UNCLASSIFIED UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED DSM Supplementary Document Annex B to DSM Part 2:61 Access Control and Identity Management - Details of Specific Cards Version 7 Publication date July 2015 Amendment list 16 Optimised for Screen; Print; Screen Reader Releasable to Public Copyright ic Compliance requirements for this supplementary document are the same as for its parent Compliance Requirements document. © Commonwealth of Australia 2010 Pu bl This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Department of Defence. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to Defence Publishing Services, Department of Defence. UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED Defence-Wide Access Cards 1. The following access cards entitle the bearer to unescorted access to facilities which they have the security clearance and legitimate need to access. 2. ADF identity card (Purple). To meet Article 17 of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949, the Australian Defence Force (ADF) identity card must [Auth:None] include: the holder’s first name and surname; b. the holder’s rank, Service number and date of birth; and c. the conditions of issue. The ADF identity card is to be issued: a. to Permanent and Active Reserve members of the ADF upon graduation from recruit or trade training; b. to Standby Reserves undertaking authorised DA50(4) 1 work, refer paragraph 28; ic 3. a. Note: Standby Reserves issued the ADF identity card retain the card for the duration of their time in the Standby Reserve or until the card expires. bl Note: Active and Standby Reserves are reminded that the ADF identity card is only to be used for the purpose for which the card was issued, ie reserve or DA50(4) contracted work; see DSM Part 2:61 Access Control and Identity Management. to authorised philanthropic staff working with ADF units (eg Salvation Army), when required; and d. to permanent staff (civilian) employed by the ADF in an area of operation (AO) for the duration of that employment. This card is to be used as an identification document for easy recognition by Allied forces to facilitate appropriate access rights. It does not replace the Geneva Convention card which is issued separately under the direction of Chief Joint Operations (CJOPS). This card is not to be used outside the AO and must be returned to the Defence Orientation Centre on return. Pu c. 4. This card is not base specific and gives the bearer escorting privileges. The card will have a default expiry date, five years from date of issue, printed on the front. This is to allow the card to be used as a form of identity for Centrelink and other Government services (Centrelink require expiry dates on all forms of identity). 5. Defence Australian Public Service identity card (Blue). Issued upon appointment to permanent civilians employed by Defence. The card gives the holder escorting privileges to facilities where they have the appropriate security clearance and a legitimate need to access. The card will have a default expiry date, five years from date of issue, printed on the back. This card is not base specific. 6. Non-ongoing civilians employed by Defence are issued the same card, however it must be differentiated by the use of the title 'non-ongoing staff' on the card and must expire and be returned upon completion of the employment contract. 1 Sub-Section 50(4) of the Defence Act 1903 relates to employment of the Standby Reserve. Annex B to DSM Part 2:61 Page 2 of 8 UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED 7. Defence industry/agency identity card (Yellow). Issued to external service providers (ESP) who support Defence and who require regular access to various Defence bases. ESP must [Auth:None] have a minimum of a BASELINE security clearance, and the commander or manager's approval to be issued this card. ESP include, but are not limited to: a. employees of a company contracted to Defence, (Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) and non-DISP); b. individual contractors contracted to Defence (DISP and non-DISP); c. external agency staff (staff of government departments, agencies and authorities); and d. employees, contractors or subcontractors of the Army and Air Force Canteen Service (AAFCANS), trading as Frontline Defence services, commonly known as Frontline. ic Note: AAFCANS differs from other companies contracted to Defence as they are a Commonwealth Authority and Companies Act 1997 body regulated under the Army and Air Force Canteen Service Regulations 1959 to provide amenities services for Defence. Requests for Defence industry/agency cards associated with AAFCANS/Frontline are to be made through Frontline head office to the Directorate Forces Entertainment and ADF Support Services. bl 8. These cards are issued upon contract commencement. Cards must expire and be returned by the sponsor or Defence contract manager upon expiry or completion of the contract (whichever is the shorter). The card will have a default expiry date, one year from date of issue, printed on the back. This card is not base specific, but may be subject to local base conditions for access. Escort privileges must [Auth:None] only be granted after approval has been given by the sponsor with full justification provided. 9. Air base access card (Yellow). Issued to authorised Airservices Australia Flight Inspection Services personnel, for air base access from air side and road side to all RAAF air bases, Oakey and HMAS ALBATROSS. The card must expire and be returned upon expiry or cancellation of the bearer's Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC), or cessation of employment in flight inspection duties. The card will have a default expiry date, one year from date of issue, printed on the back. Pu 10. National Defence families access card (Mauve). Issued, upon application, to recognised family members aged sixteen years and older of ADF permanent and reserve members. This card is not base specific and allows the bearer to access domestic base married accommodation and family/community areas only. There is no requirement for a person issued this card to hold a security clearance and there are no escorting privileges associated with this card. Note: Even though national Defence family card holders do not have any 'formal' escorting privileges, they are still responsible for escorting any minors under the age of 16 in their care. 11. The card will have a default expiry date, three years from date of issue, printed on the back. Sponsoring ADF members must ensure that cards are renewed when required or returned when