J SOMERSET PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST BUSINESS ACTION PLAN PROGRESS REPORT FOR 1 APRIL 2015 TO 31 DECEMBER 2015 Sponsoring Director: Director of Finance and Business Development. Author: Associate Director – Strategic Planning and Performance. Purpose of the report: The Trust’s Business Action Plan for 2015/16 sets out the key priorities for the Trust, together with the actions to be undertaken and the timescales for their achievement. The quarterly Business Action Plan progress report provides an update regarding progress made in relation to the achievement of the six objectives which form the Trust’s Annual Plan Action Plan for 2015/16. Key Issues and Recommendations: The Business Action Plan for 2015/16 sets out the Trust’s key business objectives for the year. These objectives and associated actions relate to the Trust’s six strategic themes: Quality and Safety; Service Delivery; Culture and People; Integration; Innovation; Viability and Growth. The key priorities set out in the Plan are drawn from: the Trust’s Monitor Annual Plan for 2015/16; the Trust’s Monitor Strategic Plan for 2014/15 to 2018/19; priorities identified by the Council of Governors during the annual business planning cycle; priorities identified by staff and professional groups across the Trust as part of the annual business planning cycle. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board -1- J A new action included in the Business Action Plan from Quarter 3 is: Action 6.11: Prepare and submit the Trust’s draft operational plan for 2016/17, in line with Monitor requirements. Progress against the 63 actions contained within the plan was as follows: Achieved: Ongoing: Unlikely to be met: Not met: 23 31 6 3 The actions which are assessed as ‘Not met’ are: Action 1.11: Achieve all standards relating to the framework for commissioning for quality and innovation (CQUIN). As at 31 December 2015, the Trust had achieved all of its CQUIN standards, with the exception of the requirement relating to the incidence of pressure ulcers occurring on the district nursing caseload and in a community hospital setting. A series of additional actions has been put in place across the Trust following appointment of a new Tissue Viability lead; Action 1.12: Meet all compliance requirements of the Care Quality Commission and other regulatory and statutory bodies. Reports received from the Care Quality Commission has identified areas for improvement in the Trust’s core services and some more significant concerns regarding learning disability services. An action plan has been developed to address the concerns raised, and its implementation is being overseen by a learning disabilities improvement board; Action 3.8: Review the findings regarding the potential to extend incentives for employers who provide effective NICE recommended workplace health programmes for employees. The recommendations of the NICE ‘Workforce Health Management Practices’ document published in June2015 will inform a review of occupational health provision ahead of the commencement of the tendering process. It is proposed that the timescale for this action be amended to 31 July 2016. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board -2- J The actions which are assessed as ‘unlikely to be met’ are: Action 1.3: Extend the use of the ‘Triangle of Care’ by implementing the approach in all community mental health services: 50% of staff in identified services to have ‘Triangle of Care’ awareness training. A significant amount of training is due to take place during the fourth quarter of 2015/16. If all staff currently booked onto the training attend, a total 47% of community health staff will have undertaken the training by 31 March 2016. The resource allocated to this training is being reviewed alongside the aspiration to deliver the ‘Open Dialogue’ model; Action 3.3: Develop an organisational development strategy to support the wider Trust strategy and its values and commitment to empower and engage with staff at all levels. It is planned that feedback from staff survey engagement events and the leadership diagnostic will inform the development of the draft organisational development strategy, which will then be subject to discussion and presentation to the Trust Board for approval. It is proposed that the timescale for this action be amended to 31 May 2016; Action 3.6: To develop a talent management and succession planning strategy and plan to ensure the Trust maximises the potential of staff and understands the ‘talent pipeline’ within the organisation. Work will be undertaken to produce a strategy informed by the direction of travel in respect of Leadership Development and discussions at a system level. It is proposed that the timescale for this action be amended to 31 July 2016; Action 4.7: Integration - Achieve productivity and efficiency savings of £5.5million. As at 31 December 2015 the IP2 project was £514,000 behind its financial target. Pay savings are in line with target, but savings in respect of reduced cost of travel and additional income are falling short of plan; Action 6.1: Deliver an operational surplus of £0.25 million. As at 31 December 2015, the Trust’s overall financial position showed an adverse variance of £1,199,000. It is unlikely that the Trust will achieve a break-even position by the end of the year, but is acting to minimise the deficit; 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board -3- J Actions required by the Board: Action 6.2: Deliver the Trust Cost Improvement Plan and release savings of £7.4 million. As at 31 December 2015 the Trust’s cost improvement plan showed an adverse variance of £604,000 against the original plan of £7.4million. During the year the cost improvement programme was increased by £0.2m in order to fund changes to inpatient establishments. The variance against the revised target is £709,000. The Trust is considering a range of options to support those elements of the plan that are falling short of target. The Board is asked to: note the Business Action Plan Quarter 3 progress report; agree the proposals to revise the timescales associated with Actions 3.3, 3.6 and 3.8. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board -4- J BUSINESS ACTION PLAN 2015/16 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board -5- J Introduction This Business Action Plan for 2015/16 spans the period from 1 April 2015 to 30 June 2016 and sets out the Trust’s key business objectives in a framework which enables the Trust Board to receive reports on progress throughout the year. The Plan comprises six objectives and 63 actions, drawn from: priorities set out in the Trust’s Monitor Annual Plan (AP) for 2015/16 priorities set out in the Trust’s Monitor Strategic Plan (SP) for 2014/15 to 2018/19 priorities identified by the Council of Governors during the annual business planning cycle priorities identified by staff and professional groups across the Trust as part of the annual business planning cycle The Business Action Plan also encompasses the strategic and annual objectives, outlined in the Trust’s Assurance Framework (AF). Progress with the achievement of the objectives and targets set out in the Business Action Plan will be reported quarterly to the Trust Board, and to the Council of Governors via the Strategy and Planning Group. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board -6- J MISSION AND VISION The Mission and Vision of Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is underpinned by the values and commitments enshrined in the NHS Constitution. The Mission of the Trust is: Caring for you in the heart of the community The Trust’s Vision is: We will be the leading provider of community-based health and social care The views of staff and the Council of Governors, were sought in developing the Trust’s Mission and Vision. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board -7- J STRATEGIC THEMES A series of Strategic Themes for the Trust were also developed, in consultation with staff, as part of the Trust’s annual business planning process, and with the Council of Governors. These Strategic Themes support the achievement of the Trust’s Mission, Vision and Values. The six Strategic Themes are as follows: 1. Quality and Safety 2. Service Delivery 3. Culture and People 4. Integration 5. Innovation 6. Viability and Growth VALUES The values of the Trust are consistent with those of the wider NHS: Working together for patients Respect and Dignity Commitment to quality of care Compassion Improving lives Everyone counts 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board -8- J Key to initials: CE Chief Executive DNPS Director of Nursing and Patient Safety COO Chief Operating Officer DFBD Director of Finance and Business Development MD Medical Director DG Director of Governance and Corporate Development DW Director of Workforce and Organisational Development 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board -9- J Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has adopted a double Red / Amber / Green (RAG) rating system for monitoring progress against all actions associated with the achievement of Business Action Plan objectives. Actions related to objectives are assessed as follows: RATING DEFINITION Green Green Completed. Green Amber Work is in progress, in line with the target date. Amber Amber Initial work has commenced, appropriate to the target date. Amber Red Work has commenced but the target date is unlikely to be met. Red Red Not completed by the target date. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 10 - J STRATEGIC THEME 1. QUALITY AND SAFETY OBJECTIVE Continuously reduce levels of avoidable harm, deliver best clinical outcomes and improve patient experience. LINKS AF, QS, AP, SP ANNUAL OBJECTIVE Maintain and improve compliance with safer staffing rates on inpatient wards and prepare for implementation of safer staffing in community services. REF 1. 1.1 ACTIONS Undertake six-monthly reviews of nursing establishment levels. TARGET DATE 31 August 2015 and 28 February 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board LEAD DNPS PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 Monthly reports to the Trust Board continue. A full consultative safer staffing review has been conducted with all inpatient wards. The next sixmonthly formal report on the review of nurse staffing levels is scheduled to be presented to the Trust Board on 24 November 2015. - 11 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 A full review was completed during the quarter and the resultant report was presented to the meeting of the Trust Board on 24 November 2015. The Trust Board approved the report’s recommendations. A workshop took place regarding the national mental health safer staffing toolkit and plans are being implemented to pilot the toolkit on three wards. Preparatory work has commenced on the safer care tool for community inpatient wards, and a workshop was held during the quarter. RAG RATING Green Green J ANNUAL OBJECTIVE REF 1.2 Implement the targets in our Quality Improvement Plan for 2015/16, reducing avoidable harm and improving patient experience. ACTIONS TARGET DATE Strengthen the Trust’s arrangements for engaging patients, carers and communities in quality improvement 31 March 2016 LEAD DG PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 The revised and updated strategy for communications and patient and public involvement was agreed by the Trust Board in July 2015. An engagement workshop was held in July 2015, to gather views from patients and carers about the development of the new mental health crisis service. Action plans to deliver the aims of the communications and patient and public involvement strategy have been developed and will be monitored by the Trust’s patient and public involvement group on a quarterly basis. PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Progress against the actions included in the Communications and Patient and Public Involvement action plans are on target and will be discussed at the Trust’s Patient and Public Involvement Group meeting on 21 January 2016. Notable areas of progress include: 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 12 - RAG RATING Ash Ward held its first evening event specifically for carers in September 2015 the Acute Care Forum for mental health inpatients has been relaunched the Voluntary Sector Forum met in October 2015 and discussed outcomes based commissioning and working together Healthwatch has carried out lay visits to two mental health inpatient wards and will be visiting others in the next quarter. Green Amber J REF 1.3 2. 1.4 ACTIONS TARGET DATE Extend the use of the ‘Triangle of Care’ by implementing the approach in all community mental health services: 50% of staff in identified services to have ‘Triangle of Care’ awareness training 31 March 2016 Play an active part in the local Patient Safety Collaborative, embedding the five ‘Sign Up to Safety’ pledges, with the aim of delivering harm-free care for every patient, every time, everywhere. 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board LEAD COO DNPS PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 As at 30 September 2015, a total of 52 staff, out of a total of 346 staff in identified services (15%), had been trained in the ‘Triangle of Care’ approach. A further five training courses are scheduled to be held before 31 March 2016, in order to meet the 50% standard The ‘Sign Up to Safety’ campaign continues, with regular reporting on harm free care and with the pledges supported by Quality Improvement Plans. The pledges have been posted on the Trust’s public website and will feature at a Trust-wide patient safety event, which is planned to be held in January 2016. - 13 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 The percentage of staff trained in the Triangle of Care, as at 12 January 2016 was 20%. A significant amount of training is due to take place during the fourth quarter of 2015/16. If all staff currently booked onto the training attend, a total 47% of community health staff will have undertaken the training by 31 March 2016. The resource allocated to this training is being reviewed alongside the aspiration to deliver the ‘Open Dialogue’ model, and e-learning is being developed to enable a more sustained approach. As part of the Sign Up to Safety work stream we have secured another five places on the next Institute for Healthcare Improvement / Academic Health Science Networks patient safety officer training course in May 2016. Work is being undertaken to assess where these roles would be of most benefit. A conference day is planned for April 2016, to improve organisational awareness and launch improvement RAG RATING Amber Red Green Amber J REF 3. 1.5 ACTIONS TARGET DATE Implement the Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat to ensure that the Trust fully meets the requirements in relation to access standards, quality of treatment and prevention 31 March 2016 LEAD COO PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 methodology to front line teams. A pilot being developed for the use of the Early Warning Trigger Tool within the District Nursing service. Representatives from the Trust attended the Mental Health Collaborative in December 2015. The staff consultation on the management restructure for the countywide crisis service has been completed and an implementation plan has been produced. Recruitment has continued and interviews have been held for Band 6 crisis, crisis/ward rotational posts and Band 3 Support Time Recovery workers. Offers of appointment have been made. Additional actions implemented during the quarter include: A new crisis service manager and deputy head of division/crisis and inpatient manager have been appointed. Work has been undertaken to review the impact of recruitment on inpatient services. Job descriptions have been developed for joint posts and advertisements for these posts have been produced. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 14 - additional staff have been provided to support 7-night, night assessor cover to Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust an Approved Mental Health Professional hub has been established at the Trust’s Wellsprings site a review of the Section 136 health-based place of safety protocol has been undertaken with the police, RAG RATING Green Amber J REF 4. 1.6 5. 1.7 ACTIONS Enhance leadership engagement, promote Board level and senior management engagement with patient safety and the Sign Up to Safety’ programme Achieve a 10% reduction, compared to 2014/15, in unplanned transfer where physical deterioration was not recognised, escalated or treated appropriately for three hours or more, TARGET DATE 31 March 2016 LEAD DNPS PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 The programme of Patient Safety walk rounds continues as scheduled and action plans for wards, arising from the visits, are being produced. Given the success of the programme an experimental Patient Safety ‘Talk round’, with a community team is planned to be tested over the next quarter. 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board COO In 2014/15 there were 56 unplanned transfers across the Trust’s mental health wards and community hospital inpatient wards, where physical deterioration was found not to have been recognised, escalated or treated appropriately for three hours or more. - 15 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 ambulance and accident & emergency departments, to include revised protocols for CAMHs patients a review of Section 136 control room based triage within multi-agency crisis concordat meeting. Patient Safety walk rounds have continued as scheduled. All actions from these are shared with the relevant heads of division who then monitor the completion of the action plan. Results of the walk round visits are also shared at the Clinical Governance group. Pilot ‘talk rounds’ are being built into the schedule for community services and will commence in 2016/17. During the period from 1 April to 30 September 2015, the latest date for which fully validated data is available, there were 20 unplanned transfers across the Trust’s mental health wards and community hospital inpatient wards, where physical deterioration was found not to have been recognised, escalated RAG RATING Green Amber Green Amber J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 During the period from 1 April to 30 September 2015, there have been 14 such cases confirmed, with a further 22 cases currently subject to investigation. 6. 