2013-2014 Scholarships - Corunna Public Schools

2013-2014 Scholarships
Scholarships will be listed in the order they arrive. Most
recent scholarships will be listed at the top.
For national scholarships see the following 4 sites:
* Shiawassee area scholarships can be found at:
Corunna Athletic Club Scholarship
May 2014
The Corunna Athletic Club Scholarship is now available in the guidance office. Two $1,000
scholarship awards will be awarded to a male and a female athlete based upon requirements met
in their application. Additionally, two $500 scholarship awards will be made by a blind draw of
remaining applications received, awarded to 1 male and 1 female athlete.
Applicants must meet the following requirements to be eligible for consideration for this
1. The athlete must have participated in at least six sports seasons at Corunna High School
2. Only sports played at Corunna High School may be applied to this scholarship
3. The athlete must provide a letter of recommendation with the application from a teacher,
coach, administrator, employer, minister, etc., indicating why the athlete is deserving of
this scholarship award.
4. The athlete must be planning to attend a college, university, business trade or
professional school.
Applications are available in the scholarship box in the guidance office. They are also available
online at
The deadline for this scholarship is May 30th, 2014.
BigSun Scholarship
April 2014
The BigSun Organization is proud to be able to help young athletes succeed in their academic
pursuits. In order to do our part we are offering an annual scholarship to a deserving student. All
student athletes are eligible for this award, regardless of which sport they are participating in.
Students need to answer the following question:
How has your participation in sports affected who you are and how you relate to others?
Include the effects on your personal relationships with peers and others.
Please remember to include your name and the name of the school that you are attending. All
essay submissions should be sent to:athleticawards@bigsunathletics.com. Scholarships are due
on June 20, 2014
April 2014
The Rachel Scott Memorial Scholarship was established to honor Rachel’s memory and her love
of artistic expression. Suitable applicants should have extensive art experience and ability in
addition to being a successful, well rounded student. A personal statement is also required,
responding to these questions: “What does art mean to you, how has it enriched your life, and
where your life would be if art didn’t exist?” Applications are available on the scholarship
board in the Guidance Office and must be completed and returned to the guidance office
by April 30, 2014.
The Shiawassee Family YMCA Patricia C. Vaughn
March 2014
This is a scholarship in honor of long time teacher and YMCA fitness instructor, Patricia
Vaughn. This scholarship is for seniors graduating from Shiawassee County. It is intended to
students studying one of the following:
Exercise Science
Athletic Training
Sport Management
Human Services
Physical Therapy
Elementary Education
Physical Education
Other community wellness or fitness program
They are looking for a student with civic responsibility, compassion and concern for others.
Financial aid will be considered. Applications are available in the guidance office and are due on
May 2nd, 2014.
Attention students involved in FFA, and the fair
March 2014
There are 7 agriculture and animal, agricultural, and fair related scholarships now available in the
guidance office. These scholarships are only available in physical copies, so please come by the
guidance office to pick them up!
The Gerald K. Spry Memorial Scholarship Fund
March 2014
This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Gerald K Spry to assist music
education students in their dreams to one day become an instrumental music teacher.
Scholarships in the amount of $ 2,500 will be awarded to students currently pursuing an
instrumental education degree at the college level. Applications involve uploading 2 performance
videos and writing a personal introduction .Applications are available in the guidance office and
are due by June 15th, 2014.
The Thomas Michael Jennings Foundation Scholarship
March 2014
This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Thomas Michael Jennings, a local
farmer who was tragically killed in a farming accident. Thomas was a gifted student who valued
family and had a passion for engineering as well as farming. In his honor, the Thomas Michael
Jennings Foundation is offering a $2,500 non-renewable scholarship to students from selected
area schools who wish to enroll in any undergraduate, graduate, or professional program. The
scholarship is not restricted to a particular field of study. Applications are available in the
guidance office and are due by April 14th, 2014.
LAFCU Lansing Community College Scholarship
March 2014
LAFCU is seeking seniors to participate in their annual “Write to Educate” essay contest. The
essay topic this year asks What does it take to be successful? Two scholarships are available
worth $ 2,500 and are due on April 14th, 2014. Applications are available at
0 and are also available in the guidance office.
