Project No. UNB50 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Value to Wood No. UNB50 Research Report 2007 by Huining Xiao Professor Department of Chemical Engineering Wenchang Wang Graduate Research Assistant Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management and Ying H. Chui Director and Professor Wood Science and Technology Centre Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management University of New Brunswick July 2007 This report was produced as part of the Value to Wood Program, funded by Natural Resources Canada Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Notice This report was prepared with financial assistance from the Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada. No part of this report may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the University of New Brunswick If cited in whole or in part, acknowledgement of the source and the authors would be appreciated. Neither the University of New Brunswick nor the authors (or any other persons acting on their behalf) make any warranty, express or implied, or assume any legal responsibility or liability for the completeness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represent that the use of the disclosed information would not infringe upon privately owned rights, or represent that the disclosed information is fit for a particular purpose. Any reference in this report to any specific commercial product, process or service by trade name, trade mark, manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement by the University of New Brunswick. This report is designed to provide accurate, authoritative information but it is not intended to provide professional advice. If such advice is sought, then services of University of New Brunswick professional could be retained. © 2007 University of New Brunswick All rights reserved. 2 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Abstract The traditional adhesives used in manufacturing of engineered wood products (EWP) were phenolic-based. Recently wide spread use of non-phenolic adhesives, such as polyurethane (PUR), has been observed in the engineered wood products industry. In order to facilitate the adoption of the new generation of non-phenolic structural adhesives, a performance-based standard, CSA O112.9 has been published by the Canadian Standards Association for evaluation of structural adhesives for use under ‘wet’ conditions. A parallel standard is being developed for ‘dry use’ applications. The new CSA standard adopts the traditional evaluation protocols and criteria for evaluating structural adhesives, including delamination resistance, block shear strength and percent wood failure. Concerns have been expressed by manufacturers of adhesives and engineered wood products producers that these traditional protocols and criteria may not be appropriate for the new structural adhesives, such as polyurethane. One plausible reason for the concern was that bonding mechanism and penetration characteristics are different between the traditional phenolic-based and the new generation of structural adhesives. This project attempted to study the wood-adhesive bond force and penetration characteristics of phenolic and polyurethane adhesives, and correlate them with shear strength and percent wood failure of glue joint specimens. This project was linked to a parallel Forintek Value to Wood project, FCC53. The specific objectives of this project are: 1. To develop techniques of directly quantifying wood-adhesive bond force and adhesive penetration in wood using advanced analytical techniques. 2. To correlate the wood-adhesive interaction parameters listed in 1 with percent wood failure and block shear strength of specimens. 3. If appropriate, to recommend alternate means of evaluating new structural adhesives for strength requirements. The initial intent was to use Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to study wood-adhesive bond force, but this was found to be unsuccessful. Therefore the focus of this project was on understanding the influence of adhesive penetration on shear strength and percent wood failure of adhesive joints, and how these properties are influenced by wood properties such as density and moisture content. This project was conducted in 3 phases. The first two phases studied the adhesive penetrations characteristics and its possible influence on shear strength and percent wood failure, using glued joints made with difference adhesives and wood species. Penetration characteristics were measured using Confocal Fluorescent Scanning Laser Microscopy 3 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives (CSLM) and X-ray techniques. The adhesives used in Phase 1 were melamine formaldehyde (MF) and polyvinyl acetate (PVAc), and the substrates were lodgepole pine, Douglas fir and black spruce. The first part of this phase was devoted to the development of the test procedures for Confocal Fluorescent Scanning Laser Microscopy (CSLM) and Micro-CT. MF and PVAc were used as reference adhesives in the development of the new CSA standard CSA O112.10, a performance based structural adhesive standard intended for applications under limited exposure conditions. The adhesives used in Phase 2 were phenol resorcinol formaldehyde (PRF) and polyurethane (PUR), and the wood species were black spruce and hard maple. In both phases the adhesive penetration characteristics as well as glue line thickness were measured using CSLM. Because CSLM is tedious to apply, X-ray techniques were also used to measure these characteristics as an evaluation of its suitability for use as a more rapid method of measurement. Block shear tests were carried out on the glued joint specimens that were evaluated for adhesive characteristics. Phase 3 was a separate study aimed at correlating the long-term behaviour of glued joints with that observed under various accelerated aging process such as freeze-thaw and pressure-vacuum soak. The specific objective of this phase is to evaluate the performance of glued joints that have been subjected to different exterior exposure durations and to correlate these performance characteristics to those observed under accelerated aging process. Two adhesives were used, PRF and PUR. Black spruce was used as the substrate. The duration of exposure ranged from short-term to 5 years. Therefore not all test results from Phase 3 are available at the time of writing this report, and some of the specimens will be evaluated after the end of this project. The key findings of this project are summarized below: 1. General • Fluorescent microscopy has proved to be a powerful tool in revealing penetration of the polymeric adhesive into wood substrates quantitatively. With the appropriate selection of a fluorescent dye, the distinction between wood and adhesive is clear under CSLM, which enables us to obtain more detailed information such as the location of resins and penetration depth. • When a glue joint is prepared with the two substrates oriented horizontally, penetration of adhesive in the lower substrate is generally higher than the upper substrate. The difference in glue penetration is dependent on adhesive and wood substrate characteristics. In general, those adhesives with a low viscosity exhibit a large glue penetration values. • Comparing the results between joints made with phenolic and polyurethane adhesives, it appears that the smaller adhesive penetration of polyurethane adhesive could well explain the lower shear strength and percent wood failure of the latter. However while there is a big difference in percent wood failure, there is 4 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives a only a small difference between shear strengths of joints made with these two adhesives. Accordingly, it may be necessary to review the criteria for percent wood failure for adhesives that provide sufficient strength and durability but have a lower percent wood failure because of its shallow glue penetration. 2. Melamine formaldehyde (MF) and polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) adhesives with Douglas fir, lodgepole pine and black spruce as substrates • Dry shear strength of lodgepole pine specimens is higher than Douglas fir specimens for both adhesives. • There is a large difference in substrate glue penetration for spruce and Douglas fir, but not for lodgepole pine. • Glue penetration of MF is about 3 to 4 times that of PVAc for all three species. • For MF adhesive, specimens fabricated using maximum assembly time generally achieve a higher shear strength than those fabricated using minimum assembly time. 3. Polyurethane adhesive with black spruce substrate • There is no evidence to suggest a relationship between shear strength and percent wood failure. • Glue penetration in low density wood is higher than that in high density wood. • Shear strength increases slightly as glue penetration depth decreases. However this trend may be misleading as the change in shear strength may be caused by the increase in wood density than the reduction in glue penetration. • Glue joints fabricated with a higher initial wood MC (15%) during fabrication generally achieve higher shear strength and percent wood failure than those with a lower initial MC (6%). • Temperature seems to have little effects on penetration depth. Overall, increasing temperature to increase glue penetration may not be an effective approach for PUR adhesives. 4. Polyurethane adhesive with hard maple substrate • The influence of wood density on shear strength is opposite to that for black spruce, i.e. when density increases shear strength decreases. This appears to be related to glue penetration, since glue penetration decreases with wood density. For high density wood, extremely poor glue bond is obtained. • Glue penetration in hard maple is substantially less than that in black spruce. • As in the case of black spruce specimens, shear strength is higher for the specimens with 15% initial MC than 6% initial MC. 5 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 5. Glue penetration values measured by X-ray technique • X-ray technique over-estimates both the glue penetration and glue line thickness. Further work is necessary to evaluate the reason for this discrepancy before the technique can be used to measure these properties with confidence. 6. Phenol formaldehyde adhesive with black spruce and hard maple substrates • In general the results on wood property influence are similar to those of black spruce. Shear strength increases and glue penetration decreases as wood density increases. Increasing initial moisture content of wood also has a positive effect on shear strength and glue penetration. • On average, wet shear strength, percent wood failure and adhesive penetration of PRF joints are greater than the corresponding values for PUR joints. • Joints with low density hard maple wood and at a low moisture content have low shear strength due to over-penetration of glue 7. Growth ring orientation • There is evidence to suggest that shear strength of specimens with flat sawn board is lower than specimens with non-flat sawn boards. Possibly the presence of rays facilitate the penetration of the adhesive, as was observed under CSLM. • Among the samples with non-flat sawn boards, PUR penetrates deeper into those with 90 degree growth ring orientation but there is no distinct difference between those with 45 and 45-90 degree growth ring orientation. 8. Correlation between durability of glue joints subjected to outdoor exposure and accelerated aging • For wet strength there was virtually no reduction in strength after 2 cycles of boil-dry-freeze. After 8 cycles, the strength retention was 77% and 88% respectively for PUR and PRF. • For dry strength, PUR performed (78%) better than PRF (69%) after 2 cycles. Strength reduction was almost identical for both adhesives after 8 cycles, with only 37% of the short-term dry strength retained. 6 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Acknowledgements The University of New Brunswick wishes to acknowledge the financial support of Natural Resources Canada to this research project. Thanks are also due to industry liaisons, Mr. Pierre Audet, Boise Cascade AllJoist and Mr Ken Koo of Jager Building Systems for their support and technical advice. Staff - Dr. Huining Xiao, Project Leader Wencheng Wang, Graduate Research Assistant Dr. Y. H. Chui, Professor Dr. Felisa Chan, Research Scientist Michael Albright, Manager Andrew Sutherland, Support Staff Supervisor Dean McCarthy, Chief Technologist Dave Doherty, Technician 7 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 1. Background Wood is a construction material with excellent properties for a variety of applications. Today, improved fabrication techniques and design methods enable some contemporary wood structures, such as small bridges, roofs, arches and domes, to be as permanent and economically competitive as those constructed with other materials (Triantafillou 1997). Engineered wood products (EWPs) have been a mainstay in the wood industry for many years. Engineered wood is a better use of trees than solid wood, because it uses less wood to make more wood products, or same quantity of wood with a better performance. Common examples of engineered wood products are plywood, glued-laminated timber, oriented strand board (OSB), wood I-joist and structural composite lumber (SCL). The increased used of EWPs has in part been due to advances made in adhesive technologies. The primary role of an adhesive in a product is to transfer the stress experienced by one substrate to another. This means that an adhesive bond requires sufficient strength and durability to hold the substrates together under a defined set of conditions. Generally, strength and accelerated tests are used to evaluate the suitability of an adhesive for structural applications. Prior to the 1990’s phenolic-based adhesives were the main category of adhesives used for fabricating structural wood products. In Canada the approval of phenolic-based adhesives follows the protocol given in a number of CSA standards that were developed specifically for this category of adhesives. The advancement made in adhesive technologies by the adhesive industry has led to the development of non-phenolic adhesives that are considered to have adequate durability and strength performance for structural applications. Wide spread use of non-phenolic adhesives, such as polyurethane (PUR), has been observed in the engineered wood product industry. The industry has cited improvement in process efficiency, colourless glue line, ease of application and apparent higher finger joint strength (Frangi et al. 2004) as the main reasons for switching to non-phenolic adhesives. In order to facilitate the adoption of the new generation of non-phenolic structural adhesives, a performance-based standard, CSA O112.9 (CSA 2004) has been published by the Canadian Standards Association for evaluation of structural adhesives for use under ‘wet’ conditions. A parallel standard is being developed for ‘dry use’ applications. The new CSA standard adopts the traditional evaluation protocols and criteria for evaluating structural adhesives, including delamination resistance, block shear strength and percent wood failure. Concerns have been expressed by manufacturers of adhesives and engineered wood products that these traditional protocols and criteria may not be appropriate for the new structural adhesives, such as polyurethane. This project will 8 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives evaluate the appropriateness of the use of block shear strength and percent wood failure and their acceptance levels for this type of adhesive, and, if appropriate, make recommendations on how these protocols and criteria may be modified to more realistically reflect the performance requirements of selected end products for strength and durability of bond line. This project was linked to a parallel Forintek Value to Wood project, FCC53. The objectives of this project are: 4. To develop techniques of directly quantifying wood-adhesive bond force and adhesive penetration in wood using advanced analytical techniques. 5. To correlate the wood-adhesive interaction parameters listed in 1 with percent wood failure and block shear strength of specimens. 