Foundation Degree Psychology and Criminal Behaviour

Foundation Degree Psychology
and Criminal Behaviour
Message from the Principal, Milton Keynes College.
Welcome to Milton Keynes College.
You have joined a College where students from a diverse range of backgrounds
share one common goal – to be successful.
Our job is to help you do just that, by providing excellent teaching and resources,
backed-up by support when you need it.
We also want your experience here to be enjoyable and this handbook will give you
an early flavour of College life in its broadest sense.
On behalf of the staff and the Board of Governors, I wish you every success and look
forward to meeting you.
Julie Mills
Principal and Chief Executive
Message from the Team
Welcome to our Foundation Degree which is organised in conjunction with the
University of Bedfordshire. You have been selected for the programme because we
believe you can be successful. Our aim is to support students in achieving the very
best that they can and are proud of the number who have progressed to a successful
3rd year with the University of Bedfordshire.
For many of you it will be a return to education after a number of years and you may
be feeling nervous as well as enthusiastic about getting started. We aim to help you
with adapting and with developing the skills you will need. There is a personal
Development unit embedded into tutorial which involves working on skills
development as well as strengths and weaknesses within the group, including
individuals. There will be opportunity for one to one meetings to discuss any
difficulties you may have. We like to think we are approachable and wanting to help
as much as possible.
For all of you it will be a new experience and will involve a journey towards becoming
an independent learner with a critical approach to the subject matter. You will be
developing an evaluative approach to the resources and research available and you
will be developing the skills for structured and logical argument.
Some of you may have ideas of what you would like to do long term while some of
you may be very unsure. There is an emphasis on employability in the programme
and apart from the work experience or volunteering that you will be involved in, there
is opportunity to spend time exploring different career options over the two years.
Wherever your starting point it will involve hard work and reading as it is a full time
course which means a considerable amount of private study. We hope you enjoy
the academic experience and the interaction with a range of students. Above all we
wish you every success for the two years you are with us.
Judy Mudge and the team.
Tutors on your programme.
Judy Mudge Course Leader/Personal Tutor
Tel. 01908 688254
Humphrey Akhaine
Tom Lynds
Term Dates
Term 1
Teaching Sept. 30th. - Oct. 23rd 2015
Reading week Oct. 26th - Oct. 30th
Teaching Nov. 2nd – Dec. 18th
Christmas Holiday Dec. 21st - Jan.4th 2016
Term 2
Teaching Jan. 5th - Feb 12th
Reading Week Feb. 15th - Feb. 19th
Teaching Feb. 22nd - March 24th
Easter Holiday March 25th- April 11th
Term 3
Teaching April 12th – May 27th 2016 Course End
Level 1
Year 1,
Semester 1
Year 1,
Semester 2
Introduction to
Personal and
15 credits
Level 2
Year 2,
Semester 1
Year 2,
Semester 2
Social and
30 credits
module 2
45 credits
Criminology in
Practice (WBL
module 1)
15 credits
Questions of
Diversity and
PSY012-1 15
Introduction to
social Research
15 credits
Introduction to
Criminal justice
Code PSY017-1
30 credits
15 credits
Theory 1. Causes an
correlates of Crime and
15 credits.
Total of 240 credits.
To pass the first year, a student needs to have attempted all assignments and to
achieve a minimum of 90 credits.
To achieve the Foundation Degree you need to pass all 2 nd year units. It is possible
to gain a distinction or a merit if your grades meet the criteria.
You will also receive a handbook for each unit which summarises the teaching
content and the assignments. This will be along with an assignment schedule with
submission dates for the year. Occasionally dates need to be changed but normally
they are fixed and there are only extensions if there is evidence of mitigating
circumstances. (See below)
Each 15 credit unit will involve 2 assignments while 30 credit units involve 3
assignments. You need to pay careful attention to submission dates as it is very
important they are adhered to. Extensions are only given under exceptional
circumstances. Typical acceptable reasons are listed below. To request an
Researching g
PSY012-2 15
extension the relevant form needs to be completed and evidence must be provided.
The subject tutor and personal tutor will then decide whether the request can be
accepted and a new date agreed. Request forms and evidence are kept on file.
Assignments are submitted through BREO, the University of Bedfordshire learning
environment. Copies of handbooks, assignment briefs, submission dates and the
extension request form are also on BREO. All assignments go through the Turnitin
system which identifies levels of plagiarism/poor academic practice, (content that
has been taken directly from a source and is not referenced). Plagiarism is
discussed further below. It is our aim to return work to you graded and with
feedback within three weeks. This process also takes place through BREO.
If an assignment is not handed in by the deadline and there is no extension or
extension pending, it will be regarded as a non-submission and can be subject to a
referral. This means a new assignment is set which the student can submit by a
deadline although the maximum mark will be 40% (D-) this process is not automatic
and evidence for the reason may be required. If a student has more than two of
these across units then they may not be offered more and they may fail the year.
