THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 1 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Management Report on Operations of 2010 The ongoing economic and financial crises continued to affect the business activity throughout most of the year and during the last quarter we noticed a gradual strengthening with tourist arrivals at year end being slightly up by 3%. Sales volumes remained at the same level as 2009 and by showing the usual support to our customers we can proudly state that we have been able to turn around the downward trends of 2008 and 2009. The constitutional changes for St. Maarten obtaining a Country status and the islands of St. Eustatius and Saba becoming Municipalities of the Netherlands, have been two major events bringing along important changes in the way of doing business. St. Eustatius and Saba have been officially dollarized, an operation which took great efforts to be completed for our Bank in order to successfully adapt the entire administration before switching over on January 1st 2011. In December 2010 our Bank celebrated its 50th Anniversary with many activities involving the youth, our senior citizens, our customers and many other worthy causes in our community. Our Total Net Loans (Less Reserves for Loan losses and unearned interest) now stands at NAF 487.494.00. The global financial crises had a negative impact on the domestic credit market of our island. Our Credit Team took on the challenge to record a net growth of 6.3% and for a soft economy we consider this a good effort. Despite the growth in loans, the interest income THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 2 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 recorded was slightly below 2009 while yields dropped in all categories in 2010. Demand deposits remained stable throughout the year while we note a healthy 21% increase in other deposits and this we consider a measure of the confidence of the community in our Bank. Our Total Deposits are now NAF 893.720.000 being an increase of 11% over the previous year. A combination of increase of business volumes and expense reduction in most categories has resulted in a substantial improvement of our net operating profit in 2010. The Credit Team achieved their targets for the production of new Commercial and Personal loans by remaining pro-active and providing the customers the necessary support and advice to make the right decisions in these times. The activities of Sales and Services rolled out in the branches during 2009 have been finetuned in 2010 to achieve better results for the customers and for our staff. Our Marketing team has been very active assisting all departments with the promotion of loans, services and products while the introduction of Fun Miles with our new Bankomatiko CHIP card is another proof of our commitment to offer modern banking service to our customers. The BankCard Services Department has been reorganized to increase the service and the efficiency with good results. Internet Banking is now well accepted by the business community to provide fast access to the account information and to execute transfer orders. Managing our delinquency became a matter of great importance in these tough economic times and we managed to record satisfactory results to minimize our losses. The administrative and financial controls have been improved by strengthening the teams and we have successfully applied the improvement of the Sales and Service program, proactive Marketing activities, dollarization on Saba and St. Eustatius while organizing many training and coaching sessions to bring job performance and the service at a higher level of efficiency and quality. For the branches of St. Eustatius and Saba we expect some changes to be introduced by De Nederlandsche Bank (Dutch Central Bank) and other Monetary Authorities of the Netherlands and look forward to assist with reviews and preparation of plans to gradually introduce these new policies. The Compliance Office of Maduro & Curiel’s Bank N.V. has provided good assistance by conducting a review which assured us that our Compliance Department continues to be well managed with the proper controls and reporting in place. The construction of our new Banking Center next to our main building is ongoing and the structural work is almost completed. Considering the inside work of creating office spaces, electricity, communications, air conditioning etc, the building is expected to become operational during the last quarter of 2011. There are so many good organizations active in our community being in constant need of resources and we encourage our staff to continue their direct involvement to assist these organizations for the good of our community. The Bank believes in good corporate citizenship and has contributed NAF 200.000 to well over 120 social, educational, youth, religious and other organizations to support our community. The uncertainties in the financial markets, the tensions and changes occurring in some countries causing steep price increases on the commodities and food markets will have negative effects on our local economy which together with the turnover tax increase will certainly affect the disposable income of households and businesses on the islands. The year 2010 has been a “turnaround year” and a big thank you goes out to our staff and to our customers, as without their assistance and trust this turnaround could not have been achieved. We thank the Management of the Maduro & Curiel’s Bank N.V. and our Supervisory Directors for their excellent support and look forward to improving our results in 2011. Jan J. Beaujon Managing Director THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 3 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Philipsburg - Past Board of Supervisory Directors Lionel Capriles II – Chairman Ronald Gomes Casseres Joseph van Dongen Lodewijk Govaerts Miguel Alexander Norman Wathey Brenda Wathey Lionel Capriles – Honorary Supervisory Director WIB Management Team Jan Beaujon – Managing Director Anthony Da Costa Gomes – Managing Director Derek Downes –Deputy Managing Director Bruce Mayers – Asst. Managing Director Carl Snijder – Asst. Managing Director Kelvin Bloyden – Asst. Managing Director Alfred de Windt – Asst. to the Managing Director – Credit WIB International Management Jan Beaujon – Managing Director Moira Blok – Managing Director THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 4 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Philipsburg - Present Front Street - Past Front Street - Present To The Board of Supervisory Directors and Shareholders The Windward Islands Bank Ltd The Windward Islands Bank International N.V. St. Maarten INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT We have audited the financial statements of The Windward Islands Bank Ltd and The Windward Islands Bank International N.V. (together the “Bank”) for the year ended December 31, 2010, from which the accompanying condensed combined balance sheet and explanatory notes were derived, in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. In our auditors’ reports dated January 21, 2011, we expressed an unmodified opinion on each of the financial statements from which these condensed combined balance sheet and explanatory notes were derived. In our opinion, the accompanying condensed combined balance sheet and explanatory notes are consistent, in all material respects, with the financial statements from which they have been derived. For a better understanding of the Bank’s financial position, the results of its operations for the period and the scope of our audit, the condensed combined balance sheet and explanatory notes should be read in conjunction with the financial statements from which they have been derived and our auditors’ reports thereon. Curacao, July 6, 2011 KPMG ACCOUNTANTS B.V. Sanjay Agarwal, FCA THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 5 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Condensed Combined Balance Sheet as of December 31st 2010 and 2009 THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD AND THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK INTERNATIONAL N.V. Amounts in Naf 1 000 December 31, 2010 Balance sheet Cash and due from banks 148,133 Due from affiliates 304,366 Loans and advances 487,494 Bank premises and equipment 14,345 Other assets 28,819 Total assets 983,157 Customers’ deposits 893,720 Due to affiliates and other banks 4,848 Profit tax payable 4,859 Accrued interest payable 1,816 Other Liabilities 14,865 Total liabilities 920,108 Capital stock 8,870 Other reserves 24,679 Undistributed profits 29,500 Total Stockholders’ equity 63,049 Total liabilities and stockholders equity 983,157 THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 6 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 December 31, 2009 145,851 253,519 458,472 12,616 17,657 888,115 808,413 6 4,133 2,544 14,667 829,763 8,870 23,125 26,357 58,352 888,115 Philipsburg - Past Philipsburg - Present Explanatory notes to the condensed combined balance sheet as of December 31st 2010. Accounting Policies 1. GENERAL. The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the condensed combined financial statements of The Windward Islands Bank Ltd. and The Windward Islands Bank International N.V. are set out below. These explanatory notes are an extract of the detailed notes included in the financial statements of both Banks and are consistent in all material respects with the financial statements from which they have been derived. 2. BASIS OF PREPARATION. The financial statements, from which the condensed combined balance sheet has been derived, are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). The figures presented in the condensed combined balance sheet are stated in thousands of Netherlands Antilles Guilders and are rounded to the nearest thousand. The policies are consistent, in all material respects, with those used in the previous year. 3. LOANS AND ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS Loans and advances are carried at amortized cost, less an allowance for loan impairment. An allowance for loan impairment is established if there is an indication that the Bank will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original contractual loan terms. THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 7 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 A LITTLE HISTORY ON THE BIRTH OF THE 1ST W.I.B. IN ST. MAARTEN 1960-2010 It was on December 1st in the year 1960 that the Windward Islands Bank was opened. As we all know, the same W.I.B. doors are still wide open up today 50 years later and being as the leading bank in St. Maarten. It is therefore for that reason we are celebrating the life of the W.I.B. being a very young man at that time, I taught him how to type. After him came Violet Ambrosina, Julian Lynch and Marius Romeo. It was just the few of us who started running W.I.B. at first. Thereafter, we got a new boss in the person of Mr. Frank Jansen who was the son-in-law of Mr. Cyrus Wathey. He then became the boss of Mr. Soree and myself until he passed away. His assistant was Ernie West who did the bookkeeping, and in the Let’s recall how it all started. It all started here un- afternoons teacher Miss Claire Connor also