UC Berkeley Extension Guidelines for Grading

UC Berkeley Extension
Guidelines for Grading
September 4, 2013
UC Berkeley Extension
University of California, Berkeley
1995 University Avenue
Suite 110
Berkeley, CA 94704-7000
Telephone: 510.642.4181
Fax: 510.643.0613
1. Table of Contents .............................................................................................................. 2
2. Introduction........................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Welcome ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 InstructorLink .............................................................................................................. 4
3. Planning for the Beginning of Your Course .................................................................... 5
3.1 Introduction to the Student Information System & Instructor Accounts ....................... 5
3.2 Syllabus – Communicating your Grading Criteria ....................................................... 5
3.3 Textbooks and Readers .............................................................................................. 7
3.4 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ................................................. 8
3.5 Enrollment Management ............................................................................................. 9
3.6 Students with Disabilities .......................................................................................... 10
3.7 Assigned Classroom Space ...................................................................................... 11
3.8 Classroom Technology Services .............................................................................. 11
3.9 Parking ...................................................................................................................... 12
3.10 Classroom Emergencies ......................................................................................... 12
3.11 Instructor Conduct................................................................................................... 13
3.12 Other Useful InstructorLink Resources ................................................................... 13
4. Credit and Noncredit Course Types & Levels ............................................................... 14
4.1 Academic Credit Courses ......................................................................................... 14
4.2 Noncredit Courses .................................................................................................... 15
5. Grading Policies for Academic Credit Courses ............................................................ 16
5.1 Berkeley-Equivalent University Level Courses XB & XBW 1–199 ............................ 16
5.2 University-Level Courses X1–299............................................................................. 19
5.3 Professional Education Courses X300–399 ............................................................. 21
5.4 Professional Post-Graduate Courses X400–499 ...................................................... 22
5.5 Grade/CEU Chart and Descriptions .......................................................................... 24
5.6 Petition to Withdrawal (W) ........................................................................................ 27
5.7 Incomplete Grade Petition (I) .................................................................................... 28
6. Policies for Noncredit Courses ...................................................................................... 29
6.1 Noncredit Continuing Education Unit Courses (CEU)............................................... 29
6.2 Noncredit 800-Level Courses with Grade Option ..................................................... 31
6.3 Noncredit 800-Level Courses with CEU Option ........................................................ 33
6.4 Other Noncredit Courses (Numbered 1000 or Above) .............................................. 35
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7. Course & Instructor Evaluations .................................................................................... 36
8. Submitting Final Grades and CEUs ............................................................................... 37
9. Other Grading & Record Policies ................................................................................... 40
9.1 Academic Credit Courses Offered for Variable Units................................................ 40
9.2 Grading Confidentiality & FERPA ............................................................................. 40
9.3 Maintaining Grading Records ................................................................................... 40
9.4 Distribution of Class Grades ..................................................................................... 41
9.5 Grade Correction Request (for erroneous grades) ................................................... 41
9.6 Grade to Receive Tuition Reimbursement ................................................................ 42
9.7 Retaining Student Work ............................................................................................ 42
9.8 Final Grade Reviews and Appeals............................................................................ 43
InstructorLink Source: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/centers/grading/
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Welcome to the community of UC Berkeley Extension instructors, the heart of an instructional tradition that goes
back more than 100 years. UC Berkeley Extension, the continuing education arm of the University of California,
Berkeley, was established in 1891 to provide a bridge between the university and the public. Today Extension
offers more than 1,500 courses around the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond and processes approximately
30,000 student enrollments per year. What draws students to our courses, and keeps them returning for more,
are Extension instructors.
The UC Berkeley campus is known for faculty who are at the forefront of academic research, and Extension
instructors are leading practitioners in their respective disciplines, closing the circle by grounding theory in
practice. Extension instructors are committed to providing the student with provocative and rewarding
educational experiences and building upon a tradition of quality instruction consistent with the name UC
UC Berkeley Extension thanks its instructors for their efforts and dedication and looks forward to working
together with them to ensure a rewarding educational experience for Extension students.
The policies and procedures outlined in InstructorLink are tailored to instructors who teach various types of
continuing education programs and courses online and onsite throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. These
courses and programs are offered for academic credit and noncredit and address a professional development
and a personal enrichment audience. Visit Extension's website (extension.berkeley.edu) for more information
about Extension programs and courses.
If you are having trouble finding what you need on InstructorLink, or if you have suggestions for additional
information please write Carol Sirney, csirney@berkeley.edu.
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As of July 9, 2013, UC Berkeley Extension has implemented a new student information system which includes
instructor through which instructors can view and print class lists or rosters, send broadcast emails to all of their
students, update instructor contact information, and submit final grades/CEUs.
Below are some resources and video tutorials for accessing and using your instructor account:
Step-by-step instructions for activating your account (PDF):
Instructor account overview video tutorial:
Video tutorial: My Profile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUYEsPfjUxs&feature=youtube_gdata
Video tutorial: Courses and Current Schedule: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16hkQMSl8s&feature=youtube_gdata
Video tutorial: grading credit courses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raBw-FcADbs
Video tutorial: grading noncredit courses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JjKdd2pQHM
Video tutorial: online proctored exams: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0F_KiXq7rA
If you are having trouble logging into your account or are not receiving your "forgot user name" or "forgot
password" resets, please be sure to check your spam folder or contact your Program Coordinator to make sure
that we have the correct email address on file.
Below includes information regarding student accounts in case instructors are asked questions:
Video tour of the new student account: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfIEMXMfZDA
Step-by-step instructions for creating your student account and enrolling online (PDF):
Instructors can also refer students to 510-642-4111 for further assistance with their student account:
In accordance with University of California regulations, an instructor’s grading and evaluation criteria must be
communicated in writing to the class at the start of the course and should not be changed without good reason
and a complete explanation to students.
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The clearer an instructor’s grading and evaluation criteria is at the beginning of the course, the less likelihood of
grading disputes or other misunderstandings later. Extension asks that instructors keep in mind that their
students are often juggling many demands upon their time. The more guidance that instructors can give
regarding assignments and due dates, the more likely students will succeed.
The instructor is responsible for determining each student’s grade and/or evaluating each student at the
conclusion of the course. The course goals, as written in the course outline and syllabus, serve as the standard
and basis for evaluating and comparing student performance and student achievement.
Grading and evaluation standards may vary across disciplines. Instructors must ensure that their syllabus
contains a detailed explanation of the work they require, how they will evaluate it, and well-defined prerequisites,
if they exist. The course outline that instructors originally submit for academic approval to their Extension
representative (http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/hired/outline.html) contains sections called Methods of
Instruction and either Credit Requirements for credit courses or course grade breakdown for graded courses.
Instructors can include that information on the syllabus that they provide to students. The syllabus should show
a clear relationship between the course's learning objectives (another required section in the course outline),
instructional methods, and evaluation standards.
In developing their course syllabus, instructors should consider including the following:
For credit or graded courses, a percentage of grade breakdown of each assignment, exam, or project. If
classroom participation is critical, instructors must define it in terms that can be evaluated. Please note
that in academic credit courses, classroom participation is typically 10%. If a higher percentage is
required, instructors should consider using the category In-Class Assignments. Examples of grade
breakdown categories include an in-class writing assignment, mid-term or final exams, presentations,
small-group activities, panel discussions, paper (please include page length), paper revisions, and
demonstrations. The instructor should provide a percentage or weight to each grading component and
the percentages must add up to 100% for the course.
Instructors should include the appropriate student grading/CEU options for their course on the course
syllabus, indicate what the default grading/CEU option is, and distribute and explain the syllabus at the
first class meeting or post it in the online classroom. For XB and XBW courses, instructors should also
distribute the term XB and XBW deadlines to the class at the beginning of the class. For specific XB and
XBW term deadlines, please visit: http://extension.berkeley.edu/info/enrollment.html#xb. All students will
be graded according to the default student grading option for their course unless they file a Petition for
Grade Option Change form, a Petition for Incomplete form or request a withdrawal before the final exam
or final project deadline (if applicable) or by the section end date or due date. For XB and XBW courses,
these requests must be submitted within the deadlines per above. Instructors should keep track of the
student’s grade-option preference; it is recommended that the instructor records the student’s grading
option preference in the “student notes” section of the grading sheet when submitting the final grade on
the instructor portal.
