Cation Group III (iron group) Group IIIA: Fe (II) & (III) Al (III) Cr (III) & (VI) , Mn (II),(III)&(IV). Group IIIB Ni (II), Mn (II), Co(II) & Zn(II) This group comprises seven elements and is subdivided into two subgroups: l- Group IllA (The iron group): it includes iron (ll) and (Ill), aluminium (Ill), chromium (Ill) and (Vl) and manganese (ll), (III) and (IV). 2- Group IIIB (The zinc group): This includes nickel(lI), cobalt (ll), manganese (ll) and zinc (ll). The metals of this group are not precipitated by the group reagents for groups l and ll, but are all precipitated in the presence of ammonium chloride by hydrogen sulphide from their solutions made alkaline with ammonia solution. Aluminium and Group III Cation Page 95 chromium are precipitated as the hydroxides owing to the complete hydrolysis of the sulphides in aqueous solution. So, iron, aluminum and chromium (often accompanied by a little manganese) are precipitated as hydroxides by ammonia solution in the presence of ammonium chloride and refer to as group III A, while the other metals of the group remain in solution and may be precipitated as sulphides by hydrogen sulphide and refer to as group lllB. Group IIIA: Iron, Aluminum, Chrome, Manganese. Group reagent: ammonium solution (ammonium hydroxide) in presence of ammonium chloride Group III Cation Page 96 Separation of Cation Group III -Boil the centrifugate from GpII to get rid of H 2S. - Boil with few drops HNO3 - Add solid NH4Cl and heat to boiling, cool add xss ammonia until the solution alkaline - Heat, cool and centrifugate Residue Centrifuge Fe(OH)3 Cr(OH)3 Al(OH)3 Mn(OH)3 Reddish brown gelatinous Dirty green gelatinous White gelatinous Pinkish white Subsequent groups NaOH + H2O2 boil until evolution of ceases centrifugate Residue Fe(OH)3 Residue + Conc HCl Divided into 2 portions Deep blood red color with NH4SCH Group III Cation Centrifuge Mn(OH)3 Residue +conc HNO3 + red lead oxide, heat =violet solution of MnO42- Prussian blue ppt. with K4[Fe(CN)6] AlO2colourless aluminate NH4CL boil, cool Al(OH)3 White gelatinous CrO42Yellow chromate 1) HAc + Pb(Ac) = yellow ppt. of PbCrO4 2) Dil. HNO3 + amyl Alcohol + H2O2 = blue organic layer of chromium pentoxide Page 97 Notes 1. H2S must be completely removed to avoid: The precipitation of group IV cations as sulphides upon rendering the medium alkaline. Its oxidation with HNO3 to colloidal S° that will be difficult to separate. its oxidation with HNO3 to sulphate that may precipitate group V cations as sulphates. 2. Boiling with conc. HNO3; is to oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+ to ensure complete precipitation of iron as Fe(OH)3 which has much lower solubility than Fe(OH)2. It is important to mention here that the hydroxides of the lower oxidation states of many of Group Ill elements are too soluble to be completely precipitated by the weak base NH4OH in presence of NH4Cl e.g.: Fe(OH)2 and Mn(OH)2. These two elements will be present in the lower oxidation states due to the reducing action of H2S used to precipitate the preceding group (Group ll). In practice, atmospheric oxygen oxidizes Mn(OH)2 to some extent so that manganese is encountered in both Group Ill [where it is precipitated as Mn(OH)3 ] and Group lll B [where it is precipitated as sulphide (MnS)]. Group III Cation Page 98 3. NH4Cl is added to the precipitating agent of Group Ill to: Decrease the ionization of ammonia solution by common ion effect to prevent the precipitation of Group IV cations and Mg as hydroxides with Group Ill cations (as they require a higher (OH-) concentration). To help the coagulation of the gelatinous precipitates of Group llI NH4OH