6. If appropriate, to recommend alternate means of evaluating new structural adhesives for strength requirements. The focus of this project is on understanding the influence of adhesive penetration on shear strength and percent wood failure of adhesive joints. Although research on the interactions between wood and adhesives has been ongoing for at least 75 years (Frihart 2004), there are still some critical aspects and how it may lead to durable bonds, which are not well understood. Penetration of adhesives into the porous network of wood cells is believed to have a strong influence on bond strength (Brady and Kamke 1988; Collett 1972; Jakal 1984; Marra 1992). After the adhesive has been applied onto the wood substrate, it flows not only into the cells on the wood surface, but also into small cavities and cracks and thus they can penetrate deeper into the wood and even into the cell lumen and walls (Van den Bulcke, et al. 2003). With the use of an adhesive, damaged wood cells can be repaired, and stresses can be more effectively distributed within a larger interphase region. The penetration of adhesives into wood is dependent on a wide range of variables. The chemistry of the wood and adhesives has been studied extensively to learn about the influences of the adhesion mechanisms on adhesive penetration (Mahlberg 1999; Frazier 2002, 2004; Frihart 2004). A large amount of work has also been done to investigate the durability of the adhesive bond (Bendtsen et al 1978; Vick and Okkonen 1998; Frihart 2005). Both bonding and bond breaking steps were studied at cellular and nano-scale, in addition to the larger spatial scale normally examined. Systematic work of the bonding process, the forces upon glue line, and the locus of failure using different types of adhesives and wood species were carried out in these studies. Moreover, spectroscopic and microscopic analyses were used as important tools to understand bond formation and failure. In the evaluation of adhesive bond quality, shear strength and percent wood 9 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives failure have traditionally been used to evaluate adhesives for structural applications. In order to meet CSA O112.9 requirement for evaluating structural adhesives designed for exterior applications, this research will focus on developing various approaches or advanced techniques for characterizing the interaction between adhesive resin and wood and penetration. For phenolic-based resins, there is a good correlation between shear strength and percent wood failure. However, for polyurethane (PUR), this is not necessarily the case. This project will help to shed lights on this issue. 2. Literature Review The performance or behavior of a wood adhesive joint is dependent on a wide range of variables, including surface smoothness of wood substrate, presence of wood extractives and knots, wood characteristics (growth ring orientation and density), and penetration of adhesives. These variables are also related to the environment, such as the level and rate of change in both temperature and relative humidity. The bonding mechanism of adhesives is due to complex chemistry of the cellulosic substrate, i.e. hydrogen bonding with some adhesives and weak van der Waals forces with others. This section reviews previous research on this subject. 2.1 Characterization of strength of adhesive joints Since an adhesive transfers stress from one substrate to another through shear, shear test is commonly used to evaluate the bond performance of adhesive joints. Block shear test such as ASTM D905 (ASTM 1997) is commonly used to evaluate mechanical properties of adhesive joints. From the shear test, in addition to shear strength, percent wood failure on the fracture surface is also measured. The premise of measuring percent wood failure is that structural adhesives are generally assumed to be stronger than the substrate. Therefore for properly fabricated joints, the failure plane should be in the wood and not in the glue line. Hence a measurement of the percent wood failure after shearing test should provide a qualitative indicator of the bond performance. Vick and Okkonen (1998) carried out tests to quantify the strength and durability of adhesive bond made with one-part polyurethane adhesive. In their dry test, there were four commercial one-part polyurethane adhesives and two wood species, Douglas fir and yellow birch, which represent moderately high density softwood and hardwood species, with yellow birch density being higher than Douglas fir. Typically, wood failure of a high density wood is lower than that of a low density wood. The results from their tests, which were presented as percent wood failure and shear strength, showed that wood failure was significantly 10 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives lower for higher density wood (yellow birch) than low density wood (Douglas fir). This is because high density wood has higher shear strength which means there is a higher probability that the glue line will be weaker than the wood, even though the adhesive bond is prepared properly. 2.2 Characteristics of structural adhesives There are several adhesives available for structural applications based on the different end-use requirements. Each adhesive has different characteristics that should be evaluated and selected to obtain the best property of the product. Beginning in the 1930s and accelerated by the development in the industry, synthetic adhesives began to increase the market share. Currently there are two common classes of structural adhesives that are used by the EWP industries. These are phenolic-based, such as phenol-formaldehyde (PF), resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF) and phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde (PRF), and polyurethane (PUR). The phenolic-based adhesives have outstanding durability, which is derived from their good adhesion to wood, the high strength of the polymer, and the excellent chemical stability of the adhesive. Phenol formaldehyde (PF) polymers are the oldest class of synthetic polymer, having been developed at the beginning of the 20th century (Detlefsen 2002). PF cures under elevated temperatures, and has been commonly used in making wood composites such as plywood, oriented strand board (OSB) and laminated veneer lumber (LVL). RF cures at relatively low temperature and has been widely used in making laminated products, where curing by heat is difficult due to wood’s low thermal conductivity and the thicknesses of laminated products. Since resorcinol is costly, this led to the development of a related adhesive in which some of the resorcinol is replaced by the cheaper phenol molecule, producing the phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde (PRF) adhesive. Resorcinol is highly reactive and so PRF adhesives are two-part cold setting resins. PRF adhesives are widely used in wood lamination and finger jointing (Kreibich et al. 1998). Polyurethane (PUR) adhesives are more flexible mechanically than PRF adhesives. The properties of PUR are determined by the choice of polyol, and the diisocyanate exerts some influence. Isocyanates are a type of polyurethane adhesive in that they can react with a variety of functional groups including hydroxyl groups found on cellulose, which makes them excellent for bonding wood. When isocyanates react with diols, the result is formation of a urethane bond. Isocyanates are usually low molecular weight compounds, averaging 365 MW, in 100% solids converting to liquid form (Sellers 1994). PUR 11 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives adhesives are widely used in many bonding markets due to their good strength, flexibility, impact resistance, and ability to bond different kinds of substrate. They can be used in many applications. Some PUR glues are very sensitive to water and even sensitive to the moisture in the air. These kinds of polyurethane are based on urethane pre-polymers made by reacting an excess of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) with a polyol such that a small amount of isocyanate monomer remains. Free isocyanate groups in the adhesive then react with moisture on substrate surface to complete the cure (Vick and Okkonen 1998). The reaction of isocyanate with water proceeds through intermediate steps to form urea linkages with evolution of carbon dioxide, which causes the adhesive to foam and expand and, if not properly controlled, PUR glue will react with water and become rigid. This reaction will become acute especially in high moisture environment, which may decrease the strength of the bond. Since the properties of PUR are dependent on the choice of polyol, PUR adhesives with different functional groups and molecular weight may vary significantly in terms of their behaviour. The other less common structural adhesives are polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) and melamine-formaldehyde (MF). PVAc is a typical thermoplastic adhesive that softens under heat. It is cured by solvent loss and therefore has low durability and its bond strength deteriorates at high humidity conditions. MF is a thermosetting adhesive which is cured by reacting melamine with formaldehyde to form a durable and strong bond. Unlike the phenolic-based adhesives, MF has a light colour appearance and can be formulated to cure at room temperature. It has been used in making structural wood products such as glued-laminated timber. 2.3 Potential methods of measuring adhesive penetration and adhesion force Some researchers indicated that the wood adhesive system needs to be considered at three different spatial scales: millimeter and larger, micrometer, and nanometer (Frazier 2002, Frihart 2004). Adhesive penetration is generally considered at the micro-level. Several techniques have been used to visualize the depth of the adhesive penetration. The use of X-ray to explore the properties of wood has become increasingly popular in the last few years. The major and most distinguished feature of X-ray is its non-destructive nature. X-ray is defined as electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between approximately 10-3nm and 10nm. In X-ray densitometry, the density of the wood can be obtained by subjecting a sample to X-ray radiation. Since the densities of the 12 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives adhesives and wood are different, it is possible to apply this method to measure the thickness of the glue line and adhesive penetration. During the scan, a density versus sample length curve is obtained from which the penetration depth can be measured. Morphological analysis is one of the most important factors in evaluating the quality of adhesive penetration. A new nondestructive technique, confocal fluorescent scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) or scanning laser microscopy has been put into use to characterize the topography and morphology of the surface. CSLM can provide precise quantitative measurement of the penetration of a resin into a wood substrate (Ling et al. 1998). With the aid of a fluorescent stain (or dye), CSLM can easily measure the penetration of glue, enabling us to follow the movement of stain compound in wood structure. The most distinct advantage of CSLM is in its ability to clearly resolve penetration of the adhesives into the wood cells, rays, pores etc. According to Ducker et al. (1992), the principle of confocal microscopy was first described by Young and Roberts (1951). More recently, van den Bulcke et al. (2003) studied the migration of water-borne coating into the wood substrate using confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). With the aid of a fluorescent stain or dye, CSLM can be used to distinguish the adhesive from the wood (Frihart 2005) and because of its high resolution images and optical sectioning, CSLM has proven to be a reliable tool to observe where and how deep the adhesive penetrates into the wood structure. The strength of a glue bond is dependent largely on the adhesion formed between substrate material and adhesive. Adhesion between two surfaces has been suggested to be a result of an interaction of two factors: intimate molecular contact and maximum attractive force between the components (Attard et al 1999). The concept of intimate molecular contact consists of the following theories: adsorption, diffusion, interlocking, and weak boundary. The maximum attractive force theory involves the theories of chemical bonding, acid-base, electrostatic, and weak boundary layer. While the adsorption theory is based on the rules of spreading and wetting, the diffusion and interlocking theories explain adhesion through physical contact (entanglements) and inter-penetration (anchoring). In general, these theories deal with the fact that two surfaces have to come into sufficient contact with each other so that the premises for attractive forces are met. The chemical bonding theory explains that the covalent, hydrogen, van der Waals, ionic, and metallic bonds are responsible for adhesion (Mahlberg 1999). Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is a promising tool for the investigation of interaction and adhesion between two surfaces. Noel et al. (2004) introduced the principle of the adhesion force measurement and conducted in situ estimation of the chemical and 13 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives mechanical contributions in local adhesion force measurement with AFM. Force measurements can be conducted in the contact mode or tapping mode. The system is used in detecting the deflection of a spring (or cantilever) bearing a tip at its end. The deflection of the cantilever is detected by an optical device. Thus, one can obtain a deflection distance (DD) curve. Moreover, provided that the spring constant of the cantilever (ktip) and the vertical deflection (Δz) are known, we can calculate the force (F) by using Hooke’s law, where, F = k tip Δz A schematic representation of a DD curve obtained is shown in Figure 2.1, whereby we can distinguish different zones. In zone A, the cantilever is far from the surface and stays in a state of equilibrium (no interaction with the surface). The cantilever deflection is zero. During the approach toward (or withdrawal from) the surface, the tip interacts with the sample and a jump-in (or jump-off) contact occurs (zones B (for loading) and F (for unloading)). These instabilities take place because the cantilever becomes mechanically unstable. Usually, for rigid surfaces, because of these mechanical instabilities, the jump-in contact is not significant enough to determine attractive van der Waals forces. However, the adhesion force (Fadhesion) between the tip and the sample is directly related to the jump-off (Δzjump-off) through Hooke’s relation, assuming an elastic regime. This force is calculated as follows, Fadhesion = k tip Δz jump −off Figure 2.1 - Schematic representation of a DD curve (Noel et al. 2004). 14 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Several methods have been used to study adhesion interactions between the surfaces. The simplest method is to use a normal silicon or silicon nitride AFM tip. This approach is limited and does not reflect the interaction between adhesives and wood surfaces. Recently, chemically modified AFM probes were developed and shown to be highly sensitive to the ionization state of surface functional groups. For instance, AFM carboxyl terminated probe tips have been used to probe the electrostatic properties and isoelectric point of microbial cell surfaces at high spatial resolution. D’Acunto and Ciardell (2005) investigated adhesion forces between a phospholipid (Lecithin of Soya) and a series of biodegradable polyurethanes (PUs) by means of an atomic force microscope. The force sensing capacity of the AFM means that it also can be used for measuring surface forces (Claesson et al 1996). However, measured force-distance profiles between a scanning tip and a surface will be hard to interpret due to the difficulty of determining the geometry relevant for the interaction zone. If the fine scanning tip is replaced by a probe of well defined geometry, for example a spherical colloidal particle, then this problem proves to be less severe. This technique, generally known as the "colloid probe technique" was first devised by Ducker et al (1991, 1992) and it has been deemed a powerful and popular approach (Figure 2.2). Using the colloid probe technique, Jones et al. (2002) measured the pull-off forces between flat glass or silicon surfaces and silicon AFM tips. The particles were attached to cantilevers with epoxy resin either by using a micromanipulator. Wenzler et al (1997) studied hydrogen bond interactions between hydroxyl- and thiol-terminated groups on the tip and surface by SiO2-coated AFM tips. Now the tips manufactured by "colloid probe technique" have been commercialized. Figure 2.2 - A schematic diagram of colloid probe applied in AFM (Claesson et al 1996). 