Program and Abstracts

Florida Polytechnic University
December 4, 2015
12:45 - 1:45
1:45 - 2:00
Welcoming Remarks
2:00 - 2:20
Concurrent Session I A
IST South Entrance
Logistic Modeling of Hurricanes in the Atlantic
Aula Magna
IST 1064
Joy D’ Andrea, University of South Florida–SarasotaManatee
Teaching a course online
IST 1012
Susan Serrano and Dan Jelsovsky, Florida Southern College
2:25 - 2:45
Concurrent Session I B
Computers, Calculus, and Organizational Skills
IST 1065
Gregory McColm, University of South Florida–Tampa
Fractions, Circles, and the RH
IST 1015
C. Altay Özgener and Robert M. Shollar, State College of
2:45 - 3:00
3:00 - 3:45
Concurrent Session II
On some invariants of Knots
IST 1065
Mohamed Elhamdadi, University of South Florida–Tampa
3:00 - 3:20
Concurrent Session II A
The benefits of a Robotics camp
IST 1064
Monika Kiss, Samantha Kern, Mary-Elizabeth Shoey, and
Hope Swaim, Saint Leo University
3:25 - 3:45
Concurrent Session II B
Mathematics and Art: An Engaged Learning Experience
IST 1012
Roxanne Back and Lisa De Castro, Florida Southern College
Invitation to Fractional Calculus
Robert M. Shollar, State College of Florida
IST 1015
3:45 - 4:00
4:00 - 4:20
Concurrent Session III A
Mathematics Enters the West
IST 1012
Fredric Zerla, University of South Florida–Tampa
On the Power of Randomization
IST 1064
Vincent Ragusa, Florida Southern College
4:25 - 4:45
Concurrent Session III B
Planning the Joint MAA/FTYCMA 2016 Annual
IST 1065
Jacci White, Brian Camp, Monika Kiss, and Kevin Murphy, Saint Leo University
Today’s "Top Ten List": The Top Ten Irrational Numbers
IST 1015
Michael Reynolds, Indian River State College
4:45 - 5:00
5:00 - 5:45
Plenary Session
Aula Magna
Computation by molecular self-assembly
Natasha Jonoska, University of South Florida–Tampa
6:00 - 7:15
Dinner: By Reservation Only
2:00PM - 2:20PM
Session I A
Joy D’ Andrea, University of South Florida–Sarasota-Manatee
Logistic Modeling of Hurricanes in the Atlantic Basin
IST 1064
The formation of a hurricane on any given day is a dichotomous measure in that either there is a storm present
or there is no storm present. The atmospheric conditions are the factors that drive such storm formation. Such
relationship can be modeled using logistic regression. Logistic regression is a type of probabilistic statistical
classification model that is used to estimate the log odds or probability of an event as a function of the predictor
variables. In this talk we will present a logistic regression model that estimates the probability of a storm being
present in the Atlantic Basin as a function of the atmospheric conditions as measured at a buoy in the Gulf of
Susan Serrano and Dan Jelsovsky, Florida Southern College
Teaching a course online
IST 1012
We will discuss the design and implementation of running a course online. We will share our experiences both
successes and failures.
2:25PM - 2:45PM
Session I B
Gregory McColm, University of South Florida–Tampa
Computers, Calculus, and Organizational Skills
IST 1065
The advantage of providing computers to calculus and other mathematics students is that they can use them to
solve (conceptually) interesting problems without getting bogged down by computational minutiae. But assuming that students are not provided with pre-packaged interesting problems, the difficulty is that communicating
with computers taxes students’ precision and organizational skills. We take a brief look at what a high-level language could do (with examples from (Elementary) Statistics, Calculus, Linear Algebra, and other courses) for our
students–and what even gentle access to a high-level language would entail.
C. Altay Özgener and Robert M. Shollar, State College of Florida
Fractions, Circles, and the RH
IST 1015
We will talk about special rational numbers in [0, 1], some special circles, some "special" matrices, and some
number theory.
3:00PM - 3:45PM
Session II
Mohamed Elhamdadi, University of South Florida–Tampa
On some invariants of Knots
IST 1065
We will give a gentle introduction to some invariants of knots and links. We will focus on the Jones polynomial
using what’s called "Kauffman bracket." If times allows, we will hint to some new generalizations.
3:00PM - 3:20PM
Session II A
Monika Kiss, Samantha Kern, Mary-Elizabeth Shoey, and Hope Swaim,
Saint Leo University
The benefits of a Robotics camp
IST 1064
Dr. Monika Kiss, Associate Professor of Mathematics at Saint Leo University, constructed a female only robotics
camp and held three one week long sessions in the summer of 2015. The program also was aided by three
undergraduate students at Saint Leo University serving as camp counselors. This session will present the benefits
of the camp and its experience.
