HANGAR ECHOES May 2014 Sun ‘N Fun 2014 By Jim Canniff Experimental Aircraft Association! Having worked at Sun n Fun for twelve years straight as a volunteer with the General Aviation Parking group I have seen some highs and lows (like tornados) during this time. This I think was one of the better events. The weather was cooperative with mostly clear skies, warm temps and NO tornados, during the event anyway. As luck would have it there was three inches of rain in three hours on the Saturday before the show, but all areas were dry by the start of the show on Tuesday, April 1st. The number of aircraft flying in was definitely up significantly. How did we May 2014 ! Chapter 168 know? It was the first time in at least five years that the various aircraft parking and camping areas were putting planes in “overflow” parking areas. It was particularly full in Home Built Camping, Vintage and General Aviation Camping but all planes were accommodated. The Homebuilt contingent made a good showing. As mentioned HomeBuilt Camping overflowed into the area next to it. The area was mostly full at the times I saw it. ! Dallas Article Index Sun N Fun 2014 Cover Monthly Schedule page2 Gerhard Deffner page 3 Chapter Picnic Details page 4 Brad Roberts’s OneX page 4 Rolls Royce Speed Mod page 8 Mesquite Tower Rollout page 8 CAF moving to RBD page 9 Upcoming Events page10 See Sun n Fun on page 5 Volume 45 Issue 5 Page 1 HANGAR ECHOES Monthly Schedule May 6th Chapter Meeting May 13th Board Meeting The May Chapter meeting will be on Tues May 6th at the Farmers Branch Library, located on the northwest corner of We b b C h a p e l a n d Golfing Green Dr. The meeting will be held in the auditorium and begin at 6:30 p.m. with socializing and coffee. The program will begin promptly at 7 p.m. and finish by 9:00 p.m. The next BOD meeting will be held on Tuesday May 13th at the Farmers Branch Manske Library at 7:00 PM. The minutes from the April BOD meeting recorded by Pete Miller are as follows: Officers, Directors, and Members in Attendance: Michael Stephan, Norm Biron, Brad Roberts, Pete Miller, Frank Prokop, Sam Cooper, Chris Smith, Mel Asberry, Ann Asberry, Jim Canniff and David Buono. GENERAL MEETING, SPEAKER / SUBJECT May 6: Speaker will be Gerhart Deffner speaking about his Berlin- Reykjavík flight in a motorglider. This month’s speaker will be Gerhard Deffner, a local instructor with a broad range of aviation experiences. He will focus on in-flight emergencies, and what can be done about them. He is a very experienced pilot and has many interesting stories. More information can be found on page 3. This should be an interesting presentation. We hope to see you there. February 5: Wayne Stafford and flying the Remax Balloon, or Bill Signs and the Beech 18 CHAPTER FLY OUT May 10: Chapter Picnic at Asberrys, Rain date is May 17 MONTHLY SOCIAL GATHERING May 31: Grand Prairie Hangar Crawl. Meet at the restaurant at 11:00am. Visit numerous projects at GPM. TREASURER REPORT Brad presented the Treasurer’s Report for March. There were 3 membership renewals. May 10th Chapter Picnic Moving from June to May, the Chapter picnic will be on May 10th at the home of Mel and Ann Asberry also known as Shortstop Airfield. Lunch will be ready about 11:30, but many will start arriving at 10:30. The picnic is our largest event and brings in together the most of our members. There is plenty to see and talk about every year and I’m sure this one will be no different. Please bring a dish to share. Drinks and paper goods are furnished. More details are given on page 4 or you can call Ann for more info, 972-784-7544. May 31st Project Visits at GPM Continuing our project visits, Those of us that hangar at Grand Prairie Municipal are opening our hangars for other Chapter members to visit our projects. There is no set itinerary, but any given Saturday there is plenty to see. YOUNG EAGLES David shared his idea to place labels on the front cover of the YE logbooks to describe the Chapter’s Scholarship program. There was further discussion. OLD BUSINESS The website and membership