Research Project - Phase IV Appendix A: Example of Letter of Agreement with Course Instructors January 18, 2000 Ingrid Tirado School of Business Administration Universidad Metropolitana Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Dear Ingrid: This letter confirms our agreement and outlines the essential conditions of our research. Please understand this formality is necessary to clarify expectations, schedule the appropriate courses, request the participation of the necessary experts, and secure the funds and instruments to carry out the study to its completion. Thus, we agree: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Your teaching schedule for the second semester (Spring, 2000) includes two sections of Economic Principles and Problems (ECON 121); one to be taught for the School for Professional Studies ( Programa AHORA) and the other according to the regular schedule of Universidad Metropolitana. The text for both sections will be the same. In both course sections, to the extent possible, your teaching content, materials, and methods will be as nearly identical as time-in-class and your professional judgment for the best interest of your students will allow. Considering these three dimensions of teaching, it is reasonable to expect at least an eighty percent or better overlap between the two sections of this course. Our research team in consultation with the faculty experts will create a final performance task that is congruent with the central objectives of your course. Your grade for this assessment will not exceed twenty percent of the student’s final grade. Our research team will provide an end-of-course survey to assess students’ perceptions of general course quality. Our research team will continuously inform and assist you to make this study a respectful and excellent experience for you and your students. Your queries and feedback are welcome at any time. We are delighted you have consented to participate in this study. As one of only four teachers to be involved in the second semester (Spring) you are critical to a better understanding of learning as it is uniquely approached in the School for Professional Studies (Programa AHORA) of the Ana G. Méndez University System. Please sign at the bottom of this letter to acknowledge your understanding of the above agreements. Keep a copy for yourself and return the original to Luis Iturralde. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for your trust and the opportunity to affirm Universidad Metropolitana as an excellent teaching institution and important contributor to knowledge in adult learning. Sincerely, Raymond J. Wlodkowski, Ph.D. Research Faculty Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________________ c Luis Iturralde-Albert Appendix B: End-of-Course Evaluation - Part I Marking Instructions:Make solid marks that fill the response completely. Erase cleanly any marks you wish to change. Read each statement and fill in the circle that best describes your activities and feelings. 1. What is your exact age? 2. What is your gender? 1 O O O Male 2 O O O Female 3 O O 4 O O 5 O O 6 O O 7 O O 8 O O 9 O O 0 O O 3. This course is...(mark only one answer) O Relevant to my career goals. O Somewhat relevant to my career goals. O Irrelevant to my career goals. O Difficult to judge, because I'm not that clear about my career goals. 4. As a generalization...(mark only one answer) O I prefer accelerated courses to traditional courses. O I prefer traditional courses to accelerated courses O It depends on the situation and the type of course as to whether I will prefer either a traditional or accelerated course. O I don't know much about accelerated courses. O I don't know much about traditional courses. 5. What is the highest degree you currently hold? What degree are you seeking now? What is the highest degree you plan to seek in the future? (mark only one in each column that applies) Degree Current Highest Currently Seeking Plan to Seek Bachelor’s Degree O O O Master’s Degree O O O Doctoral Degree O O O 6. What were your top two (2) primary reasons for attending this college? (mark from the list below) O Cost O Availability of Scholarship or Financial Aid O Admissions Standards O Advice of Parents or Relatives O Size O To be with Friends O Social Atmosphere O Other O Location O Type of Programs O Academic reputation O 7a. What is your annual household income? O Less Than $15,000 O $61,000– $75,000 O $15,000– $25,999 O $76,000– $99,999 O $26,000– $40,000 O $100,000 or More O $41,000– $60,999 8. If you could start college over, would you choose to attend this college? O Definitely Yes Accelerated courses 7b. What is the highest level of formal education obtained by your parents? (mark one in each column) Mother Father O O Grammar School or Less O O Some High School O O High School Graduate O O Some College O O College Degree O O Some Graduate School O O Graduate Degree 9. If you could start college over, would you choose to graduate with the same major? O Probably Yes O Definitely