Syllabus for the Seminar „The Strategic Managing of Human

Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen
Department of Social Sciences, Business Administration and
Chair of Human Resouce Management
Kirschäckerstr. 39, D-96045 Bamberg
Phone: 0951/863-2570 (direct) or
-2571 (Secretary Mrs. Döring)
Please register in
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September 24, 2012!
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after this deadline.
Syllabus for the Seminar
„The Strategic Managing of Human Resources“
WS 2012/13
Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen
Dipl.-Kffr. (Europastudiengang) Franziska Bergdolt
Avinash Pai M.Sc.
Consultation hours:
by appointment via e-mail
Time / Seminar Room: Tuesday, 16 - 18 h c.t., F 135 (seminar)
To be confirmed (exercise class)
Overview and Aim of the Seminar
In more and more organizations Human Resource Management (HRM) is extending its role
from an administrative expert to a strategic partner who is assisting the organization to
gain and sustain competitive advantages in a fast-paced environment.
In this course we look at the role of HR in strategic management. A range of areas in
Strategic HRM are covered, focusing on
 the strategic direction of HRM,
 the way in which HRM bridges the gap between policy and practice,
 the link between HRM and business performance, and
 the context within which HRM operates.
Last update: 24.07.2012
Topics in the seminar
An Introduction to Strategic HRM
The organizational and external environments within which strategic HRM is practiced
The added value of Human Resource Management and emerging roles of HR
HR Strategy Development
Strategic HRM within a resource-capability view of the firm
The Link between HRM and Business Performance
High-Performance Work Systems
Workshop by Mr. Christof Kühl, Advocate, Beiten Burkhardt, “Labour-law related
problems in organizations”
HR Balanced Scorecard and efqm
Strategic HRM in Practice
Strategic leadership by executives
The strategic management of rewards
Strategic human resource development
Influence of HRM on Innovation
Contextualizing Strategic HRM
The internal context of strategic HRM, especially international joint ventures
Summary and Conclusions
Organization of the Course
This course is taught using a combination of
 Presentations and co-presentations (including exercises and discussions prepared by
students) that will be held during the main class as well as a
 discussion of a number of SHRM-related cases during tutorials in order to gain "handson" experience.
At the end of the course there will be a written exam (60 minutes).
Learning Evaluation
You will have the opportunity to demonstrate your learning in this course in several
different ways:
 Group presentation (50 percent):
The presentation is intended to assess your knowledge of the topic chosen and the
extent to which you can use your critical thinking skills to evaluate information and
express your opinions logically.
 Written exam (50 percent) at the end of the course
Recommended textbooks for this course are:
Boxall, P., & Purcell, J. (2011). Strategy and Human Resource Management. 3rd ed., New
York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Millmore, M., Lewis, P., Saunders, M., Thornhill,A. & Morrow, T. (2007). Strategic Human
Resource Management. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Please register in FlexNow by September 24, 2012! In case of capacities, access remains
open after this deadline.
We are looking forward to an interesting lecture and fruitful discussions with you!
Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen
Dipl.-Kffr. (Europastudiengang) Franziska Bergdolt
Avinash Pai M.Sc.
Last update: 24.07.2012