. 187 5..1 EXPEDI TI NG A PRO J ECT 700 6 o a 'o-' 600 E 500 17 20 19 18 (days) Projectduration Figure 6-6 Project cost vs. project duration for sample crash problem. to Crasha Project Using Excel@ ffiiii::#;#lTlti.*?*:j,'i#,rffi T" llt ttvolved inLcrashins.occasionallyrnurryur. i""otu"J' of how use we demonstrate quite tedious.In this section, become 6E"r*A;r]Fi"n ivities to crash so Excel@spreadsheetscan great that a project is completed To illustrate this, the data ;6GTTGG--tt.---into-t-hespreadsheetshown in Table 6-2.Figure 6-7 shows the network diagram for this project based on the activa do make one change to the data in-Tqble 6'1. Namely, here can handle not at all, we make this 5 > E change to simplify our ensuing discussion At the top of the spreadsheet and the calcugiven in Table by dividing the incremaximum number of possible the by mental cost of crashing the activity as much as days the activity can be shortened. In column H the maximum amount each activity can be crashed is calculated by subtracting the crash duration from the normal duration. Column I corresponds to our decision, namely, how much to crash each activity. Then based on the values entered in column I, the cost of crashing each activity is calculated in column J. Finally, in column K the actual time to complete the activity is calculated by subtracting the amount is entered ]: node in the networ you occurs at ttme zero. ttme each event occurs to ensure that the ode 1 is excluded because we as' see. we need to keep track of the ..relationships-in the network r iw\fih'rt C H A P T E R 6 / A L L O C A T I N G R E S O U R C E ST O TH E PR OJEC T Table6.2 ple "crash" Problemin Table6-1 Transferred to an Excel@spreadsheet e{il ${r 6' w :(F6-E6y(C6-D6) {copyto cellsGZ:G12} =C6-D6 {copyto cellsH7:H12} =I6*G6 {copyto celis l2} J7:J :C6-16 {copyto cellsK7:K12} diagram are not violated. we need to make sure that node 4 does not occur A-' until after node 2 occurs. to rate how Excel's@Solver can be used to rmine which ac. tivities to crash so that the entire project is completed withi the minimum costs.To begin, selectTools from the men., baiand then Solve# ,n. rr.*i rn".,u that appears.The solver Parametersdialog box is now displayed(seeFigure6-8). The Figure 6'7 problem. AOA network of sample "crash" . 189 6.1 EXPEDITIN G A PRO J ECT Figure6,8 Excel's Solver@loaded with data and constraints from crash problem. refersto the cell in the spreadsheetthat we would like to either Tareet Cell S"t fr"g"fg[Ield Set mlnlmlze or maxrmrze.In our case,we would like tGGrE]F)t he total cost of completing the project, which is calculatedin cell B2. To specifythis, we- enter 82 in the Set Target Cell field and then selectthe Min radio bRtton. Next we tell Excel{what cells it can changelin orderto find the solutionwith the minimumtotalprojectcffieadsheetshowninTab1e6.2,theva|. ;':"'5;xi::'?ifr il'*Hi+Til'::il,T:'*1J lfiii,:l;:l:',n:i"':H:"f ure 6-8, these ranges were entered in the $y Changing Cells field. onw eneedtoenteri sthel i mi tati onsorconstrai ntsasso. ciated with this situation. Perhaps the most obvious constraint is that we want to complete rhe project within 20 days (cell B1). Since node 6 (cell B21) correspondsto the event of the project being completed, we can specify this constraint as follows: {-nzi=fl Another important set of constraints is needed to make sure we don't crash an ac' tivity more than the maximum number of days that it can be crashed. Constraints to ensure this could be entered as follows: 16 < H6 (activity a) I7 < H7 (activity b) IB < HB (activityc) 19 < H9 (activity d) I10 < Hl0 (activitye) I11 < H11 (activityf) ItZ = Hlz (activity g) Altematively, by e ploying a shorthand approach that capitalizes on a spread' sheet's ability to deal w h ranges, these seven constraints could be entered as a single constraint as <H6:HI7 16.112 Another ser of constraints is needed to make sure that the precedence relationships specified in the network diagram are not violated. We do this by keeping track of the 19O o C H A P T E R 6 / A L L O C A T I N G R E S O U R C E ST O T HE PR OJEC T event times of the nodes.For example,the eventtime of Gaannot occur unril after activity a has beencompleted(assuming,tt"i rtr" pr":"ffit.,, at time zero).The time to complete activity a is its normal time lessth" time it is crasheJ Since cell 817 correspondsto the event time for .,od" j, ".o,r.riof *"iffi"ri."lly we could enter this constraint asfollows, a Bl7>C6-t6 This constraint saysthat the event correspondingto node 2 cannot occur until after activity a hasbeencompleted. constraintt fo@ffi.rE$$could be createdin a similarfashion.For example, theconsrraintsfor(fi6Gj-6iiff?]