Asia Pacific Management Review (2004) 9(3), 391-413 Demographic and Psychographic Profile of Active and Passive Investors of KLSE: A Discriminant Analysis Ezlika Ghazali∗ and Md. Nor Othman∗∗ (received June 2003; revision received October 2003; accepted December 2003) Abstract The study attempts to delineate the demographic and lifestyle characteristics of active and passive investors in Malaysia. The two groups are compared using eight demographic, five psychographic, and five activity dimensions. The results indicate that there were significant differences in terms of gender, age, occupation, monthly personal income and monthly household income between the two investor groups. In terms of psychographic dimensions, active investors were more risk takers or innovative than passive investors. When the activity dimensions of the two groups were examined, significant differences were also found. Active investors were found to be more knowledge-seekers, outdoor-lovers and outgoing/entertainment lovers when compared to passive investors. The application of discriminant analysis reveals that certain variables are relatively more important than others, in discriminating between active and passive investors. With regards to level of importance, personal monthly income ranks the highest, followed by occupation and outgoing/entertainment lover dimension of activity items. Some marketing implications were also discussed. Keywords: Consumer behavior; Psychographics; Investor profile; AIO inventory; Discriminant analysis 1. Introduction The stiff competition, growing complexity and sophistication of the stock market have made stock broking a specialized profession. Globali zation of markets presents considerable challenges and opportunities for domestics and international marketers [1,17]. This will pose a threat to securities industry in Malaysia. As such, the importance of marketing in stock broking firms must not be taken for granted. According to Lee [9], the effectiveness of a broker depends largely on the knowledge and understanding of the customers. This is because to the general public one stock broking service is like another [12], and investors’ loyalty hinges primarily ∗ Department of Marketing and Information Systems, Faculty of Business & Accountancy, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Tel: 603-7967-3836, Fax: 603-79673810, Email: ∗∗ Dean of the Faculty of Business & Accountancy, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Tel: 603-7967-3800, Fax: 603-7967-3980, Email: 391 Ezlika Ghazali et al on the qualities of the individual broker, not on the reputation of the firm [9]. Thus, by analyzing the psychographic characteristics of the individual investors, stockbrokers will be in a better position to understand the prospects and identify new opportunities. The segmentation of potential clientele based on knowledge of investors grouped in demographic factors (sex, age, income, education and occupation), psychographic factors (social class, lifestyles) and behavioral factors (active investors or passive investors) enables financial service marketer i.e. brokers to plan strategically and effectively. Demographic variables have long been used as a foundation for segmenting the market for financial services [10,18]. The consumers within the same demographic group can exhibit very different psychographic dimensions. According to Simon H. Friend [4], a marketing researcher for Survey Research Malaysia, the Malaysian marketers can see their consumers in ‘black and white’ by using demographic variables. However, with psychographics, the marketers can see them in ‘colors’ [4]. The basic premise of psychographics research is that the more you know and understand your customers the more effectively you can communicate and market to them [15]. However, very little empirical research exists pertaining to individual investors and their psychographic profile in Malaysia. It would be interesting to know the type of people making up Malaysian capital market. The purpose of this study is to provide an insight into the profile of active and passive investors in urban Malaysia, along with their demographic, lifestyle1 characteristics and activity participated. It is hoped that the study will be able to discriminate between active and passive investors based on these variables. 2. Literature Review Numerous psychographic studies can be found in the literature. However, very few researches have been done on the demographic and psychographic profile of investor groups. In the subsequent sub-sections, past literature on investor categories, the psychographics of investors and leisure activities participated by investors will be discussed. 1 In this paper, the terms “lifestyle” and “psychographics” have been used interchangeably (see Mowen, 2001) 392 Asia Pacific Management Review (2004) 9(3), 391-413 2.1 Investor Categories Different researchers in the past had attempted to categorize investors in different ways. At least three different ways of categorizing stock market investors can be found. Barnewell [2], in her study, categorizes investors into active and passive. The investment orientation of active investors is for control, with 70 per cent of their investments in the higher risks and 30 per cent in the lower risks assets. Passive investors, on the other hand, are noncontrol oriented with 70 per cent of their investment in the lower risks assets and 30 per cent in higher risks. Both investor groups are classified using focus group interviews [2]. Another way of categorizing investors is to look at the total investment holdings the investors have. Based on this criterion, Warren et al. [18] categorize investors into light and heavy. Light investors are those who have US $30,000 or less in total investment holdings. Heavy investors, on the other, are defined as those having a total investment holding of more than US $30,000. Using a similar criterion, Lim [10], in a Malaysian study, classifies individual investors also in terms of light and heavy investors. Light investors are