Presentations and exams. If a student fails to attend a presentation or an exam,
there needs to be evidence of special circumstances for an extension so an
alternative date can be arranged. If this is not the case then the student may be
offered a referral with a maximum mark of 40% (D-). As stated above, however, if
you have more than two of these across the units then you may not be offered this
opportunity and you may fail the year.
Fails/Referrals If any assignment does not meet the criteria to pass you will be given
one opportunity to resubmit. Again, in this instance, the maximum mark will be 40%
What are Mitigating
Mitigating Circumstances are any serious or exceptional factors outside a student’s
control that may prevent them from carrying out their academic work. For example,
they may have been ill or suffered the death of a close relative. The team aim to
support students in these circumstances and can negotiate alternative submission
dates. It is important to let us know as quickly as possible of any serious reason why
you may not be able to meet deadlines. You will need to complete an extension
request form, (available on BREO), so the request can be considered. We normally
expect the request to be made a week before although occasionally there is a need
nearer the submission date. Any application made for Mitigating Circumstances
must be supported by official and independent evidence.
Mitigating Circumstances Criteria
• being the victim of a serious crime, such as robbery, burglary or a violent assault
during the period immediately preceding the assessment
• an acute illness such that a reasonable person would have been unable to carry
out the assessment task as required
• birth of a baby and/or unforeseen pregnancy complications
• serious personal injury, such as a broken limb, or a medical condition requiring
hospital attention or one with an incapacitating effect
`• the serious illness or death of a close relative: normally a partner, parent, child or
Occasionally there are other serious personal circumstances which can be
considered but there still needs to be available evidence.
Plagiarism/Poor Academic Practice
Plagiarism and poor academic practice are taken very seriously by the university and
by Milton Keynes College. Plagiarism occurs when work is copied without
acknowledging the source. The copied work may be from a book, an article or material
downloaded from the Internet. This includes diagrams or other visual material that may
be copy pasted from the web without re-wording and without attributing them to the
original authors. (Attribution is crediting the source.) It could also be copied from
another student, past or present, with or without their knowledge or permission. Poor
academic practice is also taken seriously. This is where a student paraphrases a
portion of material without acknowledging the source
It is therefore very important that you develop the referencing skills required on the
programme and the skill of putting information into your own words. As referred to
above, even the latter will need referencing. If not it is not referenced it is regarded as
poor academic practice. We use APA (American Psychological Association)
referencing on our programme, in line with University of Bedfordshire and most
university psychology departments. You will be given help and advice on referencing
at the start of the programme and we have a librarian, Sarah, who can also advise.
Student Code of Conduct
At the start of the programme the group will agree ground rules which ensure that we
work together in an environment where everyone is respected and can learn
effectively. This includes listening to one another, keeping mobile phones off or on
silent and arriving on time so the rest of the group are not disturbed.
The college and the university place an emphasis on equality of opportunities and
the recognition of diversity, for example gender, age and culture. We value all our
students and expect our students to value one another’s different needs and
Attendance and Study Advice
Attendance on this programme is very important to achievement. A variety of
teaching methods are used by the staff including individual or group activities to
enhance learning. Some assignments require group/team work, eg. developing an
experiment as a group or preparing a presentation. While the staff will help students
to catch up if there has been a serious reason why a student has missed sessions,
the onus is also on the student to make sure they catch up by using information on
BREO or from other students. Assignments are explained and discussed in the
sessions so again it is important to be there for the advice that is given.
You may be given reading to do in preparation for sessions and you will increasingly
need to be doing independent research for assignments or to prepare for discussion
or activities in the classroom. So while you are in college two days a week this is a
full time course. During tutorial there will be specific study advice and support with
the skills you need for success. This will include research skills. Sarah Evans in the
Learning Resource Centre is also very willing to help students with research.
We expect an attendance of at least 80%. If your attendance falls below this we will
need to meet with you and discuss the situation. If attendance continues to be poor
you may be asked to leave the programme.
Access to Computing Resources (LRC)
Some students bring their own lap tops or tablets into the sessions and this can be
very useful for notes, referring to work they have done, finding research or for group
activities. There are also computers available in the Silbury campus which can be
used during sessions or for personal use outside of session hours. As a college
student you also have access to the computers at Bletchley and Chaffron Way LRC
IT Centres – opening times are displayed at each campus. You will be provided with
a computer network account automatically. You also have access to computers and
resources at the university of Bedfordshire UCMK site in Milton Keynes and in Luton.
The College provides a helpdesk facility for all computer resources. If you have
difficulty with your account, or with IT equipment, the problem should be reported
either to a tutor or a member of LRC staff who will ensure that it is resolved.