NH4+ + OH- NH4+ + Cl- NH4Cl 4. Al(OH)3 and Cr(OH)3 are amphoteric and dissolve in excess alkali while Fe(OH)3 and Mn(OH)3 are not appreciably amphoteric and do not dissolve. This allows the separation of these elements into two divisions, since, when the mixed precipitated hydroxides are treated with excess alkali hydroxide; the former two will dissolve while the latter will not. Although Cr(OH)3 is completely soluble in excess sodium hydroxide as chromite CrO2-. H2O2 is added to oxidize Cr (III) to the stable chromate CrO42- which is yellow in colour because trivalent Cr is green and will mask the white gelatinous Al(OH)3 later upon addition 0f NH4Cl to test Group III Cation Page 99 for Al3+ by re-precipitation of Al(OH)3 as chromite will also re-precipitate as Cr(OH)3, while CrO42- is stable and does not re-preeipitate upon addition of NH4Cl. 5. Conc. HNO3 must not be used to dissolve the precipitate as it may oxidize SCN- ions to the red thiocyanogen (SCN)2 which will be indistinguishable from the red ferric thiocyanate complex. 6. Conc. HCl must not be used to dissolve the precipitate because Cl- is a reducing agent and will bleach the purple color of MnO4- by reducing it to Mn2+. 7. Acetic acid, rather than a stronger acid (e.g. HCl), is used for acidification before adding lead acetate to avoid converting CrO42- to Cr2O72- which forms soluble PbCr2O7; instead of the insoluble PbCrO4. 8. Chromium pentoxide is unstable in aqueous medium and stable in organic solvents that’s why amyl alcohol is added. Group III Cation Page 100 I - Iron (L. Ferrum), Fe Iron forms two important series of salts : the ferrous salts which may be regarded as derived from ferrous oxide FeO in which the metal is divalent, and the ferric salts, which may be regarded as derived from ferric oxide Fe2O3 in which the metal is trivalent. Reactions of ferrous and ferric ions 1- Sodium hydroxide solution Fe2+ Fe2+ + 2 OH- → Fe(OH)2 ferrous hydroxide . white - Upon exposure to air Ferrous hydroxide is rapidly oxidized yielding reddish- brown ferric hydroxide. 4 Fe (OH)2 + 2 H2O + O2 → 4 Fe(OH)3 Group III Cation Page 101 Fe3+ Ferric ion gives reddish-brown precipitate of ferric hydroxide, insoluble in excess of the reagent (distinction from aluminium and chromium) Fe3+ + 2 OH- → Fe(OH)3 2. Ammonia solution: Fe2+ Precipitation of ferrous hydroxide occurs. In the presence of excess of ammonium chloride solution, the common ion effect of the ammonium ions lowers the concentration of the hydroxyl ions to such an extent that the solubility product of Fe(OH)2 is not attained and precipitation does not occur. Similar remarks apply to nickel, cobalt, zinc, manganese and also magnesium. Fe3+ Reddish-brown gelatinous precipitate of fem hydroxide Fe(OH)3 insoluble in excess of the reagent (no soluble ammine complex) but soluble in acids. The solubility product of ferric hydroxide is so small that complete precipitation takes place even in the presence of Group III Cation Page 102 ammonium salts (distinction from ferrous, nickel, cobalt, manganese, Zinc and magnesium). - Ferric hydroxide does not dissolve in strong alkali (as Al 3+, Cr3+, Zn2+) or in excess NH4OH (as Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+) - Ferric hydroxide is re-precipitated by: o NH4OH/NH4Cl buffered solution. o Alkali carbonates and hydroxides CO32- + H2O HCO3- + OH Fe3+ Fe(OH)3 3. Hydrogen sulphide: Fe2+ No precipitation takes place in acid solution since the sulphide ion concentration [S2-] is insufficient to exceed the solubility product of ferrous sulphide. Fe3+ In the presence of acid, hydrogen sulphide reduces ferric ions to ferrous with separation of sulphur. 