defined as those who have investment holdings of less than RM20,000, while heavy investors are those with RM20,000 or more in total investment holdings. In another study, Brandweek [3] reported a study by Yankelovich Partner of New York that categorizes investors into “Strugglers” and “Secures”. “Strugglers” are those with median household income of U.S. $34,000 per annum and mean investible assets of only U.S. $6,000, while “Secures” are those having median household income of U.S. $75,000 per annum with mean investible assets of U.S. $192,000. The study concludes that “Secures” are future focused and possess money to burn, while “Strugglers” have low assets to invest and limited financial savvy [3]. Based on Barnewell [2], the current study will categorize investors into active and passive investors. However, unlike Barnewell [2], the present study will categorize them based on the frequency of transactions made by the respondents over time. Barnewell [2] categorize the two investor groups based on their control orientation and investment in risky or non-risky assets. Definition of Barnewell [2] is not suitable because the current study look into the behavior of individual investors as compared to Barnewell [2] who look into institutional investors in which buying and selling for control is more common. 393 Ezlika Ghazali et al As such, our definition of active and passive investors basically refers to whether a particular individual investor participated regularly in buying and selling stock in the stock market. The more regular the transactions, the more the investors is said to be active in the market. Passive investors are those who do not participate regularly in the buying and selling of stock in the market. 2.2 Investor Groups and Demographic Variables Previous studies have found that active or heavy investors generally have higher income when compared to passive or light investors [2,10,18]. In addition, Warren et al. [18] in their study, found that heavy investors tend to reside in households with no children living at home or in households with children of 18 years of age and older. They or their spouses tend to be full-time homemakers and, in terms of education, have at least one to three years of college. In Malaysia, Lim [10] found that heavy investors have a greater tendency to be married but with no children or with children between 5 to 18 years of age. They also tend to have spouses who are employed fulltime. They also tend to be better educated than light investors. As for light investors, both Lim [10] and Warren et al. [18] have found that most of them are singles or widows or if married, still having children at home. In terms of occupation, Barnewell [2], in his study, found that active investors work either as small business owner, surgeon doctors, surgeon dentists, independent CPA, independent lawyers or entrepreneurs. Passive investors, on the other hand, are corporate executives, non-surgeon doctors, non-surgeon dentists, CPA attached to big firms or lawyers attached to large firms. However, Lim [10] found that there is no significant difference with regards to the occupational characteristics of light and heavy investors. With respect to ethnicity and age, Lim [10] found that heavy investors in Malaysia are mostly Chinese who are elderly with an average age of 40. Based on the literature discussed above, one might expect some differences in terms of demographic variables between active and passive investors. H1: There will be some significant differences between active and passive investors along some demographic variables. 2.3 Psychographics of Investors According to Mowen and Minor [11], psychographics analysis is a type of consumer research that describes segments of consumers in terms of how 394 Asia Pacific Management Review (2004) 9(3), 391-413 they live, work, and play. Psychographics is employed to assess consumers’ lifestyles by analyzing their activities, interests, and opinions (AIO). Numerous studies have found that there are some relationships between brand or product preferences and psychographics [19,20,21]. However, there is a dearth of literature on the psychographics of investors. Previous studies on individual investors have found that there are some relationships between types of investors and a number of psychographic variables. Among the psychographic variables examined in the previous studies related to investor behavior are attitudes towards risk, self-confidence, conformist, communitymindedness, service volunteers, innovativeness, fashion/appearance consciousness, and credit user. Past studies have found that active or heavy investors have a higher level of self-confidence when compared to passive or light investors [2,10, 18]. In addition, Barnewell [2] also found that active investors tend to be more risk takers when compared to passive investors. Passive investors, on the other hand, tend to be more of risk avoiders. The study by Yankelovich Partners of New York also conclude that ‘Strugglers’ are less inclined to take risk, unsure on how to invest and are preoccupied with reducing their debts. On the other hand, ‘Secures’ are those who accept risks for potential rewards, information hungry and open to expert advise [3]. Warren et al. [18], in their study, found that light investors tend to be more conformists and more inclined to be service volunteers when compared to heavy investors. They also found that heavy investors are more nonconformists and less inclined to be service volunteers. Their results, however, are somewhat different from those found by Lim [10]. Lim [10], in his study on the Malaysian investors, found that heavy investors are more innovative and adventurous in terms of choosing products or brands. They are more fashion conscious when compared to light investors. In addition, Lim [10] also found that heavy investors in Malaysia possess leadership quality and are financially optimistic than light investors. In terms of credit usage, Barnewell [2] found that active investors have a greater tendency to be credit