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Instructors should include information regarding any class activities requiring physical mobility in the
event that there are students requiring accommodation. See Students with Disabilities for more
information (http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/centers/prep/ada.html).
Instructors should inform students to expect all evaluated and graded material to be returned to them by
the next class meeting or within one week for online continuous enrollment courses.
Instructors should also include their expectations regarding the following:
Academic Integrity: http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/policies/#integrity
Student Conduct and Classroom Behavior:
Transfer and Drop/Refund Policy:
Incomplete Policy: http://extension.berkeley.edu/upload/petition_for_incomplete.pdf
Withdrawal Policy: http://extension.berkeley.edu/upload/petition_to_withdraw.pdf
UC Berkeley Extension students are motivated adult learners. Instructors should review Understanding
Extension Students and Teaching Resources (http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/centers/prep/adult.html) to
enhance their understanding of Extension's students as they develop their course syllabus. Instructors with any
questions regarding grading or evaluating students should review Grading Policies and Procedures by Course
Type (Section 5). They can also contact their program director for any further information.
A template syllabus is available at: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/forms/syllabus_template.doc
UC Berkeley Extension is required by law to inform students at the time of registration of all potential costs that
they should expect to pay to study for the term. This information includes the costs of textbook and readers. UC
Berkeley Extension is able to publish an ISBN number to the website which students can then use to price
compare with various textbook vendors. As of the Fall 2013 term, UC Berkeley Extension doesn’t have a
preferred textbook vendor. To comply, instructors must submit textbook and reader information to their
Extension Representative one month before enrollment opens for the term:
Summer Term: Textbook and readers orders are due in mid-March
Fall Term: Textbook and reader orders are due at the beginning of June
Spring Term: Textbook and reader orders due at the beginning of November.
Please be sure to review information regarding fair use and copyright at:
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Please complete the following forms to submit a textbook or reader order:
Textbook Order Form: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/forms/book.html
Reader Order Form: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/forms/pdf/reader-order.pdf
Reader Bibliography Form: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/forms/pdf/Reader_Bibliography_form.pdf
The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) governs the disclosure and
confidentiality of student information. Student information is considered confidential and should not be released
to third parties without the express written consent of the student. UC Berkeley Extension has designated
student names; terms of attendance; and major fields of study, including any earned certificates or other
program completion awards as public information under the policy; however, students are able to opt out of
releasing this information, so please be sure to check with your Extension academic department representative
before releasing this information to third parties. Confidential student information that is protected under FERPA
includes class scheduling information, grades, and other student contact information, such as student address
and student phone number. Grades must not be communicated to students via email. Please see section 8 for
more information concerning the release of grades. UC Berkeley Extension instructors often have a
Legitimate Educational Interest (LEI) in accessing confidential student information for the express purpose of
fulfilling their instructional responsibilities. Outside of those instructional responsibilities, instructors must not repurpose, re-use, or have continued access to confidential student information for any other purpose. Third party
inquiries for student information should be referred to Records at (510) 642-4172 or
For group project work, it is preferable for students to exchange their contact information with others students
directly. Instructors may consider setting up a course or project website through bSpace
At the conclusion of the course, instructors may offer students their personal contact information so that
students can voluntarily choose to make or maintain contact with instructors after the course has concluded;
however, instructors must not solicit or demand student contact information for this purpose.
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Your compliance with FERPA regulations while maintaining an environment conducive to learning is very
important. For more information regarding FERPA, please visit:
For each course section instructors teach, Extension sets up a class list or roster in the instructor’s account and
portal at extension.berkeley.edu. Instructors can send broadcast emails to students by logging into their
instructor account and navigating to the class. Instructors can also view and print the class list. It is very
important to verify that the students attending your class are also listed on your class list.
Verification of Information: Instructors should have students sign in and compare sign-in sheets with
their class list to verify that each student is enrolled in the course and that the spellings of the students’
names on the class list are accurate. To correct any errors in the spelling of students’ names, students
should email records@unex.berkeley.edu .
Students Who Do Not Appear on the Class List:
Please note that auditing is not permitted in UC Berkeley Extension courses. Students taking
online classes will not be granted access to the online classroom unless they have paid to
enroll; however, in classroom-based courses that are six meetings or longer, students are often
permitted to attend the first class meeting on a space available basis prior to making a decision
to enroll.
Students who wish to attend the course but who do not wish to take the course for credit need
to pay to enroll as Not for Credit (NC).
Students in noncredit CEU or 800-level courses who wish to attend the course but not record
the course on their permanent record (transcript) need to pay to enroll in the course and opt not
to earn CEUs or grades in the course.
Students must also pay to enroll to attend noncredit courses that are not recorded on the
students’ permanent record.
In longer classroom-based courses, enrollment should stabilize by the second or third class
meeting. Instructors should occasionally have students sign-in and check the sign-in sheet
against the class list. If any student’s name does not appear on the class list by the second or
third class meeting, instructors should direct the student to call the Extension Registration office
at (510) 642-4111 to enroll immediately or enroll online at extension.berkeley.edu.
Instructors should give the Enrollment Research Inquiry form to any students who have been
attending the class but who are not on the updated class list. This form is available on
InstructorLink at http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/forms/pdf/enroll_inquiry.pdf or it is also
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available at the front desk of the Extension Center. Students should submit the Enrollment
Research Inquiry form to their instructor. Instructors must return any Enrollment Research
Inquiry forms to their Extension representative as soon as possible. If they are located at an
Extension Center, they may give these items to the Center staff for interoffice mailing to their
Extension representative. Extension uses this form to ensure that no administrative errors have
occurred with respect to the enrollment processing of those students.
Waitlist Procedures: Extension Registration has jurisdiction over maintaining the waitlist. If a
class fills, instructors must not “approve” any student enrollment from the waitlist. Instructors
approving students from the waitlist could circumvent the existing wait list process. Please refer
students to join the waitlist through the website or to call Registration at 510-642-4111.
The federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and other federal and state laws, as well as the
University of California Guidelines Applying to Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability require that persons
with disabilities have equal opportunity to enjoy campus programs, activities, and benefits.
Extension makes arrangements to ensure access to our classes to everyone, including individuals with limited
mobility, impaired hearing or vision, or learning disabilities. Students who have special needs are asked to
contact Disabled Student Services at (510) 643-5732 at least three weeks before the beginning of a course so
that the appropriate arrangements can be made. If students inform instructors directly of the need for an
accommodation, they must instruct the student to call Disabled Student Services immediately. Instructors should
not provide accommodations until they receive a Letter of Accommodation from Disabled Student Services.
Please also refer students to information published on our website at:
The following is a limited list of typically approved accommodations:
Extended time for exams and quizzes e.g. time and one half or double time
Sign language interpreter or captioner
Instructor Roles and Responsibilities - Instructors must:
Review all accommodation letters and work with the DSS student to decide how accommodations will
be implemented.
Provide all hand-outs, course related web access and technology in an accessible electronic format.
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All media needs to include captions (preferred) or subtitles; consult DSS for assistance.
May need to ask for a student volunteer to serve as a note-taker.
Notify dss-unex@berkeley.edu of schedule changes ASAP.
With three weeks’ notice, DSS also has limited resources for exam proctoring, note-taking, and lab
assistant services to students.
For any questions, please email dss-unex@berkeley.edu or call (510) 643-5732.
For classroom-based courses, UC Berkeley Extension faces a serious problem with inadequate campus
classroom space. Because of the short supply of appropriate rooms Extension respectfully requests:
Please do not use any classroom that has not been pre-arranged and scheduled for your class.
If you need breakout rooms, please inform your Extension Academic Department Representative in
advance to request additional classrooms.
Please do not modify your class start and end time. If it is necessary for you to extend a class
meeting, you must make arrangements in advance through your Extension Academic Department
Please do not change the room setup. If classroom furniture is moved, it must be restored to its
original configuration. Please submit room configuration requests at the time the class is scheduled
so that your request can be more easily accommodated.
Remember classrooms are shared resources. Please encourage your students to keep them neat.