March 2014
This award will be granted to a FEMALE graduate from Clinton or Shiawassee County who
plans to pursue a degree in education. The amount will be a minimum of $200. The successful
applicant must have average or above-average grades; submit a typed essay of 500 words,
containing (1) a brief life history, including a listing of your school activities, (2) your reasons
for entering the field of education, (3) your long-range goals, (4) the name of the institution you
will attend, and (5) why you desire this grant. Three (3) reference letters and a high school
transcript must also be included. Applications are available in the Guidance Office and must
be mailed to the scholarship committee, by the student, on or before April 11, 2014.
Michigan Sugar Queen Scholarship
March 2014
The Michigan Sugar Queen Scholarship is offering one $2,000 and two $1,000 scholarships.
Candidates must be girls and at least 18 years old (by the end of June) and not older than 23.
Candidates must also maintain a 3.0 GPA and be continuing her studies at an accredited college
in Michigan. Please stop by the guidance office to pick up an application or apply online at
The application deadline is April 25, 2014.
The Engineering Society of Detroit Scholarship
March 2014
The Engineering Society of Detroit (ESD) annually awards one or more students for outstanding
academic and extracurricular achievement by a graduating high school senior pursuing a career
in engineering or science. The recipient(s) receives a $1,000 scholarship and a one-year
complimentary student membership to ESD. Recipients are recognized at the ESD Annual
Dinner event, which will take place in June 2014. Applications are available in the guidance
office and online at http://ww2.esd.org/AWARDS/HighSchool.htm. The deadline for
submission is Friday, March 28, 2014.
Memorial Healthcare Foundation Scholarship
February 2014
Two $1,000 scholarships are being offered by Memorial Healthcare to students planning to
pursue studies in select health care disciplines. Selection criteria include academic performance,
involvement in community programs, essays, and letters of recommendations. Application
packers are available in the black scholarship box in the guidance office or online at
http://www.memorialhealthcare.org/. Applications are due by March 24th, 2014
2014 Doodle 4 Google competition
February 2014
Before there was an airplane, there were doodles of cool flying machines. And before there was a
submarine, there were doodles of magical underwater sea explorers. Since the beginning of time,
ideas big and small, practical and playful, have started out as doodles. And we’re ready for more.
One talented young artist (grades K-12) will see his or her artwork on the Google homepage and
receive a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 Google for Education technology grant for
his or her school. Apply at: http://www.google.com/doodle4google/. Applications are due on
Thursday, March 20, 2014.
James Oliver Curwood Scholarship
February 2014
The James Oliver Curwood Scholarship is currently available. This award is open to any
graduate of a Shiawassee County school whose parent also resides in Shiawassee County.
Criteria used in selecting the recipients include: financial need, a grade point average that may
have prevented reception of other scholarships, completion of application, current transcript and
work experience. Applications, which are available in the Guidance Office, must be typed or
written with a black pen. The applicant must return the completed application to the
Shiawassee County Historical Society, along with the attachments, before April 15, 2014.
The application is also available on the web at: www.shiawasseecountyhistsoc.org
Shiawassee Community Foundation Scholarships
January 2014
The Shiawassee Community Foundation is offering its local scholarships again this year. Each
scholarship has different qualifications (interests, backgrounds, financial need, choice of college,
etc.), and this year Corunna students are eligible for 27! Please visit
http://www.shiawasseecommunityfoundation.org/pages/scholarship_applications.htm to access
the application and available scholarships. A separate scholarship application is required for
each scholarship you apply for through SCF. Each scholarship offered has its own specific
criteria and, as a result, has to be processed separately. In addition to the application form, all
applicants must submit a personal essay, a resume, two recommendation letters and a transcript.
