J. Appl. Prob. 32, 554-557 (1995) Printedin Israel ? AppliedProbabilityTrust 1995 A SIMPLE DERIVATION OF EXACT RELIABILITY FORMULAS FOR LINEAR AND CIRCULAR CONSECUTIVE-k-of-n: F SYSTEMS EROLA. PEKOZAND SHELDONM. ROSS,* Universityof California,Berkeley Abstract Exactreliabilityformulasfor linearand circularconsecutive-k-of-n: Fsystems are derived in the case of equal component reliabilities. SYSTEM OF COMPONENTS;EQUAL COMPONENT RELIABILITIES AMS 1991 SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION:PRIMARY 90B25 1. Introduction Consider a system of n components arrangedin a line or circle, and suppose that each component fails independently with probability q = 1 - p. We say the system fails if there is a run of at least k consecutive failures. The failure probability of these systems has been studied in many places; see Derman et al. [1], Shanthikumar [5], Lambris and Papastavridis [2], Papastavridis and Hadzichristos [3], and the references therein. In Section 2 we derive formulas for the system failure probability for both the linear and circular models. The formulas and their derivation are shorter and simpler than those given elsewhere. 2. Main results Theorem 1. For n > k, the failure probabilityfor the consecutive-k-of-n:F system is given by (a) (n + l)(k E m-I 1) + (--ir +'[(n-mk) m (n-mk~] p m-1/ J qkp)r for the linear system, and Received 16 March 1994. Postal address for both authors:Department of Industrial Engineeringand Operations Research, University of California,Berkeley,CA 94720, USA. * Supportedby the US National Science Foundationunder GrantDMS-9401834. 554 A simplederivation of exactreliability formulas (b) + I In - mk 1\- -mk [n/(k1) +ln] qn 555 (- -)m+l m m-i + k( -1 (qkp)m for the circularsystem, where(]) =0 for i < j, and ( ) = 1. To provethe theoremwe need the followinglemma. Lemma 1. For an n-componentsystem, the number of ways to choose m nonoverlappingrunsof k + 1 consecutivecomponentsis: (a) n - mk\ (nmk for the linearsystem, and (b) (n -mk) m k(n - mk - 1) m-1 for the circularsystem. Proofof (a). For eachrun,imaginethatthe k + 1 componentsarecompressedinto a single 'marked'component.We then have m markedcomponentsout of a total of n - mk components.The numberof ways to arrangethem is (n mmk). Proofof (b). Cut the circleat an arbitrarypoint betweentwo components.Call this point the breakpoint.Then 1. the numberof wayswhereno runcrossesthe breakpointis the sameas that for the linear system,or (n-f ,) ways,and 2. the numberof wayswherea runcrossesthe breakpointand containsi components, 1 < i _ k, to the left of the breakpointand k + 1 - i to the right, is the same as the numberof ways to choose m - 1 runs in a linearsystemwith n - k - 1 components. Summingover i, the total numberof ways in this case is n - k - -(m - )k nnmk 1) m1 m-1 Addingthe countsfor the two cases, (b) is obtained. Proofof Theorem1. Foreithersystem,numberthe componentsandorderthemfrom left to right(linearsystem)or clockwise(circularsystem)and for i = 1, ***, n definethe followingevents: a runof k failedcomponentsfollowedby one; A [ workingcomponentends with componenti J Also let An+ Note that {a run of k failed componentsends with componentn }. EROLA. PEKOZAND SHELDONM. ROSS 556 n+l {linear system fails} = U Ai i=l and {circularsystemfails} =( U Ai) U {all componentsfail}. Using inclusion-exclusionwe have P( i( = Ai) / (-l)m P(Ai,Ai2 * *.Ai). +1 m il<i2<- ? *<im To prove (b) note that for the circularsystem (q kp)m = if none of the runsoverlap otherwise 0 and the numberof times (qkp)m appearsin the sum is the sameas the numberof waysto choose m non-overlappingrunsof k + 1 components,whichwas calculatedin Lemma 1(b). Addingthe probabilitythatall componentsfail and notingthatthereis spacefor at most [n/(k + 1)] non-overlappingruns,(b) is obtained. For the linear system, with il < i2 < (qkp)m/p if im < n + 1 and none of the runsoverlap if im = n + 1 and none of the runs overlap .0 otherwise (q kp)m P(Ai,Ai. *-A) = * < im . and the numberof times (qkp)m appearsin the sum is the sameas the numberof waysto choose m non-overlappingruns of k + 1 componentsin an n-componentsystem,and the number of times (qkp)m/p appears (the case where the last k components fail) is the same as the number of ways to choose m - 1 of these runs in an n - k component system.By Lemmal(a) the formeris (n -mk) and the latteris n -k-(m \ m-1 I n - mk -1)k ) m-I J Combiningand noting that not more than [(n + 1)/(k+ 1)] of the events can occur together,(a) is obtained. Remarks 1. By lettingA, be the event that a runof k consecutivefailuresends with component i, an expression for the system failure probability can be obtained (using inclusionexclusion), though the combinatorics become complicated due to overlapping runs. DefiningAias in the proofof Theorem1 eliminatesthe possibilityof overlapsandgreatly simplifiesthe derivation. 2. For the case wherethe componentsare not identical,see Pekoz and Ross [4] for a methodof approximatingthe failureprobability. A simplederivation formulas of exactreliability 557 References G. ANDRoss S. (1982) On the consecutive-k-out-of-n:F system. [1] DERMAN,D., LIEBERMAN, IEEE Trans. Reliability31, 57-63. M. ANDPAPASTAVRIDIS, S. (1985) Exact reliabilityformulas for linear and circular [2] LAMBRIS, consecutive-k-of-n:F systems. IEEE Trans. Reliability34, 124-126. S. ANDHADZICHRISTOS, I. (1988) Formulasfor the reliabilityof a consecutive[3] PAPASTAVRIDIS, k-out-of-n: F system. J. Appl. Prob. 25, 772-779. [4] PEKOZ,E. ANDRoss, S. (1994) Improving Poisson approximations.Prob. Eng. Inf. Sci. 8, 449-462. G. (1982) Recursive algorithmto evaluate the reliabilityof a consecutive-k[5] SHANTHIKUMAR, out-of-n: F system. IEEE Trans. Reliability31, 442-443. ROLLO DAVIDSON TRUST The Trustees of the Rollo Davidson Trust give notice that they have awarded Rollo Davidson Prizes for 1995 to Philippe Biane (University of Paris VI) for his work on Brownian motion and quantum probability, and to Yuval Peres (University of California at Berkeley) for his work on probability on trees and connections with Brownian motion.