users when compared to the passive investors. H2: There will be some differences between active and passive investors with respect to psychographic profile. The psychographics profile of the investors will be determined after factor analysis of psychographics items is made. 395 Ezlika Ghazali et al 2.4 Leisure Activities Participated by Investors Almost no studies can be found examining the types of leisure activities participated by investors. The only known study on this area was conducted by Yankelovich Partners of New York [3]. In their study, Yankelovich Partners found that ‘Strugglers’ tend to participate more in passive activities, like watching television. They are seldom involved in surfing the net and tend to avoid reading serious publications, such as business and finance. ‘Secures’ investors, on the other hand, are more inclined to watch television and participate in reading. In addition, they like to be involved in affluent activities, such as dining-out, weekend getaways and gardening. They are also high internet users and heavy newspaper and magazine readers, especially those which are information intensive. H3: There will be some different between active and passive investors with respect to leisure activities participated. The leisure activities profile will be developed only when the leisure activity items were factor analyzed. 3. Research Methodology This section outlines the methodology employed in the study. The study was carried out by using the survey approach. This section provides a description of the design of the research instrument, and the sampling procedure and data collection technique. 3.1 Research Instrument The survey instrument was an eight-page questionnaire. The questions relevant to this paper were found in four sections. The first section measured the psychographic and lifestyle characteristics of the respondents. When developing the lifestyle questions in this section, the basic approach developed by Wells and Tigert [20] and Plummer [16] was adopted. A total of 16 activity, interest and opinion (AIO) statements on a seven-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 7 (Strongly Agree) were used. For each of the statements, respondents were required to indicate their level of agreement to the statements. The statements measured constructs that were deemed relevant to measuring investor lifestyles. Amongst the constructs measured were ‘credit user’, ‘risk taker’ and ‘self-confidence’. The input for the lifestyle statements was derived from the AIO inventory developed by Wells and Tigert [20], as well as items developed by Plummer [16] and Kinnear and Taylor [6]. In addition, several items were developed 396 Asia Pacific Management Review (2004) 9(3), 391-413 by the researchers based on the local applicability of the statements. Some statements were modified to suit the local conditions. As an example, the item “I like to fly” from Kinnear and Taylor [6] was restated to “I like to be involved in risky sports, such as sky-diving, scuba-diving, etc.” In the second section, issues related to non-work related activities were measured. A total of 18 general statements regarding these activities were given. The respondents were asked to indicate the extent to which they participated in these activities by circling the appropriate number: 5 = Regularly, 4 = Often, 3 = Sometimes, 2 = Almost Never, and 1 = Never. This section in particular attempted to elicit some information on the subjects’ general afterwork activities and interests. Most of the items in this section were taken from the study of Kamakura and Wedel [5]. Some items were restated or changed. The item ‘Read magazines’ was expanded into four different items: ‘Read educational publications/magazines’; ‘Read computer or IT publications/magazines’; ‘Read finance publications/magazines’; and ‘Read business publications/magazines’. ‘Go to church’ was changed to ‘Go to mosque, church or temple’ to reflect the local condition. The ‘Surf-the-net’ item was added by the researcher to indicate a recent popular activity participated. The third section was designed to measure how active the respondents were in ‘playing shares’ in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE). To measure this issue the following question was asked: “How many times in an average month do you have your transaction done in the KLSE?” Six alternative responses were given, from ‘1 = Less than 1 time a month’, to ‘4 = 3 times a month’, and to ‘6 = More than 4 times a month’. Based on the responses from this question, investor categories (i.e. active and passive investors) would be developed. The last section was designed to collect the demographic information of the respondents. Examples of the demographic variables measured were gender, ethnicity, marital status, employment status, education and income. The variables were measured using a close-ended multiple-choice format. Prior to the actual survey, a pilot test was conducted using 20 respondents. Based on the feedback obtained from these respondents, the final version of the questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire was produced in two languages: English and Malay. The original English version of the questionnaire was translated into the Malay language, the national language of Malaysia, using the back-to-back translation method [22]. 397 Ezlika Ghazali et al 3.2 Sampling Procedure and Data Collection Method The study was confined to the residents in the Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya areas. Respondents were from both sexes, aged 21 and above and who invested in securities of public listed companies traded on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE). To provide an adequate level of confidence in the study, a sample size of 300 was targeted. The survey was conducted over an eight-week period using self-administered drop-off method. The drop-off method was used by placing 50 copies of the questionnaires with eight stock-broking companies in the Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya areas. A key person, normally a senior remisier or dealer, in each of the stock-broking companies was engaged to act as the contact person and the distributing agent. 