Serial No. F—DTN—M—QVBA PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Paper—I Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300) INSTRUCTIONS Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English. Answers must be written in the medium specified in the Admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Certificate. Candidates should attempt Questions no. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section. The number of marks carried by each part of a question is indicated against each. Important : Whenever a Question is being attempted, all its parts/sub-parts must be attempted contiguously. This means that before moving on to the next Question to be attempted, candidates must finish attempting all parts/ sub-pans of the previous Question attempted. This is to be strictly followed. Pages left blank in the answer-book are to be clearly struck out in ink. Any answers that follow pages left blank may not be given credit. urn- i : 3Te ffr4 tvi-ct( err W9--f ra- Da- err t Rio-4 ■ 4 SECTION—A 1. Answer the following questions in not more than 12x5=60 150 words each :— (a) 'On a more sophisticated plane public choice is concerned with "Pareto optimality", or at least with "Pareto improvements".' Comment. (b) `In the canonization of this abstract idea of `Staatsraison' are inseparably woven the sure instincts of the bureaucracy for the conditions which preserve its own power in the State' [Weber]. Explain. (c) 'Man's motives ... in different subparts of the same organization may be different' [Edgar Schein]. Discuss. (d) Leadership is the 'influential increment over and above mechanical compliance with the routine directives of the organization' [Katz and Kahn]. Analyze. (e) 'Policy judgements comprise reality judgements, value judgements and instrumental judgements' [Geoffrey Vickers]. Elucidate. 2 ** cid Tnt .371( I3T)W 150 77q)" 31-ruT 12x5=60 (W) 31f€Ufa hit 4-ewr-{ t T(TIT * 4-ru g, zrr a,4 4 gig trftc.) %i ftecrull wprfei7 i (Tic,4(14-ff) W (4) addl alur 3Truw-rft-ci7r art-4 1'4-4R W arTr--4't tau wit vrf4vr rrittawr mnr qir34 =bt (T) 3TNT-9- fig 4 1114u T6th t t-ticsd M117 I 4Jial 3'-rii-R4 4 474 W 3ft4(ui 31---d4-3rwr t t [6 4 1( vrT--ff] 14. ch'irl (Er) 41-4 44169 W sTfeitiv 44t -fte 4- u uift atTilef9- `g9i-m-rc 4hldt 31f( ] I D4C'INul +117 I 'trf4 ftrig-4-1 4 glehFathdr fkutzr4, tc-zr TrItm 61a * afdn It 7-zitZ 3 ** fi ffaw€F] 2. (a) Flow would you trace the development of Public Administration in terms of different paradigms from the politics/administration dichotomy of 1900-1926 to the rise of Public Administration as Public Administration after the formation of the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) in the USA 30 in 1970 ? (b) (i) In what respects is Taylor's 'Scientific Management' or classical motivational theory different from the classical organizational theory expounded by Gulick, Urwick etc ? 15 (ii) What light does Antonio Gramsci's critique of Taylorism throw on its socio-psychological underpinnings ? 3. 15 (a) 'Three features characterize Simon's original view of bounded rationality : search for alternatives, sattsficing, and aspiration adaptation.' Elucidate. 20 4 ** 2. () * 1900-1926 * (1,3141 ftwq-9- #1, # 1970 49-'rT 144-A: 74. 71KI1 TrEftzr i#247 (797Q.tli.77.) * 1161 * ting 9-9TRT9 * rilch 3-tirRT9 * k-04 4 d Thtt P4141 -9. ho-11.A447 Thm-rer wr -5-q 4, 371 fd,4 TZ Ithem w-2:4? 30 0) (i) 2W Th7 744-9' TIT ttis-liti aTrwhirr %NI am 4 4Irarf ufsa- 3Trit RRTiti 4 Pil—r t ? 15 (ii) z)-1=4-ch 41-mit mbr 414iitir €1411 11-1-1-1 arrtir trt err cur Tt7t/f 37041 g ? 15 3. 