Application form 2016 Ngarara Willim

Application form
2016 Ngarara Willim Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship
Important: to be considered for the Ngarara Willim Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship
you must complete additional requirements as listed on page 5 of this document.
Applications open: Monday 4 January 2016
Applications close: Monday 4pm 29 February 2016
Name of scholarship
and value
Duration of
Who can apply?
information and
Ngarara Willim
Study support of
up to $13,000
One year
Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait
Islander postgraduate by coursework
students who:
–– can demonstrate financial and/or
See page 5 for additional
information and
educational disadvantage
Interested? Here’s how to apply
1. Read this information first
Before you fill out the application form (pages 1–4), read the
information on pages i and ii so that your application is the best
it can be. Tear off these pages and keep them for your records.
Please note, in this document the terms ‘scholarship’
and ‘grant’ are used interchangeably throughout.
2. Make sure you are eligible to apply
Check the ‘who can apply’ column in the table above.
You’ll also need to be studying:
——full time at RMIT in 2016 (if you have extenuating circumstances
for studying part time, we will consider your application)
——at a Melbourne campus.
Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for the Ngarara Willim
Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship by reviewing the
information on the Scholarships website
scholarships/Ngararapostgraduate and the additional information
and requirements section on page 5.
3. Start writing your application
Complete the application form on pages 1–4, addressing
additional requirements for the scholarship as requested on
page 5.
4. Send your application to us
Please submit the following items to the Ngarara Willim Centre
(Building 5, Level 1, Room 5), or post them to the Ngarara Willim
Centre by 4pm, Monday 29 February 2016:
——your application form (pages 1–4 of this document)
——additional information for the scholarship as requested on
page 5
——supporting documentation to back up your claims.
Postal address:
Private and confidential, Ngarara Willim Centre
GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, VIC, 3001
We cannot accept incomplete or late applications.
Publication date: October 2015
RMIT University | 2016 Ngarara Willim Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship application form
Frequently asked questions
Are photocopies of supporting documentation allowed?
Yes, photocopies of original documents may be submitted to
support your scholarship application. Applicants must ensure
no portion of the document is missing or is unreadable. If the
document has markings or text on both sides, both sides must
be copied and submitted.
Photocopies will not be assessed if essential details are missing
or the quality of the photocopy renders it illegible.
Can I apply for a scholarship before receiving an offer
at RMIT?
Yes, unless otherwise stated.
How much information do I need to provide?
Try to provide as much detail as possible and include all
information requested. We award scholarships based on
the information and documentation that you provide.
How will my application be assessed?
If I am awarded a scholarship, will it affect my Centrelink
These scholarships may affect your Centrelink payments. If you
accept a scholarship from RMIT, you must notify Centrelink.
For more information, go to
If I am awarded a scholarship, do I have any obligations
throughout the year?
You may be required to participate in publicity for the scholarship,
for example, a photography shoot. You may also be required to
write a report about your studies at the end of each academic
year to demonstrate an ongoing commitment to your study and
career choice. Depending on the scholarship, you may be invited
to attend a Scholarship Ceremony.
Some scholarships may have additional requirements. These are
advised in the scholarships terms and conditions provided with
the provisional-offer letter and are available at
Each application is individually assessed and treated in the
strictest confidence. The Coursework Scholarships Office,
in consultation with the appropriate selection committees,
manages the assessment and awarding of scholarships.
How do I find out about the outcome of my application?
We will send a letter to the mailing address that you nominate in
this form. If you change your mailing address after submitting your
application, be sure to notify the Coursework Scholarships Office.
If I meet all the entrance requirements, will I receive
a scholarship?
There are only a small number of scholarships available each year.
Therefore, applications are assessed and ranked according to the
selection criteria. Not all eligible applicants will be able to receive a
Do I need to update my application if my circumstances
Yes. If your circumstances change, please advise the Coursework
Scholarships Office as soon as possible.
If I receive a scholarship, when will I be paid?
We will inform you about payment details by mail in your
provisional scholarship offer.
What happens if I transfer to another university?
If you transfer to another university, you cannot keep your
RMIT scholarship.
What happens if I defer my offer of a place at RMIT?
If you defer your offer, you cannot accept your scholarship.
You will need to reapply for the scholarship when it is offered next.
No guarantees can be made that you will receive the scholarship
offer again.
What happens if I take a leave of absence?
Most scholarships allow for a leave of absence after the first
semester, and for a maximum of 12 months. You must notify the
Coursework Scholarships Office if you plan to arrange a leave
of absence and to ensure your scholarship allows a leave of
Publication date: October 2015
RMIT University | 2016 Ngarara Willim Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship application form
Application form
2016 Ngarara Willim Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship
How to fill out this form:
Where to submit your application:
1. Complete this form in BLOCK letters using a black or blue pen only.
2. Where applicable, please tick the boxes.
3. Please complete the entire application form, marking any sections
that do not apply to you as N/A (not applicable). Staple the complete
application in the top left-hand corner. Do not place your application in
a folder.
