Page 1 Genesis Cosmology© 2009, 2010 Question: Is the Big Bang Theory "Realistic” or just “a Fallacy”? If so, how and when did it break? In 1931 George Lemaitre, a Roman Catholic priest & scientist, published his paper called “hypothesis on the primeval atom” (“Cosmic Egg”). He even described the redshift phenomenon as a linear relationship between the amount of redshift and distance to the light source. This was later named “Hubble’s Law.” In 1949, astronomer Fred Hoyle, during a radio broadcast sarcastically referred to Lemaitre’s hypothesis as the “Big Bang” - the name stuck. As the story goes “all the matter in the universe existed in a tiny dot”, but that dot would be the densest black hole imaginable. Nothing could escape its gravitational grasp, therefore, matter is not eternal, nor did it exist at time=0. [Strike 1] In 1933 Fritz Zwicky noticed that spiral galaxies do not wind themselves up as much as a linear timeline, “billions of years” long, would predict. Zwicky’s explanation required the “invention” of Dark Matter. So, how much Dark Matter was needed to fill this gaping-hole in the Big Bang Theory? Six to nine times more Dark Matter had to be added to the equations than Real Matter! Now, over 70 years later astronomers are still observing the same anomalies yet cannot actually find any of this “imaginary” Cold “Dark Matter.” [Strike 2] "Dark energy makes us nervous," said Sean Carroll, a theoretical physicist at the California Institute of Technology who was not involved in the supernova study. "It fits the data, but it's not what we really expected.1 In the early 1900’s most scientists believed that the universe was static. Naturally, Einstein assumed his mathematical universe, before adding matter, would start out Euclidean. Then, to keep it from collapsing under its own gravity he introduced into his equations a Cosmological Constant term. Later, when Edwin Hubble discovered the uni-verse was, indeed, expanding, Einstein called it his biggest blunder. In the past decade, observations of luminosity data of supernovae in distant galaxies do not fit the Big Bang’s prediction of ever slowing expansion. So scientists “invented” Dark Energy, and reintroduced Einstein’s Cosmological constant into the equations to keep the Big Bang model from braking. [Strike 3] The best of the Big Bang models DO talk about how Space-Time had a beginning, rapidly expanded, un-curved and cooled. But, there seems to be a huge disconnect between this theoretical understanding of the initial rapid expansion and now when astronomers make deep-space observations. For example: Look East and pick a galaxy that you “think” is 10-billion light years away. Now look West and pick another galaxy that you “think” is 10-billion light years away. How far apart are those galaxies? 20 billion light years? But that can’t be right! The universe was not that big that long ago. [Strike 4: Their Out!] (I’m generous) As for Modern Cosmology where did they go wrong? And, “Is it too late to fix?” (1) Backtrack: Look for those times when observational data “surprised” scientists. That means their theoretical model was wrong! a. Michelson-Morley Experiment: With their superbly designed and carefully built interferometer they were “expecting” to detect and measure Earth’s motion through the ether. Much to their surprise their instrumentation failed to detect such motion. Rather than to consider that their design was based on flawed thinking, many scientists blamed it on the ether. They postulated that the ether did not exist after all. Could it be that it does? If so what properties does it have? What role do these properties play with the rest of the universe? (Note I have to tie this to Km, μ0, Ke, Z0) b. Zwicky’s, ( observations of galactic spiral arms: Their “misunderstanding “did not predict that the outer spiral arms did not obey Newtonian mechanics. More specifically, star’s rotational velocities do not comply with the simple inverse square law. Rather than to fault their theory, they decided to “invent” make-believe matter. Their “Dark Matter” is completely invisible, cannot be scooped-up in a container, and cannot be weighed. What’s really amazing is they successfully SOLD this cold Dark Matter as if it were viable science! So, if Dark Matter does not actually exist that how does one explain spiral galaxies or even the formation of the 1st stars? (Read on!) c. Deep space observations intended to measure just how much gravity slowed down the expansion of the universe: While interpreting deep-space supernovae intensities, much to their surprise they, did not match the curves predicted by their mathematical models. Rather than acknowledge something fundamentally wrong with their theory, they created pretend “Dark Energy.” Again successfully selling it as if it were viable science. (2) Question pre-suppositions: We need to achieve a higher-dimensional perspective of physical reality. In other words, a “mental vantage point outside space-time.” Only then will we see where “they” went wrong. Only then will the “blind” see out of obscurity and the “deaf” hear the words of this book. Four things to look for in any theoretical model that hopes to explain physical reality: 1 Page 2 Genesis Cosmology© 2009, 2010 (1) Explanatory Power: Can the model explain how and why things work the way they do? Can it explain things other models cannot? (2) Continuity of thought: Is there a logical progression from fundamentals to specifics? Do the elements of the model fit together like puzzle pieces? (3) Ability to make Predictions: Does the model itself mimic known observations. Does it accurately predict other things that competing theories do not? (4) How well does the Genesis account compare to modern cosmologies? For those who “think” the Biblical account in Genesis is just a fable; maybe it just lost a little of its depth of understanding in translation. So let’s look back at the ancient Hebrew text to see if there is more there than commonly thought? (Hebrew reads from right-to-left.) This Hebrew Torah scroll (pictured right) believed to be somewhere around 300 to 350 years old.. This dates back to around the lifetime of Isaac Newton. It is included here to put to rest any objections from skeptics who might try to avoid the obvious conclusions;2 that the Voice from the burning bush on Mt. Sinai was, indeed, that of the Creator of the universe. It is that Voice that dictated these words to Moses. Those precious words have been faithfully transcribed through the centuries. It’s the diligence of generations of scribes that has made the amazing discoveries on the following pages possible. Through the centuries the Hebrew alphabet changed. The script that Moses would have written in probably looked more like the example of Genesis 1:1 below: Modern Hebrew: ~1300 B.C.E.: 2 הארץ׃ואת הׁשמיםאתאלהים ברא בראׁשית The spellings and root-word meanings of the original language are instrumental to my findings. Page 3 Genesis Cosmology© 2009, 2010 Genesis Verse Physics Questions… or are these questions really the Answers? In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. Question: I wonder if the Heavens (“Shmaym”:“ )”ׁשמיםare really a 4D volume of בראׁשית ברא אלהים את הׁשמים ואת הארץ׃ stretched waters (Maym:“?)”מים Could this be what Isaac Newton called the “Luminiferous aether” or what Maxwell Planck might have called a spherical ocean of Planck particles? In Scripture “the heavens are stretched” (natah,“)”נטה. 7-times it’s in the “imperfect” verb form meaning “in-process”. Four times3 it is in the “qal perfect” form. The 4dimensions of physical reality, 3-spatial plus 1-time, are stretched and held in this state. the Earth. the heavens and God created In [the] beginning 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. והארץ היתה תהו ובהו וחׁשך על־פני תהום t@howm abyss. „alyenap va‟choshek va‟bohuw tohuw was upon and darkness and void without hayah was Va‟ha‟erets And the Earthly [realm] ורוח אלהים מרחפת על־פני המים׃ ha‟maym of the waters „alyenap ma‟râcaph upon the surface fluttering (stirring) va‟bohuw tohuw And the Spirit of God 1:3 And God said, Let there be light and there was light. אור ויהי־אור׃ יהי ויאמר אלהים Va‟ and there was light. 