2014­2015 Scholarship List 1. MEA Scholarship Eligibility: a. Dependents of MEA member in good standing or MEA retired member b. Graduate of a MIchigan public school c. Will attend or is currently an undergraduate student of a Michigan public college or university­ some private colleges are accepted see website for more information d. Children of MEA officers, fund trustees and MEA staff are not eligible Selection is based on: academic achievement, extra curricular activities, school and community service and students from lower income households Application is available at www.mea.org/mea­scholarship Must be signed, mailed and received by Friday February 27th, 2015. Due to Mrs. Frentz Feb 20, 2015 2. Elks National Foundation: Most Valuable Student Scholarship Contest to apply visit: www.elks.org/enf/scholars/mvs.cfm a. Select 2015 MVS application link b. Enter email address to register c. Fill out contact information and submit d. Your unique cover page will be generated along with the remaining pages of the application e. Save the PDF to your computer f. When complete, print the application and submit to Mrs. Frentz by December 1, 2014 3. Randy Saddison Memorial Scholarship Fund a. Must be a high school graduate who will be enrolling in a trade school or an academic program/college b. Applicant must be able to demonstrate the character and motivation to obtain an education and will be expected to work hard, seriously and continue to complete their education c. See Mrs Frentz for an application d. DUE to Mrs. Frentz April 24, 2015 4. American MENSA a. Scholarships are merit based, applications judged solely by essays submitted online b. Scholarship winners receive their award check directly, enabling the funds to be used for the winners highest priority needs during the school year c. 550 word essay required d. Applications must be submitted online by January 15, 2015 e. to apply go to: www.mensafoundation.org/scholarships 5. American Legion Scholarships a. Visit: www.michiganlegion.org/scholarships for more information on the following scholarships i. baseball ii. boys state iii. wilson scholarship iv. student trooper v. brewer scholar vi. oratorical vii. eagle scout 6. Safety Patrol AAA Scholarship a. Graduating senior accepted by an institution of higher learning b. Documented proof of participation in AAA School Safety program c. ACT score of 21 or higher d. GPA of 3.0 or higher e. Pick up application from Mrs. Frentz f. DUE to Mrs. Frentz by April 17, 2015 7. Pellston PTO Scholarship a. Must be a high school graduate who will be enrolling in a trade school or an academic program b. Must demonstrate the character and motivation to obtain an education and will be expected to work hard and continue to complete their education c. Must have at least one letter of recommendation d. Scholarship application available in the counseling office e. Due April 10, 2015 to Mrs. Frentz 8. Jeffrey P. Bodzick Scholarship a. $3,000 scholarship available to Pellston High School seniors b. Essay required c. Application can be picked up from Mrs. Frentz d. Photo required e. Due to Mrs. Frentz by April 17, 2015 9. Petoskey­Harbor Springs Community Foundation: There is one application for the group of scholarships. Each scholarship has different criteria for eligibility. See Mrs. Frentz for the application or download your own copy from h ttp://www.phsacf.org/scholarships­30/ Complete applications for scholarships A­L are due to the foundation by March 24th, 2015 and M­O scholarships in red are due to the Charlevoix Community Foundation on March 18, 2015. If you want Mrs. Frentz to mail your application: A­L scholarships are due March 19, 2015 and M­N are due March 13, 2015 The following scholarships are available for Pellston High School students: a. Alberto Moreno Memorial Scholarship b. Baiardi Family Foundation Scholarship c. Barry Potter/HOPE Scholarship d. Business and Professional Women’s Scholarship e. Cafe Society Educational Scholarship f. Gerald Gramzay­ Stafford’s Hospitality Culinary Scholarship g. HBANM Building Industry Career Scholarship h. Marana Tost First Tee Scholarship i. Marshall­Smith Scholarship j. Mary McClutchey Amacher Scholarship k. Olofsson Family Scholarship l. Sara J. Latimer Redpath Church Memorial Scholarship m. Boyne City Co­Op Scholarships­ due to Charlevoix 3/18 (or Frentz 3/13) n. Edna Brown Nursing Scholarship­ due to Charlevoix 3/18 (or Frentz 3/13) o. Kristen Cleary Memorial Scholarship­ due to Charlevoix 3/18 (or Frentz 3/13) 10. Christian Educators: a. $500 scholarship available to senior students graduating from Pellston High School b. Must have a 2.5GPA or higher c. 2 letters of recommendation­ one must be from his/her pastor d. Membership