Extension centers have a variety of technology available to assist instructors in teaching their classes. CTS
often holds orientations to the classroom technology equipment at the beginning of the term. Instructors can
also call them at 510-643-4433 to arrange a personal orientation or for further assistance during your class.
Orders for specific software for computer classes are due as soon as your course is scheduled. Other course
technology requests need to be submitted 2 weeks in advance. Please submit your order as follows:
CTS Order Form: https://unex-prod.berkeley.edu/cts/order.php
CTS Quick Reference Guide: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/centers/prep/cts-training.pdf
Other CTS information: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/centers/prep/av.html
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Parking information is available at the back of the catalog and on the website. Whenever possible, public transit
is recommended. More information:
Belmont Center (parking is free!): http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/locations/belmont/
Golden Bear Center (Berkeley): http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/locations/berkeley/#gbb
UC Berkeley Campus (night/evening parking permits available): http://pt.berkeley.edu/
San Francisco Downtown Center: http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/locations/sf/#down
San Francisco Art & Design Center: http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/locations/sf/#soma
Students will look to instructors to take the lead in an emergency. While emergencies happen very rarely, it is
important to be prepared when they do:
If you are delayed or have a personal emergency situation please call your Extension Academic
Department and Center Staff using the Emergency and Non-Emergency Phone Numbers
Please program the above emergency numbers into your cell phone for the location you are teaching.
Please introduce yourself to security and center staff and call upon them when needed.
Please familiarize yourself with your Facility Letter:
Please familiarize yourself with the evacuation procedures that are posted on the wall in the classroom.
If you are teaching on the Berkeley main campus, please sign up for the UC Berkeley Warn Me
Emergency Alert System: https://warnme.berkeley.edu/
In the event of an earthquake, duck and cover and evacuate when and if it is safe to do so.
If you notice something unusual about a student, but you are unsure of what to do, please email Sarah
Van Nostrand, Student Affairs Specialist, svannostrand@berkeley.edu . Sarah may be able to assist
you with students who are:
Struggling academically or academic misconduct
Behavioral Disruptions
Exhibiting Signs of Stress
If you believe a student poses an immediate threat to him/herself or someone else, call
the police immediately.
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Instructors are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to not to exploit the vulnerability of
the instructor/student relationship. Failure to comply with Extension’s instructor conduct policies could result in
Please review the following policies at http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/hired/conduct.html:
Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct
Sexual Harassment
Substance Abuse in the Workplace
Copyright Law and Restrictions
Adult Learners: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/centers/prep/adult.html
International Students: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/centers/prep/intl.html
Students with Disabilities: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/centers/prep/ada.html
UC Berkeley Campus Teaching Resources: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/fpf/prep/resources.html
Student Attendance, Participation and Absences:
Students Who Can’t Keep Up: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/centers/classroom/keepup.html
Academic Integrity:
Academic Misconduct: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/centers/classroom/dishonest.html
UC Berkeley Extension Student Code of Conduct:
Procedures for Reporting Discrimination or Harassment:
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Grading criteria and grading options for each course depend on what type of course is offered. When instructors
are in the process of planning their course and writing their course outline and syllabus, their Extension
representative will inform them what type of course they will be teaching. Instructors and students can also find
out their course type/number and its approval status by looking under the course title on UC Berkeley
Extension's website or in the print catalog.
UC Berkeley Extension offers many types of academic credit and noncredit courses:
University-Level Academic Credit Courses X, XB & XBW 1-299 (Sections 5.1 & 5.2): All
university-level undergraduate and graduate academic credit courses numbered X, XB and XBW 1299 and the UC Berkeley Extension instructors who teach them are reviewed and approved by the
dean of UC Berkeley Extension, by the appropriate academic department on the UC Berkeley
campus and by the Committee on Courses of Instruction (COCI) of the UC Berkeley Academic
Professional Education & Post-Graduate Courses X300-499 (Sections 5.3 & 5.4): The UC
Berkeley Academic Senate delegates authority to the dean of UC Berkeley Extension to approve
professional, post-graduate credit courses that are numbered X300-499.
The title of each credit course in the catalog is followed by a course number with a letter prefix and sometimes a
letter suffix; for example, XB101A Analytic Geometry and Calculus. The course number indicates the level of
The course number prefix X indicates a course that originates at UC Berkeley Extension. The course number
prefix XB indicates an Extension course that is equivalent to the campus course with the same content, title,
number, and credit value offered to UC Berkeley students. The course number prefix XBW indicates an XB
course that is offered either fully or predominantly online. Special regulations and deadlines apply to XB and
XBW courses (see http://extension.berkeley.edu/info/enrollment.html#xb). The course number suffix, usually a
letter A, B, or C following the course number, shows that the course is part of a series. The A portion is
prerequisite to the B portion, and so on, unless the course description states otherwise or students have the
instructor's permission to enroll.
The amount of credit offered and the academic department in which credit is granted are shown in parentheses
after the course number. Credit is listed in semester units. For courses carrying academic or professional-level
credit, the University's standard formula for one unit of credit is 15 hours of instructional time, plus two hours of
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study time for each hour in the classroom. Thus, a one-unit course is 15 hours of instruction and 30 hours of
study outside of class, for a total of 45 hours of course effort. Some courses, such as studios or labs, will require
more instructional time and less study time.
Please read the grading policies and procedures for your level of academic credit courses as follows:
Berkeley-Equivalent University-Level Academic Credit Courses XB & XBW 1–199 (Section 5.1)
University-Level Academic Credit Courses X1–299 (Section 5.2)
Professional Education Academic Credit Courses X300–399 (Section 5.3)
Professional Post-Graduate Academic Credit Courses X400–499 (Section 5.4)
Grade Chart and Descriptions (Section 5.5)
Course Evaluations and Submitting Final Grades/CEUs (Section 7)
Final approval for noncredit courses resides in Extension's Dean's Office as delegated by the Berkeley
Academic Senate. Please read the policies and procedures for each type of noncredit course as follows:
Noncredit Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Courses (Section 6.1)
Noncredit 800-Level Courses with Grade Option (Section 6.2)
Noncredit 800-Level Courses with CEU Option (Section 6.3)
Other Noncredit Courses (Section 6.4)
Grade/CEU Chart and Descriptions (Section 5.5)
Course Evaluations and Submitting Final Grades/CEUs (Section 7)
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Courses that are numbered XB and XBW 1-199 are university-level courses that carry academic credit. The
course number prefix X indicates a course that originates at UC Berkeley Extension. The course number prefix
XB indicates an Extension course that is equivalent to the campus course with the same content, title, number,
and credit value offered to UC Berkeley students. The course number prefix XBW indicates an XB course that is
offered either fully or predominantly online. Special regulations and deadlines apply to XB and XBW courses.
These courses are approved by the dean of UC Berkeley Extension, the appropriate campus academic
department and the Committee on Courses of Instruction (COCI) of the UC Berkeley Academic Senate. The
course number indicates the level of instruction as follows:
 XB & XBW 1–99: Lower-division credit courses at the level of the first two years of college
 XB & XBW 100–199: Upper-division credit courses at the level of the second two years of college
Grading Options
Students who are enrolled in XB and XBW courses must adhere to strict deadlines to enroll, withdraw, and to
change grading options. Instructors must enforce deadlines for XB and XBW course grading option changes to
ensure students are completing the Berkeley-equivalent course under the same constraints as matriculated UC
Berkeley students. While students are responsible for informing themselves about their grading options for their
course, instructors should also include student grading options on their course syllabus and distribute and
explain the syllabus along with the term XB and XBW term deadlines at the first class meeting, or for online
courses, post the syllabus in the online classroom and link to the XB and XBW term deadlines that are posted
on our website. For specific XB and XBW term deadlines, please visit:
All students will be graded according to the default student grading option (Credit Letter Grade for XB and XBW
1-199 courses), unless they file a Petition for Grade Option Change form, a Petition for Incomplete form or
request a withdrawal within the deadlines per above. Instructors should keep track of the student’s grade-option
preference; it is recommended that the instructor records the student’s grading option preference in the “student
notes” section of the grading sheet when submitting the final grade through the instructor portal.