For printing, you will need to buy vouchers from reception.
Use of BREO
BREO is the university learning environment and will be very important to you. You
will find that each unit has its own area where there will be copies of materials, power
points, assignment briefs and other important information. You will also receive
messages with information for the whole group. You will be submitting your
assignments in through BREO which automatically puts them through Turnitin which
identifies plagiarism. At the appropriate time you will be able to see your mark for
assignments through your own log in. Logging in requires you to use your university
of Bedfordshire membership number which you will be given at enrolment.
BREO is also a source for general information on study skills, as well as resources
through the ‘library’ and access to journals available on line. You will be given help
and advice in how to use the system.
Student Voice and Complaints Procedure.
It is important to us to receive feedback from students. You will be asked to agree on
student representatives near the start of the programme. The team will meet with
them on a regular basis to discuss what is going well and any areas we need to change
or improve. There will also be informal discussion during tutorial. Although there will
be representatives, any student can approach us if they have any concerns or any
ideas for improvement. If you have a complaint we would encourage you to approach
the member of staff and/or personal tutor in the first place. If necessary, you can report
your complaint to reception.
Moderation process and Academic Appeals.
Assessment on the programme is subject to rigorous moderation procedures. Initially
there is an internal moderation process for all assessments. The work is then second
marked/moderated by a representative from the University of Bedfordshire. Finally
the work is moderated by an external examiner from a university other than the
University of Bedfordshire.
If you feel that any of your assessed work has been unfairly or inconsistently marked
you can appeal. Initially we would expect you to approach the member of staff. If this
does not resolve the situation you can speak to the Personal tutor/Course Leader.
The course leader will arrange for a moderation/second marking by one of the internal
team and then if necessary by the representative from University of Bedfordshire.
While you will be able to see your marks as you progress on BREO, they are not final
until after the moderation process and the external examiner’s report.
Health & Safety
The College has a responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA)
1974 and associated legislation to ensure, as far as reasonably practical, the health,
safety and welfare of students both on site and off site. HASAWA also identifies
responsibility for both the individual and the employer.
A copy of the Health and Safety Policy is available on the student intranet. It is the
duty of everyone to ensure that any activity or situation that could put a person’s health
or safety at risk is reported to a member of staff immediately.
If you have an accident and injure yourself, please let a member of staff know
immediately in order that first aid can be arranged. A College accident report form will
be completed for all accidents and this information is collected centrally.
Fire Evacuation Procedures
In the event of an emergency a continuous fire alarm will sound, please leave by the
nearest and safest fire exit and go straight to your designated assembly point. The lift
must not be used under any circumstances.
If the alarm sounds, leave the building immediately. Once you have left the building,
do not go back inside until a designated Fire Warden tells you it is safe to do so.
Information on fire evacuation and assembly points is displayed in classrooms,
workshops, corridors and refectories. It is your responsibility to read and understand
this information so that you are aware of what to do if there is an emergency. Please
ask a member of staff if you are unsure about anything.
If you have mobility difficulties, you will be issued with a personal emergency and
evacuation plan. Please make sure that you have your plan with you at all times. In
the case of an emergency please make your way to the nearest and safest refuge
point and advise the Fire Marshall who will make arrangements for you to get out of
the building.
Learning Support for Higher Education Students
Learning Support can be provided to Higher Education students who have additional
support needs, but you will need to apply for a Disabled Students’ Allowance. You will
need to apply for this allowance through the Student Loans Company ,
but the college Learning Support team can help with your application. Support can
then be arranged through the College or independently.
Working while studying
It is important that you are sure you are in a position to take on a full time
programme. You need to consider your personal circumstances in the light of this.
There is a wide range of career paths but you do need to make sure this is really
what you want to study. Most students have outside commitments and some paid
work. Working too many hours, however, can result in underachievement or failure.
We aim for our students to reach as high a level as possible. Assuming this is your
aim, you need to make sure you are in a position where you can produce your best.
Fees and Costs
Tuition Fee Payments
Fees are due at the time of enrolment and can be paid by cheque (payable to Milton
Keynes College), standing order (if paying by instalments)or credit/debit card ,
company sponsor or from a funding agency such as The Student Loan Company. If
you have applied for a Higher Education Tuition Fee Loan, proof will be required at
Students who withdraw early are still required to pay their tuition fee to the College
even if their fee liability with the Student Loan Company ceases. The College has
several sanctions in place for non-payment of tuition fee and these will be one or all
of the following:
1. Non-payment – you will be unable to attend campus based sessions
2. Non-payment – your access to online support via BREO will be restricted
3. Non-payment – you will not be able to progress onto year two of your
4. Non-payment – your outstanding debt will transferred to a third part debt
recovery agent or small claims court
Higher Education tuition fees are liable for each academic year of your programme
so please bear this in mind if you are self-funding. The College will only consider
refunds or fee waivers in exceptional circumstances, which must be made in writing
clearly stating the issues. This is the norm in all universities.
