@K#hss KEL345 DAVID STOWELL Freeport-McMoRan: Financingan Acquisition A November 19, 2006, press release announcedFreeport-McMoRanCopper & Gold's (NYSE: FCX) acquisitionof PhelpsDodge,creatingthe world's largestpublicly tradedcopper company.FCX chief executiveofficer Richard Adkerson said, "This acquisitionis financially compellingfor FCX shareholders, who will benefit from significantcashflow accretion,lower cost of capital,and improvedgeographicand assetdiversification.The new FCX will continueto invest in future growth opportunitieswith high rates of return and will aggressivelyseek to reducedebt incurred in the acquisitionusing the substantialfree cashflow generatedfrom the combined business."rThe press releasewent on to note that "FCX has received financing commitmentsfrom JPMorganand Merrill Lynch." This was the culminationof weeksof work "inside the wall" at the two investmentbanks.However,the public announcement was only the beginning of a new streamof work that would take place "outside the wall" in the salesand tradingdivisionsat thesefirms. MetalsHeatingUp At the time of the announcedmerger,FCX describeditself as a companythat 'oexploresfor, develops,mines, and processesore containingcopper,gold, and silver in Indonesia,and smelts in Spainand Indonesia."2 PhelpsDodgewas describedas"one of andrefinescopperconcentrates the world's leading producersof copper and molybdenum and is the largest producer of molybdenum-basedchemicals and continuous-castcopper rod."3 The merger of these two companiestook placeafter an unprecedented run in the valueofcopper, basedin part on the rapid growth in demandfrom China (seeExhibit 1), resulting in the world's largestpublicly traded coppefcompany. Thesetwo mergercandidatescametogetheronly after a tumultuousseriesof eventsin the mergersand acquisitions(M&A) landscapewithin the mining industry.Just months earlier, in June2006,PhelpsDodgeannounceda three-waymergerbetweenitself andtwo Canadianmining companies,Inco and Falconbridge,for $56 billion.o At the time, this would have createdthe ' FCX company press release,November 19,2006. 2Ibid. t a Ibid. Phelps Dodge company press release, June 26,2006. @2007 by the Kellogg School of Management,Northwestem University. This case was preparedby Peter Rossmann'08 and ProfessorDavid Stowell. Casesare developedsolely as the basisfor classdiscussion.Casesarenot intendedto serveas endorsements, sourcesof primary data, or illustrationsof effective or ineffectivemanagement.To order copiesor requestpermissionto reproduce materials,call 800-545-7685(or 617-783-7600outsidethe United Statesor Canada)or e-mail custserv@hbsp.harvard.edu. No part of this publicationmay be reproduced,storedin a retrieval system,usedin a spreadsheet, or transmittedin any form or by any meanselectronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,or otherwise-without the permissionofthe Ke'lloggSchoolof Management. KEL345 FREEPORT-MCMORAN world's largest nickel producer and largest publicly traded copper producer. J. Steven Whisler, CEO of Phelps Dodge, made the following proclamation at the time of the announcedmerger: This transactionrepresentsa unihqueopportunityin a rapidly consolidatingindustryto createa global leaderbasedin North America-home of the world's deepestand most liquid capital markets.Thecombinedcompanyhas one of the industrlt'smostexciting portfolios ofdevelopment projects,and thescaleand management expertiseto pursue their development successfully.Thecreationofthis new companygivesus thescaleand diversificationto managecyclicality,stabilizeearnings,and inuease shareholder rehrns. At thesametime,we are committedto maintainingan investment-grade credit rating throughoutthe businesscycle.s The Phelps Dodge announcement came months into Falconbridge's implementation of a 'opoison pill" defense in an ongoing attempt to protect itself from a takeover by Swiss mining giant Xstrata, which had accumulated more than2} percent of Falconbridge's stock.o Eventually, the attempted combination between Phelps Dodge, Inco, and Falconbridge fell apart after Xstrata upped its bid for Falconbridge"Tcausing Falconbridge's board of directors to accept this higher bid and reject Phelps Dodge and Inco.8 As the events with Xstrata unfolded, Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), a Brazilian mining company, made an unsolicited all-cash offer for Inco of C$86 per share; Phelps Dodge, on the other hand, had made a partial-equity bid of C$86.89. In spite of the lower price, analysts prophetically suggested that investors would favor the all-cash bid of CVRD at the time.e By early September Phelps Dodge and Inco had decided to go their separateways, and CVRD soon claimed victory in acquiring Inco.'o Having been left at the altar now twice, analysts predicted that Phelps Dodge "could soon find itself hansformed from a bidder to a target in the deal-making that has engulfed the global mining industry."rr Whisler attempted