The grading options for XB and XBW courses are as follows:
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Credit Letter Grade (CLG) — Credit Letter grade is the default grading option for courses offered for
academic credit. The deadline for a student to request to change his or her grading option from Not for
Credit (NC) to Credit Letter Grade (CLG) is one-third through the course, but it should only be approved
by the instructor if a student's academic progress has been recorded throughout the course. The
deadline for a student to request to change his or her grading option from Pass/Not Pass (P/NP) to
Credit Letter Grade (CLG), or from Credit Letter Grade (CLG) to Pass/Not Pass (P/NP), is two-thirds
through the course.
Pass/Not Pass (P/NP) — The deadline for a student to request to change his or her grading option from
Not for Credit (NC) to Pass/NP (P/NP) is one-third through the course, but it should only be approved by
the instructor if a student's academic progress has been recorded throughout the course. The deadline
for a student to request to change his or her grading option from Credit Letter Grade (CLG) to Pass/Not
Pass (P/NP), or from Pass/Not Pass (P/NP) to Credit Letter Grade (CLG), is two-thirds through the
Not for Credit (NC)—The deadline for a student to request to change his or her grading option from
Credit Letter Grade (CLG) to Not for Credit (NC), or from Pass/Not Pass (P/NP) to Not for Credit (NC),
is one-third through the course. Please note that auditing is not permitted in UC Berkeley Extension
courses. Students who wish to attend the course but who do not wish to take a course for Credit Letter
Grade (CLG) need to pay to enroll as Not for Credit (NC) and inform the instructor by the appropriate
Withdrawal (W)— For Berkeley-equivalent (XB & XBW) courses, withdrawal is only granted on an
exceptional basis. In order to incur no academic penalty, students must a request to withdraw from a
course before the published deadline, which is one-third through the course. Students are able to
request to withdraw through their student account on the website or they can submit a Petition to
Withdraw form to their academic department.
Grade Chart and Submitting Grades
For a detailed grade chart including grade descriptions, please see section 5.5. For instructions on how to
submit final grades using your instructor account, please see section 7. Final grades for classroom courses are
due within two weeks after the section end date; final grades for online courses must be submitted within two
weeks of receiving the student's final project or exam. Please note that any delays in submitting final grades will
result in delayed instructor payments.
Special Regulations for XB and XBW Courses
UC Berkeley Academic Senate Regulation A208 went into effect in fall 2005 and stipulates that as a condition of
enrollment in UC Berkeley–equivalent courses (with the XB or XBW designation) that certain regulations apply
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to UC Berkeley–matriculated undergraduate students and students who are enrolled in the Fall Program for
Freshmen. Please visit our website for additional information:
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Courses that are numbered X1–299 are university-level courses that carry academic credit. The course number
prefix X indicates a course that originates at UC Berkeley Extension. These courses are structured in
accordance with the requirements for campus courses of the same level and are approved by the dean of UC
Berkeley Extension, by the appropriate campus academic department and the Committee on Courses of
Instruction (COCI) of the UC Berkeley Academic Senate. The course number indicates the level of instruction as
X1–99: Lower-division credit courses at the level of the first two years of college
X100–199: Upper-division credit courses at the level of the second two years of college
X200–299: Graduate-division credit courses that are ordinarily open only to students who have
completed at least 18 upper-division units basic to the subject matter of the course.
Grading Options
All students will be graded according to the default student grading option for their course (Credit Letter Grade
for X1-299 courses) unless they file a Petition for Grade Option Change form, a Petition for Incomplete form or
request a withdrawal before the appropriate deadlines. Please note that the change from Not for Credit (NC) to
Credit Letter Grade (CLG) may be made only if the instructor has recorded the student's academic progress
throughout the course. Instructors should keep track of the student’s grade-option preference; it is
recommended that the instructor records the student’s grading option preference in the “student notes” section
of the grading sheet when submitting the final grade through the instructor portal. While students are
responsible for informing themselves about their grading options for their course, instructors should also include
student grading options on their course syllabus and distribute the syllabus to the class at the first class
meeting, or post the syllabus in the online classroom.
The grading options for courses numbered X1–299 are as follows:
Credit Letter Grade (CLG) – Credit letter grade is the default grading option for all academic credit
Pass/Not Pass (P/NP)
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) – This option is only available for graduate-division university-level
courses numbered X200–299.
Not for Credit (NC) - Please note that auditing is not permitted in UC Berkeley Extension courses.
Students who wish to attend the course but who do not wish to take a course for Credit Letter Grade
(CLG) need to pay to enroll as Not for Credit (NC).
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Withdrawal (W) – Withdrawals must be student-initiated. Students are able to request to withdraw
through their student account on the website or they can submit a Petition to Withdraw form to their
instructor or academic department.
Grade Chart and Submitting Grades
For a detailed grade chart including grade descriptions, please see section 5.5. For instructions on how to
submit final grades using your instructor account, please see section 7. Final grades for classroom courses are
due within two weeks after the section end date; final grades for online courses must be submitted within two
weeks of receiving the student's final project or exam. Please note that any delays in submitting final grades will
result in delayed instructor payments.
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Courses that are numbered X300–399 are professional post-graduate academic credit courses in education for
teachers and school administrators. The course number prefix X indicates a course that originates at UC
Berkeley Extension. Final approval for professional education courses resides in Extension's Dean's Office as
delegated by the UC Berkeley Academic Senate.
Grading Options
All students will be graded according to the default student grading option for their course (Credit Letter Grade
for X300-399 courses) unless they file a Petition for Grade Option Change form, a Petition for Incomplete form
or request a withdrawal at the appropriate deadlines. Please note that the change from Not for Credit (NC) to
Credit Letter Grade (CLG) may be made only if the instructor has recorded the student's academic progress
throughout the course. Instructors should keep track of the student’s grade-option preference; it is
recommended that the instructor records the student’s grading option preference in the “student notes” section
of the grading sheet when submitting the final grade through the instructor portal. While students are
responsible for informing themselves about their grading options for their course, instructors should also include
student grading options on their course syllabus and distribute the syllabus to the class at the first class
meeting, or post it in the online classroom.
The grading options for courses numbered X300–399 are as follows:
Credit Letter Grade (CLG) – Credit letter grade is the default grading option for all academic credit
Pass/Not Pass (P/NP)
Not for Credit (NC) - Please note that auditing is not permitted in UC Berkeley Extension courses.
Students who wish to attend the course but who do not wish to take a course for Credit Letter Grade
(CLG) need to pay to enroll as Not for Credit (NC).
Withdrawal (W) – Withdrawals must be student-initiated. Students are able to request to withdraw
through their student account on the website or they can submit a Petition to Withdraw form to their
instructor or academic department.
Grade Chart and Submitting Grades
For a detailed grade chart including grade descriptions, please see section 5.5. For instructions on how to
submit final grades using your instructor account, please see section 7. Final grades for classroom courses are
due within two weeks after the section end date; final grades for online courses must be submitted within two
weeks of receiving the student's final project or exam. Please note that any delays in submitting final grades will
result in delayed instructor payments.
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Courses that are numbered X400–499 are professional post-graduate academic credit courses in a variety of
fields (other than education), including art and design, behavioral health science, biotechnology, business and
management, engineering, information systems, science, writing, and so on. The course number prefix X
indicates a course that originates at UC Berkeley Extension. Final approval for professional post-graduate credit
courses resides in Extension's Dean's Office as delegated by the UC Berkeley Academic Senate.
Grading Options
All students will be graded according to the default student grading option for their course (Credit Letter Grade
for X400-499 courses) unless they file a Petition for Grade Option Change form, a Petition for Incomplete form
or request a withdrawal at the appropriate deadlines. Please note that the change from Not for Credit (NC) to
Credit Letter Grade (CLG) may be made only if the instructor has recorded the student's academic progress
throughout the course. Instructors should keep track of the student’s grade-option preference; it is
recommended that the instructor records the student’s grading option preference in the “student notes” section
of the grading sheet when submitting the final grade through the instructor portal. While students are
responsible for informing themselves about their grading options for their course, instructors should also include
student grading options on their course syllabus and distribute the syllabus to the class at the first class
meeting, or post it in the online classroom.
