for your records or National HOSA will bill you. Also, please print a copy of your roster to send with your regional dues and your registration for regional conference. HOSA dues deadline for initial membership is December 31st. Supplemental memberships may be added at any time without paying a late fee. Please be accurate when entering the students’ names. You will be using the web site to register for the State and National HOSA conferences. Please do not use all caps or all small letters when typing the names and information. These names will be used for name badges for the conferences. Make sure you get the first and last name in the correct order. Students, advisors and others are NOT HOSA members until all dues are collected and PAID to National HOSA. Please contact NC-HOSA (919 807-3900) with any questions or concerns. Email is the best way to reach the state advisor: edith.stewart@dpi.nc.gov 2012-2013 ● 4 North Carolina HOSA MEMBERSHIP RULES 2012-2013 Membership is a sign of professionalism. It offers an opportunity to be a part of a state and national organization, the right to use the HOSA name, and the excitement of participation in the HOSA competitive events program. ● Dues are $15 ($10 national and $5 state) ● In order to compete at the District Leadership Conference, students must be members of State and National HOSA by the date of the District Leadership Conference, and the chapter must have paid their district chapter dues. ● In order to compete at the State and National Leadership Conference, students must be members of State and National HOSA before the state registration deadline (February 14, 2013). The initial chapter application must be sent to National HOSA by December 31, 2012, additional members can be added at any time. ● Chapters are strongly encouraged to affiliate second semester students and student members who did not initially plan to join HOSA, but now want to be involved. Also add additional professional and alumni members. Existing chapters are to affiliate using the internet at www.hosa.org. ● MEMBERSHIP CLARIFICATION 2012-2013 ● 5 Secondary Members are… students who (1) are or were enrolled in health science education classes and/or (2) are interested, planning to pursue, or pursuing a career in the health professions. Secondary members are regular HOSA members and may compete in any event. These could be: Students in your class now Students enrolled or planning to enroll (CDP) in your class in the future. Students who were previously enrolled in a health occupations education course. 4. Students who cannot take a HOE course due to their schedule but are interested, planning to pursue, or pursuing a career in the health professions. 1. 2. 3. Members-at-Large are HOE students where HOSA chapters are not established. These could be: Students enrolled in a school nearby that DOES NOT have an active HOSA chapter. 2. College students in a Health Science major who join a state “at-large” chapter. 1. Postsecondary/Collegiate Members are… (1) students enrolled in a health science career major and/or (2) are interested, planning to pursue, or pursuing a career in the health professions at a postsecondary educational institution where a HOSA chapter is established. These could be: Your former HOSA members attending a community, technical, or 4-year college with an established HOSA chapter. 2. Your former HOSA chapter members attending a postsecondary or collegiate institution without an established HOSA chapter, which start a chapter during the school year. 1. ● If you have Postsecondary/Collegiate students who do not have a chapter at their school they have two options to be an active HOSA member: 1. Join as an alumni or 2. Join the at-large chapter through NC-HOSA as a PS/C member. ● If the student wishes to compete they MUST join as a Postsecondary/Collegiate member. A student may register as an alumni member and then later join as a PS/C member ● Advisors MUST join as a professional member. Additional professional members can be persons associated with, participating in or supporting health science in a professional capacity, i.e. nurses, doctors, etc. 2012-2013 ● 6 If you have any questions about membership categories, look in the NC-HOSA Policies and Procedures manual or call Edith Stewart at 919-807-3900 or email at edith.stewart@dpi.nc.gov In order to affiliate on-line you must have a charter number and password. Existing chapters may contact NC-HOSA at 919-807-3900 or e-mail at edith.stewart@dpi.nc.gov to find out their charter number and password. New chapters should call National HOSA at 1-800-321-HOSA, identify themselves as a new chapter, and request a charter number and password. Calling All HOSA Alumni! Alumni Membership is FREE! Many HOSA