0) tfto- rrur * H1 4-f 3Tf#E-Tur g -Fr* flirt &"9. f4?1 talur, tiolact•or 3nwic rIcheciff I ti t-c11( €4,,e mWr I 5 ** 20 (b) (i) 'The essence of the contingency theory paradigm is that organizational effectiveness results from fitting characteristics of the organization, such as its structure, to contingencies that reflect the situation of the organization.' Give your reactions to this 20 statement. (ii) In the light of your discussion on 3(b) (i) above, also show where and how this 'fitting' differs essentially from the `coping' with `stress' from the environment emphasized by the systems theory of organization. 20 4. (a) 'Open access to government records is ... the hallmark of a democratic government', but `governments are not hesitant about destroying records — very deliberately — in order to prevent investigations, as well as to generally weaken accountability'. Do you think that in this situation right to information can go to the extent of demanding complete declassification and `de-archivization' of government records ? Argue. 30 6 ** (1) '34-rwR4wd-r f441-ket to4ia(41 air -ErR tm- t 1'W ti.J1(5-1 4i tfili5-11c4-111 3110M, 3Si ei 01 I tiflo-f STS 141 3114tFM-UTA * 4r4 414—$916-1 tifturm std't t, , ffidrolt wrdt TrItIt2TIW 3T1icr ti T2T9. ITT 31-crt seditirt ift4 20 317-43r 3(M) (i) 4 toif * lActipt a-Trf ft ig 4t riiieri 4 TIT& NTI-111* gl(1uoTE-4 tI gcssiicr' 4c 4 4, arravErw M4 4 4)67 3t-t 1.4,4 Twg gI 4. 20 etwltl fkm-rff ciaoTyr— wr IAIHRichor i +1. 3117 cb4-1,31)( apt slat t, 4(44( 4-(wa 61-Mw I tiitt-4rEr ,4411g1 * 9q-1-q-ff it+ig +). 91SE- +7 tk 9-gi itifd,Aicil ge l qirr 34crW 13/44R 4, vr RzTl - 4 kitchal it-Trg wd TT 3TrtrTR Nilienor at-c tk4Ri (clIttuf AtITT c14) T1PT ? 0440-4 411kg 30 7 ** (b) Should media exposure be included in rules for administrative accountability in India ? State your 15 views. (c) Comment on the role of Civil Society in facilitating administrative accountability with special reference to the `Janlokpar issue in India. 15 SECTION—B 5. Answer the following questions in not more than 12x5=60 150 words each :— (a) `Riggs's classification of societies into fused, prismatic, and diffracted is built around the concept of differentiation.' Analyze. (b) 'The anti-development thesis ... reduces development to an idea without history, impervious to change', but 'fails to take account of the fact that for all its faults, development can be empowering.' Discuss. (c) The 'selection model of recruitment rests on the assumption that the primary needs to be met are those of the organization.' Examine. 8 ** ITR-u (ta) (tin ;Mar u-c` f444 inntr 9,u:tor vrit# 1*-trr w#T arrsg ? 31#.r fa-arT 15 7%-d. Therftg I a74-ta (71) 94"Ra 4 "qi- ei anim' T wr ?aim wcr #c * wig aar4 4 Iniitrfer wk4 iii Tk 1-frwr ITT ftart me1D7 I 15 #g Td 5. Tha wv91 * arft* 4 arru* 150 41.a 4 dtrz 12x5=60 tri7 (w) 12J# air Truro? 19,-414 311-T fdala 4 *1 fichrLI-ft b +ff4.tuf ad Th- Mir47 I tI ttFf-ttft arftTRITrr Mwrkg wr q.11 firer i 34* farrfr-ft4tff, 4ita4a * 9fa 31sr11ra411 - ftWR 491 td1 *' kre M 4t4 w a m4 Th4+9 Al& t t* 31#41 fichdf * fkm-RT (Tr) 'JO WI 91set * ar-47 trtrf m'1l'7 I arrwiet-a ITT arruiftu art wraftr* arrasawarq 441e, Tkft p *D-71 9 ** (d) Our normal expectation should be that new programs will fail to get off the ground and that, at best, they will take considerable time to get started. The cards in this world are stacked against things happening' [Pressman and Wildaysky]. Comment. (c) 'Those who budget, deal with their overwhelming burdens by adopting heuristic aids to calculation' [Wildaysky]. Explain. 6. (a) Do you think that there is an unresolved and often overlooked tension in Dicey's concept of rule of law, considering that the other principle of parliamentary sovereignty in English constitutional system runs counter to it ? 