The grading options for courses numbered X400–499 are as follows:
Credit Letter Grade (CLG) – Credit letter grade is the default grading option for all academic credit
Pass/Not Pass (P/NP)
Not for Credit (NC) - Please note that auditing is not permitted in UC Berkeley Extension courses.
Students who wish to attend the course but who do not wish to take a course for Credit Letter Grade
(CLG) need to pay to enroll as Not for Credit (NC).
Withdrawal (W) – Withdrawals must be student-initiated. Students are able to request to withdraw
through their student account on the website or they can submit a Petition to Withdraw form to their
instructor or academic department.
Grade Chart and Submitting Grades
For a detailed grade chart including grade descriptions, please see section 5.5. For instructions on how to
submit final grades using your instructor account, please see section 7. Final grades for classroom courses are
due within two weeks after the section end date; final grades for online courses must be submitted within two
InstructorLink Source: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/centers/grading/
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weeks of receiving the student's final project or exam. Please note that any delays in submitting final grades will
result in delayed instructor payments.
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For all academic credit classes and for graded noncredit 800-level classes, it is recommended that instructors
grade their students using the following chart (the use of pluses and minuses is optional). For instructions on
how to submit final grades/CEUs using your instructor account, please see section 7. For more complete
descriptions, policies, and procedures relating to each grade type (letter grade, passed or not passed, etc.),
please review sections below. Please note that UC Berkeley Extension does not calculate an official grade point
average (GPA); however, grade points are calculated to determine if a student has earned a certificate or
program completion award “with distinction”.
(for roster) POINTS PER
94 – 100%
94 – 100%
90 – 93%
Excellent: The grade of “A+,” when awarded at the instructor’s discretion,
represents extraordinary achievement, but does not receive grade point
credit beyond that received for the grade of A.
86 – 89%
83 – 85%
80 – 82%
76 – 79%
73 – 75%
70 – 72%
Fair: Each course in a certificate program must be completed with a
grade of C or better, although some programs have higher requirements.
66 – 69%
63 – 65%
60 – 62%
Barely passed
< 60%
Passed at a minimum level of C-minus or 70%
Not Passed – anything below a C-minus or below 70%
Satisfactory or passed at a minimum level of B-minus or 80% (only an
option for graduate division university courses e.g. X200-299)
Unsatisfactory – anything below a B-minus or below 80% (only an option
for graduate division university courses, e.g. X200-299)
Work incomplete, due to circumstances beyond the student's control, but
of passing quality. Work should be completed within 90 days of the
section end date or the online due date. If the work is not completed
within a year, the grade of incomplete (I) becomes part of the student’s
permanent academic record. See Incomplete Grade Petition for more
information (Section 5.7)
Not for Credit: Assigned to students whose attendance is satisfactory but
who choose not to fulfill credit requirements
Withdrawal: Withdrawal from a course without academic penalty. Must
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be student-initiated. See Petition to Withdrawal for more information
(Section 5.6).
Assigning CEU indicates that the student has attended all of the
instructional hours and has participated in the course as outlined in the
course syllabus.
Letter Grades
"A," "B," and "C" denote satisfactory progress in a course. “D” denotes barely passed and “F” denotes failure.
Instructors may use pluses and minuses on the official grade roster when assigning a letter grade. When
attached to the grades "A," "B," "C," or "D," plus (+) grades carry three-tenths of a grade point more per unit, and
minus (-) grades carry three-tenths of a grade point less per unit than un-suffixed grades, except for "A+," which
carries the same four grade points as "A.". The "A" grade itself recognizes outstanding performance, but when
"A+" is awarded at the instructor’s discretion, it represents extraordinary achievement.
Students can request to change their grade option to letter grade as long as the instructor has recorded the
students’ academic progress throughout the course. For credit courses numbered X1–299, X300–399, and
X400–499 and for graded noncredit 800-level courses, students can request to change to the letter grade option
before the final exam or final project deadline (if applicable) or by the section end date or online due date.
For Berkeley-equivalent (XB & XBW ) courses, students can request to change their grading option from Not for
Credit (NC) to Credit Letter Grade (CLG), or from Credit Letter Grade (CLG) to Not for Credit (NC), until onethird through the course. Students can request to change their grading option from Pass/Not Pass (P/NP) to
Credit Letter Grade (CLG), or from Credit Letter Grade (CLG) to Pass/Not Pass (N/NP), until two-thirds through
the course.
Passed or Not Passed (P/NP)
Passed/Not Passed can only be assigned to students who complete the requirements for credit. To assign a
Passed (P) grade, the student must have earned at least a "C-." If the student's grade is lower than "C-" a Not
Passed (NP) is appropriate. Passed and Not Passed carry no grade points and the units are excluded in
determination of the grade points when a student has completed a certificate or program.
Students can request to change their grade option to Pass/Not Pass (P/NP) as long as the instructor has
recorded the students’ academic progress throughout the course. For credit courses numbered X1–299, X300–
399, and X400–499 and for graded noncredit 800-level courses, students can request to change their grade
option to P/NP before the final exam or final project deadline (if applicable) or by the section end date or online
due date.
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For Berkeley-equivalent (XB & XBW ) courses, students can request to change their grading option from Not for
Credit (NC) to Pass/NP (P/NP), or from Pass/Not Pass (P/NP) to Not for Credit (NC), until one-third through the
course. Students can request to change their grading option from Credit Letter Grade (CLG) to Pass/Not Pass
(P/NP), or from Pass/Not Pass (P/NP) to Credit Letter Grade (CLG), until two-thirds through the course. For
specific XB and XBW term deadlines, please visit
Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory (S/U)
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory can only be assigned to students who complete the requirements for credit for a
graduate division university level course numbered X200–299. To assign a Satisfactory (S) grade, the student
must have earned at least a "B-." If the student's grade is lower than "B-" an Unsatisfactory (U) is appropriate.
Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory carry no grade points and the units are excluded in determination of the grade
For X200-299 credit courses, students can request to change their grade option to S/U before the final exam or
final project deadline (if applicable) or by the section end date or online due date.
Not for Credit (NC)
Not for Credit is assigned to students whose attendance in credit courses is satisfactory, but who choose not to
fulfill credit requirements. Not for Credit may not be assigned to students who stop attending class.
For credit courses numbered X1–299, X300–399, and X400–499, students can request to change their grade
option to NC before the final exam or final project deadline (if applicable) or by the section end date or online
due date. For Berkeley-equivalent courses (XB & XBW ) courses, students can request to change their grading
option from Credit Letter Grade (CLG) to Not for Credit (NC), or from Pass/Not Pass (P/NP) to Not for Credit
(NC), until one-third through the course. For specific XB and XBW term deadlines, please visit
Please also review:
Petition to Withdraw (Section 5.6)
Petition for Incomplete (Section 5.7)
Noncredit Continuing Education Unit Courses (Section 6.1)
Noncredit 800-Level Courses with CEU Option (Section 6.3)
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A withdrawal (W) is a procedure that allows a student to request to withdraw from a course without academic
penalty after the drop deadline has passed; however, unlike a “drop”, a withdrawal is notated on a student’s
transcript as a grade of “W”.
Students can request to withdraw either by submitting a Petition to Withdraw form to the academic department
or by submitting a request on the online student portal (http://extension.berkeley.edu/). The Petition to Withdraw
form can be downloaded at http://extension.berkeley.edu/upload/petition_to_withdraw.pdf
Online Withdrawal Requests
These requests are reviewed and approved by the academic department director and the status of the request
is noted (e.g. “pending”, “denied” or “approved”) in BLUE on the online grading sheet available on the instructor
portal. Academic departments may consult instructors for further information when they receive a withdrawal
For all “approved” student withdrawal requests that haven’t yet been assigned a grade, assign a “W” to
the grading sheet for courses offered for a letter grade, or leave the grade field “blank” for noncredit
CEU courses.
For all “denied” student withdrawal requests, please assign the grade that the student earned.
If you notice that a withdrawal request status has been “pending” for a long period of time, please notify
your academic department.
Withdrawal Deadlines
For credit courses numbered X1–299, X300–399, X400–499 and graded noncredit 800-level courses, the
deadline to request a withdrawal is before the final exam or final project deadline (if applicable) or by the section
end date or online due date.