of a Christian church is required e. See Mrs. Frentz for application f. Due April 10, 2015 to Mrs. Frentz 11. Masonic Lodge Scholarship: a. Two letters of recommendation from school personnel required b. Two letters of recommendation from non­school personnel c. ACT/SAT test results d. Official Transcript e. Statement of goals f. See Mrs. Frentz for application g. Must be turned in to the Pellston Lodge PO BOX by March 1, 2015 OR Mrs. Frentz by February 26, 2015 12. Rosa Parks Scholarship a. $2,000 scholarship is available at: w ww.rosaparksscholarship.org b. Application must be downloaded, mailed and received by by March 2, 2015 c. Questions must be directed at info@rosaparksscholarship.org 13. Baiardi Family Foundation a. Vocational scholarship is available to eligible students interested in attending the Industrial Arts Institute to receive their certification in welding b. Student must live in Emmet county and exhibit financial need c. Student must apply to the Industrial Arts Institute and fill out a scholarship application available in Mrs. Frentz’s office. d. Application is due to Mrs. Frentz March 25th 14. Marine Corps League a. Up to (3) $1,000 scholarships are available for students attending North Central Michigan College o r a trade school in the fall of 2015 b. Essay required (topic: What being an American means to me) c. Application available in Mrs. Frentz’s office d. Due to Mrs. Frentz March 12th, 2015 15. Delta Kappa Gamma a. (1) $500 scholarship available to a female student majoring in education b. Must have transcript, acceptance letter to a college or university c. Application available with Mrs. Frentz d. Due to Mrs. Frentz March 25, 2015 16. Petoskey Rotary Scholarship a. (5) $1,000 scholarships are available to Emmet County HIgh School seniors who are graduating in 2015 b. To be eligible students need to have a GPA between 2.5 and 3.5 and have been accepted and attending a college, university or accredited trade school for fall 2015 c. See Mrs. Frentz for an application d. Due to Mrs. Frentz April 13, 2015 17. Emmet County Farm Bureau a. Applicants or parents must be members of the Emmet County Farm Bureau b. Additional consideration will be given to a student who plans to major in agricultural studies c. Due (can be submitted electronically) April 1, 2015 or m ailed by Mrs. Frentz March 25, 2015 18. Paradise Lake Association a. Graduation in 2015 from Pellston High School b. Acceptance in an institution of higher learning c. Intention in pursuing a degree in environmental science, ecology, biology, geology, hydrology or land use planning d. Good citizenship and sound educational goals as evidenced in the required essay and letter of recommendation from a teacher or an employer e. Applications available in the counseling office Due to Mrs. Frentz April 10th 19. Pellston Public School District Scholarship a. (5) scholarships are available to Pellston High School seniors. Each scholarship has different criteria for applicants. i. Edward L and Mary Cadwell Educational Opportunities Scholarship ii. Richard & Lottie Hayes Scholarship iii. Lucille M. Johnson Scholarship iv. John D. McLarty Family Scholarship v. Andrew and Barbara Mroz Memorial Scholarship b. These scholarships are awarded at graduation c. Application, transcripts, letter of acceptance, financial statements and letters of recommendation required d. Applications available in the counseling office e. Due to Mrs. Frentz May 1, 2015 20. Pellston All Sports Boosters Scholarship a. Attendance at Pellston High School for at least 2 full years b. Participation in Pellston High School sports in any capacity for at least two years c. Signature from coach, athletic director, principal or sports booster member required d. Acceptance letter required e. Due to Mrs. Frentz April 30, 2015 21. Pellston Fire Fighters Scholarship a. Applications available in Mrs. Frentz’s office b. One letter of reference from teacher, coach or community member c. Acceptance to a college or vocational training program d. Due to Mrs. Frentz April 24, 2015 2 2. Pellston Alumni Scholarship a. Available to all past and present Pellston alumni b. $500 scholarship available c. Interviews required d. Pick up applications from Mrs. Frentz e. Due April 15, 2015 to Mrs. Frentz 23. TEC Scholarship (Technical Education and Careers) a. 6 scholarships available to students in Char­Em district schools b. Must be seniors and enrolled in one career tech program (welding, construction or business classes at Pellston) c. Must complete and sign the scholarship application d. FAFSA must be completed e. Applicants must commit to completing an interview with potential employers f. See Mrs. Frentz for an application­ due May 8, 2015