Yes O Uncertain O Probably Yes O Probably No O Uncertain O O Probably No O Definitely No Definitely No 10. The current job in which you are employed is a: (mark only one) O Full time position O Part time position O Self employed O Not employed – at my choice O Not employed – looking for work * If employed, please list position title below: __________________ Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 1. The course text was a good resource for achieving the course objectives. O O O O 2. Overall, this course was a valuable learning experience. O O O O 3. The teacher was knowledgeable about the course subject area. O O O O 4. The teacher was not a skilled instructor. O O O O 5. I would recommend this course to others. O O O O 6. The course module and/or syllabus served as an effective learning guide. O O O O 7. The teacher did not respect student opinions and ideas. O O O O 8. I have used information or skills that I have learned in this course. O O O O 9. Class time was used effectively. O O O O 10. This course was relevant to my goals. O O O O 11. This course helped me to be effective at what I value. O O O O 12. The classroom climate for this course was friendly and respectful. O O O O 13. Given the way this course was taught, I feel confident about using what I learned. O O O O 14. This course challenged me to think. O O O O 15. This course encouraged critical thinking. O O O O 16. This course was not well taught. O O O O 17. The teaching methods in this course helped me to learn. O O O O 18. The grading standards for this course required college level performance. O O O O 19. I felt included in this course. O O O O 20. This course was meaningful for me. O O O O 21. The way I have been evaluated in this course, thus far, seems fair. O O O O 22. The way I have been evaluated in this course, thus far, seems sensitive to my capabilities. O O O O Appendix B: End of Course Evaluation - Part II These items have been added to provide a better understanding of the relationship between your experience and the results of this evaluation. 22. Please indicate the number of accelerated courses you have taken._________ 1. I have _____ years of work experience. 2. Most of my work has been in the area/s of______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ If I had to offer my main purpose for taking this course, it would be to ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Appendix C: Final Exams and Performance Tasks Read each question below carefully and answer each of them in the answer sheets provided. You have 90 minutes to answer the questions. I. This is a scheme of the functions of the demand and supply of wheat. Possible Prices Amount Demanded Amount Supplied A 10 11 24 B 9 13 19 C 8 15 15 D 7 20 12 E 6 26 9 A. B. Make a chart with the curves of the demand and supply and the equilibrium situation. Explain what would happen if any of the five scenarios below were to occur, while the other elements remain constant: 1. If there is a $1.00 increase to the equilibrium price determined? 2. If there is an increase in the income of this product’s consumers? 3. If the firms that produce this product undergo a technological improvement? 4. If the company has to increase the hourly wages of its employees? 5. If there is an increase in the number of consumers of this product? Assume that you are the chief executive officer of a company that works the following markets: Perfect Competition, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly and Monopoly. Please answer in simple, complete sentences the questions below for each of these markets: o How would you visualize the demand situation of the consumers for your product? o What, if anything, could you do to increase your sales? o Take into consideration the characteristics of these markets, including the type of product (homogeneous/heterogeneous) and the barriers to enter the market. D. Perfect Competition. E. Monopolistic Competition. F. Oligopoly. G. Monopoly. II. HIST 251 Read each question below carefully and answer each of them on the answer sheets provided. Lay the basis for each of your answers. You have 90 minutes to answer the questions. 1. A. 2. What similarity does there exist between slave traders and those who today engage in the traffic of undocumented aliens? B. How are they different? C. Are there any valid reasons to justify either one of these groups? st In the 21 century, how could one explain the following statement that was used to justify the smuggling? To punish the population for engaging in the crime of smuggling is to afflict the afflicted. MANA 404 Read each question below carefully and answer each of them on the answer sheets provided. You have 90 minutes to answer the questions. I. II. Compare labor-management practices in the United States with those in Puerto Rico. As part of the comparison, point out how they are alike and how they differ. Please be specific in your answer. Based on the following situation, answer the questions posed below: On January 7, 