1. IDENTIFICATION Title of the course: Cooking technology Section : Régendat in family and social economics Total number of hours: 25 Language: French Year: 1 Number periods/week: 2 Number ECTS credits: Semester: S1 Code : RGD 104 2. DESCRIPTION Prerequisite: Nothing Reference documents for a preparation prior to the course: VIERLING E., Aliments et boissons : Technologie et aspects réglementaires, publisher Doin, collection Sciences des aliments, Vélizy, 1998, 188 pages. Vierling E., Aliments et boissons, filières et produits, publisher Doin, Vélisy, 1999, 223 pages Goals: At the end of this course, students will be able: - to understand and explain the basic cooking techniques - to apply a given cooking technique to a given kind of food - to explain the physicochemical and nutritional modifications provoked when a food is cooked - to describe the notions of liaisons, binders and sauces - to explain and apply the main purchase criteria to a given kind of food Content of the course: 1.Cooking 2. Sauces 3. Study of a few foods according to the classification of the food pyramid Bibliography : CHEFTEL J-C., CHEFTEL H., Introduction à la biochimie et à la technologie des aliments, Lavoisier Technique et Documentation, Paris, 1992, 645 pages ; VIERLING E., Aliments et boissons : Technologie et aspects réglementaires, publisher Doin, collection Sciences des aliments, Vélizy, 1998, 188 pages. VIERLING E., Aliments et boissons, filières et produits, publisher Doin, Vélizy, 1999, 223 pages Status of the course: Compulsory 3. TEACHERS Michel MAREE 4. METHODOLOGY Oral presentations with an active participation of the students Visits to companies working in the studied field 5. ASSESSMENT METHODS Certificative assessment: oral examination at the end of the semester: students draw lots for two questions, a main question (60%) and a secondary question (40%) RGD 104