to reassure his investor base when his company announced that it was terminating its combination agreementwith Inco: Weare very conJidentabout theprospectsof PhelpsDodge.Themarketfundamentalsfor copperand molybdenumare excellent,and at cutent prices we are generating signi/icantamountsofcash. Throughoutthepast severalmonths,management and the board havefocusedon ourfundamentalresponsibilitiesto build long-termvaluefor all our shareholderswhile managingour balancesheetprudentlyand maintaining investment-grade uedit in this cyclical industry.Whilewe regret theproposedthree-way combinationcould not be completedon acceptableterms,thefuture of PhelpsDodge remainsvery bright.12 s Ibid. 6 "FalconbridgeProtectsAgainst 'CreepingTakeover' Xstmt4" by Metat Bulletin, September23, 2005. T"Falconbridge Gets$52.5O-Per-Share Offer fiom X strala,"Stoclwatch, May 17, 2006. 8 "FalconbridgeYields to Xstrata," SteelBusinessBriefing, August1l, 2006. e "In the Battle to Control Inco, CVRD Looks Readyto Rumble,"lnerrcan Metql Market,August 11, 2006. r0"PhelpsLeavesCVRD as SoleBidder for Inco," Financial ?"rnes, September6, 2006, rrlbid. t2PhelpsDodge companypressrelease,September5,2006 KELLOGG SCHooL oF MANAGEMENT Fnnrronr-McMoRAN KEL345 EnterFreeport-McMoRan On November 19, 2006, FCX and Phelps Dodge signed a definitive merger agreement in which the acquirer, FCX, would purchase the larger Phelps Dodge for $25.9 billion in cash and stock. The joint press releaseannounced the following transaction details: FCX will acquireall of the outstandingcommonsharesof PhelpsDodgefor a combinationof cashand commonsharesof FCXfor a total considerationof $126.46per PhelpsDodgeshare,basedon the closingprice ofFCX stockon November17,2006. EachPhelpsDodgeshareholderwould receive$88.00per sharein cashplus 0.67 commonsharesof FCX. Thisrepresentsa premium of 33percentto PhelpsDodge's closingprice on November17, 2006,and 29 percentto its one-monthaverageprice at that date. Thecashportion of $ I 8 billion representsapproximately70percentof the total consideration.In addition,FCX would delivera total of 137million sharesto Phelps Dodgeshareholders,resultingin PhelpsDodgeshareholdersowningapproximately38 percentof the combinedcompatryon afully dilutedbasis. Theboardsof directorsof FCX and PhelpsDodgehaveeachunanimouslyapprovedthe that their shareholdersapprovethe termsofthe agreementand haverecommended transaction.Thetransactionis subjectto the approvctlof theshareholdersof FCX and PhelpsDodge,receipt ofregulatory approvalsand customaryclosingconditions.The transactionis expectedto closeat the end ofthefirst quarter of2007. FCX hasreceivedJinancingcommitments from JPMorganand Merrill Lynch tofund the transaction. After giving effectto the transaction,estimated to complete the required cash proforma total debtat December31,2006,wouldbe approximately $17.6billion, or approximately$ I5 bitlion net of cash.13 The initial reaction to the merger announcement among Wall Street analysts was mixed (see Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3 for stock price performance): In our view this transactionmakessensefor both companies. . . Freeportis basicallya singlemine company,with its only significantassetlocatedin Indonesia(assethasa long life, but limitedgrowth opportunities).PhelpsDodgehasa geographicallydiverse operatingbaseand also hasa growthprofile, targetingincreasedoutputof 20 percentby 2009 but a relativelyshort reservelife. Hencefor Freeport,this dealspreadsthe company'soperatingrisk and givesthe companya growthprofile. In our view this deal also highlightsthe scarcityofcopper reservesglobally, with onelargeproducer acquiringanother,insteadof building large-scalecoppermines.ta Thereare severalpositivessurroundingthis transaction:(I) an improvedcostposition (vs.PD standalone);(2) long reservelife; (3) ctmorediversifiedgeographicfootprint; 13FCX companypressrelease,November19, 2006 rr Credit SuisseEquity Research,November20, 2006. KELLoGG SCHooL OF MANAGEMENT KEL345 F'REEPORT-McMoRAN (4) an attractivegrowthproJile; and (5) enhancedmanagement depth.I(e do not seeany anti-trustissuessuwoundingthis transaction.For PD shareholdersspecifically-the 33 percentpremium to Friday's closeand departureof CEO StevenWhislerfromthe combinedentity is the antidotewe believetheywerelookingfor-post thefailed threeway mergerattemptfor two nickelproducersearlier in theyear. For FCX-we are surprised-we believedFCXwas more of a seller thana buyerof assets.ts Iile assign a onelhird likelihood that Freeport acquires Phelps Dodge as announced. Two-thirds likelihood that Freeport collects the $750 million breakupfee. The deal oppears very accretive to FCX and likely to attract higher bidder.l6 As the companiesinitially projectedin their joint pressrelease,the shareholders ultimately terms.l7Of course,one of the approvedthe mergeron March 14,2007,underthe announced worst kept secretson Wall Streetwas that the smallerFCX still had a