Paterson's Land. - University of Edinburgh

Paterson’s Land.
This guide is currently under review
The car park will not be available until February 2016.
Access routes to the building are also affected due to the current re-landscaping
Please see temporary access maps located around the Moray House Campus
Paterson’s Land,
Holyrood Road,
Telephone number:
0131 651 6138.
Campus maps link:
Alternative Format.
If you require this document in an alternative format (e.g. large print) please
contact the Estates and Buildings Department or email,
telephone 0131 650 2470 or write to:
Estates and Buildings,
The University of Edinburgh,
Design Group Office,
11 Infirmary Street,
E H 1 1 N P.
Page 1
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan.
A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) is required for all staff and
students unable to manage their own evacuation of a building in an
Provision for staff/students/visitors who are unable manage their own
evacuation becomes the responsibility of the organiser of the
class/lecture/event/meeting. While the School is responsible for preparing this,
staff and students or visitors requiring assistance should confirm the
evacuation arrangements.
Page 2
Table of Contents.
Page 4.
Page 4.
Page 5.
Perspective View
Page 6.
Page 7.
Outside Access
Page 9.
Internal Access
Page 13
Page 14
Page 14
Platform Lifts
Page 15
Page 16
Page 16
Department Locations
Page 19
Floor Plans
Page 20
Opening Hours
Page 26
Contact Information
Page 27
Page 28
Page 3
Disabled Access Guide for Paterson’s Land.
This building has been adapted for use by wheelchair users
and persons who have difficulty with mobility or are infirm.
Seating is available. Accessible and standard toilets are also available.
Paterson’s Land houses the Office of Lifelong Learning, CALL
(Communication, Access, Literacy and Learning) Scotland and the Scottish
Sensory Centre (SSC).
Paterson’s Land is located within what is referred to as the Holyrood
Campus of the University of Edinburgh which is well served by public
transport. The Holyrood Campus is within approximately half a mile of the city
centre and is within approximately one mile of the main student residences at
Pollock Halls.
The nearest railway line is at Waverley Station in the city centre.
The nearest bus stops are located on Holyrood Road and on the Canongate,
in excess of 200 metres of the main entrance. The number 36 Lothian bus
service stops on Holyrood Road and the number 35 Lothian bus service stops
on the Canongate (see map on the following page). Details of timetables are
available from Lothian Buses, from their offices within the city and online from:
Persons arriving by vehicle can access Paterson’s Land from Holyrood Road
or from St John Street via Holyrood Road (see map on the following page).
Persons with mobility difficulties and wheelchair users are able to access the
building at the main entrance.
Page 4
The parking within the Holyrood campus has been suspended during the car
park refurbishment. The car park will not be accessible until February 2016.
Accessible spaces for those with a disability are located in lane adjacent to
the Paterson’s Land entrance on Holyrood Road. University parking permits
are required. See below for further information
Main Holyrood Campus car park image.
Disabled parking bays image.
Page 5
This university car park is located off Holyrood Road, to the side of Paterson’s
Land (see location map). and is in close proximity to the temporary Paterson’s
Land entrance (through the entrance archways on Holyrood Road.
Secondary car park image.
Please note that the aforementioned car parks are strictly for permit holders A
or B. If you do not hold a valid permit and require use of a university bay, it is
recommended that contact is made with Transport & Parking prior to your
journey (see contact information page).
City of Edinburgh Council ‘pay and display’ parking is located along St John
Street. Parking along this street is not recommended for wheelchair users
without assistance as it is of a moderate gradient and there are limited drop
kerbs to the adjacent footpaths. (Restrictions are also in place due to adjacent
building works.
St John Street parking image.
Page 6
Outside Access.
The temporary entrance is located on Holyrood Road. This is the
recommended entrance for wheelchair users and persons with mobility
difficulties. An accessible ramp has been built to this entrance from the main
Holyrood Road. The entrance to Paterson’s Land is on the far side of the
Red line indicates temporary circulation footpath
between Paterson’s Land, Dalhousie Land, Thomson’s
Land, Moray House etc
Shading indicates area of
re-landscaping (previously
car park)
Access point from footpath
Location of building entrance
Disabled Parking – permit required
Page 7
Temporary Ramp - Access Point 2 (accessed from Holyrood Road)
There is no pedestrian access to the car park from Canongate or Paterson’s
Access is not possible to Paterson’s Land at this time from Canongate.
Please note that access from the Canongate only allows access to Old Moray
House, is via a gate which is fastened open between the hours of 7am-5pm
on weekdays and is locked out with these hours.