used to der the leadership of the Wathey’s family, namely come to help out with the bookkeeping. Mr. Cyrus W. Wathey. The first boss that came here to open the bank and set it up was a gentleman by I worked for the bank for nearly 4 years. In those the name of Mr. Soree from Curacao, who was all days you would know that W.I.B. had all the bankby himself for the first few days. ing business on St. Maarten, both French and Dutch This is where I, Ruby P. Flanders, side, as well as serving all the other neighboring came in as the bank’s very 1st islands that used to have to come here to do their employee. I was employed and business as well. directed over to him. As soon as Well it is so much different nowadays to see how I went to Mr. Cyrus Wathey and the banking industry (business) has grown on St. asked for a job, he said to her, Maarten. When we see how many other banks “SURE GIVE RUBY THE JOB BECAUSE FOR have sprung up since over the past 50 years when SURE RUBY IS A GOOD HONEST PERSON” So W.I.B. first existed. straight from Mr. Wathey’s office I walked directly While we are celebrating this historic event, I find over to the bank on the other side of the square. it extremely befitting to say “CONGRATULAThis bank was but a little one room space, located TIONS” to all the other banks that have looked and on the bottom floor of a building, with a little glass followed the example of W.I.B. as the oldest bank door to the front with louvers, one back door and on St. Maarten. maybe a window or two. The bank consisted of a Best wishes and God’s speed are going out to The small counter not even surrounded by glass or any Windward Islands Bank upon this achievement, bars (as far as I can recall or remember). There was and we the people of St. Maarten wish that this a small cash pan and one big safe, a table or two and bank may be privileged to enjoy another 50 years. one or two chairs at first. Long live The Windward Islands Bank, Management & Staff. In those days everything was hand written at the 3 cheers for W.I.B. counter until we got a typewriter and an adding machine with a pull handle. Back to me being the first employee: After me, then came Mr. Carl Thomas, THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 8 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 9 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 10 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 11 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 12 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 13 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Cyrus Wathey Square - Past WIB Employee since 1974 Cyrus Wathey Square - Present Saba and later passed on. Following was Mr. Victor Henriquez. Then the bank really started to expand to Looking back at when I joined the Windward Islands the Pond fill Branch. That was the beginning of prosBank 36 years ago. I was invited to start working part perity of St. Maarten. Vic appointed my person as the time in the mailing and filing department by Assistant first President of WIB employees association. This Managing Director Franklin Brison. group was so active, we organized many trips to the I worked various areas from Mailing neigbouring islands, Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Barths and and filing, to Bookkeeping, Savings, Anguilla. One of the biggest highlights was our Annual assisting with Foreign Exchange Local Banks song festival, of which we won about 7 to when someone went on vacation, keep the rotating cup. Our annual employees Christto Reconciliation, and then to bemas dinner is still a major event. coming the Collection Department Our bank started to grow and I used to do the profit and Mr. John Hodge Head. In those days the bank was loss every month until taken over by Mr. Marius Romeo small and you learned a lot, as you could have assisted many colleagues when they went on and Mr. Handel Gumbs. Carl Snijder, our first auditor vacation and learned from each department. We used came from MCB and he also spearheaded the migration to input everything by hand, writing all transactions in towards computer technology in the bank And from large ledger books. It was like a family of just about 30 there the bank just started expanding until today with persons including Managing Director Mr. Jansen and Branches in Simpsonbay, Cole Bay, Bush Road, A.T. IlAssistant Managing Director Mr Franklin Brison all lo- idge Road, in St. Eustatius and on the island of Saba, not cated at the AC Wathey Square. There were 4 tellers counting the many ATM machines. Finally our brand one Head Cashier, and one remittance teller. Savings new four story building in Philipsburg will be ready in Department two persons for the entire bank, Exchange the new year 2012, so many of our offices can be in one Tax Department one person, Mr. Daniel Brown, Book building. keeping three persons headed by Mr. Kenneth Rombley, May God continue to bless the best bank, and Reconciliation by Mr. Marius Romeo, Savings De- The Windward Islands Bank Ltd. partment by Oriel Roumou, Collection Department by Mr Carl Thomas, Current account ledger posting Department by Mrs Felicia Thomas, Consumer loans and It is with great pride that I look Mortgage by Mr Alphonso O’ Connor and Mrs Greta back on the history of The WindWilliams. Typing Department by the late Mrs Jacky ward Islands Bank Ltd., of which Williams and Mail and Filing department by the late I have been a part for the past 41 Esmond Livingstone. years. Technology has brought many changes in just about every After the death of Mr Janssen, Mr West became the aspect of our banking system, and Managing Director, until he