members have remarked that they would like a way to stay involved and give back to the organization. The Board has created this new avenue to help build the Alumni Network. The HOSA Alumni Network offers opportunities to connect, build, serve, lead, educate, prepare and promote. To begin your free registration as an alumni member, go through your local HOSA advisor or go to the National HOSA web site and click on “Alumni Membership” and follow the directions. Alumni Members can help in many ways. You can: 1) Attest to the benefits of HOSA to your legislators 2) Chaperone local chapter field trips 3) Serve as guest speakers 4) Offer leadership workshops 5) Support chapter activities at the local, state and national levels 6) Serve on local and state advisory boards 7) Help with raising funds for scholarships 8) Involve HOSA members in health care community activities 2012-2013 ● 7 9) Set an example as a role model for chapter members Stay Involved! Thanks for your continued involvement in HOSA! Professional Memberships Health care professionals realize how important the benefits of HOSA membership are. They know that HOSA provides Health Occupations/Science Students with opportunities to develop leadership skills, character, good citizenship, and knowledge of health care careers. Many professional members want to invest in their future employees. Professional members can: 1) Attest to the benefits of HOSA to their legislators 2) Chaperone local chapter field trips 3) Serve as guest speakers 4) Offer leadership workshops 5) Support chapter activities at the local, state and national levels 6) Serve on local and state advisory boards 7) Seek election to the State and National HOSA Inc. Board of Directors 8) Help with raising funds for scholarships 9) Involve HOSA members in health care community activities 10) Set an example as a role model for chapter members 2012-2013 ● 8 North Carolina HOSA Postsecondary/ Collegiate At-Large Chapter Eligibility ● Students must have received a high school diploma or GED, or pursuing a GED and 1) enrolled in a health science career major and/or (2) are interested, planning to pursue, or pursuing a career in the health professions at a postsecondary educational institution where a HOSA chapter is not established. ● Submit $15 dues ($5 state and $10 national) along with your application by the application deadline. ● Currently, there is not a HOSA chapter at your institution. Complete application and return to: Edith Stewart NC-HOSA 6360 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6360 Benefits ● Affiliation with a state and national student-led organization representing ALL health care interests. ● ● Eligible to participate in the Competitive Events program at the State and National levels. 2012-2013 ● 9 ● Eligible to attend and participate in Educational Symposiums at the State and National Leadership Conferences. ● Participate in state meetings during the school year, to be held during the state and national conferences. Please note that at-large members may not hold state or National office and they cannot be voting delegates at the National Conference. 2012-2013 ● 10 NC-HOSA Postsecondary/Collegiate At-Large Chapter Application Name____________________________________________ Date___________ Permanent Address ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Home Phone __________________Home E-mail ________________________ Current School____________________________________________________ School Address____________________________________________________ _____________________________ Cell number: ______________________ School Phone _________________School E-mail ________________________ Major/Program of Study _____________________________________________ Expected Graduation Date_____________ Check one of the following: _____ Freshman _____ Sophomore _____ Junior _____ Senior _____ Other Have you ever been a member of HOSA? _____ No _____ Yes, if so, Where? ____________________________ High School HOSA Advisor_____________________________________ Mail this application and your $15.00 for state and national dues by February 14, 2013 to: Edith Stewart NC-HOSA 6360 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6360 Checks should be made payable to NC-HOSA. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Edith Stewart at the address above; Phone (919) 807-3900; Fax (919) 807-3899; E-mail edith.stewart@dpi.nc.gov 2012-2013 ● 11 Instructions for Internet Affiliation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Go to the National HOSA web site, www.hosa.org On the left side of the screen click “Advisor Services” Then click “Chapter Advisors” Read the requirements, gather information, click “Click Here” Enter your Charter # and Password then click “Logon” You can read the Instructions by clicking “Instructions” Once you finish reading the information you can click the “Home” icon on your computer which will take you back to the previous page. Click “Chapter Affiliation” to continue with the affiliation process. Read and click “Next” Complete, check, or change the Chapter Information Click “Next” Complete, check, or change the Billing Information Click “Next” Complete, check, or change the Shipping Information Click “Next” Complete, check or change the Chapter Demographics Click “Next” If you would like to add a new member enter the member information and click “Add member” Complete all the required information. Be sure to spell the student’s name correctly. Please use the correct letter case. Just continue to add member information and click “Add Member” after each entry. You should see a list to the left of the members you have added. This list will stay until you complete the process. When you have added your last member, click “Next”. Schedule of Affiliation – Application Fees shows the charges for your chapter. Click “Next” Please read the Chapter Affiliation Agreement and then click “Done” The “Home” menu appears and at this time you can view and print an Account Statement. Use this to request a check for membership Exit the form and you will see the “Home” menu.. At any time from the “Home” menu you can View Membership Directory, View Account Statement, or Update Affiliation Data. This is also where you register for the state and national conferences – “Conference Registration”. Once you have completed entering your information, click “Logoff”. This will return you to the “Home” page for National HOSA. 100% Affiliation Membership 2012-2013 ● 12 STRATEGIES FOR 100% AFFILIATION 100% affiliation is when all students enrolled in a Health Occupations/Science Education program are dues-paying members of HOSA at the local, state and national levels. Why 100% affiliation? Because every student enrolled in Health Occupations/Science Education deserves the value-added education that HOSA offers, and the excitement of being a part of a national health care - scholastic student organization. Here are some ideas that local and state advisors have found successful in encouraging 100% affiliation. Local Strategies for Achieving 100% Affiliation Local chapters may consider a variety of strategies in promoting 100% affiliation. For example: ● Teachers may require HOSA membership with class enrollment. Some schools then use chapter funds to pay for those members with financial limitations. ● Some chapters hold a fundraising activity to raise money for HOSA dues. For example, one chapter has a class carnival. Prizes are donated by local businesses, and proceeds from carnival games pays for dues. ● Some HOSA advisors allow a payment plan - such as $2 - 3 per month - until all dues are paid. All members are listed on the initial affiliation form and chapter funds are used to cover the cost. In time, the money paid is returned to the chapter treasury. ● Some chapters are sponsored by local businesses or the health care community and their dues are paid that way. The need to belong to a positive peer group is particularly important in the development of young adults. 100% affiliation assures that no student feels "left out" when the action starts in a HOSA chapter. Help your students experience the benefits of HOSA membership and feel a part of the HOSA team by encouraging 100% affiliation. INCREASING INVOLVEMENT OF SPECIAL POPULATIONS 2012-2013 ● 13 STUDENTS IN HOSA 1. Require all students enrolled in a Health Occupations/Science Education class to become members of HOSA. (100% affiliation) Special populations students often decline joining organizations because of a lack of resources, fear, or not feeling a sense of belonging. Requiring students to join relieves the pressure of deciding to do something that has traditionally been viewed as a threat. 2. Secure resources to pay HOSA dues for economically disadvantaged students. Private organizations and members of the health care community are sensitive to the needs of the economically disadvantaged child. The small donation needed to pay the HOSA dues of those individuals is generally easy to obtain. Most HOSA advisors feel that a student should NOT be prevented membership in HOSA for financial reasons. 3. Encourage, support and instruct students with an IEP to compete in HOSA's special needs events: Rescue Breathing, Interviewing Skills and Personal Care. These events are designed for students classified under the provisions of Public Law 102/119 entitled "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1992" so that they may choose to compete against students with similar disabilities. All other HOSA events are open to ALL HOSA members regardless of race, gender, or handicapping condition. HOSA has adopted a reasonable accommodation policy in support of all members with special needs. 