Page 8
The main entrance to Paterson’s Land (from St John’s Street) comprises a
double width, manually operated door, which opens inwards and leads to an
automatic inner door. The outer doors are fastened open during opening
hours and there is a swipe card access point located to the right of these
doors which can be used to gain access out of hours (by authorised staff,
students and visitors).
Main entrance image.
The secondary entrance and the Chapters Restaurant entrance are both
located within the Paterson’s Land Quadrangle, which is accessed from
Holyrood Road. Access to the Paterson’s Land Quadrangle from Holyrood
Road is via an arched pend and a gate. The gate is fastened open between
the hours 7am-9pm Monday to Thursday; 7am-6pm Friday; and is usually
locked out with these hours. Upon proceeding through the gate there is a ramp
which comprises a moderate gradient.
Arched pend and gate image.
Ramp image.
Page 9
The secondary entrance is accessed via four steps which do not incorporate
handrails, contrasting nosings or a tactile surface at the top/bottom. The
secondary entrance comprises a double width, manually operated outer door,
which opens inwards and leads to a double width, manually operated inner
door. The outer doors are fastened open during opening hours.
Secondary entrance image.
The Chapters Restaurant entrance (3 on the map) is accessed via six steps
which have handrails to both sides but do not have contrasting nosings or a
tactile surface at the top/bottom. The entrance door is single width, is
operated manually and opens inwards.
Chapters Restaurant entrance image.
If you are a wheelchair user or have mobility difficulties and intend to access
Paterson’s Land, it is recommended that contact is made with Building
Management prior to arrival (see contact information page).
Page 10
Internal Access.
Upon entering Paterson’s Land at the main entrance, wheelchair access is via
a lift which is located immediately to the right (see ground floor plan).
Most of the double doors throughout the corridors require both leaves opening
to permit the passage of a wheelchair; the clear opening width of one leaf is
approximately 690mm. Many of the double doors throughout the corridors are
fastened open to permit wheelchair access. Please refer to the floor plans on
pages 20-25 to identify which doors are fastened open.
There is no level access to the mezzanine floor levels.
There is level internal access to Chapters Restaurant from the main entrance.
Wheelchair access to the restaurant is via a lift and three double doors which
are fastened open (see floor plans). If you are a wheelchair user and intend to
dine in Chapters Restaurant, assistance may be required due to some of the
self-service items being located out of reach of wheelchair users. There is a
wheelchair accessible call point located within the restaurant which can be
used to gain assistance (see lower ground floor plan).
Chapters restaurant canteen image.
There is a Smart Service Point (SSP) located within comfortable reach of
wheelchair users in the corridor before Chapters Restaurant (see lower
ground floor plan). This can be used to load money onto your university
smartcard for cashless catering. Details on cashless catering and how to use
SSP’s are available from:
There is internal access between Paterson’s Land and the adjoining building,
Thomson’s Land, on the lower ground floor (see lower ground floor plan).
Access is via a flight of stairs which incorporate contrasting nosings, have a
handrail to one side and are well-lighted.
Page 11
There is a reception for the Office of Lifelong Learning located within
Paterson’s Land close by the main entrance (see ground floor plan). The
reception personnel can provide directions and any required information. For
information prior to your visit please call the reception on: 0131 650 4400.
Wheelchair access to this reception from the main entrance is via a lift
and a double door which is fastened open.
The door to the reception is single width, is operated manually and
opens inwards.
The reception desk is suitable for approach by wheelchair users and
incorporates a lowered recessed section.
Lighting levels are good.
There is not a call point.
There is not an induction loop.
Office of Lifelong Learning reception image.
There is a servitors office located close by the main entrance, but there is no
wheelchair access to this office. The Paterson’s Land servitors can be
contacted on: 0131 651 6196; or, 07825408786.
Page 12
All floors excluding the basement and mezzanine levels are accessible by lift.
The lift is located close by the main entrance (see ground floor plan).
The lift call points and car controls are within comfortable reach of
wheelchair users.
The control panels do not have braille markings.
The lift car has two sided access.
The lift has an alarm and an emergency intercom.
There is contrast between the lift wall and floor surfaces.
There is an audible announcer.
The lift does not contain a mirror.
The lift car interior has a handrail on the side wall.
There are visual floor indicators.
The lighting level in the lift is fair.
The lift doors have pressure sensors.
Platform Lifts.
There are two platform lifts within Paterson’s Land. These enable wheelchair
access throughout the lower ground floor and to the basement floor (see floor
Page 13
Platform lift 1 image.
Platform lift 2 image.