3 Va‟ light let there be God Then said Before a DVD is written it has no tracks, and no data within those non-existent tracks. The DVD is literally without form and void! Question: Is the Spirit of God is rapidly “inducing a rotating oscillation” on the entire surface of these 4D-waters at the Planck-time rate? Imagine a pebble in a pond making outward waves while a oscilating hoola hoop makes inward moving waves. In our Cosmic 4D hypersphere these inward & outward 3D ripples cancel out their motion creating pulsating, concentric standing waves. These Onion-layers sub-divide spacetime’s volume into time-quanta. Visualize each as being a blank holographic film. Could it be that time, for our universe, began with this 1 verse? Like a ripple in a pond – this spherical pulse, an ever-expanding 3D wave-front, literally defines the moment of time we call “Now!” The rate that it expands is one-and-the-same as the forward progress of time itself! It manifests existence like the “reference beam” of laser holography. This is key in understanding/visualizing how a coil spring wave function manifests momentby-moment as a particle. At the current age of the universe it has to penetrate about 1.85x1043 Onion-layers / second. The resistance it encounters as the expansion rate similar to how a tiny bug’s progress is slowed when walking up-n-down tiny hills of corrugated cardboard, as compared to a flat surface. Job 9:8 Stretched out the heavens by Himself, and treading on the heights of the sea; (Could this “sea” be the “waters” of Genesis 1:2?) \/-- (רקע/râqa‛) Isa 44:24 Thus said Jehovah, thy redeemer, and thy framer from the womb: “I am Jehovah, doing all this, stretched out the heavens by Myself, spreading out the earth—who is with me? Jer 51:15 He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heaven by his understanding. Zec 12:1 The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, says the LORD, which stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundation of the earth, and formed the spirit of man within him. Page 4 Genesis Cosmology© 1:4 And God saw the light, that [it was] good: and God divided the light from the darkness. כי־טוב „eth‟ha‟ That was good. החׁשך׃ Ha‟choshek the darkness וירא אלהים את־האור Va‟ the Light God And saw אלהים בין האור ובין va’ from Va‟ the light ויבדל Va‟ from God And divided Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (James 1:17) Gen 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. 2009, 2010 The "good” this light achieves is that moment-by-moment, it causes the next volume of space to manifest. This ever-expanding, wave-front of light divides the “lit” past from the “obscure” future. Although the“thick cloudof outer darkness (Job 38:9) was “formatted” in Gen 1:2 – it will not manifest content until this wave-front arrives. James 1:17 makes 5 references, to these fundamental wave-functions: 1. This light pulse came “from above” -- from a higher (at least 5th) dimension. 2. The word for “lights” is from an ancient Greek word meaning “to shine” or “to make manifest.” (This is the role of a holographic reference beam!) 3. “Variableness” contrasts a difference between the inward/outward moving spherical waves as they create the pulsating Onion-layers that sub-divide space-time into time quanta. The “Now Manifold” wave-front is steady and persistent. 4. “Shadow of turning” refers to the angular momentum twisting outward and inward as they define the basis for positive and negative charge. (Job 38:10) application? 5. So, unlike these other two wave-functions, this “light from above” is steady and unwavering – it’s a single ever-expanding wave-front. The word for Day is, yom, ( )יוםmeaning a day. From a cosmic perspective the root meaning “hot” refers to the intense energy density of this “Light”. The word {Night is } translated * layelah ( )לילהfrom the root-word meaning a “spiral step”. Page 5 Genesis Cosmology© 2009, 2010 This “spiral step” is part of the answer to the Lord’s question to Job in Chapter 38:19 “Where is the pathway [that] light dwells?” The Cosmic Onion-layers act as a conduit for ordinary light and radio waves to travel. With the words “Let there be Light”, the “Now Manifold” progressively expands through these Onion-Layers. As it does, ordinary light travels along its surface between adjacent layers -- for an instant -- these layers vanish as if they were synchronized shutters all opening through-out the depths of time, then all closing for another half time-quantum. During this brief moment the ordinary light-waves advance to the next Onion-layer and the process repeats. Photon-waves don’t actually have to penetrate the layers so mass=0. There are three ways the wave-length of light can shift. Each corresponds to one of the “Relativity” theories. Einstein discovered the first two: (1) One manifestation of “Special Relativity” is when an object moves through space approaching a significant fraction of the speed of light. The light waves, both emitted and received, instantaneously compressed in front and stretched-out behind. This is known as the “Doppler Effect”. Hubble’s Flaw was to attribute 100% of redshift to “Doppler Effect” alone. (See #3) (2) “General Relativity”, perhaps, should have been named Gravitational Relativity. (The term “General” seems to imply that this completes Relativity theory – it does not.) It does, however, correctly describe gravity as the manifestation of space-time curvature. Note: matter slows space-time expansion in and around massive objects – with diminishing effect with distance. This is Newton’s famous “inverse square law.” This slowed expansion creates a dent in the ever-expanding space-time manifold; the temporal slope of this dent penetrates the Cosmic Onion-layers at an angle) the spatial vector component of the resistance it encounters manifests as the force of gravity. (3) Space-Time-Age-Relativity describes the 4D-spherical geometry of space-time. As space expands by 1%, clock rates slow by 1% -- the redshift occurs while in-transit. On the diagram to the left imagine a very distant galaxy (at a redshift value that Hubble “thought” was > 10.1 Billion light-years) at the bottom-center. The brownish-maroon circle represents the Now-manifold when light left that galaxy long ago. The stair-stepped blue and purple curves represent light leaving the galaxy in opposite directions. (Its slope is not necessarily drawn to scale.) The entire duration of the journey stretches the light, while clock-rates continually slow, thus always keeping c constant. The red circle represents the Now-manifold when the universe was half its current size, but about one-fourth its current age. We are at the top at the intersection of the yellow “Now-manifold” and can observe light from the very distant galaxy by photographing it from in-front or from behind just by turning our telescope about 180-degrees around. One possible candidate is Abell 2218 and let’s try a Hubble Ultra Deep Field long exposure image centered at the infra-red source south-west of NGC 1644. The other (more likely) possibility is that the intersection and the bottom of the diagram is the point of Dark Flow between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. Note this model does not need to suddenly add something new to predict “Dark