N o . 1 6 2 · 1 2 J an u a r y 2 0 1 0 I. Scholarships and Fellowships Undergrad: University of Evansville EducationUSA Scholarship – up to $14,000 / academic year Harry Ransom Center at the Univ. of Texas at Austin / Ph.D. Fellowships up to $3,000 / month SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship Program – up to $5,000 for summer research II. News you can use University of Phoenix welcomes international students Summer Global Business Program at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business Tweet About Democracy – Twitter Contest of the U.S. Department of State Career-related majors gaining popularity among students – New York Times article I. Scholarships and Fellowships U N IV E RS I TY O F E V A N S V I L LE E DU C A TI O N U S A S C H O L A R S H I P – U P T O $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 / A C A D E M IC Y E A R The University of Evansville, in partnership with EducationUSA, is again offering an OSEAS Scholarship of $14,000 per academic year to undergraduate students nominated by EducationUSA advisors worldwide (one per center). This scholarship is guaranteed with 2 conditions: students are academically admissible to the University of Evansville and they submit the nomination form from the EducationUSA advisor. Students lacking English proficiency may begin in the University’s Intensive English Center. The University of Evansville is proud to have been a nominee for the Best U.S. Institutional Partner award at the 25th anniversary of USBT celebration at the NAFSA conference in Washington D.C., May 2009. UE again ranks highly with U.S. News and World Report as top 10 “overall”, 2nd in the “best value” category and 6th in this year’s newest category of “universities with a commitment to teaching”. In addition, the University’s civil engineering program is ranked #1 in the U.S. among small universities by the American Society of Civil Engineers. All engineering programs hold ABET accreditation and the School of Business, AACSB international accreditation. Email Bev Fowler at bf28@evansville.edu for more information. www.evansville.edu/admission/international.cfm H A R R Y R A N S OM CE N T E R A T TH E U N V E RS I TY O F TE X A S A T A U S TI N O F F E R S P H .D . F E L L OWS H I P S I N TH E H U M A N I TI E S – U P TO $ 3 0 0 0 P E R M O N TH APPLICATION DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 1, 2010 The Harry Ransom Center, an internationally renowned humanities research library and museum, announces its 2010-2011 Research Fellowship program. The Ransom Center annually awards 50 fellowships to support scholarly research projects in all areas of the humanities, including literature, photography, film, art, the performing arts, music, and cultural history. Applicants must demonstrate the necessity of substantial on-site use of the Center's collections. AVAILABLE FELLOSWHIPS INCLUDE ONE TO THREE MONTH FELLOWSHIPS • 3,000 PER MONTH For research in the Center's collections. A limited number of two or three month fellowships are available for projects requiring extensive work with the Ransom Center's collections. Contact an EducationUSA adviser near you for guidance on finding and applying to an accredited U.S. college or university www.EducationUSA.state.gov 1 TRAVEL STIPENDS • $1,200-$1,700 Travel stipends may be awarded to scholars with research projects that require less than one month's research at the Ransom Center. Awards of $1,200 are available for domestic U.S. travel; $1,700 for foreign travel. There is not a specific required length of residency for travel stipends. Travel stipends may not be combined with other Ransom Center fellowships and are not available to graduate students. DISSERTATION FELLOWSHIPS • $1,500 Six fellowships jointly sponsored by the Ransom Center and The University of Texas at Austin Office of Graduate Studies are designated for graduate students who are working on doctoral dissertations. Dissertation fellowship residencies must be taken up during the period from September 1, 2010 through August 31, 2011. There is not a specific required length of residency for dissertation fellowships. For further information on application procedures, visit: http://studentscornerspot.blogspot.com/2010/01/cfa-university-of-evansville.html S S R C D I S S E R TA TI O N P R O P O S A L D E V E L O PM E N T F E L L O WS H I P ( D P D F ) P R O G R A M – U P TO $ 5 0 0 0 APPLICATION DEADLINE: JANUARY 29, 2010 The Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) is organized to help early-stage graduate students in the humanities and social sciences formulate effective doctoral dissertation proposals. Each year, the program offers training within different interdisciplinary fields of study under the leadership of pairs of tenured senior