Project Citizen Reflection Paper: Put a reflection paper for each

Project Citizen Reflection Essay
The ESSAY: Two pages: typed, ds, and 12 font (Times new Roman). The
essay should also demonstrate overall good writing skills including, but not
limited to: correct punctuation, accurate spelling, good transitions,
excellent grammar, and a clear thesis, at the first of the paper, and effective
organization and transitions.
PROMPT: What I learned from Project Citizen
Note: If you turn in an individual reflection paper, ON TIME, and receive
a 70% or above on the paper, you will receive credit for your State of Idaho
Senior project graduation requirement. If you do NOT meet the
requirements, you will then need to do the individual senior project (see Mr.
You may use any of the ideas below to come up with a clear
thesis and write your paper or/and use your own ideas to answer
the prompt in essay form.
1. Describe your team’s project and why it is an important project.
2. What have you learned about Public Policy?
3. What did you learn most from Project Citizen?
4. What parts of Project Citizen have been the most fun for you?
5. What parts of Project Citizen have been the most challenging for you?
6. What skills did you improve while working on this project?
7. Describe your experience working as a team. What went well and what
was difficult?
8. What did you do well during Project Citizen? What are you most proud
9. What did your team do well?
10. If you were to take on another Project Citizen issue, what would you do
11. How interested are you in continuing to work on this project so that you
can carry out your action plan?
12. What did you learn from this experience that can make you a productive
responsible citizen?
13. How can you apply what you have learned in Project Citizen to life?