On the Influence of Offset in Plane-Wave Migration Sergio Grion* and Helmut Jakubowicz, Veritas DGC where Summary This paper considers the influence of offset on plane-wave illumination and migration for seismic data. It is shown that, for a single offset, complete illumination and migration can only be achieved using plane waves encompassing all angles of incidence. By contrast, when a full range of offsets is used, it is possible in principle to illuminate and image the subsurface using only two plane waves. These results are confirmed using synthetic data. The number of plane waves required for plane-wave migration has a direct impact on computational cost. In practice, offset limitations, as well as other considerations, make it unrealistic to expect successful imaging using as few as two plane waves. However, the theory does support imaging with fewer plane waves than might otherwise be thought necessary. This is illustrated by a marine data example for which a good migrated image was obtained using only six plane waves. ps = sin α V (2) is the slowness for a plane wave originating at S, and traveling in the same direction as the raypath from S to the reflector. S X R α θ Introduction Plane-wave seismic data offer an attractive route to accurate prestack wave-equation imaging (Whitmore, 1995). In particular, plane waves can readily be synthesised from conventional (point source) measurements, and migrated using standard algorithms. The computational cost of plane-wave migration is proportional to the number of plane waves used, and Zhang et al. (2003 and 2005) have suggested that, by limiting the number of plane waves, plane-wave imaging can be achieved with less computation than for equivalent common-shot techniques. However, Whitmore (1995) shows successful imaging using far fewer plane waves than recommended by Zhang et al.. It is therefore of interest to establish the minimum number of plane waves that can be used for adequate imaging using plane-wave migration. Theory Figure 1 shows the raypath geometry for the reflection from an interface with a dip θ. The source is at S, and separated from the receiver at R by an offset X. It can be shown that, for a constant velocity, V, and total traveltime, t, tan θ = X + V 2 t ps , Vt 1 − V 2 ps2 (1) Figure 1: Raypath geometry for a dipping reflector. In general, complete imaging requires that all dips are illuminated. Equation 1 shows this can be achieved by varying either, or both, the offset, X, and takeoff angle, α. Thus, for a single offset, full illumination requires plane waves with a complete range of takeoff angles. In that case, the number of plane waves required to represent the output image is dictated by standard sampling requirements, as, for example, in zero-offset FK migration. By contrast, with a single plane wave, different offsets can illuminate different dips. Thus, with multiple offsets, the number of plane waves required to represent the output image can be reduced from that for a single offset (assuming the acquisition geometry allows plane-wave synthesis to be performed without aliasing). Indeed, with a complete range of offsets (-Vt<X<Vt), it can be shown that all dips can be illuminated with just two plane waves. In that case, one plane wave predominantly illuminates positive dips, while the other illuminates negative dips. In addition to ensuring full illumination, it is also desirable to ensure the illumination is uniform so amplitude information can be extracted from the migrated image. However, while the image from any single plane wave corresponds to the reflectivity as a function of the angle of incidence (α−θ), stacks of images from different plane Influence of Offset on Plane-Wave Imaging waves do not necessarily contain equal contributions from all angles of incidence. Uniform illumination therefore requires careful (multichannel) weighting of each planewave contribution prior to summation. algorithm. Delayed-shot migration (Zhang et al., 2003 and 2005) is equivalent to plane-wave migration for 2-D data, and, with sufficient plane waves, should be identical to conventional common-shot migration. This is confirmed by these results (compare Figures 2b and 2c). Synthetic Example Figure 3 shows delayed-shot migrations of the same data as in Figure 2, but with different combinations of input offsets and plane waves. In this case, complete imaging requires illumination at all angles, and can be achieved in a number of ways. For example, with a single offset, it is essential to include sufficient plane waves. Thus, for zero offset (Figures 3a, 3b and 3c), or a 1 km offset (Figures 3d, 3e and 3f), the image degrades when the number of plane waves, Np, is less than that required by sampling theory (101). However, even with sufficient plane waves, the images are somewhat distorted because the illumination is not uniform (and actually different for the two offsets). A second way of ensuring adequate illumination is to use a large range of offsets (Figures 3g, 3h and 3i). Indeed, Figure 3i shows that the diffractor can be imaged with just two plane waves. Furthermore, because the takeoff angles were here chosen to provide the most uniform illumination, the results are similar to those for true-amplitude commonshot migration (compare Figures 2a and 3i). Although the above theory is based on plane waves and planar reflectors, more complicated situations can be treated as superpositions of planar reflections and reflectors. This is exploited in Figures 2 and 3, which show prestack migrations for a synthetic dataset corresponding to a quasi-point diffractor immersed in a medium with a constant velocity of 2000 m/s. The “diffractor” here is actually a circular density anomaly with a radius of 100 m located 5 km (halfway) along the model, 500 m below the recording datum. The receivers are located at fixed positions from 0 to 10 km at an interval of 20 m, and shots are available at every receiver location. The