tremendousamountof work to do in financing the acquisitionof PhelpsDodge. FCX announcedon March 15 the pricing of a total of $17.5billion in debtfinancingfor the PhelpsDodgeacquisition,including$6 billion in seniorfixed ratenotesand $10 billion in seniorfloatingratenotes.In addition,a $1.5 billion senior securedrevolving credit facility was provided, which was to be undrawn at closing.rsJPMorganand Merrill Lynch jointly underwrotethe note offeringsand led the credit facility. Finally, on March 19, in conjunctionwith the closing of the PhelpsDodge acquisition, FCX announceda public offering of commonstock and convertiblepreferredstock.The initial pressreleaseindicatedan offering of "approximately35 million sharesof commonstock" and l0 Total proceeds million sharesof mandatoryconvertiblepreferredstockat $100.00per share.re from thesetwo equity-relatedtransactionswere expectedto be approximately$5 billion. The marketreceivedthesefinancingspositively,markingup FCX nearly3 percenton a day when the S&P 500 increasedjust over I percent. At least one Wall Street analyst portrayed the announcement asan expectedpositive: Management clearly communicated its intention to do an equity transaction. Likewise, the size of the transaction is consistent with our expectcttions.While diluting existing shareholders is not a positive, we believe this equity deal is a prudent transaction in terms of reducing some of the/inancial risk. We estimate the combination of the equity transaction andfree cashflow at current copper prices has the potential to reduce FCX's debt burden by S5 billion, or 3l percent ofthe S16 billion in debt taken onfrom this transaction, with the magnitude of debt reduction to translate into higher multiples over time.2o FCX's two equity-relatedtransactions(commonstock and mandatoryconvertiblepreferred) were led by JPMorganand Merrill Lynch asjoint book-runners.The two firms equally shared feesand leaguetable credit for thesetransactions.Eachquarter,leaguetablesrankingthe major investmentbanks by underwritingproceedsfrom various categories(debt, equity, convertible 15Bear SteamsEquity Research,November20, 2006 16PrudentialEquity Research,November21, 2006. r7FCX pressrelease, March 14,2007. 18FCX pressrelease, March 15,2007. reFCX pressrelease, March 19,2007. 20Credit SuisseEquity Research,March I 9, 2007. KELLocc ScHooL oF MANAGEMENT KEL345 Fnnrponr-McMoRAN bonds,etc.) are released.At the end of the first quarterof 2007(1Q07),JPMorganrankedfirst in U.S. convertibles,with a 23.9 percentmarket share and nearly $6 billion in proceedsfrom convertibleissuance.Menill Lynch rankedthird in U.S. convertiblesat the end of 1Q07 with nearly $4 billion, a 15.8 percent market share. For cofllmon stock underwriting at 1Q07, JPMorganwas first at just over $5.1 billion in underwritingproceeds,with a 16.2percentmarket share;Merrill Lynch wassecondat over $4.3billion, with a 13.7percentmarketshare.2l Role of the InvestmentBanks Throughoutthe flurry of activity centeredaroundFCX, from merger advisoryto debt and equity underwriting,therewas a consistenttheme:JPMorganand Merrill Lynch were involvedat nearlyeverystepof the way. Typically, whena companyneedsadvisoryor financialassistance, it holds a "bake-off' betweeninvestmentbanks,wherefirms areinvited to presenttheir credentials, preliminaryvaluation,and view of investordemand.Companieswill choosean investmentbank (or banks)for a variety of reasons,but over time, they usually focuson existingrelationships,in additionto factorssuchas executioncapability,independentresearchfunction,and leaguetable rankings.In the caseof FCX, it had well-established ties to both JPMorganand Merrill Lynch, and placedits trust in them for both M&A advisoryandunderwritingresponsibilities. Investment banks typically talk about two sides of a "Chinese wall" of information. Coverage,M&A, and capital markets teams within the investment banking function are responsiblefor all of the due diligenceand valuationwork. As a result,they are consideredto be insidersworking on the "private side" of the wall (or inside the wall) becauseof the sensitive informationthat they receive.Generally,an investmentbank's salesand tradinggroup sits on the "public side" of this wall, working with investorsand havingaccessonly to informationthat has beenmadepublicly available.Whena companyissuesa pressreleasedescribinga mergerand/or financingit is generallythe first time that an individualin salesandtradingwill hearof it. Inside the Wall Prior to the public announcements of the transactionssurroundingthe merger,the investment banking coverageteamsat JPMorganand Merrill Lynch were actively coordinatingthe entire process,from the acquisitionto all aspectsof the capitalraising.The metalsand mining industry coverageteam at each bank was primarily responsiblefor knowing FCX's generalneedsand priorities. From there, each bank's M&A group was responsiblefor advisingthe companyon mergervaluation,mix of cashand stock,timing, and likely shareholderreaction.The leveraged financegroup at eachbank was responsiblefor the analysisbehindmakingthe bridge frnancing commitmenton behalfof the investmentbankto the company.This was particularlyimportantto enableFCX to show committedfinancingto PhelpsDodge.The equity capitalmarketsgroupsat JPMorganand Menill Lynch were responsiblefor all aspectsof the equity offering: advisingthe company regarding the optimal structure, size, pricing and timing of the financing (the "origination" function), as well as working with colleaguesin their firm's institutional equity salesareato determinepotentialinvestorinterest(the"placemenf'function). 