Physics 1302B 2014 2014 Physics 1302B Introductory Physics II Course Outline Note: This Course Information sheet is a living document. Check for updates to this information on the course website. 1. Calendar Course Description A calculus-based laboratory course for students intending to pursue further studies in Science. Oscillations, waves, fluids, electric fields and potential, DC circuits, magnetic fields, modern physics. Antirequisite(s): Physics 1021, 1029A/B, 1402A/B, 1502A/B, the former Physics 1020, 1024, 1026. Prerequisite(s): One of Physics 1301A/B or 1401A/B or 1501A/B, or a minimum mark of 70% in Physics 1028A/B. Corequisite(s): Pre-or Corequisite(s): Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 3 laboratory/tutorial hours, 0.5 course. Note: The department recommends that students also take a concurrent course that includes Calculus. Please be aware that some of the programs for which Physics 1302A/B is a prerequisite also require Calculus 1000A/B or 1100A/B or 1500A/B plus Calculus 1301A/B or 1501A/B, or Applied Mathematics 1413. This course, together with Physics 1301A/B, is a suitable prerequisite for modules in the Faculty of Science and modules offered by the basic medical science departments, and for professional schools having a Physics requirement. Note: Unless you have either the requisites for this course or written special permission from the Undergraduate Chair in Physics and Astronomy to enroll in it, you will be removed from this course and it will be deleted from your record. This decision may not be appealed. You will receive no adjustment to your fees in the event that you are dropped from a course for failing to have the necessary prerequisites 2. Timetable Section 1: Section 2: Mon/Wed/Fri 12:30 – 1:30 pm; WSC room 55 Mon/Wed/Fri 1:30 – 2:30 pm; WSC room 55 Instructor: Prof. Sarah Gallagher telephone: x86707; office: PAB room 205 office hours: 2:30 – 3:30 pm Mon/Fri twitter handle: @scgQuasar; class hashtag: #Phys1302 1 Physics 1302B 2014 3. Course Materials The following course materials can be purchased at the UWO Bookstore - get the package specifically listed for Physics 1301A/1302B: Textbook: Essential University Physics with MasteringPhysics, 2/E, by Richard Wolfson, (Addison-Wesley/Pearson), 2012. Both Volumes 1 and 2 will be used in 1302B. Lab Manual: 2013-2014 Physics 1302B/1402B/1502B Laboratory Manual. Be sure to buy the correct package, as it is not refundable. Calculator: Sharp EL-510RB Scientific Calculator. This is the only calculator allowed in quizzes or exams. In-class student response system: Top Hat course name: Physics 1302B 6-digit course code: 781132 In addition, on-line materials, including lecture notes, are available from the Edmodo course website. 4. Websites All on-line materials (lecture notes, tutorial material, announcements, etc.) are available through the Edmodo course website. Communications will be handled primarily through Edmodo; emailing the instructor and TAs directly should be reserved for special circumstances. The course code will be given on the first day of class. Disrespectful or inappropriate behavior on the course website will be grounds for removal from the group. All grades will be posted to this website. To access this site, you will need to log in using your UWO username and password. If you need information about setting up and using your account (or forwarding your mail from to other mail services), all the information you need is at the ITS website, Note that there are two different OWL websites for this course. One will have grades for lectures and tutorials, and the second will cover the lab component. 2 Physics 1302B 2014 In-class questions can be answered using any wireless device (e.g., phone, tablet, or computer). Top Hat will be used for a handful of in-class quizzes that will be given at random throughout the semester that will contribute to your participation grade. Equivalent paper quizzes will be provided for those who choose not to use Top Hat. The MasteringPhysics online homework sets can be accessed through this website. The course ID is MPGALLAGHER2014, a registration code came with your textbook if you bought it new, or can be purchased separately. 5. Course Content The course content is outlined in the following table: Volume: Chapter Sections Topic II: 20 All Electric Charge, Force, and Field II: 22 All Electric Potential II: 23 All Electric Energy & Capacitors II: 24 All Electric Current II: 25 All Electric Circuits II: 26 All except 26.8 Magnetism: Force & Field I: 13 All Oscillatory Motion I: 14 All Wave Motion 6. Evaluation Your grade in each term will be derived according to the following scheme: Item Percentage Laboratory 15% Participation (in-class quizzes) 5% Tutorial Quizzes (best 3 of 4) 20% Midterm Exam 20% Final Exam 40% It is required to get a passing grade for either the Final Exam or the Midterm Exam + Tutorial Quizzes in order to pass the course. Failing both the final and the midterm exam + tutorial quizzes means a grade of 40% will be assigned regardless of whether your grade as computed above averages to 50% or higher. The exams and quizzes for Physics 1302B will primarily cover the 3 Physics 1302B 2014 material discussed in class during the Winter term, but certain fundamental concepts from 1301 (e.g., Newtonʼs laws, conservation of energy, distancevelocity-acceleration relations, etc.) may be required to complete them successfully. 