Title Author(s) Citation Issue Date URL On the thermodynamic properties of acetylene under high pressures Teranishi, Hiroshi The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan (1955), 25(1): 2533 1955-08-01 http://hdl.handle.net/2433/46722 Right Type Textversion Departmental Bulletin Paper publisher Kyoto University The ON THE THERMODYNAMIC UNDER Review PROPERTIES HIGH of Physical OF Chemistry of Japan Vol. 25 No. ACETYLENE PRESSURES BY 11fRO5HI TFiRAVISHI Inkreduction With the development of acetylene some knowledge on the thennodynamic high pressures. Nevertheless, reported in detail. acetylene chemistries, properties these properties Sameshimatl of acetylene necessary to have for handling it under under high pressures and Rimarski'1 and, however, their measurements it has become investigated have not yet been the P-V-T were Limited in the narrow relations ranges of of tem- perature (0-25'G) and pressure (0.5--2flatm). The van der Waals equation of state fur acetylene' which was computed from these data shows more than 50°o deviation in the value of volume under even 50 atm, and can scarcely serve as the basis for the evaluations of other thermodynamic properties 1n our laboratory, the P-V-T Ikegami of acetylene relations under high pressures. of ac°tylene and Inoue over the wide ranges of temperature 145atm), and the method and results in 1951st. In the present acetylene (-8--250`C) of the measurements paper, the author which are estimated, were measured by Kiyama, and pressure were reported (11 -~ schematically will mention in detail the Y-V-T relations on the basis of ahove•mentioned measurements, of by the inter- and extrapolation of the temperature and pressure and by making the sufficient corrections for the votame and especially for the critical conditions, and will report the thermodynamic properties from the P-V-T values. of acetylene under high pressures P-V-T Several methods and on the estimation ~ 1) 2) 3) 4) 37fi (1931); Relation have been reported°~ on the correction of some which have been evaluated other thermodynamic of P-V-T Properties relation of a gas of the gas from the (P}4.39/V=)(V-0.0514)=RY' (atm liters/molt), I. R[. Klotz, Cleennedd Tkennodyrmn:ies, P. ti9, Prentice•Hall, Inc., New York, 1.950 J. Sameshima, Bnd1. Ghmu. Sat. Japmb 1, 41 (1926) W, Rimarski and M. Konschak, Anlagen¢ d4c:a!lGeaf6eiGnrg, 2ti, 129 (1933) R. Kiyama, T. Ikegami and K. Inoue, TGis jcarrwl, 21, 58 (1951) A. iwiidiels e! al., P!¢ysicn, 3, 569, 597 (1930) ; Proc. Ray. Soc., A153, 201,'214 (1936) ~A1fi0, -9pp. Sci. R¢s., 1, 94, 103 (1948) W. C. L•'dmister, Ind. Eng. Cle¢nr„ 28, 1112 (193fiJ; 30, 325 (1938) S. H. h-Iaron and D. Turnbull, Ind. Eng. CG¢ru., 3#, 544 (]942); J. Aur. Cpen:. Soc., 63, <H (1942) J. R. Roebuck and H. Osterberg, Pkys. Reu., 45, 33'2 (1934) ; 4R, 450. (1935) 1 (1955) The Review of Physical Chemistry Vol. 25 No. 1 (1955) of Japan H. Teranishi 26 P-V-T relation. laborious Although the residual volume method of Deming and Shupe~> is most among them, yet it is thought to be most accurate The residual volumes in its results of estimation. d and a are defined as follows: d-V1KT-ll