4. Use examples of all HOSA members on brochures or HOSA related publicity. HOSA should represent the entire membership. Those members include students who are poor, handicapped, disabled, single parents, foster children, males, and those with limited English speaking skills. 5. Award certificates or ribbons for participation in local and state HOSA activities. There are times when students should be rewarded for participating, and not only for winning. Most HOSA advisors agree that recognition for achievement is easily accomplished and goes a long way in making students feel good about what they have accomplished. 6. Involve a teacher of Exceptional Children in HOSA by making him/her a professional member of the HOSA chapter. Including a teacher of Exceptional Children allows that person to act in an advisory capacity and assures a positive communication link between the HOSA advisor and the specialist, thereby enhancing the opportunities for special populations HOSA members. 7. Assign special HOSA projects to members with special needs. Special populations’ members can be productive members of the student organization when given the opportunity. HOSA strongly encourages the inclusion of these students in local, state and national HOSA activities. HOSA CREATIVE RECRUITMENT 2012-2013 ● 14 Try these recruitment strategies ideas to "get the word out" about HOSA! Appoint a membership committee! The membership committee should meet regularly to plan recruitment efforts. Some of the best ideas come from current members themselves who know why they decided to get involved with HOSA. Set membership goals! Make your goals realistic, and then plan how to achieve them. Follow your plan! Put details in writing, and evaluate your progress on a regular basis. Benefits Brainstorm Ask a group of HOSA members "What are the benefits of HOSA membership?" List all the benefits of membership that your members can identify. This list can be used in developing a presentation about HOSA, or any kind of visual display. "Top Ten List" Poster This Letterman take-off is easy to recognize and a real attention getter. Take the top ten reasons to join HOSA and design a recruitment poster, put them on the morning announcements, etc. Student Art Poster Is there someone in your HOSA chapter who draws? Ask that person to draw a black and white (pen and ink?) picture of HOSA members winning awards at a conference, working with the health care community, or just having fun. Have the picture enlarged to poster size to hang up around school as a recruitment tool. Original drawings are creative and a real attention getter! EZ Membership Make joining HOSA quick and easy. Don't require lots of paperwork to fill out and a rigid member obligation structure. Let the quality of your HOSA chapter speak for itself! Rather than force involvement, make your chapter activities so worthwhile and fun that everyone will want to be a part. While every member pays dues, there are ways to make it easier. Could your chapter allow members in need to pay on an installment plan? Would someone in your local Healthcare community pay the dues of members with financial need? New Member Services Do something special for new HOSA members - an initiation, a certificate, or a dinner? Make them feel appreciated? Membership Table Set up a HOSA Information table at sporting events, Open House, or in the lobby of your school. If you have brochure or other printed HOSA materials, share them. Have a HOSA Bulletin Board 2012-2013 ● 15 Post HOSA happenings and health news. Tell everyone the great things the HOSA chapter is doing. Visit a Middle School Have your local officers visit the middle school and talk about HOSA. Have the middle school students come and visit your classroom and talk to them about health care and HOSA. Medical Attention Whether you're visiting a classroom of potential members or sitting at an information table, get medical attention! No, not because you're sick, but because you have tools to attract attention. For example, ask permission to bring your classroom's skeleton to your membership table. That can get attention - and that's just the beginning. You can travel by stretcher, dress up in first aid moulage, or wrap someone up from head to toe in bandages ("Get Wrapped up in HOSA!") Use your career focus to get attention! Incentives One of the best ways to recruit new members is through existing and alumni members. Come up with an incentive plan for recruitment, and let everyone in your chapter work at getting the