7. Laboratories Failing the laboratory component means a failing grade in this course regardless of your performance on the quizzes and examinations. Physics 1302B Lab Website: First Year Physics Laboratory webpage can be found at: Information on the Physics 1302B lab will be posted there. Direct All Lab Questions to the Laboratory Director: Prof. Kanthi Kaluarachchi, Office: M2203 (Materials Science Addition, MSA) email: phone: 519-661-2111 x86446 Laboratory Schedules and Location All first year physics labs in the Winter Term start in the week of January 6, 2013. Physics1302B lab schedules for all the lab sections are posted on OWL on the lab website. Physics labs are held in Materials Science Addition (MSA), Rooms M2220, M2230 and M2250. A map of MSA is available on the lab webpage. Laboratory Course Materials The following lab course materials can be purchased at the UWO Bookstore: Laboratory manual book: First Year Physics Laboratory Manuals, 2013-2014 Physics 1302B /1402B /1502B Calculator: SHARP Scientific Calculator EL-510R In addition, on-line lab materials are available at the OWL lab website. You are required to use the current year's lab manual package purchased from the University Bookstore. Please note that we do not accept photocopied manuals. Final Lab Mark Students are required to complete all six labs scheduled for this course. The final lab mark will be the average of the six lab marks. The exception is that one 4 Physics 1302B 2014 lab may be missed with appropriate documentation (see below). Absences from the Laboratory A missed lab will be assigned a mark of zero unless it has been excused by an academic counselor at the Deanʼs office of your home Faculty. Please submit documentation to the Deanʼs office within one week of your absence. Academic accommodation cannot be granted by the lab instructor, lab staff or the department. Laboratory Exemption If you have completed the lab component of Physics 1302, 1402, or 1502, within the last three years (i.e., year 2010-2011 or later), and obtained a passing mark for the lab, you may be exempted from the Physics 1302B lab. To apply for laboratory exemption, please send an email to the physics Laboratory Director with the following information: your full name, student number, course number of the physics course taken previously, and the year taken. We advise you not to miss any of your lab classes this year until you receive an email confirming laboratory exemption. 8. Tutorials and Tutorial Quizzes In the weeks alternating with the laboratory, there will be tutorials covering topics discussed in class during the preceding two weeks. At the end of the tutorial period there will be typically be a 45-minute tutorial quiz. The quizzes consist of multiple choice problems and longer answer-type questions. A total of four tutorial quizzes will occur throughout the Winter term. You will receive a final quiz mark based on the best three out of four of your tutorial quizzes. As a result of this policy, no makeups will be provided for these quizzes. The first tutorial quiz is for practice, and will count towards your participation mark. For the tutorials, unless there is a conflict, you will be divided into the same subsections as your lab sections. Seating will be assigned in the tutorials, and you must write the tutorial quiz in the subsection you are assigned. The tutorial schedule, timing and material to be covered at each tutorial will be posted to the class website in advance of the quiz dates. MasteringPhysics MasteringPhysics (MP) is a useful online tutorial and homework management system from Pearson, the textbook publisher. To use the system, you must register online at The code is included with your textbook. You also need the following: 5 Physics 1302B 2014 1. 2. 3. your Western userid your email address (please use your Western email address only) the course ID: MPGALLAGHER2014 A new homework set of up to 20 problems will be assigned on a weekly or biweekly basis. The problems can be “multiple choice” or you may need to enter a number or a formula. Mastering is a sophisticated system that provides a selfpaced Socratic tutorial system where a set of hints can guide you to the solution. The system includes access to an e-copy of the textbook. The ebook can be annotated and bookmarked. The system also provides a self-study area and access to PhET tutorials (from the University of Colorado), some of which will be shown in class. 9. Documentation for medical or other serious emergencies If you are unable to meet a course requirement due to illness or other serious circumstances, you must provide valid medical or other supporting documentation to the Dean's office as soon as possible and contact your instructor immediately. It is the student's responsibility to make alternative arrangements with their instructor once the accommodation has been approved and the instructor has been informed. In the event of a missed midterm or final exam, a "Recommendation of Special Examination" form must be obtained from the Dean's Office immediately. For further information please see: A student requiring academic accommodation due to illness should use the Student Medical Certificate when visiting an off-campus medical facility or request a Records Release Form (located in the Dean's Office) for visits to Student Health Services. The form can be found here: 10. Midterm and Final Examinations The 2-hr Midterm exam for 1302B will be held during your normal tutorial section the week of February 10, 2014. No makeup exams will be given to accommodate travel for Reading Week. The Final exam date and time will be posted on the course website when available. Students who are making travel arrangements for the summer holidays are advised to book a travel date after the end of the examination period. No makeup exams will be given to accommodate travel. 6 Physics 1302B 2014 No extra sheets, PDAs, advanced calculators, computers, cell phones, etc., may be accessible to you during exams. Unless otherwise indicated, exams will consist of a combination of multiplechoice problems, designed to test conceptual understanding of topics covered in class, and numerical problems (which may consist of multiple parts) that test problem-solving abilities. Computer-marked multiple-choice quizzes and/or exams may be subject to submission for similarity review by software that will check for unusual coincidences in answer patterns that may indicate cheating. Please note that the Department of Physics and Astronomy may, in exceptional cases, adjust the final course marks in order to conform to departmental policy. Calculators: The only calculators that may be used in an exam or a tutorial quiz are the Sharp EL-510RB, EL- 500, or EL-510R. They are available from the UWO Bookstore. Accommodations for Religious Holidays When scheduling