database were discussed. Web assets need to be consolidated due to misleading Google search results when searching for the Chapter online. NEW BUSINESS There was discussion about how long to keep the Chapter’s financial records. Brad has digital backups as well as hard copies. We will meet at the terminal building at 11 am (there is a restaurant in there as well). We can then go through the security gates together. Flying Planes: Brad Roberts’ RV-7, Michael Stephan’s RV-8, Bill Bracken’s Glastar on Floats! Projects: Bruce Fuller’s Bearhawk, Michael Stephan’s RV-9 & RV-8 fastback, Mark Merrell’s RV-8, Larry Birdwell’s Midget Mustang. May 2014 Volume 45 Issue 5 Page 2 HANGAR ECHOES Presidents Message From the President’s Desk By Michael Stephan This year is marching on and it is May already. The fun is blossoming out all over the place. With Sun N Fun in the books, Airventure is just around the corner. Already the Sportair League has had three races already. So much for me participating this year. Hopefully, I will be able to make at least one race. Personal progress for me is that I am back working on the RV-9 project. If I can keep steady at it, I might be close to flying at the end of the year. I really enjoy the time spent building. I need more of it For the Chapter, we have a few things this month. The picnic is on May 10th at Shortstop. I never miss those. The Buono’s are hosting their third Crawfish Boil at Aerocounty on May 3rd. This will be the last Boil in their old hangar as they should be moving into their new house at AeroCountry by next year. At the end of the month, We at Grand Prairie are inviting members over to see the projects and planes there. Recent news has the CAF moving it headquarters to Dallas Executive Airport. That is very exciting. I look forward to that. The metroplex is quickly becoming an aviation museum destination. Weather is good....lets go flying! May’s Speaker - Gerhard Deffner Breakfast at Terrell By Michael Stephan Gerhard will discuss the question of inflight emergencies, and what can be done about them. As a point of departure, he will take us back to his days of learning to fly gliders in G e r m a n y. That country doesn't have quite as many airports as the US, so landing your glider in a farmer's field is not uncommon. It does require much subsequent work, however (dis-assembly, transporting, and re-assembly), so planning your X/C route to always have an airport within gliding distance is much to be preferred. Gerhard will use a more recent example to illustrate this – flying a high performance (motor-) glider from Berlin to Iceland and back. Also, there will be examples of how this can be applied to the kinds of airplanes more commonly seen around here. Last moth Terrell hosted its first of possible future breakfast events for pilots. Hosted by the city, They requested attendees RSVP, which I did. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t very flyable for we VFR pilots. So, I drove over there to check it out. I thought for sure it was some kind of sales pitch, due to the amout of effort they made to host it. But, there was no pitch. It was just a bunch of local pilots eating a very hearty breakfast talking about airplanes and flying. They even had a local B-25 to gawk at. there was a crowd there, so look for another event in the future. The second topic he will discuss is coping with engine problems. Again, starting from a context of glider flying, he will address and illustrate the two most important aspects, 1) Good management of glide path, and 2) Selection of a suitable surface to land on. Several realworld examples will be described in detail, and Gerhard hopes to provide enough material to get everybody drawn into a discussion of how all of this can best be integrated into flight training (and hangar flying). May 2014 Volume 45 Issue 5 Page 3 HANGAR ECHOES News and Notes May 10th Picnic Details Brad Roberts OneX Project Driving Directions to Shortstop Airfield Last month Brad and Deia invited the Chapter over to see the progress on his OneX project that he