word out about HOSA. Incentives could include a give-away t-shirt, HOSA pens or pencils, etc. School Newspaper Plan to be a part of the first issue of your school newspaper. Write an article about participation in the past summer's National Leadership Conference, or on plans for the coming year. If possible, put in an advertisement with eye-catching graphics. Sponsor an Event Sponsor some fun activity and invite anyone interested in a health career to participate. The activity could be: * A party or dance. * Going to a movie, seminar or workshop. * A concession stand at a school event. Wear HOSA! That's right! Get everyone in your chapter to wear their local or NLC HOSA T-shirt to school on the same day. When lots of students dress alike, they get attention - And when everyone asks about your T-shirt, tell them the benefits of belonging to HOSA! P.S. HOSA Advisors - you can wear HOSA too! Promotional Videos HOSA has a series of recruitment and informational videos that can be shown when visiting classrooms or civic organizations that illustrate the benefits and importance of membership in HOSA. 2012-2013 ● 16 Get the idea? Now, get creative! HOSA Creative recruitment is everybody’s business! MARKETING HOSA IN SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY 1. Form a partnership with the local health care community and jointly market HOSA. Remember, health care facilities usually have a marketing person or a Director of Human Resources. 2. Conduct a contest to design a partnership logo. 3. Develop and distribute brochures of the Health Occupations/Science Education program and HOSA - jointly developed by the partnership. 4. Use posters and brochures to promote HOSA in malls, banks, and the health care community. 5. Develop and share a presentation about HOSA at a Parent-Teacher Organization meeting or to other community groups. 6. Keep your HOSA chapter visible in school activities and keep the HOSA name out there! 7. Recognize a different student or teacher at the high school, community college, or university each month and cite something important he/she has done for the community. 8. Share competitive event presentations such as Community Awareness, Prepared Speaking, etc. with the local Board of Education. 9. Adopt an eighth or ninth grade class for the year. Promote wellness, HOSA and health careers to them. 10. Participate in community activities such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Children's Miracle Network, or any other health care-related activity that students would want to get involved in. TELL THE WORLD about the good things your HOSA chapter is doing! 2012-2013 ● 17 Fund Raising With the financial crisis affecting us both at home and at school, it is especially hard to find money to assist with HOSA activities. Most chapters perform at least one fundraising activity during the year. Activities may be regulated by your schools check with your principal for your guidelines. A great way to help is to get parents involved and form a HOSA booster club. The booster club can have a fund raiser outside of the school and then assist with the HOSA expenses. There are many different fund raising opportunities. See pages D 14-15 in this Advisor Guide. 2011-2012 Chapter Membership Report Chapter # 40054 40034 40005 42142 40002 42121 42191 1124 School A C Reynolds High School A. L. Brown High School Alexander Central HS Andrews High School Anson High School Apex High School Ardrey Kell High School Ashebrook Advisor Kate Moorhead Diane Rodgers & Lynn Dwyer Marilyn Frick Barbara Haydon Linda Melvin Allison Voght Signee Grant 2012-2013 ● District 8 6 7 8 6 3 6 2009-10 27 12 43 11 26 42 11 34 18 40056 42198 40222 42089 40003 42219 40057 42112 40118 42085 42156 40264 42107 40100 40001 40255 42244 42059 40256 42071 42209 42106 42253 40227 40276 42115 40276 42261 42278 42151 42233 40008 40257 40061 42178 42258 40062 40063 40133 42181 40221 40092 42221 42154 42122 40042 40111 42187 Asheville High School Atkins School of Technology Athens Drive Avery County High School Ayden-Grifton High School Bandys High School Bartlett Yancey High School Berry Academy of Technology Brevard High School Bunker Hill High School Camden County HS Cape Fear High School Cary High School Cedar Ridge High School Central Academy of Technology & Arts Central Cabarrus Chaloner Middle School Charles B Aycock HS Chase High School Cherokee High School City of Medicine Academy Clayton High School Cleveland High School Clinton High School Concord High School Currituck County HS Concord HS Corinth Holders HS Cox Mill HS Cummings HS Cuthbertson High School D H Conley High School David W Butler High School Davie County High School Dixon High School Duke University Douglas Byrd High School E A Laney