Name: Date: IB Chemistry Summer Assignment Laboratory

IB Chemistry Summer Assignment
Laboratory Experiment Guidelines:
 Experiment objective: To determine the concentration of vinegar via reaction with baking soda.
 You are welcome to discuss ideas with your classmates, but you each must complete your own
experiment and your own report.
 You do not need to record data in SI units. You may use English units or find a conversion
factor that allows you to use SI units. You may also invent your own unit.
 It does not matter what concentration unit you report for the vinegar.
 You only need to use things that are commonly found around your house.
 Your grade is not based on accuracy. Your grade is based on how you approach and solve this
problem. You will need to generate some novel ideas to meet the submission requirements
given above.
Exercise 1 will be graded for accuracy.
Any errors you make are not carried forward. In other words, a wrong answer that is used
correctly in a subsequent step will be given full credit.
The purpose of this problem is to reacquaint you with the quantifiable properties that one comes
across in chemistry, and the interpretation of some of those values.
Exercise 2 is strictly a thought exercise. Be creative. Do not be afraid to be wrong! Throw
your ideas and thoughts at me. This is a great chance for me to see what concepts with which
you are competent or unfamiliar. This will help me identify areas of strength and weakness for
our class for when I put lesson ideas together.
For exercise 2, you may want to consider the type of reaction, the reactivity of the elements
involved, bond types, and thermochemical properties in your response.
You can assume the reactions in exercise 2 are supposed to take place at room temperature.
Please write up the lab report in a way so that the following IB criteria are addressed:
Formulates a focused problem/research question and identifies the relevant
Designs a method for the effective control of the variables.
Developing a
Develops a method that allows for the collection of sufficient relevant data.
method for
collection of data
Records appropriate quantitative and associated qualitative raw data, including units
Recording raw
and uncertainties where relevant. This mark is essentially for the setup and
appropriateness of your data table(s).
Processing raw
Processes the quantitative raw data correctly. This mark is for your calculations.
Presents processed data appropriately and, where relevant, includes errors and
uncertainties. I will focus mostly on units, rounding, and any relevant error
calculation. You may include an outlier test here as well.
States a conclusion, with justification, based on a reasonable interpretation of the
data. Tell me which factors did or did not affect the period of the pendulum.
Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Be specific, and for this assignment, do not
be afraid to “throw something out there.” Show me how you think and what you
are considering.
Improving the
Suggests realistic improvements in respect of identified weaknesses and limitations.
Good luck and looking forward to seeing you in the fall.
Mr. Everett
I prefer that you handle the decisions on your own. However, if you really need help, just email me at
Exercise 1:
Consider the following compound with the following percent composition and a molar mass of
44.05 g:
54.53% carbon
9.15% hydrogen
36.31% oxygen
Use this information to answer the questions below.
Determine the molecular and empirical formula for this compound.
Is this compound organic or inorganic? Explain.
Could this compound contain a carbon-carbon double bond? Explain.
Could this compound be a carboxylic acid? Explain.
The melting point for this compound is 149.78 K and its boiling point is 293.3 K.
Determine the compound's state of matter at room temperature.
Write the reaction equation for this compound's combustion. Balance it.
Calculate the volume of the gas product that will be produced from 2.00 g of the original
compound. Assume the reaction takes place at STP.
What will be the effect on the volume of the gas if the temperature at which the reaction
takes place is increased?
What will be the effect on the volume of the gas if the pressure at which the reaction takes
place is increased?
Recalculate the volume of the gas that is produced if the reaction takes place at 35°C and
175 kPa.
Using the volume from the previous step, calculate the density of the gas produced.
The heat of combustion for this compound is -2332.96 kJ. What does this value tell you
about the reaction? Explain.
Rewrite the reaction equation to include the value for the heat of combustion ( comb –
which is the same as Hrxn).
Solve for the heat of formation ( Hf°) of this compound.
Will this compound increase or decrease entropy? Explain.
Perform the necessary calculation to verify your previous statement.
Based on the given value for
comb and your previous statement regarding entropy, this
reaction will be spontaneous always/never/at low temperatures/at high temperatures.
Sketch a graph of Grxn vs. Temperature. Temperature should be in kelvin. Although it is
just a sketch, the y-intercept and slope of the line are important.
One of the questions we will continually address next year is “What makes reactions work?” In
other words, why are some combinations of reactants explosive, others are mildly interesting, and
others don't do anything at all. Hopefully, this past year has taught you some basic quantities that
can be used to estimate how well a reaction will work. Below is a list of reactions. I want you to
attempt to rank them from most to least reactive. You will provide an explanation. The purpose of
this exercise is for me to see how well to integrate a variety of topics from across chemistry into
providing your explanation. This part will only be graded for completion, but I expect a thorough,
thoughtful response, that should be several paragraphs in length. You may include calculations or
values for chemical properties as you feel appropriate.
Cu (s) + 2 H2O (ℓ)→ Cu(OH)2 (s) + H2 (g)
(NH4)2Cr2O7 (s) → N2 (g) + Cr2O3 (s) + 4 H2O (g)
CO (g) + 2 H2 (g) → CH3OH (ℓ)
12 CO (g) + 6 H2O (g) → 2 C6H6 (s) + 9 O2 (ℓ)
PbCO3 (s) → Pb+2 (aq) + CO3-2 (aq)
3 HCl (aq) + Al(OH)3 → AlCl3 (aq) + 3 H2O (ℓ)