Celebrating “Social Security Week”

“Social Security Week”
April 25 to May 01, 2010
Social Security Board: A Model Social Security Institution, the Pride of Belize!
May 10, 2010
Launching of the Social Security Week
BELMOPAN, Monday, April 26, 2010
he last week in April is
officially recognized as Social
Security Week, in commemoration
of the Convention 102 (Minimum
Standards) that entered into force
on April 27, 1955. This constitutes
one of the cornerstones of greatest
relevance, influence, and impact in
the social security field worldwide.
A dedication of one week of the
year to social security is one of the
many actions done to promote minimum standards, values,
principles and benefits of social security within all sectors
of society.
The main objectives of the Guatemala Declaration presented
at the XXV General Assembly of the Inter American
Conference on Social Security, on November 3, 2009, and
signed by Belize and other social security stakeholders in
the region, “to contribute to making national, sub-regional
and regional social security strategies better, more efficient,
inclusive and sustainable”.
3. Press release for our population 55 years and older
reminding them of their roles and responsibilities
in preparing for retirement and informing them of
the requirements for old age pension.
4. Daily flyers submitted to staff by the Manager of
Customer Relations Services, highlighting key
information on our core functions.
5. SSB’s very attractive and informative booth at the
National Agriculture and Trade Show. There will
be important social security information shared
to the public as well as fun filled social security
educational games and giveaways.
During the week, it is important for us to reflect on the
vital role we play in providing social security to the general
public, and to challenge ourselves to make small, innovative
and inexpensive actions in ensuring top quality service to
our customers.
We join countries in Latin America and the Caribbean
in celebrating Social Security Week. I now declare Social
Security Week officially opened.
Mrs. Merlene Martinez
CEO, Social Security Board
In light of this, the following activities are planned for this
1. Social Security Presentations, Towards a Social
Security Culture, by our Branch Offices to High
Schools and Sixth Forms to sensitize students on
the core functions at the Social Security Board
(SSB) and to explain to them their roles and
responsibilities in the scheme.
2. Signing of the contract between Social Security and
Tectura (software vendor) to commence the Project
to Integrate the Human Resources, Finance, and
Investment processes.
Belmopan, May 01, 2010
Social Security Booth at the National
Agriculture & Trade Show
A Belizean Society with a Social Security Culture
Social Security Promotional Items with
Messages Informing Customers of their Rights
and Responsibilities
General Messages
Come visit us online, we are at: www.socialsecurity.org.bz
Your Social Security Coverage: protects your
present and your future!
Secure Yourself, Secure your family,
Register with Social Security.
Self Employed – join the program, protect
your future!
Concerned about safety at your work place?
Give Social Security a call, we will assist.
Registration Messages
1. Renew your expired Social Security card immediately – visit us today!
2. Is your card expiring this year? Get it renewed now; it’s free!
3. Insured Person: Provide your Social Security card to your employer.
4. You changed your surname or address recently? Visit us to update your information.
Contribution Messages
1. Check your contribution history, each contribution counts!
2. Ask Social Security annually for your contribution record and report if your
employer is not paying your contributions.
3. Temporarily unemployed? Between jobs? Choose to make voluntary
4. Working for 8 hours or more in a week? Your employer is required to pay
Social Security on your behalf.
A Belizean Society with a Social Security Culture
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Benefit Messages
1. Submit your claim for a benefit within the first four
8. Had an accident at work? Report it to your employer
2. Remember that the higher your insurable earning,
9. Minimum weekly pension = $47.00
days of illness or injury.
the higher your benefit will be.
3. Retiring? Submit your claim
at least 13 weeks before
your 60th or 65th
or supervisor before leaving your employer’s premises.
Maximum weekly pension = $192.00.
(Retirement, Survivors and Invalidity).
10. Insured Female: Maternity Benefit is paid up to 14
11. Secure your future; 500 Contributions = Retirement
4. Injured on the job?
Report it within 48
hours to your employer
or supervisor.
12. Yes! Yes! Yes!… We can pay benefits directly to your
Bank/Credit Union Account!
5. Injured on the job? Report
it immediately by dialing the Employment Injury
hotline 822-1484.
6. Remember! Submit completed benefit claim forms
on time for quicker processing of your benefit.
7. Know all the benefits, you are entitled to. Check
with Social Security, we will assist!
Messages to Employers
1. Employer: Pay contributions on time; avoid interest charges.
2. Employer: Confirm validity of Social Security card prior to
employment offer.
3. Employer: Ensure your submissions include accurate Social
Security numbers of your employees.
4. Employer: Ensure to keep a payroll and to document all accidents
at work.
5. Employer: Have you tried the electronic format of the Fin 15A?
It is easy… Check with us for details.
We appreciate the contribution from staff in the development of the messages.
Thank You!!!
A Belizean Society with a Social Security Culture
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Towards a Social Security Culture:
Countrywide Social Security Presentations
to High Schools & Sixth Forms
As part of commemorating the 2010 Social Security Week, the Social Security Board shared a presentation
entitled, “Towards a Social Security Culture”, to high schools countrywide during the week of April 26th to 30th. The main
objective of the presentation was to disseminate information on the purpose of Social Security and its core functions in an
effort to foster a culture of Social Security in Belize.