High School East Burke East Carolina University East Columbus High School East Dublin High School East Forsyth High School East Gaston High School East Lincoln High School East Mecklenburg HS East Surry High School East Wake School of Science Kimberly Hill Linda Coleson Sandra Bickle Lora Joyner Elizabeth Beam Gale Kirby Karen Summers L. Hammond Vickie Travis Jean Sawyer Sandra DiBanco Lynn Smith Teresa Langone Elaine Holeman & Amanda Maske Mary Phelps Faye Davis Micky Moore Frances Hess Sylvia Hines Faye Cress Katherine Colwell Linda Essick 8 5 3 7 1 7 5 6 8 7 1 4 3 5 6 6 2 8 8 3 3 3 2 6 1 3 Angela Thomas Judy Asselmeier & Rachel Dillon Rohan/Osborne/Beam Paula Allen Christel Caliguire PS Dawn Poiesz-Lewis Sonya Thigpen Stephanie Bailey Hope Stephens Tyson Marla Whaley Donna Oakley Amy McAulay Cynthia Bailey Cass Thompson Stacey Culler Pam Lister 2012-2013 ● 6 1 6 7 2 3 4 2 PS 4 2 5 6 6 6 7 3 8 59 23 84 133 44 71 56 43 35 24 13 71 36 16 76 65 39 31 28 53 28 105 19 12 183 72 51 21 22 39 79 49 196 34 38 29 41 67 10 31 47 19 42211 18100 40066 40229 40047 7430 42275 40215 40151 42255 40023 40270 40059 42124 42062 40024 42158 40014 42225 42139 42084 42075 40234 40025 40043 42265 42072 40232 42220 42227 42207 42077 42262 42064 40069 40041 42192 40277 40093 40139 40213 42080 40279 42104 40095 40015 40131 42120 42134 East Wilkes High School Eastern Randolph HS Eastern Wayne HS Elkin High School Enka HS Enka Middle School Enloe Fairmont High School Farmville Central HS Fayetteville State Forbush High School Forestview High School Forsyth Co. Career Center Fred T. Foard Freedom High School Garnet Magnet Gates County High School Goldsboro High School Granville Central High School Gray's Creek High School Green Hope High School Greene Central High School Harding University Harnett Central High School Hayesville High School Heide Trask Hendersonville High School Hertford County HS Hibriten HS Hickory Grove Baptist Christian Hickory Ridge High School Highland School of Tech High Point University Hobbton High School Hoggard High School Hoke County Holly Springs High School Hunter Huss High School Independence High School J F Webb High School J H Rose High School Jack Britt High School Jacksonville High School Jay-M Robinson High School Jones Senior High School Jordan Matthews HS Kinston High School Lake Norman High School Ledford High School Cindy Cooper Alice Osborne Susan McKnight Patty Crosswhite 7 5 2 7 Wanda Berry Loretta Mills PS Billy Sapp Dawn Hall Melissa Smith 3 4 1 4 7 6 5 Heather Carswell 7 Lisa Ward Joyce Hamilton-Fleming Gloria Green Julee Kristeller Beverly Petty Lisa Wilson Kathy Gentry Kathy Pope Dorcas Brooks 1 2 3 4 3 2 6 4 8 2 8 1 Linda Pelz Meredyth Corey 2012-2013 ● Lara Shelton Debbie Moss Justin Beam PS Connie Thornton Edward Babel ? 7 6 Ron Davis Renee Price Jenny Crawford & McElwee George Gorby & Rene Gorby Angie Byrne Sandra Jones Angela Lafferty Nicole Motley Angela Paige-Jones Ruth Ann Peterson Crystal Payton Mary Werner Tona Turner 3 6 6 3 1 4 2 6 2 5 2 7 5 2 2 22 24 13 14 38 82 13 62 19 117 78 135 10 48 29 69 0 40 37 87 75 23 24 14 1 13 42 99 187 48 29 35 2 231 37 31 60 91 20 58 16 77 21 25 181 20 40070 42061 42119 40096 42101 42185 42196 40244 40273 42184 42237 42094 40134 40099 40050 40027 40072 40123 42128 42169 42214 40073 NC001 40167 42166 40205 42093 40026 42155 40033 40153 42129 40138 42171 42149 40046 40031 42090 42189 40077 40122 42081 42159 40201 42202 40101 40032 40261 42201 Lee Senior High School Lexington Sr High School Lincolnton High School Lumberton Senior Madison High School Maiden High School Mallard Creek High School Martin County Mattamuskeet High School McDowell High School Miller-Motte College Mitchell High School Mooresville - Woods Mount Airy High School Mountain Heritage High School Mount Pleasant Murphy High School Myers Park High School Nash Central High School NC School of Math & Science NC State University New Hanover High School North Carolina HOSA North Davidson High School North Forsyth High School North Henderson HS North Johnston High School North Lenoir High School North Lincoln High School North Mecklenburg High School North Pitt High School North Rowan North Surry High School Northampton County HS East Northeast Guilford High School Northeastern High School Northern Nash High School Northside HS - Jacksonville Northside HS Northwest Northwood High School Olympic High School Overhills HS Pamlico County High School Patton High School Pender HS Person County High School Pine Forest High School Pinecrest High School Lynda Dalton Patricia Jones Jennifer Ballard Carpenter 4 5 6 Kathy Mackey Sonya Wicker Donna Gardon 8 7 6 Linda Flowers Jill Crater Dr. Richard Parenti Linda Pitman & Angie Ford Mary Kidwell & Laurel Andrew Lynn Snow Teresa