2r ThomsonEquity Capital MarketsReview,First KELLOGG SCHOoL oF MANAGEMENT Quarter2007 FREDPORT-McMoRAN KEL345 The investmentbanksand FCX neededto determinea permanentfinancingstructurebased on expectedcredit ratings.Essentially,FCX's managementfirst had to decideon the optimal capital structure and acceptableequity dilution levels before selecting the best financing alternatives.Ratingsadvisoryprofessionalswho were part of the debt capital marketsgroup at JPMorganadvisedthe companyon the credit ratingsprocessand the expectedratingsoutcomes based on the selectedcapital structure.All of the information about financing terms and conditions,aswell aspricing, wasfed backto eachbank'sM&A team,which assessed the impact to eamingsper share(EPS),expectedvaluation,andlikely investorreaction. There are severalforms of risk that investmentbanksmust considerwhen advisingclients and executingtransactions.Capital rlsk is the financialrisk associatedwith a bank's financing commitmentin relationto an acquisition.If the bank commitsto providinga loan, it undertakes considerablerisk. Large banksmitigatethis risk by syndicatingup to 90 percentof theseloansto a wider group of banksand money managers.However,banksare forcedto keep the debt that they are unableto syndicateto others.During the first half of 2007,bankshad committedmore than $350 billion in loan commitmentsto facilitateacquisitionsof companiesby private equity firms. Becauseof severedislocationin the mortgage-backed securitiesmarket starting in mid2007, theseloans becamevery difficult to syndicate,leaving huge unanticipatedrisk positions that resultedin billions of dollars in reportedlosses(see Exhibit 4). Reputotionrisk is less tangible, but no less important. This is the risk that comes from associatingthe investment bankingfirm with the companyfor which it is raising capital.Seriousproblemsexperiencedby the companymay havea residualeffecton the investmentbank'sreputation. Outsidethe Wall Freeportannouncedits acquisitionof PhelpsDodge in a formal pressreleasethat "hit the tape"(publishedon thenewswire services)on November19,2006. After the PhelpsDodgeacquisitionhad beensigned,the investmentbanks'focussoonshifted to syndicating out the bridge loan in order to raise the capital necessaryto complete the transaction.Included in this processwas negotiatingwith credit rating agenciesto securethe highestpossibleratingson the upcomingbond offerings.On February28, 2007,S&P upgraded its debt rating on FCX's existing2014 seniordebtfrom B+ to BB+. It followedthis with another upgradeto BBB- on April 4. Justtwo monthsafter this, on June7, it upgradedFCX's debtrating onceagainto BBB. Similarly,Moody's had placedthe companyon positivewatchon November 20, 2006.It followed this up with an upgradefrom B 1 to Ba2 on February26, 2007,and then to Baa3 on March 27. The credit upgradesresultedfrom both the more-than-$5billion in equity capital raisedthroughthe commonstock and convertibleoffering and the significantincreasein cashflow that resultedfrom the merger(seeExhibit 5).22 After the completionof all debt-relatedtransactions,FCX and PhelpsDodge finalized the acquisition.Once this was complete,it openedthe door to the equity and equityJinkedcapital raising. -- IJlOOmDerg. KELLoGGScHooL oF MANAGEMENT KEL345 F,REI,PORT-MCMoRAN Placing the Equity and Convertible Offerings Institutional salespeopleat investment banks are responsiblefor bringing investment opportunitiesto the analystsand portfolio managersof large assetmanagerssuch as mutual funds,hedgefunds,pensionfunds,and someinsurancecompanies.Their investmentideascome from a variety of sources,including researchdone by the firm's equity researchanalysts.The institutionalassetmanagersdo not pay investmentbanksfor their investmentideas;rather,they pay commissionson the largetradesthat they execute.This processis part art andpart science. Traditionally, institutionalmanagersconducta periodic vote to rank eachinvestmentbank and attemptto allocatecommissionsfor the next periodaccordingly. Shortly after FCX's intentionto issueequity and convertiblesecuritieswas announced,the JPMorganinstitutionalsalesforce hearda "teach-in" by the frrm's metalsand mining industry analyst.Becauseof JPMorgan'sinvolvementas advisor to Freeporton the acquisition,their equity