4. Research Results This section presents the findings of the survey. It begins with a description of the general characteristics of the respondents. This is followed by a demographic comparison between active and passive investors. The results of the factor analysis on lifestyle and activity items are then presented. A comparison is made between the two groups of investor in terms of their lifestyle and activity profile. Finally, the results of stepwise discriminant analysis are presented, using active and passive investors as the dependent variable and the demographic characteristics, lifestyle profile and activity participation as the independent variables. 4.1 Characteristics of the Respondents From a total of 300 returned questionnaires, 245 were useable for analysis. The male respondents outnumbered female by almost 3:1. The gender proportion seemed to match those obtained by Lim [10] and KLSE [7]. The dominance of males in share-ownership could be explained by the fact that, in Malaysia, men tended to have a more risk-oriented personality as well as having a higher income than women. An equal percentage of respondents (28.3 per cent) fell in the 26-29 and 30-35 age groups. A smaller proportion of respondents were in the 36-39 years and 40-49 years age groups. Almost two-thirds of the respondents were married. Slightly more than a third of the respondents were singles. In terms of ethnic group, Malays comprised the largest group (48.8 per cent), followed by the Chinese (40.6 per cent) and Indians (8.6 per cent). 398 Asia Pacific Management Review (2004) 9(3), 391-413 When monthly personal income was examined 36.5 per cent of the respondents were in the RM2,000-RM3,999 income group. They were followed by those earning RM4,000-RM5,999 (24.1 per cent), RM6,000-RM7,999 (15.4 per cent), and less than RM2,000 income groups (12.4 per cent). In terms of monthly household income, 29.7 per cent of the respondents had a monthly household income of RM2,000–RM4,999, followed by those in the RM5,000–RM7,999 income category (25.9 per cent). Those respondents with a monthly household income of RM10,000–RM12,999 represented 13.4 per cent of the total. In terms of occupation, respondents in the ‘administrative/managerial’ position and ‘professionals’ (doctors, engineers, etc.) made up the majority of the respondents representing 26.2 per cent and 23.4 per cent of the total respectively. Those in the ‘sales/marketing’ made up 15.6 per cent and ‘business owners’ consisted of 11.9 per cent. With regards to educational background, the majority of the respondents (69.0 per cent) had a university or professional degree. Those with a college diploma represented 15.9 per cent of the respondents, followed by 9.4 per cent having studied only up to SPM/ SPVM/O-level. 4.2 Active Versus Passive Investors After examining the frequency distribution of the responses on the number of times in an average month the respondents made their transactions in the KLSE, the study decided to divide active and passive investors based on the following: active investors were those who transacted in the share market at least 3 times in an average month. Passive investors, on the other hand, were those who transacted in the share market, less than 3 times in an average month. Based on this categorization, the study found that 37.5 per cent of the respondents were active and 62.5 per cent of them were passive. 4.3 Active and Passive Investors: A Demographic Comparison Using the Chi-square analysis, significant differences (at p < .05) were found between active and passive investors in five different demographic variables: gender, age, occupation, personal monthly income, and household monthly income. Table 1 presents the results of the analyses. Due to missing data, the total number of both categories might not be consistent. In terms of gender, the study found that, in general, male respondents tended to be more active than female respondents. 399 Ezlika Ghazali et al Table 1 Active and Passive Investors: A Demographic Comparisona Active Investors Passive Investors N % N % Gender (χ2 significant, p=0.003) Male Female 75 15 43.4 22.4 98 52 56.6 77.6 Age (χ2 significant, p=0.011) 25 and below 26-35 36 and above 10 40 40 50.0 30.1 46.0 10 93 47 50.0 69.9 54.0 48 34 7 41.0 35.1 28.0 69 63 18 59.0 64.9 72.0 28 61 33.3 39.4 56 94 66.7 60.6 21 31 16 18 37.5 31.0 32.0 64.3 35 69 34 10 62.5 69.0 68.0 35.7 Personal Monthly Income (χ2 significant, p=0.000) 32 RM3,999 and Below RM4,000 to 5,999 20 RM6,000 and Above 38 27.6 35.7 59.4 54 36 26 72.4 64.3 40.6 Ethnicity (χ2 not significant, p=0.401) Malay Chinese Indian and Others Marital Status (χ2 not significant, p=0.358) Single Married Occupation (χ2 significant, p=0.011) Professional Admin/Managerial/Sales/Marketing Technical/Supervisor/Teacher/Lecturer Own Business Household Monthly Income (χ2 significant, p=0.022) 24 28.6 60 RM4,999 and Below RM5,000 to 9,999 32 37.6 53 RM10,000 and above 33 50.8 32 Education Level (χ2 not significant, p=0.293) 31 42.5 42 Non-Degree Degree 59 35.3 108 Note: aDue to missing data, the total number of both categories might not be consistent. 