Times_2014_12_01 - Timothy Christian School

The Timothy Times – Dec 1/14
Praise Always and in All Ways
535.2687 office@tcswilliamsburg.ca
Mission - TCS is an independent elementary school that educates children through Christcentred quality programs that combine faith and learning.
From the Office:
Practising is underway for the Wednesday, Dec. 17,
Christmas program. The program is at 7:00 pm and
there is also a dress rehearsal the same day at 10:00
JSK leads us all in a chapel on Friday, Dec. 5. Following
that, this class as well as 1/2 will be heading over to the
Park Lane villa to participate in their Christmas
program. Drivers there and back will be needed.
Do you know parents
considering Christian
education? Have them check out
tcswilliamsburg.ca, the link
to our Facebook page, and
Either you or they can call Ellen or
Gary, and we will set up an
interview; any time, any place!
At 1:00 on Friday, we will be entertained and instructed
by a band ensemble from Quinte Christian High
School, Belleville. Earlier that morning, they are
performing at Christ Church in Upper Canada Village.
We are happy to have them visit with us, and all are
The team competition of the chocolate bar sales ends
next Tuesday. These are the standings as of Friday.
From the Classrooms:
Mr. Postma 6/7/8
Book report due Tuesday. English test on Thursday, mainly on DL.
Mrs. Geertsema 6/7/8
All three grades will have a fraction quiz on Wednesday. They took home a little practice slip
Miss DeKleine 6/7/8
History: Projects on life in New France are due tomorrow, Dec 2. Presentations will take place
Tuesday and Wednesday. Handouts should be e-mailed or handed to Miss DeKleine Tuesday
morning, so that I can make copies for the class.
Mrs. Van Dyke 6/7/8
Science: quiz Wednesday on terms and concepts covered so far.
Mme. Luchies Gr. 6/7/8
We are completing end of unit testing for “Le Bistro des Animaux” play.
Mrs. Van Dyke 4/5
Memory Work: none until January.
Spelling: Spellingcity due Wednesday. Test Friday.
Math: Gr. 4 quiz - 1,2,3 times tables Tuesday and the 4,5 times tables Thursday.
Gr. 5 quiz - Decimals Wednesday on place value, rounding, adding & subtracting.
Book Report: due Dec. 15. Students are encouraged to hand in a rough draft no later than
Dec. 10 for feedback.
Mme. Luchies Gr. 4/5
We have begun our newest play “Les Animaux du Bayou”.
Miss DeKleine Gr. 1/2
Memory Work: none this week.
Spelling: (Test on Friday) Students will be tested on their Lesson 13 words. Words can be
found in the green notebook in student agendas. Grade One is studying "colour words". Grade
Two is studying the "ai" sound.
Nightly Homework: Students should be working on something every night at home. Whether
it is practising their spelling, reading their nightly take home books, practising their sight word
flash cards, or now working on Xtramath.
Christmas Singing for the Seniors: On Friday, right after chapel, our class will be going with
the Kindergartens to the Villa in Williamsburg to sing for the seniors. We still need some
parents to drive for this. Please let me know if you are willing to help us out and drive. Thank
Mme. Luchies Gr. 1/2
Play scripts went home last week Thursday. Please help do a quick review with your child. Just
remember we are practising at school all week as well.
Mrs. Blokland JSK
Sounds:This week we learn the sounds of x, sh, and ch. We review the sounds each school
day - usually by singing the song and doing the actions. Please take some time to read the
sound book with your child at home.
Can you guess bag Show and Tell: Great work with the can you guess bag. We are getting
much better at guessing. The students with show and tell this week are: Bethany (Monday,
Liam (Wednesday) and Kaley (Friday). Next week it will be Grace (Monday), Ruth
(Wednesday) and Eli (Friday).
Kindergarten Chapel this Friday: We are super excited to lead you in chapel this coming
Friday. The students have been working very hard to prepare. Please plan to attend. And
please keep practising their line with them. Thanks for helping with this.
Christmas Singing for the Seniors - we need drivers!!: Right after our chapel on December
5 we will be going with the Grade 1-2 class to the Villa in Williamsburg to sing for their
Christmas program. We will need some parents to drive for this. Please let me know if you can
drive and how many students. Thanks.