20 (b) Would you agree that the strong Rechsstaat version of the rule of law found on the Continent never existed in England because of its particular history ? 20 (c) Why is le droit administratif regarded alongside the Napoleonic Code as the most notable achievement of French legal science ? 10 ** 20 SIcLII411 &IS t).t (#) flit "Akil air m-rchrt g'r AI # 31-14 Tcrq4t aft trict WR -. diiK4 I -4# bait 1qT4t ft#u 4 gl-th g jtelA# alb pia j i ftucrair 44z- art 0) (4,3ri -q trit- 7# m-ra g, *4sz- isitc-611(4) 6. () ctgI 3TPT* fkTrda 3TTErtim #T4 Trra9)' =1-1 g i &---(41 m-ct fra 1:4gn chel ache-Kr gro-r SIWWt -hjicafq-r 31- e1T t ##1-a g, Th# #(T4# Jpierfl-r 3r1- inr--4t atilt 3v-LT ratu 4 g ft 20 (Kg) gq-1r arm Za yid # t164-1 q--r# ar F4-14 ?f# im+ until 4 tiN ( -s-rFr# ahrTrw facer -0'd-gr#* chror, •cairdel 20 #1 I (Tr) cult =11I tuf f kcb-f10-g-t4 Trft-M ml TT-o# 1 (11 V7311#fkE;TftTh' mu-TrrJT tnAtJtr rafb--t• 1:1191 fay t? 20 7. (a) Comment on the reasons why universal theory remains elusive in comparative public administration. 20 (b) Given the importance of the issue of sex equality in development do you think the self-help group movement adequately addresses absence of women in the former mainstream development agenda ? 20 (c) Would you agree with Bachrach and Baratz that along with decisions, non-decisions are also part of policy ? Give reasons for your answer. 20 8. (a) (i) 'Relations are the building blocks of network analysis' — In the light of this statement summarize the form and content of relations in 'network analysis'. 15 (ii) Trace the background and development of PERT and enumerate the steps involved in the application of PERT. 15 (iii) Draw a simple PERT chart for a seminar planning project. 12 ** 15 (t) errdio-14) 4rt uliel 4 aI4Tt 1W-ft itucraft mitf"l (64 t tr-(74 (K4) 20 4-+6c1 Dt-r# 4 f4t-fir riHor fruf4 4, =NI 31-rcrt 1Th4wr-c a sw4fki-f-rd-r #1-7 fktr-fr airk--4=i 4 S[31)2 tr) 3T1--crfZqTh #ru 1 g? 20 (BTU A* it (Tr) cr- qi arrcr at(ic7r mu-#12-T afir cif' t tr 5-Tur sll 1= 7 ti(ur Oct tit17 ft ? 314-4 dx-t( 20 8. (T) (i) 1179. 05'11 s11 ft 'ef4u T2T9 1/4,11(11-dvNur mtpi tr ti4tff si-kr-a t4ri".7 15 (ii) 114[ chn Thzi-ftr 74 r4tRi- Tt k\ti«gr ,4-Fp 31-17 trzr ' mly44 4 -s-rIftr *cur-4 : 15 (iii) it-kft #11-ristr zil1/41-9- vb(ur zfit=4-1-qi-r TR7 t4rJ 13 ** iv, I fo7 7m 15 (b) 'The apparent demise of e-Government and e-Business as the main organizing principles of society has created the conditions for the rise of e-Governance from the ashes' — In the context of the above statement show the distinctions between e-Government and e-Governance. 15 14 ** # fk4-Eth 431-Fr 4 t-ww4 arr#RRA %6-.34( a qcf a,4 t €14`4 4 £e «at 3Th( 9) ifiTm 311-t * 1447 Th'r * kI 15 Serial No. F—DTN—M—QVBA, ch Sl 411t1-1 3119'—'17-1 Hz1 cl)-1 auk (XuifW 300 9T-4w R-7 3fiT 3ifrt tht # orrr wznY S dcrt 34t ITTUTTI # ffr4 T# lkfr4r u=c 4-(a 31717 V197--qW 4-TIT 1141I g, 1TTS2PT WT eicie( 3-7-thq rH-gecich S rugta 757 sad- Wise- FETT riT t -TTT 41-if 07T-Tff ER- dPc1Pciff aFir 4-Fft ?Tan- # l7 riT Th-±f 3IT Tel Pa I 979. ti(cil I I 3111- 5 aqui. g. r wig 717T 4 f 9T-4- tau-s ft w4-4-w4 gw 979- 5-fm“ 474 -7 417 wznt S d f:1 47 I WT-4-Wa a t fkrrff 3tw 979- 3iff # t fl arrarrzw * f 74 %ft WI spin-r u97 1-4 *, 371' Trtiff * Trift *IT4/34—RPTI * 397 fl—fl I Irmo Nef t f apr4 97-9drR ffirA4 * f4R atn)- qq,) 4 14 feru4 srv-9- * rIft * 397 wet * wsi m-r *Tr( 4 atI-t:mg trP4RI < 4 gT-41 715:5-T Rfiet "d 4 at S cri iq ft(4dclJ S 34Qor g I -r-41 Note : English version of the Instructions is printed on the front cover of this question paper 16 **