In the residual (1) volume method, J or a is computed ments and plotted against of d or a -~ P isotherms and temperature, measure- smoothed lines The volume at desired is evaluated readily from the value of d or a at the conditions the reasonable coincidence has been found in its two values from both d valve and a value. The basic P-V-T relations in which the postulation the ideal gas law at 1 atm and each temperature of 99.3 from the data of P-V-T and then reasonable and d or a ^ T isobars are determined. pressure and temperature and determined so that which are evaluated pressure purity at several points of pressure that the acetylene is assumed between are measured gas follows on acetylene 11.40 and 145.30atm on every iso- therms of -8.0, 0.1, 20.5, 3D.3, 40.0, 52.4, 60.5, 72.5, 79.5,100.0, 150.5. 200.0, and 250.0`C. 1.0 ~. ~'C ?a'C vlffC In o.a ~~r ~~'~. ~~~ os ,Q,Y. ~~ ~x ~z ~n ~~ o.a ~~ o.z 20 0 5) N. E. Deming 60 80 100 Pressure, atm Fig. 1 PV/RTP isotherms of acetylene O : calculated from the vapor pcessure 1'l0 40 and data L. E. Shupe, PHys. Rer,•.,37, 633 (1930): 36, 2245 (1931.) 40, S48 (1932) The On the Thermodynamic 't'able Properties 1 P-V-T Review of Acetylene relation of Physical Chemistry of Japan under High Pressures Vol. 25 No. 27 of acetylene (V :liters/mole) P, etm 10 C~ V PV/RT V PV/RT V PV/RT V PV/HT zso 225 200 175 150 100 90 80 70 ti0 50 40 30 ?0 10 0 The values 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 ]20 130 4.279 2.120 1392 1.025 0.805 0.659 0.558 0.484 0.427 0.382 0.345 0.314 0:287 0.997 0.986 0.973 0.955 0.937 0.921 0.910 0.902 0.896 0.891 0.884 0.876 0.8(19 4.073 2.014 1.319 0.969 0.759 0.620 0.525 0.455 0.401 0.357 0.321 0.291 0.266 0.996 0.986 0.965 0.998 0928 0.910 0.898 0.890 0.882 0373 0.864 0.854 0.844 3.866 1.908 1.246 0.912 0.712 0.581 0.490 0.424 0.372 0.331 0.'197 0.268 0.214 0.996 0.983 0.963 0.940 0917 0.898 0.884 0.873 0.862 0.852 0.841 0.828 O.S17 3.G58 1.801 1172 0.854 O.6Cu 0.541 0:455 0.391 0.342 0.303 0.271 0.244 0.221 0.995 0.979 0.956 0929 0.904 0.882 0.866 0.852 0.837 0.82A 0.810 0.796 0.782 3.450 1.693 1.096 0.795 0.614 0.497 0.417 0.357 0.310 0.273 0.994 0.975 0.947 0916 0384 0.860 0.890 0.8~ 0.809 0.787 PV/RT V PV/RT V P4%RT V PV/RT V PV/RT i/ PV/RT V PL'/RT V PV/KT V PV/RT V PV/RT I' PV/RT V PV/RT V PV/RT Yv 2D 0.243 0.218 0.198 0.769 0.752 0.73.5 3.211 1.584 1.019 0.733 0.562 0.451 0.373 0.315 0.271 0.236 0.208 0.189 0.164 o.99z osss os35 D.BSS o.BSO osz7 o.7ss o.772 0.747 0.723 os9s os7s ossa 3.031 1.971 0.938 0.067 0.505 0.398 0.323 0.268 0226 0.193 0.166 0.143 0.125 0.990 0.961 0.919 0.872 0.825 0.780 0.738 0.700 O.fi64 0.629 0.595 0.562 0.530 2946 1.424 0905 0.988 0.956 0911 0.690 0.981 0.376 0.301 0247 0.206 0.173 0.147 0.125 0.106 0.860 0.303 0.75G 0.708 D.664 0.621 0.580 0.541 0.505 0.473 2.858 1.375 0.869 0.6I1 0.457 0.353 0.279 0.224 0.182 0.150 0.125 0.106 0.093 0.98(1 0.949 0.900 0.644 D.788 0.730 0.673 0.618 0.566 0.517 0.474 0.439 0.4]8 2.705 1.321 0331 0.580 0.430 0327 0.251 0.192 0.146 0.118 0.099 0.088 0.081 0.982 0.939 0.885 0.825 0.764 0.697 0.624 0.546 0.4(18 0.418 0.887 0.374 0.374 2.66,5 l.'L69 0.790 0.547 0.399 0,297 0.216 0.151 0.109 0.086 0.079 0.075 0.072 0.975 0.925 0.866 U.S00 0.730 0.