has been working on for less than a year. Surprisingly, he has much of the project finished. Brad has most of the fuselage finished. Since the project was to be a simple second airplane for Brad, the finish should go fairly quick. I would look to see this airplane flying before the end of the year. continued from page 2 By Michael Stephan Traveling east on Highway 380 from McKinney, it's approximately 18 miles to Farmersville. If you are traveling north on highway 78 out of Garland to Highway 380 turn right (east) onto 380. After you pass the Dairy Queen on highway 380, it is approximately 1.8 miles to County Road 653, where you'll turn left. This road will “T” into County Road 655. Turn right. The house is .4 miles on the right. Address is 2464 CR 655. Phone (972) 784-7544. Thanks Brad and Deia for inviting us over for lunch on a real nice Saturday afternoon. Keep up the good work. PLEASE do not park off the side of the driveway, but go all the way to the hanger, and you'll be directed parking there. Airfield Information for Shortstop If you plan to fly in, please be up on your short field techniques. Unicom is 122.75; runway is 17/35 with left hand patterns. The field is only 1500 feet. The approaches are clear, no powerlines or trees with a railroad on the south end. Observe the railroad east and west to see if a train is approaching. Do not land until the train has passed the runway. If landing runway 17, watch for cars on the road. If you plan on flying, give Mel a call (972) 784-7544, and get the airfield condition report. Rain has an effect on parking. It is also helpful if you have any special requirements. Plus, we will know how many to expect. New at Oshkosh this year. The paper EFIS We will be making sandwiches this year, trying something different than previous years. If you wish to bring something to add, a side dish or a dessert would be welcomed. Call Ann if you have any questions (972) 784-7544. If the weather is bad we have May 17th as a rain date. This is a family affair, so be sure to bring your significant other and kids. no pets please. Mel and Ann have Hosted the picnic for the past 12 years, and we appreciate their generosity and hard work. We hope to see you there. US Sport Aircraft Sam Huff Sales Manager www.ussportaircraft.com Elevate Your Experience... 4700 Airport Pkwy Addison, TX 75001 May 2014 Office: 972.735.9099 Mobile: 972.816.8169 sam.huff@ussportaircraft.com Looking through the OneX’s fuselage. The bottom skin has yet to be installed. Easy access to the control linkages. Volume 45 Issue 5 Page 4 HANGAR ECHOES field from various directions and noting landmarks to be used in maneuvers during the show. Sun N Fun Continued There has been an issue raised about the fact that there can be no people in the Homebuilt display area during the airshow. There was some discussion of it moving down near the Homebuilt Camping area. Guess we will see what happens next year. Vintage aircraft were also well represented. There were many unique and historic aircraft. One that caught interest was a 1927 Fairchild F-71 in Pan Am livery. There were two airshow acts that used RVs. One was a single RV-8A flown by Jerry Kerby and the other was a group of eleven RVs known as Team Aerodynamix. This group was really impressive to see in the night airshow with very bright lights and plenty of smoke. 1927 Fairchild F-71 The daily air show was great and included The Blue Angels on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They are always a great show. They actually arrived on Thursday and went through their “setting points” process. They do this by overflying the Jerry Kirby’s RV-8A Team Aerodynamix Night show May 2014 Volume 45 Issue 5 Page 5 HANGAR ECHOES Another impressive part of the airshow was the daily heritage flight. EAA Tri-motor giving rides at Sun N Fun Warbirds made their largest showing in several years. I heard there was something like 85 present which is around double of what was there in previous years. Heritage Flight For those who wanted to experience flight there were various ride hops