V o l um e 1 2 , I s s ue 6 A N e w sl ett er f or th e S ou thw e st H i gh S choo l C om m un it y J a nua r y 1 0 , 2 01 4 TROJAN TIMES Principal: Rod Bohm Associate Principal: Jeff Van Lannen Associate Principal/ Activities Director: Brian Matz Telephone: Main Office: 492-2650 Attendance Office: 492-2653 Student Services: 492-2652 Daily Announcements & Calendar: www.gbaps.org/hs/ Southwest Twitter @SWesttrojans Facebook: Green Bay Southwest High School SEMESTER EXAM SCHEDULE Wednesday, January 15 Period 1...7:30-9:00 Period 2...9:10-10:40 Period 4...10:50-12:20 Thursday, January 16 Period 3...7:30-9:00 Period 7...9:10-10:40 Period 5...10:50-12:20 Friday, January 17 Period 8...7:30-9:00 Period 6...9:10-10:40 Students only need to report to school for their exam times. The commons will be used as a study hall. Buses will run at the regular time in the morning and right after the last testing period. Lunch will be served the last period of each day. Southwest High School is proud to present Performance Dates: Friday, January 31 Saturday, February 1 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Thursday, February 6 Friday, February 7 Saturday, February 8 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Prices: Adults Students Seniors (62 +) General Admission $10 $ 5 $ 5 $ 7 Over 100 Southwest students are involved in “Hairspray” through acting, pit orchestra, stage crew, or set construction. They have been working many hours to bring this fantastic performance to you. Tickets are on sale now in the Main Office. Stop in to get the best seats today! P age 2 V o l um e 1 2 , I s s ue 6 District School Calendar to be adjusted due to School Closings Due to the cancellation of school from Monday, January 6 through Wednesday, January 8 because of severely cold weather conditions, the Green Bay Area Public School District will be making the following school calendar changes: The annual built-in inclement weather day was used on Monday, January 6. The cancellation of school on Tuesday, January 7 will result in the district’s May 27 weather make-up day becoming a required school day for students. To compensate for the third inclement weather day used on Wednesday, January 8, the following changes will be made: -The last student day for middle school students will be moved to Wednesday, June 11 (was originally Tuesday, June 10). -The last student day for high school students will be moved to Thursday, June 12 (was originally Wednesday, June 11). -The last student day for elementary school students will be moved to Thursday, June 12 (was originally Wednesday, June 11). The district will continue to explore options if any additional weather make-up days become necessary in the future. SCHEDULING CHANGE FOR SPRING CONFERENCES Southwest High School will be using new online scheduling software that will enable you to sign up for Parent Teacher conferences online beginning with our March conferences. This system allows you to sign up for conferences when it best fits your schedule and view your schedule easily online. Booking a conference is EASY. Please watch for an introductory and instruction letter to be mailed to your home the week of February 17. INTRA-DISTRICT TRANSFER WINDOW The application windows for students requesting to attend a different Green Bay Area Public School (other than the one in their attendance area) for the 2014-15 school year are as follows: Preference Window: January 2-February 28, 2014 Applications submitted during this window will be considered prior to those submitted through Open Enrollment. Additional Window: March 1-April 30, 2014 Applications submitted during this window will be considered at the same time as applications that are submitted through Open Enrollment. Information Letter and Application form: The information letter and application form can be found on the Green Bay Area Public School District webpage (www.gbaps.org) by clicking on the Parents tab and then choosing Forms, or at a district school building starting December 1, 2013. Applications will not be accepted before January 2, 2014. Applications should be submitted to the Green Bay Area Public School District, Central Registration – Room 114, 200 South Broadway, Green Bay, WI 54303. Students who have previously completed an Intra-District Transfer Application and were approved are not required to reapply unless the approval was for the current year only. Questions? Please contact Joann Metzler at 920-448-2001.