11:776:310 PLANT PROPAGATION Spring Semester – 2013 (Thursdays 10:55–12:15; Fridays 12:35–3:35) _________________________________________________________________________________ Instructor: Thomas Molnar molnar@aesop.rutgers.edu Room 164 Foran Hall T.A.: Pat Burgess pburgess@eden.rutgers.edu Hours: By appointment only -- best way to contact us is by email Text: Plant Propagation – Principles and Practices. Hartman, Kester, Davies, and Geneve, 8th Edition, 2009. Not required but highly recommended. Grading Basis: 1) *Quizzes 2) Mid-term examination 4) Laboratory notebook and attendance 5) Final exam 848-932-6330 25% 25% 25% 25% *Three or four quizzes will be given that cover Lecture and Lab information Make up quizzes will not normally be given! Mid-Term Exam: March 14. Comprehensive exam on material covered in lecture, labs, and assigned readings to date. Final Exam: May 10 9:00 to 11:00 AM - Comprehensive exam on ALL material covered in lecture, labs, and assigned readings throughout the semester. Lab notebook: Due May 10 (25% of grade, including attendance/makeup of each lab) Objective of Course: Emphasis is placed on not only learning the techniques involved with the many aspects of modern plant propagation, but also the science behind the methods. Students will acquire hands-on experience in the art and science of grafting, budding, rooting of cuttings, seedage, layering, tissue culture/micropropagation, propagation medias, greenhouse environmental control, and general plant care and greenhouse management. By learning the science behind the methods, students will develop a better understanding of why certain propagation methods were successful and why some were not. This experience and knowledge base will allow students to be better able to solve problems that arise during the propagation and growing of plants. Learning Goals: 1. Learn to propagate plants by seeding, rooting cuttings, grafting, budding, and layering 2. Become familiar with micropropagation/tissue culture techniques 3. Be able to explain the scientific basis for these techniques and the reasons for their individual us 4. Understand how the plant material including its stage of growth as well as environmental conditions affects plant propagation success 11:776:310 Plant Propagation Tentative Schedule*- Spring 2013 * Lab exercises are dependant on many factors (plant material, growth, weather, etc.) and the schedule may be changed accordingly. All labs at Floriculture Greenhouse, unless listed otherwise below Jan. 24: Jan. 25: Lecture: Introduction to Plant Propagation Lecture: Review of Plant Biology Basics; Planting media Jan. 31: Feb. 01: Lecture: Rooting of Cuttings: Principles and Practices Lab: Effects of media × hormone × environment on rooting Feb. 07: Feb. 08: Lecture: Rooting of Cuttings: Principles and Practices, con’t., QUIZ 1 Lab Group A: Effects of wounding × hormone concentration × hormone formulation on rooting. Location: Hort Farm 1/Rutgers Gardens Lab Group B: Plant Tissue Culture Lab. Location: Foran 104 Feb. 14: Feb. 15: Lecture: Plant Tissue Culture, Dr. C. Chin Lab Group A: Plant Tissue Culture Lab. Location: Foran 104 Lab Group B: Effects of wounding × hormone concentration × hormone formulation on rooting. Location: Hort Farm 1/Rutgers Gardens Feb. 21: Feb. 22: Lecture: Plant Tissue Culture, cont., Dr. C. Chin; Lab Group A: air layering, nut tree seeds Lab Group B: Plant Tissue Culture Lab. Location: Foran 104 Feb. 28: Mar. 01: Lecture: Grafting and Budding Principles and Practices, QUIZ 2 Lab: Group A: Plant Tissue Culture Lab Location: Foran 104 Lab: Group B: air layering, nut tree seeds Mar. 07: Mar. 08: Lecture: Grafting and Budding Techniques, grafting practice, cont. Lab: Apple grafting (moved to March 29) Mar. 14: Mar. 15: Mid-term Exam Lab: Side veneer grafting: various woody ornamentals March 16-23: ………………Spring Break………………………………………………………………... March 28: March 29: Lecture: Seeds and seed propagation, Eric Koch Lab: Apple Grafting April 04: April 05: Lecture: Layering Principles and Practices Lab Group A: Finalize Lab effects of wounding × hormone concentration × hormone formulation on rooting. Location: Hort Farm 1/Rutgers Gardens Lab Group B: Plant Tissue Culture Lab. Location: Foran 104 April 11: April 12: Lecture: Bulbs, tubers, and roots and their propagation, Megan Muehlbauer; QUIZ 3 Lab Group A: Plant Tissue Culture Lab. Location: Foran 104 Lab Group B: Finalize Effects of wounding × hormone concentration × hormone formulation on rooting. Location: Hort Farm 1/Rutgers Gardens April 18: April 19: Lecture: Plant Propagation and the NJ Nursery Industry, Dr. James Johnson Lab: Field layering (Hort Farm 3) April 25: April 26: Lecture: Plant propagation and production systems –hybrid willow vs. apple Lab: Finalize cutting labs, others labs. May 02: May 03: Lecture: Grafting vegetables Lab: Pot up tissue culture plantlets Take your plants home—Lab notebook due the day of the final (May 10)