retired on the Island of the way the bank has grown in Greta D. Williams THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 14 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Princess Juliana Airport- Past Princess Juliana Int’l Airport - Present the last 50 years. Since September 1969, I’ve watched the bank grow from 30 to 220 employees. I’ve worked with 5 Managing Directors; Messrs. Frank Jansen, Ernest West, Wim Strijbosch and Victor Henriquez, and at present Mr. Jan Beaujon. ers of the Windward Islands Bank. As the main banker for TelEm Group, The Windward Islands Bank has attained significant milestones with which both companies have been associated. These have included capital investment loans for several technical The services offered by WIB to our clients, in all aspects innovations and more recently a multi-million dollar of banking, are the best on the island. Also, our employ- loan agreement for the new TelEm Group Building and ee benefits package can be considered one of the best. Warehouse on Pond Island. I look forward to being a part of our bank’s continued Another important milestone was the introduction of success, of which I have no doubt. the first e-payment system to facilitate TelEm Group customer payments at the Windward Islands Bank. The conservative lending and borrowing policy of The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) TelEm Group Windward Island Bank is an important reason why the bank presently handles the largest number of payment A professional business relationship between the Wind- transactions originating from the TelEm Group, includward Islands Bank and TelEm Group has existed for ing monthly salary payment of personnel and creditor many years, far exceeding the payments. conventional relationships that exist between a bank and Chief Financial Officer (CFO), TelEm Group, Mrs. Helma Etnel says it has been proven time and again that it is its corporate client. the long-standing relationship between the Windward Over the years, we are proud Islands Bank and TelEm Group that has made it easy for of the fact that both compa- any differences that arise in the daily course of conductnies have nurtured, and con- ing business to be quickly addressed and settled. tinue to build sound business Mrs. Helma Etnel “The Windward Islands Bank offers a broad palette of relations in the interest of the financial services that TelEm Group has been able to wider St. Maarten economy and community. Such a remake use of over the years, including the raising and lationship is built on the premise that mutual underinvesting of capital that has allowed our company to standing and respect are paramount. grow. Another important component is the level of trust Both companies share a belief in the development of lo- that currently exists between both companies and will cal talent and resources and have indeed become “Part- continue in the foreseeable future,” said Mrs. Etnel, she ners in Progress” through strong historical links. also said TelEm Group is indeed fortunate to have The These links are firmly rooted in the fact that TelEm Windward Islands Bank as a partner in the continued Group and its associate company, SMITCOMS N.V. progress of the incumbent telecommunication comcan count amongst their former and present Supervi- pany. sory Board members, no less than four executive officTHE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 15 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Philipsburg - Past Boolchands In the early 1960’s Dr. Claude Wathey invited a few successful entrepreneurs from Curacao to St. Maarten. Some were from well known establishments in Curacao, namely the “Yellow House”, SEL Maduro and Sons (Curacao) Inc. and the “Boolchand’s” group. On Front Street in those days most of the business activity was centered Haresh D. Nandwani near the Sea View Hotel (still exbetter known as isting today) there were not many Haresh Boolchand automobiles. St. Maarten’s economy was slowly changing from the salt and fishing community to a tourist based economy with the visits of a few small cruise ships. Mr. Doulatram Nandwani (father of Haresh) of the “Boolchand’s” enterprises in Curacao, came to St. Maarten and rented a property across from “Risdon’s Snack Bar” and established the first store called “ Boolchand’s”. Fours years later across from the “Sea View Hotel” (where the existing “MacDonald’s” is located), he opened his second store, called “Tajmahal”. While the windows were being installed, they can recall a few curious residents asking questions as to what was being built. During construction Mr. Nandwani Sr. slept in the same property. The stores mainly sold clothing and gift items. During cruise ship visits, they also supplied them with liquor. Tourism continued to grow on St. Maarten and Mr. Nandwani Sr. decided to invest in real estate rather than renting and bought a house, located on Front Street, from the Peterson family in 1969, operated it as “Kohinoor” for 2 years, then demolished it and built the present “Boolchand’s” in 1972. . His son, Haresh, after completing his Philipsburg - Present studies in India, joined the management team in 1973, and continue today to manage the St. Maarten stores. In 1969 the Boolchand group suffered a set back as their building located on Heerenstraat in Willemstad, Curacao, was destroyed by the fire. Mr. Nandwani Sr. was very depressed and remembers Mr. Lio Capriles (former MCB Bank President) walking onto the premises and handing him a checkbook and stating “Write out the amount you want, no discussions”. Realizing this was a way to recuperate his loss, Mr. Nandwani rebuilt the building and