UNIT PLAN PHYSICAL EDUCATIONST. SCHOLASTIGAACADEMY Subjec* WeightTraining ONE SENTENGESUMMARY: Studentswillperformexercises to improvestrengthandendurance. STANDARDS& BENGHMARKS(Louisiana and Nationat) Standard #3 Exhibitsa physically activelifestyle:3-N-1,3-N-2,3-H-1,3-H-2,3-H-3. Difficulty8 Standard #7 Understands thatphysicalactivityprovides theopportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, andsocialinteraction: 7-N-1,7-N-2,7-N-3,7-N-4,7-H-2. Difficulty 4 CATI{OLIC STANDARDS Standard #3 Showrespectandconcernfor self,othersandfor all God'screation Standard #6 Purcueexcellences in all endeavors throughselfdirected, ongoinglearningandachievement froma Catholicholisticperspective SKTLLS/KNOWLEDGE(TERMS) Students willengagein activities suchas;warmingup,stretching, performvariousformsandtechniques of weight training. GRITIGALQUESTIONSOR STATEMENTS 1. Listthe healthbenefitsfor exhibiting andmaintaining a physically activelifestyle. 2. Howdoesmaintaining a physicalactivelifestyle affectthe individual in the lateryears? 3. Howmuchphysicalactivity/exercise onemustdo to achieveor maintaina healthylifestyle? PRE.ASSESSMENT paperon trainingcomponents Research FORMATIVEASSESSMENT Students willperforma varietyof skillsto testtheirknowledge andunderstanding of maintaining a healthylifestyle PERFORMANCEASSESSMENT Students willdemonstrate andperformtheirskillsproperlyandeffectively SPECIFIG GRADING GRITERIA GENERAL GRADING GRITERIA Students willperforma 3 minutewarm-up Students willbe gradedon theirattitudeandparticipation, jumprope,etc) (jogging, dressingin correctP.E.uniform,andfollowing directions. Studentswill performspecificstretchesneeded Students willperformvariousweighttrainingexercises Students willexhibitpropersafety(spotting, properform) I NSTRUCTIONALSTRATEGIES Students willbe introduced andleamedthe importance of participating in a well-rounded program healthpromotion goodhealthhabits,andexercisefor endurance, thatincludespropernutrition, strength,andflexibility throughlecture, literature, andvisualdemonstrations. WWW Weight Training The humanbody is madeup of over 600 muscles.Musclesarebundlesof closely interlockedfibers, which stretchandconhactto control the bonessurroundingthem. Why shouldyou weighttrain? o o . o Betterperformanceof thehumanbody Improvedmuscularsfength Improvedmuscularendurance Improvedflexibility How do you improve your strength? o o o o Increasethe amountof resistance of the exercise Increasethe numberof repetitions Increasethe numberof sets Increasefhe intensityof the exercise(decrease the recoveryperiod) Types of weight training exercisesand musclegroupsworked .--- 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) BenchPress- Pectoralsor chest,ticeps, shoulders ShoulderPress- deltoids,triceps,hapezius BicepCurls- Biceps TricepExtension- Triceps One-armeddumbbellrows- Latisimusdorsi(lats),biceps,upperback ShoulderRaises- DeltoidsandTrapezius Squats Quadriceps,Adductor Magnus(hamstrings),gluteus medius/maximus, gastrocnemius(calves), hip fl exors 8) Leg Curl - Hamstrings 9) Leg Extension- Quadriceps 10)Lunges- Quads,hamstrings,glutealmuscles,calves,hip flexors 11)Calf Raises- calves How Much, How Many, How Often The amountof weight shouldbe basedon a perce,lrtage of the maximun amount of weight that can be lifted one time. A weight load shouldproducefatiguenearthe end of the last repetitionon the final setof the exercise.The numberof repetitionsvarieson the purposeof your workout. To increaseyotu sfrength,generallyyour sets should consistof 4-6 reps. Increasingthe numberof setto 12-20increasesmuscularendurance. Though the number of setsremainsa controversyfor some "experts", generallyyou shouldperform at least 2 setsof an exerciseat least 3 times a week in order to see significant improvementsin both strengthand endurance. You must always take into accountrecovery time betweensets. The heavier the weight being lifted, the more \--' recovery time neededbetwee,nsets. You should also give yourself 48 hours between workout sessionsso that your musclescan recover from ttre rn"rr and shain placed on them. Safety You should alwaysfollow simple rules while weight training. Thoughweight training is a safeactivity, it canbe dangerous. o Train with a coach or a partner so that you always have a spotter in case of emergency o Follow yoru training schedule- makesureyour muscleshavetime to heal o Sfretch- "cold" musclesare easierto injure o Don't horseplay o Wearprop€rclothing.andshoes Weight Training is an activity EVERYOI\E can enjoy and benefit from. You do not have to be an athlete or good at sports to weight train. It is an excellentway to stay in shape,look good, feel good, build confidenceand self-esteem,and lose weight provided you eat properly. \- { \J