there is no further entitlement. If a family member is denied the issue of a card or has their card revoked, then they may be, at the discretion of the relevant base commander or manager, entitled to a base access only card; refer paragraph 13.c. Base-Specific Access Cards 12. The following access cards are used to access specific bases/facilities only. The bearer of this card is not entitled to unescorted access in secured areas, unless otherwise approved by the base commander or manager. These cards may be authorised for use on more than one base (eg those that are geographically close), subject to a documented regional agreement between relevant BSM. 13. Base access only card (Red). Issued to authorised persons determined eligible for permanent or periodic access to a particular facility by the commander or manager of the base. This can include: Annex B to DSM Part 2:61 Page 3 of 8 UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED a. external service providers working on the particular facilities for which the card is issued (card shall be annotated by the term 'Industry' or 'Contractor/PSP'); b. employees, contractors or subcontractors of AAFCANS/Frontline (card shall be annotated by the term 'AAFCANS'); c. recognised family members aged sixteen years and older of: (1) ADF permanent and reserve members (where the family member has not been issued a national Defence families access card); and (2) APS employees posted both domestically or overseas; (3) foreign military personnel, government officials and company employees in possession of a Defence foreign identity card (green), see paragraph 21 for further information. (the card shall be annotated by the term 'Family'). ic Note: Family members who remain in residence while the Defence Member is posted elsewhere, may retain their access card for that base until such time that they move to a new locale or are issued the national Defence families access card. Note: Even though 'family' base access card holders do not have any 'formal' escorting privileges, they are still responsible for escorting any minors under the age of 16 in their care, see paragraph 61.33 for further information personnel authorised only to access community areas on a base, such as the golf club, gym, pool or mess (card shall be annotated by the term 'Community Areas Only'); and e. staff that have no security clearances (card shall be annotated by the term 'Uncleared' or 'Delivery Uncleared'). bl d. Pu 14. The card is issued upon contract commencement, posting or as directed by the commander or manager. It must expire and be returned upon expiry, completion of the contract, posting, cessation of dependency (eg divorce), or as directed by the commander or manager. The card will have a default expiry date, one year from date of issue, printed on the back. Escort privileges must [Auth:BSM] only be granted under the following conditions: a. with the approval of the sponsor and with full justification provided; and b. subject to the card holder having a minimum of a BASELINE security clearance. Exclusion: External service providers who do not have a security clearance may, under local arrangements at the discretion of the BSM, be granted escorting privileges for the purpose of their employment on the base and with respect to those parts of the base to which they have access, including after hours access. In such circumstances the word 'ESCORT' is to be stamped on the back of their issued identity card and it is recommended that such local arrangements are incorporated into base security documentation and are considered in SAFEBASE planning 15. Recruit/trainee identity card (Orange). Issued to recruits or trainees on arrival at initial training. This card must expire upon completion of training and be returned to the place of issue for cancellation. This card is base specific and may have additional restrictions imposed at the commander's discretion. Australian Defence Force Cadets Identity Cards 16. ADF Cadet identity cards are templated and issued by ADF Cadets to ADF Cadet members. They must [Auth:None] be issued using the same requirements as all other Defence identity/access cards, as detailed in policy within DSM Part 2:61 Access Control and Identity Management. Annex B to DSM Part 2:61 Page 4 of 8 UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED 17. Australian Defence Force Cadets identity card (Grey). ADF Cadet members are to be issued with a card upon appointment or enrolment in the Australian Navy Cadets (ANC), Australian Army Cadets (AAC) or the Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC). There is no requirement for a person issued this card to hold a security clearance. The cards are to be issued to: a. cadets for periods not exceeding 3 years; b. registered volunteers for periods not exceeding 12 months; c. adult staff (officers and instructors of cadets) for periods not exceeding the length of their instrument of appointment or five years, whichever is the lesser; and d. parents and legal guardians of cadets for periods not exceeding 3 years, to allow them to transport their child to and from a cadet unit within a Defence base, where authorised by the Base Support Manager (BSM). ic Note: Identity cards for the parents and guardians of cadets are to be base access only with the name of the base clearly annotated on the front. 18. ADF Cadets identity cards must [Auth:None] only be used for the purposes of official cadet activities. The card entitles the bearer to unescorted access to facilities for which they have the appropriate security clearance and a legitimate need to access (ie official cadet activities). ADF Cadets members who are also ADF or APS members must not [Auth:None] use any other identity or access card when acting in their capacity as an ADF Cadets member to gain higher access to other areas. bl 19. Local access control arrangements between ADF Cadets and relevant BSM are to be negotiated where a cadet unit is located on a Defence base or facility. It is recommended that such local arrangements are incorporated into base security documentation and are considered in SAFEBASE planning Pu 20. Adult staff only have escorting privileges for the purposes of official cadet activities on a Defence base or facility. In such circumstances the word 'ESCORT' is to be stamped on the back of their issued identity card. Cadets, registered volunteers and parents / legal guardians are not to be given formal escorting privileges on a Defence base or facility. The BSM may dictate where and under what circumstances escorting may take place on their base or facility. Defence Foreign Identity Card 21. The following access cards entitle the bearer to unescorted access to facilities where they have the appropriate security clearance and a legitimate need to access. 