For Berkeley-equivalent (XB & XBW ) courses, withdrawal is only granted on an exceptional basis. In order to
incur no academic penalty, students must request to withdraw from a course before the published deadline. For
specific XB and XBW term deadlines, please visit
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If any student requests an incomplete, please review our published policies
(http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/grades/#grades) and refer the student to them. Please also
download an Incomplete Petition Form (http://extension.berkeley.edu/upload/petition_for_incomplete.pdf) and
complete it together with the student.
The deadline for a student to request an incomplete is before the final exam or final project deadline (if
applicable) or by the section end date or online due date.
When giving an Incomplete (I), instructors accept the responsibility, and in effect, enter a contract with the
student to receive and evaluate the student’s remaining work by a mutually chosen date, within three months of
the end date of the course. Instructors should provide a telephone number or e-mail address on the petition form
to allow the student to communicate with them.
When the Student Completes the Work
When instructors have received the student's work, they should:
1. Complete the bottom of the petition form (http://extension.berkeley.edu/info/petition_for_incomplete.pdf)
with the date that the work was submitted and the grade assigned for the course.
2. Make a copy for their records.
3. Mail or personally deliver the petition to Extension's Academic and Student Records Unit, at UC
Berkeley Extension, 1995 University Avenue, Suite 110, Berkeley, CA 94704-7000.
If left unresolved the grade 'Incomplete' (I) becomes part of the student’s permanent academic record.
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Courses offered for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are numbered 1000 or above. CEUs are a nationally
recognized means of recording noncredit study. They are accepted by employers, licensing agencies, and
professional associations as evidence of a student's serious commitment to the maintenance of professional
competence. Continuing Education Unit courses and workshops do not offer academic credit and grades are not
earned; however, attendance in the course will be recorded on the student’s transcript. The letters “CEU” and a
number in parentheses following a course title are used to indicate a noncredit course in which students can
earn continuing education units. Final approval for noncredit continuing education unit courses resides in
Extension's Dean's Office as delegated by the UC Berkeley Academic Senate.
CEU Options
It is helpful for instructors to include the following CEU information on the course syllabus and to inform
students of this information at the beginning of the course.
In order to be awarded continuing education units (CEUs), students must have attended all instructional
hours as well as participated in the class as defined by the course syllabus.
By default, students who have attended the entire class and who have participated in the class as
defined by the course syllabus will be assigned CEUs.
Students who have met the above requirements, but who do not wish to earn CEUs should inform
instructors of their request by the section end date. Students who opt not to earn CEUs should be
informed that nothing will appear on their transcript and no record of their attendance will be recorded
for future reference.
One CEU (1.0) is awarded for each 10 hours of class time; however, some courses are less than 10
hours long. For instance, a seven-hour CEU course will be offered for 0.7 CEU.
Students must earn all CEUs associated with the course or none; "partial" CEUs cannot be awarded.
Please note that auditing is not permitted in UC Berkeley Extension courses. Students who wish to
attend the course but not record the course on their permanent record (transcript) need to pay to enroll
and opt out of receiving CEU credit by informing their instructor by the section end date.
Assigning CEUs
At the end of the class, instructors should log in to their account on the website and navigate to the grading
sheet for their class:
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CEU – Instructors should assign a “CEU” to each student who has attended the entire class as well as
participated in the class as defined by the course syllabus. To keep track of attendance, it is recommended
to have students sign-in at the beginning and end of each class meeting.
Leave Grade Field “Blank” - If the student has NOT met the attendance or participation requirements OR
if the student requests NOT to receive CEUs, instructors should leave the grade field “blank” and insert a
remark in “student notes” section (e.g. student did not attend class, student attended all classes but
requested not to receive CEUs, etc.)
For instructions on how to submit final CEU assignments using your instructor account, please see section 7.
Final CEU assignments for classroom courses are due within two weeks after the section end date; final CEU
assignments for online courses must be submitted within two weeks of receiving the student's final project or
exam. Please note that any delays in submitting CEU assignments will result in delayed instructor payments.
Professional Sign-In Sheets
In addition to offering courses and workshops for CEUs, UC Berkeley Extension may also be approved by a
licensing board, professional association or accrediting body (e.g., APA, BBS, MCLE, BRN, etc.) to offer
courses or workshops for their professional education units.
Students have the option to affiliate themselves with their licensing board, professional association or
accrediting body on their student profile on the website, and can opt to earn professional education units when
they enroll on the website into courses or workshops that are offered for these types of professional education
For these types of courses or workshops, instructors should expect to receive specific instructions from their
Extension representative regarding professional sign-in sheets. Professional sign-in sheets will be sent to the
instructors’ classes and instructors will be requested to have students sign-in and provide their license numbers.
This information is needed to issue certificates for students' licensing boards and/or professional associations,
and they are also used as a reporting tool to those agencies. In addition to assigning CEUs on the grading sheet
in their instructor account per the instructions above, instructors must return these completed professional signin sheets to the academic department.]
Please review Course Evaluations and Submitting Final Grades/CEUs for more information (Section 7).
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Courses that are numbered 800–899 which offer a grade option are professional noncredit courses that require
students to take exams, write papers, or produce projects. These courses do not offer academic credit, but will
be recorded on the student’s permanent record (transcript). Final approval for noncredit 800-level courses with
grade option resides in Extension's Dean's Office as delegated by the UC Berkeley Academic Senate.
Grading Options
All students will be graded according to the default student grading option for their course (Letter Grade for 800899 courses with grade option) unless they file a Petition for Grade Option Change form, a Petition for
Incomplete form or request a withdrawal by the appropriate deadline. Instructors should keep track of the
student’s grade-option preference; it is recommended that the instructor records the student’s grading option
preference in the “student notes” section of the grading sheet when submitting the final grade through the
instructor portal. While students are responsible for informing themselves about their grading options for their
course, instructors should also include student grading options on their course syllabus and distribute the
syllabus to the class at the first meeting, or post it in the online classroom.
The options for noncredit 800-level courses that offer a grade option are as follows:
Letter Grade (LG) – This is the default student grading option.
Pass/Not Pass (P/NP)
Withdrawal (W) – Withdrawals must be student-initiated. Please see section 5.6 for more information.
Please note that auditing is not permitted in UC Berkeley Extension courses. Students who wish to attend the
course but not record the course on their permanent record (transcript) need to pay to enroll in the course.
Instructors should leave their grade “blank” on the grading sheet and note the student’s grading option
preference in the “student notes”.
Grade Chart and Submitting Grades
For a detailed grade chart including grade descriptions, please see section 5.5. For instructions on how to
submit final grades using your instructor account, please see section 7. Final grades for classroom courses are
due within two weeks after the section end date; final grades for online courses must be submitted within two
weeks of receiving the student's final project or exam. Please note that any delays in submitting final grades will
result in delayed instructor payments.
Professional Sign-In Sheets
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In addition to offering courses and workshops for CEUs, UC Berkeley Extension may also be approved by a
licensing board, professional association or accrediting body (e.g., APA, BBS, MCLE, BRN, etc.) to offer
courses or workshops for their professional education units.
Students have the option to affiliate themselves with their licensing board, professional association or
accrediting body on their student profile on the website, and can opt to earn professional education units when
they enroll on the website into courses or workshops that are offered for these types of professional education
For these types of courses or workshops, instructors should expect to receive specific instructions from their
Extension representative regarding professional sign-in sheets. Professional sign-in sheets will be sent to the
instructors’ classes and instructors will be requested to have students sign-in and provide their license numbers.
This information is needed to issue certificates for students' licensing boards and/or professional associations,
and they are also used as a reporting tool to those agencies. In addition to assigning CEUs on the grading sheet
in their instructor account per the instructions above, instructors must return these completed professional signin sheets to the academic department.
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Courses that are numbered 800–899 which offer Continuing Education Units (CEU) are professional noncredit
courses that use attendance and an evaluation of student knowledge or completed work as the primary criteria
for the satisfactory completion of the course. Final approval for noncredit 800-level courses with CEU option
resides in Extension's Dean's Office as delegated by the Berkeley Academic Senate.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are a nationally recognized means of recording noncredit study. They are
accepted by employers, licensing agencies, and professional associations as evidence of a student's serious
commitment to the maintenance of professional competence. Continuing Education Unit courses and workshops
do not offer academic credit and grades are not earned; however, attendance in the course will be recorded on
the student’s permanent record (transcript). The letters “CEU” and a number in parentheses following a course
title are used to indicate a noncredit course in which students can earn continuing education units.