Flow”. However, it is not because something is sucking those galaxies into the distant void, rather it is we ourselves moving away from the opposite side of the universe. Page 6 Genesis Cosmology© Gen 1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. ויאמר אלהים יהי רקיע בתוך המים ויהי מבדיל בין מים למים׃ Gen 1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it became so. ויעׂש אלהים את־הרקיע ויבדל בין המים אׁשר מתחת לרקיע ובין המים אׁשר מעל לרקיע ויהי־כן׃ Gen 1:9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. ויאמר אלהים יקוו המים מתחת הׁשמים ha’ m ma’tachath ha’maym the heavens from under the waters Va’ye’ let God And said אל־מקום אחד ותראה היבׁשה ויהי־כן׃ va’ and [it] became so. vat’ ground (matter) appear El-ma’ each (united) bind together (by twisting) 2009, 2010 Here a distinction is being made between the “4D” waters that we see above us -- all around the heavens - from the “3D” waters below. Here we get the first hint that the 4th Dimension separates our physical existence from 5th and higher dimensions. An additional clue about this is revealed by the Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 3:3-5, when he prophetically, comments on Uniformitarianism: Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they are willingly ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Note: People who think they are Uniformitarians “think” that all things change by slow processes taking at least millions of years. Again, from a cosmic perspective, the “dry land” is literally the “ground”. It was here that God created matter. (1) מקום , combines a prefix מ, meaning “from” with two root words קום used to intensively (establish) and causatively to “rise”; (2) קו , which means “bind together” usually by twisting; (3) אחד , meaning “first” when used as an ordinal, “one” (when the subject is singular) or “united” (when the subject is plural). Join together these concepts in sequence: Let the waters from under the heavens (to intensively) establish by twisting together and to (causatively) “rise” – united, and appearing as the ground (particles of matter) and it became so. The coil spring-shaped waves manifest as protons and electrons. They rise (from the depths of the past) upward (forward in time). The mass of a particle is the manifestation of the coil density. The size of a “particle” corresponds to coil diameter. They can bind together merely because their wave-functions twist together. This is what modern science “thinks” is the Strong Nuclear Force –by the way, gluons don’t actually exist. Ref? Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. In the Gospels, Jesus Christ often used parables to illustrate spiritual ideas by expressing them with earthly words. In like manner I offer this illustration: when seeing a tree’s leaves, branches and trunk, you understand that the visible parts exist because there are roots, that we normally do not see, which are responsible for the parts we do see. Since the Creator of the Hebrew language is one-and-the-same as the Creator of the Laws of Physics, I derived Genesis Cosmology from the distinctions found in the root-word meanings of the Hebrew words. Let’s construct this mathematical puzzle, a model of our Cosmos, and observe how it (1) literally defines many of the physical constants of the universe, (2) defines the underlying framework for the Laws of Physics, and (3) predicts many historical discoveries in physics. Page 7 Genesis Cosmology© surface. Thus, every planet and star in the universe is continually spreading out, just as Psalm 136:6 says of the Earth: Space-Time: The Cosmos, the entire span of space-time, is a 4D hyper-sphere filled with an elastic-fluidic medium. The medium has had many names throughout history: in the Hebrew Scriptures of Genesis, the (מים,"waters") above the expanse, "the firmament" of the heavens and in ancient Greek times (Pythagoras) "αιθηρ", "the aether". By the time Isaac Newton came along (1642-1727) it was called the "luminiferous ether” the medium through which light-waves transmit. In Zero Point Energy (ZPE) experiments it’s known as the "vacuum", and in modern Quantum Mechanics it is referred to as "the seething mass of virtual particles". רקַע הָאָרֶ ץ עַל־הַמָי ִּם כִּי לְעֹולָם חַסְדֹֹּֽו׃ ֹ ְל Note “L’râqa, spreading” is clearly the qal-imperfect form of the verb. Robert Young was the only translator who “literally” translated this verse correctly. To Him spreading the earth over the waters, for to the age [is] His kindness. (YLT) Eleven times in Scripture "the heavens" are stretched. Four of these times in the qal-perfect verb form meaning a completed act. The 4-dimensions of physical reality, 3-spatial plus 1-time, are stretched and held in this state. Two ideas here are: (1) the 4D-waters are stretched and held under this negative pressure thus “the firmament”. And (2) it's a temporary dwelling place, quite literally a domain in which to experience time. The 2-D math describing a stretched membrane (like a drum head that is stretched in 2-dimensions) can be extended to grasp this 4D firmament. Could these “11 stretches” be a hint about 11-dimensional Superstring Theory? Other translators “read in” their own misunderstandings thus translated “ ”לְרֹקַעas “stretched” which is not only the wrong word but also the wrong verb-form. In order for “stretched” to be the correct translation, the original word would have to have been “(natah,“)”נטה. Their mindset is likely the product of generations of Biblical scholars and theologians: 1. God MUST complete the “work” of creation process in 6days. 2. The translators failed to understand the distinction between the “work” of “stretching heavens” and “process” of “spreading forth of the Earthly realm of existence”. On day one, God says “let there be Light” (resulting in a intense infusion of energy) this started the process of time. On the second day the “heavens” are “stretched” and held under tension – thus called firmament of the heavens (the Now Manifold) within the 4D volume of our Cosmic Onion. Genesis Cosmology demonstrates its depth of understanding by drawing a clear distinction between the “Cosmos” verses the “Universe”. Our Cosmos has been endowed with “order and harmony” within this 4D hyper-spherical This initial “Big Flash” represented another astronomical infusion of energy. (Probably what we know of as the Planck Temperature.6) Again, just like the analogy of throwing a pebble in a pond, this happened on Day 1. This “Flash” (or “Wave”) continues to effortlessly spread, even now, through-out the span of this time-domain, till the end of this “age.” volume of space-time. It envelopes the past, present AND the future “outer darkness.” This foundational form was created by a cosmological infusion of energy: (1) it is stretched and held in this Potential Energy state. (2) It is oscillating at what we perceive as the Planck-time rate. This forms a huge “Cosmic Onion”, or more specifically, a 4D spherical standing-wave comprised of spherical inward and outward, rotationally-oscillating wavelets with amplitudes equal to the Magnetic Force Constant.4 The difference between the inward vs. outward angular momentums define the Magnetic Permeability of Space.5 Think of each Onion-layer as if it were a very thin holographic film which impedes the expansion of the universe. Our Universe, in contrast, is the manifestation of the one verse, “Let there be light.” Similar to a single wave expanding in a pond, starting from the exact center of our Cosmic Onion, this very special wave-front’s amplitude is along a 5th (higher) dimension. It is a laser sharp, spherical pulse progressively filling the cosmos. An ever-expanding 3D wave-front projecting outward along the time-dimension. Just one time-quantum thin, it literally defines the moment of time we call “Now!” The rate that it expands is the same as the forward progress of time itself! Think of it as an expandable planetarium dome with the stars and planets "projected" on its ever-expanding From a distance this wave-front is called the “Now-manifold” but as we consider the quantum-scale, active-reactive wave interactions, it is the elusive, “Unified Field,” (Albert Einstein’s life-long goal.) As it penetrates the Cosmic Onion-layers it encounters resistance. This is what physicists perceive as the Impedance of the Vacuum7: Z0 (Measured in Ohms). What determines the speed of light? The kind of light that we can “see” travels along the Now Manifold, like little ripples on an ocean wave. The distance that we “perceive” light travelling per second is a manifestation of how far light can travel its stair-stepped path between successive Cosmic Onion-layers while the Unified Field penetrates those Onion-layers. The mass of the tiny cross-sections of oscillating Onion-layers is the Planck Mass – its energy is the Planck Energy. 