Bulletin Notes Pastor: Parish Associate Liturgist: Choir Director: Organist: Carol Clark Mark Clark Karen Brailey Dustin Stamey Lisa Caudle A Word for Our Visitors We are very glad you are visiting us today. We mention a few of the items below in hopes it will help you in feeling welcome and at home with us. Please take a moment to fill out the information form in the red pew tablet. Nursery Assistance - We provide full nursery care during both worship services in the education building next door to the sanctuary. You may pick up a pager as you drop off your child so you can be notified if needed. There is also a “quiet room” in the rear of the sanctuary to help you attend to your young child and still participate in worship. Hearing Assistance - For those who might benefit from a boost in audio volume during worship, we offer hearing assistance headphones which can be worn anywhere in the sanctuary. Please pick up a set in the AV booth at the rear of the sanctuary. Service for the Lord’s Day July 19, 2015 11:00 a.m. Unity Presbyterian Church PC (USA) 8210 Unity Church Rd. Denver, NC 28037 CHIMING THE TRINITY PRELUDE “Keep on the Sunny Side” Carter Strictly Clean and Decent WELCOME Carol Clark READING AND HEARING OF GOD’S WORD Old Testament Lesson *Hymn “Dwelling in Beulah Land” New Testament Lesson Sermon “The Powers We Already Have” Isaiah 43:1-4; 18-21 Verses 1 & 3 see insert 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 Carol Clark Please sign and pass the friendship register on the end of the pew. ANNOUNCEMENTS Karen Brailey CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Today we celebrate the POWER of God. People: God has the power to provide. Leader: God has the power to comfort. People: God has the power to heal. Leader: God has the power to forgive. People: God has the power to love us forever. Leader: Let us worship this God of power. People: Amen. Please join in reading. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE and the LORD’S PRAYER Words to the Lord’s Prayer are found on the screen as well as on the inside cover of the hymnal. GIVING OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS Offertory Anthem “Turn, Turn, Turn” Seeger *Doxology and Prayer of Dedication *HYMN OF COMMITMENT “Trading My Sorrows” Strictly Clean and Decent see insert *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION *POSTLUDE “Dancing with the Angels” Rowan Strictly Clean and Decent *HYMN OF PRAISE “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” Verses 1 & 3 PH #288 We will be singing with the track that we used at Vacation Bible School. *INVOCATION *PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST MOMENTS WITH YOUNG CHRISTIANS * All children are invited to come forward. * There is no Sunday school during July. Children should remain in worship with their parents. * For our youngest children, there is a staffed nursery with pagers and there is a quiet room in the back of the sanctuary where you can hear the service. Ask an usher for directions. At the 9:30 service today, we had the pleasure of installing Audrey Turner as an elder to the class of 2017 and commissioning our youth going to the Montreat Youth Conference. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM for Owen Alexander Leith ANTHEM “Yesterday” Younce *Those who are able, please stand. PH is the hard-backed Presbyterian Hymnal. STF is our small “Sing the Faith” songbook. Both are located in the back of the pew. Strictly Clean and Decent