Software Engineering QUESTION BANK UNIT - 1 1. What is software? Explain the two fundamental types of software products. 2. What is software engineering? What is the difference between software engineering and computer science? 3. What is the difference between software engineering and system engineering? 4. What is a software process? What is a software process model? 5. Explain briefly the general models of software development. 6. What are the costs of software engineering? 7. What are the attributes of good software? 8. What are the key challenges facing software engineering? 9. Write short notes on the professional and ethical responsibility in the field of software engineering. 10. What are socio-technical systems? Explain the essential characteristics of these systems. 11. What are emergent system properties? Explain with relevant examples. 12. Explain with a neat diagram the disciplines involved in systems engineering. 13. Explain with a neat diagram the system design process. 14. Write short notes on system evolution and system decommissioning. 15. Explain in detail the layered model of a legacy system PESIT, BSC – Education for the Real World – Question Bank – BE.V-Sem 10IS51 - 1 UNIT - 2 1. What are critical systems? Explain briefly the different types of critical systems. 2. Explain in detail the different dimensions of system dependability. 3. Explain in detail system availability and reliability. 4. Explain in detail the “safety” attribute of software systems. 5. Explain in detail the “security” attribute of software systems. 6. What are the fundamental activities associated with all software processes. 7. Explain briefly the various software process models. 8. Explain with a neat diagram the waterfall model for software development. 9. Explain the “Evolutionary development” process. 10. What is component based software engineering? Explain with a neat diagram the different stages. 11. Explain with a neat diagram the incremental delivery model. 12. Explain the spiral model of software development, with a neat diagram. 13. Explain with a neat diagram the requirements engineering process. 14. Explain with a neat diagram a general model of the software design process. 15. Write short notes on the software debugging process. 16. Explain the testing phases in the software process. 17. Write short notes on the software evolution process. 18. Explain, with a neat diagram, the Rational Unified Process (RUP). 19. Write short notes on Computer-Aided Software Engineering. PESIT, BSC – Education for the Real World – Question Bank – BE.V-Sem 10IS51 - 2 UNIT - 3 1. What are “user” and “system” requirements? Give examples. 2. Explain the functional and non-functional requirements, with relevant examples. 3. Explain in detail the non-functional requirements. 4. Explain in detail the problems that may arise when software requirements are being written. 5. Explain the different notations which can be used to specify system requirements. 6. Explain briefly the different types of interfaces that may have to be defined. 7. Explain the typical structure of a software requirements specification document. 8. With a neat diagram, explain the requirements engineering process. 9. Explain the spiral model of the requirements engineering process. 10. Write short notes on the requirements elicitation and analysis stage. 11. Explain the different methods used to capture software requirements. 12. Write short notes on Ethnography. 13. What is requirements validation? What are the different types of checks that should be carried out on the requirements? 14. Explain in detail the various requirements validation techniques. 15. Write short notes on “enduring and volatile” requirements. 16. What is “traceability”? Explain the different types of traceability information that may have to be maintained. 17. Explain the requirements change management process. PESIT, BSC – Education for the Real World – Question Bank – BE.V-Sem 10IS51 - 3 UNIT - 4 1. Explain briefly the different types of system models that might be created during the system analysis phase. 2. Write short notes on a. Context models b. Behavioral models c. State machine models d. Data models e. Object models 3. What are structured methods? Explain with an example. 4. What are the key differences between software project management and project management in other disciplines? 5. Explain the difference activities which constitute project management. 6. Explain in detail the project planning activity. 7. Explain a typical project plan structure. 8. With a neat diagram, explain the different milestones in the requirements process. 9. Explain the project scheduling process, in detail. 10. Explain what an activity network is with the help of a neat diagram. 11. List all the possible risks associated with any software project. 12. With a neat diagram, explain the risk management process. 13. Explain the different types of risks with examples of possible risks against each category.. 14. Describe the different risk management strategies. PESIT, BSC – Education for the Real World – Question Bank – BE.V-Sem 10IS51 - 4 UNIT - 5 1. Explain how the non functional system requirements could affect the architectural design. 2. Explain the different types of architectural models. 3. Explain in detail the repository model of software architecture. 4. Explain in detail the client-sever model of software architecture. 5. Explain in detail the layered model of software architecture. 6. Explain in detail the different control styles. 7. List and explain the different stages involved in the object oriented design process. 8. What is an object? Explain with an example. 9. Explain in detail the object identification process. 10. What is a design model? Explain the various types of design modules. PESIT, BSC – Education for the Real World – Question Bank – BE.V-Sem 10IS51 - 5 UNIT - 6 1. Explain the fundamental characteristics of rapid software development. 2. What are the problems associated with iterative development and incremental delivery? Explain in detail. 3. List and explain the principles of agile methods. 4. With a neat diagram, explain the extreme programming release cycle. 5. List and explain the extreme programming practices. 6. What are the key features of testing in XP? 7. Write short notes on “Pair programming”. 8. Explain the Rapid Application Development environment. 9. With a neat diagram, explain the process of prototype development. 10. List and explain Lehman’s laws related to software evolution. 11. Explain the different types of software maintenance. 12. What are the key factors which distinguish software development and maintenance? 13. Write short notes on maintenance prediction. 14. With a neat diagram, explain the software change identification and evolution processes. 15. With a neat diagram, explain the software re-engineering process. 16. Write short notes on “legacy system evolution”. 17. List and explain the different factors which are used during legacy system assessment. PESIT, BSC – Education for the Real World – Question Bank – BE.V-Sem 10IS51 - 6 UNIT - 7 1. Bring out the meaning of verification and validation clearly with an example. Explain the ultimate goal of the verification and validation process. 2. With a neat diagram, explain the debugging process. 3. Explain in detail how the different test plans act a links between development and testing. 4. Explain in detail the software inspection process. 5. List and explain the different roles in the software inspection process. 6. List and explain the various checks that could be made during the inspection process. 7. Explain in detail the various stages involved in static analysis. 8. Explain in detail the cleanroom software development process. 9. Explain in detail the software testing process. 10. Write short notes on system testing 11. Write short notes on component testing. 12. Explain the various approaches one can take to designing test cases. 13. Explain with a neat diagram, a software testing workbench. PESIT, BSC – Education for the Real World – Question Bank – BE.V-Sem 10IS51 - 7 UNIT - 8 1. Explain the four critical factors in people management. 2. List and explain the factors that govern staff selection. 3. Write short notes on “motivating people” 4. Explain in detail the factors that influence the working of a group. 5. Explain the People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM) with a neat diagram. 6. List and explain the factors which affect software pricing. 7. List and explain the factors which affect software engineering productivity. 8. Explain the various cost estimation techniques. 9. Describe the COCOMO model of software cost estimation. 10. Explain the relationship between project duration and staffing. PESIT, BSC – Education for the Real World – Question Bank – BE.V-Sem 10IS51 - 8