6 4 5 -7 2 2 Magnetic Force Constant, Km is defined as 10 Newtons(seconds /Coulomb ) -7 2 Magnetic Permeability of Space, μ0=4πKm=12.56637x10 Newtons/Ampere 2009, 2010 Planck Temperature, TP, defined Planck Mass times the speed of light squared / Boltzmann 32 constant. Approximately 1.416785x10 degrees Kelvin a measure of the energy generated between adjacent quantum Onion-layers. 7 Impedance of the Vacuum, Z0 = c·μ0 = 376.7303135 Ohms Page 8 c lP tP Genesis Cosmology© Energy Stiffness Mass Inertia Ke Z 1 1 2h GmP2 0 2 Km 0 0 0 0 Z 0 e 0 The speed of light can be expressed as any of these ratios: (1) The square-root of the ratio of the Electric Constant over the Magnetic Constant: Ke / Km Note: this is the form of a wave’s speed in classical physics the Square root of Stiffness/Inertia. (2) One of James Clerk Maxwell’s famous discoveries was discovering that the speed of light equals the reciprocal of the square-root of the product of Electric Permittivity and Magnetic Permeability. (3) Impedance of the Vacuum, Z0, divided by the Magnetic Permeability of Space, μ0; ( Z0 / μ0 ), (4) The reciprocal of the product of Z0 and ε0, the Electric Permittivity of Space. (5) Gravitation Constant times Planck-mass squared, divided by Reduced Planck Constant. 2009, 2010 (1) manifests as a rapid series of still images. Unknowingly, Heisenberg describes this strobe-light phenomenon with amazing accuracy in his famous "Uncertainty Principle". This states that the more certain one is about a particle’s location, the less certain we can be about its momentum and vice versa. Understanding Spring Theory: Whereas light-waves, radio-waves and the entire electromagnetic spectrum exist on the 3D surface of the Unified Field. Thus they can have two dimensions perpendicular to the direction of travel. I’m exploring two possibilities: "Spring Theory”: So called “particles” of matter are the manifestations of tiny, entangled, coil/spring-shaped waves propagating from the depths of the past towards the future. They manifest at the surface of the Now-manifold as it penetrates our Cosmic Onion-layers. Their coil density is (1) If the “quark” portions of the Standard Model are on the right track, then are the six types of quark spring-waves rising upward from the past, they have three possible dimensions in which to oscillate. So the six quarks of particle physics are the manifestations of the two polarities (right-hand spiral vs. left-hand spiral) with three possible dimensions of oscillation. Two quark types participate in making an atomic nucleus. In this theory the balance of neutron’s (down-down-up) quarks with protons (up-up-down) quarks makes a nucleon: a stable building block for constructing atomic nuclei. The big problem with the Standard model is that Neutrons decay into Proton + electron + energy, not two down quarks and one up-quark. Quantum Mechanics: All the perplexities of quantum phenomena (black-body radiation, dual-slit experiment, the illusion of photons being a particle, the photo-electric effect and, even, Particle-Wave Duality) can be explained by the wave-functions described herein: the 4D spherical inward/outward standing waves of our Cosmic Onion, the Now-manifold, and the spring-shaped quark & electron waves. These wave types interact to create the Unified Field – which defines all of the forces of nature. (2) An electron is a coil spring shaped wave propagating along the time dimension. Like spokes of a wheel projecting radially outward – yet at very close inspection reveal this stretched out spring where the diameter of the spring is what we perceive to be the size of the electron and the coil density is proportional to its mass. The left-/right- handedness of the spiral relates to the charge of the particle. Electrons have the same handedness as the inward moving ripples of Gen 1:2. Whereas, protons have the same handedness as the outward moving ripples. Proton waves are coiled 1682 time tighter than an electron, thus the proton is 1682 times more massive. In this theory a neutron is a proton entangled with an electron. Particle-Wave Duality: “Electrons” are they particles or waves? Whenever the Now-Manifold encounters the next Cosmic Onion-layer then, for a half-timequantum, electron-waves manifest location & mass. This happens so frequently – 1.85x1043 times per second - that it seems to us that the wave-interactions are solid particles of matter. Then, during the other half-time-quantum, they manifest as momentum & spin. It's like an extremely fast strobe light! Therefore, even for a fast moving object, at the quantum-level everything Atomic Structure: The number of braided nucleons defines each type of atomic element and creates a twisted interference pattern around the nucleus. The layering of these braided nucleons shapes the Unified Field around the nucleus creating the electron shells. The way that each layer is braided defines ripples giving shape to the s, p, d, & f orbitals. An electrons’ negative charge causes them to move in the trenches of interference patterns. These are the base energy states for each orbital. Matter-Energy: ( M = E/c2 ) This form of Einstein's famous equation more accurately reflects the cause-effect relationship. Fundamentally, energy is the cause and matter, made from energy wave constructs, is the effect. Introducing proportionate to the mass of the “particle”, just as coil diameter relates to “particle” size. They bind together merely by having their wave-functions overlap. This quark-wave entanglement is what physicists perceive as the Strong Nuclear Force. Page 9 Genesis Cosmology© (2) This creates an active-reactive energy exchange propagating on the Now- Now let’s try our first three questions: (Question 4 was answered on page 3.) manifold away from the mass – this is the Unified Field, (3) which impedes (1) How does distant starlight get to Earth in a young universe? the forward progress of time, (4) creating the sloped dent in the Now- Edwin Hubble was right about the universe expanding, but his biggest blunder manifold which slopes off according to the inverse square law. The steeper was to attribute ALL of the redshift of starlight to the “Doppler Effect” the sloped is as it penetrates our Cosmic Onion-layers, the stronger the alone. The Doppler Effect occurs at two distinct moments in time: first at manifestation of gravitational field strength. For Earth this slope translates the source, while the light waves are being induced into the intervening medium and at the moment the wave arrives at the observer. to 32 ft/second2 near the Earth’s surface and tapers off to about 1/20th of However for an inch per second2 at the distance of the