source wavelet has a maximum frequency of 10 Hz, and has been chosen so that the migrated image closely represents the density variations. Figure 2a shows the image obtained from the synthetic data using “true-amplitude” phase-shift common-shot migration (Zhang et al., 2001). This method ensures uniform illumination within the recording aperture, and is here taken as a benchmark against which other results can be compared. Figure 2b shows the results of the same migration as in 2a, but without corrections for true amplitude. The omission of the amplitude corrections reduces the contribution at large dips, and results in an apparent “squashing” of the diffractor image. Figure 2c shows the results of delayed-shot migration on the same data as in Figures 2a and 2b, also using a phase-shift Figure 3f is of interest because the geometry does not allow contributions from one of the two plane waves (α=-59o). This result is therefore the 1 km constant-offset, 59o planewave response of the point diffractor. The image itself resembles a locally-planar, (bandlimited) reflector. In general, plane-wave migration can be considered as a linear superposition of similar, locally-planar, events. 1 km 1 km a b c Figure 2: (a) True-amplitude common-shot migration for a point diffractor (see text for details of the model). (b) The same as (a), but without true-amplitude corrections. (c) Delayed-shot migration of the same data as in (a) and (b), using 101 plane waves covering all angles. Np=101 Np=7 Np=2 a b c d e f g h i Zero Offset +1 km Offset All Offsets Figure 3: Delayed-shot migrations of the same data as in Figure 2, but with various combinations of input offsets (fixed across each row), and numbers of plane waves, Np (fixed in each column). For any single offset (a-c or d-f), all plane waves are required to image all dips. When all offsets are used (g-i), all dips are imaged, even with only two plane waves (i). Discussion and Field Example The above theory and examples show that offset is an important consideration for plane-wave imaging. However, the results assume constant velocity, and, in the extreme case of imaging with only two plane waves, require offsets up to the length of the raypath for the target reflection. Furthermore, the analysis focuses on stacks of plane-wave images, whereas detailed prestack amplitude analysis requires one plane wave for each angle of incidence. Thus, the resulting images not only use subsets of the available data, but, at best, only provide structural information on the subsurface. It is therefore not normally either realistic, or desirable, to attempt imaging using only two plane waves. Influence of Offset on Plane-Wave Imaging Notwithstanding the above, there is substantial evidence that structural imaging can be accomplished with planewave migration using relatively few plane waves. Some of the reasons for this go beyond the analysis presented here (see, for example, Etgen, 2005, Whitmore, 1995, and Zhang et al., 2005). In particular, because of velocity variations, takeoff angles at the surface generally equate to larger angles at depth, hence sampling requirements at depth are less stringent than for the near surface. A second factor is the redundancy inherent in modern, multichannel, seismic data, since this helps protect against noise. In the context of this paper, multiple coverage is also significant because it contributes to offset sampling, and illumination range of offsets, imaging with relatively limited numbers of plane waves could have a valuable role in the context of a more complete imaging strategy. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank their colleagues at Veritas, particularly Sam Gray, Carl Notfors, Yu Zhang, Leon Chernis, James Sun and Jerry Young, for many helpful discussions regarding this work. References Etgen, J. T., 2005, How many angles do we really need for delayed-shot migration?: 75th Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts. The data example shown in Figure 4 provides a direct demonstration of the power and efficiency of plane-wave imaging. In this case, the maximum offset is 6 km, and the targets lie between 3 and 5 km. As a result, even allowing for the fact that the velocity is not constant, the offset range is insufficient to expect successful imaging with only two plane waves. Nevertheless, despite the structural complexity, the image obtained using 769 plane waves (Figure 4a) is essentially the same as that obtained using only 6 plane waves (Figure 4b). Indeed, if anything, the image obtained with fewer plane waves appears less noisy, even though it required less computation (by a factor of 128). This is because the plane-waves selected for Figure 4b contained less coherent noise than those included in Figure 4a. Whitmore, N. D., 1995, An imaging hierarchy for common angle plane wave seismograms: Ph.D. thesis, University of Tulsa. Zhang, Y., Sun, J., Gray, S. H., Notfors, C. and Bleistein, N., 2001, Towards accurate amplitudes for one-way wavefield extrapolation of 3-D common shot records: 71st Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts. Zhang, Y., Sun, J., Notfors, C., Gray, S. H., Chernis, L. and Young, J., 2003, Delayed-shot 3D prestack depth migration: 65th Meeting, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, Expanded Abstracts. Zhang, Y., Sun, J., Notfors, C., Gray, S. H., Chernis, L. and Young, J., 2005, Delayed-shot 3D depth migration: Geophysics, 70, 5, E21-28. The ability to be selective when choosing plane waves offers a further practical benefit of plane-wave imaging. Other advantages include the potential for efficient velocity analysis and model building. Indeed, while it is unrealistic to consider imaging with only two plane waves, the theory and results presented here suggest that, given an adequate 10 km 3 km 4 km 5 km a b Figure 4: Delayed-shot migrations of data from offshore Egypt. (a) Using 769 plane waves, and (b), using only 6 plane waves.