Applications are due by 4:00 P.M on March 14th, 2014. Visit the link above or see Mr. Lepper
for more information. The foundation asks that students read the guidebook thoroughly prior to
completing their scholarship application(s). Corunna students qualify for the following
PFC Shane W. Cantu Memorial Scholarship Fund
Karen K. Dasen Memorial Scholarship Fund
JoAnn (Butcher) Nelson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Irene Turk-MSU Art Scholarship Fund
Karl F. and Ziritha H. (Lowers) Allert Memorial Scholarship Fund
Rollin V. Dasen Memorial Scholarship Fund
Drew Decker Memorial Music Scholarship Fund
Alford and Alice Emmert Scholarship Fund
D & B Galloway Scholarship Fund
The GFWC Owosso Woman's Club Scholarship Fund
Cyril C. and Ella M. Gregoricka Scholarship Fund
C.S. Hood Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kris Marie Kulhanek Memorial Fund
Jill Malzahn Health Fund
Nathan Nover Memorial Scholarship Fund
Martin and Leona O'Brien Scholarship Fund
Paul Penjaska Family Scholarship Fund
David A. Reed Agricultural Fund
Evan James Reed Memorial Scholarship Fund
Erwin Ryckman Scholarship Fund
Bill and Kay Scarlett Family Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joseph T. Sierzenga, III Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jackie Leone Memorial Scholarship Fund
Carl R. Woodbury Memorial Scholarship Fund
Elsie Blair and Suzanne Blair Anderson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Andrew Rehmann Memorial Fund
Cherly L. Hrcka Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jones Memorial Scholarship
February 2014
This scholarship is in memory of Donald L. and Joan R. Jones. The scholarship is honoring their
hard work and love of farming. It is worth at least $500. The scholarship is open to any Owosso
or Corunna high school senior who plans to study in the field of agriculture. Applications are
available only in the guidance office and are due by April 30, 2014. Completed applications
should be turned in to Mr. Lepper in the guidance office.
Shiawassee County Bar Association’s Patricia Carmody
Memorial Scholarship
February 2014
This scholarship is being offered to law school students and incoming high school seniors
receiving an education in a law related profession, who reside or have graduated from a high
school in Shiawassee County Michigan. The deadline for submission of application materials is
April 1, 2014. Applications are available in the guidance office. Students should submit their
application to Justin D. English at justin@jdelawoffic.com .
2014 American Legion Scholarships
January 2014
The American Legion Department of Michigan offers High School Students several opportunities to gain
valuable experience that will last a lifetime. At the same time earn money for College or earn the needed
community service hours. More information can be found at www.michiganlegion.org/scholarships or,
email packet@michiganlegion.org to have applications emailed directly to you.
Michigan Retailers Association Scholarship\
January 2014
The Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) has launched its scholarship competition for the
2014-15 school year. While the exact number of scholarships has not been set they expect to
award at least 30 $1,000 scholarships. They are NOT based on financial need. To be eligible,
students must have a parent employed at a business that is a member of MRA. Applications are
available at http://www.retailers.com/mra/events/scholarships-competition.html. Applications are
due by April 1, 2014.
Rosa Parks Scholarship Foundation
January 2014
The Rosa Parks Scholarship Foundation offers a $2,000 non-renewable scholarship to graduating
seniors. Winners are selected on the basis of scholarship, leadership, financial need, and
dedication to the civil rights principles of Rosa L. Parks. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.5 or
above, demonstrate financial need, document community activities, and provide 3 letters of
recommendation. Applications are due by March 1st, 2014. Pick up an application in the
guidance office, or, online at: www.rosaparksscholarshipfoundation.org
Buick Achievers Scholarship Program
January 2014
This year, Buick is offering 100 scholarship for up to 25,000/year. Students that will be enrolling
at a 4-year college/university and are planning to major in a specified course of study that
focuses on engineering/technology are encouraged to apply. Please visit
www.buickachievers.com to apply. Application deadline is February 28th, 2014.
December 2013
This is the one scholarship application that no Corunna senior should miss!
The Corunna Public Schools Education Foundation is proud to announce the availability of
their scholarships for the graduating class of 2014. By completing one simple application,
students may be considered for 28 individual scholarships. Applications are available on the
Student Shared Drive on any computer at the high school. Students should go to the shared drive,
select “High School”, then select “Guidance Office Forms”. The application is titled “2014
CPSEF Scholarships Common Application”. If possible, it should be filled out in word, printed
off, and turned in to the Guidance Office. Applications are also available on the guidance office
webpage and physical copies are available in the guidance office. Applications are due
February 24th, 2014.