15 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 3. Outline of Research Methodology The long-term goal of this project is to evaluate the appropriateness of the use of block shear strength and percent wood failure and their acceptance levels for both wet and dry use applications, and eventually make recommendations on how these protocols and criteria could be modified to more realistically reflect the performance requirements of selected end products for strength and durability of bond line. Specifically, this research is also intended to provide an understanding of the link between the shear strength, percent wood failure, glue line thickness and glue penetration for the two common types of structural adhesive: phenolic and polyurethane adhesives. Another key objective is to identify the influence of wood characteristics (species, density) and process parameters (moisture content, assembly time) on glue line thickness and penetration, and in turn on shear strength and percent wood failure. This study was conducted in three phases. Phase 1 Phase 1 focused on two adhesives, melamine formaldehyde (MF) and polyvinyl acetate (PVAc), applied on lodgepole pine and Douglas fir. It was performed to provide some initial information for the development of CSA O112.10, a ‘dry use’ equivalent of CSA O112.9. In this part of the project, glued joints were prepared for both glue penetration measurement and block shear tests. All specimens were prepared by Forintek Canada Corp. The initial part of this phase was devoted to the development of the test procedures for Confocal Fluorescent Scanning Laser Microscopy (CSLM). In this phase Micro-CT was used instead of X-ray densitometry. Essentially Micro-CT operates using X-ray radiation to measure density of a material. Micro-CT however is a more powerful technique than X-ray densitometry because it can provide a higher resolution and has the capability to recreate a three-dimensional image of a scanned object. A Micro-CT machine is available the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UNB. Glued joints were prepared with wood from two species, Douglas fir and lodgepole pine. Only one specimen was prepared for CSLM measurement. In order to get the average shear strength, 30 replicates were tested for each combination of adhesive, species and assembly time. Phase 2 Phase 2 focused on PRF and PUR applied on black spruce and hard maple. Procedures for measuring the penetration of adhesive resin into wood by using CSLM and X-ray 16 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives were developed. The main objective was to identify the influence of wood characteristics (species, density, and growth ring orientation) and process parameters (moisture content, assembly time) on glue line thickness and penetration, and in turn on shear strength and percent wood failure. The following test variables were studied in this test program: Wood characteristics – species (black spruce (Picea mariana) and hard maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.)), growth ring orientation and density Initial moisture content – 6% and 15% Temperature – 20℃ (room temperature) and 35℃ Adhesives: One phenol resorcinol formaldehyde and two polyurethanes Phase 3 Phase 3 was a separate study aimed at correlating the long-term behaviour of glued joints with that observed under various accelerated aging process such as freeze-thaw and pressure-vacuum soak. The specific objective of this phase is to evaluate the performance of glued joints that have been subjected to different exterior exposure durations and to correlate these performance characteristics to those observed under accelerated aging process. Two adhesives were used, PRF and PUR. Black spruce lumber was used as the substrate. The duration of exposure ranged from short-term to 5 years. Therefore not all test results are available at the time of writing this report, and some of the specimens will be evaluated after the end of this project. 3. Materials and Method 3.1 Materials The adhesives used in this study were Polyvinyl acetate (PVAc), Melamine formaldehyde (MF), Polyurethane (PUR) and Phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde (PRF). PVAc and MF were used in Phase 1 whereas PUR (2) and PRF were used in phase 2. The species used were Douglas fir and lodgepole pine in phase 1 and black spruce and hard maple in phase 2. For CSLM procedure, a dye was used so that the location and dimensions of the glueline and penetration in wood of the adhesive can be observed under the microscope. In this project Safranin T (C20H19ClN4) with a molecular weight of 350.85 was found to be 17 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives suitable. This dye was used for all 4 adhesives, but the solution with which it was mixed prior to adding to the adhesive solution was different, as described below. 3.2 Sample preparation 3.2.1 Preparation of the dye Preliminary work was conducted to identify a suitable dye and concentration level for use in the CSLM imaging. Literature review showed that Safranin is a suitable dye for use with wood (Rijckaert et al. 2001). For PUR, the solvent for Safranin T is N, N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) while for PRF, PVAc and MF, the solvent is distilled water. The work involved mixing the glue with the Safranin T dye aqueous solution at different weight concentrations. The concentrations were 0.5%, 0.25%, and 0.1% respectively. When preparing the test specimens, the dye solution and glue liquid were mixed at the weight ratio of 1:100. Shear block tests were carried out to identify whether the dye has any negative effect on shear strength of the glue bond, as will be discussed later. The results showed that the presence of a dye did not affect shear strength of glued wood joint. 3.2.2 Preparation of wood block for shear strength test The shear block specimens tested in phase 1 were prepared by Forintek Canada Corp. For phase 2 the shear block specimen preparation is describe below. Preparation of glued block shear specimens followed CSA Standard 0112.9-04 (CSA 2004). First, the lumber block defects such as machining defects (chipped grain, coarse knife marks etc.) and drying defects (collapse, splits etc.) and knots larger than 3mm in diameter were removed. Then the lumber was segregated into groups containing the same range of wood characteristics. Only straight-grained wood was used to prepare the test specimens. Wood with flat growth ring orientation was used in this study. The billets, which were 19mm thick x 65mm wide x 350mm along the grain, were cut from the lumber. After cutting, the billets were moved to a conditioning chamber set at the desired conditions. Then, the density of each billet was measured and labeled. The blocks of approximately the same density were assembled into two piles to be bonded with each other for shear block specimens. 18 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives The wood substrates were planed just prior to gluing in order to obtain a fresh surface which is needed for better glue penetration. Dye and adhesive were mixed at the weight ratio of 1:100. A sufficient amount of the mixed adhesive was brush-coated to each contacting surface of the laminations. The two glue-covered surfaces were then joined, thus forming a wood block. The two-piece assembly was stabilized by inserting two nails on two opposite sides of the assembly. The glued assemblies were clamped under the pressure of 0.86 MPa (125psi) at room temperature. After assembly, all the specimens were conditioned at 20°C and 65% relative humidity before cutting. The shear block specimens were prepared from the glued assemblies after conditioning. In the making of the notch on one end of the specimen, the saw cut extended through the thickness of one ply to the bond line, and on the other end the saw cut also extended through the thickness of the other ply to the bond line. Care was taken to ensure that both saw cuts did not extend beyond the bond line. The shear block glue area was 40mm x 50mm in accordance with CSA O112.9-04 standard. Five replicates were cut from each assembly. 3.2.3 Sample preparation for Micro-CT, X-ray and CSLM The specimens used for micro-CT, X-ray and CSLM were cut from near the edge of the glued billets from which the shear block specimens were cut. For micro-CT test, the specimens were cut into a size of 30mm×10mm×10mm (L×W×H). For X-ray scanning, the maximum dimensions for all the specimens were 20mm in height and 5mm in thickness, since a smaller size specimen generally provides the best results. For CSLM analysis, the specimens were cut into a size of 10mm×10mm×10mm (L×W×H). Bond line cross sections were prepared with a sliding steel-bladed microtome. The remaining dust was blown off with compressed air to make the surface as free of dust and any other debris as possible. 3.3 Development of test procedures 3.3.1 AFM As described above in 2.3, AFM is used in measuring the adhesion force. In the preliminary work, the adhesion behaviour between a wood sample and PUR adhesive was evaluated by means of AFM. We found the adhesion force decreased throughout the curing process (Figures 3.1 and 3.2). These results led us to conclude that it may be possible to use AFM as an approach to measure the adhesion force between wood and 19 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives adhesive. Figure 3.1 - Force curve between PUR and wood surface (at the beginning of curing). Figure 3.2 - Force curve between PUR and wood surface (one hour later). In the subsequent preparation of specimens for the AFM test, 0.6g PVAc, PRF, MF and PUR adhesives were mixed with 5ml acetone individually to produce diluted adhesive solutions, and the test was carried out according to the method described above in 2.3. The wood species used in these tests were black spruce, Douglas fir and lodgepole pine. From the adhesion force versus time response, the adhesion force rose at the beginning then started to drop. Since the wood surface was rough, so when doing the scan the force between the wood surface and the tip varied a lot. The ideal situation is to obtain the force of the adhesive within the same scanned surface area during adhesive curing. However, since we used contact tip for the measurement, the tip would move from one area to another on the wood surface during the scan, it was impossible to obtain the exact force value. Moreover, the PUR adhesives we used in these tests were fast-curing, it was very sensitive to water and even moisture in the air. It usually cured too fast to catch the adhesion force. So in the rest of the project, AFM was not pursued. 20 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 3.3.2 Micro-CT Micro-CT was used in this project in an attempt to measure the glue line thickness and glue penetration into wood. The specimens were analyzed using a Micro-CT Skyscan Model 1072. An appropriate methodology was developed (e.g., 7 images from -3 to +3 degree and cross the glue line to -1/2 to +1/2 thickness of glue line). The specimens were placed inside the scanning chamber individually. A direct transmission image was produced when the X-ray was turned on. The X-ray transmission images of the reconstructed glue line could be viewed. The image taken when the X-ray was perpendicular to the glue line contained the most narrow glue line. It was chosen to present the real thickness of the glue line. In order to facilitate the determination of the penetration thickness, a scale bar (steel wire with known precise diameter) was attached to the samples. In this way, the thickness of the glue line and penetration depth could be obtained. By selecting the proposed area for analysis, the density profile was obtained in terms of gray level of the images. As a result, based on the change of the gray level value of the images from the wood substrate to glue itself, the thickness of the glue line and penetration were obtained. Figure 3.3 shows the CT image of a MF glue line and the scale bar. ImageJ software was used to analyze the images. The output from the analysis software was such that density would increase when gray value decreased, and vice versa. A cross section of the glue line from point A to point F was selected (shown in Figure 3.3). The corresponding data was analysed to provide the thickness profile, as shown in Figure 3.4. When filled with an adhesive, the density of wood cells should be higher than that without adhesive. Since higher density meant lower gray value, wood itself had the highest gray value whereas the adhesive had the lowest. From the data, it was obvious that AB and EF represent the wood substrate whereas CD represents the glue line. Correspondingly, BC and DE represent the glue penetration on each side of the glue line. The thickness of the scale bar was 0.1651mm. By using ImageJ software, the scale bar was found to be 34 pixels thick. So each pixel was 4.86μm wide. The number of pixels of each line and corresponding thickness are given in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 - Penetration and glue line thickness Region No of pixels Thickness (μm) BC 12 58 CD 6 29 DE 16 78 For each specimen, up to 10 cross sections were selected so that the average value could be obtained. As an illustration, for the MF specimen shown in Figure 3.3 the thickness of 21 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives the glue line was 18μm and the penetration of the glue into the wood was 58μm and 72μm on each side of the glue line, respectively, which generated an average of 65+7μm in penetration thickness. The density of glue line was the highest, followed by the glue-penetrated wood and then the wood itself had the lowest density. Figure 3.3 Micro-CT image for MF glue line and penetration. 160 Gray Value 150 A 140 B E 130 F 120 110 100 C 90 D 80 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Distance (pixels) Figure 3.4 Data for the cross section from A to F for glue line in Figure 3.3. 3.3.3 X-ray densitometry During the course of the project, an X-ray densitometer was installed at UNB and work was conducted to evaluate the possibility of using of X-ray densitometer in place of Micro-CT, which has been found to be rather expensive and tedious to use. Preliminary 22 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives work indicated that X-ray can provide sufficient resolution for characterizing the glue line thickness and glue penetration into wood. Therefore a decision was made to use the X-ray machine instead of micro-CT for the rest of this project. Figure 3.5 shows scanned data from X-ray densitometry. The sample was coded MF MAX ASSEMBLY BLACK SPRUCE, which was prepared by Forintek. The thickness of the glue line and the penetration could be obtained based on the differences in glue and wood density, similar to the approach for Micro-CT. In Figure 3.5, the x-axis is the measurement location along a straight line going across the glue line. Since the wood had the lowest density while the glue had the highest, it is clear that AB and EF represent the wood. Regions BC and DE are areas of wood where glue penetrated while CD is the glue line proper. From the calibrated machine measurements, the thickness of the glue line (CD) is 0.06mm, while the penetration of MF in this case is 120μm (BC) and 80μm (DE). 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 6.20 6.40 6.60 6.80 7.00 0.00 200.00 A B E F 400.00 600.00 800.00 1000.00 1200.00 C D Figure 3.5 X-ray measurement of sample MF MAX ASSEMBLY BLACK SPRUCE. 3.3.4 CSLM CSLM is used to identify the location of glue in wood, glue line thickness and the thickness of glue-penetrated wood. Literature review has identified Safranin and Toluidine Blue as possible candidate dyes. Preliminary tests have suggested that Safranin was a suitable dye to be used with polyvinyl acetates (PVAc), phenol resorcinol formaldehyde (PRF), melamine formaldehyde (MF) and Polyurethane (PUR). Before it was used, there was some concern about the influence of the dye on shear strength of glue joint. To address this concern, glue block shear specimens were prepared and tested. Three adhesives were used, PVAc, PRF and MF. Three groups of ten specimens with dye and three groups without dye were prepared and tested. The wood used was black spruce. Table 3.2 shows the mean shear strength and coefficient of variation for the test groups. 23 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Results in Table 3.2 confirm that the presence of the Safranin dye had no negative influence on the shear strength of PVAc, PRF and MF bonded joints. It was also noted that shear strengths of PRF and MF joints were substantially higher than that of PVAc joint. Table 3.2 – Summary statistics of block shear strength for PVAc, PRF and MF adhesives. Adhesive With dye (MPa) Without dye (MPa) PVAc 6.53 (4%) 5.52 (4%) PRF 9.75 (1%) 10.61 (1%) MF 9.27 (5%) 9.00 (5%) Note : Value in parentheses is coefficient of variation. After it has been confirmed that the dye has no effect on shear strengths of glued joints, dyed samples were prepared and examined under CSLM. The CSLM measurements were performed in the Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility at UNB using a Leica DM IRE2 confocal laser scanning microscope. The surface of the wood sample containing the glue line was microtomed to enhance image quality. The images were obtained at a wavelength of 488nm or 514nm with different magnifications ranging from 10× up to 150×. By altering the gain and offset options, more precise images can be obtained as they are associated with the two power and resolution levels. All pictures were taken at the slowest scan speed of 200 Hz, as a slower scan allows for a greater collection of information. The resolution of the pictures was set to 1024kb ×1024kb. Figure 3.6 shows a microtomed wood block sample with PRF as glue. The image was taken at 51% laser power and a 488 nm wavelength. The dark green area represents the wood fluorescing whereas the bright green line in the middle represents the fluorescing contributed from the glue line. Clearly, the penetration depth of the glue was only about 2-3 diameter of cells. Since the diameter of one wood cell is about 12-20μm, we could conclude that the penetration of PRF was about 24-60 μm. Fluorescent microscopy has proved to be a powerful instrument in investigating the interaction between wood and wood adhesive at the micro-level. In this study, it is used as a method of identifying the location of the glue in the wood cellular structure and measuring the dimensions of the glue line including its thickness and the depth of penetration into wood. 24 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Figure 3.6 - PRF glue line fluorescing under CSLM (microtomed). 3.4 Details of three phases of study 3.4.1 Phase 1 Phase 1 was initiated after a project meeting with industrial representatives on August 12, 2005. At that time, Forintek Canada Corp was conducting research work as part of another Value to Wood FCC26 for the development of CSA O112.10, the dry use counterpart of CSA O112.9. The industry felt that the resource of this project should be utilized to provide some information on the influence of glue penetration on strength of glued joints. The Forintek project used two adhesives, polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) and melamine-formaldehyde (MF), and two wood species, Douglas fir and lodgepole pine. These were retained for this project. As was recommended by the Industrial Working Group, this project evaluated the glue line characteristics using CSLM and Micro-CT for the glued specimens prepared and evaluated by Forintek West as part of the FCC26 project which was developing technical data in support of the drafting of CSA O112.10. As a result, instruction to prepare glued wood specimens with a dye was given to Forintek West, so that the glue line characteristics of their specimens can be evaluated using CSLM at UNB. The test parameters are summarized in Table 3.3. The maximum and minimum assembly times were as recommended by the adhesive manufacturers. Note that the FCC26 program of work only covered Douglas fir and Lodgepole pine. Forintek West performed the shear 25 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives strength test on these specimens and measured their percent wood failure. The shear strength and percent wood failure of the black spruce specimens were determined by UNB. Table 3.3 – Schedule of test specimens evaluated using CSLM and Micro-CT. Resin Wood Assembly time Number of billet Species assemblies MF Black Spruce* Max 2 MF Black Spruce* Min 2 MF Douglas Fir Max 1 MF Douglas Fir Min 1 MF Lodgepole Pine Max 1 MF Lodgepole Pine Min 1 PVA Black Spruce* Max 1 PVA Black Spruce* Min 1 PVA Douglas Fir Max 1 PVA Douglas Fir Min 1 PVA Lodgepole Pine Max 1 PVA Lodgepole Pine Min 1 *Specimens prepared and tested by UNB. 3.4.2 Phase 2 At the Industry Working Group meeting in 2005, the members felt that it would be useful to understand the influence of wood characteristics such as wood density, wood moisture content and ring orientation on penetration of PRF and PUR in wood. This is the prime objective of Phase 2. Two species were included, black spruce and hard maple, which are species covered by CSA O112.9 for evaluating structural adhesives. One PRF and two PUR adhesives were included. In order to understand the influence of wood density on adhesive penetration, the density range was divided into three zones. They were (1) 0.49 - 0.52; (2) 0.44 - 0.48; (3) 0.38 0.43 for black spruce. For hard maple, the ranges were (1) 0.52 - 0.57; (2) 0.57 - 0.63; (3) 0.63 - 0.68. These specimens were prepared with flat-sawn boards and the growth rings of the two substrates were always parallel to each other as shown in lay-ups #1 to #4 in Figure 3.7. In Figure 3.7, the red line represents the growth ring. In addition to wood density the influence of growth ring orientation was also studied. Lay-ups #5 to #7 in Figure 3.7 illustrate how this effect was studied in this project. For #4, the wood blocks were cut in between the latewood so that when gluing these two surfaces together, the 26 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives glue line was in the latewood. (note this was found to be difficult to achieve in practice, so this lay-up was not studied.) In #5, the growth rings on the one wood block were perpendicular to the growth rings on the other wood block. In #6, one substrate was cut to obtain a 45 degree growth ring angle, which was then bonded to the other wood block whose growth rings are parallel to the bonding surface. For #7, each wood substrate had growth rings with small curvature. The growth ring orientation effect was studied using black spruce specimens only. Since PUR adhesive is a relatively new group of adhesives used in structural wood applications, published information on their behaviour is rather limited. Therefore two PUR adhesives from two manufacturers were included in this project. In addition, since the penetrating ability of PUR adhesives is thought to be rather low compared with the traditional phenolic-based adhesives, for each PUR adhesive two adhesive temperatures during specimen fabrication were used, at room temperature and at 35EC in an attempt to provide adhesives with different viscosity and therefore penetration characteristics. For PRF, only one adhesive was used. In this case, instead of temperature two assembly times were included, maximum and minimum, according to the adhesive manufacturer’s recommendations. The minimum assembly time was 12 minutes which consisted of 6 minutes of open time and 6 minutes of close time. For maximum assembly time the total was 60 minutes consisting of 30 minutes of open time and 30 minutes of close time. For the influence of moisture content, two initial wood moisture contents were covered, 6% and 15%. However in order to avoid the influence of wood MC on strength properties, all specimens were conditioned to 12% MC before testing. Table 3.4 presents the test program to evaluate the influence of wood density, initial wood moisture content and preparation condition (i.e. assembly time or temperature) for black spruce. Table 3.5 is the corresponding program for hard maple. Table 3.6 shows the test program to evaluate the influence of growth ring orientation using black spruce as the substrate. All the shear tests were performed under wet condition after vacuum-pressure-soak, by Forintek Canada Corp. 27 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Figure 3.7 - Samples with different growth ring orientations. 28 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Table 3.4 – Schedule of tests for evaluating influence of wood characteristics on bond performance for black spruce. Initial Temp of Number of specimens Total no. Wood wood glue or per density range Adhesive of Species MC Assembly 0.38-0.43 0.44-0.48 0.49-0.52 specimen time (%) Min 5 5 5 15 6 Max 5 5 5 15 PRF Min 5 5 5 15 15 Max 5 5 5 15 35EC 5 5 5 15 6 Black PUR1 RT 5 5 5 15 spruce 35EC 5 5 5 15 15 RT 5 5 5 15 35EC 5 5 5 15 6 PUR2 RT 5 5 5 15 35EC 5 5 5 15 15 RT 5 5 5 15 Table 3.5 - Schedule of tests for evaluating influence of wood characteristics on bond performance for hard maple. Initial Temp of Number of specimens Total no. Wood wood glue or per wood density range Adhesive of Species MC Assembly 0.52-0.57 0.58-0.63 0.64-0.68 Specimens (%) time Min 5 5 5 15 6 Max 5 5 5 15 PRF Min 5 5 5 15 15 Max 5 5 5 15 35EC 5 5 5 15 6 PUR1 RT 5 5 5 15 Hard Maple 35EC 5 5 5 15 15 RT 5 5 5 15 35EC 5 5 5 15 6 RT 5 5 5 15 PUR2 35EC 5 5 5 15 15 RT 5 5 5 15 29 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Table 3.6 - Schedule of tests for evaluating influence of growth ring orientation on bond performance. Initial Growth Temp of Number of wood Species Adhesive ring orientation glue specimens MC (EC) (Medium density) (degree) (%) RT 5 PUR1 6 90 35 5 Black RT 5 PUR1 6 45-90 spruce 35 5 RT 5 PUR1 6 45 35 5 3.4.3 Phase 3 The long-term performance of an adhesive joint is often predicted using an accelerated aging protocol. In CSA O112.9 for example, two accelerated aging protocols are given. The first protocol involves subjecting dry glued block shear test specimens to a pressure-vacuum-soak procedure and then testing the shear block specimens while they are wet. In the second protocol, known as boil-dry-freeze test, the dry glued block shear specimens are subjected to eight cycles of boiling for 4 h, oven-drying at 60 ± 3 °C for 19 ± 1 h, and then placing in a freezer tunnel maintained at less than –30 °C for at least 4 h. At the end of the eight cycles, the block shear specimens were again tested wet. These protocols, or slightly varied version of these, have been in use for decades to evaluating long-term performance of adhesive joints of primarily phenolic-base adhesives as these were the traditional ‘wet’ use structural adhesives. While these protocols are considered to provide adequate long-term performance for phenolic-based adhesives, it is of interest to evaluate their suitability for the new generation of adhesives such as PUR. This is the goal of phase 3 of this project. Specifically the objectives of phase 3 are: To evaluate the long-term performance of PRF (as control) and PUR joints. To relate the long-term performance of PRF and PUR joints with those subjected to accelerated aging protocols in CSA O112.9. To achieve these objectives the following procedure was followed. A sample of short 2x3 black spruce lumber pieces was obtained from an I-joist manufacturer in New Brunswick. The lumber was of flange stock quality. For each adhesive, 120 pieces of 8 ft long finger joined lumber, and 60 pieces of 2 ft long 2-ply edge-glued joints were fabricated at a 30 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives commercial finger-jointing facility. The 2-ply edge-glued joints were cut into two end-matched pieces. The 120 pieces of finger joint specimens were separated into 6 groups, one as short-term control group and the other 5 groups were exposed to different duration of outdoor condition in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Figure 3.8. The outdoor exposure durations were 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 months and 60 months as shown in Table 3.7. These 6 groups are coded E1 to E6 respectively. Ten 2-ply joints were also subjected to outdoor exposure at the same site as the finger joint specimens. At the end of each target exposure time, one group of 20 finger joints and one shear block specimen was cut from each of the ten 2-ply joint for tension and block shear test respectively. Tension tests were conducted according to ASTM D198 (2004) whereas block shear test was conducted according to CSA O112.9 (CSA 2004). The other finger joint specimens and the remaining section of the 2-ply joints were left at the site for continuation of the exposure condition until the next target exposure time was reached. At that time, the same sampling and testing was performed. Each of the other 10 end-match 2-ply joints was cut into seven shear block specimens, which provided 7 groups (A1 to A7) of 10 specimens for varying levels of accelerated aging according to the protocols in CSA O112.9 for pressure-vacuum-soak and boil-fry-freeze conditions, as shown in Table 3.7. After the accelerated aging process, these specimens were tested for shear strength. These will be compared with the outdoor exposed shear specimens, and with the finger joint strength. Analysis of these test results will provide an indication of whether the accelerated aging protocols are appropriate for predicting long-term bond performance of PRF and PUR joints. Table 3.7 – Long-term and accelerated aging test program. Exterior exposure Group No. finger of Accelerated aging in laboratory No. of 2-ply Duration Group shear No. of 2-ply Conditioning and condition at 2/ shear joints test 1/ joints joints E1 20 10 0 month A1 10 CSA O112.9 - wet E2 20 10 3 months A2 10 CSA O112.9 boil-freeze, 2 cycles – wet E3 20 10 6 months A3 10 CSA O112.9 boil-freeze, 2 cycles – dry E4 20 10 12 A4 10 months E5 20 10 24 cycles – wet A5 10 months E6 20 10 60 CSA O112.9 boil-freeze, 8 CSA O112.9 boil-freeze, 8 cycles – dry A6 10 CSA O112.9 31 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives months pressure-vacuum-soak - wet A7 10 CSA O112.9 pressure-vacuum-soak - dry Figure 3.8 - Outdoor exposure site for finger joint and 2-ply glued joint specimens. 4. Results and Discussion 4.1 Phase 1 This phase evaluated the adhesive penetration and glueline thickness of glued joint prepared with MF and PVAc. These two adhesives were used as ‘reference’ adhesives in the Forintek project on the development of evaluation protocol in evaluating structural adhesives for use under limited exposure conditions (CSA O112.10). The two species evaluated were lodgepole pine and Douglas fir and all specimens were prepared by Forintek Canada Corp, who also performed the block shear tests as part of its project to develop CSA O112.10. Black spruce glued joint specimens were also prepared by UNB for evaluation of glueline thickness and penetration. Shear test was not performed on black spruce specimens. Only one specimen was used for glue penetration measurement. For block shear test, 32 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives there were 30 specimens tested for each combination of adhesive, species and assembly time (maximum and minimum). Table 4.1 summarizes the results from the glue penetration measurement and shear tests. Shown in Table 4.1 are the glue penetration values measured on both side of the glue line, shear strength and number of shear specimens that had less than 100% wood failure. For glue penetration measurements, both the range and mean penetration are given on each side of the glue line. It was found necessary to report glue penetration on both sides of the glue line because there was a large difference in glue penetration on either side of the glue line. It was later confirmed that the substrate on the lower side of the joint during clamping and glue curing generally had a deeper glue penetration. This is illustrated in Figure 4.1. Possibly, gravity carried the glue deeper into the wood, facilitated by clamping pressure, on the lower side substrate compared with the substrate above the glue plane. Figure 4.1 - Glue penetration measurement using CSLM for MF/DF/Max assembly time specimen. 33 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Table 4.1 – Glue penetration and shear test results. Adhesive/ Penetration Assembly on the Time/ lower side Species (μm) MF / Max Average penetration on the lower side (μm) Penetration on the upper side (μm) Average penetration on the 50-190 95 50-250 140 37.5-150 45 50-625 270 10-75 25 50-275 105 15-100 60 12.5-100 55 12.5-50 25 12.5-100 30 12.5-50 20 10-112.5 50 12.5-87.5 25 12.5-100 35 12.5-75 40 PVAc / BS 10 - 25 22 10 - 25 16 MF /BS 26 - 130 80 20 - 95 57 LP MF / Max / DF MF / Min / DF PVAc / Max / DF PVAc/ Min/ DF PVAc / Max/ LP PVAc / Min/ LP (mm) Percent of Shear strength* (MPa) (μm) 150 MF / Min / thickness upper side 75-300 / LP Glueline specimens below 100% wood failure 59 11.95 23.3% (1.46) 61 11.73 30.0% (1.51) 41 11.57 33.3% (1.35) 39 11.30 26.7% (1.51) 40 11.55 16.7% (1.41) 21 11.54 43.3% (1.35) 13 12.00 20.0% (1.27) 57 11.61 13.3% (1.31) 20 -- -- 10 -- -- * Mean with standard deviation given in parentheses. 34 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Figure 4.2 – MF black spruce CSLM micrograph. Figure 4.3 – PVAc black spruce CSLM micrograph. The results for black spruce are discussed here first. Figure 4.2 shows the penetration of MF adhesive in black spruce. The bright green area represents the adhesive penetration and the bulk glue line. Black spruce also fluoresces itself. However, the wood is clearly distinguishable from the MF adhesive which provides a brighter green color under CSLM. The green solid line between the two pieces of wood is the glue line. Flow of adhesive into rays can also be observed. Figure 4.2 illustrates a good penetration of MF adhesive into the lumen of tracheids and rays. The glue penetration into the wood was measured to be about 4 cell rows deep. The MF adhesive also penetrates into some tracheids next to the rays. It seems that the adhesive entered these tracheids via rays. The penetration depth of MF adhesive ranged from 26μm to 130μm and from 20μm to 95μm respectively on the lower and upper side of the glue line for this specific specimen. In contrast, PVAc exhibited a lower glue penetration into the wood, as illustrated in Figure 4.3. The penetration was observed to be 1 to 2 cells deep which corresponds to 10μm to 25μm. However, PVAc gave a glue line which was twice as thick as the MF glue line, Table 4.1. Significant differences were observed between these two adhesives in black spruce. The penetration of MF glue into the wood was much deeper than that of PVAc. Less penetration of PVAc can be explained in terms of adhesion mechanism. The PVAc used in this project was in a solution containing an acidic solvent with a catalyst. PVAc chains become less mobile and eventually transform into a solid adhesive layer (or film) when the solvent evaporates, thus adsorbing into the wood substrate (Frazier 2004). This kind of mechanism causes PVAc to form a thick glue line and achieve lower penetration depth than that of MF. MF used in this work was a pre-catalyzed, dry powder. The melamine resin requires only the addition of water to complete the adhesive mix. It is a high 35 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives temperature setting adhesive. When heated, MF reacts into a highly cross-linking network structure and becomes rigid. The higher temperature experienced by the adhesive prior to curing likely facilitates the penetration of the adhesive into wood, as it lowers the viscosity of the resin. Figures 4.4 to 4.7 show respectively images of MF/Douglas fir, PVAc/Douglas fir, MF/lodgepole pine and PVAc/lodgepole pine captured by CSLM. The numerical results are shown in Table 4.1. Figure 4.4 – MF / Douglas fir CSLM micrograph. Figure 4.5 - PVAc / Douglas fir CSLM micrograph. Figure 4.6 - MF / lodgepole pine CSLM micrograph. Figure 4.7 - PVAc / lodgepole pine CSLM micrograph. It can be noted from Table 4.1 that the shear strengths of all groups are similar, but there 36 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives is a large variation in glue penetration and percent wood failure characteristics. As in the case of black spruce, glue penetration of MF is about 3 to 4 times larger than that for PVAc. Douglas fir specimens generally had a large difference between upper and lower side substrates. For lodgepole pine, the difference between glue penetrations in upper and lower substrates is relatively small. The largest glue penetration was achieved for both adhesives in Douglas fir at the maximum assembly time. The effect of glue penetration on shear strength and percent wood failure of glue joint can be better understood by studying Figures 4.8 to 4.11. Figures 4.8 and 4.9 provide the shear strength and gluing characteristics results. As stated above, glue penetration for MF is a few times greater than that for PVAc, therefore glue penetration appears to have little impact on dry shear strength. For both adhesives, lodgepole pine specimens achieved a higher shear strength than Douglas fir. For MF adhesive, the specimens fabricated using maximum assembly time generally achieved a higher shear strength than those fabricated using minimum assembly time. Figures 4.8 and 4.9 also suggest that there is no correlation between glue line thickness and shear strength, although the range of glue line thickness obtained in this project may be too narrow to draw any general conclusions. For percent wood failure results shown in Figures 4.10 and 4.11, there is no specific trend that can be detected with the gluing parameters. The conclusions that can be drawn from this phase are: 1. Dry shear strength of lodgepole pine specimens is higher than Douglas fir specimens for both adhesive. 2. There is a large difference in substrate glue penetration for spruce and Douglas fir, but not for lodgepole pine. 3. Glue penetration of MF is about 3 to 4 times that of PVAc for all three species. 4. For MF adhesive, specimens fabricated using maximum assembly time generally achieve a higher shear strength than those fabricated using minimum assembly time. 37 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives MF Adhesive - Shear strength 11.90 300 11.80 250 Shear strength (Mpa) Thickness (micro m) 11.70 11.60 200 11.50 150 11.40 11.30 100 11.20 50 11.10 0 11.00 DF/Min Lower side penetration DF/Max LP/Min Species/Assembly time Upper side penetration Glueline thickness LP/Max Shear strength (MPa) Figure 4.8 - MF gluing characteristics and shear strength results. PVA Adhesive - Shear strength 60 12.10 12.00 50 11.80 30 11.70 11.60 20 Shear strength (Mpa) Thickness (micro m) 11.90 40 11.50 10 11.40 0 11.30 DF/Min Lower side penetration DF/Max LP/Min Species/Assembly time Upper side penetration Glueline thickness LP/Max Shear strength (MPa) Figure 4.9 - PVAc gluing characteristics and shear strength results. 38 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives MF Adhesive - Wood failure 300 30% Thickness (micro m) 250 25% 200 20% 150 15% 100 10% 50 5% 0 Percent below 100% wood failure 35% 0% DF/Min DF/Max LP/Min Species/Assembly time LP/Max Lower side penetration Upper side penetration Glueline thickness Percent of specimen below 100% wood failure Figure 4.10 - MF gluing characteristics and percent wood failure results. PVA Adhesive - Wood failure 50% 60 Thickness (micro m) 40% 35% 40 30% 30 25% 20% 20 15% 10% 10 Percent below 100% wood failure 45% 50 5% 0 0% DF/Min Lower side penetration Glueline thickness DF/Max LP/Min Species/Assembly time LP/Max Upper side penetration Percent of specimen below 100% wood failure Figure 4.11 - PVAc gluing characteristics and percent wood failure results. 39 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 4.2 Phase 2 4.2.1 CSLM and shear test results for PUR1(T) and PUR2(N) Specimens with flat growth ring orientation Tables 4.2 - 4.5 summarize the results from the glue penetration measurement and shear tests. Shown in Tables 4.2 – 4.5 are the penetration values measured on both sides of the glue line by CSLM, glue line thickness, shear strength and percent wood failure. The effect of wood characteristics and processing parameters on glue penetration on shear strength can be better understood by studying Figures 4.12 - 4.23. Note that the first number in the group code name (e.g. 1T6HT) refers to the density range (1, 2 or 3), the second letter refers to the PUR adhesive manufacturer (T or N), the third number is the moisture content of wood, and the last two letters refer to the temperature of the adhesive at fabrication (RT or HT). In the following discussion the results from black spruce are discussed first, followed by those for hard maple. PUR1(T) and PUR2(N) – spruce Tables 4.2 and 4.3 summarize the statistics for CSLM and shear test results obtained from black spruce specimens fabricated with PUR1(T) and PUR2(N) adhesive respectively. In general, PUR2(N) specimens have a slightly higher average wet shear strength. 40 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Table 4.2 Results of the glue measurement and shear test - PUR1(T) / spruce. Penetration Specimen on the lower side (μm) 1T6HT 1T6RT 2T6HT 2T6RT 3T6HT 3T6RT 1T15HT 1T15RT 2T15HT 2T15RT 3T15HT 3T15RT 1/ 40.39 204.46 25.26 183.17 9.00 150.26 30.00 132.90 22.90 78.59 21.20 177.55 25.50 175.80 41.33 140.16 33.04 183.50 42.69 161.24 19.50 127.50 12.09 89.22 Average penetration on the lower side (μm) 60.59 62.88 44.43 46.14 39.72 45.92 77.53 67.29 75.52 73.34 58.87 41.68 Penetration on the upper side (μm) 12.8219.50 15.26 66.32 15.00 85.27 13.02 72.03 Average penetration Glue line on the thickness upper side (μm) (μm) 15.16 19.14 21.12 27.73 3.00 - 8.79 12.36 19.49 72.09 12.00 64.43 23.68 171.00 16.50 64.08 21.00 135.00 6.00 22.50 12.32 63.00 29.93 20.39 62.24 22.17 44.24 16.59 36.98 33.32 – 41.07 19.19 – 26.81 8.78 – 11.07 30.21 – 53.09 46.17 – 73.46 19.69 – 37.94 29.70 – 40.87 25.90 – 30.63 12.48 – 23.20 21.05 – 29.52 23.81 – 54.77 10.05 – 14.04 Average glue line thickness (μm) 38.03 22.44 10.13 41.09 64.57 24.28 31.20 27.80 15.22 23.98 43.33 11.41 Shear strength (MPa)1/ Percent wood failure (%)2/ 4.4 10 (0.2) (5) 4.6 7 (0.2) (5) 4.7 27 (0.3) (5) 4.0 50 (0.3) (5) 4.6 14 (0.5) (5) 5.9 15 (0.5) (5) 4.9 69 (0.1) (5) 4.9 5 (0.2) (5) 4.7 43 (0.3) (5) 5.1 12 (0.4) (5) 4.9 72 (0.4) (5) 4.9 4 (0.3) (5) 2/ Mean with standard deviation given in parentheses; Number of samples that had less than 100% wood failure given in parentheses. 41 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Table 4.3 Results of the glue penetration measurement and shear test - PUR2(N) / spruce. Penetration Specimen on the lower side (μm) 1N6HT 1N6RT 2N6HT 2N6RT 3N6HT 3N6RT 1N15HT 1N15RT 2N15HT 2N15RT 3N15HT 3N15RT 1/ 18.80 – 170.77 18.13 – 152.10 12.00 – 73.25 18.06 – 155.54 13.83 – 81.30 8.08 – 81.01 16.22 – 85.52 14.42 – 81.06 12.09 – 190.64 10.50 – 50.76 12.82 – 45.70 12.37 – 75.68 Average penetration on the lower side (μm) 63.86 35.43 49.29 35.38 51.03 31.13 29.21 35.68 33.68 22.36 25.23 21.43 Penetration on the upper side (μm) 15.00 – 150.40 12.09 – 86.54 Average penetration Glue line on the thickness upper side (μm) (μm) 44.93 27.42 6.00 – 9.37 20.12 12.00 – 71.64 6.19 – 28.46 9.00 – 78.70 7.50 24.97 15.00 – 63.30 12.82 – 65.74 7.65 – 56.00 11.72 – 35.65 7.50 – 31.50 13.74 14.45 14.96 12.02 21.61 29.47 11.89 19.69 11.55 24.01 – 36.00 16.55 – 30.03 15.68 – 23.25 20.67 – 44.39 15.93 – 32.74 23.25 – 26.69 54.12 – 95.62 35.57 – 51.23 28.31 – 39.00 47.41 – 56.99 38.62 – 53.22 39.46 – 90.95 Average glue line thickness (μm) 30.49 24.19 18.51 31.43 25.19 25.21 72.42 45.96 31.20 51.04 46.02 48.43 Shear strength (MPa)1/ Percent wood failure (%)2/ 5.3 28 (0.2) (5) 4.6 27 (0.3) (5) 5.5 23 (0.3) (5) 4.7 28 (0.4) (5) 5.1 20 (0.2) (5) 5.0 10 (0.2) (5) 4.5 96 (0.3) (2) 4.9 19 (0.2) (5) 5.3 91 (0.3) (5) 5.4 22 (0.3) (5) 5.9 18 (0.3) (5) 5.1 11 (0.5) (5) 2/ Mean with standard deviation given in parentheses; Number of samples that had less than 100% wood failure given in parentheses. 42 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives different density 80.00 70.00 6.0 80.00 7.0 5.0 70.00 6.0 40.00 3.0 30.00 2.0 thick ness (micro n) 4.0 50.00 Shear strength (MPa) 20.00 60.00 5.0 50.00 4.0 40.00 3.0 30.00 2.0 20.00 1.0 10.00 0.00 0.0 1T6HT lower side penetration 2T6HT upper side penetration 0.00 3T6HT glue line thickness 1.0 10.00 0.0 1T6RT lower side penetration Shear strength upper side penetration 3T6RT glue line thickness 90.00 90.00 6.0 6.0 80.00 80.00 5.0 3.0 40.00 30.00 2.0 20.00 1.0 thickness (micron) 4.0 50.00 Shear strength (MPa) 60.00 5.0 70.00 70.00 60.00 4.0 50.00 3.0 40.00 30.00 2.0 20.00 1.0 10.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.0 1T15HT lower side penetration 2T15HT upper side penetration Shear strength different density different density thickness (micron) 2T6RT 3T15HT glue line thickness Shear strength (MPa) Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) 60.00 Shear streng th (M Pa) different density 0.0 1T15RT lower side penetration 2T15RT upper side penetration 3T15RT glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.12 Effect of wood density on gluing characteristics and shear properties for PUR1(T) / spruce. 43 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 6.0 50.00 5.0 40.00 4.0 30.00 3.0 20.00 2.0 10.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 lower side penetration 2N6HT upper side penetration 50.00 6.0 40.00 5.0 4.0 30.00 3.0 20.00 2.0 10.00 3N6HT glue line thickness 1.0 0.0 0.00 1N6RT Shear strength lower side penetration different density upper side penetration 3N6RT glue line thickness Shear strength different density 60.00 6.0 6.0 50.00 5.0 40.00 4.0 30.00 3.0 20.00 2.0 10.00 1.0 5.0 60.00 50.00 4.0 40.00 3.0 30.00 2.0 20.00 1.0 10.00 0.00 0.0 1N15HT lower side penetration 2N15HT upper side penetration 3N15HT glue line thickness thickness (micron) 7.0 80.00 Shear strength (MPa) 90.00 70.00 thickness (micron) 2N6RT 0.00 0.0 1N15RT Shear strength Shear strength (MPa) 1N6HT thickness (micron) 7.0 60.00 Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) 70.00 Shear strength (MPa) different density different density lower side penetration 2N15RT upper side penetration 3N15RT glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.13 Effect of density on glue penetration and glue line thickness - PUR2(N) / spruce. From Figures 4.12 and 4.13, it can be seen that the specimens with the lowest density achieve the deepest glue penetration. This is true for both PUR adhesives. There is a significant difference in penetration depths between the two substrates of each joint. The substrate on the lower side during fabrication had a deeper penetration than that on the upper side of the joint. There is no clear relationship between glue line thickness and wood density, nor with shear strength. The shaded bar shows the mean shear strength of each group. There appears to be a trend, albeit a weak one, that penetration depth has some effects on the shear strength. Shear strength increases slightly as glue penetration depth decreases. When examining the images captured by CSLM, it was noticed that some specimens, notably those from the lowest density range 1, had a starved/hollow glue line. This indicates over-penetration of glue. This could explain why those having the deepest penetration got the lowest shear strength. However this trend may be misleading as the change in shear strength is likely due to the increase in wood density rather than the lower glue penetration. The influence of initial wood moisture content is illustrated in Figures 4.14 and 4.15. 