1.8 Reduce levels of harm, compared to 2014/15, from catheter associated urinary tract infections by assessment and timely removal of non-clinically indicated devices 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board DNPS Work is being undertaken with the Trust’s Incident Review Group and the Heads of Division to improve and speed up the current investigation process, which relies upon the retrieval and review of paper-based documentation, including patients’ observation charts. Work is also being taken forward to capture the relevant information on RiO, in order to improve the investigation process. All hospitals have now commenced the ‘catheter free’ initiative. The Trust’s Infection Prevention and Control team has audited the Trust’s community hospitals over a 12 week period. The audit showed that 86 patients met the criteria for trial without catheter and of these 79% of catheters were successfully removed. - 16 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 or treated appropriately for three hours or more, equating to a rate of 0.311 transfers per 1000 beds days. RAG RATING This compares to a total of 56 unplanned transfers matching these criteria was during the whole of 2014/15 (a rate of 0.426 transfers per 1000 bed days), equating to a reduction in 2015/16 of 27%. Data prior to 2014/15 was not routinely collected on a comparable basis. ‘Catheter free’ care is now established across the community hospitals. Prior to commencement of the workstream specific data was not collected to measure the development of urinary tract infections in patients with indwelling urinary catheters meaning baseline data is not available. This work stream was Green Amber J REF 7. 1.9 ACTIONS Reduce the levels of harm from incidents of violence and aggression per 1,000 bed days by 10%, compared to 2014/15 TARGET DATE 31 March 2016 LEAD COO PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 Between 1 April and 30 September 2015, a total of 69 incidents of violence and aggression by patients to patients were recorded, equating to a rate of 1.07 incidents per 1000 bed days. This compares to a total of 96 incidents recorded during the corresponding period in the previous year (1.47 incidents per 1000 bed days). This represents a reduction of 26.9% in the rate per 1000 bed days during the first six months. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 17 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 developed as an improvement programme. The project has successfully resulted in 79% of patients successfully being managed without a urinary catheter, which entirely eliminates the risk of developing a catheter related infection. RAG RATING The Infection Prevention and Control team is involved with catheterisation training and is working to develop aseptic technique training to improve standards and practice further. During the 12 months from 1 January to 31 December 2015, a total of 141 incidents of violence and aggression by patients to patients were recorded (3.15 incidents per 1000 bed days). This compares to a total of 231 incidents recorded during the corresponding period in the previous year (4.85 incidents per 1000 bed days), equating to a reduction of 35.2% in the rate per 1000 bed days. Green Green J REF 8. 1.10 ACTIONS TARGET DATE Reduce the use of restraint incidents per 1,000 bed days by 10%, compared to 2014/15 31 March 2016 LEAD COO PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 Between 1 April and 30 September 2015, a total of 114 incidents of restraint were recorded, equating to a rate of 5.70 incidents per 1000 bed days. This compares to a total of 131 incidents recorded during the corresponding period in the previous year (5.92 incidents per 1000 bed days). This represents a reduction of 10.4% in the rate per 1000 bed days during the first six months. 1.11 Achieve all standards relating to the framework for commissioning for quality and innovation (CQUIN). 31 March 2016 DFBD These figures exclude Wessex House, on a like-for-like basis, due to the ward being temporarily closed between April and December 2014. As at 30 September 2015, the Trust had achieved all of its CQUIN standards, with the exception of the requirement for reductions in the incidence of pressure ulcers on the district nursing caseload. Between 1 April and 30 September 2015, there were 20 incidents of ‘avoidable’ 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 18 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 During the 12 months from 1 January to 31 December 2015, a total of 240 incidents of restraint were recorded (5.36 incidents per 1000 bed days). This compares to a total of 340 incidents recorded during the corresponding period in the previous year (7.14 incidents per 1000 bed days), equating to a reduction of 25.0% in the rate per 1000 bed days. As at 31 December 2015, the Trust had achieved all of its CQUIN standards, with the exception of the requirement relating to the incidence of pressure ulcers occurring on the district nursing caseload and in a community hospital setting. Between 1 April and 30 November 2015, the latest RAG RATING Green Green Red Red J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 pressure ulcer damage, equating to a rate of 0.1169 cases per 1,000 contacts, against a required CQUIN standard of 0.1064 cases per 1,000 contacts. Final assessment of achievement of this measure will be based upon the rate for the period 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016. PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 validated data available, there were 31 incidents of ‘avoidable’ pressure ulcer damage, equating to a rate of 0.1360 cases per 1,000 contacts, against a required CQUIN standard of 0.1064 cases per 1,000 contacts. This is 28% above the rate reported in 2014/15, against a CQUIN requirement that there should be no increase. During the same period, seven ‘avoidable’ pressure ulcers were reported in community hospitals. During the whole of 2014/15 a total of four ‘avoidable’ pressure ulcers were reported in community hospitals. Again, the CQUIN requirement for 2015/16 is that there should be no increase. A series of additional actions has been put in place across the Trust following appointment of a new Tissue Viability lead including: a review of all Trust systems and processes in relation to pressure prevention; a move to local team-based 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 19 - RAG RATING J REF 1.12 ACTIONS Meet all compliance requirements of the Care Quality Commission and other regulatory and statutory bodies TARGET DATE 31 March 2016 LEAD DG PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 The comprehensive inspection of the Trust was undertaken by the Care Quality Commission, during the week commencing 7 September 2015 and further visits took place up to 25 September 2015. Initial feedback from the Care Quality Commission indicated areas for improvement and some more significant concerns regarding learning disability 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 20 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 action plans for pressure prevention; peer review is planned for 24 February 2016; two multi-disciplinary pressure ulcer summit days to be held in March and October 2016. These include legal perspectives and record keeping; a monthly rolling programme of education has been formulated for 2016/17 around the common themes identified during the validation of all pressure damage incidents. This includes a focus on prevention of heel damage. The report of the Care Quality Commission inspection was published on 17 December 2015, following the Quality Summit held on 11 December 2015. RAG RATING The Care Quality Commission and issued 17 reports for all core services as well as an overall provider report, with an overall judgement that the Trust “Requires Improvement”. A schedule of areas of non- Red Red J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 services, details of which have been provided to the Trust. An action plan has been developed to address the concerns raised, overseen by a learning disabilities improvement board. In August 2015 healthcare services at HM prison Ashfield were inspected by the Care Quality Commission and the Trust received notice of some areas of improvement required for which an action plan has also been developed. 1.13 Implement actions arising from feedback received following the visit of the Care Quality Commission 31 March 2016 COO Following the comprehensive inspection of the Trust by the Care Quality Commission, the Trust has planned a range of actions to be undertaken within six weeks in respect of learning disabilities services, including: 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board establishing a learning disabilities improvement board, with membership - 21 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 compliance was published with the report and the Trust will produce an action plan to address these, for submission to Care Quality Commission by 26 January 2015. RAG RATING Results of the Care Quality Commission inspection have been shared with a full range of stakeholders, including the local media, and press statements and interviews have been given. Plans are being developed to publicise the results via the Care Quality Commission widget on the Trust website and via posters at service locations as required under Care Quality Commission guidance. Further actions were taken in relation to learning disabilities services during Quarter 3, including: update health leads in relation to safeguarding processes, including escalation of safeguarding concerns ensuring all staff have Green Amber J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board drawn from management and clinical staff, the local authority and Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group holding a learning disabilities service away day, to engage senior clinical and management staff in identifying and agreeing areas for review and actions to improve the service undertaking face to face review of open learning disabilities cases, including risk stratification, identification of risks and ensuring safety plans are in place reviewing the Trust’s Clinical Risk Assessment and Management training and its applicability to learning disabilities services assessing and managing risks in relation to pathways, specifically where care is shared or transferred writing to existing service users and carers about the concerns raised and actions being taken - 22 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 access to training in relation to the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty developing a Trust-wide tool for recording capacity, including supporting evidence and triggers for completion of a Mental Capacity Act assessment the development and implementation of new information and performance management arrangements, at the level of service, team and individual practitioner undertaking an audit of clinical supervision for nurses and allied healthcare professionals implementing new systems for monitoring and following up non-attendance of appointments holding meetings with consultant psychiatrists to discuss performance and current practice regarding the prescribing and review of antipsychotic medication introducing the caseload zoning approach to managing the levels of risk RAG RATING J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 establishing external support arrangements and sharing examples of good practice confirming that appropriate Safeguarding arrangements are in place and immediately addressing any identified issues. Further actions are planned, to follow the initial six-week period. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 23 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 and complexity of the caseload A comprehensive action plan will be produced, based on the issues identified by the Care Quality Commission in the Trust’s provider report and in the 17 core services reports, addressing the actions that the Trust is required and recommended to take. RAG RATING J STRATEGIC THEME 2. SERVICE DELIVERY OBJECTIVE Achieve a reduction in inpatient based care and an increase in the delivery of care in a community-based setting. LINKS AF, SD, AP, SP Reduce the aggregate average length of stay in community hospitals to 21 days and achieve 85% bed ANNUAL OBJECTIVE occupancy, to preserve annual levels of inpatient admissions to the Trust’s community hospitals between 2015/16 and 2018/19. REF 2.1 ACTIONS TARGET DATE Reduce the aggregate average length of stay in community hospitals to 21 days and achieve 85% bed occupancy, to preserve annual levels of inpatient discharges from the Trust’s community hospitals. 31 March 2016 LEAD COO PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 As at 30 September 2015, the cumulative average length of stay in the Trust’s community hospitals in 2015/16 was 22.1 days and the cumulative bed occupancy rate was 89.0%. PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 As at 31 December 2015, the cumulative average length of stay in the Trust’s community hospitals in 2015/16 was 22.7 days and the cumulative bed occupancy rate was 89.4%. A total of 1,727 patients had been discharged from the Trust’s community hospitals during that time, against a plan for the year to date of 1,837 patients. A total of 2,672 patients had been discharged from the Trust’s community hospitals during that time, against a plan for the year to date of 2,820 patients. Bed days lost due to delayed discharges continues to affect the length of patient stays in community hospitals, although the position has improved 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 24 - RAG RATING Amber Amber J REF 2.2 2.3 ACTIONS TARGET DATE Reduce the percentage of available bed days lost due to delayed discharges, compared to 2014/15 31 March 2016 In partnership with Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group and other key stakeholders, review the role and capacity requirements for community hospitals and mental health inpatient wards. 31 March 2016 LEAD COO COO PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 Between 1 April and 30 September 2015, 5.5% of community hospital bed days were lost due to delayed discharges. This represents an improvement on the rate of 8.9% recorded in the corresponding period in 2014. For adult mental health, the Trust continues to engage with Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group regarding the provision of beds for the Mendip area and reviewing options for the Priory Health Care site, and the impact on wider services. The Trust’s Transformation Implementation Manager has commenced in post and is leading this review. Refurbishment has been completed on Rowan ward, which includes the Section 136 place of safety. Rowan ward now has 18 en-suite bedrooms. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 25 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 compared to last year. Work remains ongoing with partner organisations including the local authority, to improve the position further. Between 1 April and 31 December 2015, 5.1% of community hospital bed days were lost due to delayed discharges. RAG RATING Green Amber Green Amber This represents a reduction on the rate of 9.3% recorded in the corresponding period in 2014. The St Andrew’s Steering Group is actively engaging with internal and external stakeholders to assess the optimal use for the St. Andrew’s unit and the Priory site in general. A market assessment is currently being undertaken with the expectation that this will inform an options appraisal and decision making process by the Trust Board in March / April 2016, prior a formal consultation (if required) thereafter. J REF 2.4 ACTIONS Expand ambulatory care in community hospital settings, compared to 2014/15 TARGET DATE 31 March 2016 LEAD COO PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 Consultation on the proposals outlined in ‘Making the Most of Community Services’ is being undertaken with patients, carers and the public. A final recommendation remains on schedule to be taken to the meeting of the Clinical Commissioning Group’s Governing Body by November 2015. For the period from 1 April to 30 September 2015, the Trust undertook 3721 ambulatory care appointments. During the period from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015, the number of appointments undertaken was 1631. 2.5 Implement arrangements for the opening of eight beds at South Petherton community hospital 30 November 2015 COO The reopening of the eight beds at South Petherton community hospital remains on schedule to be undertaken on a phased basis, as follows: 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board Week commencing 26 October 2015: two beds Week commencing 2 November 2015: two beds - 26 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 For the period from 1 April to 31 December 2015, the Trust undertook 6,165 ambulatory care appointments in community hospital settings, an increase on the 1,712 appointments undertaken during the same period in 2014. RAG RATING Green Amber Green Green Completed. J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 ANNUAL OBJECTIVE REF 2.6 2.7 PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 RAG RATING Week commencing 11 November 2015: two beds Week commencing 18 November 2015: two beds Minimise the length of time that patients have to wait to be seen by our services, meeting waiting time targets for all services during 2015/16. ACTIONS Implement ‘Caseload Zoning’ to ensure that the needs of patients on community caseloads are met most effectively Meet all Monitor Risk Assessment Framework standards. TARGET DATE 31 March 2016 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board LEAD COO DFBD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 A caseload zoning model has been developed, based upon levels of complexity and risk, supported by a bespoke tool for services to complete and adopt for their own service line. Following consultation with key service leads, dates have been set for the initial roll out. The expectation is that caseload zoning will be fully implemented across the Trust ahead of the target date. Completed. The Trust met all applicable - 27 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 The majority of services have developed a draft caseload zoning tool specific to their service and these are now being trialled within teams. The feedback from teams has been very positive. RAG RATING Green Amber Green Green The project remains on schedule for full implementation by 31 March 2016. Completed. The Trust met all applicable J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 Monitor standards, during the period 1 July to 30 September 2015. PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Monitor standards, during the period 1 October to 31 December 2015. RAG RATING PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Completed. We were fully involved in developing systemwide plans for winter escalation, in line with the agreed timescales. RAG RATING OTHER KEY ACTIONS REF 2.8 ACTIONS Work with local partner organisations to ensure that robust arrangements are in place for winter escalation TARGET DATE 30 November 2015 LEAD COO PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 Representatives from the Trust have attended a series of winter planning workshops. The Trust has been working with the local authority to develop solutions to help with the shortage of domiciliary care provision and it has been agreed that the local authority will fund the Trust to provide domiciliary care, delivered by health care assistants and rehabilitation assistants. It has been agreed that Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust and Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust will second health care assistants to Somerset Partnership, to support the delivery of the home care service over a 24 hour period. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 28 - We worked with partner organisations over the summer and autumn period to develop a model for the provision of home care, funded by the local authority. That model was implemented, designed to provide care to people with newly increased rehabilitation needs, for a period of two weeks, following initial assessment by the local authority. The outcomes for people discharged from the service have been good, resulting in people having either reduced or no ongoing Green Green J The acute Trusts were also aware that Somerset Partnership had not been allocated any designated funding to manage winter pressures so have offered to fund additional in-reach support from their funding allocation. care needs. Escalation arrangements over the Christmas period resulted in patients with more complex needs being referred, with a requirement for care lasting up to four weeks, which has affected capacity accordingly. In agreement with Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group, 17 escalation beds were opened in community hospitals, to accommodate patients who were medically fit for discharge. This has since been increased to 25 beds, with the aim of easing pressures on the acute hospital bed position. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 29 - J STRATEGIC THEME 3. CULTURE AND PEOPLE OBJECTIVE Continuously improve staff confidence and pride in the Trust and its services. LINKS AF, CP, AP, SP ANNUAL OBJECTIVE Support managers and staff at all levels to monitor, evaluate and drive continuous improvement of organisational culture, improving staff engagement levels. REF 3.1 3.2 ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD Support managers and staff at all levels to monitor, evaluate and drive through continuous improvement of staff engagement and empowerment and the organisational culture 31 March 2016 CE / DW Roll out the ‘Leading the Health and Wellbeing of My Team’ leadership module, to 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board DW PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Three staff engagement sessions The planned engagement are planned for late August/early sessions did not occur as a September 2015, as the start of consequence of limited take up. a new way of engaging directly Improving engagement at all with staff. The overall strategy levels will be a focal point of the for staff engagement will be Organisational Development taken forward by the Director of strategy currently being Human Resources and developed. Workforce Development, once appointed, as part of the Trust’s A range of initiatives helped to Organisational Development secure a significantly enhanced strategy. The training and level of response to this year’s support of managers will be an staff survey. A series of important component of this divisionally-based engagement work. events have been organised across the Trust, the feedback from which will help inform the Organisational Development strategy. This module continues to be A key component of the delivered, in addition to resilience Organisational Development training for staff. The module is strategy will be health and - 30 - RAG RATING Green Amber Green Amber J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD help reduce levels of stress and anxiety. 3.3 Develop an organisational development strategy to support the wider Trust strategy and its values and commitment to empower and engage with staff at all levels. 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board DW PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 wellbeing, an integral element of which will be measures to reduce the evidence of stress-related absence building on those currently being delivered. to be expanded to incorporate a section on delivering the line management responsibilities of the Trust’s Absence Policy. A Human Resources Business Partner has been assigned to provide additional support to The work being undertaken by managers in addressing sickness the aligned human resources absence. business partners, to provide dedicated support to managers in respect of addressing sickness absence management issues continues and has been well received. Well@Work took over the running of these workshops in August 2015, since when four workshops have been held. Workshops are now being held on a monthly basis. The 2015 staff survey includes In addition to the update outlined questions about values, in 3.1 above, a specific piece of leadership and patient work has been commissioned to experience. This full census explore the experiences of survey will provide crucial leaders within the organisation to information around culture and help inform development of the will support the Director of Leadership and wider Workforce and Organisational Organisational Development Development in developing an strategies. It is planned that Organisational Development feedback from the staff survey strategy. engagement events and the leadership diagnostic will inform the development of the draft - 31 - RAG RATING Amber Red J REF 3.4 3.5 ACTIONS Focus on the development of staff in bands 1 to 4 Develop an appropriate means to measure organisational culture as part of the Organisation Development Strategy TARGET DATE 31 March 2016 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board LEAD DW DW PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 A fifth cohort Level 5 Assistant Practitioner Programme is due to commence in October 2015 for school nurses and staff working in stroke services. New starters in clinical roles are now undertaking the care certificate. Members of the Trust’s Learning and Development team are participating in local careers events. The action was previously worded as follows: “Develop a cultural barometer to measure staff morale across the Trust” - 32 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 organisational development strategy, which will then be subject to discussion and presentation to the Trust Board for approval. It is proposed that the timescale for this action be amended to 31 May 2016. The Trust continues to work with Health Education England (South West) and local academic institutions to promote opportunities for apprenticeships and other school leavers within the Trust. The Care Certificate is now fully embedded as the foundation point for the development of all new starters in clinical roles. The roll out of the Assistant Practitioner programme continues with new cohorts commencing in District Nursing and Mental Health services. A range of key performance indicators will be identified as part of the development of the Organisational Development strategy. It is intended that these will be monitored by a new Workforce / Engagement RAG RATING Green Amber Green Amber J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 It is proposed that this action be reworded as follows: PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Committee, reporting to the Quality Assurance Committee. RAG RATING Develop an appropriate means to measure organisational culture as part of the Organisation Development Strategy, with a timescale for completion of 31 March 2016. 3.6 To develop a talent management and succession planning strategy and plan to ensure the Trust maximises the potential of staff and understands the ‘talent pipeline’ within the organisation 31 March 2016 DW The Chief Executive has initiated talent mapping work with the Executive team. The Director of Workforce and Organisational Development will hold discussions with the South West Leadership Academy. This work remains outstanding. Work will be undertaken to produce a strategy informed by the direction of travel in respect of Leadership Development and discussions at a system level where the potential benefits of closer working in respect of such issues are being explored. Amber Red It is proposed that the timescale for this action be amended to 31 July 2016. ANNUAL OBJECTIVE REF 3.7 Improve the physical and mental health and wellbeing of staff, reducing stress and stress related sickness absence during 2015/16. ACTIONS Undertake action to improve the physical and mental TARGET DATE 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board LEAD DW PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 The Trust has participated in health checks for staff aged over - 33 - In addition to the update in 3.2 above, the Well@Work Service RAG RATING Green Amber J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE health and wellbeing of staff LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 40, provided by Somerset County Council. The Trust has launched its ‘flu campaign and will offer staff vouchers to take to local providers to improve access to the ‘flu vaccination. The Well@work service continues to provide support to staff and access to counselling and physiotherapy is also available. With the extension of the Optima Occupational Health contract, the Employee Assistance Programme provider has changed to Right Management. The service offers confidential advice and support to staff and managers on a wide range of work and personal issues and will be promoted via the Trust’s staff communication routes 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 34 - continues to offer a range of initiatives to support Health and Wellbeing across the Trust. Communications have been issued to promote the services currently available via Right Management and additional resources have been made available to the team to help facilitate the preventative activity with which they are engaged, such as the HSE Stress