available. This included the CAF B-17, EAA Tri-Motor, a New Standard biplane and the choice of either a Huey or Cobra for the helo enthusiast. Warbird Area Many of the GAP volunteers camp out on the field so we were told NOT to go near the F-22s or FA-18s at night as, unlike the B-17 or P-51s and other warbirds, the men guarding those planes had guns that worked. And ya know the guys in black car (in front of the F-22) really did so we listened, for once. The F-22s on the ramp Grumman F7F Tigercats arriving May 2014 Volume 45 Issue 5 Page 6 HANGAR ECHOES The Light Sport area or LSA Mall was filled with tremendous variety of aircraft. Everything from really nice airplanes to an amphibious gyrocopter was on display. it rolling on the taxiway. Moral of this story: If your airplane is not responding as usual stop and determine why! The on field emergency aircraft repair reported the only other issues were some flat tires, dead batteries, a couple brake repairs on RVs and one bad spark plug. In all of this everybody walked away, maybe not happy but quite well. Yes, Sun n Fun has changed over the years. It is now offering something for everyone from the airshow for the public to high end aircraft for sale. The homebuilder, experimenter and restorer are not excluded, there was plenty there for them. The cost of operating Sun n Fun has increased significantly and now includes over $300K for FAA controllers each year. The only way to bring the revenue needed is to bring in the public with their gate money with things like the airshow. This may mean some changes to the fly-in pilot and aircraft builders but it is not all that much, just a compromise to keep the show going. In an article in a local newspaper Sun n Fun president John “Lites” Leenhouts said it has been a struggle to keep the event afloat over the past three years. With the Blue Angels and good weather bringing in the largest crowd in more than 12 years, things have turned around significantly. Let us hope that this keeps up and Sun n Fun is here to stay. These venues are not too big to fail, just look at Fantasy of Flight. The LSA Mall Could be fun on the lakes, for $93K This year’s fly-in was a safe event as there was only one incident causing a brief stop in operations. A Skybolt biplane tipped up on its nose on landing. It appeared to be caused by a failure in one of the main gear. Considering there were over 8,000 flight operations during the event it was a good year. One other incident that is noted here only because there is a lesson to be learned. A Cirrus had a brake fire in both mains on a taxiway. Damage was limited to the gear and wheel pant. A passenger in the plane said they had to use full power to get the plane moving and much power to keep The Cartercopter at Sun N Fun www.flightmuseum.com @FrontofFlight Monday – Saturday: 10am to 5pm Sunday: 1pm to 5pm May 2014 Volume 45 Issue 5 6911 Lemmon Avenue Dallas, Texas 75209 (214) 350-3600 Page 7 HANGAR ECHOES Mesquite Tower Rollout Cessna 140 Speed Mod By Glen Snyder By David Cheek Seeing that I’m involved a little in working part time for Frontier Aviation and RS Racing at Aero Country Airport rebuilding the Packard and Rolls Royce Merlin V-12 engine, I was interested in finding a set of Rolls Royce/ Continental rocker covers for my Cessna 140, “Wild Thang”. I had heard of these rocker covers, but don’t remember ever seeing any. Back in the mid 1950’s or 60’s, Rolls Royce built under license, several Continental engines, namely the 90, 0200 and 300 series. The Rolls Royce 0200 engine was used in the Cessna 150 built in France. These engines are difficult to find and locating just the rocker covers is near impossible. They are as rare as hen’s teeth. After a five year search, I located a set, paid the price and came home with them. Since the bank was now broke, I decided to paint them silver instead of getting them chrome plated. My dear wife Sandy, upon hearing this said, “don’t get cheap on me now, get them chromed”. I located a chrome plating shop in the Mesquite/Balch Springs area and got out the