2000, the Office of the National Labor Relations Board gave its authorization to hold an election for representation at the company Empacadoras San Juan, Inc. The purpose was to determine whether Union Local 526 could represent the employees in the collective bargaining agreement negotiations. The elections were held on January 26 of that same year, at the company facilities. The voting took place between 6:15 and 7:45 a.m., for the first shift of employees, and between 3:30 and 5:00 p.m., for the second shift. Approximately 15 minutes before the voting began, a group of employees entered the company with T-shirts, caps and slogans that alluded to the union and the benefit of being represented by the union. The employees that were exercising their right to vote would linger near the voting room in support of their fellow workers. Roberto Perez, from management, went by the front of the voting room, and when he saw the support being given by the group of employees, told them that if they had already voted, they had to leave the company premises or surroundings. The employees who had already voted obeyed and left the company facilities. At the end of the day, the union had obtained representation of the appropriate unit by a margin of one vote. The company immediately objected the election for violations of the labor relations act on the grounds that the workers’ conduct on the day of the elections, through various means, showed that they supported the representation of the unit. The union alleges that the argument presented by the company is trivial and has the purpose of engaging in dilatory practices and of opposing to negotiate with the exclusive representative of the workers, something that constitutes unfair labor practice and negotiation in bad faith. Please, give the basis for each of your answer to the questions below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What is an appropriate work unit? Does the workers’ conduct on the day of the election constitute illicit practice? Discuss whether the representation of the employees to negotiate collectively can be obtained by one vote. Discuss the employer’s objection with respect to negotiating in bad faith. When is the union barred from making manifestations or from calling the employees to the strike line? May the employees on the day of the elections for representation make statements in support of unionization? Is a collective bargaining agreement signed with an union that has obtained representation by a margin of one vote valid? MANA 131 Read the case below carefully and answer the related questions presented at the end of the case. You have 90 minutes to complete this exercise. This case concerns a company engaged in the sale of specialized software for use in the banking industry. The support and warranty service offered by the company is done primarily over the telephone. Therefore, the technicians that take the phone calls are located inside independent terminals. That is so because the company’s philosophy is individualistic. The employees are considered to be “individual contributors” and are evaluated based on the number of calls that they process at the end of the week. At the beginning of very year, each employee is assigned a quota, and they are required to increase the number of phone calls to be processed compared to the previous year. As an incentive to meet the quota, the employee who reaches it receives a bonus. A great number of those who buy this software, which is configured according to the needs of each specific client, call to report the various problems they encounter. The calls are taken at three different tiers. First, by technicians without a lot of experience who will answer basic questions. If the problem is too difficult, it is routed to a second tier. The technicians in tier two have more training and experience and are able to take more calls. If needed, the call is routed to the third tier, which has programmers that know the system or software from the bottom up and are able to help the client reprogram it, and thus solve the problem. Each tier consists of a specialized unit with a manager who is responsible for managing the volume of work and for the evaluation of the employee’s performance. It is not surprising that some rivalry and mistrust exist among personnel from the various tiers since each one of them believes that his or her job is essential to solve the problems that the clients face, and the employee feels that the job performed by the other two tiers is unnecessary. The managers have a territorial mindset and this does not allow for good coordination between the groups. Sometimes the second tier managers say that their tier is too busy, and this is very hard to verify since each technician is “hidden” inside a separate cubby-hole. This situation results in service held up for one day and sometimes even weeks while those tiers get their workload up to date. In the meantime, the frustrated clients have possibly called in again only to find that they had