22. Defence foreign identity card (Green). Issued to foreigners who support Defence and who require regular access to: 23. a. a number of Defence establishments (national identity card), or b. a facility(s) within a single Defence establishment (base-access only card). This can include but is not limited to: a. b. c. d. foreign employees of companies contracted to, or engaged by Defence; officials of foreign government departments, agencies or authorities; foreign military staff on long-term posting to Australia; and foreign forces’ personnel on the strength of a foreign Defence force unit lodged on an ADF base, or foreign forces’ personnel who are training with, or temporarily attached to, the ADF Annex B to DSM Part 2:61 Page 5 of 8 UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED (card shall be annotated by the term 'Foreign Military Detachment'). This card must [Auth:None] be returned upon completion of detachment. 24. The national and base access only cards share the same card template but differ by the use of the term 'National Access' or '(name of base) - Only'. Therefore, guards at facilities with no electronic access control measures in place are to scrutinise these cards more carefully than other coloured cards. Personnel are to remain aware of other restrictions which may be imposed upon foreign personnel, see Annex A. 25. The card is issued upon contract commencement, posting or as directed by the commander or manager. It must have an expiry date and be returned upon expiry, completion of the contract or posting, or as directed by the commander or manager. The card will have a default expiry date, one year from date of issue, printed on the back. There are no escorting privileges associated with this card. ic Exclusion: Foreign personnel may, under local arrangements and strict conditions imposed by the BSM, be granted escort privileges for the purpose of their employment on the base and with respect to those parts of the base where they have access, including after hours access. In such circumstances the word 'ESCORT' is to be stamped on the back of their issued identity card and it is recommended that such local arrangements are incorporated into base security documentation and are considered in SAFEBASE planning. Approval to escort by a sponsor is required with full justification provided. Final approval from the BSM will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Identity Only (Non Access) Cards bl 26. There are no unescorted base or facility access or escorting privileges associated with the identity cards detailed below. These cards are used for proof of identity only. 27. Geneva Convention card (White). This card must [Auth:None] be issued to non-military staff working in operational areas under the direction of CJOPS. 28. Standby Reserve identity card (Grey). Issued to all personnel transferring from the Permanent or Active Reserve forces to the Standby Reserve. The card must have an expiry date, five years from date of issue, printed on the back. Cards may be renewed subject to the member meeting individual Service requirements. Pu Note: Standby Reserve personnel undertaking work under a DA50(4) contract are entitled to exchange the Standby Reserve identity card for an ADF identity card (purple) upon commencement of first contract. 29. Retired member identity card (Grey). Issued to all members separating from the ADF who have a Level 3 entitlement under the Career Transition Assistance Scheme provisions contained in the ADF Pay and Conditions Manual. Level 3 is defined as 18 years or more service, or has left the ADF compulsorily for any of these reasons: a. medically unfit to continue service; b. compulsory retirement age; c. management-initiated early retirement; or d. to meet the needs of the Service (ie declared redundant). 30. The entitlement to a Retired Members Identity Card does not apply to a member whose service is terminated on disciplinary or adverse administrative grounds. Annex B to DSM Part 2:61 Page 6 of 8 UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED Temporary Access Passes 31. Unescorted pass (White/Green). The pass must [Auth:BSM] expire after one day and be returned to the place of issue. Holders of the pass do not need to be escorted. There are no escorting privileges associated with this pass. 32. Issued to authorised staff: a. holding a current Defence identity/access control card but who do not have day-to-day access rights to the facility or base being visited; or b. who have been provided with a Defence identity/access card but do not have their card in their possession (for example, lost, left at home). 33. To be escorted pass (White/Red). Holders of the pass must [Auth:None] be escorted. The pass is base specific and must [Auth:BSM] expire after one day and be returned to the place of issue. ic Issued to authorised visitors to a Defence base including: a. media representatives, b. parliamentarians and candidates for election to Parliament, c. foreign nationals on official or unofficial travel, and d. trade union and Comcare officials. bl 34. 35. Very Important Person (VIP) pass (White). Issued to two-star ranked (and civilian equivalent) officers and above on a 'needs basis', being: in the event of a visit to a Defence base or facility; or b. to facilitate access for spouses, partners and guests of three-star ranked (and civilian equivalent) officers and above. Pu a. 36. VIP passes must expire 12 months after date of issue. Holders of the pass must be escorted. 37. Short term contractor pass. A photographic temporary identification pass, generally paper-based, may be produced by a local site pass/visitor management system for the purposes of managing short term site unescorted access by approved contractors. These passes are base specific and must [Auth:None] clearly identify the base to which they apply, the area within the base to which access has been granted, and the expiry date for access. The expiry date must [Auth:BSM] be for the term of the contract or ten days, whichever is the lesser. The pass must [Auth:BSM] also display, at a minimum, the name of the contractor and the company which employs them. Annex B to DSM Part 2:61 Page 7 of 8 UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED Appendixes and Attachments This annex currently has no appendixes or attachments. Pu bl ic N/A Annex B to DSM Part 2:61 Page 8 of 8 UNCONTROLLED-IF-PRINTED UNCLASSIFIED