2 Fe3+ + H2S → 2 Fe2+ + 2 H+ + S Group III Cation Page 103 4. potassium cyanide solution (Poison) Fe2+ Yellowish-brown precipitate of ferrous cyanide is formed. This latter is soluble in excess reagent forming a yellow solution of ferrocyanide Fe2+ + 2 CN- → Fe(CN)2 Fe(CN)2 + 4 CN- → [Fe(CN)6 ]4Fe3+ Ferric ion in the presence of a low concentration of CN- ion is precipitated as Fe(OH)3 by the OH- ion resulting from hydrolysis of cyanide. . H2O + CN- → HCN + OH3+ Fe - + 3 OH → Fe(OH)3 𝒙𝒔𝒔 𝑪𝑵− [Fe(CN)6]3- 5- Potassium ferrocyanide solution: Fe2+ In the complete absence of air, a white precipitate of potassium ferrous fenocyanide is produced Group III Cation Page 104 Fe2+ + [Fe(CN)6]4- → K2Fe[Fe(CN)6] ferrous ferrocyanide White Under ordinary atmospheric conditions partial oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ occurs with the formation of potassium ferric ferrocyanide Fe3+ + [Fe(CN)6]4- → KFe[Fe(CN)6] ferric ferrocyanide Prussian blue Fe3+ An intense blue precipitate of ferric ferrocyanide (Prussian blue) is formed. 4 Fe3+ + 3 [Fe(CN)6]4- → Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 6. Potassium ferricyanide solution: Fe2+ A dark blue precipitate is produced. Fe2+ + [Fe(CN)6]3- → KFe[Fe(CN)6] ferrous ferricyanide turnbull's blue Group III Cation Page 105 This was formally termed Turnbull's blue. It is now considered to be identical with Prussian blue (polassium ferric ferrocyanide) Fe3+ A brown coloration is produced due lo ferric ferricyanide. Fe3+ + [Fe(CN)6]3- → Fe[Fe(CN)6] ferric ferricyanide brown solution 7. Ammonium thiocyanide solution: Fe2+ No coloration is obtained with pure ferrous salts (distinction from ferric salts). Fe3+ Ferric ion gives a blood red color Fe3+ + SCN- → [Fe(SCN)]2+ 8. Oxidation of iron (II) to iron (III) Oxidation occurs slowly upon exposure to air. Rapid oxidation is effected by concentrated nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide and other reagents. Group III Cation Page 106 2 Fe2+ + H2O2 + 2H+ → 2 Fe3+ 3 Fe2+ + NO3- + 4H+ → 3 Fe3+ + NO + 2 H2O + 2 H2O 9. Reduction of iron (III) to iron (II): This may be accomplished by nascent hydrogen (e.g. from zinc and dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acid), stannous chloride, hydrogen sulphide and other reducing agents. 2 Fe3+ + Sn2+ → 2Fe2+ + Sn4+ II. Aluminium (L. Alumen (Alum)), Al: Aluminium forms only one series of salts derived from the oxide Al2O3 Reactions of the aluminium ion Al3+ 1- Ammonia solution : A white gelatinous precipitate of aluminium hydroxide. The presence of an ammonium salt is important in preventing the formation of colloidal Al(OH)3. Group III Cation Page 107 Al3+ + NH4OH → Al(OH)3 2. Sodium hydroxide solution: A white precipitate of aluminium hydroxide is formed Al(OH)3 . It is an amphoteric hydroxide. It is soluble in excess of the reagent with the formation of aluminate AlO2- or tetrahydroxoaluminate [Al(OH)4]- . Al3+ + 3 OH- → Al(OH)3 Al(OH)3 + xss NaOH → AlO2- or [Al(OH)4]- . soluble aluminate The reaction is a reversible one, and any reagent which will reduce the hydroxyl ion concentration sufficiently should cause the reaction to proceed from right to left with the consequent precipitation of aluminium hydroxide. This may be effected with: a) A solution of ammonium chloride (The hydroxyl ion concentration is reduced owing to the formation of the weak base ammonia which can be removed as ammonia gas by heating). Group III Cation Page 108 [Al(OH)4]- + NH4+ Al(OH)3 + NH3 + H2O b) By the addition of acid, a large excess of acid will cause the precipitated hydroxide to redissolve. [Al(OH)4]- + H+ Al(OH)3 + 3H+ Al(OH)3 + H2O Al3+ + H2O 3. Ammonium sulphide solution; A white precipitate of aluminium hydroxide is formed. 