to start anew the entire process with the firsttier technician. In general, clients never contact the same technicians twice, unless they can remember who waited on them the first time. In addition, the poor coordination that exists between the three tiers makes the situation worse, since the technicians at tier one never find out to whom the client is referred, and sometimes they do not even know if the client they are referring at the moment had been waited on. The clients often seem upset because they have been transferred from one tier to another without their problem being solved. Clients are not only transferred from one service area to another, but occasionally the phone call is interrupted. Client satisfaction level was mediocre. While there was no other competition, this situation did not affect the company; but when at the beginning of the year another firm introduced a new, excellent product, similar to what they were offering, this meant problems for this company. To confront and correct the situation, the service unit general manager hires a business consultant who studies the situation and recommends that the unit be reorganized in work teams comprised of the three tiers of technicians. A client would be referred to a team, and that team would be collectively responsible for solving the client’s problem. Each team would have a coordinator responsible for channeling the client through the resource in each team. Everyone agreed: the change would solve the whole problem. The new system was explained at a meeting in which the entire company attended. Big organizational diagrams and charts showing the team layout decorated the walls. The company policy handbooks were rewritten and the team coordinators, some of which had been managers of the various tiers and others who had been programmers in the past, went through a rigorous training that lasted two days. The date that the new system was to be put in effect was announced, and each team met with the general manager, who stressed the importance of the change and his own personal commitment to make it work. When the new system was finally implemented, there were problems, as it always happens when changes take place, but no one worried too much. A little more than two months have gone by and it is evident that the new system is not only not working, but it only exists in theory. The old system remains latent in the minds of the employees who continue with the practice of transferring clients from one place to another without a coordination system and, in the process, lose all contact with the client. The coordinators continue the relationship that they had with the persons in their previous technical tier, and their tendency is to continue to do things with their former staff instead of doing it with their new team as an entity. Please answer the questions below on the answer sheets provided. Make reference in your answers to the elements presented in the case above. You must support your argument with evidence in the form of data, references or theoretical sources, and offer your interpretation of the case itself. 1. 2. How does the communication flow in terms of the service offered by this company? How does individualism affect the development of communication in this company? 3. 4. 5. Do you believe that the way in which the changes between the three different tiers were communicated and the feedback obtained was effective? Why? Was the organization change managed appropriately? Why? If you had been the consultant, what would have been your work plan to deal with the situation presented in this case? Appendix D: Dimensions of Performance and Criteria Applied to Student Responses Introduction to Economics (ECON 121) OBJECTIVES 1. 2. Describe and explain how demand, supply, and market equilibrium are determined. Define the main characteristics of the different types of markets (perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition). PERFORMANCE DIMENSIONS 1. 2. CRITICAL THINKING 1. Excellent 1. Response reveals a specific knowledge base, the application of which demonstrates understanding of economic principles. 2. Logical reasoning is evident. 3. Compares and evaluates individual aspects of different markets. 2. Very Good 1. Response reveals a general rather than specific knowledge base, the application of which demonstrates some understanding of economic principles. 2. Logical reasoning is evident. 3. Compares and evaluates individual aspects of different markets, but with a few errors. 3. Satisfactory 1. Response reveals a general rather than specific knowledge base, the application of which demonstrates some understanding of economic principles. 2. Logical reasoning is evident but sometimes inconsistent. 3. Does not adequately understand individual aspects of different markets. 4. Not Acceptable 1. Response reveals a poor knowledge base, the application of which demonstrates no understanding of economic principles. 2. Logical reasoning is mostly inconsistent. 