researchanalystwas restrictedfrom providing an investmentopinion on sharesof FCX. However,he was allowed to provide the institutionalsalesforce an overview of the equity and had. convertibleofferingsandtheir uses,as well as answerany relatedquestionsthat salespeople team After this presentation, the salesforce had the opportunityto hearfrom FCX's management regardingboth the rationalefor the PhelpsDodgeacquisitionas well as the methodof frnancing chosen.Altogether,this sessionprovidedthe salesteam with enoughinformationto be able to discussthe offeringsin detailwith their institutionalassetmanagerclients. The managementteam at FCX also participatedin an investor "roadshow": a series of meetingswith institutional investorsto discussthe company'scurrent frnancial position and businessactivities.For IPOs,roadshowstypically last one or two weeks,providingthe company a forum to tell its story to new investors.For secondaryofferings(follow-on capitalraisingsfrom an existing public company)and convertibles,roadshowsare consideredoptional,dependingon how well the companyis known. In this case,FCX had done a'onon-deal"roadshowafter the educatinginvestorson the transaction,and so only a limited roadshow acquisitionannouncement, was scheduledfor the equityandconvertiblefinancings. The combinedequity and convertibleroadshowbeganon Tuesday,March 20, one day after from both JPMorgan regardingclosing of the acquisition.Salespeople the public announcement andMerrill Lynch lined up a seriesof meetingsin multiple citiesover a three-dayperiodandthen joined a member of the investmentbanking team and several members of the company's managementteam on the roadshow.Becauseof the high demandfor meetingsand the limited time frame, salesforce managementhad to work with the capital marketssyndicateteam to decidewhich investorsto see.The decisionto meet with investorsdependedon severalfactors, suchas the size of the investor,quality of relationshipwith the company,and level of previous interestin it. Currentshareownershipwas alsoan importantconsideration. During this time, salespeoplehad a seriesof conversationswith their institutional investor clients about the stock and convertible issuesand provided feedbackto the capital markets syndicateteam,who kept track of investorconcernsand overall sentimentaboutthe issue.The syndicateteam communicatedany recurringissuesthat cameup during the feedbackprocessto companymanagement.This feedbackloop was particularly important for the price discovery process,as the syndicateteamwas responsiblefor establishinga price for the offering. The price discoveryprocessis relativelytransparentbecausethe stockis alreadytradedin the openmarket. However,the key questionthat remainsis how much of a discount(if any) will be appliedto the "last sale,"or closingprice of the stockon the day of pricing. Someinvestorsput in limit orders, KELLOGGSCHooL oF MANAGEMENT F.REEPoRT-MCMoRAN KEL345 which dictate the highest price they would be willing to pay, while others are content with market orders, which indicate a willingness to pay the market-clearing price for the offering. This affects the final pricing decision because investment banks, as well as companies, are reluctant to shut out large and important investors who have submitted limit orders, even though market orders are always preferable. For the convertible offering, price discovery focuses on the coupon and conversion premium relative to the underlying common stock. Similar to the common stock transaction, the equity capital markets syndicate maintains a book of investor demand and makes a pricing recommendation to the company that is designed to allow the security to trade up modestly. Demand for the convertible comprises approximately half convertible arbitrage hedge funds and half traditional mutual funds or dedicated convertible funds. In smaller transactions and for convertibles that do not have a mandatory conversion feature, allocations tend to be skewed toward convertible arbitrage funds. Convertible arbitrage funds attempt to purchase the convertible instrument while short-selling shares of the common stock in a manner to take advantage of inherent arbitrage opportunities. While companies might have concems about a large pool of investors shorting their common stock, convertible arbitrage funds provide several advantages: (1) the incremental demand from convertible arbitrage funds allows companies to achieve better pricing in their convertible offerings (cheaper financing); and (2) the demand also ensures more trading liquidity in the convertible security, adding to the attractiveness for traditional long-only investors. MandatoryConvertiblePreferredShares FCX's convertibleinstrumentwasdesignedto be convertedmandatorilyinto a predetermined number of the company'scommonsharesin three years.As a result, rating agenciesassigned "equity content"of up to 90 percentto this convertibletransaction(seeExhibit 6 and Exhibit 7). For