Bachelor of Science in Psychology Suggested 4 Year Plan of Study

Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Suggested 4 Year Plan of Study
* This worksheet is intended as a planning tool and does not replace formal academic advising. *
ENG W131
Grade of C or better
PSY P103
General Psychology
General Education
Competency Course
First Year Seminar
(2 credit hours)
ENG W132
Grade of C or better
PSY P216
Lifespan Development
Public Speaking
General Education
Competency Course
General Elective
PSY P211 (pre-req P103)
Research Methods
Offered fall & spring
PSY P206
Psychology of
Everyday Life
General Education
Ethics Course
PHIL P120 or P140
Elective/Minor Course
Elective/Minor Course
PSY K300 (pre-req Math)
Statistical Analysis
Offered fall & spring
Diversity Elective
See advisor for options
General Education
Competency Course
Natural Sciences (lab)
BIOL L101 recommended
Elective/Minor Course
Elective/Minor Course
Advanced Psych
Course from
Major Core
Advanced Psych
Course 300-400 level
General Education
Competency Course
Natural Sciences
General Education
Competency Course
Elective/Minor Course
Advanced Psych
Course from
Major Core
Advanced Psych
Course 300-400 level
Elective/Minor Course
Elective/Minor Course
Advanced Psych
Course from
Major Core
General Education
Competency Course
Elective/Minor Course
Elective/Minor Course
Elective/Minor Course
Advanced Psych
Course from
Major Core
Capstone Course
(i.e. P495 or BSS B490)
Elective/Minor Course
Elective/Minor Course
Elective/Minor Course
Math for Business and
Social Sciences
PSY P326
(pre-req P103 & biology lab)
Behavioral Neuroscience
* Summer courses are not required but may be a good time to make up missed course, work ahead or tackle difficult subjects
At least 120
General Education Framework-Approved Courses-Effective Fall 2013 (updated 2/2015)
Humanistic Artistic Competency: 6 credit hours
ENG-G205 Introduction to the English Language
ENG-G207 Grammar and Usage
ENG-L202 Literary Interpretation
ENG-L203 Introduction to Drama
ENG-L204 Introduction to Fiction
ENG-L205 Introduction to Poetry
ENG-L207 Women and Literature
ENG-L208 Topics in English and American Literature
ENG-L209 Topics in American Literature and Culture
ENG-L225 Introduction to World Masterpieces
ENG-L250 American Literature Before 1865
ENG-L251 American Literature After 1865
ENG-L295 American Literature and Film
ENG-L297 English Literature to 1600
ENG-L298 English Literature from 1600-1800
ENG-L299 English Literature Since 1800
ENG-W203 Creative Writing
FINA-A101 Ancient to Medieval Art
FINA-A102 Renaissance to Modern Art
FINA-H100 Intro: Art History & Visual Culture
Must include at least 2 different disciplines outside your major
FINA-F100 Fundamental Studio Drawing
FINA-F101 Fundamental Studio 3D
FINA-S260 Ceramics I
FINA-S280 Metalsmithing & Jewelry Design I
FREN-F100 Elementary French I
FREN-F150 Elementary French II
FREN-F200 Second-Year French I: Language and Culture
FREN-F250 Second-Year French II: Language and Culture
HIST-B244 The Viking Age
HIST-H105 American History 1
HIST-H106 American History II
HIST-H108 Perspectives on the World to 1800
HIST-H109 Perspectives on the World since 1800
HIST-H 205 Ancient Civilization
HIST-H216 The “Wild West” and American Identity
HIST-H217 The Nature of History
HIST-H225 Special Topics in History
MUS-M174 Music for the Listener I
MUS-M175 Music for the Listener II
Natural Sciences Competency: 5-6 credit hours * Must include one course
with lab.
*the combinations of courses in the Quantitative Reasoning Competency
and the Natural Sciences Competency must be 9 credit hours (or more)
Suggested courses for non-science majors:
AST-A100 The Solar System
AST-A105 Stellar Astronomy
BIOL-L101 Introduction to Biological Sciences (lab science)
BIOL-L108 Environment and Life
BIOL-L150 Biology Freshman Seminar (online course)
BIOL-N120 Topics in Biology
CHEM-N100 Nutrition (lab science)
GEOL-G111 Physical Geology (lab science)
GEOL-G112 Historical Geology
PHYS-P100 Physics in the Modern World
PHYS-P104 Conceptual Physical Science
PHYS-P110 Energy
PHYS-P120 Energy and Technology
Additional options:
ANAT-A215Basic Human Anatomy (online course)
BIOL-L102 Introduction to Biological Sciences 2
BIOL-N212 Human Biology (online course)
BIOL-N213 Human Biology Laboratory (online course)
BIOL-Q201 Biological Science for Elem. Teachers
CHEM-C100 Elementary Chemistry I
CHEM-C101/C121 Elementary Chemistry I/Elementary Chem. I Lab
CHEM-C105/C125 Principles of Chemistry I/Lab
CHEM-C108 General Organic Biochemistry
EDUC-Q200 Intro to Scientific Inquiry
GEOL-G210 Oceanography
MICR-J200/J201 Microbiology & Immunology/Lab
PHSL-P201 Basic Human Physiology I
PHSL-P215 Basic Human Physiology II
PHYS-P201 General Physics I
May include at most one studio course.
MUS-T101 Introduction to Music I
MUS-Z103 Special Topics
MUS-Z201 History of Rock and Roll
PHIL-P100 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL-P105 Critical Thinking
PHIL-P120 Ethics
PHIL-P140 Introduction to Ethics
PHIL-P200 Problems of Philosophy
PHIL-P282 Women in Philosophical Thought
REL-R152 Jews, Christians, Muslims
REL-R160 Introduction to Religion in Culture
REL-R220 Introduction to the New Testament
SPAN-S100 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN-S150 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN-S200 Second Year Spanish I
SPAN-S230 Cervantes' Don Quixote in Translation
SPAN-S250 Second-Year Spanish II
THTR-T210 Appreciation of Theater
WOST-W201 Women in Culture: Intro. to Women’s Studies
Social Behavioral Competency: 6 credit hours
Must include at least 2 different disciplines outside your major.
ANTH-A103 Human Origins and Prehistory
ANTH-A104 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH-A200 Topics in Anthropology of Culture and Society
ANTH-B200 Biological Anthropology
CJUS-P100 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJUS-P200 Theories of Crime and Deviance
CMCL-C205 Introduction to Communication and Culture
ECON-E103 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON-E104 Introduction to Macroeconomics
EDUC-P250 General Educational Psychology
GEOG-G110 Introduction to Human Geography
INFO-I101 Introduction to Informatics
INFO-I202 Social Informatics
JOUR-J110 Foundations of Journalism and Mass Communication
POLS-Y103 Introduction to American Politics
POLS-Y105 Introduction to Political Philosophy
POLS-Y107 Introduction to Comparative Government
POLS-Y109 Introduction to International Relations
POLS-Y212 Making Democracy Work
PSY-P103 General Psychology
PSY-P211 Methods of Experimental Psychology
PSY-P216 Lifespan Development
SPCH-S122 Interpersonal Communication
SOC-S100 Introduction to Sociology
SOC-S215 Social Change
SOC-S217 Social Inequality
SOC-S230 Society and the Individual
SWK-S102 Diversity in a Pluralistic Society
SWK-S221 Human Growth and Development in the Social Environment
SWK-S251 History and Analysis of Social Welfare Policy
WOST-W200 Women and Society