TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Cases ........................................................................................................... vii Table of Legislation....................................................................................................xv Table of Agreements, Conventions, Treaties, etc ......................................................xxv Chapter I Introduction .....................................................................................1 Eleanor M Fox and D Daniel Sokol Chapter II The Development of Human Capital in Latin American Competition Policy ........................................................................13 D Daniel Sokol Chapter III The Recent Development of the Brazilian Competition Policy System..................................................................................33 Elizabeth MMQ Farina and Patricia Agra Araújo Chapter IV Mexican Competition Policy.........................................................47 Marcos Avalos Bracho Chapter V The Argentine Competition Law and its Enforcement................93 Germán Coloma Chapter VI To What Extent Will the Possibility of Executing Agreements with Cartel Members Impact on Brazilian Antitrust Policy? ....117 Leopoldo Ubiratan Carreiro Pagotto Chapter VII ‘Gun Jumping’ or Cartel: Is Brazil Prepared for this Analysis? .......................................................................................137 Leonor Cordovil Chapter VIII Leniency Program in Brazil .........................................................147 Mauro Grinberg Chapter IX Building Trust in Antitrust: The Chilean Case ...........................157 Elina Cruz and Sebastian Zarate Chapter X Quality of Evidence and Cartel Prosecution: The Case of Chile ..........................................................................189 Aldo González vi Table of Contents Chapter XI Tacit Collusion in Latin America: A Comparative Study of the Competition Laws and Their Enforcement in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Panama........................205 Juan D Gutiérrez R Chapter XII The Detection of Cartels and the Blending of Law and Economics .............................................................................253 William S Comanor Chapter XIII Collusion in Convergent Markets ...............................................271 Víctor Pavón-Villamayor Chapter XIV Latin America and the Control of International Cartels ...........291 John M Connor Chapter XV Private Enforcement Against International Cartels in Latin America: A US Perspective ............................................325 Daniel A Crane Chapter XVI The US Federal Trade Commission and Competition Advocacy: Lessons for Latin American Competition Policy .....351 Todd J Zywicki and James C Cooper Chapter XVII Determinants of the Fares in the Chilean Airline Market: An Empirical Approximation to the Case of LAN CHILE ........377 Roy Costilla and Javier Velozo Chapter XVIII Mergers, Prices and Concentration in the Supermarket Industry: The Case of Chile.........................................................391 Andrés Gómez-Lobo and Aldo González Chapter XIX The Agricultural Sector and Competition Policy in Colombia ..................................................................................411 Ricardo Arguello and María Clara Lozano Ortiz de Zarate Chapter XX Merger Policy in Latin America ..................................................433 Joseph Krauss Chapter XXI Downloading Competition Law from a Regional Trade Agreement: A Strategy to Introduce Competition Law in Bolivia and Ecuador ................................................................453 Francisco Marcos Chapter XXII Promoting Competition Policies from the Private Sector in Latin America ...............................................................469 Julián Peña Index .......................................................................................................................481 TABLE OF CASES Andean Community Judgment of 24 March 1997, Procedure 03-AI-96, Gazzete no 261, 29 March 1997.........455 Preliminary Ruling 5-IP-89 of 26 Oct 1989 .........................................................................454 Preliminary Ruling 2-IP-90 of 29 Sept 1990........................................................................455 Telecel c Sirese, Procedure 87-IP-2002 (Official Gazette no 868, 2 Dec 2002) ....................458 Argentina Aeropuertos Argentina 2000/LAPA (2002), Resolution 29/02 from the Secretary of Competition Defense ...................................................................................................111 AGP v CCAP and others (1996), Resolution 382/96 from the Secretary of Commerce, Industry and Mining ........................................................................100, 213 AmBev/Quilmes (2003), Resolution 5/03 from the Secretary of Competition Defense ....110 Arcor/Bagley (2004), Resolution 151/04 from the Secretary of Technical Coordination.....................................................................................................................110 Arcor/La Campagnola (2006), Resolution 11/06 from the Secretary of Commerce ..........110 Argentine Chamber of Stationer’s Shops v Makro Supermarkets (1997), Resolution 810/97 from the Secretary of Commerce, Industry and Mining ................103 Asociación de Agencias de Viajes y Turismo de Buenos Aires v American Airlines and others (2001), CNDC, Dictamen No 356 de 2001 .............................................. 214–15 Aviabue v American Airlines, United Airlines and British Airways (2001), Resolution 115/01 from the Secretary of Competition Defense ....................................100 Bayer/Aventis CropScience merger ................................................................................440, 452 Buenos Aires Sand Storage v Argentine Sand Company and others (1986), Resolution 442/86 from the Secretary of Commerce........................................................99 Cámara Argentina de la Construcción and Delegación Entre Ríos v Cooperativa Entrerriana de Productores Mineros Ltda and others, CNDC, Dictamen No 417 de 2003 ..................................................................................................................213 CNDC v Acfor and Igaretta (1983), Resolution 368/83 from the Secretary of Commerce, Sentence of the National Court of Appeals on Criminal matters, Room 1, 27/Dec/1983 .................................................................................................. 103–4 CNDC v Air Liquide and others (Liquid/Medical Oxygen) (2005), Dictamen No 510 de 2005; Resolution 119/05 from the Secretary of Technical Coordination; Supreme Court, Jan 2007 ............................................. 100, 213, 305–6, 317 CNDC v Axle and others (1997), Resolution 730/97 from the Secretary of Commerce, Industry and Mining ............................................................................100, 214 CNDC v Duperial SA and Compañía Química SA (1985), Dictamen 065 de 1985 ............213