moon. light from distant galaxies, most of the redshift of occurs while light is intransit, while light waves are traversing ever expanding space. a. The universe has been expanding since the beginning & continues even now. b. ALL of the light that arrives here on Earth comes from light sources from (3) Explain the Pioneer 10 “Acceleration Anomaly”: JPL tracked the Pioneer 10 (and 11) for about 30 years. They noticed that these spacecraft seemed to drift off their trajectory by about 3,000 miles per year – always closer to the depths of times past. This means the further “out” we “think” we are the sun than our mathematics would predict. For 30 years physicists from all seeing the smaller the universe was when the light was emitted. c. d. over the world attended a conference dedicated to this issue. eliminated all known possibilities: solar winds, space-dust, Oort-cloud, helium size, then everything was half the size (Except that the Earth’s crust leakage from radioactive decay of the crafts energy source, and/or the expands slightly slower than its interior.) and everything was half as far possibility of technical issues with the onboard electronics. apart and the duration of a “second” was what we now call “half-a-second. remaining idea was the possibility of some new physics. The best explanation There was a time when the universe was 100-times smaller, so the stars suggested was a difference in “clock-rates” on the spacecraft verses here on Earth.8 What physicist did not understand was this: The only As time proceeds forward, everything is expanding at rates dictated by the gravitational field smaller). So the light is stretching as it traverses 3D space WHILE clock strength (space-time curvature) of the “Now-manifold.” That means that the rates continually slow by the inverse of the age of the universe. sun and Earth are inhibiting space-time expansion due to their mass density. Meanwhile, here on Earth, clock rates continually slow as the universe However, these spacecraft have an insignificant mass compared to a star or expands. This means the orbital oscillations of every atom in and on the planet. They are beyond the escape velocity from the sun, so are no longer Earth and indeed the whole universe, continually slow. Every pendulum tied to the same space-time reference frame in the solar system. swings slower, all chemical processes slow, and we ourselves are moving in They are in a reference frame that is aging faster than those of us tied to Earth’s slow motion compared to times past! f. They So, for a star that emitted its light when the universe was half its current were 100-times closer (but the stars themselves were almost 100 times e. 2009, 2010 space-time reference frame. These spacecraft are literally drifting into the This also explains the so call “accelerated decay rates of the past” that future – relative to Earth’s reference frame. So, in addition to measuring the the R.A.T.E. project refers to. It is not that it was accelerated – it was transit time and phase shift of their radio signals scientists need to allow for faster. What’s the difference? The term “accelerated” means that as the fact that the spacecraft are drifting into the future by about 16.1 time proceeds forward – speed increases. But the opposite is occurring: as milliseconds per year. This is what really accounts for the 3,000 mile per space-time expands and clock rates slow everything is winding down. year discrepancy. (2) How does gravity actually work? Gravity is a 4th stage phenomenon: (1) As the Now-manifold expands sliding past the Spring-waves that make up a particles of massive objects, this generates a quantum-scale “jitter motion.” 8 Anderson, J.; “Study of the anomalous acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11”, arXiv:gr-qc/0104064 v4 11 Apr 2002 Page 10 Genesis Cosmology© (4) Where does Dark Matter & Dark Energy fit in Genesis Cosmology? Dark Matter was invented in order to explain why galaxies’ spiral arms * do not coil tighter than they have over billions of years}. The stars in a galaxy orbit around the center much like our planets orbit our Sun. The planets closer to the center move faster and the outer planets move slower. Given the billions of “thought to be” years that scientists “believed” to be true – they realized it does not make sense that the galactic spiral arms are not so wound up that we should barely be able to distinguish distinct arms. Dark Energy was invented because supernovae in distant galaxies are not as bright as the galaxies’ redshift values predict using Hubble’s Flaw. Both Dark Matter and Dark Energy can be explained away by the same fundamental realization; time is not linear. What Genesis Cosmology introduces is clock rates are changing as a function of the reciprocal of the age of the universe as measured from an absolute perspective. That is to say, IF, in our thought experiments, we assume a perspective that is NOT on the Now-manifold, RATHER, we imagine our view-point out in the 4D volume in the Outer Darkness. Then we could “watch” the universe expand up toward us from below. From this perspective we would observe several things: (1) everything is expanding, (2) the gaps between galaxies expand the fastest, (3) The gaps between stars within galaxies expand slower, (4) The stars and planets 2009, 2010 ruler to draw our time-lines we should be using a slide-rule to accurately “decode” (or decipher) time from an absolute perspective. (Still too nebulous) Chapter 2: Relativity Theories and the Unified Field Surfing the Unified Field (a.k.a. the Now Manifold): We ourselves, down to the very atoms we are made of, * manifest {moment by moment} on this ever expanding manifold. The light sensitive nerves in our retinas react to light waves. The outer most electrons of their light sensitive molecules trigger a tiny pulse of electrical charge. The patterns of impulses get relayed to our brains to be interpreted as images. In a fraction of a second our visual cortex * matches {patterns}, abstracts, and * matches these abstract {patterns} until we recognize the image as something we have seen before or we realize this is something new. Everything that we see (here and now) is a reflection of the verse “Let there be light.” Everything we perceive “here and now” is the sum of all the tiny timeslices of space-time collectively leading up to this moment in time. * Consider how young and how small the universe was when { a light source from the distant past} departed, compared to how much older and larger the universe is now. The light’s intensity and the redshift are our main “clues” as to how distant that light source was. Other clues that are not as well known or understood are “spiral polarization” and “quantized redshift”. expand slower still, and (5) everything is maintaining angular momentum. This Understanding Relativity Theories: means that orbital revolutions, planetary rotations, swinging pendulums, clock Here is where Genesis Cosmology really shines. It can clearly “explain” all 3 Relativity Theories. Each type of Relativity theory deals with comparing one “reference-frame” with another. Special Relativity relates objects moving at different velocities – especially when they approach the speed of light. General Relativity deals with space-time curvature around massive objects and how it creates gravity, even affecting massless light-waves. Space-Time-Relativity is the awareness of the difference between earlier times when space itself was smaller and clock-rates were faster and now how we perceive time distances and durations. rates and orbital oscillations are all continually slowing. One correction to our perception of space-time yields the answer to both questions: Galaxies are not wound up so much because