4. Remember to keep a copy of your application and the supporting
documentation that you send to us.
Unfortunately, we cannot return your application to you. Incomplete
applications will not be assessed.
—— in person to:
Ngarara Willim Centre, City Campus, Building 5, Level 1, Room 5
—— by post to:
Private and confidential
Ngarara Willim Centre
GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, VIC 3001
Applications will not be accepted by email or fax.
When to submit your application:
Before 4pm, Monday 29 February 2016
Full name
RMIT student number (if known)
Section A. Scholarship you are applying for
Please tick the scholarship you are applying for:
Ngarara Willim Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship
Publication date: October 2015
RMIT University | 2016 Ngarara Willim Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship application form
Section B. Personal Details
Given name(s)
Family name
Date of birth
RMIT student number (if known)
2015 VTAC number (if applicable)
Residential address
Street number and name
Mailing address (if different from above)
Street number and name
Email (current students must provide their RMIT email address)
What type of RMIT program are you enrolled in, or intending to study, in Semester 1 2016?
Postgraduate by Coursework
Graduate Diploma
Masters by Coursework
Juris Doctor
Program title
Program code
Year of study in 2016
First year
Second year
Third year
Fourth year
Fifth year
In what semester and year do you expect to finish your RMIT program?
Publication date: October 2015
RMIT University | 2016 Ngarara Willim Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship application form
What is your citizenship status?
Australian citizen
Other visa holder (please specify):
Will you be a full-time student in 2016? (i.e. you will complete a minimum of 75% of full-time study load per semester)
If no, please provide the reason below.
Carer responsibilities
Disability or long-term medical condition
Other (please specify). I am unable to study full time because
Section C. Education Background
What level of education will you have achieved at the end of Semester 2 2015, excluding your current program?
(tick all that apply)
Studied but not completed
Year last studied
Year 11 or below
Year 12 or equivalent
Certificate III or below
Certificate IV
Advanced diploma
Associate degree
Bachelor degree
Honours program
Graduate certificate
Graduate diploma
Masters by coursework
Doctorate by coursework
Masters by research
Doctorate by research
Have you previously completed a program at the same level as the program you will be studying in 2016?
For example, have you completed a bachelor degree and plan to study another bachelor degree in 2016?
If yes, please specify
If yes, is the program you have completed a prerequisite of your current program?
= Certified supporting documentation required
Publication date: October 2015
RMIT University | 2016 Ngarara Willim Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship application form
Section D. Declaration
Your full name
declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information supplied in this application is true and complete. I acknowledge that the
provision of false information or documentation or the withholding of information or documentation relating to my application may result
in the cancellation of any scholarship by RMIT University. I confirm that I have read and understood the information for applicants, and
understand the conditions of the scholarships. I authorise RMIT University to obtain, where necessary, further information regarding this
application from other relevant bodies. I understand that the scholarship process is competitive and that not all applicants who meet the
eligibility criteria can be awarded a scholarship. I will verify my ongoing eligibility as required.
Please note: giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Commonwealth).
Privacy Statement
RMIT University is providing you with this notice because the University has sought personal information about you. The University
needs this information so that it can fully and properly assess your application in accordance with its policies and procedures.
The information you supply on this form and in any documentation supplementary to this application may be provided to scholarship
selection authorities.
Publication date: October 2015
RMIT University | 2016 Ngarara Willim Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship application form
Ngarara Willim Postgraduate
Coursework Scholarship
The Ngarara Willim Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship
is offered to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students
commencing or continuing full-time study in an RMIT
postgraduate by coursework program.
If successful, the scholarship provides financial support of up to
$13,000 to assist with educational and living costs.
Additional information to submit
You are required to attach a separate typed statement, no more
than one page in length, addressing the following:
—— your passion for studying in your chosen postgraduate
by coursework program
—— your future personal and professional goals
—— information about difficult circumstances you have faced
that have affected your education and other personal aspects
in your life
—— how you intend to use this scholarship and how it will assist
you to achieve academic success
—— how you have contributed to your university community during
previous study/during your undergraduate degree.
Please refer to the RMIT Scholarships website for more
information on eligibility, assessment and requirements
of this scholarship:
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the
information contained in this application form is accurate
and current at the date of printing. For the most up-todate information, please refer to the RMIT University
scholarships website before lodging your application
RMIT University CRICOS Provider Code: 00122A
Publication date: October 2015
RMIT University | 2016 Ngarara Willim Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship application form