Audit. Take up of the staff ‘flu vaccinations was lower this year than last, at 45.6%, but this decline is in line with national figures. Work will be undertaken internally and with partners to explore the rationael for this and how participation may be improved in the future. The occupational health contract is due for renewal in September 2016 and this provides an opportunity to review current occupational health support, the associated work of the Well@Work team and the links between them. RAG RATING J REF 3.8 3.9 ACTIONS Review the findings regarding the potential to extend incentives for employers who provide effective NICE recommended workplace health programmes for employees Maintain and strengthen flexible working arrangements and support for staff with unpaid caring responsibilities TARGET DATE 31 December 2015 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board LEAD DW DW PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 This will be undertaken by the Director of Workforce and Organisational Development, following the release of the findings. Work to review and develop the Trust’s existing arrangements will be taken forward by the Director of Workforce and Organisational Development. - 35 - The recommendations of the NICE ‘Workforce Health Management Practices’ document published in June2015 will inform a review of occupational health provision ahead of the commencement of the tendering process. It is proposed that the timescale for this action be amended to 31 July 2016. This work is ongoing. A key part of any recruitment and retention initiatives will be maximising the flexibility of staff rotas / patterns to facilitate flexible working and the employment of those with dependent care responsibilities. Although this work needs to be balanced with the need to ensure that we remain able to deliver services cost effectively. In order to offer greater flexibility to staff, managers now have the opportunity to offer 12 hour shifts, where acceptable operationally and where personally requested. RAG RATING Red Red Green Amber J OTHER KEY ACTIONS REF ACTIONS 3.10 Equality and Diversity: Establish a Staff Forum of Equality Champions to carry out equality work across the Trust 3.11 3.12 TARGET DATE 30 June 2015 Equality and Diversity: Raise 30 September awareness of the Trust 2015 Carer’s Charter and translate into the top five languages used by patients and with easy read versions made available Equality and Diversity: Implement the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard 30 September 2015 LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 DG Completed. DG The forum is scheduled to have its second meeting in October 2015 and will develop a mission statement to be considered by the Trust Board. Completed. DW The PALS and Complaints leaflets have also been translated into these languages. Completed. The Trust reported against the Workforce Race Equality Standard on 1 July 2015 as required, and will continue to do so. - 36 - RAG RATING Green Green Green Green Green Green Completed. The Carers’ Charter has been translated into five languages and is available on the Trust website. Findings in respect of this standard will be discussed at the Trust’s Workforce Governance 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Completed. Completed. J REF 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 ACTIONS Equality and Diversity: Implement the Accessible Information Standard Equality and Diversity: Establish a database of umbrella/third sector agencies for each protected characteristic and build relationships with main groups via the Voluntary Sector Forum Equality and Diversity: Include protected characteristics in core assessment process in RiO Undertake work to prepare for the introduction of nursing revalidation in April 2016 TARGET DATE 31 March 2016 31 December 2015 31 March 2016 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board LEAD DG DG DFBD DW / DNPS PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 Group, which will monitor any necessary action plans. RiO has been developed to identify all protected characteristics that can be used to identify accessibility needs. This work has commenced and is being taken forward by the Patient Advice and Liaison service. The functionality has been built in the RiO test system. Discussions were held at the Trust’s Caldicott and Information Governance Group on 4 September 2015. Work is scheduled to be undertaken to implement this onto the live RiO system in October 2015. The Nursing and Midwifery Council has formally approved revalidation arrangements, which will commence from April 2016. The workshop support programme continues. A - 37 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Information is being produced to inform staff of the requirements of the new duty. Work to include all protected characteristics in the core assessment process in RiO remains on schedule to be completed by 31 January 2016. Completed. This work has been completed by the PALS service and will be updated regularly. Work to include all protected characteristics in the core assessment process in RiO remains on schedule to be completed by 31 January 2016. The electronic portfolio has been purchased, as planned, and is in the process of being added to the Learning Management System. RAG RATING Green Amber Green Green Green Amber Green Amber J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 proposal to purchase an electronic portfolio has been approved by the Trust’s Executive Team and a range of providers will demonstrate their programmes prior to a final purchase being made. The revalidation toolkit and templates will be loaded onto the Trust’s intranet site for staff to access Progress on Nurse revalidation is monitored by the Trust’s Workforce Governance Group. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 38 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Workshops have been arranged for the first tranche of nursing who need to revalidate. Further workshops will be held until all registered nurses have been through the new process. Workshops are also being arranged for staff who will be confirmers. RAG RATING J STRATEGIC THEME 4. INTEGRATION OBJECTIVE Deliver the planned further integration of community health, mental health, learning disability, and social care services to support better patient care and achieve identified financial efficiencies. LINKS AF, Int, AP, SP ANNUAL OBJECTIVE Deliver the implementation plan for Phase II Integration by 31 March 2016. REF 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 ACTIONS Conclusion of IP2 consultation relating to management restructuring, with all key stakeholders including staff, staff side representatives, and Heads of Division Completion of the consideration of the IP2 consultation on management restructuring Conclusion of IP2 consultation relating to service redesign, with all key stakeholders Implementation of new models of care and working practices arising from IP2. TARGET DATE 8 May 2015 1 June 2015 1 July 2015 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board LEAD COO COO COO COO PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 Completed. Completed. PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Completed. RAG RATING Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Amber Completed. Completed. Completed. The implementation period is on schedule to complete all of the changes resulting from IP2, with the exception of the 0-25 service which has a longer development - 39 - The final sign off for the 0-25 service model is scheduled to be completed by 31 January 2016, with recruitment, selection and appointment to be completed J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 period and for which implementation is scheduled for April 2016. 4.5 As part of IP2, review skill mix, efficiency and wider integration cross the health and social care community 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board COO The first of a series of skills mix events took place in June 2015, to plan the process of assessing the workforce requirements of the new teams and services. Further events with the Heads of Division are scheduled for July 2015 to take this work forward. - 40 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 during February and March 2016, ready for implementation in April 2016. RAG RATING Risks remain in relation to the strategic intentions of the local authority, around the future of integrated services and their effects on child and adolescent mental health service and community mental health teams, and we will continue to work with the local authority to manage these risks. All skill mix review processes are now complete for existing and new services. An assessment will be undertaken of the impact on the child and adolescent mental health service and community mental health teams, of the establishment of the 0-25 service. This work will be completed during the staff identification and selection process during February and March 2016, and will encompass a review of the impact of any actions implemented by the local authority actions in relation to Green Amber J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE 4.6 Front-line community-based staff to spend 40% of their time with patients 31 March 2016 4.7 Achieve productivity and efficiency savings of £5.5million 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board LEAD COO COO PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 The ‘Releasing Time to Care’ group has completed a pilot project and is assessing the data produced. The work of this group has been identified as an