The Budget Process - DRAFT August 2012 Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 Overview This document outlines a process to follow in producing an annual budget. It lists questions which should be asked and answered during the budget process. It outlines a typical budget calendar. The calendar could appear to be daunting; I've beat these timelines at Calpine, NextG and Solar Millennium; we started mid September and finished mid December (90 days). At AT&T Broadband we started in September and finished mid January (120 days) tying this calendar. Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 1 Budget Truisms There are certain 'universal' truths inherent in a budget process: Whoever submits a budget needs to 'do' the budget The budget process drives consensus regarding the future Budgets will not be achieved; they're a target, a direction Forecast is a budget at more frequent intervals, includes actuals Gradual change will succeed, cataclysmic change will fail Excel can and should be replaced by mechanized planning tools FYI - ideas in this whitepaper are a starting point not an end point Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 2 Methodology I've tried to group questions in a logical fashion. As you're going through the budget process remember to keep the budget truisms in mind as you incorporate answers to questions into your budget process. Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 3 Procedural questions Is there an existing budget process? What purpose(s) does the budget process serve? Is management happy with the current process? Who is the audience for the budget (management, directors, creditors, etc.)? What type of budget presentations will have to be made? What's the level of tolerance for variances to budget? What will be done with actual / budget variance information? Who are the key players in the budget process? What are the deliverables inherent in the budget? How will headcount be address in the budgeting process? What objectives / strategies need to be worked into the budget? What's the executive calendar over the next year? What's the board of directors calendar over the next year? Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 4 System questions What accounting system is being used? Will the accounting system need to be changed to accommodate the budget? What budget tool is being used to manipulate budget? What reporting system is being used? What interfaces exist between accounting, budget & reporting systems? Do the interfaces between accounting, budget and reporting work? Will there be a need for a high level corporate planning model? Does the corporate planning model already exist? Does the company have an investment valuation process? Is the investment valuation process tied in with the budget process? How? Is there a 'tracking system' to gauge relative success of investments? Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 5 Structural questions Will the company budget, or budget & forecast? At what intervals will the company forecast? Which financial statements / statistics / KPIs will be budgeted / forecasted? What reports will need to be produced? What frequency? What period does the budget cover (1 year, 2 years, 5 years, etc?) What time periods are budgeted (i.e., weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual)? What is the company's structure (subsidiary, division, departments, etc.)? What is the company's chart of accounts? What are examples of the company's current financial statements? Will the budget be at the chart of accounts level or higher? Does the chart of accounts need to be altered to facilitate budget? Will the budget process involve allocations? How will allocations be determined? Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 6 Process questions Does the company have / need budget guidelines? Will there be a need for multiple versions of the budget? Will actuals be compared to budget? In what level of detail? What reports? What is the overall deadline for getting the annual budget done? How will the budget submissions be collected? How will the budget submissions be fed back to budget entities? Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 7 Sample budget calendar– Key Dates Week# Day Date Primary Goal 8 Monday 10/22 Start budget submissions process 12 Wednesday 11/21 Second draft presented to CEO/CFO 16 Friday 12/21 Initial Board budget presentation 20 Tuesday 01/15 Final Budget presented to CEO/CFO 20 Friday 01/18 Final Board budget presentation Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 8 Sample budget calendar– Weeks 1 & 2 Week# Day Date Primary Goal 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 09/03 09/04 09/05 09/06 09/07 Labor Day (Holiday) FP&A group review calendar Begin budget meetings (details to follow) Calendar key dates with Executives Calendar key dates with Board 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday 09/10 09/11 09/12 09/13 09/14 09/14 Begin work on budget guidelines Begin draft budget presentation Begin accounting system work Begin budget system work Begin corporate planning model work Begin financial reporting system work Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 8 Sample budget calendar– Weeks 3 & 4 Week# Day Date Primary Goal 3 Monday Friday Friday Friday 09/17 09/21 09/21 09/21 FP&A group review guidelines End budget meetings Begin work on budget 'templates' Begin work with HR regarding headcount 4 Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday 09/24 09/24 09/25 09/26 09/27 09/28 09/28 Finalize budget guidelines & calendar FP&A group review budget presentation Prepare budget package for CFO Review budget package with CFO Share budget package with key persons FP&A group stress test budget system FP&A group stress test budget templates Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 9 Sample budget calendar– Weeks 5 & 6 Week# Day Date Primary Goal 5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 10/01 10/02 10/03 10/04 10/05 Distribute budget guidelines & calendar Test accounting system upload/download Test budget system upload/download Test reporting system upload/download Socialize budget 'templates' 6 Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday 10/08 10/09 10/11 10/12 Design key financial statement reports Design key performance indicator report FP&A group stress test budget process Incorporate feedback re 'templates' Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 10 Sample budget calendar– Week 7 Week# Day Date 7 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday 10/15 10/16 10/17 10/19 10/19 10/19 10/19 10/19 10/19 Doug Neeper Primary Goal Begin budget training End accounting system work Finish work with HR regarding headcount End budget training Incorporate HR changes into 'template' Finalize budget 'template' Distribute final budget 'template' End work on budget programs End work on reporting system (925) 451-4541 11 Sample budget calendar– Weeks 8 & 9 Week# Day Date Primary Goal 8 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 10/22 10/23 10/24 Start budget submissions process Provide support re budget template Start modeling 2013 in CPM 9 Monday Tuesday 10/29 10/30 FP&A group offsite Provide support re budget template Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 12 Sample budget calendar–Weeks 10 & 11 Week# Day Date Primary Goal 10 Monday Tuesday Friday 11/05 11/06 11/09 Follow-up work on budget system Provide support re budget template Finish modeling 2013 in CPM 11 Monday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday 11/12 11/14 11/15 11/15 11/16 Initial budget submissions due First budget rollup First draft budget package FP&A group review first draft Review first draft budget with CFO Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 13 Sample budget calendar- Weeks 12 & 13 Week# Day Date Primary Goal 12 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 11/19 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/23 Revisions to first draft budget package Finalize second draft budget package Second draft presented to CEO/CFO Thanksgiving (Holiday) Day after Thanksgiving (Holiday) 13 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 11/26 11/27 11/28 Feedback to organizations re budgets Redistribute budget templates Begin second round budget templates Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 14 Sample budget calendar- Weeks 14 & 15 Week# Day Date Primary Goal 14 Monday Friday 12/03 12/07 Provide support for budget resubmissions Revised budget submission due 15 Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday 12/10 12/11 12/11 12/12 12/13 12/13 12/14 Consolidate budget resubmissions Revise budget package FP&A group review budget package Review revised budget with CFO Review revised budget with CEO/CFO Send budget to entire management team Budget presentation to mgmt. team Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 15 Sample budget calendar- Weeks 16 & 17 Week# Day Date Primary Goal 16 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 12/17 12/18 12/19 12/20 12/21 Revise budget presentation Review budget with CEO/CFO FedEx budget package to Board Dry-run Board presentation Initial Board budget presentation 17 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday 12/24 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/28 12/28 Revise budget templates as appropriate Christmas (holiday) Day after Christmas (holiday) Budget feedback to organizations Redistribute budget templates Begin final work on budget templates Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 16 Sample budget calendar- Weeks 18 & 19 Week# Day Date Primary Goal 18 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday 12/31 01/01 01/02 01/04 Provide budget template support New Years Day (holiday) Revise budget presentation Provide budget resubmission support 19 Monday Wednesday Friday 01/07 01/09 01/11 Finalize budget presentation package Budget templates due Consolidate budget resubmissions Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 17 Sample budget calendar- Weeks 20 & 21 Week# Day Date Primary Goal 20 Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 01/14 01/14 01/15 01/16 01/17 01/18 Finalize budget presentation FP&A group review budget presentation Final Budget presented to CEO/CFO FedEx presentation to Board Dry-run Board presentation Final Board budget presentation 21 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 01/21 01/22 01/23 01/24 01/25 Upload budget to accounting system Upload budget to reporting system Test reports in accounting system Test reports in reporting system FP&A review of 2013 process & BBQ Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 18 Budget outputs Corporate planning model Project Tracking system Financial statements (P&L, BS, CF) budget vs. actuals Dashboards / KPIs Investment portfolio Headcount plan / budget Budget presentation Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 19 Budget definitions Budget "template" - vehicle through which budget is collected / submitted Budget package - guidelines, calendar and draft presentation Budget program - Excel, Cognos, Essbase, Planning, webKPI, Netsuite Reporting package - Crystal report, Business Objects, FRx, Netsuite Accounting system - Oracle, SAP, PeopleSoft, Epicor, MAS, QB, Netsuite Budget system - templates; budget package; budget, acct. or rept. programs Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 20 Content for budget meetings FP&A team will meet in the first couple of weeks of the 2013 budget process with all of the key stakeholders. Discussion items to include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Status Timing Key contacts Expense & capital costs, drivers Revenue projections, contracts Roll out plans Operating locations and offices Key challenges Projects in queue, or on the horizon What's good / bad about processes Doug Neeper 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. How are investments choices made Past valuations Organizational structure, changes Funding sources / use of funds Corporate planning calendar Corporate planning contacts Corporate structure Current headcount and hiring plans Key performance measures Feedback regarding budget meeting (925) 451-4541 21 Content budget training meeting FP&A group will conduct training session on how to use the budget template. Training will include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Overall timeline Template Budget program Draft Board package I-800-CALL-FP&A Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 22 Personal Goals in the budget process Better understand systems and processes Better understand industry / company Better understanding of funding sources / uses of funds Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 23 Budget program philosophy I'm on the fence regarding replacing excel with another budget program. Yes I understand Excel based budgets are difficult to manage and error prone, time intensive to manage. The allure of a mechanized budget programs is they do away with all these flaws. To my way of thinking, Excel is a 'universal language' while programming in Essbase or Adaptive Planning or Netsuite (just to name a couple of Excel alternatives) is a specialized language. Everyone knows excel, few know Netsuite. Consequently you may be trading one set of problems for another. The choice of budget program, which is best, boils down to who you have managing the process. Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 24 Bio Managed budget process at AT&T Broadband (SF Bay Area regional head quarters); Managed budget process at Calpine, NextG Networks and Solar Millennium. Managed the business case process at SBC; creator of planning models for AT&T Broadband, SPL Worldgroup, NextG Networks and Solar Millennium LLC. MBA from UCLA (Finance) and BA from UCSD (Economics). Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 25 Budget - Ready for another season? Doug Neeper (925) 451-4541 26