check book again. I always do what my wife tells me to do! The chrome Rolls rocker covers are on now and really dress up the ol girl. And believe it or not, “Wild Thang” is now 10 MPH faster. When the new control tower opened in Mesquite this year, I hoped the FAA had figured out how to do it right. The tower opened up early this year with unofficial operations and training. T h e n e w C o m m o n Tr a f f i c Advisory Frequency (CTAF) was changed from 123.05 to 120.3, to be the new tower frequency at the same time. Notams were issued for both the new CTAF and the Class D airspace, which seemed to be implemented before the tower was certified “Official”, even if only by a few days. So naturally I was surprised when the tower frequency did not show up on the new DFW sectional or Terminal chart OR my current Jeppesen NAV database for the Garmin 430. Since the chart will be good for almost six months, this might set a record as the longest publication of significantly inaccurate data in my memory. Since I get my briefings from Flight Service, over the phone, they always kept me informed about these changes. I was never surprised. If you listened to AWOS before arriving, there were announcements on that which told you about the new changes. The announcement for the new CTAF and the class D airspace was made through NOTAMS. Eventually, the April release of the Facilities directory (56 day cycle) and the fourth cycle of Jeppsen Navdata (28 day cycle) for my Garmin 430, caught up with the notams. Everything was finally correct except for the sectional, which is still on its’ six months cycle. I had always hoped that the IFR database I pay so much for would always be correct, since Jeppesen has made so much effort to get things correct in the past. Since they are now owned by Boeing, I have hoped that they would not be losing their focus on smaller aircraft and airports, in favor of their larger airline and charter customers. I guess I was wrong. In the end common sense prevails. Just get a good preflight briefing, which includes Notices to Airmen (NOTAMS) and listen to the AWOS while there is still time to contact the tower. Notice that announcements on AWOS will not be included in XM weather distribution, so be sure and listen on the AWOS frequency. I should also say that this is the first time that “AirNAV” was more correct than either my Jepp database or the tail end of the facilities directory cycle. They must have benefited from the early electronic release of data, before the paper books could be printed and distributed. On the other hand, if you did not brief for the airport and you rely solely on sectional charts, you will probably get burned once if a while. May 2014 Volume 45 Issue 5 Page 8 HANGAR ECHOES Commemorative Air Force Moving its Headquarters To Dallas Executive Airport By Michael Stephan Photos by Scott Slocum With much fanfare, the Commemorative Air Force announced that it has decided on a new headquarters after a year long search. That new home is Dallas Executive Airport. They will build a new museum complex on the Airport grounds. As you can see from the concept drawing, it is a huge facility. The annual Airsho is also coming to Dallas. This is real exciting for us aviators here in the metroplex. The addition of the CAF will bring attention to an airport that could use some. I’m not sure were they will place the museum, but I think it will be at the south east corner. Along with the new headquarters building, Dallas Exec is redoing the two runways to accommodate heavier aircraft. Also, runway 13-31 is getting a bit of an extension. The Metroplex is becoming an aviation museum destination. We are privileged to have some great museums and some of the most rare aircraft. The museums include Cavenaugh, Frontiers of Flight, American Airlines Museum, and the Vintage Flying Museum, not to mention May 2014 all the several CAF squadrons one being the B-24 and B-29 squadron. A few initial staff will arrive in 2014. By the end of 2015, the Headquarters will be fully operational. This is exciting, and we welcome the