re-opened the business. With tourism on St. Maarten on the incline, new businesses such as; “Bye Bye Store”, and “Boolchand’s” at the Harbor were established. The “Boolchand’s” group also opened a store on Bonaire in 1969 , and in 1970 on both Aruba and St. Thomas. Quoting Mr. Nandwani: “The Boolchand’s group has strong sentiments towards The Windward Islands Bank Ltd. and Maduro & Curiel’s Bank N.V., because of its team, service and slogan “Your partner in Progress” and because they have been there for us. We congratulate WIB for reaching this milestone, maintaining market position, and we wish you success with your new building investment, in order to better serve the public and face challenging competition”. Prime Distributors In 2001 when fire destroyed Prime Distributors and when we were in desperate need of financial help it was WIB that came to our assistance. We were back on our feet in 30 days due to the loan given to us to buy a existing Warehouse. So I have to say Thank THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 16 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Danny Ramchandani Front Street - Past Front Street - Present you WIB for being there for us, our employees, our customers and all our family, Congratulations on your 50 years. Please continue to help people of St. Maarten. Managing Director Orlean’s Hardware Corp. St. Martin, F.W.I. Mr. Laurent Flanders started his hardware business in French Quarter back in 1982 from a small one room building. As sales increased he saw the need to expand his business by adding another room. His brother Mr. Laurent Flanders Felix Flanders joined him in the business and together the business grew to a successful hardware store. Today New Orleans Hardware has 15 employees. Mr. Laurent Flanders opened his first account with another bank, in the early 80’s. “In the 90’s I decided to move to WIB, because it is the only local Bank, and I knew the staff whom were very helpful. In fact I have passed through a number account managers. I have had personal loans to purchase trucks for my business and an overdraft without any problems at WIB. WIB has had respect for the people of this Island and I congratulate you for many more years to come.” Restaurateur Mr. Roger Petit has managed and owned together with his brother, some of the best restaurants on both the French and Dutch side of St. Maarten. He recalls as a young Mr. Luke Peterson managing the old “ Printemps” in Marigot which went from a smalltown grocery to become, one of the first tourist gift shops on the French Side. “There was no bank on the French side in those days. On the Dutch side there were Banko Popular, Post Bank and The Wind- ward Islands Bank.” “As a young boy going to St. Joseph school on the Frontstreet, I saw the birth and growth of the Windward Islands Bank becoming a leading financial institution. My friends worked at the Mr . Roger Petit bank (Ruby Flander, Julian Lynch, and Carl Thomas) during its pen and paper days on the Ruyter plein (Cyrus Wathey Square).” “ I wish WIB continued success and high winds from astern.” Managing Director of G.E.B.E. “Management and Staff of N.V. G.E.B.E. would like to sincerely congratulate you. In 2010 both our companies reached a milestone with half a century under its belt and we have shared great professional relationship all these years. The WIB continues to stand out as a leader in the banking industry and it has never been more apparent than it is today, that the correct strategy was used to keep the bank strong even in a challenging economy. Both of our companies have benefitted from a mutual and rewarding relationship and we Mr. W. Brooks look forward to many more years of cooperation. Our best wishes to you and your associates.” THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 17 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 The WIB/Fun Miles launch was another successful event held on November 26th. The launch started with a press conference. The Press, Management, Fun Miles team members and some WIB staffers then went on the party bus. They drove around town playing the WIB/Fun Miles jingle and sharing t-shirts and promotional items to the general public. The fun continued with the public at Taloula Mango’s on the boardwalk where there were entertainment by the Control Band and snacks and drinks served. During this time volunteers sold fun miles cards to the public and promotional items were also given out. Buyers of the card also got a chance to enter into the Fun Miles cash machine where they had a chance to win Fun Miles based on the amount of tickets they caught. THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 18 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Some of WIB staff members and management who volunteered to paint the center. Also in photo, the center before and after the painting project. As a very special task to our community, 19 staff members and management got together to show their community spirit by painting the Senior Citizen Recreational Center in Hope Estate. The building was in much need of a paint job, however finding the funds to do so was difficult for the Center. The painting of the building was a big job as it took two days to complete. The bank provided all the necessary materials while a special thank you goes out to Kooyman who provided all the paints needed for the project. Kooyman has also proven to be very helpful in giving back to the community of St. Maarten. The bank also provided breakfast and lunch for the volunteers. The project started at 7:30am on Saturday and was completed by 2:30pm on Sunday. WIB is looking forward to having many