Wishing you all the best in your studies,
Judy Mudge
Tom Lynds
Humphrey Akhaine
Information to Enable Your Learning
College Values
Milton Keynes College’s mission is to be an outstanding college at the heart of our
city: nurturing ambition and delivering success. Your experience as students is
placed at the heart of everything we do, and you can expect the following during your
time at College:
helpful advice from College staff about which course to take
accurate information about the course(s) you have applied for
a clean, pleasant and safe College environment
to be treated with respect as an individual by all College staff
the right to have your voice heard and to tell staff about things that worry
information about College services to support your learning
To feel secure and free from harassment and discrimination.
You also have the right to expect the following from your course:
an induction that helps you get to know the College and the course
clear and thorough explanations about what you need to do to succeed on
your course
accommodation, resources and equipment to help you learn
interesting and varied classes that help you to learn
your work returned to you within 15 working days with clear and helpful
opportunities to feed back to staff if you are not satisfied with the College or
your course
appropriate support from teaching staff and support service staff to enable
you to be successful
clear, fair and published procedures for:
o discipline
o grievance
o academic appeals
o Complaints.
For more detailed information about your rights as a student and policies and
procedures please access the College website at or the
student intranet at
Student Code of Conduct
It is the policy of Milton Keynes College to maintain an environment where people
feel respected, safe and secure, and are able to learn effectively. You will be asked to
confirm that you have read the College’s Code of Conduct during your induction; this
is an acknowledgement of your responsibilities and expected behavior whilst at
A link to the Code of Conduct can be found on my ILP (see ‘Tutorials – my ILP section
for my information) on the ‘Information I Have Read’ page. Once you have read it,
just click the box to confirm that you’ve done so and hit the save button.
Your attendance at College is vital to your success.
If you are absent from College, please ring your administrator before 10am on the
day you are absent.
If you know in advance about an intended absence, always let your Personal Tutor
Tutorials – my ILP
Personal Tutor is here to help you:
be successful in your learning
develop your Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
identify SMART targets
Provide information on the support you can expect from the College.
With your Personal Tutor, you can:
 work out action plans
 review progress
 agree changes to help your learning
 Share concerns or worries.
Your Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is an online document which can be accessed
through my ILP at My ILP will record your
assignment and assessment marks, as well notes of meetings with your Personal
Tutor. You can also track your attendance and view reports to parents or guardians.
Your Personal Tutor will also:
 support you in future planning and progression to further courses when
you have completed your present course
 help with Higher Education applications
 Support you with job and apprenticeship applications, interviews and
Personal Tutors can be approached with any concern or worry and, where
necessary, can refer you to other sources of help.
Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle)
Moodle is your Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) where you can access resources
and communicate with your tutor and other students. Your tutor will advise you on
what resources are available for your course and an introduction to Moodle will be
part of your LRC (Learning Resource Centre) induction. It is available through any
computer with internet access via the Student Intranet or directly at
Study Habits
Students on all courses need to develop a range of skills to help them learn. Taking
notes during lectures and tutorials will help you remember what you have been
taught. Listening carefully and paying attention to lectures and demonstrations will
also help. Keeping notes in one place with handouts will help you find them later
when you need to remember what has been covered. It is important to keep draft
versions of assignments so that tutors can see how your work has improved. Wellorganised files of your work and course materials will help you find material quickly
and may also be requested by College teaching staff or inspectors. Students following
vocational/practical or Art and Design courses should keep work in-progress and
experimental work. This will help tutors see how your ideas and skills are developing
and can be useful in interviews for jobs or places on future courses.
Academic Skills Toolkit
Please make every effort to use the materials provided in the Academic Skills
Toolkit. The materials will help you become a better student.
Library and Resource Centre (LRC)
The College’s Library and Resources Centres provide somewhere to learn, study or
just read, using a variety of print, video and electronic learning resources. There are
LRCs at Chaffron Way, Bletchley and the University Centre. Opening times are
available at each campus as well as on the student intranet and College website.
All students are encouraged to use the computers in our IT Centres. These have
software for word processing (Word), spreadsheets (Excel), desktop publishing
(Publisher) and presentations (PowerPoint), amongst other packages. All PCs have
access to the internet and student intranet, and each centre is equipped with colour
Study Places
Apart from providing a wealth of information, the LRCs are ideal places to work. We
offer over 150 study places, including group working areas and silent study rooms.
How to Use Us
To borrow LRC books and resources, you need to join. Just go to the staff desk with
your ID card. It takes a couple of minutes.
We Can Help
As part of your induction, we will show you how to make the best use of the
resources. If you need any help, information or advice during your course, please ask
the LRC staff.