44 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Results show that the joints fabricated with a higher initial wood MC (15%) during fabrication generally achieve higher shear strength than those with a lower initial MC. The exceptions are the two groups for PUR2(N) at HT. This result is perhaps not surprising given that curing of PUR adhesives requires the presence of moisture. Despite this, wood MC appears to have opposing effect on glue penetration and glue line thickness for the two PUR adhesives. For PUR1(T) the higher MC leads to higher penetration and generally thinner glue line. However the opposite trends are observed for PUR2(N). Therefore the higher shear strength was likely not a result of the difference in glue penetration. Reviewing the percent wood failure results in Table 4.2 and 4.3 shows that the percent wood failure for both adhesives is generally higher for the higher MC groups, especially at HT. The influence of glue temperature during fabrication is presented in Figures 4.16 and 4.17. Temperature seems to have little effects on the penetration depth or shear strength. No clear trend is observed even for groups of one adhesive. For instance for PUR1(T) the glue penetration decreases as temperature increases for the 6% MC group. However the opposite is observed at 15% MC. This lack of trend applies to all parameters. The reason for this is probably because while increasing temperature has the potential of increasing glue penetration because it lowers the viscosity of the adhesive, it also increases the reactivity of the glue, which may hinder the penetration of the glue. Different PUR glue formulations probably are influenced to a different degree by these two conflicting factors. Overall increasing temperature to increase glue penetration may not be an effective approach for PUR adhesives. Percent wood failure is usually taken as an indication of the strength of the glue bond, with a higher percent wood failure indicating that the glue bonds are stronger than the wood itself. However, it is not always correlated with shear strength. From Tables 4.2 and 4.3, specimens with 15% initial MC generally have a higher percent wood failure than those at 6% MC. 45 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives different MC 90.00 6.0 80.00 5.0 60.00 4.0 50.00 3.0 40.00 30.00 2.0 Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) 70.00 20.00 1.0 10.00 0.00 0.0 1T6HT 1T15HT lower side penetration 2T6HT 2T15HT upper side penetration 3T6HT 3T15HT glue line thickness Shear strength different MC 7.0 90.00 80.00 thickness (micron) 5.0 60.00 50.00 4.0 40.00 3.0 30.00 2.0 Shear strength (MPa) 6.0 70.00 20.00 1.0 10.00 0.0 0.00 1T6RT 1T15RT lower side penetration 2T6RT 2T15RT upper side penetration 3T6RT glue line thickness 3T15RT Shear strength Figure 4.14 Effect of initial wood moisture on gluing characteristics and shear properties of PUR1(T) / spruce. 46 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 90.00 7.0 80.00 6.0 thickness (micron) 70.00 5.0 60.00 50.00 4.0 40.00 3.0 30.00 20.00 2.0 10.00 1.0 0.00 Shear strength (MPa) different MC 0.0 1N6HT 1N15HT lower side penetration 2N6HT 2N15HT upper side penetration 3N6HT glue line thickness 3N15HT Shear strength 60.00 6.0 50.00 5.0 40.00 4.0 30.00 3.0 20.00 2.0 10.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 1N6RT 1N15RT lower side penetration 2N6RT 2N15RT upper side penetration 3N6RT glue line thickness Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) different MC 3N15RT Shear strength Figure 4.15 Effect of moisture on glue penetration and glue line thickness - PUR2(N) / spruce. 47 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 80.00 7.0 70.00 6.0 60.00 5.0 50.00 4.0 40.00 3.0 30.00 2.0 20.00 10.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 1T6HT 1T6RT 2T6HT 2T6RT 3T6HT S h e a r st re n g t h (M P a ) t h i c k n e ss (m i c ro n ) different T 3T6RT lower side penetration upper side penetration glue line thickness Shear strength different T 6.0 90.00 80.00 thickness (micron) 4.0 60.00 50.00 3.0 40.00 2.0 30.00 20.00 Shear strength (MPa) 5.0 70.00 1.0 10.00 0.0 0.00 1T15HT 1T15RT lower side penetration 2T15HT 2T15RT upper side penetration 3T15HT 3T15RT glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.16 Effect of glue temperature on gluing characteristics and shear properties PUR1(T) / spruce. Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 70.00 7.0 60.00 6.0 50.00 5.0 40.00 4.0 30.00 3.0 20.00 2.0 10.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 1N6HT 1N6RT lower side penetration 2N6HT 2N6RT upper side penetration 3N6HT Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) different T 3N6RT glue line thickness Shear strength 90.00 7.0 80.00 6.0 thickness (micron) 70.00 5.0 60.00 4.0 50.00 40.00 3.0 30.00 2.0 20.00 Shear strength (MPa) different T 1.0 10.00 0.00 0.0 1N15HT 1N15RT lower side penetration 2N15HT 2N15RT upper side penetration 3N15HT 3N15RT glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.17 Effect of glue temperature on gluing characteristics and shear properties of PUR2(N) / spruce. PUR1(T) and PUR2(N) – hard maple The test results for hard maple bonded with PUR1(T) and PUR2(N) are summarized in Tables 4.4 and 4.5. The effects of wood density, wood moisture at fabrication and adhesive temperature at fabrication are better illustrated in Figures 4.18 to 4.23. As in the case of black spruce, the average shear strength of PUR2(N) joints is slightly higher than 49 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives the PUR1(T) joints, although there are some extremely lower shear strength values. More discussion on influence of fabrication factors is presented below. Table 4.4 Results of the glue measurement and shear test - PUR1(T) / maple. Penetration Specimen on the lower side (μm) 1T6HT 1T6RT 2T6HT 2T6RT 3T6HT 3T6RT 1T15HT 1T15RT 2T15HT 2T15RT 3T15HT 3T15RT 9.13 – 50.93 9.00 45.13 20.40 – 59.03 9.00 – 43.52 9.00 – 59.55 12.00 – 57.00 12.63 – 46.22 13.5 – 63.00 11.05 – 51.72 14.21 – 55.28 15.02 – 77.02 12.00 – 51.31 Average penetration on the lower side (μm) 30.52 31.24 30.22 29.90 27.27 23.01 34.31 39.88 30.54 27.51 25.02 24.25 1/ Penetration on the upper side (μm) 10.50 – 19.50 13.58 – 27.00 10.61 – 30.04 10.50 – 48.00 12.00 – 39.00 11.42 – 20.40 9.99 – 37.53 13.5 – 57.00 14.21 – 42.63 11.05 – 39.47 13.42 – 49.13 9.00 – 27.66 Average penetration Glue line on the thickness upper side (μm) (μm) 13.23 22.83 23.81 23.55 23.26 11.93 20.34 18.17 16.11 15.95 16.36 17.56 8.87 – 10.76 44.29 – 46.09 8.20 – 12.75 24.90 – 30.90 10.06 – 16.64 54.08 – 94. 59 5.10 – 20.31 59.02 – 66.49 5.34 – 12.78 83.61 – 96.97 185.68 – 189.79 8.72 – 19.77 Average glue line thickness (μm) 7.48 33.80 9.37 20.25 20.01 58.53 9.23 63.58 7.32 71.89 141.09 12.31 Shear strength (MPa)1/ Percent wood failure (%)2/ 3.5 0 (0.3) (5) 3.9 0 (0.6) (5) 3.2 0 (1.2) (5) 1.8 0 (0.3) (5) 0.6 0 (0.1) (5) 0.3 0 (0.5) (5) 4.4 0 (0.6) (5) 4.8 0 (2.1) (5) 4.9 0 (1.0) (5) 4.7 0 (1.6) (5) 3.2 0 (1.6) (5) 2.7 0 (0.9) (5) 2/ Mean with standard deviation given in parentheses; Number of samples that had less than 100% wood failure given in parentheses. 50 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Table 4.5 Results of the glue measurement and shear test – PUR2(N) / maple. Penetration Specimen on the lower side (μm) 1N6HT 1N6RT 2N6HT 2N6RT 3N6HT 3N6RT 1N15HT 1N15RT 2N15HT 2N15RT 3N15HT 3N15RT 27.66 – 60.00 16.50 – 62.70 19.12 – 58.92 17.08 – 49.86 15.79 – 42.66 12.63 – 50.53 9.00 – 34.50 9.00 – 54.79 14.21 – 50.53 9.47 – 43.36 15.79 – 31.73 6.51 – 46. 28 Average penetration on the lower side (μm) 37.03 33.45 35.37 32.72 Penetration on the upper side (μm) 6.00 – 52.70 6.00 – 32.25 6.02 – 38.72 7.89 – 48.10 Average penetration Glue line on the thickness upper side (μm) (μm) 22.73 15.16 22.66 17.61 31.24 7.24 - 30 10.00 27.38 15.79 - 30 22.84 20.42 0.00 0.00 29.31 34.37 22.71 20.97 19.92 1/ 8.25 – 56.23 9.47 – 50.53 9.47 – 12.66 11.05 – 17.37 6.17 – 28.11 17.49 19.48 10.86 14.21 17.70 52.18 – 122.69 19.60 – 31.10 39.03 – 44.54 58.66 – 82.65 98.45 – 108.10 65.52 – 101.47 50.24 – 53.47 58.66 – 82.65 99.47 – 107.12 37.14 – 63.23 47.86 – 89.38 12.49 – 25.86 Average glue line thickness (μm) 67.26 17.97 33.63 56.95 81.53 65.92 38.68 23.75 82.43 38.24 52.03 13.35 Shear strength (MPa)1/ Percent wood failure (%)2/ 3.6 0 (1.3) (5) 4.8 0 (1.7) (5) 1.1 0 (0.7) (5) 3.1 0 (1.4) (5) 0.8 0 (0.6) (5) 3.2 0 (1.3) (5) 4.9 0 (1.1) (5) 3.7 0 (0.6) (5) 5.6 0 (0.5) (5) 6.5 0 (1.1) (5) 4.0 0 (0.9) (5) 1.8 0 (0.4) (5) 2/ Mean with standard deviation given in parentheses; Number of samples that had less than 100% wood failure given in parentheses. Reviewing Figures 4.19 and 4.20 shows that the glue penetration in hard maple is substantially less than that in black spruce. Examining the CSLM pictures showed that the adhesive penetrated into wood cells to a shallow depth from the surface and filled any cracks in the cellular structure. Further penetration is facilitated by the ray cells, since rays in hard maple are numerous. Although the lower substrate still has deeper glue penetration, the difference between lower and upper substrates is not as big as in black 51 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives spruce. The influence of wood density on shear strength is opposite to that for black spruce, i.e. when density increases shear strength decreases. This appears to be related to glue penetration, since glue penetration decreases with wood density. For high density group i.e. 3, some extremely low shear strength values are observed. This indicates that these PUR adhesives are not suited for hardwood with a high density. Shear strengths of the density groups 1 and 2 are generally comparable with those for black spruce. As before, there is no link between wood density and glue line thickness. different density different density 4.0 100.00 4.5 4.0 3.5 2.5 20.00 2.0 1.5 10.00 1.0 80.00 thickness (micron) 3.0 Shear strength (MPa) 3.5 3.0 60.00 2.5 2.0 40.00 1.5 1.0 20.00 0.5 0.5 0.00 0.00 0.0 1T6HT lower side penetration 2T6HT upper side penetration glue line thickness 0.0 1T6RT 3T6HT lower side penetration Shear strength upper side penetration 3T6RT glue line thickness Shear strength different density different density 6.0 120.00 6.0 200.00 5.0 100.00 5.0 80.00 4.0 60.00 3.0 40.00 2.0 1.0 20.00 1.0 0.0 0.00 4.0 150.00 3.0 100.00 2.0 50.00 0.00 1T15HT lower side penetration 2T15HT upper side penetration 3T15HT glue line thickness thickness (micron) 250.00 Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) 2T6RT 0.0 1T15RT Shear strength Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) 30.00 Shear strength (MPa) 40.00 lower side penetration 2T15RT upper side penetration 3T15RT glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.18 Effect of wood density on glue characteristics and shear properties - PUR1(T) / hard maple. 52 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives different density 140.00 4.0 100.00 3.0 80.00 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 80.00 2.0 60.00 40.00 1.0 thickness (micron) 100.00 Shear strength (Mpa) 60.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.0 1N6HT lower side penetration 2N6HT upper side penetration 0.00 3N6HT glue line thickness 1N6RT shear strength lower side penetration upper side penetration 3N6RT glue line thickness Shear strength different density 6.0 60.00 7.0 100.00 5.0 50.00 6.0 80.00 4.0 60.00 3.0 40.00 2.0 20.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 1N15HT lower side penetration 2N15HT upper side penetration 3N15HT glue line thickness thickness (micron) 120.00 Shear strength (Mpa) thickness (micron) different density 2N6RT 5.0 40.00 4.0 30.00 3.0 20.00 2.0 10.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 1N15RT Shear strength Shear strength (Mpa) thickness (micron) 120.00 Shear strength (Mpa) different density lower side penetration 2N15RT upper side penetration 3N15RT glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.19 Effect of wood density on gluing characteristics and shear properties PUR2(N) / hard maple. The influence of initial wood moisture content on glue penetration for hard maple parallels that for black spruce as shown in Figures 4.20 and 4.21, that is for PUR1(T), penetration increases with MC whereas for PUR2(N) the trend is the reverse. Overall shear strength is higher for the specimens with 15% initial MC. Specimen 3T15HT had a very thick glue line. From the images captured by CSLM we could see that there were many bubbles in the glue line. This is a characteristic of PUR adhesives which foam when they react with moisture producing air bubbles in the glue line. Since the wood density was high for the specimen, it was difficult for the glue to penetrate in the wood and a wide glue line resulted. Temperature of glue at fabrication seems to have no effects on the shear strength, nor glue penetration (Figures 4.22 and 4.23). For all the specimens in these two groups, the percent wood failure readings were 0%, which means the specimens all failed in the glue line. This suggests the glue line was weaker than the wood for these joints. 53 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 250.00 6.0 200.00 5.0 4.0 150.00 3.0 100.00 2.0 50.00 Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) different MC 1.0 0.00 0.0 1T6HT 1T15HT lower side penetration 2T6HT 2T15HT upper side penetration 3T6HT 3T15HT glue line thickness Shear strength 120.00 6.0 100.00 5.0 80.00 4.0 60.00 3.0 40.00 2.0 20.00 1.0 0.00 Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) different MC 0.0 1T6RT 1T15RT lower side penetration 2T6RT 2T15RT upper side penetration 3T6RT 3T15RT glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.20 Effect of initial wood moisture content on gluing characteristics and shear properties - PUR1(T) / hard maple. 54 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 120.00 6.0 100.00 5.0 80.00 4.0 60.00 3.0 40.00 2.0 20.00 1.0 0.00 Shear strength (Mpa) thickness (micron) different MC 0.0 1N6HT 1N15HT lower side penetration 2N6HT 2N15HT upper side penetration 3N6HT glue line thickness 3N15HT Shear strength (Mpa) different MC 100.00 7.0 thickness (micron) 5.0 60.00 4.0 40.00 3.0 2.0 20.00 Shear strength (Mpa) 6.0 80.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 1N6RT 1N15RT lower side penetration 2N6RT 2N15RT upper side penetration 3N6RT 3N15RT glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.21 Effect of initial wood moisture on gluing characteristics and shear properties - PUR2(N) / hard maple. 55 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 90.00 4.5 80.00 4.0 70.00 3.5 60.00 3.0 50.00 2.5 40.00 2.0 30.00 1.5 20.00 1.0 10.00 0.5 0.00 Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) different T 0.0 1T6HT 1T6RT lower side penetration 2T6HT 2T6RT upper side penetration 3T6HT 3T6RT glue line thickness Shear strength 250.00 6.0 200.00 5.0 4.0 150.00 3.0 100.00 2.0 50.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) different T 1T15HT 1T15RT 2T15HT 2T15RT 3T15HT 3T15RT lower side penetration upper side penetration glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.22 Effect of glue temperature at fabrication on gluing characteristics and shear properties - PUR1(T) / hard maple. 56 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 120.00 6.0 100.00 5.0 80.00 4.0 60.00 3.0 40.00 2.0 20.00 1.0 0.00 Shear strength (Mpa) thickness (micron) different T 0.0 1N6HT 1N6RT lower side penetration 2N6HT 2N6RT upper side penetration 3N6HT glue line thickness 3N6RT Shear strength different T 120.00 8.0 thickness (micron) 6.0 80.00 5.0 60.00 4.0 3.0 40.00 2.0 20.00 Shear strength (Mpa) 7.0 100.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 1N15HT 1N15RT lower side penetration 2N15HT 2N15RT upper side penetration 3N15HT glue line thickness 3N15RT Shear strength Figure 4.23 Effect of glue temperature at fabrication on gluing characteristics and shear properties - PUR2(N) / hard maple. 