Performance Manager Brochure - HiQnet

Hi Q net
Introducing the next generation
audio system configuration software
designed to work the way you work
HiQnet Performance Manager™
HiQnet Performance Manager is a highly-refined software interface facilitating the specific design requirements of
touring and live performance venue sound reinforcement systems. Designed especially for touring and theatrical
sound engineering, Performance Manager is an application-specific iteration of HiQnet System Architect™ - the
connectivity and control software application for professional-grade audio system integration.
Like System Architect, the Performance Manager story began with several common customer impetuses:
• The control interface should be the same, regardless of the devices in which the processing is actually taking place.
• System design time is increasing, adding additional costs to overall system design
• Most system design is repetitive – the same control interfaces have to be customized for all systems
• Predictive modeling should drive the system configuration and configure control interfaces automatically in the
same software application.
• Getting the best sound from your JBL and Crown system should be as simple as possible.
In addressing the above, our goal was to conceptualize and implement a new system design software philosophy
derived from the system designer’s workflow, which became Performance Manager
The key to solving the above issues was to move away from the traditional software approach of filling a blank
canvas in the software with the audio system components and considering the system design at a device level. We
wanted to consider system design as just that, and configure and control it at the system level.
To achieve that, the workflow paradigm of the Performance Manager interface guides you, the system designer,
through the complete system design, configuration and control process. In many ways, the entire process feels and
acts like a simple step-by-step wizard.
The Performance Manager workflow starts with array templates. For each array in a template, the JBL Line Array
Calculator II tool can be run, adding the passive or powered speaker models directly to the workspace. The correct
quantity of amplifier racks are also added, based on a few configuration parameters. Amplifier channels are associated directly with the bandpass inputs overlaid on the array representations – all amplifier control can therefore be
carried out from the arrays. Networking has been reduced to a simple drag and drop. All test, tuning and calibration control interfaces are embedded – no need to spend time designing control panels. Finally, the dedicated show
mode provides all the monitoring and control you need to run the show.
Step 1 – Starting from Templates
The workflow begins by loading templates of the speaker arrays used in the system. The templates provide starting
points for venue-specific combinations of flown arrays, ground-stacked arrays and distributed fills. Adding a template
to the venue workspace is as simple as drag-and-drop. Each template understands how it will be grouped for control
later in the system lifecycle. For example, the Left / Center / Right template includes embedded grouping for Left and
Right arrays, as well as a group for Left, Center and Right arrays. A Left and Right array template loaded into the main Performance Manager workspace
Adding speakers to each of the array template placeholders can be carried out manually, but the next workflow step
is the process of adding loudspeakers automatically. This is where Performance Manager really begins to provide its
Step 2 – Modeling with JBL Line Array Calculator II
JBL’s VerTec® Line Array Calculator II software offers a refined work tool that enables system designers and setup technicians to simulate mixed-model VerTec arrays. This includes the entire range of system options, from the fullsize VT4889
line array element and companion VT4880 arrayable subwoofer, through midsize and compact models, to JBL’s newest additions to the VerTec family, the VT4886 and VT4883 subcompact models.
Enhanced acoustical modeling includes color SPL mapping, 0 dB Isobar, and SPL attenuation modes. Frequency response and SPL based on the tonal balance of JBL’s V4 DSP presets can be selected or, alternatively, maximum SPL for
rated power at each frequency can be examined. Up to four frequencies can be simultaneously displayed, and up to
six frequency response probes can be entered on up to four defined audience planes. Additionally, subwoofer modeling is included. User guidelines are in place for up to 24 enclosures per array.
The JBL Line Array Calculator tool launched from the array template to populate the array in the main Performance
Manager workspace
Line Array Calculator II can be run for each array as part of the initial sound design task of determining how many and
which type of loudspeakers are required to cover a given venue. For each array, Performance Manager automatically
loads the passive VerTec or powered VerTec DrivePack® DP-DA line array configuration into the main application. The
required loudspeaker configuration for arrays grouped within a template will be loaded into both left and right arrays,
for example. Line Array Calculator II data is bi-directional so the configuration can be revisited and further edited at
any time.
Step 3 – Amplifying arrays automatically
Passive loudspeakers within each array can be operated in economy, nominal or high performance mode. All configurations are determined with a vast look-up table provided by the experts at JBL so that Economy Mode configures the
array to be powered with the fewest number of amplifier channels, while High Performance Mode will use the greatest
number of amplifier channels to give optimum performance.
Crown VRACKs loaded automatically into the main workspace, each amplifier channel associated with the appropriate
loudspeaker bandpass input
Once the desired operating mode for passive loudspeakers within the arrays has been defined, Performance Manager
automatically loads the correct quantity of Crown Audio VRACK or other user-defined racks of I-Tech HD Series, MAi
Series or legacy I-Tech Series amplifiers into the workspace. Each amplifier channel is associated with the appropriate bandpass input in the circuit which it is set to power. This link is overlaid over the array so that visual control of
the amplifier / passive speaker combination can be driven from the array, linking the focus of control directly with the
speaker component producing the audio. As a result, the interface provides a system of control based on the actual
loudspeakers deployed in the venue, regardless of how they are powered.