71.4 62.4 49.2 57.5 64.7 In terms of age, investors in the ‘25 and below’ and ’36 and above’ age groups tended to be more active than those in the 26-35 age group. In terms of ethnicity, no significant difference between the three ethnic groups was found. This result differed from those obtained by Lim [10] and Osman [14]. The two studies reported that Chinese were more heavy or active investors in the stock market than the other ethnic groups. When marital status was ex400 Asia Pacific Management Review (2004) 9(3), 391-413 amined, no significant difference was found between the two investor groups. This too contradicts the findings of Lim [10] on heavy and light investors. Lim [10] found that heavy investors tended to be married. When the occupational status of the respondents was examined, a significant difference was found. Higher proportions of active investors owned business and were professionals when compared to passive investors. This result was consistent with the findings of [2] who found that active investors tended to be small business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals. However, the result of the current study differed from the result of Lim [10] on light and heavy investors. Lim [10] found that there was no significant difference in terms of occupational status between light and heavy investors. As expected, considerably higher number of active investors among those with higher personal and household income. This finding was somewhat similar to the findings of Lim [10] as well as Warren et al. [18]. Lim [10] found that more than half of the heavy investors were from the highest household income category (above RM5,000), whereas more than half of the light investors came from the lowest household income category (less than RM1,000). No significant difference was found between the two investor groups with regards to educational level. This showed that education had no bearing on whether a person would be active or passive investor. This result was somewhat consistent with the finding of Lim [10]. 4.4 Factor Analysis Factor analysis was performed on the 16 AIO (psychographic) statements and 18 activity statements to identify the underlying dimensions measured by the statements. The analysis was also done to determine whether the data could be condensed or summarized into smaller set of factors or dimensions. 4.5 Factor Analysis of the AIO Statements The principal components analysis performed extracted five factors having eigenvalues greater than 1.0. The five factors accounted for 62.0 per cent of the total variance. The orthogonal Varimax rotational approach was subsequently applied on the unrotated factors to obtain simpler and more meaningful factor solutions. Only items with factor loadings of 0.40 and above were considered as significant in interpreting the factors. 401 Ezlika Ghazali et al Table 2 Factor Loadings of AIO Items and Alpha Scores of Each Factor Loadingsa Item/Factor Factor I: Self-confident/Independent I think I have more self-confidence than most people I think I have a lot of personal ability I am more independent than most people I like to be considered as a leader Factor II: Careful Spender I use credit card for the unexpected only I like to pay cash for everything I buy I buy many things with a credit card or charge card Factor III: Risk Oriented/Innovative I often try new and different things I like to involve in risky sports like sky-diving, rock-climbing or horse-riding Taking chances can be fun I often try new brands Factor IV: Debt Avoider To buy anything (other than a house or car) on credit is unwise It is good to have a charge account A person should not buy unless has cash Factor V: This item was droppedc I like stimulation and changes Buying shares is too risky I often try new and different things Alpha Scoresb 0.805 0.859 0.815 0.499 0.657 0.769 -0.738 0.465 0.489 0.7755 0.6093 0.6281 0.715 0.803 0.706 0.5925 -0.622 0.709 0.781 0.565 0.602 0.3495 Note: aOnly items with factor loadings greater or equal to 0.40 are shown; bThe component items of each factor were tested for internal consistency reliability using Cronbach’s coefficient alpha; c Due to low Alpha Score, Factor V was dropped from further analysis. Table 2 presents the derived factor analysis solutions. Factors I, II and III were all loaded with four items, explaining 16.2 per cent, 12.2 per cent and 12.2 per cent of the variance respectively. Factors IV and V, comprising three loaded-items each, explained 11.6 per cent and 9.8 per cent of the variance respectively. The component items of each factor were tested for internal consistency reliability using Cronbach’s coefficient alpha (see again Table 2). Except for Factor V, the alpha scores of the other four factors were between 0.59 to 402 Asia Pacific Management Review (2004) 9(3), 391-413 0.78. According to Nunnally [13], these values were quite acceptable in an exploratory research. Due to the low alpha score, Factor V will be dropped from further analysis. When analyzing the items in the factors, some interpretable dimensions can be identified (see again Table 2). Factor I, labeled “Self-Confident/Independent”, depicts investors who are strong believers in their personal ability and leadership capability. They tend to be very independent in nature and have high confidence in themselves. The “Careful Spender” (Factors II), reflects individuals who tend to avoid unnecessary credit purchases especially using credit cards. They also exhibit lower leadership capability. Factor III, called “Risk Oriented/Innovative”, portrays investors who are innovative enough to try new and different things in life and who like experimenting new brands in the market. They are also risk takers by nature, love to take chances and tend to be involved in risky sports. Factor IV, named “Debt Avoider”, typifies individuals having negative attitudes towards credit, in general, and credit card in particular. 4.6 Factor Analysis of the Activity Items Factor analysis was also performed on the 18 activity items. The principal components analysis performed extracted five factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.0. The five factors accounted for 60.0 per cent of the total variance explained. The factor matrix was later rotated using the Varimax rotated factor solutions. Only items with factor loadings of 0.40 and above in the rotated factor matrix were considered as significant in interpreting the factors. Factors I, II and III were all loaded with five items, explaining 15.6, 12.3 and 12.3 per cent of the variance, respectively. Factors IV and V, comprised of two and four items, explaining 10.6 and 9.1 per cent of the variance respectively. Table 3 shows the rotated factor matrix. For further analysis, only factors with at least three items loaded would be included. As such, Factor IV was dropped from further analysis. The component items of each factor were tested for internal consistency reliability using Cronbach’s coefficient alpha (see again Table 3). As suggested by Nunnally [13], the alpha scores of 0.70 to 0.79 were acceptable in an exploratory research. Factor V had also been dropped due to low alpha score of 0.36. When analyzing the items in the factors, some interpretable dimensions can be identified (see again Table 3). 