(i52 0.552 0.493 0.358 0.323 0.316 0.328 0.343 2.563 1.205 0.746 0.511 0.364 O.L57 0.163 0.103 0.967 0.909 0.844 0.770 0.687 0.532 0.431 0.311 0.078 0.088 0.066 U.1%5 0.lHi5 0.26.5 0.257 0.273 0.296 0.320 2.460 1.145 0.701 0.471 0.324 0.198 0.100 0.047 0.957 0,891 0.818 0.739 0.631 0.463 0.273 0.146 2.356 0.947 '1 .2x0 0935 1.US3 0.653 0.428 0.269 D.870 0.788 0.688 0.591 ].017 0.600 0.373 0.846 0.798 0.620 2.143 0.999 OS36 .922 0.817 0.692 '1.035 0.873 0.908 0.779 of critical constants ,0 which were reported previouslysl seem to have some errors due to the impurity of 0.7 contained in the gas and the difficulty in determining the critical values and, therefore, in the present estimation, the most reasonable values reported in literaturesl the next table together are used for the critical with the fundamental constants numerical constants and they are shown in which in the calculation. C_Ii: = 26.036 P. = 61.6 atm 0"C = 273,16`K R=0.082(1544 t~ = 36.0°C liters atm/deg 1 literatm=24.2179ca1/mole V,=113 cc/mole p,=0.231g/cc 6) K. A. Kobe and R. E. Lynn, )r., Cpenr. Rev., 52, 117 (1953) are employed 1 (1955) a The lA Review Ii. of Physical Chemistry of Japan 1 (1955) Vol. 25 No. Teranishi 0 fo . ,~ ~0 ~C~ -U .05 G c-U a •~ ~: yr i \7 ~c~ ~` : ~,~` ~~ C.N. ~360'C 616atm .10 ~L` `fit` ~~ 54.1 atm `bl` 431 atm -U .15 m IPC T Sl9atm pf. _= 926-M1atm -U .'LU 149atm(11.4 0? 2 4 ti p, mOleS~hter isotherms and isobars of acetylene FiK. 2 J-o J calculated from the vapor pressure data U.6 0.8 LU The results of the estimation 130atm are tabulated 10'C7 of V and PV/RT in Table 1, and PV/RT ^-P isobars are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig.2 respectively. in Figs. 1 and 2 are calculated in International respective Critical isotherms from the data Tablesn isotherms LU 211 of 0 -250 C and ill - and d - p isotherms The values corresponding on the vapor pressures and show good coincidence of the present In the basic data of P-V-T in the ranges x to sign O of acetylene to the extrapolated and listed lines of results. relations, the errors of the measurements of temperature. pressure and volume are ~U.05°C, X0.017-VU.05atm and -2x1U"litersJmole respectively and the relative errors of the volume (U.16 -1.SSS) are most effective in the errors of the PV/RT except that at the miltimum where error relative correcting procedure, of the volume the smoothed 7) Inter. Gil. !'pbfes, 3, P. 230 pressure is comparable in the measurements to that of pressure. lines of every isotherms (11.4Uatm) In the present and isobars of 9 and n have The On the Thermodynamic been corrected reasonably dition which are evaluated liters/mole, Properties Review of Acetylene under of Physical High Chemistry of Japan 29 Pressures so that the two values of the volume under any desired from both d and a values respeMively i. e. the half of the errors of volume Owing errors of PVI RT are calculated, to the postulation also the postulation temperature. and there- that the acetylene and the by the least square method"l, to be 0.09 ~ 0.9;6. in the basic data, the results If the real values cai- coincide within 0.001 in the basic measurements, fore, each value of volume listed in Table 1 has the error of -!