the universe is NOT billions of years old. Supernovae in distant galaxies are not as bright as expected because: (1) When the stars exploded, their size, as well as the size of the universe was smaller, meaning there was less surface area emitting the light, (2) Most of the redshift occurred while the light was in-transit, traversing the surface of the Now-manifold; expanding in 3-dimensions simultaneously while traversing time. (3) We are moving in slow motion compared to times past. This causes us to perceive times past as a vast period of time. This is the Great Paradox, those time periods are actually shorter just like tick marks on a flexing, rubber-band time-line. Rather than using a Each type of Relativity Theory has a corresponding type of redshift. Special Relativity: for objects moving through space, light waves are instantaneously compressing in front and stretching-out behind. Hubble did not understand that space itself expands while light is in-transit. Page 11 Genesis Cosmology© Consider this crude diagram above. This is a tiny cross-section of space-time. Forward time is the top section of our diagram while the bottom represents the past. The center section represents the amount the universe expands in 1 second. The horizontal lines represent the quantum thin Cosmic-Onion-layers though the lines and gaps are not drawn to scale. In reality they are so fine that they subdivide an individual proton by many orders of magnitude. The “springs” are the oscillating wave-functions that represent particles of matter. Remember, the “size” of a particle is the amplitude of the wave oscillations and the “mass” of a particle is proportionate to the number of wave-oscillations per second. The spring on the left is a particle at rest determined by the centerline of the spring intersecting the Onion-layers at a right angle, thus having the minimal number of oscillations per second. This is what physicists call “the rest mass of a particle.” The middle spring-wave shows more oscillations fitting into the same 1 second time gap and represents a particle moving at about 20% of the speed of light. The right most spring represents a particle moving at about half the speed of light. More oscillations per second means the particles manifest greater mass. This explanation eliminates the need to “invent” a Higgs particle. Note Einstein’s assertion that the speed of light is an absolute limit (for a physical object). This would mean that a particle might be accelerated until its wave- function was horizontal, thus an infinite number of oscillations per second. Therefore the wave-function would penetrate an infinite number of Cosmic Onionlayers per second. 2009, 2010 General Relativity: matter slows space-time expansion with diminishing effect with distance (what we perceive as the inverse square law). This results in a dent in the ever expanding Now-manifold; the slope of the dent causes gravity. Light traversing this “gravity well” gets bent spatially and stretched temporally. These effects involve the curvature of space around the barycenter of objects. Space-Time-Age-Relativity: (2nd Peter 3:8) But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, [and] a thousand years as one day. (1) The speed of light in a vacuum is always: 299,792,458 meters/second within each reference frame. Note that speed is a RATIO: distance per unit-oftime. This does not mean distance is fixed nor does it mean clock rates are fixed. (2) What this DOES mean is that with the forward flow of time, a meter expands by some amount while the duration of one second changes by the same ratio. As the universe expands, clock rates are winding down. This means ALL natural processes are slowing down proportional to the reciprocal of the age of “the volume of space” the object is occupying. Even the atoms within an object expand as space itself expands. Redshifts occur while light is in-transit, while space itself is expanding. This dramatically affects any light-year calculations. Note Space-Time-Age-Relativity involves the curvature of space-time centered around Page 12 Genesis Cosmology© 2009, 2010 the origin point of our Cosmos – the center of our Cosmic Onion. Where’s that? 2009 AgeUniverse It’s in the very center of space-time. It is THE origin point. When time=0. daysEarthdt 4122 There is one thing physicists know for certain (and can all agree on): rotating 365.25636 days (t 4122) 2 2 year …yields the value: 6.86484x109. If the units could be interpreted as years than objects, free of the influence of friction, maintain constant angular momentum. it would be half of 13.72968 Billion years. But is it really the sum of 6131 years Refer back to our analogy of our universe being like an expandable planetarium worth of days? 6.86484x109 days translates to: 18,794,580 years! Which raises dome with the stars and planets projected on the surface. That surface is the Now-manifold, so as the Earth expands by 1%, its rate of rotation must slow by 1%. This applies to every atom; however, the interior of a planet expands slightly faster than its surface. The Earth’s crust cracked, and as the ocean floor continually formed new crust, it forced land masses to spread apart. 9 The scientists that thought that time was linear through-out the age of the the questions: Is the accumulation of time in an expanding space-time universe a non-linear function? If the “form” of this equation is on the right track, do we have to scale out time factor as multiples of Planck-time? If so, can we accumulate do you mean “asses”, “measure”, or “collect” by accumulate? timequanta with this formula?10 universe failed to realize that clock-rates expand as time proceeds forward. 1 AgeUniverse ( 1) 2 Unlike the rest of the universe, we are tied to an Earth-based reference frame. So science’s best estimate for the age of the universe is NOT what it appears to be. Our perception of time is NOT a linear function this needs more work. τ is the number of quantum clock ticks. days 2 (365.25636 t ) year 1 C AgeUniverse days Earthdt 2 365.25636 0 Now Rewriting this in terms of our calendar years (where negative is B.C.) gives us: 9 Neal “thinks” that matter has to be created and, like most scientists today, his linear perception of time puts his time scale way off, but once you account for space-time’s continuous scaling as the universe ages – Neal’s Expanding Earth, Mars, Europa, and Ganamede DOES make more sense than to have one super continent deciding to split itself up, for no reason, and whole continents floating around. He should totally exclude his attempted Prime-matter theory, for it takes away from the validity of his observations. 10 This page needs the most work. If only I could explain what’s needed to Chris Frazer, then, maybe, we could make progress. Page 13 Genesis Cosmology© בִּתְבונָֹּֽה׃ מַי ִּם בְחָכְמָה יָֹּֽסַד־אָרֶ ץ כֹונ ֵן 2009, 2010 [A Scientist‟s] religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement יְֹּֽהו ָה at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority [The] LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the waters [of heaven]. (MyLiteralT) that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection. -- King Solomon: "Proverbs", 3:19, (around 960 BC) -- Einstein, Albert: "The World as I See it", (1932) Z0 c c3 c5 1 2 5 2 c 0 3 2 02 (4K m ) 2 Z 02 (4K e ) 2 0 0 0 Z 0 e 2 03 חסְרו כָל־טֹֹּֽוב׃ ְ ַ ִּירים רָ שו ו ְרָ עֵבו וְד ְֹרשֵי וְד ְֹרשֵי י ְהו ָה ל ֹא־י ִּ כפ ְ c Ps 34:11 Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord. (Modern English: “…just how totally awesome He is!”) (n 1)! ( z ) 0 t dt et The n-Sphere surface and Volumes can be described by: Hyper-Surface Area Hyper-Volume 2 n / 2 r n1 (n / 2) 2 n / 2 r n n(n / 2) -- John Wsol, (2009) The above equations define the 2nd to 7th dimensions om the following Given the generalized n! function: Gamma (also works for real & complex): z 1 A4 s 3 1.898457918 x10 20 2 1 05 0 kg m 1 terms: 12 (2) 11 nDimensions: 2 n-D Volume r Surface Area 2r Volume/Area 1 1 rdr rdr 2 3 3 2 4 geometry of the physical universe and {Maxwell’s equations} (I cannot say A(n)/V(n-1) this. More work is needed to show the connection between space-time 6 3 7 8 16 3 7 r 105 4 8 r 24 4 3 2 4 r r 3 2 es 4r 2 2 2r 3 8 2 4 r 3 3r 5 16 3 6 r 15 4r 7 1 rdr 4 1 rdr 5 1 rdr 6 1 rdr 7 1 rdr 8 3 2 4 3 15 8 32 5 105 16 (3) Here, a correlation is made between the 4D-spherical, space-time 5 4 6 r 6 equations and Maxwell’s work.) Space-Time, Matter-Energy equations *. 