CAF to Dallas! Volume 45 Issue 5 Page 9 HANGAR ECHOES Upcoming Events From funplacestofly.com May 3, 2014 - Aerocountry (McKinney) 3rd Annual Buono/Alexander Crawfish Boil David and Alina Buono are hosting a Crawfish Boil at the Hangar at AeroCountry Airport on Saturday afternoon May 3rd. Show up any time after 2PM. There will be munchies out with the crawfish and shrimp around 5:00. Sherman Tank demo. The museum is excited to bring Glacier Girl, one of only six flying P-38 Lightning aircraft in the world, to fly at Warbirds Over Addison. Her pilot, Steve Hinton, one of the most noted pilots in Hollywood, will be on hand to answer questions on flying Glacier Girl.The weekend showcases not only the extensive Cavanaugh collection, but also visiting aircraft brought in by warbird enthusiasts and museum collections around the country. 9723808880 The hangar is at 10065 Phantom Ln. (the west end) at the north end of the airport. If you have any questions or need directions you can call David at 214.986.4497. FAASTeam Seminars Saturday, May 3, 2014 — McKinney, TX. VFR Flight Plans-Initial Planning to Search and Rescue (And Everything In Between). Tools available with Lockheed Martin Flight Service and the process that starts when you go overdue on your VFR flight plan. 1st Saturday Coffee and Donut Fly-in (TKI) Let's get together for some fellowship and fun. We're having Free coffee and donuts for everyone on the first Saturday of every month at Chuck Roberts Hangar 2520 in the McKinney Hangars Association area at the McKinney National Airport TKI McKinney, TX. Let's gather at 9:00 am. You don't have to be a member to attend. Fly-ins can ask the tower for directions to the MHOA Hangers. See you there! Saturday, May 3, 2014 , starting at 11:00 am Location :U.S. Aviation-Denton (DTO) Saturday, May 31, 2014 , starting at 10:00 am A discussion of weather patterns in the area with emphasis on the Dry Line and what the impact is on the weather pattern. Speaker(s):Jimmy Wille/ Dale Walker, Lockheed Martin Flight Service Saturday, May 10, 2014 — Corsicana, TX. 16th Annual Corsicana Airsho - Corsicana Municipal Airport (CRS) Location: Vintage Flying Museum (Meacham) http://www.coyotesquadron.org Admission is $10/person to a maximum of $20/car. Veterans and active duty personnel are admitted free. Gates will open at 9:30am and the show will begin at 12:00. Patrons may walk among the airplanes until approximately 11:30am. Vendors for food, drinks and souvenirs will be available. Bring lawn chairs and come enjoy the show! Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ CoyoteSquadronKCRS Contact: Mary Brown 9032578282, kilmarnock.mary@gmail.com Saturday - Sunday, May 17-18, 2014 — Addison, TX. - VISIT ONE OF THE TOP AVIATION MUSEUMS IN THE WORLD WE BRING HISTORY TO LIFE 972.380.8800 -­ www.cavflight.org Warbirds Over Addison - Cavanaugh Flight Museum http://cavanaughflightmuseum.com/ The largest collection of flying historic and military aircraft in the Southwest hosts its biggest weekend of the year at Cavanaugh Flight Museum. North Texas aviation buffs will have the chance to see, touch and even FLY in many of the planes in the unparalleled Cavanaugh collection. The Cavanaugh Flight Museum will fly many of its treasured WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam-era airplanes. Aviation fans can even book personal flights at discounted rates in many of these historical planes. Flights start at just $75! Guests can also enjoy aircraft on display plus a Naval carrier aircraft operation demonstration and May 2014 Volume 45 Issue 5 Page 10 HANGAR ECHOES Classifieds HANGAR ECHOES For Sale: Sensenich fixed pitch aluminum prop setup for a O-360 (76" dia Logs 65" pitch, spacer and 12" dia. spinner) For Sale: O-290D - No - From a Piper Colt. Been in than 60hrs since Engine installed new. $2750 storage Less for aproximately 10 years. has generator/ Bill Bracken 817-925-4699 mags. $3000. Contact Bartie Coyle 972.682.9965 For Sale: Slick Mags removed from O-360 Lycoming, #4371 Impulse (366 hrs), #4370 Non-Impulse (zero hrs), includes spacer and harness, will need drive gear for 4370. 