-0.001 liters/mole relative Vol. 25 No. gas under latm of volume of acetylene of the present estimation have obeys the ideal gas law at each under the standard condition (0`C, latm) and its thermal expansion coefficients at latm reported until the present" are used instead of the ideal behaviors, the values of volume in Table 1 have 0.86, (1.72, 0.30, and 0.0716 deviations Thermal at 0°, 10°, 100', and 250`C respectively. Expansion CoefFicienk ak Conskank Pressure Generally it is almost impossible to obtain the accurate (dVldT), values from the slopes of V--~T isobars, because the latter are nearly straight lines except at the conditions near the critipl point and liquefying points. On the other hand, it is comparatively easy to determine the values of (dJ/dT), or (da/dT), from the slopes of .! ~T or a-T iso• bars, and hence (dVldT), is obtained readily by substituting these values into the following equations: ~V~~dT~, Rl -`V/`r(T~a, l+.,V (3) 1V~\dT~, PV V\dT!n' (4) The two values of (dV/dT), at the same conditions which are obtained from Eqs. (3) and (4) respectively are plotted in (T/VXdV/dT)r ~ P, (dV/dT),.--T'r and PV(dV/dT), -T graphs and are corrected, by smoothing the curve of each isotherm or isobar, so that the values of (dVldT), at each condition thus obtained from these curves show reasonable coincidence among one another. Demiag and Shupe have discussed that the PV(dVJdT)o -T isobars have turned out to be straight lines . In the present estimation, the isobars show the same behavior, except those near the critical condition and liquefying conditions and are very efficient for reasonable correction of (dV/dT),. The values of (dV/dT), thus obtained are listed in Table 2 and (dV/dT),-T isobars are shown in Fig. 3. On the accuracy of (dV/dT),,, Deming and Shupe have discussed "a 1 percent error in estimating khe slope of d vs. T or an a vs. T isobar may mean only a few hundredths ** Volume at 0°C,1 atm: 2'L'L'Cl'L liters/mole Thermal expansion coefficientsat la[m: 0.003771(at 0°C),0.003798(0°--100°C) L:[cr. Crrl. Tables,3, P. 9, 10 9) lt. Livingston,PGysico-Clunrieol Experiu:enls,Y. 21, Macmillan Co., (1939) 1 (1955) The H. Table 2 The thermal Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan 1 (1955) Vol. 25 No. Teranishi expansion ccefi'icient of acetylene ' 1dV\' \~/ x10', (liters deg-~mole-~) n at constant pressure P,abn 10 20 30 40 50 /~ 70 80 90 lao uo 120 130 LLO 1.6U 1.93 1.88 1.71 0.800 1.09 1.54 1.65 1.60 0.593 0.771 1.04 1.40 1.46 T, •C a io 2a 30 d0 10.9 10.5. ]0.1 9.76 9.48 7.96 7.15 6.53 8.U7 5.67 6.70 5.73 5.01 4.5fi 6.29 5.00 425 5.90 4.53 5.92 3.70 50 fi0 70 80 90 9.23 9.01 S.S4 8.71 3.61 5.37 5.14 4.94 4.79 4.68 4.22 3.94 3.72 3.55 3.42 3.73 3.ao 3.16 297 2.82 3.72 3.19 2.86 265 2.49 4.18 3.35 278 247 229 3.51 3.08 2.63 'L34 214 3.15 281 249 222 '2.02 2.61 271 'lam 2.12 1.91 1.75 2.'LS 2 .'L2 2.01 1.81 100 125 150 175 200 8.53 8.40 8.34 5.32 8.30 4.59 4.41 9.34 929 4.26 3.31 3.14 3.04 'L.99 '1.94 2.37 'L .16 2.04 1.95 1.89 2.15 1.9'1 1.78 1.68 1.81 200 1.74 1.59 1.48 1.41 L87 1.60 1,45 1.34 1.'27 1.78 1.47 1.33 1.22 1.17 1.67 1.37 1.23 1.13 1.07 L56 1.'L9 1.14 1.08 LOl 1.47 1.21 1.07 0.989 0.947 1.39 1.14 LO1. 