3 Al3+ + 3 S2- + H2O 2 Al(OH)3 + 3H2S III. Chromium [from Gr. Chroma (color)], Cr The chromium atom exhibits three oxidation slates: +2 in chromous compounds (not of interest in qualitative analysis); +3 in chromic compounds; and +6 in chromates and dichromates Chromate ions are yellow while dichromates have an orange color. Chromates are readily transformed to dichromates upon addition of acid Group III Cation Page 109 2 CrO42- + 2 H+ 2 Cr2O72- + H2O The reaction is reversible. In neutral (or alkaline) solutions the chromate ion is stable, if acidified, dichromate ions will be predominant, Chromate and dichromate ions are strong oxidizing agents. Their reactions will be discussed with the anions. Reactions of Chromium (III) ions, Cr3+ 1. Ammonia solution: Grey-green to grey-blue gelatinous precipitate of chromium (III) hydroxide, Cr(OH)3, slightly soluble in excess of the precipitant on cold forming a violet or pink solution containing the complex ion [Cr(NH3)6]3+. Upon boiling the solution, chromium hydroxide is precipitated. Hence for complete precipitation of chromium as the hydroxide it is essential to boil the solution and to avoid excess ammonia solution. Cr3+ + 3 NH3 Cr(OH)3 + 3 NH4+ Cr(OH)3 + 6 NH3 [Cr(NH3)6]3+ + 3OH- Group III Cation Page 110 2- Sodium hydroxide solution: A precipitate of chromic hydroxide is formed Cr3+ + 3 OH- → Cr(OH)3 The precipitate is readily soluble in acids and also in excess of the reagent forming a green solution containing chromite ions CrO2- or tetrahydroxochromate ions [Cr(OH)4]-. Cr(OH)3 + NaOH → Na[CrO2] + 2 H2O Cr(OH)3 + OH- [Cr(OH)4]- . Upon boiling, chromium (Ill) hydroxide precipitates again. 3. Sodium carbonate isolation: A precipitate of chromium (III) hydroxide is formed 2 Cr3+ + 3 CO32- + 3 H2O 2 Cr(OH)3 + 3 CO2 4. Ammonium sulphide solution: A precipitate of chromium (Ill) hydroxide is formed: 2 Cr3+ + 3 S2Group III Cation + 6 H2O 2 Cr(OH)3 + 3 H2S Page 111 5. Oxidation of chromium (III) to chromate: A yellow solution of chromate can be produced by adding excess of sodium hydroxide solution to a solution of chromium (ill) salt, followed by a few ml of (20 - volume) hydrogen peroxide. The excess of hydrogen peroxide can be removed by boiling the mixture for 2 – 3 minutes. 2 Cr3+ + 3 H2O2 + 10 OH- → 2 CrO42- + 8 H2O 2 H2O2 (boil)→ O2 + 2 H2O 6- Confirmatory tests of chromium, after oxidation to chromate: Chromate ions can be identified with one of the following tests: a) Barium chloride test : By acidifying with acetic acid and adding barium chloride solution, a yellow precipitate of barium chromate is formed. Ba2+ + CrO42- BaCrO4 Group III Cation Page 112 b) Chromium pentoxide or perchromic acid test: By acidifying the chromate solution with dilute sulphuric acid or dilute nitric acid, then adding few ml of amyl alcohol and finally hydrogen peroxide, a blue color is formed which can be extracted in the organic layer by shaking. In this reaction orange dichromate is formed and is converted to the unstable chromium pentoxide or perchromic acid which dissolves in and colors the alcohol layer blue. 2CrO42- + 2H+ Cr2O72- + H2O H2Cr2O7 + 4H2O2 → 2CrO5 + 5H2O Chromium pentoxide has the following structure Since there is no change in the oxidation state of chromium (+6), this is considered as an oxygenation reaction and not an oxidation reaction. In aqueous solution the blue color fades rapidly due to the decomposition of chromium pentoxide to chromium (III) and oxygen that’s why amyl alcohol is added. 4CrO5 + 12H+ → 4Cr3+ + 7O2 . + 6H2O Group III Cation Page 113 Group III Cation Page 114