The platform lifts have two sided access.
The call points are within comfortable reach of wheelchair users.
The doors to the platform lifts are automated and open outwards.
Platform lift 1 is exited and entered via a ramp at basement floor level.
Both platform lifts contain an emergency call point.
All floors are accessible by stairs.
The main stairwell has colour contrasting nosings.
Main stairwell image.
Page 14
All stairs have handrails to one or both sides.
The lighting level in stairwells is fair.
There are emergency call points, evacuation chairs and evacuation
refuge areas in some stairwells (see floor plans).
Page 15
Accessible toilets are located on the lower ground, ground and first floors (see
floor plans).
There are two accessible toilets located on the lower ground floor. The
accessible toilet which is located opposite the standard female toilet
has right hand lateral transfer space (see lower ground floor plan). The
other accessible toilet on the lower ground floor has left hand lateral
transfer space.
The ground floor accessible toilet has right hand lateral transfer space.
The first floor accessible toilet has left hand lateral transfer space.
There is adequate manoeuvring space in the lower ground floor
accessible toilets and there is good manoeuvring space in the ground
and first floor accessible toilets.
There are emergency pull chord alarms in all accessible toilets.
The doors open outwards.
The widths of the accessible toilet doors are suitable for wheelchairs.
There are suitable dropdown and support rails for transfer.
The tap type in the lower ground floor accessible toilet which is located
opposite the standard female toilet is self-closing. The tap type in all
other accessible toilets is lever operation.
All accessible toilets contain a coat hook.
The contrast between the grab rails and walls is poor in the lower
ground floor accessible toilet which is located opposite the standard
female toilet.
The contrast between the grab rails and walls is fair in all other
accessible toilets.
The contrast between the walls and floors is good.
The lighting level in all accessible toilets is fair.
Page 16
Lower ground floor accessible toilet cubicles image.
Ground floor accessible toilet cubicle image.
First floor accessible toilet
cubicle image.
Standard design male and
female toilets are located
on the lower ground, lower
ground mezzanine, ground
and first floors (see floor
Page 17
This floor comprises:
Ground Floor
Teaching Room.
Lower Ground
This floor comprises:
This floor comprises:
Lower Ground
This floor comprises:
Ground Floor.
This floor comprises:
First Floor.
CALL (Communication, Access, Literacy and Learning)
Scottish Sensory Centre.
PHD Suites.
Teaching Rooms.
Staff Offices.
Accessible Toilet.
Standard Toilets.
This floor comprises:
Department Locations.
Office of Life Long Learning Reception.
Meeting Rooms.
Lecture Theatre.
Teaching Rooms.
Staff Offices.
Accessible Toilet.
Standard Toilets.
Computer Room.
Muslim Prayer Rooms.
Post Graduate Research Room.
Servitors Office.
Standard Staff Toilets.
Catering Office.
Chapters Restaurant.
Teaching Rooms.
Video Conference Suite.
Accessible Toilets.
Standard Toilets.
Editing Suite.
Film Studio.
Recording Studio.
Standard Toilets.
Page 18
Floor Plans.
- The following five pages contain building floor plans. This page contains the basement floor plan.
Page 19
- This page contains the lower ground floor plan.
Page 20
- This page contains the lower ground floor mezzanine plan.
Page 21
- This page contains the ground floor plan.
Page 22
- This page contains the ground floor mezzanine plan.
Page 23
- This page contains the first floor plan.
Page 24
Opening Hours.
Paterson’s Land is open on weekends but opening times vary in accordance
with timetabling. If you intend to access Paterson’s Land on a weekend, it is
recommended that contact is made with your host prior to arrival.
Office of Lifelong Learning Reception.
Chapters Restaurant.
Page 25
Contact Information.
Office of Lifelong Learning Reception:
0131 650 4400.
CALL (Communication, Access, Literacy and Learning) Scotland:
0131 651 6235.
Scottish Sensory Centre:
0131 651 6501.
Building Manager:
Duncan Herd.
0131 651 6014.
0131 651 6196 / 07825408786.
Transport & Parking:
0131 650 9101.
University Switchboard:
0131 650 1000.
Telephone number:
Page 26
University Homepage.
Campus Maps.
Bookable Rooms Guides.
Student Disability Service.
Moray House School of Education.
Office of Lifelong Learning.
CALL (Communication, Access, Literacy and Learning) Scotland.
Scottish Sensory Centre.
Chapters Restaurant.
Cashless Catering.
Transport & Parking.
City of Edinburgh Council Parking.
Page 27
Paterson’s Land
October 2015