3. Does not understand individual aspects of different markets. WRITING SKILLS 1. Excellent 1. Shows substantial depth, fullness, and complexity of thought. 2. Demonstrates clear, focused, unified, and coherent organization. 3. Is fully developed and detailed. 4. Evidences superior control of diction, syntactic variety, and transition (may have a few minor flaws). 5. The answer is a cohesive whole. 2. Very Good 1. Shows some depth and complexity of thought. 2. Is effectively organized. 3. Is well developed, with supporting detail. 4. Demonstrates control of diction, syntactic variety, and transitions (may have a few flaws). 5. Shows clarity of thought, but may lack complexity. 6. The answer is somewhat fragmented. 3. Satisfactory 1. Is organized. 2. Is adequately developed, with some detail. 4. 3. Demonstrates competent writing (may have some serious flaws). 4. May distort or neglect parts of the question. 5. May be simplistic or stereotyped in thought. 6. Responds to the question point by point. Not acceptable 1. May have generalizations without supporting detail or detail without generalizations. 2. May be undeveloped. 3. May show patterns of flaws in language, syntax or mechanics. 4. Is so incompletely developed as to suggest or demonstrate incompetence. 5. Is wholly incompetent mechanically. 6. Does not address all aspects of the question and is completely fragmented. History of Puerto Rico I (HIST 251) OBJECTIVES: 1. 2. Will apply the acquired knowledge (until 1868) in search of solutions to the political, economic, cultural and social problems that are present in Puerto Rico. Will recognize that as an individual he or she is the product of an historical process. PERFORMANCE DIMENSIONS 1. 2. CRITICAL THINKING 1. Excellent 1. Student offers a good argument that is logical and coherent, with an exact set of chronological events. 2. Very Good 1. Student offers a good argument that is logical and coherent, but with an inexact set of chronological events. 3. Satisfactory 1. Student offers a fair argument that is logical and coherent, with an inexact set of chronological events. 4. Not Acceptable 1. Student offers a poor argument that is illogical and incoherent, with an inexact set of chronological events. WRITING SKILLS 1. Excellent 1. Shows substantial depth, fullness, and complexity of thought. 2. Demonstrates clear, focused, unified, and coherent organization. 3. Is fully developed and detailed. 4. Evidences superior control of diction, syntactic variety, and transition (may have a few minor flaws). 5. The answer is a cohesive whole. 2. Very Good 1. Shows some depth and complexity of thought. 2. Is effectively organized. 3. Is well developed, with supporting detail. 4. Demonstrates control of diction, syntactic variety, and transitions (may have a few flaws). 5. Shows clarity of thought, but may lack complexity. 6. The answer is somewhat fragmented. 3. Satisfactory 1. Is organized. 2. Is adequately developed, with some detail. 3. Demonstrates competent writing (may have some serious flaws). 4. May distort or neglect parts of the question. 5. May be simplistic or stereotyped in thought. 6. Responds to the question point by point. 4. Not acceptable 1. 3. May have generalizations without supporting detail or detail without generalizations. 2. May be undeveloped. 3. May show patterns of flaws in language, syntax or mechanics. 4. Is so incompletely developed as to suggest or demonstrate incompetence. 5. Is wholly incompetent mechanically. 6. Does not address all aspects of the question and is completely fragmented. KNOWLEDGE BASE 1. Excellent 1. In the discourse, student refers to three or more correct historical facts. 2. Very Good 1. The student refers to two correct historical facts. 3. Satisfactory 1. The student refers to one correct historical fact. 4. Not acceptable 1. The student does not refer to a correct historical fact. Human Relations In Business (MANA 131) OBJECTIVES 1. 2. Will know the importance of communication and how it could affect, positively or negatively, the interpersonal relations in an organization. Will describe the concept of “management of change” and how it can be achieved through teamwork. PERFORMANCE DIMENSIONS 1. 2. CRITICAL THINKING 1. Excellent 1. Student discourse renders an understanding of a significant problem rather than just the "symptoms" of the given case or situation; student discourse integrates the rational and scientific perspective with the intuitive and experiential perspective as a means to further insight, understanding, or solution. 2. Very Good 1. Student discourse renders an understanding of a significant problem but does not fully integrate the rational and scientific perspective with the intuitive and experiential perspective as a means to further insight, understanding, or solution. 3. Satisfactory 1. Student discourse renders an understanding of a significant problem but there is no integration of the rational and scientific perspective with the intuitive and experiential perspective as a means to further insight, understanding, or solution. 