-o-'.rldb. B1B>C7_t7 B19>B17+CB_I8 The constraint for node 4 saysin effect that the event correspondingto node 4 cannot occur until after the evenr coffespondingto node 2 (cell Bftj-*.,r^ plus the time it takesto completeactivity c. Moving on to node 5, nore that this node has.two_ arrowspointing to it. A node with more than one arrow poinring to itrvill riri.uirr, for each arrow. "..!_g Thus we need the following two constrai",, f".6iF"T) B20>B17+C9_t9 B2O>81B+CiO_I10 This first constraint saysthat node 5 (cell B20) cannot occur until after node Z has occurred(cell 817) plus the amount of time it takesro.o*pt.* u.,irriry d. The second constraint saysthat node 5 cannot occur until after node (cell 3 B1B) has o..rrrr"a ft,r, thea.qmouEof-time it takesto completeacrivrrye. Nd9r handledin a similarwayto node5 asfollows: I 8 2 1> B 1 9 + C1 1 -t l1 B 2 I > 8 2 0 + Ct z -t I } Finally, since it does not make senseto crash an activi nor does it make sense for a 4g5[to_oqcur at a tdleG zero, we add conUsing Excel's@ shorthand ao- 16.112> 0 B 1 7 : B 2>1 0 In this examplewe assumethut th. iai"itioiii-b" Gt rr"ction of a day. If th,a;theactivities hadto t" .r"rr,.J "a-"l'uhot. dayor notat :i all,|::Y:1:"^"1?:."_T: we couldeasilyaddadditionarconstraintsto the model "irr,o ro r"R"., it ii;i#;:::'"' To enter theseconstraints,selectthe Add button i" ,rr. sofJ"lt to th. Constraints section of the Solver Parametersdialog tro*. rne entire set oT.orrrtruints neededis as follows: ( I I I I nn =nt < H6:HL2 16.112 817>C6- t6 nrs>c7-t7 8 1 9 > 8 1 7 + CB _ I B . 1 91 EXPEDITING A PRO J ECT II I I i gzo>B1z+c9-19 B20> BlB + C10- I10 BZr> B19+ Cl1 - I11 + cr?.- rrz nzr> B2o > 0 16:112 I (B 1 7 : B 2 1> 0 After entering theseconstraints,the Solver Parametersdialog box appearsas shown in Figure6-8. Beforefinding the leastcostly way to crashthe projectdown to 20 days'seleJt the Qptions . .. brriton and click on the Assume Linear Model check box and then click bK. No* to find the leastcost solution, selectthe Solve button in the Solver parametersdialoe box. As is shown in Table 6-3, Excel@identified the samesolution Tabfe 6-3 for CrashProblem,20-Daylolution and Cost Excel@ Spreadsheet (F6-E6V(C6-D6) {copyto cellsG7:G12} -D6 {copyto cellsH7:H12} :16*G6 [copyto cellsJ7Jl2] =C6-16 {copyto cellsK7:K12) 192 o C H A P T E R 6 / A L L O C A T I N G R E S O U R C E ST O T H E PR OJEC T ; 700 ; I 650 E ooo '6' o F 500 450 Figure 6-9 Cost/duration graph crashing Project ( 3:'.:rr,T -.,- that we obtained earlier using the manual approach.Specifically,the solution suggests crashingactivity a by one day (cell 16).This resultsin completingthe projectby day 20 (cell 821) at a total projectcostof9430 (cell 82). Having set up the spreadsheet, we can now quickly and easilyevaluatethe cost of :T ffitilru::ili:il:;.Tt::,f;,':x.,n'L.':iTi;i:r#u, ffi #ryJ;ffii"a.g. Fast-Trackinga Project In addition to crashing a project in order to expedite it, a project may also Used primarily in the construction industry, the term refers toane ofa f, leted beforethe building phaseis started.Uzually designana phtt aie finished before ; ;i - - ---- --^---^-b r^rqv! !v vsqrlvs the building is started, soTetting them overlap reduces project duration-if the fact that design and planning are incomplete does not result in a significant amount of rework and ghange orders during the building phase. a large proportion number of change orders in fast-tracked construction projects is not significantly different from that for similar projects that were not fast-tracked (Kurtulus and Narula, l9B2'). \7hen task durations are estimated, an assumption is made that task resources are set at "normal" levels. This is the "standard practice" assumption. Traditionally, CPM project duration estimates also include a "crash" estimate together with estimates of the crash time and the resourcesrequired to shorten the duration of project activities. By selectively choosing which activities to crash and by how much, we can determine the minimum cost for all possible project completion times. Both manual and spreadsheetmethods are illusffated. LoAptNG ffind REsouRcE From the first day on the job, the PM is concemed with resowrceloading.Resource loading refers to the amounts of specific resources that are scheduled for use on specific activities or projects at specific times. It usually takes the form of a list or table. Figure 6'10 is an MSP generated action plan and Gantt chart of a project aimed at producing a