Freshman Year: Total Hours = 30
___CS 140 Introduction to Computers or higher (3 cr.)
___EN 105 First Year Writing Seminar I (3 cr.)
___EN 106 First Year Writing Seminar II (3 cr.)
___LE 100 First Year Seminar (3 cr.)
___LE Arts & Humanities (3 cr.)
___LE Arts & Humanities (3 cr.)
___LE Natural & Physical Science (3 cr.)
___LE Social Science (3 cr.)
___MA 120 Basic Concepts of Statistics (3 cr.)
___Select One of the following: CA 103 (Public Speaking) or CA 105 (Intro to Human Communication) or
TH 105 (Oral Communication) (3 cr.)
___Writing Competency Test (WCT)
Sophomore Year: Total Hours = 30
___AC 201 Principles of Accounting I (3 cr.)
___LE Social Science-‐ PO 200 American National Government (3 cr.)
___PO 201 State and Local Government (3 cr.)
___Science with Lab (4 cr.)
___BPA Area of Emphasis Course (3 cr.)
___University Elective (3 cr.)
___University Elective (3 cr.)
___University Elective (3 cr.)
___University Elective (3 cr.)
___University Elective (2 cr.)
Junior Year: Total Hours = 30
___EN 306 Professional Writing in the Discipline or PA 430 Research in Public Administration (3 cr.)*
___LE 300 Seminar in Integrative and Interdisciplinary Thinking (3 cr.)
___PA 330 Public Administration (3 cr.)
___PA 333 Public Management and Leadership (3 cr.)
___PA 334 Public Personnel Administration (3 cr.)
___PA 350 Budget and Finance (3 cr.)
___*BPA Area of Emphasis Course or University Elective (if took BPA Area of Emphasis-‐ PA 430 for EN 306) (3 cr.)
___University Elective (3 cr.)
___University Elective (3 cr.)
___University Elective (3 cr.)
Senior Year: Total Hours = 30
___PA 380 Public Service Values (3 cr.)
___PA 390 Administrative Law (3 cr.)
___PA 404 Capitalism and Societal Issues (3 cr.)
___PA 431 Senior Seminar in Fire Services Management or PA 432 Senior Project in Public Administration (3 cr.)
___BPA Area of Emphasis Course (3 cr.)
___University Elective (3 cr.)
___University Elective (3 cr.)
___University Elective (3 cr.)
___University Elective (3 cr.)
___University Elective (3 cr.)
**See undergraduate catalog for upper division course requirements and other course specifics and policies.
Total Hours Required: 120 cr.
GPA Required: 2.5
Please see for further information. This plan serves as only a guide and not a requirement. Although advisors and advisees work together in all areas related to academic planning, academic decision making responsibilities, including the responsibility for meeting each of the graduation requirements of the University, rest ultimately with the student.
Effective 2014 – 2015