4371 $300 - 4370 $750 OBF Marvin Brott pmbrott@sbcglobal.net 214-726-9117 For Sale: David Clark headset TSO $100. Hydraulic Wing jack for RV aircraft (RV Easy Lift System). New condition – used once. $140. Tail dragger dragger for RV For Sale: Baby Ace, finished in 1976. by myand or Corben other tail wheel aircraft. $125. Tools: Built Pneumatic dad. Continental 65about hp manual Needs and hand. Just enough start. to build an recovering RV or other sheet the engine should be overhauled, because it has not been metal aircraft. 35 items, mostly from Avery Tools and all flown inready several radios navigation lights.than to years. work. No New price and for no these tools is more Has disk$1850. Sell for $700. Aircraft parts, 20-50% of cost: New brakes. Always hangered. Located in Greenville, TX. WillUMA take suction the best offer, electric above $8,500. Call tachometer, or text gauge boost pump, 405.209.6430. rod end bearings, aluminum tubing, Call or email for list and prices. George Kilishek (972) 250 2906 or For Sale: Varieze s_kilishek@yahoo.com. Cont O-200; 100 hours on overhaul. 1350 total time $14.5k. Leon Rausch 214-349-6024 For Sale: Granbury Texas Airpark Home/Hanger For Sale $269,900 - 3509 Nassau Ct., 76049 (Nassau Bay) For Sale: Parts, Planes, Services Beautiful home with large hanger on Nassau Bay Airpark. Two story home with enclosed upstairs patio, two sepa­ rate living areas, iron/brick fenced, covered RV parking. Hanger is 50x34 and has 2 electric automatic doors with direct access to hanger from house. Well maintained and move in ready. Website with pictures: http:// mysite.verizon.net/resy4wnc/index.html Owner: bob_myrick@me.com or 214-729-2260 Realtor: Pam Knieper at 817-243-8345 / pam@knieperteam.com For Sale: Sensenich fixed pitch aluminum prop setup for a O 360 (76” dia 65” pitch, spacer and 12” dia. spinner). Less than 60hrs since installed new. LOWERED PRICE $1850 - Bill Bracken 817-925-4699 For Sale: Fiber Glass Cloth For Sale Bi directional 8H satin Weave Aeronautics/Aerospace grade, 13.3 mils thick, 50” wide, warp strength 562 lbf/in, fill strength 518 lbf/in, 14.43oz/sqyd, compatible with all resins, in origi­ nal packaging 125 yard rolls. Comparable price at Air­ craft Spruce, over $9/yard. $400 per roll, that’s only $3.20 per yard to EAA members. Cut lengths $7/linear yard 50”wide with a $50 minimum. Call Jim Carney 214763-6784. To place an ad: Submit requests for aviation related For Sale or Want ads to the newsletter Editors. Ads are free to Chapter 168 members. Ads from nonmembers For Sale: Garmin 296. $500 or best offer. will be run on a space available basis. Ads will be run at the newsletter Editors discretion. Bill Bracken 817-925-4699 EAA CHAPTER 168 OFFICERS Board of Directors Pete Miller Glenn Snyder John Phillips Ann Asberry John Peyton Sam Cooper Michael Stephan Mel Asberry David Buono Brad Roberts Tool Custodian 214-351-0475 President Michael Stephan president@eaa168.org 214-232-2405 Meeting Refreshments Vice President Norm Biron ****** VOLUNTEER NEEDED ****** vicepresident@eaa168.org 469-964-6801 Secretary Frank Prokop Safety Officer To place an ad: Submit requests for 972-396-1168 aviation related For Sale or Want ads to the newsletter Editors. Ads are free to Chapter 168 members. Ads from secretary@eaa168.org Mel Asberry metro Associate Newsletter Editors nonmembers will be run on a space available basis. Ads will be run at the newsletter Editors discretion. Treasurer Brad Roberts Michael Stephan n168tx@flytx.net 972-784-7544 treasurer@eaa168.org 214-912-0329 mstephan@shr.net 214-232-2405 Web site Address: www.eaa168.org EAA CHAPTER 168 OFFICERS David Buono Ann Asberry david.buono@yahoo.com 214-986-4497 Board of Directors Web Site Editors Jim Caniff Michael Stephan 214-232-2405 Sam Cooper Clay Romeiser Chris Smith David Membership Buono Flight Advisors President Michael Stephan Mel Asberry Mel Asberry metro president@eaa168.org Bruce Fuller n168tx@flytx.net 972-784-7544 Vice President Norm Biron Data Processing Frank