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Corn 6 14 Performance Assessment
Persuasive Speech Feedback Form
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I. Introduction (17 points total)
a. Gained audience attention (3 points) 0
b. Audience analysis (3 point)
c. Establishing common ground (2 points)
d. Credibility is established (2 point) r
e. Thesis statement (5 points)
f Transition (2 points) 0
11. Body (30 points total)
a. Showed a Need (5 points) *
b. Satisfied the Need (5 points)
c. Visualized the Results (5 points)
d. Supporting Material (5 points)
e. Transitions (5 points) 3 r d 6 4 Lf Oral Citations (5 points) a 4 ,
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ILI.Conclusion (12 points total)
a. Signpost ending (1 point) '
b. Thesis restated (5 points) *
c. Call to action (6 points)
d. Appreciation (1 point)
W .Delivery (28 points total)
a. Eye contact (5 points)
b. Bodily movements (4 points)
c. Voice quality (4 points)
d. Extemporaneous delivery (5 points) e. Appropriate appearance (2 points) ,
V. Presentational Aids (10 points total)
a. Two aids (4 points)' *
b. Clarifylexplain aids (4 points)' '
c. Professionalism of aids (2 points)' .
VI. Key Phrase Outline (5 points total)
Brittany Pfister
Com 114 Sec 6
Persuasive Speech Outline
November 29,201 0
General Purpose: To persuade against pop
Specific Purpose: To persuade people to not drink soda pop and rely more on water
Thesis Statement: To persuade people why they shouldn't drink regular pop and diet pop, and
why they should drink water.
-Arousing Attention: 55%-78% water
-Audience Analysis: As PUC students.. .pass vending machines wl pop. Stop at water fountain?
-Establishing Credibility: Sprite when I was sick. Helps sooth nausea (Pick 2010).
-Thesis Statement: To persuade you not to drink too much regular pop or diet pop, and why to
drink more water.
-Transition: First, what is the problem with pop?
Showing a Need: Why people shouldn't drink pop
A. What makes up a can of pop?
1. FDA-nutrition facts label includes serving size and nutrients provided in each
serving including calories, total fat, sodium, total carbohydrates, sugars, and
proteins (Carbonated Soft.. .,20 10).
2. According to the American Beverage Association
-Carbonated water: bubbly characteristic (Know Your.. ., 20 10).
-High Fructose Corn Syrup: Caloric Sweetener (Know Your.. .,2010).
-Camel Color: Color pop (Know Your.. .,20 10).
-Phosphoric Acid: Flavor acting as preservative (Know Your.. .,2010).
-Citric Acid: Flavoring for citric pop (Know Your.. .,2010).
-Caffeine: Flavor Enhancer (Know Your.. .,20 10).
-Sodium Benzoate/Potassium Benzoate: Antimicrobial agent to prevent bacteria,
yeast, and mold (Know Your.. .,2010).
B. What's wrong with drinking pop?
1. Obesity: Researchers found that schoolchildren who drank soft drinks
consumed almost 200 more calories per day than their counterparts who didn't
down soft drinks (The Facts.. .,2001).
2. Tooth Decay: Sugar isn't the only ingredient in soft drinks that causes
tooth problems. The acids in soda pop are also notorious for etching tooth enamel
in ways that can lead to cavities. "Acid begins to dissolve tooth enamel in only 20
minutes (The Facts.. .,2001).
3. Caffeine Dependence: The soft drink industry agrees that caffeine
causes the same effects in children as adults, but officials also note that there is
wide variation in how people respond to caffeine. The simple solution, the
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4. Bone Weakening: Animal studies demonstrate that phosphorus, a
common ingredient in soda, can deplete bones of calcium (The Facts.. .,200 1).
Satisfying the Need: Water is the better choice
A. Why water is important
1. Muscle consists of 75% water (Top 1 1 . .., 2009).
2. Brain consists of 90% of water (Top 11...,2009).
3. Bone consists of 22% of water (Top 1 1 ...,2009).
4. Blood consists of 83% water (Top 1 1.. .,2009).
B. How to fix it
1. Simply choose water over soft drinks
2. Eight 802 glasseslday
Visualizing the Results: Do and Don't Drink Water
A. If you don't drink water:
1. Tiredness (Top 1 1 . ..,2009).
2. Migraine (Top 1 1 . ..,2009).
3. Constipation (Top 1 1.. .,2009).
4. Muscle cramps (Top 1 1...,2009).
5. Irregular blood-pressure (Top 1 1 ...,2009).
6. Kidney problems (Top 11...,2009)
7. Dry skin (Top 1 1.. .,2009).
8. 20% dehydrated - Risk of death (Top 1 1 ...,2009).
B. If you do drink water:
1. Lose weight (Top 1 1.. .,2009).
2. Help headaches (Top 11.. .,2009).
3. Healthier skin (Top 11 ...,2009).
4. Better productivity (Top 1 1...,2009).
5. Helps digestion (Top 11.. .,2009).
6. Less likely to be sick (Top 1 1.. .,2009).
7. Relieves fatigue (Top 1 1 ...,2009).
8. Good mood (Top 11...,2009)
9. Reduce risk of cancer (Top 1 1.. .2009).
-Transition: Now we know why water is the best choice to stay healthy
-Signpost: In conclusion.. .
-Thesis Restated: You should avoid drinking pop and rely more on water.
-Call to Action: Drink water every day to work towards good health. (Visual Aid)
-Appreciation: Thank you for your time
(2010). Know Your Ingredients. Retrieved from <http://www.ameribev.org/minisites/products/.
(20 10,5 November). Carbonated Soft Drinks. Retrieved from
(2009). Top 11 Bene$ts ofDrinking Water and How. Retrieved from http://www.mangosteen-
Pick, Michelle. (2010, 15 October). Diet Soda-How Healthy is it? Retrieved from
Squires, Sally. (2001,27 February). The Facts and Dangers ofsoda Pop. Retrieved from
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