57 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Samples with 45-90 degree growth ring orientations (density range 2 and 6% MC) Table 4.6 summarizes the results from the glue measurement and shear tests. Shown in Table 4.6 are the glue penetration values measured on both sides of the glue line by CSLM, glue line thickness by CSLM, and shear strength and percent wood failure from shear tests. The effects of wood characteristics and processing parameters on glue penetration on shear strength can be better understood by studying Figure 4.24. Table 4.6 Results from glue measurement and shear tests - PUR1(T) / spruce. Penetration Specimen on one side (μm) 45HT 45RT 90HT 90RT 45-90HT 45-90RT 42.03 – 68.59 24.36 – 58.70 23.00 – 34.87 24.47 – 49.17 11.64 – 87.61 14.87 – 43.97 Average Penetration penetration on the on one other side side (μm) (μm) 57.57 44.91 30.81 38.73 41.68 30.14 1/ 38.78 – 69.58 21.57 – 50.68 20.00 – 36.80 30.67 – 77.97 13.52 – 38.24 17.48 – 26.17 Average penetration Glue line on the thickness other side (μm) (μm) 52.59 42.24 30.75 49.49 24.48 22.78 15.42 – 19.65 9.85 – 13.62 10.53 – 29.91 11.20 – 12.12 12.71 – 23.97 97.71 – 12.94 Average glue line thickness (μm) 17.46 11.82 16.03 11.55 15.68 11.39 Shear strength (MPa)1/ Percent wood failure (%)2/ 5.3 51 (0.2) (5) 5.2 41 (0.6) (5) 6.0 21 (0.6) (5) 5.7 37 (0.5) (5) 5.2 16 (0.4) (5) 6.2 24 (0.4) (5) 2/ Mean with standard deviation given in parentheses; Number of samples that had less than 100% wood failure given in parentheses. When analyzing the results in Figure 4.24, it should be kept in mind that only the ring orientation of the upper side substrate was varied. All lower side substrates were flat-sawn. Therefore to compare the differences in glue penetration, only the red bars should be considered. The flat-sawn board results are already given in Figure 4.16. Both the glue penetration and shear strength results seem inconsistent and no clear trend can be detected with respect to the influence of growth ring orientation on these two properties. However, the shear strengths of the flat sawn specimens (2T6HT and 2T6RT) appear to be the lowest of all the groups, and their glue penetration values are among the lowest. Possibly the presence of rays facilitates the penetration of the adhesive, as was observed under CSLM. Again, there is no evidence to show that a relationship exists between shear 58 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 70.00 7.0 60.00 6.0 50.00 5.0 40.00 4.0 30.00 3.0 20.00 2.0 10.00 1.0 0.00 Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) strength and percent wood failure. Glue line thickness is slightly higher if glued with heated adhesive than adhesive at room temperature. 0.0 45HT 45RT 90HT 90RT 45-90HT 45-90RT one side penetration (with flat growth ring) the other side penetration glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.24 Effect of growth ring orientation on gluing characteristics and shear strength PUR1(T) / spruce. 4.2.2 Comparison of glue penetration values measured by CSLM and X-ray Shown in Tables 4.7 - 4.10 are the glue penetration and glue line thickness measured on both sides of the glue line by X-ray scanner. Comparison of the measurements by CSLM and X-ray is summarized in Figures 4.25 - 4.29. The results from X-ray showed similar trend to those obtained from CSLM. Overall, the X-ray measurements were much higher than CSLM. This could be caused by the size of the beam. If the X-ray beam was too big, the X-ray would diffract and in turn generate a wider glue line and penetration depth. Another reason could be the resolution of the X-ray. In this study, the resolution of the X-ray scanner is 0.02mm, which is far lower than that of CSLM. Moreover, the angle between the specimen and the X-ray beam could affect the X-ray results. If the X-ray was not perfectly perpendicular to the specimen surface, it was not easy to get the real value of the glue line thickness and penetration depth because when the X-ray reached the objective, the angle of incidence changed and in turn the glue 59 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives line and penetration thickness generated from refraction changed. X-ray scanner can provide a quick way to estimate the thickness of the glue line and adhesive penetration. However, the density of the test samples varied between earlywood and latewood and even from one growth ring range to another. When penetrated by an adhesive, the density of the wood will increase. If the glue line is in between the wood with different densities, it is difficult to identify where exactly the penetration starts. The mechanism of X-ray relies on the difference in density, which only enables X-ray to provide an approximate data instead of precise ones due to the variation in wood density. Difference may also be caused by the location of the measurement since CSLM can only focus on a very small area or a particular spot in order to enhance the resolution while X-ray has a larger scale of scanning. From the comparisons, it is clear that the X-ray technique over-estimates both the glue penetration and glue line thickness. Further work is necessary to evaluate the reason for this discrepancy. Another observation is that in the X-ray measurements, the difference in glue penetration between the lower and upper substrates is much smaller than that for PUR joints. Again the reason for this is unknown. Table 4.7 – Glue penetration and thickness measurements by X-ray - PUR1(T) / spruce. Average Average Penetration Penetration Average penetration penetration Glue line on the on the glue line Specimen on the on the thickness lower side upper side thickness lower side upper side (μm) (μm) (μm) (μm) (μm) (μm) 1T6HT 80 - 100 82.50 40 - 100 67.50 200 - 220 207.50 1T6RT 40 - 100 70.00 40 - 80 62.50 20 20.00 2T6HT 60 - 120 82.50 60 - 120 80.00 20 - 40 25.00 2T6RT 40 – 80 67.50 40 - 80 65.00 20 - 40 30.00 3T6HT 40 – 80 50.00 20 - 80 47.50 20 - 100 62.86 3T6RT 40 – 80 62.50 40 - 100 62.50 20 20.00 1T15HT 60 - 120 84.29 40 - 100 57.14 40 - 100 70.00 1T15RT 60 - 100 82.50 40 - 100 72.50 20 - 100 80.00 2T15HT 60 - 100 80.00 40 -60 52.50 20 20.00 2T15RT 60 - 80 67.50 40 - 80 57.50 100 - 160 140.00 3T15HT 40 - 80 62.50 40 -60 50.00 120 120.00 3T15RT 40 - 120 67.50 40 - 120 50.00 120 - 200 145.00 60 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Upper side 100.00 100.00 80.00 80.00 thickness (micron) thickness (micron) Lower side 60.00 40.00 20.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 1T6HT 1T6RT 3T15RT 2T6HT 2T6RT 3T6HT 3T6RT X-ray 1T15HT CSLM 1T15RT 2T15HT 2T15RT 3T15HT 1T6HT 1T6RT 2T6HT 2T6RT 3T6HT 3T6RT 1T15HT 1T15RT 2T15HT 2T15RT 3T15HT 3T15RT X-ray CSLM Figure 4.25 Comparison of CSLM and X-ray measurements - PUR1(T) / spruce. Table 4.8 Glue penetration and thickness measurements by X-ray – PUR2(N) / spruce. Average Average Penetration Penetration Average penetration penetration Glue line on the on the glue line on the on the Specimen thickness lower side upper side thickness lower side upper side (μm) (μm) (μm) (μm) (μm) (μm) 1N6HT 60 - 100 75.00 20 - 80 47.50 160 - 240 172.50 1N6RT 40 - 100 72.50 40 - 80 62.50 20 20.00 2N6HT 60 - 80 65.00 40 - 100 60.00 20 - 60 40.00 2N6RT 60 - 80 70.00 40 - 60 45.00 20 20.00 3N6HT 40 - 80 60.00 40 -60 50.00 20 - 80 43.33 3N6RT 20 - 80 62.50 40 - 80 55.00 20 - 40 25.00 1N15HT 40 - 100 72.50 40 - 80 62.50 20-60 40.00 1N15RT 60 - 80 63.33 20 - 40 36.67 100 - 160 125.00 2N15HT 40 - 80 62.50 40 - 60 47.50 100 - 120 115.00 2N15RT 40 - 80 62.50 20 - 100 45.00 100 - 140 122.50 3N15HT 40 - 60 56.67 40 - 100 53.33 120 - 180 134.29 3N15RT 40 - 80 60.00 40 - 80 60.00 120 - 180 135.00 61 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Upper side lower side 80.00 100.00 70.00 60.00 thickness (micron) thickness (micron) 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 1N6HT 1N6RT 3N15RT 2N6HT 2N6RT 3N6HT 3N6RT X-ray 1N15HT 1N15RT 2N15HT 2N15RT 3N15HT 0.00 1N6HT 1N6RT 2N6HT 2N6RT 3N6HT 3N6RT 1N15HT 1N15RT 2N15HT 2N15RT 3N15HT 3N15RT CSLM X-ray CSLM Figure 4.25 Comparison of CSLM and X-ray measurements – PUR2(N) / spruce. Table 4.9 Glue penetration and thickness measurements by X-ray – PUR1(T) / hard maple. Average Average Penetration Penetration Average penetration penetration Glue line on the on the glue line on the on the Specimen thickness lower side upper side thickness lower side upper side (μm) (μm) (μm) (μm) (μm) (μm) 1T6HT 20 - 60 40.00 20 - 40 30.00 80 - 160 110.00 1T6RT 20 - 60 40.00 20 - 40 30.00 140 - 160 150.00 2T6HT 20 - 60 37.14 20 - 60 40.00 20 20.00 2T6RT 20 - 40 30.00 20 20.00 20 - 140 82.50 3T6HT 20 - 60 42.50 20 - 60 37.50 20 20.00 3T6RT 20 - 60 31.43 20 - 40 30.00 80 - 100 97.50 1T15HT 20 - 60 37.14 20 - 40 25.00 20 - 80 50.00 1T15RT 20 - 80 40.00 20 - 40 30.00 20 - 40 30.00 2T15HT 20 - 40 30.00 20 - 40 30.00 20 - 100 50.00 2T15RT 20 - 40 31.43 20 - 40 28.00 120 - 200 152.50 3T15HT 20 - 40 25.71 20 - 40 25.00 20 - 80 32.50 3T15RT 20 - 40 27.50 20 - 40 26.67 80 - 220 152.50 62 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Lower side Upper side 50.00 50.00 40.00 thickness (micron) thickness (micron) 40.00 30.00 20.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 1T6HT 1T6RT 2T6HT 2T6RT 3T6HT 3T6RT X-ray 1T15HT CSLM 1T15RT 2T15HT 1T6HT 1T6RT 2T6HT 2T6RT 3T6HT 3T6RT 1T15HT 1T15RT 2T15HT 2T15RT 3T15HT 3T15RT 2T15RT 3T15HT 3T15RT X-ray CSLM Figure 4.26 Comparison of CSLM and X-ray measurements – PUR1(T) / hard maple. Table 4.10 Glue penetration and thickness measurements by X-ray – PUR2(N) / hard maple. Average Average Penetration Penetration Average penetration penetration Glue line on the on the glue line Specimen on the on the thickness lower side upper side thickness lower side upper side (μm) (μm) (μm) (μm) (μm) (μm) 1N6HT 40 - 60 45.00 20 - 40 25.00 80 - 120 100.00 1N6RT 40 - 60 50.00 20 - 100 47.50 20 - 60 42.86 2N6HT 40 - 60 42.50 20 - 60 37.50 40 - 60 57.50 2N6RT 40 - 60 42.50 20 - 40 25.00 140 - 200 172.50 3N6HT 20 - 60 40.00 20 - 40 32.50 60 - 140 102.50 3N6RT 20 - 60 37.50 20 - 40 32.50 80 - 120 95.00 1N15HT 40 - 60 52.50 20 - 60 50.00 40 - 100 48.00 1N15RT 40 - 80 52.50 40 - 60 42.50 20 20.00 2N15HT 40 - 100 60.00 40 - 60 42.50 20 - 60 26.67 2N15RT 20 - 80 50.00 40 - 80 47.50 20 - 40 25.71 3N15HT 20 - 60 40.00 20 - 60 35.00 20 - 60 28.00 3N15RT 20 - 60 37.50 20 - 40 27.50 100 - 180 135.00 63 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Lower side Upper side 80.00 60.00 50.00 th ickn ess (m icro n) th ick n ess (m icro n ) 60.00 40.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 0.00 1N6HT 0.00 1N6RT 2N6HT 2N6RT 3N6HT 3N6RT 1N15HT 1N15RT 2N15HT 2N15RT 3N15HT 3N15RT 1N6HT 1N6RT 2N6HT 2N6RT 3N6HT 3N6RT 1N15HT 1N15RT 2N15HT 2N15RT 3N15HT 3N15RT X-ray X-ray CSLM CSLM Figure 4.29 Comparison of CSLM and X-ray measurements – PUR2(N) / hard maple. 4.2.3 X-ray and shear test results for PRF specimens PRF – spruce Since the PRF adhesive has a dark brown color, several methods have been tried to make PRF fluorescent under CSLM. A procedure was successfully developed at UNB to work with a PRF resin. This procedure was transferred to Forintek Canada Corp, St Foy, who fabricated the PRF glue joint specimens using materials sampled by UNB. A different PRF was used by Forintek, and it was found, after the joint fabrication and shear tests, that the PRF resin used by Forintek did not fluoresce under CSLM. In view of this problem, only X-ray tests were carried out for specimens glued with PRF adhesive. Table 4.11 provides summary statistics for all test results. Figures 4.30 to 4.33 provide comparisons of results from different variables. Comparing the summary results shown in Table 4.11 with those obtained for PUR adhesives, it can be observed that overall the wet shear strength for PRF glued joints is higher than that for PUR glued joints by about 20%. There are also more specimens that had percent wood failure equal to 100% than PUR joints. In fact it was rare for PUR joints to have 100% wood failure in this study. Consequently the average percent wood failure of PRF joints is much higher than PUR joints, even though there was only a small difference in joint strength. Glue penetrates on average, further in PRF joints than in PUR joints. Possibly this could explain the differences in shear strength and percent wood failure. In view of this, it may be necessary to review the criteria for percent wood failure for adhesives that provide sufficient strength and durability but have a lower percent wood failure because of its shallow glue penetration. Another observation from the results shown in Figure 4.30 is that while the lower substrate still had the deeper glue penetration than the upper one. In general, as for PUR 64 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives joints, shear strength increases and glue penetration decreases as wood density increases. Increasing initial moisture content of wood also has a positive effect on shear strength and glue penetration, as illustrated in Figure 4.31. On average, shear strength and glue penetration did not change significantly with assembly time (see Figure 4.32). Table 4.11 Results of glue measurement and shear tests - PRF / spruce. Penetration Specimen on the lower side (μm) Average penetration on the lower side (μm) Penetration on the upper side (μm) Average penetration Glue line on the thickness upper side (μm) (μm) Average glue line thickness (μm) 1MAX6% 80 - 100 90.00 60 - 80 75.00 40 - 60 46.67 1MIN6% 60 - 100 85.00 60 - 100 77.50 20 20.00 2MAX6% 60 - 100 82.50 60 - 80 65.00 20 - 40 35.00 2MIN6% 60 - 120 82.86 60 - 100 80.00 20 - 40 22.86 3MAX6% 60 - 100 80.00 60 - 100 77.14 20 - 40 37.50 3MIN6% 60 - 80 68.57 60 - 80 68.57 20 - 40 23.33 1MAX12% 60 - 160 112.50 80 - 140 100.00 20 - 80 50.00 1MIN12% 120 - 140 122.86 100 - 120 105.71 20 - 40 23.33 2MAX12% 60 - 140 92.50 60 - 100 77.50 20 - 80 45.00 2MIN12% 100 - 160 122.86 100 - 160 122.86 20 20.00 3MAX12% 60 - 100 85.71 60 - 100 71.43 20 20.00 3MIN12% 60 - 120 88.57 60 - 120 91.43 20 - 100 45.71 1/ Shear strength (MPa)1/ Percent wood failure (%)2/ 5.4 96 (0.2) (4) 5.8 97 (0.3) (3) 5.9 93 (0.3) (5) 6.0 98 (0.1) (2) 6.5 90 (0.3) (5) 6.7 99 (0.1) (1) 5.3 89 (0.3) (5) 6.7 93 (0.1) (5) 6.3 92 (0.2) (5) 6.4 93 (0.2) (3) 6.4 90 (0.4) (4) 6.0 99 (0.1) (1) 2/ Mean with standard deviation given in parentheses; Number of samples that had less than 100% wood failure given in parentheses. 65 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives different density different density 6.0 5.0 60.00 4.0 40.00 3.0 Shear strength (MPa) 2.0 20.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 1MAX6% lower side penetration 2MAX6% upper side penetration 130.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 3MAX6% glue line thickness 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1MAX12% Shear strength lower side penetration different density 8.0 5.0 60.00 4.0 40.00 3.0 2.0 20.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 lower side penetration upper side penetration 3MIN6% glue line thickness thickness (micron) thickness (micron) 6.0 Shear strength (MPa) 7.0 80.00 2MIN6% upper side penetration 3MAX12% glue line thickness Shear strength different density 100.00 1MIN6% 2MAX12% 140.00 130.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1MIN12% Shear strength Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) 80.00 thickness (micron) 7.0 Shear strength (MPa) 8.0 100.00 lower side penetration 2MIN12% upper side penetration 3MIN12% glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.30 Effect of wood density on gluing characteristics and shear strength - PRF / spruce. 66 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 140.00 8.0 120.00 7.0 100.00 6.0 Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) different MC 5.0 80.00 4.0 60.00 3.0 40.00 2.0 20.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 1MAX6% 1MAX12% lower side penetration 2MAX6% 2MAX12% upper side penetration 3MAX6% 3MAX12% glue line thickness Shear strength 140.00 8.0 120.00 7.0 100.00 6.0 5.0 80.00 4.0 60.00 3.0 40.00 Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) different MC 2.0 20.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 1MIN6% 1MIN12% lower side penetration 2MINX6% 2MIN12% upper side penetration 3MINX6% 3MIN12% glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.31 Effect of initial moisture content on gluing and shear strength - PRF / spruce. 67 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) different assembly time 1.0 0.0 1MAX6% 1MIN6% lower side penetration 2MAX6% 2MIN6% upper side penetration 3MAX6% glue line thickness 3MIN6% Shear strength thickness (micron) different assembly time 140.00 8.0 120.00 7.0 100.00 6.0 5.0 80.00 4.0 60.00 3.0 40.00 2.0 20.00 1.0 0.00 0.0 1MAX12% 1MIN12% 2MAX12% 2MIN12% 3MAX12% 3MIN12% lower side penetration upper side penetration glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.32 Effect of assembly time on glue penetration and glue line thickness - PRF / spruce. 