Placement Tests Placement Testing

Placement Tests
All Students taking a placement test must have a Colleague ID number.
That number is assigned at the time a student is admitted to the College.
Students are also required to show a photo ID prior to taking the
placement tests. The following ID cards are accepted for placement
PGCC student or employee ID (w/name & photo)
Driver's License
Maryland State (MVA) ID card
Employer's ID (w/name & photo)
Military ID
Permanent Resident Card (I-151 or I-551)
Employment Authorization Card (I-688A)
Student possessions are not permitted at the testing stations within the
Testing Center. Lockers require use of one quarter which is returned.
NOTE: The coin-operated lockers specifically require a quarter, not
dimes and nickels or dollars.
Guests are not permitted in the SAS Center (no spouses, children, parents,
siblings or other friends or family). Only examinees and authorized
College staff are allowed.
Food and drink are also not permitted.
Sample placement tests are available on the College's Student Assessment
Services webpage. Many free sample/practice tests are also available on
the internet.
Placement Testing
Monday thru Thursday 8:30 am
8:30 am
Must Begin By: Must Finish By:
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
12:00 pm
2:30 pm
What happens if I do not do well on the placement tests?
Your performance on the tests will determine which college courses you may
or may not take. Non-credit developmental courses may be required for
students who earn scores below the standards set for college-level courses.
Take the placement testing requirement seriously and employ a commonsense approach when preparing for the test.
Eat well and get plenty of rest prior to the test.
Review the sample test before your actual test.
Review basic math operations with decimals and fractions before
you test. Review the sample placement tests posted on the College's
Student Assessment Services webpage. Many free sample/practice
tests are also available on the internet.
How many times can I take the placement tests?
Placement tests for PGCC can be taken twice within a two-year period. You
are encouraged to take the placement test a second time if the results from
your first test indicate a need for developmental courses, or if the first test
results do not meet your personal expectations. If you decide to retest, the
higher score from either test will be used for placement. However, a third
test will not be allowed until two years have passed since the second test. Be
aware that no placement test can be taken after you enroll in a course or
sequence considered to be preparatory in nature (for example, Math or ESL