Helping Us to Help You
When using the LRCs please:
 Return all your loans on time. Items can be renewed at the LRC desk or by
phoning us on the numbers below
 take good care of the materials – they cost a lot of money and many students
rely on them
 let us know of any change in your address
 Show consideration for other users when you are in the LRC.
If you would like to know more about our services, please contact us on 01908
637084 (Bletchley) or 01908 684429 (Chaffron Way).
Access to Computing Resources (LRC)
The College provides open access to computing at SILBURY, Bletchley and Chaffron
Way LRC IT Centres – opening times are displayed at each campus. PCs and laptops
provide access to the internet, email and to a range of applications available across
the College network. If you want to use your own laptop, tablet or smartphone to visit
websites an account can be provided – just ask at the issue desk.
You will be provided with a computer network account automatically, which is
activated by swiping your ID card through the wall boxes that can be found at
Reception and in the LRCs. You use your account by supplying your user name and
a password, which only you will know, each time you start a computer session.
The College provides a helpdesk facility for all computer resources. If you have
difficulty with your account or with IT equipment, the problem should be reported
either to a tutor or a member of LRC staff who will ensure that it is resolved.
Please remember that you share our computing facilities with a large number of
students and a common-sense approach to their use will maintain their availability
for all. A copy of the college’s IT acceptable use policy can be found on the student
Safeguarding and Health & Safety
The College recognises that both staff and students have an important role to play
in promoting and safeguarding your welfare and preventing you from coming to any
harm. We have detailed safeguarding protection policies and procedures to ensure
that your welfare is always placed at the centre of our activities. If you have any
concerns about your personal safety and wellbeing please speak to any member of
staff who will help you.
Health & Safety
Providing a safe and secure teaching and learning environment is a key commitment
made by the College for the benefit of all students, staff and visitors. The College
aims to ensure that the environment in which the learning is delivered is one in
which risk has been reduced to the lowest level possible. To achieve this, all staff and
students need to play an active part in ensuring that all learning environments,
including the workplace, are safe and well managed.
The College has a responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA)
1974 and associated legislation to ensure, as far as reasonably practical, the health,
safety and welfare of students both on site and off site. HASAWA also identifies
responsibility for both the individual and the employer.
A copy of the Health and Safety Policy is available on the student intranet. It is the
duty of everyone to ensure that any activity or situation that could put a person’s
health or safety at risk is reported to a member of staff immediately.
If you have an accident and injure yourself, please let a member of staff know
immediately in order that first aid can be arranged. A College accident report form
will be completed for all accidents and this information is collected centrally.
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
In the event of an emergency a continuous fire alarm will sound, please leave by the
nearest and safest fire exit and go straight to your designated assembly point. The
lift must not be used under any circumstances.
If the alarm sounds, leave the building immediately. Once you have left the building,
do not go back inside until a designated Fire Warden tells you it is safe to do so.
Information on fire evacuation and assembly points is displayed in classrooms,
workshops, corridors and refectories. It is your responsibility to read and understand
this information so that you are aware of what to do if there is an emergency. Please
ask a member of staff if you are unsure about anything.
If you have mobility difficulties, you will be issued with a personal emergency and
evacuation plan. Please make sure that you have your plan with you at all times. In
the case of an emergency please make your way to the nearest and safest refuge
point and advise the Fire Marshall who will make arrangements for you to get out of
the building.
In order to promote a safe and secure environment for staff and students using the
College campuses, the College requires ID badges to be worn and displayed at all
times so that staff, students and authorised visitors can be easily recognised. Offsite students wishing to regularly access any of the campus-based resources or
services may request an ID badge. Badges for these students are available from
You are advised not to bring valuables with you to College. If you suffer any loss,
please report it to the campus reception. As the College has no insurance to cover
the loss of student goods or possessions, it is strongly recommended that you have
insurance cover for all the possessions you bring into College.
Drugs Policy
The Milton Keynes College Drugs Misuse Policy applies to all staff, students, visitors
and contractors whether on campus or engaged offsite in College activities; the policy
is available on the student intranet.
Please be aware:
 prescribed drugs may only be used by the person for whom they are prescribed
 alcohol may not be consumed except at authorised events and within the
licensed area
 Solvents must not be used for the purpose of intoxication.
The Milton Keynes College Drugs Misuse Policy is produced in collaboration with
Compass, the Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Service who can be contacted on
01908 379673.
Equality and Diversity
How different are you? Do you look different? Do you speak with a different accent?
Do you dress differently? Do you think differently? GOOD! Wouldn’t it be boring if
we were all the same?
Milton Keynes College is committed to creating a learning environment where all can
participate fully and be treated equally and fairly, regardless of their background. We
aim to promote a culture of shared values and mutual respect for the benefit of
students and staff at the College, as well as the wider community.