Robinson 1 8 PS 8 7 7 8 Carolyn Crosby Connie Liles & Mary Ward Glenda Davis Korah Wiley Dr. Anita Flick Paige Tootoo Edie Stewart Check & Odum Kelli Doby Kathy Pryor Pat Sasser Kim Hipkiss Krista Eurey Connie Wingert-Baker Jennifer Overby 8 6 3 3 PS 2 3 5 5 8 3 2 6 6 1 7 7 3 5 1 3 2 Angie Cave Amanda Jones Sabrina Graham-Shaw Margaret Deanes Charlene Dunn Joanne Hill 2012-2013 ● Ann Thomas Danielle Jones & Emily Merrel 5 6 Lynn McCoy Elizabeth Silvey 2 7 Pennie Wright, Jennifer Phillip Michelle Quinn Alisha LaFell 5 4 4 15 34 51 48 29 78 82 14 24 20 41 28 28 50 60 10 20 6 59 33 8 46 28 59 48 96 12 56 12 22 22 26 24 20 82 37 0 16 25 45 11 17 85 59 21 40128 40103 40154 42197 42218 40165 40088 42195 42160 Pisgah Senior High School Plymouth High School Polk County High School Princeton High School Providence Grove Providence High School Purnell Swett High School Randleman High School Reidsville High School 40078 40016 40150 40218 40260 42272 40105 40053 40142 40112 42270 42118 40197 42144 42083 40272 40124 40281 42181 40109 42126 40080 40108 40161 40045 40280 40196 40082 40274 42083 40272 42223 40160 42126 42210 40274 40288 42125 Richmond Senior High School Roanoke Rapids High School Rockingham County HS Rosman High School Rutherfordton-Spindale Rowan Early Scotland Seventy First High School Smithfield Selma High School Smoky Mountain High School South Caldwell South Central High School South Columbus High School South Davidson High School Southeast Guilford Southeast Raleigh Southern Alamance Southern Guilford Southern Lee Southern Nash Southern Wayne South Granville High School South Iredell High School South Johnston High School South Lenior High School South Mecklenburg HS South Robeson High School South View Sr High School Southwestern Southeast Guilford High School Southeast Raleigh High School Southeastern Early College Southern Vance High School Southern Wayne HS Southwest Onslow HS Southwestern Randolph HS Spring Creek High School St. Stephens High School 2012-2013 ● Stephanie Kuykendall Linda West Cam Lawrence Lorie Evans 8 1 8 3 Patricia Mauney Sue Patterson & Tina Hunt Kim Barkley Vivian Moore Cherie Deese, Cheryl McCaskill, Janet Sims Linda Conner Teresa Harris Tamera Moman Leah Robbins Suzanne Gibbons 6 4 5 5 Linda Thompson Pat Deese Michele Dillard & Edith Callahan 4 3 8 Robin Albrecht Wendy Meares Elaine Rabon 1 4 5 Frances Szafran Jaci Watson 3 5 5 4 Elizabeth Leu Kathleen Green Audrey Massengill Judi Brown Shari Cloud Sherry Floyd Phyllis Warner & Jennifer Skane 3 7 3 2 6 4 4 Kathryn Watson Cynthia Jones Jason Whalen Marie Tunstall Nann Hatcher Susan Jenkins Teena Kennedy Melissa Lewis Paulette Sigmon 5 3 4 3 2 2 5 2 7 4 3 5 8 8 7 33 90 32 34 33 91 63 103 44 19 24 40 17 31 42 144 57 24 113 17 40 13 49 15 31 1 43 26 47 48 20 83 9 59 14 23 46 23 22 40110 42183 42068 42176 40084 42281 42248 42276 42065 40236 40048 42273 42234 42170 42076 42232 42102 40129 40028 40029 40052 42271 40333 40113 40114 40259 42091 40087 42138 40330 40044 40251 42056 42099 40198 40089 42230 42206 40262 42157 40244 42224 Starmount High School Surry Central High School Swain County High School Swansboro High School Terry Sanford High School The Academy at The Early College The University NC State Topsail High School Trinity High School Triton High School T. Wingate Andrew UNC Charlotte UNC Greensboro Union Pines High School University of NC Chapel Hill Waddell High School Wallace Rose Hill HS Warren County High School Washington CO Watauga High School WECHS West Bladen West Brunswick HS West Charlotte High School West Craven High School West Davidson Sr High School West Iredell High School West Johnson High School West Lincoln High School West Mecklenburg High School West Montgomery High School West Stokes High School Western Alamance High School Western Harnett High School Westover Sr High School Wheatmore White Oak High School Whiteville High School Williams High School Williamston High School Yadkin Early College Dena Cave Judy Wilson Leslie Dick Angela Gonzales 7 7 8 2 4 Miranda Wells Jean Bales & Cheri Conner Dianne Jernigan 2 5 4 Nishi Bryska Margaret Powell Molly Wilson/Kymberlie Barker Warche Downing Beverly Fisher Sonja Hanchey Maggie King 2012-2013 ● PS PS 4 PS 6 2 3 Regina Alford 7 3 Jeanette Mintz Camille Fowler Donna Stortz Beth Harris Carol Johnson Melissa Evans Amanda Hinkle Carrie Warren Debbie Roach Whitney Hawkins Donna Deaton Dixie Holden Rosalyn Hopkins & Judy Roper 2 6 2 5 7 3 6 6 4 5 5 4 4 Angela Washington Libby Hampton Kim Averette LuAnn Griffin & Vinya Ward 2 4 5 1 7 51 12 25 31 14 3 16 17 68 18 26 11 43 15 81 38 24 24 17 26 17 63 17 4 41 46 65 41 25 26 9 54 19 54 53 17 9438 7/19/12 23 Thank you for offering HOSA to your students and for your continued support! 2012-2013 ●