faculty, who define the fields and serve as research directors for groups of 12 graduate students. The students participate in two workshops: one in the spring, to prepare students to undertake summer research that will inform the design of their dissertation research; the other in the fall, to help students apply their summer research experiences to writing dissertation and funding proposals. Students may apply for up to $5,000 to cover summer research costs. Working together, research directors and graduate students design research that will help to shape evolving fields in the humanities and social science. The DPDF program is open to doctoral students in social science or humanities disciplines who have completed their major course requirements and are beginning to design research proposals. Students who have completed their comprehensive, general, or qualifying exams are eligible to apply as long as their dissertation proposals will be formally approved by their department after the fall DPDF workshop. Typically such students will be second and third year graduate students, but first and fourth year student may, under exceptional circumstances, be eligible. Applicants must be enrolled full-time in a Ph.D. program within an accredited university in the United States, unless indicated otherwise for a particular field. In the current application cycle French students and foreign students enrolled in a French institution are also invited to apply to participate in the field of "Multiculturalism, Immigration, and Identity in Western Europe and the United States." For further information on application procedures, visit: http://www.ssrc.org/fellowships/dpdf-fellowship/, or contact Emily Burns Senior Program Assistant, Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship E-mail: burns@ssrc.org Phone: (718) 517-3646 Contact an EducationUSA adviser near you for guidance on finding and applying to an accredited U.S. college or university www.EducationUSA.state.gov 2 II. News You Can Use U N IV E RS I TY O F P H O E N I X WE L C O M E S I N TE RN A TI O N A L S TU D E N TS In 2007, University of Phoenix opened a Student Service Center in Dubai Knowledge Village, the Middle East’s destination for learning. There are currently over 1400 students across the Middle East, Asia, Europe and Africa, benefiting from the services of the Dubai Student Service Center. Since its opening, enrollment from the region has increased steadily. To date, over 900 students have enrolled through the Dubai Student Service Center, and applications continue to be processed daily. The center offers students an opportunity for one-on-one meetings, access to knowledgeable counselors, and detailed information about the University of Phoenix’s online degree programs, tuition and enrollment options. Students have access to a variety of different undergraduate and graduate degree programs including: Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degree programs. The Dubai Student Center employees consist of 14 different nationalities, which reflect Dubai’s culturally diverse population and work regionally time appropriate hours to offer the best possible support to its students. With our proven experience and background in this area, students can be assured that Dubai’s Student Center is properly preparing them for their academic endeavors with the University of Phoenix. Our students are a priority and we look forward to helping you. If you would like to learn more or simply have a question, please contact: Dina Kanan on dina.kanan@phoenix.edu or call + 971 4 375 4577/4555 About University of Phoenix At University of Phoenix, we've been thinking ahead for more than 30 years. In fact, we were founded in 1976 on an innovative idea: make higher education highly accessible for working students. Accreditation information: www.phoenix.edu/about_us/accreditation.html Accessible Education Still guided by this idea, University of Phoenix has helped transform the landscape of higher education in widely recognized ways. Many of the conveniences that 21st-century students now take for granted—evening classes, flexible scheduling, continuous enrollment, a student-centered environment, practitioner faculty, online classes, online library, ebooks, computer simulations—were pioneered or made acceptable through University of Phoenix's efforts. An Innovative Approach Not surprisingly, our unique approach has helped us grow from our humble origins as an upstart institution serving the unrecognized needs of working students. Today, University of Phoenix is the largest private university in North America, with nearly 200 convenient locations, as well as Internet delivery in most countries around the world. For further information on scholarships, please visit: http://www.phoenix.edu/tuition_and_financial_options/scholarships/university_phoenix_scholarship_programs.html Find University of Phoenix online communities at: http://www.phoenix.edu/students/online_communities.html S U M M E R G L O B A L B U S I NE S S P R O G R A M , A T T H E U N I V E R S I TY O F S OU TH E R N C A L I F O R N I A ’ S M A R S H A L L S C H O O L O F B U S I NE S S The Summer Global Business Program, at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business is an intensive 4 week program for non-business majors. No matter where life takes you, this program will provide you with the global business knowledge and tools to set you apart from the crowd. Open to U.S. and international non-business majors only, this program teaches juniors, seniors and recent college graduates the business basics such as business strategy, finance, marketing, operations and strategy and organizations. The curriculum includes lectures, case studies, corporate visits, and experiential learning activities to provide students a solid understanding Contact an EducationUSA adviser near you for guidance on finding and applying to an accredited U.S. college or university www.EducationUSA.state.gov 3 of how organizations functions. Enrichment sessions include networking, American dining etiquette, resume writing and presentation skills. For more information visit www.mashall.usc.edu/globalsummer or email globalsummer@marshall.usc.edu Elaine Padilla Assistant Director, Global Programs and Partnerships USC Marshall School of Business 3670 Trousdale Parkway, BRI 310 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0802 Tel: 213-740-9207 Fax: 213-740-7701 T WE E T A B O U T D E M O C R A C Y – T WI T TE R C O N TE S T O F TH E U .S . D E P A R TM E N T O F S TA TE Press Releases: Tweet About Democracy Thu, 07 Jan 2010 Office of the Spokesman Washington, DC January 7, 2010 ________________________________ The U.S. Department of State announces the launch of the global “Democracy is…” Twitter Contest. Tweet what you think democracy is using the hash symbol: #democracyis. The goal is to provide a worldwide platform in which people can discuss the meaning of democracy and exchange ideas from diverse perspectives. The global “Democracy is…” Twitter Contest begins today at 5:30 p.m. EST and ends January 21, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. EST. To join the contest, become a Twitter follower of @demvidchallenge and tweet what you think democracy is in 140 characters or less. The contestant whose tweet with the greatest number of unique re-tweets will receive a Flip Video HD Camcorder. The winner will be announced on the Democracy Video Challenge Facebook fan page1 on January 25, 2009. Only one re-tweet per user will count in the official tally. Additional contests will be announced throughout the year. Background The global “Democracy is…” Twitter Contest expands the international conversation on democracy, initiated by the Democracy Video Challenge partnership. Both contests engage with and amplify the views of young people around the world by using new media to break down cultural and geographic borders and involve younger audiences in a transparent and candid discussion about an issue of global importance. To date, the Democracy Video Challenge maintains a vibrant online community of over 30,000 friends, fans[1] and followers[2]. The Democracy Video Challenge is made possible by a public-private partnership that includes: the Center for International Private Enterprise, the International Republican Institute, the International Youth Foundation, the Motion Picture Association of America, NBC Universal, the Recording Industry Association of America, the National Democratic Institute, New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, USC’s Annenberg School of Communication & Journalism, TakingITGlobal, the U.S. Department of State, and YouTube. For more information about the worldwide “Democracy Is…” Twitter contest or the Democracy Video Challenge, contact: Laura Hesselton at 202-632-9933 or via email at hesseltonle@state.gov ________________________________ [1] http://www.facebook.com/democracychallenge [2] http://twitter.com/demvidchallenge C A R E E R -R E L A TE D M A J O R S G A I N I N G P O P U L A R I TY A M O N G S TU DE NTS - N E W Y O R K T I M E S A R TI C L E Read about the gradual shift in attitudes, as students in the U.S. are becoming more conscious about the job market when selecting their majors, and how schools are adapting to these changes. Full-length article by Kate Zernike published December 29, 2009 www.nytimes.com/2010/01/03/education/edlife/03careerism-t.html?pagewanted=1 Contact an EducationUSA adviser near you for guidance on finding and applying to an accredited U.S. college or university www.EducationUSA.state.gov 4