We have a legal duty to make sure no-one is disadvantaged because of any of the
following ‘protected characteristics’: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage
and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, or
sexual orientation. But really what the College is about is making sure we
understand your needs as an individual so that we can best support your learning.
Your individual needs may have something to do with one of the ‘protected
characteristics’, or could have nothing to do with a ‘protected characteristic’, such
as being a carer or struggling to find the money to travel to College. Either way, we
look to advance equality and diversity through a range of methods, including the
resources used in your lessons, the way in which you work is assessed, making sure
our facilities are accessible, and our marketing materials, to name just a few.
There will also be many events or activities going on across the College throughout
the year, including the celebration of Culture Week; Black History Month; Deaf
Awareness Week; and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Month. Feel free to
contact a member of the Youth Work team if you would like to get involved in such
events, or have ideas for you own events to celebrate equality and diversity. They can
be contacted on Chaffron Way 01908 684425, Bletchley 01908 637312, or email:
The College’s commitment to valuing equality and diversity means that harassment
and bullying will not be tolerated in any form. If you are, or you have witnessed other
people, being bullied, discriminated against, treated unfairly or abused, then please
tell a member of staff. This can be anyone from your Personal Tutor, to a member of
the Youth Work team, to staff at Reception. We are here to help. The College is also
a Hate Crime Reporting Centre, so if you feel you or anyone else is being racially
harassed, tell staff at Reception. They will contact a member of staff to help you.
More information about equality and diversity at the College can be found on our
website, and details of our policies can be found on the student intranet.
Learning Support for Higher Education Students**
Learning Support can also be provided to Higher Education students who have
additional support needs, but you will need to apply for a Disabled Students’
Allowance. You will need to apply for this allowance through the Student Loans
Company , but the Learning Support team can help with your
application. Support can then be arranged through the College or independently,
but if arranged independently it is important that you inform Tim Gallagher, the
Programme Manager for Learning Support, so that any exam considerations at
College can be accommodated.
Student Voice
Making sure you have a positive experience at College is at the heart of all we do.
The College knows that involving you, the student, in our decision-making is vital in
delivering a first-class education. There are many opportunities for you to be kept
informed of what’s happening at your College and many opportunities for you to get
involved and let us know what you think. More information on ways in which you
can get involved can be found on the student intranet and the College’s Facebook
Youth Work Team
This is a team of experienced youth workers employed by the College to work with
all students. Our role is to support you, help make your experience an enjoyable one
and empower and equip you to make informed choices about your life and future.
We will also assist you in developing and improving the student activities at College.
Whether it is a live music event, an urban art workshop or a battle for supremacy
between local DJs and MCs, we will help you to make it happen. We also support
and help run the Student Council, which brings together students from across the
College to discuss ideas, suggestions and improvements to College life.
We offer mentoring, mediation, c-card and NUS cards. If we can’t help you with
something, we can usually point you to the person that can.
We organise regular clubs and activities. You can join weekly clubs for basketball,
badminton, netball, rugby, gym, music and dance.
The team works across all three campuses. Let us know what you want to do and we
can help you do it.
For more information please phone:
Chaffron Way 01908 684425 Bletchley 01908 637312
or email:
Student Council – Student Representative
All tutor groups are asked to elect two representatives to represent their group at
student council meetings, take part in focused activity groups, and to provide courserelated feedback via their personal tutors into course team meetings. As a Student
Representative, you help students’ voices to be heard and influence decision-making
in the College.
“We are proud to be part of the Student Council and value the power it affords us to
make a difference for all students.”(Quote from Student Representative).
To find out more about becoming a Student Representative, talk to your Personal
The Student Council meeting dates will be provided on the student intranet and on
notice boards around the College.
Student Governors
Would you like to contribute to how the College is run and its future?
The College is overseen by a Board of Governors, consisting of 18 people from a
variety of backgrounds, including people from business and the community, staff
and students.
The role of the Board of Governors is to agree the strategic direction of the College,
setting objectives and monitoring results, and supporting the College to provide a
high quality and effective learning experience. Governors are not involved in the dayto-day management and running of the College.
As a Student Governor, you would use your experience and insight as a student of
the College to inform the strategic decision-making process. Although Student
Governors are nominated and elected by students, you would be appointed in your
own right as an individual and not as a student representative – this means you
would not be responsible for canvassing opinions or taking up issues on behalf of
students as this is the responsibility of the Student Council.
The contribution of Student Governors at Board level is very valuable as you have
first-hand knowledge of the student experience at the College and can use this to
exercise judgement and make decisions. There may be opportunities for you to
network with student leaders at other colleges and it is something worthwhile to add
to your CV or personal statement.
If you are interested in being a Student Governor, contact the Youth Work team on
01908 684425 or Karen Brown, who works with our Governors, at to enquire about forthcoming vacancies and / or look
out for more information at the Welcome Fairs, on the student intranet, in tutorials
and on notice boards.
Academic Appeals and Complaints
Academic Appeals Policy
If you feel that any of your assessed work has been unfairly or inconsistently marked,
you can appeal against the assessment mark, grade or final outcome. You must
follow the four stages of the academic appeals process, which are summarised below:
1. Raise your concern with your assessor/lecturer to discuss and seek to resolve
your appeal.
2. Contact your Programme Manager and your work will be reviewed within five
working days.
3. Appeal in writing to the Head of Department responsible for your course using the
appeals form on the student intranet. The Head of Department must respond in
writing within five working days.
4. If you still feel that you have been treated unfairly, you can appeal in writing to
the Director of Quality, who must respond within five working days.
It is important that you read the full Academic Appeals Policy on the student intranet,
as appeals have to be made within a specific time. If at any stage you would like help
or support in making an academic appeal, please speak to a member of the student
support team.
Complaints Policy If you feel that you are unhappy about any part of your College experience, you have
the right to complain. We would encourage that, whenever possible, you try to find a
solution by talking directly to your Personal Tutor or teacher, or Head of Department
about your complaint.
You can, at any time, complain directly to the Director of Quality or a member of the
Quality team by telephone, letter or email, or complete a compliment / complaints
card available from reception.
Under the Higher Education Act 2004 the College subscribes to the independent
scheme for the review of student complaints. If you are dissatisfied with the
outcome you may be able to apply for a review of your complaint / appeal etc. to
the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA) providing that
the complaint you take to the OIA is eligible under its Rules.
Should you decide to make a complaint to the OIA, your OIA Complaint Form must
be received by the OIA within three months of the date of your completion of
procedures letter. This scheme applies to Higher Education Students only.
If at any stage you would like help or support in making a complaint or appeal, please
ask at reception or a member of the Learning Support team.
To read the full Complaints Policy, please see the student intranet at:
If you would like any more information about complaints, please contact
Cross-College Facilities
Reception and Advice for Students
Staff at Reception are here to support students through all aspects of College life and
point you in the right direction at all times.
They are approachable and happy to provide you with information and advice about
all the courses that are run at Milton Keynes College, as well as offering services
such as the sale of stationery, stamps and bus cards. They work with your
curriculum areas to assist your journey as a student; for example, by taking
payments for childcare and College visits. They can put you in touch with the right
person, including careers advice and course guidance, welfare and counseling.
Make Reception your first point of call. The opening hours are displayed at each
All of the lifts within the campuses are provided for the use of staff, students and
visitors who have a need to use them for access to upper floors. Access is granted to
staff and students with disabilities and those who have restricted mobility or other
specific needs. To get access to the lifts, you will need to have your ID badge activated;
just ask at reception for more information. We aim to return your ID badge as soon
as possible, but no longer than three working days.
Smoke-free College
In line with legislation aimed at creating a smoke-free England, the College is working
towards becoming a smoke-free environment. We will actively support those who
wish to give up smoking by providing access to information and individual support.
The College’s smoking policy can be found on the student intranet at
Car Parking
In line with the College’s green transport policy there is no parking available to
students at either Bletchley or Chaffron Way Campus between 8am and 3pm. There
are certain exceptions to this:
 disabled drivers who display a blue badge
 Students with children at the Chaffron Way nursery.
These students will need to obtain swipe cards and passes, which are to be displayed
on windscreens at all times while on College property. Swipe cards are available from
the Centre Administrator on 01908 637351. Students attending courses that run
into the evening (until after 6pm) will be able to bring their vehicles on to the campus
after 3pm.
Public parking is available at Silbury Campus through ‘pay and display’ and there is
regular public transport available from bus stops (through the square at the rear of
the HE Centre) in Midsummer Boulevard.
The College encourages everyone to seek alternative forms of transport by:
 using the park ’n’ ride facility (see ‘College Bus’ below)
 using the College bus (see ‘College Bus’ below)
 using public transport
 walking
 Cycling – bicycle storage facilities are available on Chaffron Way and
Bletchley campuses.
College Bus
Park and Ride
The College has established a free ‘park and ride’ service located at the MK Dons
Stadium (Denbigh) where students may park and then travel to the appropriate
campus by bus. For more information, contact the Centre Administrator at 01908
The College has its own free coach service which links Central Milton Keynes Railway
Station, Chaffron Way Campus, MK Dons Stadium (Park and Ride) and Bletchley
Campus. Timetables are available from campus receptions and the College intranet:
There are regular bus routes supplied by Arriva servicing all our campuses. For
further information call Arriva on 01908 225100.
