CHEM 48 ADVANCED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Text: Inorganic Chemistry, 4th Ed., Huheey, Keiter, Keiter Prerequisite: Chem 56 (Physical Chemistry II) Meetings: To be arranged, once a week each for lecture and lab. Course Objective: We will cover three topics: 1. Atomic and molecular orbital theory and how this relates molecular structure. 2. Intermolecular bonding, specifically hydrogen bonding and acid/base theory. 3. Transition metal chemistry. Homework: Homework problems are assigned for each chapter and will be discussed when we meet. Paper: You are to write a 5-10 page paper describing an unresolved problem or controversy in inorganic chemistry, reviewing the pertinent literature, and making you own assessment or proposing your own solution. Half of the grade will be based on your presentation/writing and half on the content. A good source for ideas is the journal, Inorganic Chemistry. Schedule: A tentative schedule of chapters, homework problems, and tests is attached. Laboratory: A tentative schedule of laboratory exercises based on the text, Experimental Methods in Inorganic Chemistry by Tanaka and Suib, is attached. Lab reports (8 experiments, the Models labs altogether counting as one) will be handed in and graded. You will follow traditional format (purpose, materials, procedure—you may reference the text—etc.) and turn them in the week following the experiment.