Senate Bill No.: 0304-29 UNIVERSITY SENATE UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Introduced by: Educational Policy Council Date: May 3, 2004 DISSOLUTION OF CLASSICS AS AN ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT IT IS HEREBY PROPOSED THAT THE FOLLOWING BE ADOPTED: 1. That the Department of Classics as an administrative unit be dissolved. 2. That this becomes effective immediately. 3. That this recommendation be forwarded to the President for approval. Rationale: Resulting from conversations between the Department and the College, the decision to dissolve the administrative unit of Classics is based on the fact that the faculty saw advantages to affiliating with other academic units to which they were professionally more closely aligned. Primarily but not exclusively archaeological in nature, the faculties have since found academic homes in area of more suitable intellectual affinity: three are in Art where they provide additional strength to the Program in Art History; one is in Anthropology; and one has an appointment split between English and Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. In addition to the reassignments into areas where they provide significant strength, the existing curricula remain in place so that students can still work in areas of the ancient world represented by the streams in Classics. While there has not been a major or minor in Latin, the teaching of Latin will continue. Modest financial savings have been realized and the receiving departments have received pro-rated increases in operating funds. Savings were realized from the retirement of the secretary associated with Classics. This action was anticipated in the College’s Strategic Plan and unanimously endorsed by the Department and the College Council.