Amplifier racks can also be loaded into the workspace and associated with loudspeaker bandpass inputs manually.
Step 4 – Configuring speaker tunings
A dedicated workflow mode enables the crossover configurations to be entered for each array. With the crossover
point selected, and the information about how the amplifier channels have been associated with the individual bandpass inputs, Performance Manager has enough information to load the correct JBL-provided V4 or V5 loudspeaker
preset data into each amplifier, as well as the gain shading and JBL Line Array Control Panel equalization parameters
determined previously in Line Array Calculator II to optimize sound pressure level and frequency response over the
defined audience geometry.
Speaker tuning configuration options overlaid over the array to configure the amplifier channels or powered loudspeakers
with the correct DSP tuning preset data
Step 5 - Going online
The Go Online mode is Performance Manager’s transition between offline configuration and online control.
All previous workflow modes have been running Performance Manager offline, all subsequent workflow modes are
online to the system.
Matching devices on
the network with devices in the Performance
Manager workspace
with drag-and-drop to
assign addressing and
send the correct DSP
tuning preset data
The Go Online mode dramatically simplifies system network configuration. JBL DrivePack DPDA arrays, Crown amplifier racks and individual devices discovered on the network are listed in a window on the left side of the screen.
Selecting a DPDA array in the list will make the LEDs on the back of all the loudspeakers flash – simply drag it onto the
array in the Performance Manager workspace, all devices will be synchronized and the array will move from the upper window to the lower window to indicate it’s been connected. The same is true for amplifier racks and individual
devices – select it in the networked devices list and all device front panels will flash (or vice versa). Drag from the list
onto a rack or a device in the workspace, and all devices will be synchronized and move from the upper window to
the lower window to indicate they’ve been connected. The addresses of the devices on the network will update to
match those in the workspace and all settings, including speaker preset data will be loaded appropriately, preparing
the system immediately for control. This synchronization method significantly reduces networking complexity and simultaneously rethinks the process of manually selecting presets to build a system. Once the device on the network has
been matched to the virtual device created by the designer in offline control, all settings are sent down to the amplifier
or DrivePack loudspeaker device, leaving it instantly configured for control.
When re-connecting to a matched network, the Auto-Match Devices button in the Ribbon will match all the discovered
devices instantly.
Step 6 - Creating and editing array, circuit and
bandpass input groups
The Performance Manager Array Templates contain a certain amount of grouping information automatically – left
and right flown arrays are grouped within a Factory Group, as are the circuits and bandpass inputs within them, for
example. The Edit Groups mode enables far more comprehensive grouping. Groups of any combination of array
bandpass input can be created, edited, renamed, duplicated and deleted in a very stylus-friendly manner with a popup alphanumeric keypad to assist with naming. Although grouping is driven from the loudspeaker bandpass inputs,
behind-the-scenes Performance Manager is grouping the amplifier channels associated with each passive loudspeaker
bandpass input or the powered loudspeaker, keeping the configuration interface identical, regardless of loudspeaker
/ amplifier combination. User-defined groups of amplifier channels or powered loudspeakers configured by selecting the appropriate array bandpass inputs and naming with a pop-up keypad
Step 7 – Selecting input sources
The primary and backup input sources are set for amplifier channels or powered loudspeakers with the appropriate options overlaid over the arrays
Just as speaker presets are configured with the amplifier or powered loudspeaker options overlaid over the arrays,
amplifier and powered loudspeaker inputs are also directly selected from controls placed on top of the array representations. In the Select Input Sources mode, controls for the Primary input, Backup input 1 and Backup input 2 are
selected for each array, setting the input priorities for powered loudspeakers or the amplifier channels connected to
passive loudspeakers alike.
Step 8 – Testing the system
The Test System mode provides a mute matrix for the entire system, the array bandpass input overlays being replaced
with mute buttons. Bandpass inputs, whether of powered loudspeakers or passive loudspeakers powered by amplifiers, can be directly muted and unmuted from this single interface. Noise generator controls tied to all amplifiers or
powered loudspeakers are located on the left-hand side of the screen, enabling control of noise type, level and on
/ off state. The mute controls within the mute matrix itself can be set to operate either with only a single bandpass
unmuted at any one time – a solo state – or with multiple bandpasses unmuted for checking phase relationships. Subwoofers may have their polarity inverted, and overlaid within each of the bandpass mute buttons is the measured
impedance ensuring you have all the test functions and information directly available on a single screen.
The system is tested with a mute matrix overlaid over the array representations, controlling the connected amplifier channels or powered loudspeakers from the same interface
Step 9 – Calibrating arrays
The Calibrate Arrays mode offers a Group Array Tapering sub-mode, providing a common interface to control input
EQ processing for array size compensation, low frequency directivity tapering, atmospheric absorption compensation, high frequency throw distance compensation and two parametric EQ filters for custom use.
Arrays and circuits calibrated with predetermined filters, data derived
from the original Line Array Calculator prediction
The Calibrate Arrays mode also provides an Array Shading sub-mode
which displays spinner controls for individual circuit bandpass gain directly on the array interface. The parameter values of both sub-modes
tie back into any original array coverage prediction carried out with
the JBL Line Array Calculator II in the Add Speakers mode.