CEU Options
It is helpful for instructors to include the following CEU information on the course syllabus and to inform
students of this information at the beginning of the course.
In order to be awarded continuing education units (CEUs), students must have attended all instructional
hours as well as participated in the class as defined by the course syllabus.
By default, students who have attended the entire class and who have participated in the class as
defined by the course syllabus will be assigned CEUs.
Students who have met the above requirements, but who do not wish to earn CEUs should inform
instructors of their request by the section end date. Students who opt not to earn CEUs should be
informed that nothing will appear on their transcript and no record of their attendance will be recorded
for future reference.
One CEU (1.0) is awarded for each 10 hours of class time; however, some courses are less than 10
hours long. For instance, a seven-hour CEU course will be offered for 0.7 CEU.
Students must earn all CEUs associated with the course or none; "partial" CEUs cannot be awarded.
Please note that auditing is not permitted in UC Berkeley Extension courses. Students who wish to
attend the course but not record the course on their permanent record (transcript) need to pay to enroll
and opt out of receiving CEU credit by informing their instructor by the section end date.
Assigning CEUs
At the end of the class, instructors should log in to their account on the website and navigate to the grading
sheet for their class:
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CEU – Instructors should assign a “CEU” to each student who has attended the entire class as well as
participated in the class as defined by the course syllabus. To keep track of attendance, it is recommended
to have students sign-in at the beginning and end of each class meeting.
Leave Grade Field “Blank” - If the student has NOT met the attendance or participation requirements OR
if the student requests NOT to receive CEUs, instructors should leave the grade field “blank” and insert a
remark in “student notes” section (e.g. student did not attend class, student attended all classes but
requested not to receive CEUs, etc.)
For instructions on how to submit final CEU assignments using your instructor account, please see section 7.
Final CEU assignments for classroom courses are due within two weeks after the section end date; final CEU
assignments for online courses must be submitted within two weeks of receiving the student's final project or
exam. Please note that any delays in submitting CEU assignments will result in delayed instructor payments.
Professional Sign-In Sheets
In addition to offering courses and workshops for CEUs, UC Berkeley Extension may also be approved by a
licensing board, professional association or accrediting body (e.g., APA, BBS, MCLE, BRN, etc.) to offer
courses or workshops for their professional education units.
Students have the option to affiliate themselves with their licensing board, professional association or
accrediting body on their student profile on the website, and can opt to earn professional education units when
they enroll on the website into courses or workshops that are offered for these types of professional education
For these types of courses or workshops, instructors should expect to receive specific instructions from their
Extension representative regarding professional sign-in sheets. Professional sign-in sheets will be sent to the
instructors’ classes and instructors will be requested to have students sign-in and provide their license numbers.
This information is needed to issue certificates for students' licensing boards and/or professional associations,
and they are also used as a reporting tool to those agencies. In addition to assigning CEUs on the grading sheet
in their instructor account per the instructions above, instructors must return these completed professional signin sheets to the academic department.
Please review Course Evaluations and Submitting Final Grades/CEUs (section 7) for more information.
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Noncredit courses that carry no academic credit, grades or CEU values are numbered 1000 or above and will
not be recorded on a student’s permanent record (transcript). Most unnumbered noncredit courses are related
to personal enrichment topics. Final approval for noncredit unnumbered courses resides in Extension's Dean's
Office as delegated by the Berkeley Academic Senate.
Class List or Roster Instructions
Instructors should use class lists or rosters provided by their Extension representative or through the instructor
portal to take attendance. Instructors should use a sign-in sheet and compare the sign-in sheet to their class
roster to verify that each student is enrolled in the course and to correct any errors in the spelling of students’
names (by informing their Extension representative).
Please note that auditing is not permitted in UC Berkeley Extension courses. Students must pay to enroll and
attend all noncredit courses.
If any student’s name does not appear on the roster, instructors should direct the student to call the Extension
Registration office at (510) 642-4111 to enroll immediately or enroll online at extension.berkeley.edu. If the
student is unable to enroll, instructor should provide the Enrollment Research Inquiry to the student to complete
(located on InstructorLink at http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/forms/pdf/enroll_inquiry.pdf). The student should
submit the Enrollment Research Inquiry form to the instructor, who will return any Enrollment Research Inquiry
forms to their Extension representative within two weeks of the course start date. Extension uses this form to
ensure that no administrative errors have occurred with respect to the enrollment processing of those students.
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At least one to two weeks before the section end date, instructors should look for a course packet delivered to
their classroom which includes the following documents:
Student Evaluations for Courses and Instructor(s)
APC Evaluation Procedures for Instructors/Student Evaluation Administrators. Please note that
original student evaluations are retained in the academic department for a period of 3 years.
A business reply envelope (9x12) for returning evaluations by mail. Student evaluation
administrators may also re-use the classroom packet envelope that was sent to the class to enclose
and return evaluations to the front desk.
If the packet is not received, instructors should request the packet at the front desk if they are located at an
Extension center or contact their Extension representative before the section end date.
For more information, please visit: http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/centers/completion/eval.html
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Submitting Final Grades and CEUs
Extension has set up a grading sheet for your class section in your instructor account at extension.berkeley.edu.
Please see section 3 for further information on how to access your instructor account. Please also review the
following tutorials for how to submit final grades or CEUs:
Video tutorial: grading credit courses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raBw-FcADbs
Video tutorial: grading noncredit courses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JjKdd2pQHM
Please enter the appropriate final grades for each student. Be sure to click SAVE at the bottom of this page
before you leave.
IMPORTANT: If you do not click the SAVE button, any new items or changes will be lost.
1. Select a student(s) by using filter “Show students that are”.
2. Enter final grade(s). The box has a drop down arrow; click on the arrow and then click on the
appropriate value.
a. Please note that any withdrawal requests made by the student via the website will be denoted in
BLUE on the grading sheet. These requests are reviewed and approved by the academic
department director and the status of the request is noted. For all approved student withdrawal
requests that haven’t yet been assigned a grade, assign a W to the grading sheet for courses
offered for a letter grade OR leave the grade field “blank” for noncredit CEU courses.
b. For credit courses or noncredit courses offered for letter grade:
 Please assign a letter grade unless you have a documented petition form with the
student to assign another grade option e.g. Not for Credit (NC), Pass/Not Pass (P/NP),
an Incomplete (I), or a Withdrawal (W). Please add a brief explanation in the student
note field to indicate that a petition form was filed with you (per #4 below). Please note
that courses numbered X, XB or XBW have specific deadlines for students to change
their grading option; please consult with your academic department for more
 If the student has not dropped, has not requested an incomplete or withdrawal and/or
has not otherwise attended the course, please assign a failing final grade for the course
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(“F” or “NP” as applicable) and add a brief explanation in the student note field (per #4
For noncredit courses offered for CEU: Please assign CEU to all students who have
attended and completed the CEU course requirements. If a student did not show or has not
attended the entire class, please leave the final grade field “blank” and add a brief explanation
in the student note field (per #4 below).
3. Use your TAB key to move from one box to the next.
4. Use the “student notes” box if you wish to explain any anomalies in grading. A student will not be able to
view these notes unless they make a formal request to review their entire student record per the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 or if UC Berkeley Extension receives a subpoena for this
5. Other optional items you may wish to denote are the number of sessions each student attended. Please
note that the Program Office will attest to whether students have met the certificate requirements and
Records Assistants will enter completion dates upon final approval of grades.
6. Any data you enter will not be captured by the system until you click the SAVE button at the bottom of
this sheet. Remember to save your work frequently (every five to ten minutes). As a security measure, if
you have not clicked on SAVE for 30 minutes, the system will close your access and all your work since
the last save will be lost. Until you select Instructor Approved, you can SAVE the grading sheet and
return to make changes to a student’s final grade.