12 11 Look for patterns in the relationships of surfaces, volumes, and differentials. The goal is to see a connection between physical phenomena and higher dimensional geometry and to see connections between Relativity Theories and Quantum Mechanics. Page 14 Genesis Cosmology© S-T Field Basic Differential Calculus: d n ( x ) nx ( n1) dx -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 n x 2 x 1 x0 1 x x2 x3 x4 1st derivative 2 x3 1 x2 0 x0 1 2x 3x 2 4x 3 2 derivative 6 x4 2 x3 0 0 2 6x 12x 3rd derivative 24 x5 6 x4 0 0 0 6 24 x 2 Fg G Electric Permittivity Magnetic Permeability Star Lum. n-Dimensions: nd 2009, 2010 StephanBoltzmann Constant m1m2 r̂ r2 TF K T i mi ˆ ti ti2 2 1/(ε0[F/m]) = μ0[H/m | N/A2] *c 2 5 k B4 2 5 k B4 J ? = 15 h3c02 15 h3 s 3 K 4 *c erg m 2 sK 4 2 The equation matrix above relates Planck Mass to Planck Charge. Space-Time / Energy-Matter: Don’t worry if you can’t find KT in any physics book – I discovered it just last year (this was the 2nd physical constant I discovered): Quantum Space hf = Energy Time = Electric Charge Energy Ke = 8.987551787e9 N(m/C) 2 = m3kg/s4/A2 Matter Magnetic Flux = Km = 1e-7 N(s/C) 2 = m·kg/s2/A2 Force Matter qq Fe K e 1 2 2 r̂ r pp Fm K m 1 2 2 r̂ r Gravity Matter inhibits expansion G = 6.674447698e-11 N(m/kg) 2 = m3/kg/s2 = KΘ = 7.426324605e-28 N(s/kg) 2 = m/kg Ke G c K m mP G = 1.160414199e10 kg/Coulomb K qP 2hc 0 (4) 2 *c Solving for KT: 2 2 *c q K K m P =7.426321605(02)e-28 N(s/kg)2 m p (5) Express G in terms of KT: G K c 2 =6.674447698(02)e-11 N(m/kg)2 2 *c (6) Page 15 Genesis Cosmology© 200 years ago, Henry Cavendish used a torsion balance (built by John Mitchell) to 2009, 2010 Solving for Newton’s Gravitation constant, G = 6.674447698(01) m3/kg s2 : measure the density of the Earth. This enabled scientists to calculate Newton’s G gravitational constant to about 3 digits of precision making the next equation particularly interesting. The following quantum relationship can be used to define Planck mass in terms of the proton-electron mass ratio rather than Max Planck’s definition in terms of G. If correct then we can solve to more accurately defined hc m 2 p me 3 4 h 5 G. (From my 9-Aug-2007 discovery): G 3 m 5 Planck 4h 8 2 m /m p e (7) Solving for Planck mass… mPlanck mp me 2 c 2 m p 4h 2 / 3 m 5 e (12) c3 h m 2 p me 2 4 5 (13) 2/3 Isolating the numerical constants: 3 4 h = 2.176410050987e-8 kg 5 27 5h me G3 c 52 m p (8) Per Max Planck’s definition for Planck mass: mPlanck (14) 4 h 5 (9) Now solving the m kg s [units in brackets]: 3 m m kg 2 c e s m kg 2 m kg 2 7 5 kg 4 s 2 p h 25 m 4 m3 s G kg s 2 (10) Solve for Newton’s Gravitation constant, G: 2G 1 2 hc mp 4 3 m 5 h e A new physical constant must be {introduced} whose units resolve the dimensionality issue. From equation (8) and (9) we get the equality: 3 At this point, I do believe, I have answered my own question. hc 2G mp hc 2G me 2 (16) 29-Mar-2009: Let me introduce what may be my 3 rd physical constant discovery: the Gravity-Wave Constant = 0.02526331503 : 13 (11) 13 [02-Apr-2009]: I decided to represent this as the reciprocal so the units are easier to conceptualize. This new Gravity-Wave Constant represents the dissipation of the affect matter has on expanding space-time curvature. Verify b4 publication Page 16 GWsol Genesis Cosmology© 5 27 5 2.5 0.02526331503 2 2.5 m2 kg 2 s (17) 2009, 2010 This new constant is used in this formula: 2 G 3 hG 2 Wsol 2 me c 3 h 25 / 4 me c m (2 ) 5 m p p (18) This value for G is as certain as Planck’s Constant, h. Higher Perspective is the Key to Understanding. -- John Wsol Let’s define “Einstein’s Constant”, the speed of light, denoted by lower-case c as the distance light can travel in one time quanta. Its value in metric units is 299,792,458 meters/second or about 186,282.397 miles/second. Now, as a matter of perspective, let’s also relate c to other fundamental parameters of our cosmos. This first equation-set relates simple ratios: Z l GmP2 AP2 0 t P 1 h c P 0 t P 0 0 Z 0 mP l P mP 8K m 2h 2 0e 2 0e 2 e 2 (0a) Next, let’s relate the speed of light SQUARED to everything that has to do with space-time expansion. As the Now-manifold expands, space spreads out as the square of the reciprocal of the age of the universe, while simultaneously the local clock rates slow by the square of the reciprocal of the age of the universe. c2 K Energy EP G 1 Stiffness e Mass mP K m K 0 0 Inertia (0b) The question arises: Why is it this particular value? Is one of the other relations above truly more fundamental that c itself? In other words: What are the cause-effect relationships here? Could it be that one of these constants, or its reciprocal, represents the Stiffness and another is the Inertia14 of the ether? Allow 3 out of 4 of these force equations to refresh your first year physics. I believe it’s because KΘ is missing from our traditional equation-set and science curriculum that many scientists “think” Dark Matter exists. (Explanation follows.) Notice how factoring out the “force factor”, Newton (kg m/s2), relates spacetime to charge-mass symmetry and shows how the spatial curvature is the product of the temporal slope and c2. 14 {When Brian Greene discovered that the fabric of space could be torn,} he stated, “For a brief moment, you feel like you have seen the universe in a way that nobody previously has. [Except maybe for Isaiah 64:1] You feel like you are privy to a deep truth of nature that no one has been aware of before. It's a wonderful and remarkable feeling. It's not one that I think one can expect to have occur many times in one's career. You do often discover things that are useful and important, but I think it's a rare privilege to find something fairly fundamental and really get a sense of connection to the universe that's hard to achieve in any other way.” Page 17 Genesis Cosmology© Note how multiplying by c2 converts time dimension to space. Why? Because the 3spatial dimensions divided by 1 time dimension yields power of 2 dimensional differential. Electro-Magnetic Force Electric Permittivity Magnetic Permeability 2009, 2010 Space Energy Time = Electric Charge Ke = 8.987551787e9 N(m/C) 2 = = m3kg / s4A2 Fe K e q1q2 rˆ r2 1/(ε0[F/m]) ≡[N(m/C)2] Gravity G = 6.674447698e-11 N(m/kg) 2 = m3/kg s2 Gravitational Space-Time FG G m1m2 rˆ r2 Magnetic Flux Km = 1e -7 2 = 2 2 N(s/C) = m·kg / s A Fm K m = *c2 Matter p1 p2 rˆ r2 *c2 [N(s/C)2] Matter slows time; inhibiting expansion. KΘ = 7.426324605e F K *c2 -28 2 N(s/kg) = m/kg *c2 m1m2 rˆ r2 The following equations layout the foundational sequence of these fundamental physical constants. The first four are all properties of the Vacuum of Space, which Isaac Newton called the “Luminiferous aether”: the medium through which light waves transmit. Unfortunately the failure of Michelson-Morley Experiment (1887) caused many scientists to blame the null-result on the ether, saying, “The ether does not really exist.” Since Einstein’s “etherless” spacetime geometry of Special Relativity (1905) so successfully explained the null result, many