Array shading configured with spinner controls overlaid over each
circuit within the array, automatically set to control connected amplifier
channels or powered loudspeakers
Step 10 – Tuning the system
Once the arrays have been optimized for proper response in Calibrate Arrays mode, the Tune System mode offers
three similar control interfaces for tuning the system in the environment it will be deployed in. A Group EQ submode presents the input EQ from amplifiers or powered loudspeakers for room tuning and system equalization.
EQ and bandpass gain / metering panel available for EQ groups and
mapped automatically to the connected amplifier channels or powered
Delay and Bandpass Gain sub-modes display spinner controls
for array and subwoofer delay and bandpass gain, respectively,
directly on the array interface.
Bandpass gain represented directly on the array in the main workspace
Step 11 - Running the show
The final step in the workflow is the Run Show mode. Here, the bandpass input overlay blocks provide real-time
system monitoring of peak, RMS or gain reduction output meters and peak or RMS input meters, plus load monitoring,
amplifier thermal headroom and AC levels. The Delay and Group EQ control interfaces of the Tune System mode are
accessible but with reduced control ballistics that are more suitable for use during the event itself. A limiter sub-mode is
also available in which spinner controls are again displayed directly on the array interface.
With access to all configuration mode controls removed in the Run Show mode, and having only the necessary show
monitoring and control features present, Performance Manager is the only system configuration and control application
you’ll need from start to finish.
Input,output or gain reduction
metering for amplifier channels or
powered loudspeakers overlaid
over the arrays in the workspace
Health monitoring for the complete amplifier or powered loudspeaker system
Additional features
dbx DriveRack
The dbx DriveRack 4800 and 4820 loudspeaker processor devices are also included within Performance Manager
for functions such as a global front-of-house EQ or monitor processing, and can be included in the Venue workspace in
the Add Processors workflow mode.
Custom Rack builder
A Rack Builder tool enables a mechanism for creating user-defined amplifier racks of up to eight I-Tech HD, MacroTech i Series, legacy I-Tech Series amplifiers. Bandpass inputs can be defined for each channel to accommodate
custom amplifier rack wiring. With the understanding of the bandpass wiring configuration of a custom amplifier rack,
Performance Manager is able to employ these custom amplifier racks within the system configuration workflow just as
easily as it can the Crown VRACK. Just as with VRACKs, custom racks may be loaded into thevenue and their outputs
assigned to loudspeaker bandpass inputs automatically with the Amplify Selection tool, or may be loaded and outputs
assigned manually for an extra level of control.
Once created, custom racks can be exported as individual files and shared with other users on different Performance
Manager configuration and control computers.
The rack builder tool enabling
configuration of amplifier racks
and custom wiring
Custom Speaker Designer
In a similar way to the custom amplifier Rack Builder, a Speaker Designer tool is included as a mechanism for creating
user-defined loudspeakers. A custom speaker can firstly be configured to be a 1-way, 2-way (bi-amped), 3-way (triamped) or 4-way (quad-amped) device, and for each band, an existing HiQnet Performance Manager or even parent
application HiQnet System Architect amplifier preset file can be elected from which Performance Manager can derive
the correct DSP settings for driving the speaker correctly. With this tool, monitor loudspeakers can be loaded into the
venue workspace for example, amplified by the Crown VRACK or even amplifierracks created with thecustom Rack
Builder tool, and have the correct DSP preset data loaded into the amplifier channel automatically.
Once created, custom loudspeakers can also be exported as individual files and shared with other users on different
Performance Manager configuration and control computers.
The speaker builder tool enabling customization of loudspeakers and configuration of appropriate preset data for each
bandpass input
The abilities to design customizable amplifier racks and loudspeakers combine to make
Performance Manager a far more versatile application than one which simply employs
standard speaker and amplifier rack models.
JBL VerTec® Series
the latest generation of high-powered, lightweight
Differential Drive® transducers, coupled with JBL’s
proven line array technologies is at the core of VerTec
JBL VerTec® DP - DA Series
powered line arrays with superb audio quality, robust
Crown amplification and integral dbx digital signal
processing with networked control, and AES digital
Crown I-Tech HD Series
Class I touring amplifier with networked audio and a
new DSP engine co-developed with BSS Audio, including Linear Phase FIR filters and LevelMax™ limiters
three Crown I-Tech 12000HD amplifiers in an easyto-configure, plug-and-play amplifier rack solution,
featuring a flexible input panel with AES, analog, and
network inputs, worldwide power distribution system,
and an output panel optimized for use with JBL VerTec
loudspeaker systems
Crown Macro-Tech i Series
ruggedly-constructed Class I amplifiers built to withstand years of abuse on the road, while continuing
the Macro-Tech legacy of unparalleled sonic accuracy
and detail
Crown I-Tech Series (legacy)
amazing power and ease of use with onboard DSP
designed for touring sound and installed sound applications
dbx DriveRack 4800 / 4820
system processors designed to produce the utmost in
sonic fidelity and intuitive control for performance and
fixed installation applications