more of such projects to help the needy in the community. As part of its 50th celebrations WIB held a treasure hunt for some students of the various high schools on St. Maarten on Friday October 22nd. 8 schools participated with about 3 students each. The students had to go around Philipsburg looking for facts about the Island’s history and locating its monuments with simple clues. They also had to answer several questions about the bank and its history as well. After 90 minutes of intense searching, Caribbean International Academy students emerged the winners of the WIB’s Treasure Hunt. St. Maarten Academy placed second and Sundial School was in 3rd place. The students of the 3 winning teams received WIB Money cards. All participating students received certificates of participation and vouchers to attend a movie of their choice. Aside from clues, the students were armed with a special WIB anniversary backpack and a water bottle. At the end they gathered at WIB’s main office for the results and announcement of the winners. WIB’s MD Jan Beaujon entertained the students by sharing the answers while the results were being tallied. Management Team members Kelvin Bloyden and Alfred de Windt made the presentations to the students. In addition, the United Student Government Front (USGF) received US $1,000.00 for the construction of a Website for the group as its reward for its collaborative efforts with WIB in organizing the treasure hunt. THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 19 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 A Bike-A-Thon was held on October 30th for the children in the community ages 5 to 14 years old. This event was part of WIB’s 50th Anniversary celebrations. The Bike-A-Thon started with registrations at 7:30 am where all participants received free WIB backpacks containing a water bottle and a frisbee. The children were placed in different categories based on their ages. Each category was identified by placing different colored stickers on the bicycles. At 8:30 the children departed from the Sr. Borgia School on the Cannegieter Street next to WIB’s main office. They rode along Pond Fill Road, the “salt pond” and returned to the Sr. Borgia School. There was a pit stop at the A. T. Illidge road branch where the children got refreshments before they continued on to their final destination. At the end of the Bike-A-Thon there was water, juices, oranges, sweetbreads and pizza for everyone. Kompa Leon was also present during the Bike-A-Thon to encourage the little riders. The Bike-A-Thon was such a great success that the participants have requested for the bank to have it as an annual event. The purpose of the Bike-A-Thon was to provide a recreation outlet for the youngsters on the island. THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 20 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 As the Bank celebrated its jubilee anniversary, the institution felt it important to organize an event in appreciation of those who have supported it since 1960 and through the years. WIB 60+ Senior Customer’s Bingo Time was held on November 10th at the Senior Citizens Recreational Center in Hope Estate, from 10am to 2pm. As the seniors entered the hall of the Center they were greeted with a gift bag containing promotional items that they can use, such as a pill box and mini purse and goodies. During the bingo the seniors won various prizes. The main prizes were 2 gift vouchers for NAF 500.00 each. There was also a quiz time during the breaks where Rolando Tobias would ask questions of WIB back in the days and the winners also received prizes. Before bingo began WIB staffers were served soup and baked johnny cakes, and for lunch there were various snacks. The bingo was a huge success with more than 130 seniors attending and looking forward to more of such events in the future. Management was also present to address the seniors with a word of thanks for doing business with the bank for all these years. At the end of the bingo day a beautiful cake was presented and shared with everyone present. THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 21 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 22 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 The Motor Show that was held in Statia on October 23 was a great success. It has been 2 years since WIB held the 1st show on St. Eustatius as a part of Statia branch’s 15th anniversary in 2008. This year the focus was more on the sale of cars. 4 car dealers from St. Maarten were present with 5 cars each. More than 50 loan applications were taken on that day. City Furniture, greenfingers and Obersi Electronics were also at the show to display their products and services to the general public of Statia. A boat was chartered to take all the cars and other items to Statia. Some WIB staff members volunteered and flew over to Statia to assist in every way during the show and WIB Personal Loans and Mortgage loan officers were also present to take loan applications. A special thanks is also extended to WIB Statia branch staff members for helping out during the show. The show started at 10am and ended at 8pm. A raffle was held and 1 lucky winner won a Blackberry phone on that day. Also, a donation of $1000 was given to a Foundation to host Santas Party in December. THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 23 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 24 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 THE WINDWARD ISLANDS BANK LTD. • 25 • ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Clem Labega Square, Philipsburg, St. Maarten Telephone (599) 546 2313 • Fax: (599) 542 6355 •