organisational priority and additional executive and project management support are now committed. The Chief Operating officer and Director of Nursing and Patient Safety will attend the group to drive forward the work to free up the time of frontline staff. PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 integrated services. The ‘Releasing Time to Care’ programme remains ongoing and is very active. Activities include: caseload zoning clinical review of RiO Question Everything review of the administration function Each of these initiatives is set to have significant impact on Releasing Time to Care, and a repeat of the frontline assessments is planned for early in 2016/17, to assess the effect of the improvements which have been made. Thereafter, a culture of continuous improvement will need to be embedded within the Trust to sustain these improvements. As at 30 September 2015 the IP2 As at 31 December 2015 the IP2 project was £90,000 ahead of its project was £514,000 behind its financial target. financial target. Pay savings are in line with target, but savings in respect of reduced cost of travel and additional income are falling short of plan. - 41 - RAG RATING Green Amber Amber Red J ANNUAL OBJECTIVE REF 4.8 Work with partners to develop a sustainable health and social care system, delivering the Test and Learn project milestones by 31 March 2016. ACTIONS Actively participate in Test and Learn initiatives TARGET DATE 31 March 2016 LEAD COO PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 Achieved and ongoing. The Trust is actively participating in the three Local Implementation Groups which are implementing Test and Learn pilots. Work will continue with partner organisations to develop new services. PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Achieved and ongoing. We continue to participate in the three Local Implementation Groups. Examples of developments in the Taunton area include: developing a ‘team around the patient’, including wellbeing advisors, Long term condition practice nurses, and care coordinators all 14 general practices participating, hosting staff and referring patients 348 patients invited onto the caseload, with 143 having accepted, and 69 of whom now have an escalation plan The model is strongly supported by stakeholders and plans are in place to recruit a complex care GP and a pharmacist, and for a further 100 patients per month to join the caseload. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 42 - RAG RATING Green Green J STRATEGIC THEME 5. INNOVATION OBJECTIVE Implement the Information Management and Technology strategy to deliver effective mobile working and an integrated patient record for all services. LINKS AF, SD, Inn, AP, SP ANNUAL OBJECTIVE Deliver the Information Management and Technology Strategy and achieve the milestones for enabling better mobile working and integrated technology during 2015/16. REF 5.1 ACTIONS Implement agile working across all of the Trust’s locations TARGET DATE 31 March 2016 LEAD DFBD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 A further 62 staff have been identified for Phase 3 of the roll out of devices. Around 1500 devices have been purchased to date. Firewalls, to enable video conferencing to be used across the network, are being installed. This work is scheduled to be completed by 31 December 2015. PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 An Office Accommodation project group has been established and meetings have been held. Actions have been agreed with managers at a local level and progress has been made in releasing the accommodation agreements for Woodlands in Bridgwater and Charter House in Yeovil. A desk usage audit has been completed, to inform future provision. Improved car parking arrangements are in place for Mallard Court. Firewalls, to enable video conferencing to be used across the network, have been installed in 45 sites across the Trust. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 43 - RAG RATING Green Amber J REF 5.2 ACTIONS TARGET DATE Use Document Management 31 August Systems such as 2015 SharePoint, to automate workflow. LEAD DFBD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 This project has been delayed due to an unfilled vacancy in the Application Development team, which is currently being advertised. It is proposed that the timescale for this action be amended to 28 February 2016. 5.3 Implement E-messaging within the district nursing service 30 September 2015 DFBD The Trust completed the development of electronic messaging for the district nursing service, but full implementation across general practices was delayed, pending the receipt of authorisation from the Local Medical Committee and Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group, which was received on 28 September 2015. It is proposed that the timescale 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 44 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Further sites in Bridgwater, and Foundation House in Taunton, at which the installations are more complex, are scheduled to be completed by 28 February 2016. The Trust’s Application Development Team is currently piloting the Sensenet electronic Document Management System, to assess its effectiveness. Work to take forward the automation of workflow for the Workforce and Organisational Development directorate will follow a review of the arrangements which are in place in other Trusts locally. Completed. E-messaging arrangements have been implemented within the District Nursing service to enable discharge summaries which have been written by nurses to be sent automatically. RAG RATING Green Amber Green Green J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 RAG RATING for this action be amended to 30 November 2015. ANNUAL OBJECTIVE Identify, invest in and promote good practice and innovation from within our Trust. REF 5.4 ACTIONS TARGET DATE Proactively seek out and embed innovation and good practice, from within and outside the organisation. 31 March 2016 LEAD All PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 The contract with NHS Innovation South West has been signed. A Trust Innovation Steering Group has been established and two schemes have been identified for support. The Trust has requested support from South West Directors of Human Resources to benchmark instances of bullying and harassment. The Trust is also involved in a pan-Somerset group looking at developing coordinated approaches to recruitment. 5.5 Continue to develop the Trust’s arrangements for research and strengthen 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board DNPS The Trust recruited 119 participants to National Institute for Health Research portfolio - 45 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 During the quarter, the Trust’s Innovations Board has been relaunched, with the involvement of NHS Innovations, and closer links to the Academic Health Sciences Network. Other examples of the implementation of good practice and innovation during the quarter include: work to develop ‘Open Dialogue’ arrangements in the South Somerset area, as part of the 0-25 years care pathway participation in a pilot centred on raising awareness of mental health in schools in Somerset. The Trust recruited 168 participants to National Institute for Health Research portfolio RAG RATING Green Amber Green Amber J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD academic links. PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 studies in Quarters 1 and 2. The Trust’s Head of Research and Clinical Effectiveness has been invited to be part of the Strategic Executive Group of the South West Peninsula Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (PenCLAHRC). 5.6 Commission a review of the 30 June 2015 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board DNPS The Trust recently entered into an agreement with Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust and Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to work collaboratively on dementia research (and other specialty areas in due course), which will increase the likelihood of Somerset being chosen as a site for Clinical Trials Involving Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMPs) and dementia studies that span the patient pathway. The CRN: SWP is supporting this collaborative approach by funding an Assistant Psychologist (Band 4) post for 12 months to work across all three Trusts. Completed. - 46 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 studies in Quarters 1, 2 and 3. RAG RATING A Consultant Physiotherapist and a Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist, sponsored by the Trust, have been awarded a research project grant of £50,000 by the Physiotherapy Research Foundation, to conduct a qualitative study into “What matters most to clients in physiotherapy consultations?” The Trust’s Research Seminar, held in October 2015, was attended by 47 delegates, taking the combined total number of delegates attending the two Research Seminars held in 2015/16 to 90. This compares to a total of 74 delegates in 2014/15. Completed. Green Green J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD Trust’s arrangements for identifying and promoting innovation 5.7 Lead in developing a culture which engages staff at all levels in playing a full role in the service redesign and transformation across the Trust and in their immediate working environment 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board COO PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 NHS Innovation South West has been commissioned to support the Trust. A Trust Innovation Steering Group has