Current Status and Issue of e

Sarangerel Tseen-Oidov
Manager of Standards Information Center,
Mongolian National Center for Standardization and Metrology
In this age of globalization, development and prosperity can only be achieved
through shared effort, and through gearing that effort to the needs of tomorrow’s ever
more interdependent and ever more technologically advanced world.
For the time when our country is moving towards to a m arket economy our
mission is to achieve progress and ensure reliability in the area of Information and
Communication Technology for the benefit of society, economy, science and technology.
2. E -G O V E R N M E N T P L A N S A N D A P P R O A C H
The information delivery though the use of information and telecommunication
technologies is strategically important for any organization, especially for developing
countries as well as in Mongolia.
E-Government is the very new topic in the area of IT of Mongolia. Recognizing
importa nce of IT, Mongolian Government adopt a policy paper entitled “Vision for the
development of information and communication technology until 2010”. The paper
details the basic scope of the promotion of information technology and the priorities of
IT application in Mongolia.
In order to establish a development of government IT system among the
government-legislation, business-economic and people-society, there are three main
frameworks as follows:
First framework is within the government-legislation: The Government is the
founder of a social system with Information and Communication Technologies, an open
source for information and data and it should offer the main service.
Second is within business-economic framework: Set up a business environment
that can be integrated efficiently with the world economy.
Third framework is the people -society: Create a favourable environment for
Mongolian citizens to communicate freely among themselves and with the world
community regardless of location and to provide equal and active involvement and
participation in the social relationships.
The major objectives of the above-mentioned vision are:
To harmonize of Information and Communication Technology standards with
International ones.
Set up an Information and Communication Technology structure
Set up a system to make government information accessible.
Promote the favourable legal and development environment of e-commerce
To meet the requirements of the international agreements.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an evolving technology.
Unlike other resource hungry technology and tools for development, the ICT has big
potential for the resource-pool developing countries to harness its power.
If our country, Mongolia could take systematic approach to use the ICT for our
development, it could stop the vicious cycle of underdevelopment and break away from
core-periphery exploitative relationships.
For support and enhance the government information system is need to
increase office
hi-tech supply and develop a government information network
together with public, non-governmental and private sector information networks.
Information and Telecommunication Technologies is very important to all
nations in the world.
MNCSM is central standards and metrology body responsible for coordinating
and managing Metrology, Standardization, and Testing and Quality management
sector of Mongolia. MNCSM is a government regulatory agency, running under the
Ministry of Trade and Industry of Mongolia.
MNCSM gives priorities for the implementation of International IT standards
and application of Information and Telecommunication Technologies. For the
application ICT, we set up a local area network (LAN) with 80 PC’s and 1 server
computer. All PC’s connected with LAN and 40 PC’s connected with the Internet
through dail-up connection.
IT developments concern to the following aspects:
Electronic templates and forms
Document exchange formats (including graphics)
ISODOC server and ISO TC server
Electronic balloting
Electronic delivery of standards
Workflow technologies
MNCSM is responsible for development and approval of documentation and IT
Reducing the ti me taken to develop standards has become a key strategic issue.
One of the areas for improvement by the ISO is the time-consuming process of
gathering votes and comments from ISO’s membership on standards.
From first half of this year, ISO member countri es were given access to
electronic balloting system for international standardization work. E-balloting is one
component of a large-scale project to migrate the entire ISO standards-development
process-from the proposal of new work items to the publication of standards – to a
wholly electronic environment.
In order to support developing countries in IT area, MNCSM is looking for a
technical assistance for the establishment of direct (not dial -up) connection network
system with ISONET and the World Standards Service Network (WSSN). Without the
Internet connection and communication, there is no way to forward to the future.
We need to study a lot from developed country’s experience and practice and
A large number of developing countries are currently heavily dependent on
imports of service. The import of service is today closely linked with the ability of
financial, computer, information and communication services.
Most crucial points for IT standardization in Mongolia are lack of financial
resources, lack of special trained experts and lack of international experiences.
Therefore, the regional collaboration in standardization may be regarded, as the very
first requirement in exchange the latest technical information, documents and
technology transfer, training seminar like AFSIT.
Mongolia is open for any bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the field of IT
standardization and related activities.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.