scientists believed that the ether did not exist. Truly, it only proves that there is no ether drag! The Vacuum of Space has too many properties other than just its volume. Collectively these five constants ARE the properties the ether. The magnetic permeability of space, Km, has equals 1x10-7 N(s/C)2 relating to the other properties of the ether as: s 2 0 K e Z Km N 2 0 4c 2 0 4c C 4 c lP mP / 4π tP2 AP2 (1) Page 18 Genesis Cosmology© 2009, 2010 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. והארץ היתה תהו ובהו וחׁשך על־פני תהום t@howm abyss. „alyenap va‟choshek va‟bohuw tohuw was upon and darkness and void without hayah was Va‟ha‟erets And the Earthly [realm] ורוח אלהים מרחפת על־פני המים׃ ha‟maym „alyenap ma‟râcapht upon the surface fluttering of the waters (stirring) va‟bohuw of God tohuw And the Spirit Km is the amplitude of the rotational oscillations induced by the Spirit of God on the surface of the waters (the ether). It generates concentric 4D spherical standing waves. The Magnetic Permeability of Space, μ0=1.256637061x10-6 N(s/C)2 represents the energy differential of the resultant 4D spherical standing waves. This forms the Cosmic Onion illustrated above. The relative motion of these spherical waves is illustrated to the left. The inward (purple) left-hand spiral waves trace out a wavefunction whose circular inward spirals have a path of negative 2π times Km. These waves pass through identical outward moving (green) right-hand spiral waves of positive 2π times Km, the difference being 4π*Km, yielding μ0=1.256637061…x10-6 N(s/C)2. s 2 4K Z 1 0 N 4K m 2 e 0 c c 0c 2 C 1:3 And God said, Let there be light and there was light. אור ויהי־אור׃ and there was light. light יהי let there be ויאמר אלהים God Then said lP mP / tP2 AP2 (2) Electric Permittivity of Space, Ke= 8.987551787x109 N(m/C)2 is = Kmc2 (this is the same form as Einstein’s famous E=mc2 except it relates Electric Permittivity to Magnetic Permeability rather than Energy to Mass. m 2 c 2 cZ 1 Ke N K mc 2 0 0 4 4 4 0 C lP3mP / 4π tP4 AP2 (3) All these properties are connected to the Lord’s question to Job in Chapter 38:7 “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the Earth?” Had Job not been so intimated by the question he could have said “Well, I did not even exist yet.” The wave-functions created in Genesis 1:2-3 are the foundations of Page 19 Genesis Cosmology© 2009, 2010 our cosmos including: all the properties of the ether; the Magnetic Force constant, Km; the Magnetic Permeability of Space, μ0; and Planck-mass. Genesis 1:3 creates the moment of time we call “Now”, and effectively, puts time into motion. It’s ever-expanding progress through our Cosmic Onion-layers define the Planck-time (tP), and gives meaning to Planck length (lP). This membrane, like wave-front, generates Planck Amperes and Planck Charge. This wave-front’s progress is regulated by the resistance it encounters as it penetrates our Cosmic Onion-layers – that resistance, measured in Ohms (Ω) is what physicist call the “Impedance of the Vacuum”. 1:4 And God saw the light, that [it was] good: and God divided the light from the darkness. כי־טוב That was good. וירא אלהים את־האור the Light God And saw אלהים בין האור ובין החׁשך׃ ויבדל the darkness And divided from the light from God Relate the Impedance of the Vacuum, Z0=376.7303134618 Ohms, to the other properties of the ether. Like a single ripple in a pond, this 3D wave-front continually expands within the 4D Cosmic Onion while the resistance of the Onion-layers regulates its expansion. This wavefront of light is, in a sense, “trying” to go at the speed of light, however the magnetic permeability of space dictates the rate that this expansion can only occur along the timedimension. m 2 kg Z 0 3 2 c0 s A Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (James 1:17) AP c mP Z 0t P mP l P2 Z 0t P3 0 GmP2 0 0 mP c 0t P lP2 mP / tP3 AP2 (4) mP c 4K mt P The next group of parameters defines the foundations of quantum physics. Max Planck pioneered this area of physics and was the first to define the Planck units – units of space-time and matter-energy that represent the quantized increments that distance, time, matter and energy can manifest. The Planck-mass equation based on the protonelectron mass ratio is an original discovery by the author. Planck Length 1.616272763e-35 meters lP lP K G 3 c c lP G hG 1 5 c mP c c 2 c 2.5 Planck Time 5.391305616e-44 seconds tP tP Planck Mass 2.176410066e-8 kilograms mP mP m proton melectron 3 Km 8 2 kg 2 s m 2 kg c cq P 2 5 m s G G (5) (6) (7) Page 20 Genesis Cosmology© 2009, 2010 The next group of constants deals with quantum energy. The Planck Energy is simply E=mc2 where the mass is the Planck mass. Physically the Planck mass is the volume of the Planck Temperature applied to the Boltzmann constant as the conversion factor of energy, measured in Joules, and converts energy-units to our temperature scale, measured in degrees Kelvin. The Molar Gas constant scales temperature by Avogadro’s number thus a moles worth (6.0221415 × 1023) of kinetic molecular energy. Planck Energy 1.956059818x109 2 Joules Planck 1.416766795 x1032 ºKelvin Temperature Boltzmann 1.380650524x10 Constant mP c Molar Gas 8.314472(15) mol m2kg / s2 K Constant 2 (8) mP c2 / kB TP E P mP c 2 c 5 kB kB GkB2 (9) mP c2 / TP kB E P mP c 2 c 5 TB TP GTP2 (10) -23 Joules/ ºKelvin l EP mP c mP P tP 2 NA mP c2 / TP R N AkB (11) Planck’s reduced constant, (h-bar), is really more fundamental than Planck’s full constant, h. Physics books define H-bar as h divided by 2π. More fundamentally it is the product of three quantum values: Planck mass, Planck length and the speed of light. With elementary charge, we introduce Thad Roberts’ favorite number 0.3028221202, designated by the Russian (Cyrillic) letter ж, (pronounced by combining “Je” with “zhe”). Reduced Planck 1.054571628e-34 Joule-seconds[kg m2/s] Planck’s 6.62606896e-34 Joule-seconds Constant mP lP c 2π mP lP c Z q 2 GmP2 l P2 c 3 t P2 c 5 h 0 P 2 4 c G G h 2 (12) qP2 Z 0 2GmP2 2l P2 c 3 2t P2 c 2 2 c G G Planck Amperes 9.813792374e24 Amperes mP l P 0 t P2 AP Planck Charge 1.87554587e-18 Coulombs t P mP c Km qP 2 t P AP Elementary 1.602176487x1019 NIST? Amp-seconds Charge ж tP AP mP c 0t P e qP EP qP e e t P Z 0 t P 2t P t P 4 qP 2 e 2h Z0 cK m c G mP Ke Ke (13) (14) (15) (16) Page 21 Genesis Cosmology© Faraday Constant 9.6485339773x104 sA/mol 2009, 2010 F N Ae NA ж tP AP qP N A 2 (17) This new Gravity Wave Dispersion constant (2.5263315034529…x10-2 m2 / kg2s) is used in equation 18: G 5/ 2 2.5 5/ 2 (2 ) (2 ) 2.5 m2 kg 2 s (17) Solve for Newton’s Gravitational Constant, G=6.674447698e-11. Note: Gω is the Gravity Wave Dispersion constant from equation (17): m K Z 2K h l P3 m P l P 2 c G 2 c K c 2 K e 2 2 0 2 e c e m mP K m mP mP 0 mP Z 0 tP p Fine Structure 7.297352570(5)x10-3 2 dimensionless (C/C) Constant Magnetic Flux Quantum Conductance Quantum Classic Electron Radius Compton Wavelength Proton Wavelength Nuclear Magneton 2.067833667x10-15 m2kg/s2A 7.748091700e-5 s3A2/m2kg 7.748091700e-5 2.8179402894x10-15 Thad meters -15 2.8179402875x10 my calc. 2.426310238×10-12 Thad meters -12 2.4263102 ×10 my calc. meters 1.321409845×10-15 my calc. 5.05078343×10-27 Thad meters2Amps 5.050876965×10-27 my calc. Bohr Radius 5.291772108e-11 Thad 2 hG2 3 (18) 2 2 ж / 4π e ce 2 Z 0 e 2 2 e2 0 2hc 0 2h 2h 4 qP π mP c2/ ж AP 0 ж2 tP AP2 / π mP c2 G0 ж2 lP mP / 4π melectron re 2π lP mP / melectron λC 2π lP mP / mproton λCp ж lP2 mP AP / 2mproton μN 4π lP mP / ж2 melectron hZ 0 mP c mP c 2 8 0t P 2e 2 2 t P AP2 h mP c 2 2 l P mP 4 melectron (18) Page 22 Genesis Cosmology© 2009, 2010 meters 5.291772084e-11 жcalc 1.097373157x107 Rydberg Constant l/m Ж= 2 2e Z c0 8cK m e 0 e e qP h 2 e ce 2 Z 0 e 2 2 e2 0 2hc 0 2h 2h 4 qP (19)