Prokop Michael Hoye 972-771-8162 vicepresident@eaa168.org Michael Stephan sailntss@sbcglobal.net mstephan@shr.net 214-232-2405 Michael Stephan Secretary Pete Miller mstephan@shr.net 214-232-2405 secretary@eaa168.org Associate Newsletter Editors Technical Counselors Clay Romeiser Advertising Treasurer Brad Roberts Marvin Brott 214-726-9117 Mel Asberry metro Michael Stephan treasurer@eaa168.org pmbrott@sbcglobal.net n168tx@flytx.net 972-784-7544 mstephan@shr.net 214-232-2405 Flight Advisors Michael Stephan 214-232-2405 Don Christiansen 214-729-6187 Mel Asberry metro 972-784-7544 mstephan@shr.net Marvin Brott Young Eagles Coordinator n168tx@flytx.net Tool Custodian Web Site Address pmbrott@sbcglobal.net 214-726-9117 Jim Quinn Michael Hoye 214-354-3638 Brad Roberts 214-351-0475 www.eaa168.org Michael Stephan 214-232-2405 Jquinn3@gmail.com 972-788-2593 Technical Counselors Safety Officer Mel Asberry metro 972-784-7544 Mel Asberry metro 972-784-7544 We would like to make you aware that as always, in past, present, and future, any communications issued by Experimental Aircraft Association, Chapter 168, Inc., regardless of the form, n168tx@flytx.net n168tx@flytx.net format, and/or media used, which includes, but is not limited to, Hangar Echoes and audio/ video recordings is presented only in the light of a clearing house of ideas, opinions, and per­ Michael Stephan 214-232-2405 Web site Editors sonal experience accounts. Anyone using ideas, opinions, information, etc. does so at their own discretion and risk. Therefore, no responsibility or liability is expressed, or implied, and Michael Hoye 214-354-3638 you are without recourse to anyone. Any event announced and/or listed herein is done so as a matter of information only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, involvement, Pete Miller control or direction of any event (this includes Oshkosh). Bottom line, we are responsible for nothing. Please read, listen, enjoy, and be careful out there. Marvin Brott 214-726-9117 Clay Romeiser pmbrott@sbcglobal.net Young Eagles Coordinator April 2012 Volume 43 Issue 4 11 Membership Jim Quinn EAA168YoungEagleFlights@gmail.com Michael Stephan 214-232-2405 mstephan@shr.net We would like to make you aware that as always, in past, present, and future, any communications issued by Experimental Aircraft Association, Chapter 168, Inc., regardless of the form, format, and/or media used, which includes, but is not limited to, Hangar Echoes and audio/ video recordings is presented only in the light of a clearing house of ideas, opinions, and personal experience accounts. Anyone using ideas, opinions, information, etc. does so at their own discretion and risk. Therefore, no responsibility or liability is expressed, or implied, and you are without recourse to anyone. Any event announced and/or listed herein is done so as a matter of information only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, involvement, control or direction of any event (this includes Oshkosh). Bottom line, we are responsible for nothing. Please read, listen, enjoy, and be careful out there. May 2014 Volume 45 Issue 5 Page 11 Experimental Aircraft Association c/o Brad Roberts 10716 St. Lazare Drive Dallas, TX 75229-5346 DALLAS CHAPTER 168 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION/RENEWAL FORM New Member Renewal Info Change Membership dues for EAA Dallas Chapter 168 are $20/year. Make checks payable to EAA Chapter 168 Mail application to: Brad Roberts 10716 St. Lazare Drive Dallas, TX 75229-5346 Name Copilot (spouse, friend, other) Address City! State! Phone Home:! Work Zip email address EAA # ! Exp date: (Chapter 168 membership requires National EAA membership) National EAA offices: Experimental Aircraft Association EAA Aviation Center PO Box 3086 Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086 National EAA Membership: (800) JOIN EAA (564-6322) Phone (920) 426-4800 Fax: (920) 426-6761 Pilot/A&P Ratings I am interested in helping with: ! ! ! ! ! Fly-Ins Programs Newsletter Young Eagles Officer Plane, Projects (%complete) and Interests: