INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ERGONOMICS 1999, VOL. 5, NO. 2, 217-245 Macroergonomic Analysis and Design for Improved Safety and Quality Performance Brian M. Kleiner Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA M acroergonom ics, w hich emerged historically after sociotechnical systems theory, q u a lity m anagem ent, and ergonom ics, is presented as the basis for a needed integrative m ethodology. A m acroergonom ics m ethodology was presented in some detail to dem onstrate how aspects of m icroergonom ics, total q u ality m anagem ent (TQM), and sociotechnical systems (STS) can be triang ulated in a com m on approach, in the context of this m ethodology, q uality and safety were presented as 2 of several im portant perform ance criteria. To dem onstrate aspects of the m ethodology, 2 case studies were sum m arized w ith safety and q uality perform ance results where available. The first case m anipulated both personnel and technical factors to achieve a "safety cu ltu re " at a nuclear site. The concept of safety culture is defined in INSAG-4 (International A tom ic Energy Agency, 1991). as "th a t assembly of characteristics and attitudes in organizations and individuals w hich establishes that, as an overriding priority, nuclear plant safety issues receive the attention w arranted by their significance." The second case described a tire m anufactur­ ing intervention to im prove q uality (as defined by Sink and Tuttle, 1989) thro u g h jo in t co n sid era tio n of technical and social factors. It was suggested th a t m acroergonom ics can yield greater perform ance than can be achieved thro u g h ergonom ic intervention alone. Whereas case studies help to m ake the case, more rigorous form ative and summ ative research is needed to refine and validate the proposed m ethodology respectively. ergonom ics and quality m acrorgonom ics w ork system design Correspondence and requests for reprints should be sent to Brian M. Kleiner, Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics Center, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 519E Whittemore Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA 24061-0118. E-mail: <> . 218 B.M. KLEINER 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Sociotechnical systems (STS) theory, ergonomics, and total quality m anagem ent (TQM ) all emerged in response to W orld W ar II, which resulted in mass devastation in Europe and the Far East. The W ar also exemplified num erous mismatches of hum an and machine, leading to the form alization of ergonomics. M any years later, due to trends in technology, demographics, and competition, the H um an Factors Society (now, the H um an Factors and Ergonomics Society) formed a “ Select Committee on H um an Factors Futures, 1980-2000” to study these trends and determine their implications for the hum an factors discipline. M acro­ ergonomics, or work system analysis and design, emerged formally in the 1980s in response to this study (Hendrick & Kleiner, in press). Specifically, m acroergonomics, which uses the STS theoretical fram e­ work, is the starting point for effective microergonomics and offers a validated m ethodology for implementing or enhancing TQM . This integrative approach, integrating ergonomics, TQM , and STS, naturally leads to improved safety and quality, which are seen as dependent measures related to system perform ance criteria. 1.2. Sociotechnical Systems Theory Following W orld W ar II, the sociotechnical Tavistock School of the U K integrated the structural and hum an perspectives of organizational and job design to enable large scale industrial improvement. Sociotechnical systems theorists sought to expand operators’ knowledge of social and economic consequences; treat the w ork system as the unit of analysis; jointly optimize the social and technical subsystems; and m aintain self regulation and redundancy of skills in work systems (Emery & Trist, 1965). Sociotechnical systems theory is supported by several core con­ structs, including joint causation, joint optim ization, and joint design. Joint causation refers to the belief that the personnel and technological subsystems (i.e., the sociotechnical work system) are jointly affected by or are open to the environment. The environment acts as both a resource provider to the work system as well as an evaluator of the work system (Pasmore, 1988) and environmental forces permeate the organization MACROERGONOMICS FOR IMPROVED SAFETY AND QUALITY 219 (Davis, 1982). Joint causation leads to the related sociotechnical systems theoretical concept of joint optimization. The conversion or transformation of inputs to outputs requires both personnel and technology. The former is comprised of the people who perform the work and the latter of the way in which they perform the work through tasks, m ethods, tools, inform ation, machinery, and equipment. Whereas pure sociotechnical systems theory implies equal weighting to both subsystems, from an ergonomic standpoint, once the technology is designed, it is relatively fixed. Therefore, in practice, people are expected to adapt to the technology or perform “left-over” functions. As will be seen later, the m acroergonom ic operational definition of joint optimization then is to consider hum an capabilities and limitations in order to achieve joint optimization. Optimizing one subsystem and fitting the second to it results in suboptim ization of the joint work system. Historically, the tendency has been to optimize the technology, even by sociotechnical researchers (Taylor & Felton, 1993). Therefore, maximizing overall work system effectiveness, including safety and quality, requires jointly opti­ mizing both subsystems. Joint optimization then requires the joint design of the technical and personnel subsystems in order to develop the best possible fit between the two, given the objectives and requirements of each, and of the overall w ork system (Davis, 1982). Inherent in this joint design process is developing an optimal structure for the overall system as well. In this regard, considerable attention has been given to organizational design in sociotechnical systems practice. Although, a detailed discussion of organ­ ization design is beyond the scope of this article, such factors as complexity (i.e., differentiation and integration), centralization, and form alization should be optimized with respect to characteristics of the environm ental, technological and personnel subsystems according to the theoretical framework. 1.3. Quality and Total Quality Management Before the total quality control (TQC) and total quality management (TQM) movements, traditional quality control approaches focused on controlling the quality of system inputs and outputs through sampling and inspection methods. Feigenbaum (1961), Deming (1986), and others emphasized the need to control in-process quality as well and TQ M led to an emphasis on supplier certification of quality and customer satisfaction. 220 B.M. KLEINER At the conclusion of the W ar, Deming agreed to apply his statistical knowledge in Japan in order to help assist the ravaged nation with their reconstruction efforts. In the decades following the W ar, D eming’s m ethods have become recognized as a cornerstone of the m odern TQM movement. This movement began in the USA in the early 1980s in Defense and continues today across all sectors. Consistent with the STS view of organizations, Deming (1986) claimed his systems flow diagram and view of Japanese m anufacturing organizations began the island nation’s transform ation process. D em ing’s approach illustrated the im­ portance of participative decision making in organizational perform ance (W alton, 1986), which was also quite consistent with the sociotechnical systems emphasis on autonom y and decentralized decision making. Dem ing’s approach suggested for a system to be optimized, the aim of the total system should drive decision making, including decisions aimed at improving the system’s processes. Today, Total Quality M anagem ent refers to a variety of team-based programs and approaches that aim to continuously improve performance through the continual improvement of processes. They utilize various “quality tools” and cross-functional process improvement teams. There are three central or core values in TQM: teamwork, customer focus, and continuous improvement of processes through data collection, m easure­ ment, and analysis (Kleiner & Hertweck, 1996). It is suggested that TQM emerged and is maintained essentially as a practitioner phenomenon. Only in the past few years have management and quality control scholarly journals embraced TQM . In the USA, some measure of validation was achieved in the late 1980s when the well-respected N ational Science Foundation (NSF) created a research program entitled “Transform ations to Quality O rganizations” for TQM research projects resulting from University-Industry partnerships. As Taylor and Felton (1993) have suggested though, whereas TQM precepts are consistent with STS, STS offers the umbrella under which TQ M (as well as other intervention strategies) belongs. In terms of teamwork, STS goes beyond the semi-empowered cross-functional team of TQ M to organize autonom ous work teams. STS goes beyond customers and custom er satisfaction to understand, evaluate, and improve all stakeholder interactions. And finally, the TQM principle of continuous improvement was prom oted as the STS design principle of “incom pletion” decades ago. Therefore, for the purpose of this paper, quality is defined as a dependent MACROERGONOMICS FOR IMPROVED SAFETY AND QUALITY 221 T raditional checkpoints included inputs and outputs. TQC and TQM movements have added emphasis on in-process, supplier, and customer checkpoints (Kleiner, 1997). 1.4. (Micro) Ergonomics and Macroergonomics In response to specific safety concerns experienced in W orld W ar II, ergonomics was formalized as a way to address hum an capability and lim itation in system design (Chapanis, 1965). The unique technology of the ergonomics profession is human-system interface technology (Hendrick & Kleiner, in press). Historically, activity centered around this technology has produced interface design principles, guidelines, specifications, methods, and tools in the interest of improving the hum an condition, including health, safety, com fort, productivity, and quality o f life (Hendrick & Kleiner, in press). W hereas microergonomics has certainly had its impact during and since W orld W ar II, the Select Committee of the H um an Factors Society revealed that by 1980, three dysfunctional design practices or shortcom ­ ings were prevalent: technology-driven design, a left-over function allo­ cation approach for hum an tasks and functions, and a failure to incorporate all of the relevant sociotechnical factors in system design. In short, microergonomics was not realizing its full potential. M acroergonom ics was institutionalized as a means to address the shortcomings o f system design in the interest of achieving greater perform ance improvements from ergonomic interventions, including gains in safety and quality. In short, it has been contended and dem onstrated that macroergonomics leads to better microergonomics (Hendrick, 1997; H endrick & Kleiner, in press). M acroergonomics is a form al subdiscipline o f ergonomics and hum an factors. It is also supported by empirical science. From its foundational research roots in the sociotechnical systems tradition to m odern laboratory investigation of the relationship among technological, personnel, organizational de­ sign, and environmental variables and their interactions, new scientific knowledge about work systems and work system design has emerged. Consistent with the empirical research in this area, m acroergonomic methodologies for analysis and design of work systems have been developed to achieve systemic improvements in performance. One such m ethodology is now presented. 222 B.M. KLEINER 2. MACROERGONOMICS METHODOLOGY 2.1. Background The following methodology has been developed based on the writings of Emery and Trist (1978), Taylor and Felton (1993), Clegg, Ravden, C orbertt, and Johnson (1989), and the author’s own experience with large scale change in academia, industry, and government (Kleiner, 1996) with specific emphasis on integrating sociotechnical systems theoretical propositions and prescriptions with microergonomics. Essentially, socio­ technical systems approaches did not directly address microergonomics issues and microergonomics historically failed to address the larger system’s environmental and organizational issues. M acroergonomics and this m ethodology integrate these concerns. In this particular description, safety and quality are highlighted and emphasized. 2.2. Scanning the Environmental and Organizational Design Subsystems The first phase of sociotechnical analysis of work system process is to scan the system, then the environment, and organizational subsystems. As the external environment, operating under joint causation, m ay be the m ost influential subsystem in determining whether the sociotechnical system will be successful, achieving a valid organization and environment fit and joint optim ization is essential. W ithin the system scan, there is often a gap between what the organization professes as its defining characteristics and its actual identity as observed from organizational behavior. It is instructive to assess the nature and extent of this variance. To do this, the formal company statements about mission (i.e., purpose), vision, and principles are identified and evaluated with respect to their components. Specifically related to safety and quality, it is instructive to see whether and to what extent the organization places emphasis on these criteria. F o r example, is the welfare of employees emphasized in the professed of values or guiding principles? Does the mission statement speak of “quality” products or processes? System scanning involves defining the workplace in systems terms including defining relevant boundaries. Several tools are available to MACROERGONOMICS FOR IMPROVED SAFETY AND QUALITY 223 assist with scanning. The organization’s mission is detailed in systems terms (i.e., inputs, outputs, processes, suppliers, customers, internal controls, and feedback mechanisms). The system scan also establishes initial boundaries of the work system. As described by Emery and Trist (1978), there are throughput, territorial, social, and time boundaries to consider. Entities outside the boundaries identified during the system scan are part of the external environment. In the environmental scan, the organiz­ ation’s subenvironments and the principle stakeholders within these subenvironments are identified. Their expectations for the organization are identified and evaluated. Conflicts and ambiguities are seen as opportunities for process or interface improvement. Variances or unwanted deviations are evaluated to determine design constraints and opportuni­ ties for change. The work system itself can be redesigned to align itself with external expectations or conversely, the work system can attem pt to change the expectations of the environment to be consistent with its internal plans and desires. According to STS theory, the response in part will be a function of whether the environment is viewed by the organization as a source of provocation or inspiration (Pasmore, 1988). In our experience, much of the time the gaps between work system and environm ental expectations are gaps of perception and communication interfaces need to be developed between subenvironment personnel and the organization. Design focuses on design or redesign of interfaces among the organizational system and relevant subenvironments to improve com m unication and decision making. These interfaces are referred to as organization- or work system-environment interfaces. It is useful to develop organizational design hypotheses based upon the environmental and system scans. By referring to the empirical models of the external environment (Hendrick & Kleiner, in press), optimal levels of complexity (both differentiation and integration), centralization, and formalization can be hypothesized. 2.3. Production System Type and Performance Expectations The work system’s production type can help determine optimal levels of complexity, centralization, and formalization. The system scan performed in the previous phase should help in this regard and the analyst should consult available production models. In this context, key perform ance 224 B.M. KLEINER criteria related to the organization’s purpose and technical processes are identified. This requires a determ ination of success factors for products and services, but may also include perform ance measures at other points in the organization’s system, especially if decision making is im portant to work process improvement. As described in Kleiner’s (1997) framework adapted from Sink and Tuttle (1989), specific standardized perform ance criteria guide the selection of specific measures that relate to different parts of the work process. M easures can be subjective, as in the case of self reports, or measures can be objective, measured from perform ance. Once the type of production system has been identified and the empirical production models consulted, the organizational design hy­ potheses generated in the previous phase should be supported or modified until the personnel subsystem can be thoroughly analyzed as well. In terms of function allocation, requirements specifications can be developed, including microergonomic requirements at this juncture. Also included are system design preferences for complexity, centralization, and form al­ ization. Clegg et al. (1989) also suggested the use of scenarios that present alternative allocations and associated costs and benefits. 2.4. Unit Operations and Work Process U nit operations are groupings of conversion steps that together form a complete piece of work and are bounded from other steps by territorial, technological, or tem poral boundaries. Unit operations can often be identified by their own distinctive subproduct and typically employ 3-15 workers. They can also be identified by natural breaks in the process, that is, boundaries determined by state changes (transformation) or actual changes in the raw m aterial’s form or location (input) or storage of material. For each unit operation or department, the purpose, objectives, inputs, transform ations, and outputs are defined. If the technology is complex, additional departm entalization (horizontal differentiation) may be necessary. If collocation is not possible or desirable, spatial differenti­ ation and the use of digital integrating mechanisms may be needed. If the task exceeds the allotted schedule, then work groups or shifts may be needed. Ideally, resources for task perform ance should be contained within the unit, but interdependencies with other units may complicate m atters. In these cases, job rotation, cross training, or relocation may be required. MACROERGONOMICS FOR IMPROVED SAFETY AND QUALITY 225 The current workflow of the transform ation process (i.e., conversion of inputs to outputs) should be flow charted, including material flows, w orkstations, and physical as well as informal or imagined boundaries. In linear systems such as most production systems, the output of one step is the input of the next. In non-linear systems such as m any service or knowledge work environments, steps may occur in parallel or may be recursive. U nit operations are identified. Also identified at this stage are the functions and subfunctions (i.e., tasks) of the system (Clegg et al., 1989). The purpose of this step is to assess improvement opportunities and coordination problem s posed by technical design or the facility. Identifying the work flow before proceeding with detailed task analysis can provide meaningful context in which to analyze tasks. Once the current flow is charted, the macroergonom ist or analyst can proceed with a task analysis for the work process functions and tasks. 2.5. Variances A variance is an unexpected or unwanted deviation from standard operating conditions, specifications or norms. STS distinguishes between input and throughput variances. F o r throughput variances, Deming (1986) distinguished between special or common causes of variation, the former being abnorm al causes and the latter expected system variation from norm al operations. Special variances need to be tackled first to get the work process in control, at which time common variation can be tackled for overall system improvement. F o r the ergonomist, identifying variances at the process level as well as the task level can add im portant contextual inform ation for job and task redesign to improve safety and quality performance. By using the flowchart of the current process and the detailed task analysis that corresponds to the flow chart, the m acroergonom ist or analyst can identify variances. 2.6. Variance Matrix Key variances are those variances that significantly impact perform ance criteria and may interact with other variances thereby having a compound effect. The purpose of this step is to display the interrelationships among variances in the transform ation work process to determine which ones 226 B.M. KLEINER TABLE 1. V ariance Matrix Exam ple Variances Unit Operations Formal Directive to Initiate Work Design of Product Development of Product Manufacturing of Product Testing of Product Certification of Product Review of Certificate 1 Directive received by suppliers 3 Complexity of directive 4 Correctness of directive 5 Timeliness of directive 6 Availability of design team 7 Time allowed for design 8 Completeness of directive 9 Complexity of directive 10 Timeliness of transaction 11 Completeness of design 12 Complexity of design 13 Availability of development team 14 • % Accuracy of design 15 Availability of machinery 16 Time required to produce 17 Availability of materials 18 Accuracy of product specifications 19 Timeliness of request 20 Accurate creation of product 21 Availability of testing equipment 22 Required number of tests 23 Material tolerances 24 Accuracy of test results 25 Accuracy of test reporting 26 Timeliness of transaction 27 Presentation of Product Written directive is distributed to suppliers 2 Changes to product specifications 28 Matching tolerances 29 Timeliness of information relay Accuracy of information 30 31 Timeliness of information dissemination 32 Accuracy of information 33 Accuracy of system integration Establishment of Mission 34 Availability of team members Management Team 35 Preflight Readiness Review Cooperativeness of team MACROERGONOMICS FOR IMPROVED SAFETY AND QUALITY 227 affect which others. The variances should be listed in the order in which they occur down the vertical y axis and across the horizontal x axis. The unit operations (groupings) can be indicated and each column represents a single variance. The analyst can read down each column to see if this variance causes other variances. Each cell then represents the relation­ ship between two variances. An empty cell implies two variances are unrelated. The analyst or team can also estimate the severity of variances by using a Likert-type rating scale. Severity would be determined on the basis of whether a variance or combination of variances significantly affect perform ance. This should help identify key variances. A variance is considered key then if it significantly affects quantity o f production, quality o f production, operating costs (utilities, raw material, overtime, etc.), social costs (dissatisfaction, safety, etc.), or if it has num erous relationships with other variances (matrix). Typically, consistent with the Pareto Principle, only 10-20% of the variances are significant determ inants of the quality, quantity, or cost of product. Interestingly, the control of in-process quality and the associated statistical quality control m ethods as popularized by Deming, are rem arkably similar to the notion of controlling throughput variances. Table 1 illustrates a variance matrix. 2.7. Key Variance Control Table and Role Network The purpose of this phase is to discover how existing variances are currently controlled and whether personnel responsible for variance control require additional support. The Key Variance Control Table includes the unit operation in which variance is controlled or corrected; who is responsible; what control activities are currently undertaken; what interfaces, tools, or technologies are needed to support control; and what communication, inform ation, special skills, or knowledge are needed to support control. A job is defined by the formal job description, which is a contract or agreement between the individual and the organization. This is not the same as a work role, which is comprised of actual behaviors o f a person occupying a position or job in relation to other people. These role behaviors result from actions and expectations of a num ber of people in a role set. A role set is comprised o f people who are sending expectations and reinforcement to the role occupant. Role analysis addresses who interacts with whom, about what, and how 228 B.M. KLEINER effective these relationships are. This relates to technical production and is im portant because it determines the level of work system flexibility. In a role network, first the role responsible for controlling key variances is identified. Although multiple roles may exist that satisfy this criterion, there is often a single role w ithout which the system could not function. W ith the focal role identified within a circle, other roles can be identified and placed on the diagram in relation to the focal role. Based upon the frequency and importance of a given relationship or interaction, line length can be varied, where a shorter line represents more or closer interactions. Finally, arrows can be added to indicate the nature of the com m unication in the interaction. A one-way arrow indicates one-way com m unication and a two-way arrow suggests two-way interaction. Two one-way arrows in opposite directions indicate asynchronous (different time) com m unication patterns. To show the content of the interactions between the focal role and other roles and an evaluation of the presence or absence of a set of functional relationships for functional require­ ments, labels are used to indicate the Goal of controlling variances; Adaptation to short-term fluctuations; Integration of activities to manage internal conflicts and prom ote smooth interactions among people and tasks; and Long-term development of knowledge, skills, and motivation Figure 1. Exam ple role network. Notes. A— A d a p ta tio n to short-term fluctuations; C— C ross-boundary; E— Equal o r peer; G— Goal of co n tro llin g variances; I— Integration of activities to m anage internal conflicts and prom ote sm ooth interactions am ong people and tasks; L— Long-term developm ent o f knowledge, skills, and m otivation in workers; N— N onsocial; O— Outside; V— Vertical hierarchy. MACROERGONOMICS FOR IMPROVED SAFETY AND QUALITY 229 in workers. Also, the presence or absence of particular relationships is identified as Vertical hierarchy; Equal or peer; Cross-boundary; Outside; or Nonsocial. Figure 1 illustrates a role network. The relationships in the role network are then evaluated. Internal and external customers of roles can be interviewed or surveyed for their perceptions of role effectiveness as well. Also, the organizational design hypotheses can be tested against the detailed analysis of variance and variance control. The role analysis and variance control table may suggest, for example, a need to increase or decrease formalization or centralization. If procedures are recommended to help control variances, this increase in formalization must be evaluated against the more general organizational design preferences suggested by the environmental and production system analyses. 2.8. Function Allocation and Joint Design Having previously specified system objectives, requirements, and functions it is now time to systematically allocate functions and tasks to hum an and machine or com puter. It is helpful to review the environmental scan data to check for any subenvironment constraints (e.g., political, financial, etc.) before making any m andatory allocations (Clegg et al., 1989). Next, provisional allocations can be m ade to the human(s), machine(s), both, or neither. In the latter case, a return to developing requirements m ay be appropriate using four groups of criteria: technical feasibility; health and safety; operational requirements (i.e., physical, inform ational, performance); and function characteristics (i.e., criticality, unpredictability, psychological). See Kleiner (1998) for a review o f macroergonomic directions and issues in function allocation. Technical changes are m ade to at best, prevent or at worst, control key variances. H um an-centered design of the following may be needed to support operators as they attempt to prevent or control key variances: interfaces; inform ation systems to provide feedback; job aids; process control tools; more flexible technology; redesign work station or handling system; or integrating mechanisms. A fter considering human-centered system changes in the previous step, it is time to turn our attention to supporting the person directly by addressing knowledge and skill requirements o f key variances and any selection issues that may be apparent. In the variance control table, we 230 B.M. KLEINER identified who controls variances and the tasks perform ed to control these variances. At this stage, we suggest personnel system changes to prevent or control key variances. This may entail specific skill or knowledge sets that can be acquired through technical training, formal courses, workshops, or distance learning. At this point in the process, organizational design hypotheses have been generated and iteratively adjusted as new analyses are performed. It is now time to take the specifications for organizational design levels of complexity, centralization, and form alization and produce specific structures. Depending upon the level of work system process analysis, this may require design or redesign at the organizational level, or at the group or team level, or at both levels. 2.9. Roles and Responsibilities Perceptions It is im portant to identify how workers perceive their roles documented in the variance control table, especially if the table was initially constructed by those who do not occupy the roles identified. Through interviews, role occupants can participate in an analysis of their perceptions of their roles. Using the previously constructed table, expected roles, perceived roles any variances can be identified. Variances can be managed through training and selection as well as technological support. Essentially, two role networks are operating, the one needed and the one perceived. Any variation between the two can be reduced through participatory ergo­ nomics, training, communication, interface design, or tool design. 2.10. Design or Redesign Support Subsystems and Interfaces Consistent with the STS design principle, “ support congruence” (Taylor & Felton, 1993), now that the work process has been analyzed and jointly designed, other internal organizational support subsystems may require redesign (e.g., m anagement system, and reward system, m ainten­ ance). The goal is to determine the extent to which a given subsystem impacts the sociotechnical production system; to determine the nature of the variance; determine the extent to which the variance is controlled; and to determine the extent to which tasks should be taken into account in redesign of operating roles in the supporting subsystem units. MACROERGONOMICS FOR IMPROVED SAFETY AND QUALITY 231 According to the Clegg et al. (1989) method of function allocation, individual and cumulative allocations made on a provisional basis earlier can be further evaluated against requirements specifications (including the scenarios developed earlier); resources available at the time of im plem entation (including hum an and financial); and the sum total outcome. In addition to a check of function allocation, interfaces among subsystems should be checked and redesigned at this juncture. Especially at the team and individual levels of work, the internal physical environment should be ergonomically adjusted if necessary to prom ote hum an well being, safety, and effectiveness. Evaluating the technical and personnel variance analyses, we can assess whether there are physical environmental changes that will prom ote improvement. These changes might include changes to tem perature, lighting, humidity, noise control and hearing protection, and so forth. 2.11. Implement, Iterate, and Improve At this point, it is desired to execute or implement the work process changes prescribed, design interfaces, and allocate functions. As in most cases, the macroergonomics team will not have the authority to implement the changes suggested by the analysis, proposals with recommendations for change may be required for presentation within the formal organiza­ tional structure. Such proposals should be consistent with the macroergonomic principles and should include, for example, both technical and social objectives, will likely include participatory ergonomics and should predict multidimensional performance improvement. Based on the proposal feedback, modifications to the proposal may be necessitated, which will require a return to the earlier step that represents a challenged assumption or design. This process is iterative. F or continuous improvement (i.e., STS principle o f “incom pletion”), evaluations may suggest a return to an earlier step in the process for renewed partial or full redesign. Once the proposal for change is accepted and implementation begins, regular reviews of progress are required. To compliment the weekly formative evaluations performed by the implementation team, semi-annual formative evaluations should be perform ed by an objective outside party. This evaluation should be presented to the implem entation team and a con­ structive dialogue about expectations and progress-to-date should be conducted. 232 B.M. KLEINER 3. CASE VALIDATION 3.1. Measuring Safety and Quality As illustrated in Figure 2, Sink and Tuttle (1989) suggested organiza­ tional performance can be measured or assessed using seven performance criteria or clusters of measures: efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, quality, quality of worklife, innovation, and profitability or budgetability. The seven performance criteria relate to specific parts of the organization as represented by an input-output model similar to that proposed by Deming (1986). W ithin a given perform ance criterion, specific measures can be derived. D ata sources for each measure can be subjective, as in the case of self reports, or can be based on objective data. Kleiner (1997) contributed a flexibility criterion that related to each of these checkpoints as well, due to the increasing need to manage and measure flexibility in systems. According to Sink and Tuttle (1989), quality of work life (QWL) includes safety as a criterion, however, it is proposed to differentiate the need for a healthy and safe working environment from QW L, the affective perception of the total work environment. The efficiency criterion focuses on input or resource utilization. Effectiveness focuses on whether objectives are realized. Productivity is operationalized as outputs divided by inputs. Innovation refers to creative changes to process or product, which result in perform ance gains. Profitability is a standard business m anagem ent criterion. For non-for-profit organiza­ tions, Sink and Tuttle (1989) introduced budgetability or expenditures relative to budget to replace the profitability criterion. Quality Check­ points 2 and 4 correspond to traditional measures of quality control, traditionally assured through inspection of inputs and outputs respec­ tively. Quality Checkpoints 1, 3, and 5 are quality criteria popularized by Deming and the TQ M movement. In essence, a TQM approach to quality moves resources from Checkpoints 2 and 4 exclusively to share resources with at the other system checkpoints. Checkpoint 1 emphasizes the quality of suppliers, which has been operationalized within the quality movement in the form of supplier certification programs and processes. Checkpoint 3, in-process control, pertains to the use of statistical quality control charts to m onitor and control processes. Checkpoint 5 refers to custom er satisfaction, operationalized as the customer getting what is wanted and needed. Checkpoint 6 corresponds to total quality m anage­ ment or the m ethod by which the other criteria are managed. MACROERGONOMICS FOR IMPROVED SAFETY AND QUALITY 233 Figure 2. Perform ance criteria in a work system. Notes. Adapted from Sink and Tuttle (1989). QWL— Q uality of W ork Life, Q— Q uality C heckpoint. 3.2. Case 1: Development of a Safety Culture 3.2.1. Analysis Perhaps there is no greater change in an organization’s life than a fundam ental change in purpose. In the United States, the nation’s former nuclear production facilities and sites were operated by m anage­ m ent and operations (M & O) contractors. In the 1980s, due to the end of the cold war and other factors, there was a shift in focus from nuclear production to provide leadership in the environmental restoration arena. At a large nuclear site, safety was a m ajor concern as the environ­ m ental restoration mission unfolded. The objective was to transform the culture from a “production-oriented” culture to a “ safety” culture. The construct of safety culture is defined in INSAG-4 (International Atomic Energy Agency, 1991) as “safety culture is that assembly of characteristics and attitudes in organizations and individuals which establishes that, as an overriding priority, nuclear plant safety issues receive the attention w arranted by their significance.” Given that m ost of the facilities were constructed in the period around W orld W ar II, safety, both nuclear and industrial, was viewed as a vital concern as nuclear and other hazardous m aterials were cleaned up. 234 B.M. KLEINER Before em barking on an intervention to improve safety in general and to improve the safety culture in particular of one such installation, a system scan and environmental scan were developed. The type of inform ation obtained appears in Table 2. As can be seen, consistent with a sociotechnical systems approach, variances were the focus. Several variances were noted between the current state and the desired (i.e., future) state. A survey instrum ent was also designed by consultants to collect data about organizational climate. As a follow up to this survey, the author TABLE 2. Item Purpose System and Environmental Scan Desired Current Produce products for national security Be the nation’s model for restoration and make a profit for company of land systems and application of advanced restoration technologies Philosophy Management controls • Emphasize quality and safety Do what it takes to get throughput OBJECTIVES Technical Make a profit, maintain contract with Restore the environment for profi­ customer, reduce costs table use (education, agriculture, businesses) Comply with environmental regu­ lations Develop marketable environmen­ tal technologies Social Avoid strikes with union or stockpile Develop cooperation among em products to avoid supply interruption ployees and with external stake­ holders High levels of quality and safety Outputs Weapons-grade materials, products Environmental restoration expertise Reservation environment safe for profitable or recreational use Inputs Unprocessed materials, product Contaminated environment components, other raw materials People willing to work and learn BOUNDARIES Throughput Suppliers, products ready for shipping Input: government regulations; are at the boundaries Output: knowledge base in libraries MACROERGONOMICS FOR IMPROVED SAFETY AND QUALITY TABLE 2. (cont.) System and Environmental Scan Item Territorial 235 Current Nuclear complex Desired Nuclear complex and nearby schools doing training Social Company production employees are in Researchers supplying knowledge, the system contractors, customer and state become part of the work system Time Fiscal year budget contract period 20-year contract period Abide by contract Work together to increase capabili­ EXPECTATIONS Union-to-system ties, safety and contributions of employees and their families System Do not interrupt work, give concessions News media Give information for big story Give us a shot at good stories System Do not make us look bad Help change our image, publicity State Abide by regulations, keep honest Joint: showcase what can be done records through cooperation, publicity System Cut us some slack to make products Customer Products whenever needed No political embarrassment System Profit, jobs, contract Contract, profit, showcase Local community Jobs, pride in community Jobs, pride in reclamation, safety System Labor force, no hassles Labor force, cooperation Presenting Problems • Lack of cooperation and relationships with internal and external environment • Management needs to develop consistency between espoused vision and values and what it does • Workforce may lack skills and desire to pursue clean-up • Lack of knowledge about what’s in the ground or tanks • Lack of knowledge about how to clean up environmental hazards Future Scenario Realistic: site closes, someone else Idealistic: get new contract, become comes to clean up, we get lawsuits for showcase on contamination, stock value depresses resulting in new contracts elsewhere, how to clean up favorable impact on stock value Notes. Adapted from Groesbeck, Sienknecht, and Merida (1998, with permission). 236 B.M. KLEINER conducted an assessment, which focused on identifying variances between key program s, processes, and practices that should be improved to achieve substantive changes in safety behavior. 3.2.2. Design Following the analysis phase partially described, systematic alignment of program s and processes with the new safety values was pursued. In many cases, existing program s rewarded behavior or perform ance that could be perceived as trading off against safety. F or example, rewarding on-time attendance or productivity could adversely affect safety. Variances were identified, and roles were identified to investigate how key personnel could be assisted to control variances more effectively in the future. In many cases, there was a training solution; in other cases, technical solutions such as providing inform ation-based support was needed. A nother technical focus was on improving lock and tag processes. Concurrently, top m anagement and the communications departm ent were m entored regarding their perception of their roles versus what was expected of them. Help was given in communicating and reinforcing a fundam ental paradigm shift with respect to core values. The analysis had revealed that rather than adopt an ergonomic perspective o f safety, that is, to assume accidents were the result of a human-system mismatch, the com pany was sending signals that operator error was generally the cause of accidents. R ather than focus blame upon workers, it was desirable to focus on changing the system with training supporting the change process. Interventions included all hands meetings, labor relations, internal, and external communications, reward program changes, and participatory planning. The latter was highlighted by a “strategic summit,” where the top leaders from the government and the four independent site contractor organizations worked through a participatory process of site evaluation, planning, and management. 3.2.3. Results At this site, a safety culture was developed in approximately one year, where culture change is normally expected to take five or m ore years. The change was attributed to a combination of top m anagement leadership and closing the gap between current and desired culture by attending to social and technical subsystem deficiencies (i.e., joint optim ization) and organizational redesign. The objective measure of MACROERGONOMICS FOR IMPROVED SAFETY AND QUALITY 237 success was the custom er’s financial reward for perform ance im prove­ ment called an award fee. This was available for the management and operations (M & O) contractor to earn each year based on performance. The new safety culture was attributed by the customer as the m ajor reason for a significant M & O award fee. 3.3. Case 2: Improving Health and Quality in Tire Manufacturing 3.3.1. A nalysis The m anufacturing facility described was one of two plants operated by a global tire m anufacturing company in the USA. The facility described was located in the N ortheast. An analysis was perform ed during the environmental scanning phase. Figure 3 illustrates the identification o f unit operations or STS groupings and associated technical processes. 'Mix "Extrusion 'Inspection *Print number ’ Inspection 'Weighting ’ Special ’ Packaging ink ’ Create bead ’ Polymers_ ‘ Chemicals Unit Operation 1 ’ Wires *Rubber + wires Operation 3 RUBBERX HOOP _ ^ -^ R U B B E R \. 4 ----- ---------SHEET ’ Remove moisture ’ Rubber + fabric ’ Cutting M ----- ► Operation 2 'Assembly 'Molding Unit Operation 4 /RUBBER STRIPS Finishing Separate in categories Final inspection UNFINISHED TIRE Unit Operation 5 FINISHED AND ’ INSPECTED TIRE Figure 3. Unit operations in tire manufacturing. Notes. Adapted from B lanco and D uggar (1998, w ith perm ission); A, B— other subprocesses. 238 B.M. KLEINER Figure 4 illustrates some of the technical production processes seen in tire manufacturing. Unit Operation 2 Unit Operation 3 Unit Operation 4 Unit Operation 5 Calendering Figure 4. Technical processes in tire manufacturing. Notes. Adapted from B lanco and D uggar (1998, w ith perm ission). MACROERGONOMICS FOR IMPROVED SAFETY AND QUALITY 239 As previously stated, key variances have a significant impact as a single variance, especially related to safety, quality, schedule, or cost, or they interact with other variances to have an effect on several other variances. F or the tire m anufacturer, based on the variance m atrix in Table 1, we identified key variances. The types of variances discovered in this procedure are illustrated in Table 3. TABLE 3. Identification of Key Variances In Tire Manufacturing Type of Key Variance Key Variance Unit Operation Numerous Significant Impact Significant Relationships Downstream with Other as a Single Impact Variances Variance Raw material consistency Mixing / / / Raw material composition Mixing / ✓ / Mixing duration Mixing / / / Rubber quality Tread Extrusion / / / Tread thickness Tread Folding / / Adhesive strength Tread Cementing / / Quantity adhesive used Tread Cementing / / Rubber to fabric adhesion Rubber Impregnation / / Bond consistency Rubber Impregnation ✓ / Wire to rubber adhesion Bead Building y / Bond consistency Bead Building / / Wire surface quality Bead Building / / Wire to rubber adhesion Wire Enveloping / / / Component dimensions First Stage Building / / / Press force First Stage Building / / / Press duration First Stage Building y / / / / Notes. Adapted Groesbeck, Sienknecht, and Merida (1998, with permission). A key variance control table is illustrated in Table 4 to dem onstrate the types of data collected for key variances in order to better support the focal roles. 3,3.2. Design As a result o f the formative analysis, a major program to improve quality and safety based on the sociotechnical approach was developed. This program consisted of a knowledge and skills based training program coined Training and Education for Advanced M anufacturing B.M. KLEINER ■a standards, co CO CO ~o T3 Q. acceptance aj Cl o JZ p £ © DC co CO 3 CO > * O 13 T3 O o CO c CD E 60 13^ T3 CO O CO CD C in o CO co 2 * u> c CO Id c. c. o CO CD CL CD O c CO c 03 C CO E o Cl "cO o CL O c CD E a * CO :> « g ^ * Extrusion or Tire Building Manufacturing o o T3 a, ® II for Tire ^ CD § T3 £ § Q. I 5 A3 (/> § s 1£ o8 a) o c (0 o ■J3 co CO 3 O § >< Q- u j .«=: c »_ O o .'d •zz CO CO 3 8 * o m S '2 .t: C Z) o Q_ c_ O O a >» "Z 5 > Q. oQ . i3 Z> A Variance o Q. 9 O w O 4. Control Table m 5 rr Qco □_ Q. CD ?z. -2 o c nc TABLE co £ t o 2 o call maintenance -Q CL ^03 Q. cn -Q O * Machine adjustments or CO > D) 'CD CO c operator o 2 om Q. o w £2 ■ c o IS 05 JD tr CD b: s E CD o Applied c E E ance * Machine Cl * Visual inspection o ca O product observation CO personnel 240 MACROERGONOMICS FOR IMPROVED SAFETY AND QUALITY 8 * 0 O c as Q. 0 o o CO ■a CO 0 o C CO D. 0 O o CO CO - C2 CL Q. si "8 Q_ d Q ■a c. cO c ca > | .£ o 0 CO .a O CO ~a "cO CO ~o c as to 3 03 to o 0 CL co c o o o $ "O o co TD C CO CO CO > * 0 O c JO CO _Q .E -Q o ■c o CO X3 > O * T3 C CO CL CO ■a CO ■a c "co £ CO O D. Control Table lor Tire Manufacturing '0 = tr =® O l c £o ■□£ co a O c O CO II T<3D z. > © QJ ^ CL £ ® O > > xcao O 8. o A Variance TABLE 4. (cont.) 0 CL O CO c O CO a3 C l O +=: c; 2 0 CL O c £ £ 5 0 ■a a CD CO CO Z) o o ’c 3 c o c TO >» *z c; 05 c 'c Z) O Z) Q) to 5 5 i£ o8 CO CO CO m CO cn c 'E o o O _c C13 V * ■o 5 o§ o "a CO O CO a O) c 0 T3 C _0 CO O o CO a o O) c o 65 o o U) JO _C 0 3 CL o O 6) c O 'c Z) O) _c c 0 ■a c _0 CO O 2 0 o o CL O) c O c CO J 3 O cb D) c 0 T3 CL o CO -C CO cb‘ C\J 0 CO _C0 CD E o 241 242 B.M. KLEINER (TEAM ) and micorergonomic intervention focused on the reduction of lifting and twisting injuries and accidents. The TEAM program was a multimedia approach to education, training, and development. Instruc­ tional videos were produced as were training manuals. This involved identifying unit operations and operating roles. The emphasis was on educating users about the underlying knowledge and theory behind skills. Once variances were identified, troubleshooting guides were designed to control process variances. R ather than simply instruct operators on what to do when a certain event occurs, inform ation detailed why a certain action solved the particular problem. These were placed at the point of variance control, that is, the operators’ workstations, as suggested by the STS principle of “power and authority” (Taylor & Felton, 1993). This approach to variance control specifically addressed the need to improve product quality, and focused on the in-process quality checkpoint. The micoergonomics program focused on system redesign to reduce back injuries. Again, variances, in this case, variances that exceeded hum an capability and lim itation were the focus. 3.3.3. Results As was stated at the outset, the forces from the environment will ultimately determine the work system’s success. As is the case with many plants, a major change in the environment occurred and was announced during the sociotechnical analysis process. It was announced the corporation was taken over by a major foreign conglomerate. The new international owners reported the TEAM program was an integral part to comprehensive approach to quality and safety improvement and was a good umbrella for their approach to TQM . Another environmental issue surfaced when the corporation announced it would search for the ideal locale for a state-of-the-art medium truck radial facility. It was widely assumed if the local region were not selected, regional operations would be discontinued. The ergonomics work within this plant was attributed by its Chief Executive Officer as a significant factor in the corporation’s decision to locate its new stateof-the-art m anufacturing facility in the region, resulting in hundreds of new jobs (and retaining hundreds of existing jobs). Finally, as an objective outside evaluation, a national organization awarded this program their prestigious Project-of-the-Year Award, based upon significant performance improvement. The project also culminated in both operational and economic development results (see Table 5). MACROERGONOMICS FOR IMPROVED SAFETY AND QUALITY TABLE 5. 243 Tire Plant Results and Economic Developm ent Outcomes Organizational Results Economic Development Results National Project-of-the-Year Award 900 jobs retained Reduced lost time injuries U.S. $100 million facilities expansion 3-month return on investment (ROI) 250 jobs created Improved communication and teamwork Improved product quality 4. CONCLUSION Taking a macroergonomic approach has been contended to benefit safety and quality performance (Hendrick, 1997). Macroergonomics can integrate the concepts, m ethods and tools of ergonomics, TQM , and STS. F o r the ergonomist, the m acroergonomics perspective leads to more significant results. F o r the TQ M practitioner, STS, the theoretical base for m acro­ ergonomics, provides a needed “um brella” theory. In terms of the relationship between TQM and ergonomics, TQM offers the ergonomist several practical tools. Similarly, the ergonomist offers TQM tools and techniques at both the macroergonomic and task levels of improvement. The benefits of the macroergonomic approach have been dem onstrated here and in other literature at the factory level in terms of 50-100% quality improvement (e.g., Kleiner & D rury, in press) as well as at the community level, where economic outcome improvements as measured by job retention or expansion have been demonstrated. This article contributed a specific methodology for conducting macroergonomic analysis and design in the interest of improving safety and quality perform ance. It is hypothesized the dram atic results achieved at the tire plant were due to the ergonomists initially and continuously managing the interface between the environment and other subsystems, viewing the environ­ m ent as a source of inspiration rather than provocation (Pasmore, 1988) and integrating social and technical interventions jointly. The environ­ m ental subsystem consisted o f such components as political, legal, and educational stakeholders. By working directly with state officials and institutions, organized labor, and corporate headquarters, intervention focused on the political interface with local organizations when takeovers and the like were announced. By transferring knowledge acquired during environmental system analyses, educational program s and ergonomics interventions were designed and implemented. 244 B.M. KLEINER Similarly, at the nuclear site, a change in safety culture began with a valid understanding of the environment and a systematic formative evaluation of the current system. Only then could reliable and valid design interventions be constructed and implemented. By understanding the causal forces from the environment, changes to the personnel sub­ system and technological subsystem could be jointly designed, resulting in improved perceived and objective safety performance. W hereas case studies help to make the case, more rigorous formative and summative research is needed to refine and validate the proposed methodology respectively. REFERENCES Blanco, M., & Duggar, M. (1998). Macroergonomics class. Unpublished technical report, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. Chapanis, A. (1965). Man-machine engineering. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Clegg, C., Ravden, S., Corbertt, M., & Johnson, S. (1989). Allocating functions in computer integrated manufacturing: A review and new method. 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