0.938 0.888 827 8.26 4.24 422 2.92 2.91 272 252 240 233 228 'L.2G L85 1.83 1.56 1.54 1.37 1.34 1.23 1.21 1.13 110 1.04 t.0'2 0.968 0.946 0.909 0.385 0.857 0.832 I zzs •rsa 2.22 ]2 ]0 , _ IOatm 9 m J 6 .5 X _e fly ?Datm 4 70a1m W atm Siam 90a~m 40aun 2 SOaun ®atm IOOam 110atm 12Ualm 13Dam u Fia. sa 3 The thermal ira Temperature, eXpanSipn ccef6cient >50 `C of acetylene zoo at constant 2so pressure The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan On the Thermodynamic Properties of Acetylene under High Pressures Vol. 25 No. 31 percent error in (dVldT)„ since by Eqs. (3j and (4) the slopes (dJldT),. and (daldT)„ enter as correction terms to the slope that the v vs. T isobar would have if the gas were perfect" However, all of their estimation are urider such the conditions that Tr is more than 1-66 for N:, CO and H:, and on the other hand, in such the conditions that T. is 0.88 -1 .69, as in the case of the present estimation, the deviations from the ideal gas law, that is the values of d and a, become larger absolute considered and, especially near the critical values become as large as that of the volume, and consequently, that the error of (dJ/dT), or (da/dT), point, their it would be would be more effective to the error of (dV/dT), than that reported by Deming and Shupe. Considering from the differences between the two values of (dV/dT), under the same conditions which are estimated from (dd1dT)„ and (da1dT),,, the values listed in Table 2 are taken to have the following errors. Maximum 100 - 250`C 0-°-100`C a Heat The next stant pressure thermodynamic below P. above P. Capacity equation (,a) Average (;e) 0.8 0.6 2.8 5-6 0.9 2.0 ak Conskank Pressure is used for estimating the heat capacity at con- Ca, i By integration with P, the following equation is obtained, C,=C,.`+JC,=C„°J-J ~ie-Tld'l"-"-~ dP, P (6) where Co is the value of C,, under the standard state at each temperature, and in the present estimation, l atm is taken as the standard state, and the value of Cy for acetylene at each temperature is obtained by the following equation which is calculated by Spencers>from the spectroscopic measurements on acetylene, that is, C,'=12.184+3.879 x 10-'T-2.SS1 x lOaT-= cal deg 'mole '. (7) The equation is reported to be applicable for the temperature between 298,16and 1500°K within the error maximum 1.24 and average 0.59 "*'. (d=VldT=), is evaluated from the slope of the (dV/dT),~T isobar and dC, is obtained by graphical integration of T(d'V/dT')~ ^-P isotherm from latm to the desired pressure. The results of the estimation of ~C" and C, for acetylene are listed in Table 3 and C, ~ P isotherms are shown in Fig. 4It is difficult to mention the accuracy of (d°VIdT'), as a whole, and however, its ass For the evaluation of Co values of 0°, 10°,and 20°C,the Eq. (7) has been used, because more adequate method of evaluation has not been obtained otherwise. 9) li. M. Spencer,Ind. Eng. Chem.,40, 2152 (1998) 1 (1955) D The 32 Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 25 No. 1 (1955) H. Teranishi Tahle 3 The heat capacity of acetylene at constantpressure dCn =~~ T(dT)dP;(cal deg-'mole-i) P, atm 1 T, l0 20 3a 40 °C 0 10 20 40 50 00 70 80 100 1'LS 150 175 200 225 'lS0 dCp Cp dCp Cp drp Cp dCp Cp dCp Cp dCp Cp dCp Cp dCp Cp dCp Cp dCp C:. dCp C., dC, C~ dCp Cp dCp Cp dCp Cp dCp Cp dCp Cp (dVldT)y-T SO 90 100 110 120 130 3.8 3.8 13.6 3.6 11 21 70.06 3.3 3.3 13.9 3.4 R.1 18.1 19 24 10.32 2.8 13.1 G.4 t6.7 11 'LI 20 30 10.55 23 129 5.2 15.8 8.9 19,4 14 24 24 35 10.77 1.9 127 4.'L 15.0 7.0 17.7 11 21 17 27 30 41 10.97 1.6 125 3.3 14.2 5.5 1G.5 8.2 79.1 12 23 19 29 II_15 1.3 12.9 2.7 13.8 4.5 15.6 6.4 17.5 9.0 20.1 13 24 19 30 24 35 27 38 z7 38 zs 37 zs 34 zo 31 11.32 1.0 12.4 2.2 13.5 3.6 14.9 5.2 16.5 7.0 18.3 9.6 20.9 13 24 is 2s zo 31 22 33 22 33 21 32 19 30 0.8fi 1.8 1234 13.3 29 14.4 4,3 11.49 1 5.S 5.7 17.'L 7.6 19.1 9.7 21.2 12 23 14 2fi 76 26 18 29 19 30 17 29 11.69 0.68 1231 ]v 13.1 25 141 1 52 4.7 16.4 6.1 17.7 7.6 19.2 9.2 20.8 11 23 ]2 24 14 ?6 li 27 16 27 11.78 0 54 12.32 1,2 1.3.0 2.0 13.8 1 4.0 3.8 15.6 4.9 16.7 fi.l 17:8 7.3 ls.l ss zo.4 10.0 11 21.8 23 13 24 14 25 lz.la 0.33 1 z.93 0.74 izs4 12 13.3 7 3.9 2.4 14.5 3.0 15.1 3.7 15.8 4.5 16.6 5.2 17.3 8.U 6.9 7.6 18.1 19.U 19.7 R.4 'L0.5 0.22 1238 1 261 0.50 12.88 0.81 13.19 1 3.5 1.5 13.9 L9 14.3 2.3 14.7 2.8 15.2 3.3 15.7 3.8 4.3 4.8 16.2 1fi.7 17.2 5.3 17.6 1264 1 276 0.28 1292 0.96 0.67 1310 1 3.30 0.89 13.53 1.1 13.8 1.4 14.1 L7 14.4 2.0 14.7 2.3 27 15.0 15.3 3.0 15.7 3.3 16.0 12.87 1 295 0,20 13.06 0.32 0.47 13.19 1 3.33 0.62 13.48 0.79 13.65 0.96 13.83 1.1 14.0 1.4 14.2 1.6 1.8 14.4 14.6 20 19.8 'L.'L 15.0 13.08 0.07 13.14 D.15 13:L3 0.25 13.32 0.36 13.43 0.48 13.55 0.61 19.69 0.76 13.83 0.91 13.99 1.1 14.'L 1.'L 1.4 14.3 14.5 1.6 1.7 14,6 14.8 13.27 0.06 13.33 0.13 13.40 0.21 0.31 L?.84 13.58 0.41 13.69 0.52 13.79 0.65 13.92 0.78 14.05 0.91 14.18 1.1 14.3 1.3 1.5 14_ti 14.7 0.09 3.5 7.8 1.8 L1 which are calculated isotherms from the errors U.82/ 90°C, 40atm:0.S5sS involved 1.2 14.5 of (dVl dT), and of the slopes of are shown below. 175°C. 90atm: The error 70 9.78 0.13 several examples 60 50 in the graphical 60°C, 110atm: 20°C, integration 7,5^' 30atm:1.03b is estimated to be about X0.2°: and considering these errors, the values of dC, in Table 3 are taken to have the probable errors of 0.8 ^-8.09, and the ranges of the errors are shown by the dotted lines on both sides of each isotherm 'fhe author for his valuable in Fig, 4. has great .pleasure in expressing guidance and encouragement his sincere khanks to Prof. Ryo Kiyama throughout the course of this work, and The On the Thermodynamic Properties Review of Acetylene of Physical under Chemistry of Japan HighPressures Vol. 25 No 33 95 40 ~~ J 35 ~~` =\ /~~ ~ J C G s /' ~_ ...; ..'" J U .:. U `~~ ;~ IS m 0 the author 20 60 80 100 Yresaure, atm Fig. 4 1'he heat capacity of acetylene. at constant pressure is indebted mental Scientific 40 to the Department Research of Education for the Grant 120 in Aid for Funda- shared out Pruf. Ityo Kiyama. The Laboratory of Pkysical Kynlo Ut:iversil}' Chenristr _v. 1 (1955)