CLAS201-01 Classics Seminar Topic: Murder in the Antonine Age

CLAS201-01 Classics Seminar
Topic: Murder in the Antonine Age
.5 course
1 8 weeks of spring semester
3:30-4:45 TTh
Instructor: Sienkewicz
This seminar offers a survey of current topics and disciplinary models in the field of
Classics for Classics majors and minors and serious students of the Classics. Open to all
In this seminar the life, marriage and death of a Roman woman named Regilla provide the
context for studying the Roman world in the 2nd century A.D., especially issues of gender,
class and ethnicity.
Take this course to find out what these objects have to do with the murder victim!
Here is the required book:
The Murder of Regilla: a case of domestic violence
in antiquity
Sarah B Pomeroy
Harvard University Press, 2009
ISBN 0674042204, 9780674042209