4. Not Acceptable 1. Student discourse renders an understanding of only symptoms based on personal experience or intuition. WRITING SKILLS 1. Excellent 1. Shows substantial depth, fullness, and complexity of thought. 2. Demonstrates clear, focused, unified, and coherent organization. 3. Is fully developed and detailed. 4. Evidences superior control of diction, syntactic variety, and transition (may have a few minor flaws). 5. The answer is a cohesive whole. 2. Very Good 1. Shows some depth and complexity of thought. 2. Is effectively organized. 3. Is well developed, with supporting detail. 4. Demonstrates control of diction, syntactic variety, and transitions (may have a few flaws). 5. Shows clarity of thought, but may lack complexity. 6. The answer is somewhat fragmented. Satisfactory 1. Is organized. 2. Is adequately developed, with some detail. 3. Demonstrates competent writing (may have some serious flaws). 4. May distort or neglect parts of the question. 5. May be simplistic or stereotyped in thought. 6. Responds to the question point by point. 4. Not acceptable 1. May have generalizations without supporting detail or detail with generalizations. 2. May be undeveloped. 3. May show patterns of flaws in language, syntax or mechanics. 4. Is so incompletely developed as to suggest or demonstrate incompetence. 5. Is wholly incompetent mechanically. 6. Does not address all aspects of the question and is completely fragmented. KNOWLEDGE BASE 1. Excellent 1. In the discourse, student refers to multiple correct sources, at least one source is theory. 2. Very Good 1. The student refers to one correct source that is theory. 3. Satisfactory 1. The student refers to one correct source that is practice but not theory. 4. Not acceptable 1. The student does not refer to a correct source that is practice or theory. 3. 3. Labor Relations (MANA 404) OBJECTIVES 1. 2. To compare US and PR labor relations. To analyze the collective bargaining process. PERFORMANCE DIMENSIONS 1. 2. CRITICAL THINKING 1. Excellent 1. Student discourse renders an understanding of a significant problem rather than just the "symptoms" of the given case or situation; student discourse integrates the rational perspective with the intuitive and experiential perspective as a means to further insight, understanding, or solution. 2. Very Good 1. Student discourse renders an understanding of a significant problem but does not fully integrate the rational perspective with the intuitive and experiential perspective as a means to further insight, understanding, or solution. 3. Satisfactory 1. Student discourse renders an understanding of a significant problem but there is no integration of the rational perspective with the intuitive and experiential perspective as a means to further insight, understanding, or solution. 4. Not Acceptable 1. Student discourse renders an understanding of only symptoms based on personal experience or intuition. WRITING SKILLS 1. Excellent 1. Shows substantial depth, fullness, and complexity of thought. 2. Demonstrates clear, focused, unified, and coherent organization. 3. Is fully developed and detailed. 4. Evidences superior control of diction, syntactic variety, and transition (may have a few minor flaws). 5. The answer is a cohesive whole. 2. 3. 4. Very Good 1. Shows some depth and complexity of thought. 2. Is effectively organized. 3. Is well developed, with supporting detail. 4. Demonstrates control of diction, syntactic variety, and transitions (may have a few flaws). 5. Shows clarity of thought, but may lack complexity. 6. The answer is somewhat fragmented. 3. Satisfactory 1. Is organized. 2. Is adequately developed, with some detail. 3. Demonstrates competent writing (may have some serious flaws). 4. May distort or neglect parts of the question. 5. May be simplistic or stereotyped in thought. 6. Responds to the question point by point. 4. Not Acceptable 1. May have generalizations without supporting detail or detail without generalizations. 2. May be undeveloped. 3. May show patterns of flaws in language, syntax or mechanics. 4. Is so incompletely developed as to suggest or demonstrate incompetence. 5. Is wholly incompetent mechanically. 6. Does not address all aspects of the question and is completely fragmented. KNOWLEDGE BASE (Labor Relations) 1. Excellent 1. In the discourse, student refers to three or more correct practices. 2. Very Good 1. The student refers to two correct practices. 3. Satisfactory 1. The student refers to one correct practice. 4. Not Acceptable 1. The student does not refer to a correct practice. KNOWLEDGE BASE (Collective Bargaining) 1. Excellent 1. In the discourse, student refers to three or more correct and necessary elements. 2. Very Good 1. The student refers to two correct and necessary elements. 3. Satisfactory 1. The student refers to one correct and necessary element. 