a more traditional optionally convertingconvertible,rating agenciesusually athibute no equity contentand,in fact, assumethe convertibleis more like a bond unlessand until it converts in the future into commonshares(which will happenonly if the investordeterminesthat the value of the commonsharesthe convertiblecan convertinto exceedsthe cashredemptionvalue of the original security).The use of a mandatoryconvertiblestructureby FCX facilitatedthe rapid credit rating upgradespreviouslydiscussed.The issuanceof commonstock in conjunctionwith the convertibleenabledconvertiblearbitragehedgefund investorsto moreeasilyborrow andthen short sell FCX common shares,which facilitated strongerdemandfor and resultedin better pricingof the convertible. FCXPost-Allocation Sharesof FCX closedon Thursday,March22,2007,at $61.91.On March23,Ihe company priced47.15million sharesof stockat $61.25per share(proceeds of approximately $2.9billion), along with 28.75million sharesof 63/npercentmandatoryconvertibleprefenedstock at $100.00 per share(proceedsof approximately$2.9 billion). Net proceedsto FCX, after underwriting discountand expenses,totaled $5.6 billion.'3 By the end of trading on March 23, FCX shares 2r FCX pressrelease, March28,2007 KELLoGG ScHooL oF MANAGEMENT KEL345 Fnnnronr-McM0RAN closedup 39 centsfrom the prior closeto $62.30,a nearly 2 percentgain from the transaction price (seeExhibit 8). By most accounts,this was a successfuloffering for both the companyand investors.FCX was interestedin the quality of the investorbase.Generally,if a companyhasan opportunityto allocatenewly issuedsharesto investorsit believeswill be long-termholders,it is willing to makesomeconcessionon price,which wasthe casewith the FCX offering. The convertibleendedthe trading day at 101.5,having beenofferedto investorsat 100 (the "par" price). As was the casewith the equity offering, FCX had an interest in making surethat it did not leavesignificantmoney on the table for the convertibletransaction.At the sametime, it wanted to ensure that both offerings----commonshares and convertible-were placed with appropriateinvestorswho werewilling to take long-termpositions(seeExhibit 9 and Exhibit 10 price action). for post-transaction NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY KELLoGG SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT KEL345 FREEPORT-MCMORAN Exhibit1: CopperSpotPricevs. FCXStock,September,2}0l-December, 2006 400 350 300 250 +CopperSpot 200 +FCX Price Price 150 100 50 0 5 5 ; E $ E E 3 8 S8 S 3 8 8 9 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 33 3 3 33 3 33 3 3 3 3 8 3 33 3 83 3 3 33 8 8 33 8 88 8 I gtEp =E#tE5$E !$eFg€=$,ffi s3tE5$EFg: sg5=FsEtE s+g:iss3'g EEE$s sg-Ei3a"E prices Source.'NYMEX COMEXdata;FCXhistorical Exhibit2: PhelpsDodgeStockPerformance, January3, 2006-March 19,2007 @ U SI Acquired EquityGP GP- LineChan upp.t flffilililtr MovAvgsfff LrrwerffifirytrMov.Avs m Ranse[@-@@ -=l Period Page1/9 currencyiltr| 30 t0 10 00 0 0 Hustrqlrq .Idpdn 81 3 bl ? 9/// 3201 8900 rflzll ))ll Singspore 3u4B 4300 65 621e 1000 r J .s . 1 2 1 2 3 1 8 2 0 0 0 Cop'Jright 20OZ Bloomberg Findnce L.F. G597-5O6-0 19-Hov-?007 08,37'?9 SourcejBloomberg t0 KELLocc ScHool or MATAGEMENT KEL345 Fnn['Ponr-MCMoRAN Exhibit3: FCXStockPerformance, January3, 2006-March19,2007 -2 .67 g N 3s N 97,ii/9i,43? 1gxl f f i us T 9 7 -2 7 A t 8 : 4 0 V o l 7 8 7 . 9 8 60 u 9 7 . 5 T H i 9 7 . 5 N L o 9 7 . 3 3i l P r e v L 0 0 . 0 4 GP - LineChaft liirle-'l -----***-lMov.Avgs Ranse@-ffiupper -*l Period Jqpqn 8l 3 3201 89OO Lnwer Singqpore Source;Bloomberg KELLoGG ScHooL oF MANAGEMENT ---l 65 6212 l0OO fff Mov Avg lE Page1/B Currency iltr| FREDPORT-MCMoRAN KEL345 Exhibit4: Bankson a BridgeToo Far?As RiskRisesin LBOs,lnvestorsStartto Balk;WarningfromOverseas B Y R O B I N S I D E L ,V A L E R I EB A U E R L E I NA N D C A R R I C KM O L L E N K A M P The nation'slargestfinancialinstitutionshave spentthe pastyear relying on robustcapitalmarketsto offset woes in their retail-bankingoperations.Now, that big revenuestreammay be startingto dry up. A suddenretrenchmentin debt marketsis likely to nip at profits at the big banks that have been financing the leveraged-buyout boom aroundthe globe.The latestdealbonanza,in which private-equityfirms buy public companies and load them up with debt,has createdseveralnew financingtechniquesthat mint money for the banks,but can also leavethem holding more risk. For J.P. Morgan Chase& Co., Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp., the biggestplayersin the leveragedloan business,a slowdown in deal financingscomes as they grapple with diffrcult issues.Among them: a tric$ interest-rateenvironmentthat makesit lesslucrativeto makeloans,a slowdownin mortgageandhome-equitylending, and fierce competitionto acquiredeposits,even as banks are still strugglingto assessthe fallout from the turmoil in subprimehousing. Banks won't "lose money,but what will happenis that they won't make