7. Once your course is complete and you are comfortable with the final grades, mark the Instructor
Approved checkbox, and click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the page. Beware that after you
mark the Instructor Approved checkbox, you will no longer be able to modify final grades
directly. Do not mark the Instructor Approved checkbox if you still expect to change any final
8. Final grades for classroom courses are due within two weeks after the section end date; final grades for
online courses must be submitted within two weeks of receiving the student's final project or exam.
Please note that any delays in the submission of grading sheets may cause delays in instructor
What Happens after Grades are Submitted?
Once instructors mark grades as “instructor approved” and save the grading sheet, the grading sheet is
submitted to the academic department for “program approval”. The academic department verifies that the
certificate requirements are met, and marks the grading sheet as “program approved”. This action submits the
grading sheet to the Extension Registrar’s Office for “final approval”. Records assistants insert a completion
date and mark the grading sheet as “final approved”. Once grades are marked as “final approved”, students will
be able to view and print their grade reports from their student accounts under “My Enrollment History.” UC
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Berkeley Extension will no longer mail out grade reports to students who enrolled into Fall 2013 courses or
online continuous enrollment courses on or after July 9, 2013.
Grade Changes
If you find any errors in the grading sheet after marking the “Instructor Approved checkbox and saving the
grading sheet, please contact your academic department to request to submit a grade change form (see section
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UC Berkeley Extension occasionally offers academic credit courses for variable units. The student elects the
number of units at the time the student enrolls into the course. When instructors submit grades for variable unit
courses, they are also recording how many units the student earned. Instructors should record on the grading
sheet in the student notes field how many units the student earned in the course. If instructors notice that the
student enrolled into a different amount of units than what they actually earned, they should notify their
Extension academic department representative who will follow up with the Records Unit.
Assigned grades are a confidential matter between the instructor and the student. A student's grade is not to be
released without the student's written permission. No grades are to be communicated in a manner that would
expose them to a third party, including public posting using social security, student identification numbers, or via
e-mail. Grades are considered private information under the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act (FERPA). (For additional information about FERPA, visit
http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/hired/conduct.html#2 and www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html.)
UC Berkeley Extension instructors are personally liable for protecting the confidentiality of grades, students'
grading options, student contact information (mail and e-mail address, telephone number, etc.), and even a
student's name when the student has requested it.
Instructors should record and date everything that will count toward determining their students' final grades. It is
often helpful to keep track of attendance as well. Poor attendance is likely to affect learning, and instructors will
want something concrete to refer to if questions arise later. Instructors must always be prepared to explain how
they calculated a grade. (See grade correction Section 8.5).)
Due to the student's ability to change the grade option late in most courses (XB & XBW courses are the
exception), it is advisable for instructors to keep grades for all students. In the event that a student decides to
elect a letter grade near the end of a course, the instructor will have it. For example, a student may discover well
into the course that his/her company will not reimburse the fee without a letter grade. Please note that
instructors must use the same grading data for all students who are evaluated for grades or Passed or Not
Passed status.
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For more information regarding grading options for a specific course type, please see Grading Policies &
Procedures by Course Type (Section 5). It is ideal if instructors clearly explain student responsibilities and
grading options at the beginning of their course to avoid any confusion at the end of the course.
Grades in Extension courses may cluster within a narrow range because of the nature of the students, the
majority of whom hold baccalaureate degrees. When taking a professional-level class, many Extension students
may perform on a level similar to that of graduate students for whom “A” and “B” grades are the norm.
Instructors may also find that Extension students who are not doing well in a course may withdraw. Indeed this
is more common practice for Extension students than it is for their campus counterparts, who may need course
credit for a variety of reasons (to maintain full-time student status, for example). The withdrawal of the less
successful students will obviously affect the range of final grades that instructors assign.
Extension instructors do not usually grade on a curve. Rather they grade on clear, pre-established standards
geared toward the learning objectives for the course (See Syllabus—Communicating Your Grading and
Evaluation Criteria in Section 3.2). If there is difficulty arriving at equitable grades, or if there are any doubts
about the suitability of their grading practices for Extension teaching, instructors are encouraged to talk to their
Extension representative.
All grades except Incomplete are final when submitted by the instructor through his or her account on the
website. However, the correction of a clerical or procedural error may be authorized as the Extension academic
department directs. No change of grade may be made on the basis of reassessment of the quality of a student's
work. No term grade except Incomplete may be revised by re-examination.
Extension's Academic and Student Records Unit may be authorized to change a final grade upon written
request from an instructor, provided a clerical or procedural error is the reason for the change. Examples of
clerical or procedural errors include errors in adding scores or transcribing grades.
The following requirements must be met for all grade corrections; instructors should direct any questions to their
Program Director. Instructors should:
Write a request letter or complete the Grade Correction Request form
Include a clear description for the grade change. A simple statement that a clerical or procedural error
has occurred is insufficient. Errors resulting from student negligence or error, such as those arising from
the misreading of examination instructions are not included under routine approval. Once a grade of
Pass/Not Passed has been assigned and recorded, it cannot be changed to a letter grade.
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Complete all of the information required on the Grade Correction Request form—(1) course title and
number, (2) course/section number, (3) date or year/term, (4) course location, (5) instructor name,
telephone number, and e-mail address, (6) the student's full name, (7) previous grade, (8) new grade,
and (9) reason for the change. Sign and date the form or letter. (Only the signature of the instructor of
record or department director is allowed. Departmental staff cannot sign in lieu of the instructor or
department director.)
Mail or fax the form or letter (e-mail is not acceptable) to the Program Director responsible for the
The department director must authorize the grade correction by signing the form. Grade correction requests for
a course that concluded 12 or more months from the course end date may not be appealed or corrected.
Various organizations offer tuition reimbursement to their employees, and the criteria for reimbursements can
vary. Some companies tie reimbursement to a grade of “B” or better; others have a sliding scale that depends
on the grade. Course instructors must only concern themselves with the quality of the student's performance in
their course, not the financial arrangements a student may have made. If instructors receive questions about
reimbursement that they cannot comfortably answer, they should discuss the situation with their Extension
representative. See grade correction (Section 8.4) and maintaining grading records (Section 8.3) for more
As stipulated by the UC Berkeley Academic Senate regulation A251 (Disposition of Final Examinations), it is the
responsibility of instructors to return to their students their final examinations or copies of them, or to retain their
students' final examinations or copies of them for a period of thirteen (13) months after the dates of such
examinations. In the latter case, it is also their responsibility to provide a student access to his or her final
examination, either by providing the student with a copy of the final examination or by making arrangements for
the student to review it under suitable supervision. If the student is unable to review the final examination under
suitable supervision, then a copy of it shall be provided to him or her. Student work is FERPA protected; a
student should only see his or her own exam; exams should not be placed in a pile for students to peruse.
Extension strongly recommends that instructors also keep copies of final papers, final projects, the Grade/CEU
records, the syllabus, and grading criteria for 13 months since they may be required to show how they
calculated a grade if a question arises. In order to protect student confidentiality, final examinations and any
other retained student work should be returned to the students, shredded, or destroyed once it is no longer
necessary to retain it. A simple home use shredder is fine if your department does not have a larger shredder or
shredding contract. Do not dispose of student work via recycling or garbage.
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If a student is challenging a grade on a component of the course (such as a paper, exam or midterm),
instructors should first try to resolve the issue directly with the student. Instructors should consult their academic
department if they need any support or advice early in the process, especially if they suspect academic
dishonesty, such as plagiarism or cheating. Please see Preventing Academic Dishonesty for more information
at http://instructorlink.berkeley.edu/centers/classroom/dishonest.html.
If a student is challenging their final grade for the entire course, instructors should first try to resolve the issue
directly with the student. Instructors may also consult with their program director at an early stage for their
advice and input. It is Extension’s policy that a student’s final grade is determined by the course instructor and
that students can only request a final grade review in certain circumstances. If it is not possible to resolve the
situation with the student directly, instructors should refer the student to the Final Grade Reviews and
Appeals Policy (http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/grades/#grades) and alert their program
director that they may receive a grade review request. Instructors should be familiar with the Final Grade
Reviews and Appeals Policy http://extension.berkeley.edu/static/studentservices/grades/#grades) and the
Student Conduct Policy, as they may be requested to respond in writing and/or attend a review meeting for a
formal student grade appeal or a complaint of academic dishonesty.
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