Poetry Portfolio English 10 Carothers You will need to go back to your poetry portfolio and revise it based on the following rubric: Score WOW Bonus 6 Includes the following required poems: 1 sonnet, 1 vocabulary poem, 1 villanelle, 1 narrative poem, 2 haiku 12 Each of the six poems listed above followed the required format, qualities, techniques, etc. 4 Includes 4 other poems 16 Addresses at least 8 of the following poetic techniques throughout portfolio: personification, alliteration, simile, metaphor, repetition, assonance, onomatopoeia, end rhyme*, internal rhyme, feminine rhyme, triple rhyme 10 Labels poems according to instructions** 10 Includes a reflection for each poem 15 reflections are thoughtful and explain each poem’s theme, your inspiration for the ideas in the poem, what effect the poetic techniques have on the poem, and any other thoughts you have about the poem. 10 Makes portfolio easy to understand and read through effective font styles/colors, lines, graphics, hyperlink table of contents, etc. 10 Proofreads so that portfolio is free of typos *Only one type of rhyme will count toward your total TOTAL: Out of: **Label instructions: Title of Poem (Type of poem, technique 1, technique 2, etc) Example: Dandelions (Haiku, alliteration, simile) Lines of poem Like a lucky guess Fluffy seeds float on the wind And take hold on our lawn Reflection 93 Reflection: It always amazes me how those flowers we call weeds have no trouble surviving. I have many memories of my father ridding our lawn of dandelions by digging them up and spraying countless chemicals on them. Instead of focusing on my dad for this poem, however, I decided to focus on the dandelion seed itself, doing what it’s going to do despite all our attempts to get rid of them. “Like a lucky guess” is a simile that emphasizes how easily dandelion spread; they don’t have to try, they just do. It also shows alliteration with the “L” sound. Another example of alliteration is the “F” sound in “Fluffy seeds float.” The alliteration in both cases gives a smooth flow to the poem and once again demonstrates how laid back and easy the ways of dandelions.