asmuch and earningsmay decline,"said GaneshRathnam,a bankinganalystat MorningstarInc. in Chicago. As they haveracedto financeleveragedbuyouts,the bankshave alsosteadilytakenon more risk. Although much ofit is typically parceledout to investors,the bankscan be left holding the bag, as happenedwhen investorsbalkedat the U.S.Foodservice deal. In the U.S., so-calledcovenant-litedealsaccountedfor about26% offirst-quarter dealsversus4.602in European leveraged-loanissues.The pacebeganto sharplyincreasein Europein March, accordingto Bank ofAmerica research. The "covJite" deals-- where a bank'scovenantprotectionsare weakened-- havebeena result ofthe cheapfinancing, allowing borrowers to reduce financial covenantsthat typically require bonowers to meet fmancial hurdles on a quarterlybasis,the reportnotedearlierthis week. In particular,regulatorsare expressingconcernabout"equity bridge loans"in which private-equityfirms asktheir banks to provide stop-gapfinancing for some deals.The loans,which carry high interestrates,last from tfuee to 24 monthsand arerepaidoncethe saleofbelow-investment-grade, orjunk, bondshas occurred. So far this year, bankshaveprovided $33.38billion in bridge loansto leveraged-buyout deals,more than double last year's $12.87 billion, accordingto ReutersLoan Pricing/DealScan.The volume is the highest since the LBO heyday20 yearsago,when$48.14billion in bridgeloanswasissuedin 1988. Of the banks,Citigroup,DeutscheBank AG and J.P.Morgan have arrangedthe most bridge loans for leveragedbuyout dealsthis year. Regulatorsexpectto take anotherlook at guidancethey issuedin 2001 on leveragedlendingto seeifit still fits. At the time, bankskept most leveragedloans on their balancesheets,and regulatorsthus expectedthem to considerthe borrower's ability to repay principal, not just interest. Banks now typically distribute their loans to institutional investors,so regulatorssay they may needto considerdifferentcriteria.It may be lessimportantfor a bank to consider the borrower'sability to amortizea loan, and more importantto weigh the "reputationalrisk" that a loan it sold to investorsgoesbad, or "pipelinerisk" -- when adversefinancingconditionsforce it to keep a loan on its balancesheet ratherthan distributingit. A report this month by the Bank for InternationalSettlementssaid, "The fact that banks are now increasingly providing bridge equity, along with bridge loans, to support the still growing number of corporatemergers and acquisitionsis not a good sign." It went on to say: "A closelyrelatedconcernis the possibility that bankshave,either intentionallyor inadvertently,retaineda significantdegreeofcredit risk on their books." Source: WallStreet Journal, June28,2007 12 KELLOGGScHooL oF MANAGEMENT KEL345 FRf,EPORT-MCMORAN Exhibit5: BondRatingsby Dateand RatingAgency November 20, 2006 February26,2007 February28,2OO7 March27,2OO7 Aptil4,2007 June7,2OO7 RatingAgency Moody's Moody's S&P Moody's S&P S&P Upgrade Positiveoutlook 81 to Ba2 B+ to BB+ Ba2to Baa3 BB+to BBBBBB-to BBB Source.'Bloomberg Preferred Exhibit6: Selections fromSECFilingfor Convertible Offering,3/23 T H EO F F E R I N G Issuer Freeport-McMoRan Copper& Gold Inc. Securitiesoffered 25,000,000sharesof 6sloolo mandatoryconvertible preferredstock(28,750,000 sharesifthe underwriters exercisetheir overallotmentoption in full), which we refer to in this prospectussupplementasthe "mandatory convertibleprefenedstock." Initial offering price $100.00per shareofmandatoryconvertiblepreferred stock. Option to purchaseadditionalsharesof mandatoryconvertiblepreferredstock To the extentthe underwriterssell morethan 25,000,000 sharesof our mandatoryconvertible prefenedstock,the underwritershavethe optionto purchase up to 3,750,000additionalsharesofour mandatoryconvertiblepreferredstockfrom us at the initial offering price, lessunderwritingdiscountsand commissions, within 30 daysfrom the dateof this prospectus supplement. Dividends per shareon the liquidationpreferencethereofof 6t/oYo $100.00for eachshareofour mandatoryconvertible prefemedstockper year.Dividendswill accrueand cumulatefrom the dateof issuanceand,to the extent that we arelegallypermittedto pay dividendsand our boardof directors,or an authorizedcommitteeof our boardof directors,declaresa dividendpayable,we will pay dividendsin cashor, subjectto certainlimitations, in commonstockon eachdividendpaymentdate.The expecteddividendpayableon the first dividendpayment dateis $2.30625per share,andon eachsubsequent dividendpaymentdateis expected to be $1.6875per share.See"Descriptionof mandatoryconvertible prefenedstock-Dividends." KELLoGG SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 13 FRDEPORT-MCMoRAN KEL345 Exhibit 6 (continued) Dividend paymentdates February1, May l, Augustl, andNovember1 of each yearprior to the mandatoryconversiondate(asdefined below),and on the mandatoryconversiondate, commencingon August 1, 2007. Redemption Our mandatoryconvertibleprefenedstockis not