unavoidably conflicts with religious holidays which (a) require an absence from the University or (b) prohibit or require certain activities (i.e., activities that would make it impossible for the student to satisfy the academic requirements scheduled on the day(s) involved), no student will be penalized for absence because of religious reasons, and alternative means will be sought for satisfying the academic requirements involved. It is the responsibility of such students to inform themselves concerning the work done in classes from which they are absent and to take appropriate action. A student who, for either of the situations outlined in paragraph one above (a or b), is unable to write examinations and term tests on a Sabbath or Holy Day in a particular term shall give notice of this fact in writing to his or her Dean as early as possible but not later than March 1st for the P1302B Final exam. In the case of mid-term tests, such notification is to be given in writing to the instructor within 48 hours of the announcement of the date of the mid-term test. The instructor(s) (in the case of mid-term tests) and the dean (in the case of final examinations) will arrange for special examination(s) to be written at another time. In the case of final examinations, the accommodation must occur no later than one month after the end of the examination period involved. It is mandatory that students seeking accommodations under this policy give notification before the deadlines, and that the Faculty accommodate these requests. For purposes of this policy the University has approved a list of dates which are recognized religious holidays which require members of those religions to be absent from the University; this list is updated annually and is available at departmental, Deans' and Faculty advising Offices. 7 Physics 1302B 2014 11. Make-up Policy a) Lab Marks. Grading policies for the laboratory are given in the Notes to Students in your lab manual package. b) Tutorial Quizzes. As your mark is based on the best three out of four tutorial quizzes, no make up quizzes will be given. Note that this schedule allows you to miss approximately 1 month of tutorials due to illness without penalty. c) Midterm and Final Examinations. The Department will provide one make-up test for each exam that may be written only with the permission of the Associate Dean, Faculty of Science. In accordance with Senate Policy, a Special Examination will be held within thirty days of the regular examination for students who are unable to write the regular examination for medical or other documented reasons. 12. Help In addition to the regularly scheduled tutorial periods, help is available during TA and instructor office hours (times and locations to be announced on the course website). Class and/or tutorial time will be given before the Midterm and Final exams to provide a more complete review of the semester's material. The Physics and Astronomy Student Association (PASA) also offers weekly drop-in help sessions. 13. Cheating (Scholastic Offences) Cheating University policy states that cheating is a scholastic offence. The commission of a scholastic offence is attended by academic penalty, which may include expulsion from the program. If you are caught cheating, there will be no second warning. Cheating includes having available any other electronic devices except a watch and the Sharp calculator discussed previously during a quiz or exam. You may NOT have a cell phone or laptop accessible, even to use it as a calculator or watch. Complete information on the University policy on academic offences can be found at Plagiarism Students must write their essays and assignments in their own words. Whenever students take an idea, or a passage from another author, they must acknowledge their debt both by using quotation marks where appropriate and by proper referencing such as footnotes or citations. Plagiarism is a major academic offence (see Scholastic Offence Policy in the Western Academic Calendar). 14. Classroom Conduct 8 Physics 1302B 2014 Disruptive or behaviour will not be tolerated in class during lectures and tutorials. Please respect the rights of your classmates to benefit from the lecture by limiting your conversations to those essential to the class, and by avoiding distracting behaviours such as using electronic devices for activities (e.g., playing video games, checking facebook, and instant messaging) unrelated to what is happening in the classroom. Students who persist in loud, distracting, or rude behaviour will be asked to leave. These rules extend to interactions (such as discussions) on Edmodo or OWL. 15. Complaints and Suggestions If you have a concern about something, please let us know. We rely on your feedback. Please contact initially the person most directly concerned; this will usually be your instructor or a tutorial, lab, or lecture TA. If that is not satisfactory, or if there is something more general bothering you, talk it over with the Chair of Undergraduate Affairs or the Physics & Astronomy Department Chair (for contact information see 16. Accessibility Please contact the course instructors if you require material in an alternate format or for any other arrangements to make this course more accessible to you. You may also wish to contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) at 6612111 x82147 for any specific question regarding an accommodation. 17. Contacting Us The simplest way to contact us outside of lectures is within the course website. Please allow 2–3 working days for a response. We may not answer any emails from any source other than addresses that end in "", and no emails will be answered with questions that are addressed in this document. Note in particular that emails sent from non-UWO accounts may be not answered, as they can be rejected as spam by our mail server. Make sure to put “Physics 1302” in the subject heading of any emails. 18. APPENDICES Appendices are an essential part of the course outline documents, and students must ascribe the same importance to them. Changes to these appendices will be posted on the course website. 9