68 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives PRF – hard maple Table 4.12 presents the summary statistics for hard maple joints made with PRF. The shear strengths of the maple joints are substantially higher than those for black spruce, except with a few low density groups at 6% MC. The trends of shear strength and glue penetration with wood density are similar to black spruce as illustrated in Figure 4.33 i.e. strength increases with wood density whereas glue penetration decreases with wood density. The influence of initial wood MC on various properties can be studied from Figure 4.34. As was discussed above, a few of the 6% MC groups had extremely low shear strength. The values of percent wood failure of these low strength groups are also low. This is likely due to starved glue line in these groups. The trend of penetration vs MC is not consistent for minimum and maximum assembly times. For the maximum assembly time groups, glue penetration increases with MC. However the trend is reversed for the minimum assembly time group. The trend of the maximum assembly time groups may be suspect because 2 of the 6 group had extremely low strength and one group did not bond at all. It seems that for this PRF glue, the recommended maximum assembly time is not suitable for dense wood. Increasing the assembly time leads to a decrease in glue penetration as shown in Figure 4.35, but the average shear strength decreases as the assembly time is reduced from minimum to maximum. 69 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Table 4.12 Results from the glue penetration measurement and shear tests - PRF / maple. Penetration Specimen on the lower side (μm) Average penetration on the lower side (μm) Penetration on the upper side (μm) Average penetration Glue line on the thickness upper side (μm) (μm) Average Shear Percent glue line strength wood thickness (MPa) failure (μm) * % 4.3 35 (1.6) (4) 9.7 53 (0.9) (4) 6.2 41 (1.5) (4) 10.0 3 (2.3) (4) 1MAX6% 60 - 120 85.71 60 - 120 82.86 20 – 40 36.67 1MIN6% 60 - 80 62.50 20 - 60 50.00 20 20.00 2MAX6% 60 - 120 80.00 60 - 80 75.00 20 – 100 50.00 2MIN6% 40 - 80 60.00 40 - 60 54.29 20 – 40 25.00 3MAX6% 40 - 80 56.67 x x X x 3MIN6% 20 - 80 57.50 40 - 60 55.00 20 20.00 1MAX12% 60 - 120 92.50 60 - 120 82.50 20 – 40 25.71 1MIN12% 40 - 80 55.00 40 - 60 50.00 20 – 40 24.00 2MAX12% 60 - 120 90.00 40 - 100 72.50 20 – 40 28.57 2MIN12% 40 - 60 54.29 40 - 60 51.43 20 20.00 3MAX12% 80 - 100 87.50 60 - 100 72.50 20 – 40 35.00 3MIN12% 40 - 80 50.00 40 - 60 45.00 20 20.00 1/ No bond N/A 12.2 53 (1.2) (4) 13.0 98 (0.1) (2) 10.2 26 (1.2) (4) 13.2 94 (1.6) (1) 13.4 24 (0.5) (4) 12.4 90 (1.9) (3) 12.5 68 (0.3) (4) 2/ Mean with standard deviation given in parentheses; Number of samples that had less than 100% wood failure given in parentheses. 70 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives different density different density 7.0 120.00 6.0 100.00 16.0 90.00 80.00 12.0 4.0 50.00 3.0 40.00 30.00 thickness (micron) 60.00 Shear strength (MPa) 5.0 70.00 80.00 10.0 60.00 8.0 6.0 40.00 2.0 4.0 20.00 20.00 1.0 2.0 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 1MAX6% lower side penetration 2MAX6% upper side penetration 3MAX6% glue line thickness 0.0 1MAX12% Shear strength lower side penetration different density upper side penetration 3MAX12% glue line thickness Shear strength different density 70.00 16.0 12.0 60.00 14.0 50.00 12.0 10.0 50.00 8.0 40.00 6.0 30.00 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 upper side penetration 0.0 1MIN12% 3MIN6% glue line thickness 6.0 10.00 10.00 lower side penetration 8.0 30.00 2.0 4.0 2MIN6% 10.0 40.00 20.00 20.00 1MIN6% thickness (micron) 14.0 70.00 Sh ear stren g th (M Pa) 80.00 60.00 thickness (micron) 2MAX12% Shear strength Sh ear stren g th (M Pa) thickness (micron) 14.0 Shear strength (MPa) 100.00 lower side penetration 2MIN12% upper side penetration 3MIN12% glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.33 Effect of density on glue penetration and glue line thickness PRF / maple. 71 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives different MC 120.00 16.0 14.0 100.00 80.00 10.0 60.00 8.0 6.0 40.00 Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) 12.0 4.0 20.00 2.0 0.00 0.0 1MAX6% 1MAX12% lower side penetration 2MAX6% 2MAX12% upper side penetration 3MAX6% 3MAX12% glue line thickness Shear strength 80.00 16.0 70.00 14.0 60.00 12.0 50.00 10.0 40.00 8.0 30.00 6.0 20.00 4.0 10.00 2.0 0.00 0.0 1MIN6% 1MIN12% lower side penetration 2MINX6% 2MIN12% upper side penetration 3MINX6% Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron) different MC 3MIN12% glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.34 Effect of moisture on glue measurement and shear strength PRF / maple. 72 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives different assembly time 100.00 14.0 90.00 12.0 70.00 10.0 60.00 8.0 50.00 40.00 6.0 30.00 4.0 Shear strength (MPa) thickness (micron 80.00 20.00 2.0 10.00 0.00 0.0 1MAX6% 1MIN6% lower side penetration 2MAX6% 2MIN6% upper side penetration 3MAX6% 3MIN6% glue line thickness Shear strength (MPa) different assembly time 120.00 16.0 thickness (micron 12.0 80.00 10.0 60.00 8.0 6.0 40.00 Shear strength (MPa) 14.0 100.00 4.0 20.00 2.0 0.00 0.0 1MAX12% 1MIN12% lower side penetration 2MAX12% 2MIN12% upper side penetration 3MAX12% 3MIN12% glue line thickness Shear strength Figure 4.35 Effect of assembly time on glue penetration and glue line thickness - PRF / maple. 73 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 4.3 Phase 3 The purpose of this phase was to provide an indication on whether the accelerated aging protocols currently adopted in structural adhesive standards, namely pressure-vacuum-soak and boil-dry-freeze allow the durability of adhesive joints to be predicted. Two adhesives were used in this phase, PRF and PUR. The total duration of this phase is 5 years, and is scheduled to end in August 2011, since the last group of outdoor exposed specimens will not be tested until then. Tables 4.13 and 4.14 present the test results obtained to-date for PRF and PUR adhesive respectively. Figure 4.36 presents the test results for 3-month and 6-month exposed finger joint and 2-ply joint specimens. So far, no difference in long-term performance has been detected between the two adhesives. The results obtained to-date show that the 2-ply joint deteriorates faster than finger joint. After 6 month exposure, the tensile strength retention for finger joints was about 92% whereas the shear strength retention for 2-ply joints was about 82%. The strength retention for the accelerated aging specimens is presented graphically in Figure 4.37 and 4.38 for wet and dry strength respectively. Note that the strength retention in each case is relative to the short-term strength at the same moisture condition. For the boil-dry-freeze protocol, CSA O112.9 calls for 8 cycles of exposure. This was one of the two boil-dry-freeze regimes tested. A 2-cycle boil-dry-freeze regime was included, to potentially provide information on the possibility of adopting this 2-cycle regime to represent a shorter term or limited outdoor exposure for adhesive joints. The other aging protocol was pressure-vacuum-soak. The results show that the pressure-vacuum procedure does not lead to any reduction in strength. In effect in CSA O112.9 the pressure-vacuum-soak procedure is used to inject water into dry adhesive joint so that its wet strength can be determined. Again there is no significant difference between the performances of the two adhesives. For wet strength there was virtually no reduction in strength after 2 cycles of boil-dry-freeze. After 8 cycles, the strength retention was 77% and 88% respectively for PUR and PRF. For dry strength, PUR performed (78%) better than PRF (69%) after 2 cycles. Strength reduction was almost identical for both adhesives after 8 cycles, with only 37% of the short-term dry strength retained. It will be interesting to find out if the 5-year exposed specimens will exhibit this level of strength reduction. As a preliminary finding, it appears that the 2-cycle boil-dry-freeze strength retention is slightly lower than the 6-month outdoor specimen strength retention, indicating that possibly the 2-cycle regime can be used to replicate performance of adhesive joints under short-term or 74 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives limited outdoor exposure e.g. occasional wetting. Table 4.13 – Shear strengths obtained to-date on long-term exposure and matched accelerated aging tests on glued joints prepared using a PRF adhesive. Exterior exposure Group Finger joints E1 Accelerated exposure 2-ply – joints Duration Group – 2-ply joints – Condition shear tensile shear strength strength strength (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) 28.3 (3.32) 10.95 0 month A1 5.03 (0.33) Wet 3 months A2 5.03 (0.59) Boil-dry-freeze, (1.47) E2 E3 E4 25.74 9.11 (3.72) (0.59) 26.45 8.73 (2.60) (1.43) To be tested in Aug 2007 2 cycles 2 cycles 8 cycles 8 cycles (test wet) 6 months A3 7.61 (2.31) Boil-dry-freeze, (test dry) 12 months A4 4.02 (0.70) Boil-dry-freeze, (test wet) E5 To be tested in Aug 2008 24 months A5 4.45 (1.37) Boil-dry-freeze, (test dry) E6 To be tested in Aug 2011 60 months A6 5.29 (0.51) Pressure-vacuum-soak (test wet) A7 10.23 (1.77) Pressure-vacuum-soak (test dry) * Values are mean with standard deviation given in parentheses. 75 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Table 4.14 – Shear strength obtained to-date on long-term exposure and matched accelerated aging tests on glued joints prepared using a PUR adhesive. Exterior exposure Group Finger 2-ply joints E1 E2 Accelerated exposure – joints Duration Group 2-ply – joints tensile shear shear strength strength strength (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) 39.67 10.94 (5.98) (1.54) 35.28 8.95 (0.83) Condition – 0 month A1 4.77 (0.37) Wet 3 months A2 4.69 (0.71) Boil-dry-freeze, 2 cycles (8.29) E3 E4 (test wet) 35.64 9.16 6 months (7.86) (1.19) To be tested in Aug 2007 A3 8.54 (1.87) Boil-dry-freeze, 2 cycles (test dry) 12 months A4 4.01 (0.92) Boil-dry-freeze, 8 cycles (test wet) E5 To be tested in Aug 2008 24 months A5 3.66 (1.69) Boil-dry-freeze, 8 cycles (test dry) E6 To be tested in Aug 2011 60 months A6 5.29 (0.58) Pressure-vacuum-soak (test wet) A7 11.22 Pressure-vacuum-soak (1.85) (test dry) * Values are mean with standard deviation given in parentheses. Outdoor exposed specimens 1.2 Strength retention 1 0.8 FJ PUR FJ PRF Shear block PUR Shear block PRF 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 month 3 months 6 months Expoure duration Figure 4.36 - Outdoor exposed specimen test results. 76 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives Wet shear strength 1.2 0.8 Boil-dry-freeze, 2 cycles Boil-dry-freeze, 8 cycles Pressure-vacuum-soak 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 PUR PRF Adhesive Figure 4.37 - Shear strength retention of wet specimens. Dry shear strength 1.2 1 Strength retention Strength retention 1 0.8 Boil-dry-freeze, 2 cycles Boil-dry-freeze, 8 cycles Pressure-vacuum-soak 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 PUR PRF Adhesive Figure 4.38 - Shear strength retention of dry specimens. 77 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives 5. Conclusions and Key Findings The key findings of this project are summarized below: 1. General • Fluorescent microscopy has proved to be a powerful tool in revealing penetration of the polymeric adhesive into wood substrates quantitatively. With the appropriate selection of a fluorescent dye, the distinction between wood and adhesive is clear under CSLM, which enables us to obtain more detailed information such as the location of resins and penetration depth. • When a glue joint is prepared with the two substrates oriented horizontally, penetration of adhesive in the lower substrate is generally higher than the upper substrate. The difference in glue penetration is dependent on adhesive and wood substrate characteristics. In general, those adhesives with a low viscosity exhibit a large glue penetration values. • Comparing the results between joints made with phenolic and polyurethane adhesives, it appears that the smaller adhesive penetration of polyurethane adhesive could well explain the lower shear strength and percent wood failure of the latter. However while there is a big difference in percent wood failure, there is a only a small difference between shear strengths of joints made with these two adhesives. Accordingly, it may be necessary to review the criteria for percent wood failure for adhesives that provide sufficient strength and durability but have a lower percent wood failure because of its shallow glue penetration. 3. Melamine formaldehyde (MF) and polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) adhesives with Douglas fir, lodgepole pine and black spruce as substrates • Dry shear strength of lodgepole pine specimens is higher than Douglas fir specimens for both adhesives. • There is a large difference in substrate glue penetration for spruce and Douglas fir, but not for lodgepole pine. • Glue penetration of MF is about 3 to 4 times that of PVAc for all three species. • For MF adhesive, specimens fabricated using maximum assembly time generally achieve a higher shear strength than those fabricated using minimum assembly time. 3. Polyurethane adhesive with black spruce substrate • There is no evidence to suggest a relationship between shear strength and percent wood failure. • Glue penetration in low density wood is higher than that in high density wood. • Shear strength increases slightly as glue penetration depth decreases. However 78 Evaluation of Shear Strength and Percent Wood Failure Criteria for Qualifying New Structural Adhesives • • this trend may be misleading as the change in shear strength may be caused by the increase in wood density than the reduction in glue penetration. Glue joints fabricated with a higher initial wood MC (15%) during fabrication generally achieve higher shear strength and percent wood failure than those with a lower initial MC (6%). Temperature seems to have little effects on penetration depth. Overall, increasing temperature to increase glue penetration may not be an effective approach for PUR adhesives. 4. Polyurethane adhesive with hard maple substrate • The influence of wood density on shear strength is opposite to that for black spruce, i.e. when density increases shear strength decreases. This appears to be related to glue penetration, since glue penetration decreases with wood density. For high density wood, extremely poor glue bond is obtained. • Glue penetration in hard maple is substantially less than that in black spruce. • As in the case of black spruce specimens, shear strength is higher for the specimens with 15% initial MC than 6% initial MC. 6. Glue penetration values measured by X-ray technique • X-ray technique over-estimates both the glue penetration and glue line thickness. Further work is necessary to evaluate the reason for this discrepancy before the technique can be used to measure these properties with confidence. 6. Phenol formaldehyde adhesive with black spruce and hard maple substrates • In general the results on wood property influence are similar to those of black spruce. Shear strength increases and glue penetration decreases as wood density increases. Increasing initial moisture content of wood also has a positive effect on shear strength and glue penetration. • On average, wet shear strength, percent wood failure and adhesive penetration of PRF joints are greater than the corresponding values for PUR joints. • Joints with low density hard maple wood and at a low moisture content have low shear strength due to over-penetration of glue 9. Growth ring orientation • There is evidence to suggest that shear strength of specimens with flat sawn board is lower than specimens with non-flat sawn boards. 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