October 2013
The Michigan Education Association (MEA) Scholarship is now available in the Guidance Office.
Criteria for selection include academic achievement, evidence of school & community service,
and extracurricular activities. Recipients must attend a “public college or university.” The
application must also include a transcript with ACT scores, a personal resume and 2 letters of
recommendation that address the applicant’s qualifications for this award. If all other criteria are
equal, first consideration will be given to children of MEA members and students from lower
income households. Applications must be postmarked no later than Friday, February 28, 2014.
For more information and to download the application, please visit the following website:
http://www.mea.org/mea-scholarship. Applications are also available in the guidance office.
October 2013
AXA Equitable is one of the nation’s largest corporate providers of scholarships. Scholarship
winners, who are known as AXA Achievers, are students who set and reach ambitious goals,
demonstrate drive and determination, respect for self, family and community, and the ability to
succeed in college. To learn more about the program and to apply, please visit: www.axaachievement.com. The application deadline is February 1st, 2014.
2014 GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program
October 2013
This national program awards college scholarships to high school seniors who embody the
characteristics of President Ronald Reagan at school, in the community, in the workplace, and at
home. They annually give up to 20 scholarships.
We’re looking for students with:
� Leadership
� Drive
� Integrity
� Citizenship
Recipients receive $10,000 renewable scholarships – up to $40,000 per student.
Apply online through http://www.reaganfoundation.org/GE-RFScholarships.aspx. The 2014
scholarship will become available on November 1st. Deadline: January 10, 2014.
John F Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest
September 2013
This essay contest challenges students to write an original and creative essay of 1,000 words or less that
demonstrates an understanding of political courage as described by JFK in Profiles in courage. The first
place winner will receive $5,000 cash and $5,000 529 college savings plan. Second place winner receives
$1,000 cash and five finalists will receive $500. For complete guidelines, visit www.jfklibrary.org.
Competition deadline is January 6th, 2014.
September 2013
RARE’s mission is to inspire Michigan’s youth to see possibilities through real-life examples of
Everyday Heroes. At a time when society has lost sight of its real heroes and material things
have replaced character as the currency for measuring success, RARE celebrates the lives and
life lessons of everyday people in the workplace who through extraordinary commitment,
integrity, selflessness, and courage are changing lives and inspiring others. For more information
and to apply visit http://www.rarefoundation.org. RARE would like to hear the story of your
Everyday Hero for your chance to win $2,500
Deadline for entries is December 1, 2013.
AES Scholarship
September 2013
The consulting firm of AES Engineers is committed to continuing its support of higher education
by providing scholarships to deserving students. To be eligible, the student needs to answer one
of the essay questions that they will find on our site at
Amount of award: $500.00
Deadline for entry: October 4th, 2013
September, 2013
Are you a leader in your school and community? Do you participate in at least one sport? Then
don’t miss this opportunity to be recognized for everything that you do! Apply now for the 2013
Wendy’s High School Heisman at: www.wendysheisman.com. Register and fill out your
online application by October 2, 2013. The first 25,000 applicants will receive a $10 Wendy’s
gift card.
September 2013
The Michigan Mosquito Control Association is offering a $1,000 and $250 scholarship to assist a
student toward a higher education in Natural Science or a related field. For more information,
come to the guidance office to pick up an application or visit http://www.mimosq.org/ for
scholarship details and application. Submit application materials electronically to
info@mimosq.org. Deadline for entry is November 1st.
Michigan Oil and Gas Producers Education Foundation Scholarship
September 2013
The Michigan Oil & Gas Producers Education Foundation sponsors a scholarship program
for Michigan high school senior students accepted for enrollment at a Michigan university or
community college, having a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (computed on a 4.0 scale), and
demonstrating financial need. Qualified applicants must also be pursuing a degree in an energy
related field of study with the ambition of obtaining full-time employment in the crude oil and
natural gas industry. There will be scholarships with a minimum of $500 to be paid directly to
the university or college where the applicant is enrolled. Completed applications must be
received at the office of the Michigan Oil & Gas Producers Education Foundation on or before
April 2, 2014. Pick up an application in the guidance office or, the application is available online at: www.mogpef.org