A standard 15-minute Power Point presentation along with three videos and a discussion session were delivered by
the Branch Offices to their respective regions. The one-minute videos covered the following topics: General Information
on Social Security, the importance of the Social Security Card, and the importance of Contributions.
Special mention goes to Punta Gorda, Santa Elena and Orange Walk Branch Offices for an outstanding coverage
of high schools in their area. The presentations were held at times depending on the availability of the students. Punta
Gorda and Orange Walk teams, for example, made presentations during the night to students who work during the day and
study during the night. This is a commendable act of ‘going the extra mile’ to address the working segment of the student
The feedback reported by the Branches includes:
¶¶Active participation and great interest from students and teachers;
¶¶Schools requesting for more educational sessions on Social Security;
¶¶Parents of the students already visiting offices to check on contribution
Recommendations for improvement are:
¶¶Social Security week clashed with both diploma exams and CXC exams posing a challenge for fourth form students;
target audience in the month of April should be students attending lower grades in high school.
¶¶Adequate notice should be given to Branches to prepare and schedule visits.
Special Thanks to Management and Staff, especially the Branch Offices, for making this
activity a success!
A Belizean Society with a Social Security Culture
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Countrywide Educational & Informative
Presentations to Students
University of Belize, Punta Gorda
Julian Cho Tech. High School, Punta Gorda
Anglican Cathedral College, Belize City
Linda Vista High School, Orange Walk
Bishop Martin High School, Orange Walk
Belize Adventist College, Corozal
San Pedro High School, San Pedro
San Pedro Junior College, San Pedro
A Belizean Society with a Social Security Culture
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Social Security Booth Stands Out at the
2010 National Agriculture & Trade Show
he NATS was held from April 30 to May 2, 2010. The show is one of the largest and brightest shows in Belize since
1970. This year, the SSB graciously donated $500.00 in prizes each to the Female and Male Farmer of the Year. The
SSB also took the opportunity to participate in this magnificent event by having an informational booth. The latter was a
successful culmination of Social Security Week activities.
The SSB booth was superbly decorated and very informative. Information on SSB’s core functions was depicted: Registration,
Contributions, Benefits, Investments and Good Will Programs. The Registration section featured two super sized samples
of the Social Security Card and information on registration requirements. Visitors to the booth, upon presenting their
valid Social Security Cards, had a chance to participate in a raffle which took place at the end of the day. The section on
Contributions emphasized the importance of ensuring that contributions were paid into the scheme and Insured Persons
had the option to complete a request for Contribution History. The Benefits section depicted information on all short term
benefits. The Investment section displayed a chart with percentages of the investments made into the different sectors of
the economy. The Good Will Programs section promoted the Scholarships Program, the Belize Math Olympiad and the
Ride Across Belize.
Fun filled activities included a Kiddies Corner where kids enthusiastically colored pictures depicting a healthy life style;
children also engaged in a fish pond game. Lots of giveaways for the kids included Social Security helium balloons, juices,
water, ideals and more. The adult’s corner included a puzzle game on Social Security questions and a tombola game. The
giveaways included promotional items with Social Security messages. These included pencils, tote bags, sippers and fans.
The participation at the NATS was a huge success due to the excellent team work and encouraging customer responsiveness
to Social Security information.
Special Thanks to
Management and Staff
at Headquarters, for the
“Smashing Success” of
SSB’s participation at the
A Belizean Society with a Social Security Culture
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Promoting a Culture of Social Security at
the National Agriculture & Trade Show
Social Security Booth
Customer receiving a raffle prize
Registration Section of Social Security Booth
Prizes given to Female & Male
Farmers of the Year
Lots of Fun Activities for Kids!!!
Social Security Staff working at the Booth
Challenging Adults’ minds with
Social Security Crossword Puzzle
A Belizean Society with a Social Security Culture
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SSB Crossword Puzzle
1. Retirement benefits comes
from this branch
2. Cost of registering for your
first Social Security Card?
4. How old must you be to
collect a pension?
5. How old is SSB?
7. We have investments
in utilities, housing, real
estate, financial institutions,
agriculture, banking, education
and which other key sector?
2. How long does it take to
renew an expired card?
3. Paying these is the key to
qualifying for benefits
6. This benefit is paid for 14
weeks to expecting mothers
8. Short term benefits
include, sickness benefit,
maternity benefit and
9. Go to this bank to collect
your NCP cheque
10. Can a self employed
person pay contributions to
the system?
Down - 1. Longterm
3. contributions
2. free
4. sixty
6. maternity
5. twenty nine
8. funeral 9. Atlantic Bank
7. Tourism
A Belizean Society with a Social Security Culture
Across - 2. Five Days
10. yes
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Perfect Example of Teamwork
Social Security Board - Belize
Leticia Vega
Marianela Guerra
Office of Strategic Management
Layout & Design:
Maricela Itza
Submitted by Management & Staff
Crossword Puzzle:
Shaherah Lemott & Christopher Waight
Social Security Week Activities:
Merlene Martinez
Leticia Vega
Ana Gonzalez
Marianela Guerra
Derrick Morgan
NATS Committee
Branch Managers & Presenters to Schools
SSB Management & Staff
© Social Security Board, 2010
A Belizean Society with a Social Security Culture
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