403 Ezlika Ghazali et al Table 3 Factor Loadings of General After-Work-Activity Items and Alpha Scores of Each Factor Loadingsa Items/Factors Factor I: Knowledge Seeker Read education publications/magazines Read computer/IT publications/magazines Read finance publications/magazines Read business publications/magazines Surf the Net Factor II: Outdoor Lover Read business publications/magazines Go to beach or country side Weekend getaways Travel overseas on vacations Go to parties or social functions Factor III: Outgoing/Entertainment Lover Go to parties or social functions Dine out Go out with friends Watch TV Go to live music shows Factor IV: This item was droppedc Practice dangerous sports Camping Factor V: This item was droppedd Give donation to charity Go to mosque/church/temple Gardening Watch TV Alpha Scoresb 0.698 0.762 0.773 0.766 0.625 0.406 0.546 0.585 0.739 0.560 0.592 0.692 0.716 0.537 0.555 0.764 0.770 0.600 0.723 0.433 0.435 0.7943 0.7007 0.7475 - 0.3577 Note: aOnly items with factor loadings greater or equal to 0.40 are shown; bThe component items of each factor were tested for internal consistency reliability using Cronbach’s coefficient alpha.; c Due to less than three items loaded, Factor IV was dropped from further analysis; dDue to low Alpha Score, Factor V was dropped from further analysis. Factor I, labeled “Knowledge Seeker”, displays individual shareowners who enjoy spending their time after work reading informative magazines or publications, especially related to business, finance, computer or information technology and education. They also surf the net frequently. The “Outdoor Lover” (Factor II), portrays those who love traveling during their free time. 404 Asia Pacific Management Review (2004) 9(3), 391-413 In general, they travel out of town almost every weekend, go to the beach or countryside, travel overseas on vacation and also go to parties and social functions. Besides traveling, they also read business magazines or publications. Factor III, labeled “Outgoing/Entertainment Lover”, depicts socially active contemporary individuals who enjoy city life. They regularly dine out and take pleasure in hanging out with friends. They are modern individuals who enjoy good live music shows besides parties and social functions. They also love watching TV. 4.7 Active and Passive Investors: Comparing Psychographic and Activity Dimensions An analysis of the lifestyle characteristics and leisure activity participated of the two groups of investors along the seven dimensions portrayed by the survey data was carried out through a comparison of the mean values for the two groups using t-tests. Table 4 presents the results of the compareson. The differences in group means were statistically significant in three out of the seven dimensions compared. The dimensions were ‘risk-oriented/innovative’, ‘knowledge seeker’, ‘outdoor lover’ and ‘outgoing/entertainment lover’. No significant differences were found between the two groups of investor in ‘self-confident/independent’, ‘careful spender’, and ‘debt avoider’ dimensions. From the table, a profile of active and passive investors can be drawn up. Specifically, active investors were more inclined to take risks and more innovative when compared to the passive investors. As compared to earlier findings, this result closely resembled Barnewell [2] and Warren et al. [18], but contradicts the findings of Lim [10]. Lim [10], in his study on heavy and light investors, found that there was no significant difference between the two groups of investors in terms of risk-orientation dimension. Compared to passive investors, the study revealed that active investors were knowledge-oriented and often read financial and business publications. They also frequently surfed the net. Furthermore, they tended to engage in affluent activities, such as dining out and traveling on vacations relative to passive investors. These match the findings in the US [3] that active investors tend to have more positive attitude towards gaining knowledge, more socially active, and love entertainment as well as outdoor activities. Interestingly, the profile of the Malaysian investors in the stock market does not entirely resemble that of the Americans. In fact, there are some differences in the psychographic dimensions of Malaysian and American inves- 405 Ezlika Ghazali et al Table 4 Comparing the Mean Scores of Lifestyle and Activity Dimensionsa Active Investors Passive Investors Significanceb Self-confident/Independent 21.64 21.08 0.325 Careful Spender 16.73 15.81 0.185 Risk Oriented/Innovative 18.66 17.07 0.008 Debt Avoider 11.57 11.49 0.892 Outdoor Lover 18.08 15.82 16.91 14.71 0.017 0.004 Outgoing/Entertainment Lover 16.79 15.96 0.037 Dimensions Psychographics: Leisure Activity: Knowledge Seeker Note: a Higher scores represent greater agreement with the attributes; b Level of significance using T-Test. tors. In terms of credit user and self-confidence, for example, the profile of the Malaysian investors found in this study contradicts Barnewell’s [2] study. In Barnewell’s study, the American active investors were found to have significantly higher self-confidence and were more inclined to use credit than passive investors. However, in some aspects, the findings of the current study were similar to the findings of Lim [10]. Lim [10] found out that heavy and light investors did not differ in terms of the credit-user dimension. 