Qingxia KONG School of Business Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile Mobile: (569) 6227-1626 Office: (562) 331-1323 E-mail: qingxia.kong@gmail.com W ORKING E XPERIENCE Assistant Professor, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago Aug. 2012 –present E DUCATION Ph.D., Decision Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore 2012 ∙ Supervisor: Prof. Teo Chung Piaw ∙ Thesis Title: Pattern Seeking and Service System Design Driven by Fact-Based Decision Making M.S., Management Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China ∙ Supervisor: Prof. Daoli Zhu ∙ Thesis Title: Inventory Control in Reverse Logistics 2007 B.S., Mathematics, Qingdao University, Qingdao, China 2003 R ESEARCH I NTERESTS Health-Care Management, Behavioral Decision Making, Gambling Behavior and Sports Analytics R ESEARCH Papers under Review & Publications 1. Scheduling Arrivals to a Stochastic Service Delivery System using Copositive Cones, with Chung-Yee Lee, Chung-Piaw Teo, and Zhichao Zheng, Forthcoming at Operations Research. 2. Judgement Error in Lottery Play: When the Hot-Hand Meets the Gambler’s Fallacy, with Nicolas S. Lambert and Chung-Piaw Teo, under review, 2012. 3. Benford’s Law and Number Selection in Fixed-Odds Numbers Game, with Mabel Chou, ChungPiaw Teo, Zuozheng Wang and Huan Zheng. Journal of Gambling Studies 25(4), 2009, 503-521. 4. Demand Model of Stochastic Customer Choice and Its Application in Inventory Control, with Qihui Lu, Logistics Technology, 7, 2006, 127-130. Selected Working Papers in Progress 5. Appointment Sequencing: Moving Beyond The Smallest-Variance-First Rule, with Chung-Yee Lee, Chung-Piaw Teo, and Zhichao Zheng, 2012. 6. Multiple Joint Ventures as a Cure for Moral Hazard, with Qiang Fu, 2011. 7. Optimal Guidelines of Screening Mammography Based on Individual Risk Factors, with Susana Mondschein, 2013. Qingxia KONG 2 8. Risk and Time Preferences of Horse-race Bettors: An Experimental Study, with Songfa Zhong, 2013. Projects 1. Singtel: Risk Management and Product Pricing, with Chung-Piaw Teo, and Zhichao Zheng, May.- Oct. 2010. 2. National University Hospital: Queuing System Design in NUH Pharmacy, with Zhichao Zheng, Nov. 2009 - Mar. 2010. Others The numbers game: Down a blind alley?, with M.Chou, Straits Times, Oct.1, 2009, Commentary Academic Experience Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, USA Participant, Asia Summer Institute in Behavioral Economics, NUS, May 2011 Jul.-Aug. 2010 Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley, USA Jan.-Jul. 2009 S ELECTED P RESENTATIONS Liability Limit Management in Fixed Odds Numbers Game ∙ 2nd International Conference on Mathematics in Sports, The Netherlands Jun.2009 Multiple Joint Ventures as a Cure for Moral Hazard ∙ The International Forum on the Interface of Marketing and Operations Management, Hong Kong Dec. 2009 ∙ POMS annual conference, Reno, USA May 2011 Scheduling Arrivals to a Stochastic Service Delivery System using Copositive Cones ∙ National University of Singapore, Singapore ∙ MSOM annual conference, Technion, Israel ∙ POMS annual conference, Reno, USA Jun. 2010 Jul. 2010 May 2011 Pattern Seeking and Biased Perception of Randomness ∙ Sogang University, Seoul, Korea ∙ Informs annual conference, Charlotte, USA ∙ Adolfo Ibáñez University, Santiago, Chile Nov. 2011 Nov. 2011 Mar. 2012 Appointment Sequencing: Moving Beyond The Smallest-Variance-First Rule ∙ Informs annual conference, Charlotte, USA Nov. 2012 T EACHING I NTERESTS Behavioral Decision Making, Operations Research, Operations Management, Business Analytics Qingxia KONG 3 T EACHING E XPERIENCE Tutor ∙ Business Analytics II, National University of Singapore, - Rating: 4.1/5, Best Teaching Award, Nominee ∙ Management science, undergraduate, National University of Singapore - Rating: 4.0/5, Best Teaching Award, Nominee, - Rating: 4.32/5, Fall 2011 Fall 2009 Fall 2008 Instructor ∙ Operations Research, PhD Preparatory Course, National University of Singapore Jul. 2008 ∙ Supply Chain Management, undergraduate, Informatics, Shanghai, China Spring 2006 ∙ Olympic Mathematics at preliminary level, Regis School of Language and Mathematics, Dalian, China 2003-2004 Teaching Training ∙ Two-day workshop on “Using Cases to Teach” by ECCH, Singapore ∙ Three individual sessions effective presentation skill, NUS ∙ Two-day training on teaching effectiveness, NUS Aug.2011 Sep.-Nov. 2010 Aug. 2008 F UNDS & AWARD ∙ Improving service level and capacity through appointment system design in health-care management, principle investigator, FONDECYT (Iniciación) 11121634, 2012-2015. ∙ President Graduate Fellowship, National University of Singapore, 2009, 2010 ∙ X-Lab Fund on Simulated Lottery Games, UC Berkeley, 2009 ∙ Best Teaching Award, Nominee, National University of Singapore, 2009 ∙ NUS Research Scholarship,National University of Singapore, 2007,2008 ∙ Graduate Scholarship, Fudan University, 2005,2006 ∙ Under-graduate Fellowship, Qingdao University 2000, 2001, 2002 P ROFESSIONAL A FFILIATIONS AND S ERVICE Co-organizer, PhD Sharing Session, Department of Decision Sciences, National University of Singapore, 2008,2010,2011 Session Chair, POMS Annual Conference, 2011 Ad Hoc reviewer, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research Membership: member at INFORMS, MSOM, POMS, DSI P ERSONAL Citizenship: China Language: Mandarin (Native), English, Hindi(Conversational), Spanish (Conversational) Hobbies: Meditation (Sahaj Marg), Pack-packing, Traditional Chinese Music