4. Not Acceptable 1. The student does not refer to a correct and necessary element. Appendix E: Comparison of Students in Traditional Courses and Accelerated Courses (Questionnaire Part I and II) Variables Students in: Signif. Traditional Courses Non-traditional Courses Average Age 21.5 33.1 Base 70 71 63.4% 62.0% .000 Gender Female .862 Base 71 71 Less Than $15,000 40.6% 18.3% $15,000 through $25,999 33.3% 40.8% $26,000 through $40,999 11.6% 18.3% $41,000 or Higher 14.4% 22.5% Base 69 71 Not Completed High School 12.5% 7% High School 22.2% 29.6% Technical Degree 11.1% 16.9% Associate Degree 6.9% 14.1% Bachelor's Degree 36.1% 18.3% Master or Doctorate 11.1% 14.1% Base 72 71 High School 64.8% 19.7% Technical Degree 1.4% 14.1% Associate Degree 28.2% 62.0% Bachelor's Degree 5.6% 4.2% Base 71 71 Bachelor's Degree 32.4% 18.1% Master's Degree 47.9% 69.4% Doctorate 19.7% 12.5% Base 71 72 Annual Family Income .033 Parent's Highest Degree .116 Student's Highest Degree .000 Student's Academic Goal .032 Two reasons to select this college 1 Location 54.9% 45.1% Accelerated Courses 0 81.7% Programs Available 47.9% 31.0% Financial Aid 18.3% 8.5% Atmosphere 14.1% 5.6% Academic Reputation 11.3% 5.6% Admission Standards 9.9% 4.2% Advice of Parents/Relatives 11.3% 2.8% Other 2.8% 2.8% Base 71 71 Definitely/Probably Yes 72.2% 88.9% Uncertain 13.9% 9.7% Definitely/Probably No 13.9% 1.4% Base 72 72 Definitely/Probably Yes 88.9% 83.3% Uncertain 4.2% 9.7% Definitely/Probably No 7.0% 7.0% Base 72 72 Full-time Job 24.3% 87.5% Part-time Job 32.9% 4.2% Self-Employed 1.4% 1.4% Not Employed-At My Choice 24.3% 2.8% Unemployed-Looking For a Job 17.1% 4.2% * Choose this College Again? .011 Choose Same Major Again? .419 Employment Status .000 Base 70 72 Managerial 4.0% 10.6% Professional 12.0% 23.4% Sales 36.0% 10.6% Clerical 32.0% 42.6% Service 16.0% 10.6% Production 0 2.1% Base 25 47 Average Years of Work Experience 4.3 12.2 Base 64 72 Prefer Accelerated Courses 0 87.5% Prefer Traditional Courses 46.8% 0 Depends on the Situation 25.8% 12.5% I don't know about accelerated courses 27.4% 0 I don't know about traditional courses 0 0 Base 62 72 Relevant 69.4% 70.8% Somewhat Relevant 23.6% 22.2% Irrelevant 6.9% 6.9% I'm not clear about my professional goals 0 0 Base 72 72 45.6% 76.1% Position (Among Employed Respondents) * .000 Preference for Accelerated or Traditional Courses .000 In relation to professional goals, this course was: .980 Main purpose for taking this course 1 It's a requisite/part of the curriculum * To have a better understanding/knowledge of the subject being taught in this course 48.5% 31.0% Helps in my work/professional development 7.4% 19.7% Personal Interest 10.3% 7.0% Base 68 71 1 Multiple responses, percents based on respondents. * Not computed. Appendix F: Comparison of Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes in Traditional and Accelerated Courses* Questions Base Strongly Agree % Agree % Disagree % Strongly Disagree % 1 Traditional 72 63.9 34.7 1.4 0.0 Non-traditional 72 69.4 29.2 1.4 0.0 Traditional 72 44.4 41.7 9.7 4.2 Non-traditional 72 56.9 37.5 5.6 0.0 Traditional 72 94.4 4.2 1.4 0.0 Non-traditional 70 87.1 12.9 0.0 0.0 Traditional 72 0.0 1.4 8.3 90.3 Non-traditional 72 0.0 4.2 8.3 87.5 Traditional 69 58.0 37.7 2.9 1.4 Non-traditional 72 66.7 29.2 0.0 4.2 Traditional 72 63.9 29.2 5.6 1.4 Non-traditional 69 44.9 50.7 2.9 1.4 Traditional 72 0.0 4.2 9.7 86.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Non-traditional 72 2.8 4.2 6.9 86.1 Traditional 72 41.7 54.2 .2 0.0 Non-traditional 72 50.0 43.1 5.6 1.4 Traditional 72 65.3 33.3 1.4 0.0 Non-traditional 72 68.1 23.6 6.9 1.4 Traditional 70 34.3 55.7 8.6 1.4 Non-traditional 71 54.9 38.0 4.2 2.8 Traditional 72 47.2 50.0 2.8 0.0 Non-traditional 70 64.3 32.9 2.9 0.0 Traditional 72 76.4 20.8 2.8 0.0 Non-traditional 72 88.9 11.1 0.0 0.0 Traditional 72 65.3 33.3 1.4 0.0 Non-traditional 72 76.4 22.2 1.4 0.0 Traditional 72 61.1 34.7 4.2 0.0 Non-traditional 72 77.8 19.4 1.4 1.4 Traditional 70 58.6 37.1 2.9 1.4 Non-traditional 72 75.0 20.8 2.8 1.4 Traditional 72 0.0 0.0 16.7 83.3 Non-traditional 71 0.0 5.6 11.3 83.1 Traditional 72 56.9 38.9 4.2 0.0 Non-traditional 71 64.8 28.2 4.2 2.8 18 19 20 21 22 Traditional 72 45.8 51.4 2.8 0.0 Non-traditional 72 62.5 31.9 2.8 2.8 Traditional 71 36.3 39.4 2.8 1.4 Non-traditional 71 70.4 26.8 1.4 1.4 Traditional 72 43.1 47.2 9.7 0.0 Non-traditional 72 63.9 34.7 1.4 0.0 Traditional 72 61.1 37.5 1.4 0.0 Non-traditional 72 65.3 34.7 0.0 0.0 Traditional 72 45.8 52.8 1.4 0.0 Non-traditional 72 62.5 34.7 2.8 0.0 * Cronbach's alpha=.92 Note: All Chi-square tests are non-significant at 95%, except item #20. But all have more than 20 percent cells with expected count less than five. Comparison of Distribution of Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes in Traditional and Accelerated Courses Across All Items (22 items) and Motivation Related Items (9 items) Student Populations Base Strongly Agree % Agree % Disagree % Strongly Disagree % Total Traditional 22 Items 61.1% 34.9% 3.5% 0.5% Non-traditional 22 Items 69.4% 26.7% 2.8% 1% Motiv. Traditional 9 Items 56.7% 38.4% 4.5% 0.3% Non-traditional 9 Items 69.6% 26.9% 2.5% 1%