4.8 Active and Passive Investors: Stepwise Discriminant Analysis As mentioned earlier, one of the primary objectives of this study was to identify variables that distinguish active and passive investors and to determine the degree of importance of these variables. While the test of significance of the differences between the mean values of the characteristics provides an initial insight into the differences between the two groups, it fails to recognize the weights of each variable that best discriminate between active individual investors and passive individual investors. The stepwise discriminant analysis was performed to provide an initial insight into the discriminating power of the variables. Fifteen variables have been included, i.e., eight demographic variables, four psychographics factors 406 Asia Pacific Management Review (2004) 9(3), 391-413 Table 5 Stepwise Discriminant Analysis Function Eigenvalue 1 0.127 Canonical Correlation 0.336 Step Entered 1 2 3 D6: Personal Monthly Income D5: Occupation A5: Outgoing/Entertainment Lover Group Centroids Active Investors -0.275 Passive Investors Actual Group 0.458 Active Investors Passive Investors Wilk's Lambda 0.887 Wilk’s Lambda 0.931 0.906 0.887 Significance 0.000 Significance 0.000 0.000 0.000 Classification Result Predicted Group Membership Passive Active Investors Investors 52.2 percent 47.8 percent 32.7 percent 67.3 percent 61.7 percent of original grouped cases correctly classified. and three activity factors. Table 5 shows the summary results of the stepwise discriminant analysis. Only three out of fifteen variables were able to significantly discriminate between the two groups of investors. Two were demographic variables and one activity factor. The first to enter the analysis was personal monthly income, indicating the significant of having money above all in becoming an active investor. This was followed by occupation. And the third to enter the analysis was outgoing/entertainment lover, the only one psychographics or activity dimension. The canonical correlation was 0.336, when squared implied that this model could explain 13.39 percent of the variance in the dependent variable investor category. The Eigenvalue and Wilk's Lambda were moderate at about 0.13 and 0.89 respectively. However the classification matrix showed that predictive accuracy of the function was 61.7 percent between the active and passive investors (see again Table 5). The discriminant functions for the three variables entered were all highly significant (p=0.000) indicating that the variables discriminated between 407 Ezlika Ghazali et al the groups to be significant. The ranking of the independent variables (personal monthly income, occupation and Outgoing/Entertainment Lover) screened by stepwise discriminant method in terms of their relative discriminatory powers was based on each of their absolute sizes of loadings and weights. The Structure Matrix (see Table 6) reveals that both Personal Monthly Income and Occupation discriminate the most between the investor group, with weights of 0.766 and 0.550 respectively. The Stepwise Discriminant procedure further compute that the third and the last variable that discriminate the most between the investor groups is “Outgoing/Entertainment Lover” with discriminant loading of 0.43. All other remaining variables not accounted in the Stepwise analysis have minimal separation and relatively high dependency among each other. The three most important discriminating variables between active and passive investors were then compared using group means. Table 7 provided the summary results of the analysis. From Table 7, the group mean of ‘Personal Monthly Income’ for active investors was higher than passive investors with respective values of 3.30 and 2.58. 42.2 percent of active investors earned RM6,000 and above monthly as compared to passive investors which only 17.8 percent. The result concurred with Lim [10] but differed from Barnewell’s [2] and Warren et al. [18], whose analysis assigned no discriminating power to monthly personal income variable. The situation appeared different in the Malaysian context where levels of per- sonal income were found to be very important in discriminating the two groups of individual investors. The demographic variable, “Occupation” entered by stepwise analysis was ranked the second most important discriminating variable. The group means for occupation were 3.64 and 3.05 for active and passive investors respectively (see again Table 7). The majority of active investors owned business as compared to passive. The third most important variable was “Outgoing/Entertainment Lover”. The group means scores for the activity profile were 16.79 for active investors as compared to passive investors, 15.96. The survey data suggested that active investor spent more time (as compared to passive investors) in reading business, financial, and IT publications, besides affluent activities such as dining out, weekend getaways, hanging out with friends, going to parties or social functions and attending live music shows. These seem to match the findings on the US investors by Yakelovich Partner of New York as reported by Brandweek [3]. 408 Asia Pacific Management Review (2004) 9(3), 391-413 Table 6 Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficient and Structure Matrix (Stepwise Analysis) Variables screened by Stepwise procedure Coefficient Personal Monthly Income 0.776 Occupation 0.550 Outgoing/Entertainment Lover 0.432 Variables Personal Monthly Income Occupation Household Monthly Income Outdoor Lover Outgoing/Entertainment Lover Adventurous/Risk Taker Knowledge Seeker Careful Spender Risk Oriented/Innovative Age Gender Educational Attainment Self-confidence/Independ. Marital Status Ethnicity Variables ranked by size of correlation within function 0.761 0.510 0.479 0.427 0.316 0.309 0.237 0.234 0.207 0.190 -0.179 0.166 0.128 0.080 0.037 Table 7 Stepwise Variables and the Respective Group Means Stepwise Variables Group Means Active Investors Passive Investors 3.30 3.64 16.79 2.58 3.05 15.96 Personal Monthly Income Occupation Outgoing/Entertainment Lover The finding however contradicted with that of Lim [10] whose analysis found that the light investors enjoyed spending their evenings out rather than staying at home when compared to heavy investors. 