redeemable. Mandatoryconversiondate M a y1 , 2 0 1 0 . Mandatoryconversion On the mandatoryconversiondate,eachshareofour mandatoryconvertiblepreferredstockwill automaticallyconvertinto sharesof our commonstock, basedon the conversionrateas describedbelow. Holdersof mandatoryconvertiblepreferredstockon the mandatoryconversiondatewill havethe right to receive the dividenddueon suchdate(includingany acuued, cumulated,andunpaiddividendson the mandatory convertiblepreferredstockas ofthe mandatory conversiondate),whetheror not declared(otherthan previouslydeclareddividendson the mandatory convertiblepreferredstockpayableto holdersof record asof a prior date),to the extentwe arelegally permitted to pay suchdividendsat suchtime. Conversionrate The conversionrate for eachshareof our mandatory convertibleprefered stockwill not be more than 1.6327 sharesof commonstockandnot lessthan 1.3605shares of commonstock,dependingon the applicablemarket valueof our commonstock,asdescribed below. The "applicablemarketvalue" of our commonstockis the averageofthe daily closingpriceper shareofour commonstockon eachof the 20 consecutivetrading daysendingon the third tradingday immediately precedingthe mandatoryconversiondate. The following table illustratesthe conversionrateper shareof our mandatoryconvertiblepreferredstock subjectto certainanti-dilutionadjustmentsdescribed under"Descriptionof mandatoryconvertiblepreferred " stock-Anti-dilution adjustments. Applicable MarketValue Lessthanor equalto $61.25 Between$61.25and$73.50 Rate Conversion 1.6327 dividedby the $100.00 applicable marketvalue Equalto or greaterthan$73.50 t4 I .JOUJ KELLOGG SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT KEL345 FREEPORT.MCMORAN Exhibit 5 (continued) Optionalconversion At any time prior to May 1, 2010,you may electto converteachofyour sharesofour mandatory convertiblepreferredstockat the minimum conversion rateof 1.3605sharesof commonstockfor eachshareof mandatoryconvertiblepreferredstock.This conversion rateis subjectto certainadjustmentsas describedunder "Descriptionof mandatoryconvertiblepreferredstock" Anti-dilution adjusfinents. Ranking The mandatoryconvertiblepreferredstockwill rank with respectto dividendrights andrights uponour liquidation,winding up, or dissolution:seniorto all of our commonstockandto all of our othercapitalstock issuedin the futureunlessthe termsof that stock expresslyprovidethat it ranksseniorto, or on a parity with, the mandatoryconvertibleprefenedstock; Useofproceeds We intendto usethe net proceedsfrom the offeringto repayoutstandingindebtedness underour TrancheA term loan facility andTrancheB term loan facility. Listing The mandatoryconvertibleprefenedstockhasbeen approvedfor listing on the New York StockExchange. KELLOGGSCHooL oF MANAGEMENT l5 KEL345 FREBPORT-MCMORAN Exhibit7: Convertible Preferred Mechanics o ; 1.6327 > 1.3505 o s73.s0 Applicable MarketValue Lessthanor equalto $61.25 Between$61.25and$73.50 Equalto or greaterthan$73.50 Rate Conversion 1.6327 $100.00 divided by the applicablemarket value 1.3605 As ofthe mandatoryconversiondate,for each$100 mandatoryconvertiblepreferredsharepurchasedby investors,they will receive1.6327FCX sharesif FCX shareprice is lessthan or equalto $61.25on that date. If FCX sharepriceis between$61.25and$73.50,investorswill receivebetween1.6527and 1.3605 FCX shares.If FCX shareprice is equalto or greaterthan $73.50,investorswill receive1.3605FCX shares. t6 KELLoGG ScHoor-or MauacplanNr KEL345 FREEPORT-MCMORAN Exhibit8: FCXStockPrice,March16,2007-March23, 2007 F C XU S$ T 1O4 - 55 +.64N --x-EquityGP0 DELAY 08:46 Vol 4.392,748 0p 104.98N Hi 105.38P Lo 103.37N riP0 - B;rr-,lhart IrTide-l P;rgeLl! -@'upper Rarige@@ eeri,rdlflfiil] JqFs 81 3 sml Agn ffiEil LowerillFlor,, StngrcFora 65 6212 !{nO htov..:';gsflf i:.,g I5 u.s. I 2t2 3ls nf,ru furrencl,, tffic L.P, 29-{,.c-?oo7 09,29,8 Source.' Bloomberg KELLoGG ScHooL oF MANAGEMENT t7 KEL345 FREEPORT-MCMORAN Exhibit9: FCXEquity,March1,29l7-December28,2007 FCXUS$ EquityGP 1 LO4 - 55 +.64 N --x-0ELAY 08:46 Vol 4,392,7480p 104.98N Hi 105.38P Lo 103.37N paset/6 iip-LineCtrart mlffil -3frHiltil Uprr*r[EElt[llill F.arrseSffi@ .i:!.,!l-s:ff ]rlo,,r, {urrenci' tlfl{ r.r.,gfp Periocllffi[]l L,rwerllElilillllor.i, JcFEn el 3 3ml Sgm Sing{iotre 65 6el2 l0fll u.s. t 212 318 2000 Caplriqht rtr* Blea{baig Finscr L.P. 8397-6D6-O 2g-Dcg-am7 09, 48, 4l Source.' Bloomberg KELLoGG ScHooL oF MANAGEMENT KEL345 F'RDEPORT-MCMoRAN Exhibit 10: FCX ConvertiblePreferred.March23,2097-December14,2OO7 pfd Gp F C X6 3 + e o EXCH $ I 3-53 - OOO +.660 N --x-and Settings\plr610\Desktop\preferred.bmp Screensavedas D:\Documents ffiEE iip-Lineitrart Page l.16 -Wupp*'' IFjTI .r.'.'s:r Rarrge@ l"to'". crrrrenc;r ffiffi] fff peric,dllil$Jl ..r'rr IF Lrwer [illFl,r'u. .tqpqn 91 3 3201 S900 Singdpre 65 6212 lo00 u.s. I 212 318 2000 Copgright *rrr Bloofrb€,rg Finsnce L.P. 8597-606-0 29-Dec-2O07 09'27' 44 Source: Bloomberg KELLoCG ScHooL oF MANAGEMENT l9