General Points
Please also remember:
 do not drive any faster than 10mph in the College car parks
 do not park on yellow lines or bays set aside for people with disabilities
(without displaying a Blue Badge)
 do not drop-off or pick up outside the Fire Station at Bletchley as this may
prevent access in the event of an emergency
 Do not park in areas restricted for residents’ use only.
The College cannot take any responsibility for theft or damage to cars parked on or
around the campus
Refectory Services
Both our main campuses at Bletchley and Chaffron Way offer a full refectory service
with a variety of meal and snack choices, including healthy-eating options. Meet your
friends for a chat or enjoy a full meal. Special and bargain menus are prepared each
To keep you topped up with hot and cold drinks, and snacks at all times, there are
vending machines in all three refectories. There are also drinking fountains where
you can get fresh drinking water.
Bletchley Refectory opens during term time:
Monday to Thursday: 8.30am - 8.00pm
Friday: 8.30am - 2.00pm
During half terms and holidays, the service runs from 9.00am to 1.00pm
Chaffron Way Refectory opens during term time:
Monday to Thursday: 8.30am - 8.00pm
Friday: 8.30am - 2.45pm
During half terms and holidays, the service runs from 9.00am to 1.30pm
Silbury Campus)
Hot drinks and snacks are available at our café **. Opening times are:
Monday to Thursday: 8.00am – 4.30pm
Friday: 8.00am – 4.00pm
During half terms and holidays, the service runs from 8.00am to 3.00pm.
**Hot drinks only are provided in the evening
Support for Students
Personal Support
The College offers many services to help support students with issues concerning
their studies and issues outside of College, too. These include:
 Counseling service
 Welfare and Bursary team.
For more information on our counseling services, please:
 Call our confidential answerphone on 01908 684406
 Drop in to our office(s) at any time to make contact
 Go to reception at any campus
 Ask your Personal Tutor to make an appointment for you; they can even
come along to introduce you if you like
 Email us at
The Welfare and Bursary team can be contacted via:
 01908 684364
 Or by asking your Personal Tutor to arrange a meeting.
The Welfare and Bursary team are here to discuss many issues, including childcare
funding, benefit claims, accommodation queries, financial matters, health-related
issues and immigration issues.
Financial Support
There is limited financial support for students, however if you feel you may need help
towards costs associated with your course then you may be eligible for a bursary. for
further information go to
If the cost of childcare is preventing you from attending college, please contact the
Student Loans Company and you might be eligible for a childcare grant
The College’s childcare facilities have limited places and fill up quickly. If you are
unable to find a place through College, you should contact the Childcare Information
Service on 0800 035 0335.
Careers and Course Guidance
We have Careers and Course Guidance Advisors available to support you with
making informed decisions about your future choices.
The Careers and Course Guidance service:
 is available to all
 is free and impartial
 can enable you to independently make realistic and achievable plans to
reach your goals and full potential
 can provide information on College courses
 can provide information on local and national education and training
organisations that may be helpful to you
 can provide basic information on overseas qualifications
 Can provide access to careers matching and planning database, helping you
to get information on careers, matching your qualifications and interests.
The Careers and Course Guidance team can be contacted via email at or telephone on 01908 684456 or 01908 684589.
Brook – Sexual Health
Looking after your health is always a good idea and your sexual health is just as
important. Brook is a free, confidential sexual health advice service. Brook visit the
College to supply condoms, contraception, emergency contraception, pregnancy and
chlamydia testing, and advice. There is private space for confidential conversations.
Drop-in sessions will be available at both Bletchley and Chaffron Way campuses on
a regular basis. If you’re not in College at the same time as Brook, then you can visit
their main clinic at 624 South Fifth Street, Central Milton Keynes (behind
Sainsbury’s). The main clinic is open Monday to Saturday.
For further details, give Brook a call on 01908 669215 or visit their website at
Main Clinic Opening Times
Monday: 12:00pm - 5:45pm
Tuesday: 12:00pm - 7:15pm
Wednesday: 12:00pm - 5:45pm
Thursday: 12:00pm - 5:45pm
Friday: 12:00pm - 5:45pm
Saturday: 11:00am - 2:00pm
Sunday: Closed
You can also get free condoms with the condom card scheme, “C:Card”. Once you
have your card, you can get free condoms from lots of different places across the city.
Visit the MK College Youth Work team or Brook to get your C:Card.
Courtside Sports Facility
Fitting exercise into your busy life is easier at Milton Keynes College. At Bletchley we
have excellent on-campus fitness facilities, including:
 Gym
 Exercise Studio
 Outdoor Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)
 4 Court Sports Hall.
STUDENT gym membership only £15 per month
12 months for £99 (full payment required)
Variety of studio exercise classes – available FREE to monthly members
These facilities are available to all College students, not just those based at Bletchley.
Tel: 01908 637342