409 Ezlika Ghazali et al 5. Discussions This paper is one of the first few attempts to examine the lifestyles of individual investors in Malaysia. It can contribute to our understanding of investors’ lifestyle and its relationship with share purchasing. The study found that active and passive investors are indeed different demographically and psychographically in a number of areas. Demographically, as income increases the incidence of buying shares actively increases among individual investors in Malaysia. In terms of other demographic characteristics, active investors are predominantly male, middle age group, working as professionals, having managerial positions or running own businesses. However, the two groups, active and passive investors, do not differ significantly in three demographic characteristics, namely race, marital status and education. With regards to psychographic characteristics, the study found that individual active investors in general can be considered to be more riskoriented and innovative. Active investors also have a positive attitude towards gaining knowledge in areas related to business, finance, computer or education. In addition, they tend to be relatively more socially and physically active, outgoing and outdoor-oriented. Active investors have money to travel and like to have fun. In contrast, passive investors appear to be the opposite in terms of the aforementioned characteristics. These findings have some resemblance to the findings of Yankelovich Partners of New York [3], which reveal that the financially secure investors tend to be active investors. In addition, they are mostly information hungry and open to expert advice. The study found that active investors are more inclined to watch television, more involved in reading and surfing for information in the Internet. They are also more involved in affluent activities, such as, dining-out and weekend getaways. In addition, active investors’ preferences are usually information intensive and they are heavy newspaper and magazine readers with content preference towards news, business, finance, computer and education. Thus, in terms of leisure activities, Malaysian active investors are somewhat similar to those investors in New York [3]. However, it is interesting to note further that, active investors in Malaysia are also entertainment lovers and lead a more socially and physically active life when compared to passive investors. The application of discriminant analysis reveals that certain variables are relatively more important than others, in discriminating between active and 410 Asia Pacific Management Review (2004) 9(3), 391-413 passive investors. With regards to level of importance, personal monthly income ranks the highest, followed by occupation and outgoing/entertainment lover dimension of activity items. These override other variables as significant influence of becoming active or passive investors. 5.1 Implications of the Study The results of the study reveal that there are some differences between active and passive investors in terms of demographic, psychographic and leisure activity dimensions. These findings can have important implications to marketers, specifically stockbrokers and remisiers. The study found that demographic characteristics, such as gender, age, monthly personal income, monthly household income and occupation, are more important than ethnicity, marital status and educational background in delineating whether the investors are going to be active or passive. As such, to be more prospectconscious, a broker or remisier has to depend on these characteristics to influence the investors. Different marketing strategies have to be utilized to reach different groups of investors. The result of the study reveals that female investors tend to be more passive than males in terms of investment. This can be explained by the fact that females tend to have risk-averse personality, do less investment research than males, and are a little unsure about investing their assets [9]. The roles of remisiers, brokers or financial analysts are important to motivate this segment. In particular, they must be able to give sound, professional advice to female investors. Communication with passive investors should be kept simple to alleviate confusion. This is due to the fact that passive investors, in general, tend to avoid serious publications, such as business and finance. The results also show that, in general, passive investors use the internet as a source of information less frequently than their active counterparts. Thus, to communicate with this segment, traditional media such as television, newspaper, and magazine, will be important. Remisiers and brokers have a vital role to play, especially in assisting passive investors in their investment decisions as the findings indicate that they are risk-averse. The findings of the lifestyle profile and after-work activities of the two groups, for instance, further reveal the importance of publications as a source of information for analysis and investment. In particular, active investors are information-intensive. In the future, it is expected that the importance of the internet would increase with investors getting more 411 Ezlika Ghazali et al dependent on the net for information. Malaysian stockbrokers must realize that internet and e-commerce represent a very important opportunity in the future. Brokers that ignore this most important development do so at their own peril. This study further helps to verify the use of demographics in distinguishing between the two types of investors. It also suggests that the failure in using psychographics as variables for segmentation limits the opportunity for further segmentation and blurs some real differences between individual investors and their financial services needs. Therefore, both psychographic and demographic information should be employed to segment investors. 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