3:25PM - 3:45PM
Session II B
Roxanne Back and Lisa De Castro, Florida Southern College
Mathematics and Art: An Engaged Learning Experience
IST 1012
A trip to the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, FL can be utilized as a valuable engaged learning experience to
illustrate and reinforce the connections between mathematics and art. Topics range from those taught in an
entry level liberal arts course to an upper level abstract geometry course and cover artwork from the permanent
collection as well as past exhibits. Tips on how to access resources to prepare students for the trip as well as
reasonable cost and time estimates will also be discussed.
Robert M. Shollar, State College of Florida
Invitation to Fractional Calculus
IST 1015
In a standard calculus course we learn about the concept of a first derivative, second derivative, and so on as well
as the concept of an anti-derivative. However, few are fortunate enough to be aware of the concept of a fractional
derivative. What is the half derivative of a function? More generally, what is the nth derivative of a function where
n is not restricted to be an integer? Gottfried Leibniz and Guillaume de l’Hopital first pondered this question many
centuries ago. In this talk we will briefly explore the deep history and the rich theory of the differentiation operator
and the integration operator in a less restrictive sense.
4:00PM - 4:20PM
Session III A
Fredric Zerla, University of South Florida–Tampa
Mathematics Enters the West
IST 1012
Mathematics, as distinct from Arithmetic, was the invention of the Ancient Greeks. The Arabic conquerors eagerly
learned and expanded it. We show some of the details of how this knowledge was transmitted to Western Culture
in the Tenth Century through Spain. We concentrate on the leading scholar of the time, Gerhard of Auriiliac, who
became Pope Sylvester II. We conclude with a discussion of the work of Adelard of Bath (c1080 + c1152).
Vincent Ragusa, Florida Southern College
On the Power of Randomization
IST 1064
Some problems are computationally expensive. It would be convenient if most of these problems were esoteric.
Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Many are very relevant to everyday life: problems such as planning paths and
loading shipping containers. While optimal solutions to these problems may not be efficiently computable, we can
sometimes achieve acceptable (or better) approximations by leveraging the power of randomization. In particular,
we examine the use of genetic algorithms for performing path planning for micro aerial vehicles.
4:25PM - 4:45PM
Session III B
Jacci White, Brian Camp, Monika Kiss, and Kevin Murphy,
Saint Leo University
Planning the Joint MAA/FTYCMA 2016 Annual Meeting
IST 1065
This is a round table discussion to share ideas of what you like, dislike, want to see, want to coordinate, or
anything else you would like to talk about for the upcoming annual meeting at Saint Leo University on Feb. 26-27,
2016. Session coordinators include the program chair and host committee. These coordinators also include past
MAA-FL presidents, past and future VPs for program and site, and the current governor for the MAA-FL section.
We hope you will come share your ideas and get involved. Feel free to also come if you are interested in learning
more about getting involved with the MAA-FL or hosting a conference as well.
Michael Reynolds, Indian River State College
Today’s "Top Ten List": The Top Ten Irrational Numbers
IST 1015
In this talk, we will examine a few of the more interesting and fascinating irrational numbers. Several are well
known, while others may be more obscure. We will also discuss some related mathematical theorems on the
nature of irrational, algebraic and transcendental numbers.
5:00PM - 5:45PM
Plenary Session
Natasha Jonoska, University of South Florida–Tampa
Computation by molecular self-assembly
Aula Magna
Simple rules of local interactions can guide molecular building blocks into larger arrangements that build complex structures without external mediation, process known as self-assembly. These local molecular interactions,
viewed as information processing operations, "compute" the build-up of the assembled structures. The bottom-up
assembly, in particular DNA based self-assembly has shown grand progress in the past 15 years. In search of
understanding molecular information processing DNA self-assembly has shown to algorithmically build complex
structures, assemble complex molecules as a result of computation, produce nano devices, and scaffold algorithmic assembly of other metallic particles. In this presentation we will present the basic principle of algorithmic
DNA self-assembly and discuss mathematical challenges for understanding of these processes.
1:00 - 5:00
Student posters detailing projects that they are currently working on
"Florida Poly Primers Calculus"
Jennifer Kindle
"Improving Pedagogy with Modules in Calculus I"
Langley Peyton
"Undamped Forced Resonance and Structural
Richard Gauvey Jr., Mark Glaser
"Reaching New Heights With Ambiguous Rockets"
Kristen Card, Alex Durante, Daniel Overbo
"Proportional Integral Derivative Controller"
William McFee,Frank Calas
"How much Caffeine Does It Take to Kill You?"
Paul Luckey, Calvin Ingram, Kody Quick
"Freon Leak Sensor"
Reagan Andrews, Tevin Prendergast
"Rayleigh and Van Der Pol Equations"
Michael Sanchez, Joseph Holt, Eric Vickers
"Carbon-14 Dating and Differential Equations"
Ezequil Juarez Garcia, Ian Wasden, Sajid Velez-Lugo
"Predator Prey Models"
Michelle Holzemer, Austin Alvis, James Nance
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