been established and two initial schemes have been identified for support. Links have been established with the Academic Health Sciences Network Innovation Lead. The management restructure for the Trust’s IP2 project has been completed, following extensive engagement with staff. Staff at all levels of the organisation have been involved in the identification of initiatives to redesign processes across services in order to release time to care. Staff have also been engaged in the design team for the new integrated teams being established across the Trust. Further redesign of services, including the 24-hour crisis service, is being undertaken, again involving staff at all levels. - 47 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Building on the work undertaken during the Phase II Integration process, staff are actively being engaged in a range of initiatives to redesign services and improve the working environment including the design, development and implementation of caseload zoning arrangements, identifying opportunities to release time to care, and implementing agile working arrangements across the Trust. RAG RATING Green Amber J STRATEGIC THEME 6. VIABILITY AND GROWTH OBJECTIVE Increase the Trust's operating income by £30 million. LINKS AF, VG, AP, SP ANNUAL OBJECTIVE Deliver an operational surplus of £0.25 million. REF 6.1 6.2 ACTIONS Deliver an operational surplus of £0.25 million. Deliver the Trust Cost Improvement Plan and release savings of £7.4 million. TARGET DATE 31 March 2016 31 March 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board LEAD DFBD DFBD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 As at 30 September 2015, the Trust’s overall financial position showed an adverse variance of £549,000. The Trust has been developing a recovery plan with a view to achieving a break-even position for the year. As at 30 September 2015 the Trust’s cost improvement plan showed an adverse variance of £258,000 against the original plan of £7.4million. During the year the cost improvement programme was increased by £0.2m in order to fund changes to inpatient establishments. The variance against the revised target is £310,000. Discussions in respect of this shortfall are integral to the financial recovery - 48 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 As at 31 December 2015, the Trust’s overall financial position showed an adverse variance of £1,199,000. It is unlikely that the Trust will achieve a break-even position by the end of the year, but is acting to minimise the deficit. As at 31 December 2015 the Trust’s cost improvement plan showed an adverse variance of £604,000 against the original plan of £7.4million. During the year the cost improvement programme was increased by £0.2m in order to fund changes to inpatient establishments. The variance against the revised target is £709,000. The Trust is considering a range RAG RATING Amber Red Amber Red J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 plan. PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 of options to support those elements of the plan that are falling short of target. RAG RATING ANNUAL OBJECTIVE Increase the Trust’s income from newly commissioned business by £2 million. REF 6.3 ACTIONS TARGET DATE Increase the Trust’s income from newly commissioned business by £2 million. 31 March 2016 LEAD DFBD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 The Trust has been successful with a number of opportunities which include newly commissioned services or expansions of existing services. This has provided approximately £200,000 of additional new income for the Trust, delivering a year to date total for new and expanded commissioned business of around £1.5 million. PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 The Trust has been successful in respect of further opportunities, comprising newly commissioned services or expansions to the services. These include: These include: 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board Healthy Weight and Physical Activity for Somerset, for Somerset County Council Position of Any Qualified Provider for the provision of intermediate oral surgery for NHS England (Wessex) - 49 - RAG RATING Community Health Improvement Services (Dynamic Purchasing System) Somerset Sexual Health and Contraceptive Services Provision of an all-age oral health promotion service for children and young people and adults at increased risk of poor oral health This has provided an additional £1.9 million of new business, Green Green J REF ACTIONS TARGET DATE LEAD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 6.4 Develop a marketing strategy for the Trust to support the future development of the Trust in response to changes in the NHS and changing demands of patients, the wider community and commissioners. 31 July 2015 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board DFBD Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and Schools Link programme PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 which brings the year to date total to £3.26 million. The Trust is also awaiting the outcome of a number of further opportunities which include newly commissioned and expanded services. Completed. The outline strategy The move towards Outcomes was presented to the Trust Board Based Commissioning requires in July 2015. us to continue to develop our strategy in line with the emerging requirements for this process. In view of the announcement by Somerset Clinical It is unlikely that further Commissioning Group of the developments will change the intention to proceed with fundamental strategy of the Trust Outcomes Based Commissioning, the strategy has to remain as a countywide leading provider of community focused on how this will impact and mental health services. the future development of the Updates will be presented to the Trust. An updated strategy Trust Board at future meetings. document reflecting this has been developed and will be presented to a future meeting of the Trust Board. - 50 - RAG RATING Green Green J OTHER KEY ACTIONS REF 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 ACTIONS Agreement of contracts for 2015/16 with Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group, NHS England, Somerset County Council and other commissioning organisations. Prepare and submit the Trust’s plans for 2015/16, in line with Monitor requirements. Submission of the Trust’s final accounts for 2014/15. Publication of the Trust’s annual review for 2014/15. Publication of the Trust’s quality account for 2014/15. TARGET DATE 31 May 2015 30 June 2015 LEAD DFBD DFBD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 Completed. Completed. PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Completed. DFBD Completed. Completed. 31 October 2015 DG Completed. Completed. DG Copies of the annual review for 2014/15 have been shared with key stakeholders and staff and have been made available to attendees of the Trust’s Annual Members’ Meeting. Completed. Work with local partner 31 March 2016 organisations to develop arrangements for the local implementation of Outcomes Based Commissioning 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board DFBD Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Amber Completed. 31 May 2015 30 June 2015 RAG RATING Discussions have been held with key local provider and commissioning organisations in relation to the plan for Outcomes Based Commissioning. Meetings - 51 - Completed. The Trust continues to play an active role in the development of local arrangements to move towards Outcomes Based Commissioning. J REF 6.11 ACTIONS Prepare and submit the Trust’s draft operational plan for 2016/17, in line with Monitor requirements. TARGET DATE 8 February 2016 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board LEAD DFBD PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2015 have also been held with third sector organisations to examine the potential for working in partnership within the Outcomes Based Commissioning context across Somerset New action for Quarter 3 - 52 - PROGRESS COMMENTARY AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 A ‘Somerset Together’ Collaborative Working Workshop is due to be held in February 2016. Work has commenced on the production of the Trust’s operational plan for 2016/17, informed by the outputs of engagement events held as part of the Trust’s planning cycle. Guidance on the development of operational plans was issued by Monitor on 13 January 2016. RAG RATING Green Amber J Links to Strategic Themes: Links to the Assurance Framework: Links to the NHS Constitution and Trust Values: Links to CQC Domains: Quality and Safety X Innovation X Viability and Growth X Integration X Service Delivery X Culture and People X Relates to the following risks on the Trust’s Assurance Framework: relates to all risks on the Assurance Framework. Working together for patients Respect and dignity X Compassion X X Improving lives X Commitment to quality of care X Everyone counts X Is it safe? X Is it caring? X Is it well-led? X Is it effective? X Is it responsive to people’s needs? Public/Staff Involvement History: X The Annual Plan is developed followed extensive involvement of staff, partnership organisations and Governors. The quarterly action plan is monitored by the Strategy and Planning Group of the Council of Governors. Legal or statutory implications/ No additional legal or statutory implications/requirements have been identified. requirements: Previous Consideration: The progress report is presented to the Board on a quarterly basis. 2015/16 Business Action Plan Quarter Three Progress Report January 2016 Public Board - 53 -